Lecture 1 A Friendly Introduction To Countable Sets
Lecture 1 A Friendly Introduction To Countable Sets
Lecture 1 A Friendly Introduction To Countable Sets
Aritra Dey
October 8, 2024
1 Introduction
In mathematics, a set is simply a collection of objects. These objects could be numbers,
shapes, or any other type of mathematical object we are studying. Some sets are finite,
meaning they have a limited number of elements. However, many sets are infinite, and
the purpose of this document is to explore different types of infinite sets, particularly
countable and uncountable sets.
Understanding the difference between countable and uncountable sets is crucial in
understanding different “sizes” of infinity. Yes, not all infinities are the same!
2 Definitions
2.1 Countable Sets
Heristically A set is called countable if we can list its elements in a sequence without
missing any. See when we count some object we naturally say “one”,“Two”, “Three”
that is we can index the set the whole game of countability is just indexing the set , more
formally we are going to create a bijection between our set and the set of natural number
Definition (a) A set S is said to be denumerable (or countably infinite) if there exists
a bijection of N onto S.
(b) A set S is said to be countable if it is either finite or denumerable.
(c) A set S is said to be uncountable if it is not countable.
Lecture 1 2
By zigzagging through this grid as shown earlier, we can list all elements of ∞
n=1 An in
a single sequence. Therefore, the union of countably many countable sets is countable.
Proof. We can list all the positive rational numbers by arranging them in a grid. Basically
this is the same as enumerating N × N Consider the following grid:
By applying a zigzag pattern to this grid, we can list all pairs (p, q). However, not all
pairs represent distinct rational numbers because fractions like 24 and 12 are equivalent.
To handle this, we remove duplicates by only considering fractions in their lowest terms.
1 2 1 1 2 3
, , , , , ,...
1 1 2 3 2 1
By skipping fractions that aren’t in their simplest form, we can create a bijection between
N and Q+ . Hence, the set of Positive rational numbers is countable. that the set Q =
Q− ∪ {0} ∪ Q+ is countable(Why?).
6 Exercise
1. Let A be an infinite set. Prove that for every positive integer n, A has a finite subset
with n elements. Deduce that every infinite set has at least one countable subset.
2. Prove that (0, 1) is not countable. Infer that R and R\Q are not countable.
3. Let X, A, B, be pairwise disjoint sets such that A, B are countable. Prove that
X ∪ A ∪ B ∼ X ∪ A.
6. Let A be a countable set and a ∈ A. Prove that A\{a} ∼ A. Is this result true for
every infinite set A ?
7. Let a < b be real numbers. Prove that [a, b] ∼ [a, b) ∼ (a, b] ∼ (a, b).
8. Prove that every ε-discrete set of real numbers is at most countable. (A set A ⊂ R
is called ε-discrete if |a − b| > ε, for any different elements a, b of A ).
9. Let S be a set of real numbers with the property that for all real numbers a < b, the
set S ∩ [a, b] is finite, possibly empty. Prove that S is at most countable. Is every set S
with the above property an ε-discrete set, for some positive real ε ?
10. Let S be an infinite and uncountable set of real numbers. For each real number t,
we put
S(t) = S ∩ (−∞, t], S + (t) = S ∩ [t, ∞).
Prove that there exists a real number t0 for which both sets S − (t0 ) and S + (t0 ) are infinite
and uncountable.
11. A set M of positive real numbers has the property that the sum of any finite number
of its elements is not greater than 7. Prove that the set M is at most countable.
12. Prove that the set of polynomials with integer coefficients is countable.
13. Prove that the set of algebraic numbers is countable. Deduce that the set of tran-
scendental numbers is not countable. (A real number α is called an algebraic number if
there exists a polynomial P ̸= 0 with integer coefficients such that P (α) = 0. Otherwise,
α is called transcendental.)
14. Prove that for each set X, we have |X| < |P(X)|. We denote by P(X) the power
set of X (that is, the set of all subsets of X, including the empty set and X ). However,
the set of all finite subsets of N is countable (thus |N| = |P(N)|).
15. Let p1 , p2 , . . . , pk be distinct primes. Prove that for all integers r1 , r2 , . . . , rk there
is an integer n such that n = ri (modpi ), for all 1 ≤ i ≤ k.
|f (x) − f (y)| ≥ 1,
for all x, y ∈ R, x ̸= y.
19. Prove that the set of all permutations of the set of positive integers is uncountable.