End Examination April 2023-Sem6 ECE 321-VLSI Design
End Examination April 2023-Sem6 ECE 321-VLSI Design
End Examination April 2023-Sem6 ECE 321-VLSI Design
5. Explain the impact o f Dennard Scaling and discuss about DarkSilicon. (4 marks)
6. Write any two techniques for power reduction in VLSI circuit design. (4 marks)
8. Give transistor level designs for 2-input NAND gates using static and dynamic CMOS, explaining
9. Sketch the circuit o f a dynamic CMOS gate controlled by clock, which evaluates the function
10. Explain VTC o f CMOS inverter and describe Noise Margin. (5 marks)
11. Sketch a transistor level circuit for the function (A . B + C. D )’ in static CMOS. Calculate the
12. Write test vectors for all single stuck at faults in NAND, NOR, OR and AND gates. (8 marks)
13. Consider NAND and NOR gates. Write the equivalent faults (4 marks)
14. Explain the working o f dynamic NAND gate and XOR gates. (10 m arks)
15. Discuss the working o f transmission-gate based 2:1 multiplexer, inverted multiplexer and pass
transistor logic. (10 marks)
16. What are concurrent and procedural statements in Verilog. Discuss blocking and non-blocking
statements with suitable examples. (10 marks)
17. Consider s-a-1 fault in the circuit. Write the test vectors. (10 marks)