Physics Project 12
Physics Project 12
Physics Project 12
(ii) If equals are added to equals, the wholes are equal. (iii) If equals are subtracted from
equals, the remainders are equal. (iv) Things which coincide with one another are equal to
one another. (v) The whole is greater than the part. (vi) Things which are double of the same
things are equal to one another. (vii) Things which are halves of the same things are equal to
one another. Euclid's five postulates (i) A straight line can be drawn from only one point to
any other point. (ii) A terminated line can be produced indefinitely. (iii) A circle can be drawn
with any centre and any radius. (iv) All right angles are equal to one another. (v) If a straight
line falling on two straight lines makes the interior angles on the same side of it taken
together less than two right angles, then the two straight lines, if produced indefinitely, meet
on that side on which the sum of angles is less than two right angles.
The word geometry' is derived from the greek words "geo" meaning "earth" and "metron"" ,
meaning "measuring". Thus, the word 'geometry' means 'earth measurement'. Ancient
Egyptians were the first people to study geometry. They were mainly concerned with
problems of finding the areas of plane figures such as triangles, rectangles etc. Later, the
Babylonians discovered formulae for finding the areas of various rectilinear figures. The
knowledge of geometry passed from the Egyptians to the Greeks and many Greek
mathematicians worked on geometry. Thale and his pupil Pythagoras were among them.
Euclid was the first Greek mathematician who initiated a new way of thinking the study of
geometry. He introduced the method of proving a geometrical result by deductive reasoning
based upon previously proved results and some self-evident specific assump-tions called
axioms. The gemoetry of plane figures, which we shall be studying in the next six chapters,
is also based upon the approach of deductive logic. That is why, it is popularly known as
Euclid's geometry.
This postulate can be rewritten in reference to the above diagram as under: Let
us consider a straight line PQ which falls on two straight lines AB and CD in such
a way that the total sum of the interior angles ∠1 and ∠2 is less than 180
degrees on the left side of the straight line PQ.
This postulates simple says that if you have any two points--A and B, say--then you can
always connect them with a straight line. It is tempting to think that there is no real content in
this assertion. That is not so. This postulate is telling us a lot of important material about