Grade 4-Q2W2 (Matatag DLL) - Mapeh

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LESSON EXEMPLAR Teacher FERDINAND T. VALIDOp Subject: Music and Arts

PE and Health
Date Quarter QUARTER 2, WEEK

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


A. Content Basic concepts and Basic concepts and Characteristics of a Characteristics of a Performance
principles of sound, theater, principles of sound, Healthy Family Healthy Family Task/Summative Test
dance, and visual elements theater, dance, and Importance of Promoting Importance of
Faiths and Beliefs in the visual elements a Healthy Family Promoting a Healthy
Province on Music and Arts Faiths and Beliefs in the Roles And Family
Province on Music and Responsibilities of Family Roles And
Arts Members In Promoting Responsibilities of
Family Health Family Members In
Promoting Family
B. Content Standards The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate
understanding of local understanding of local understanding of healthy understanding of healthy
concepts, processes, and concepts, processes, and family, roles and family, roles and
practices of Music and Arts as practices of Music and Arts responsibilities of family responsibilities of family
influenced by as influenced by members, and invasion members, and invasion
the faiths and beliefs of the the faiths and beliefs of the games in promoting family games in promoting family
province. province. wellness for active and wellness for active and
healthy living. healthy living.
C. Performance The learners improvise creative The learners improvise The learners participate in The learners participate in
Standards works that depict the faiths and creative works that depict daily life activities and daily life activities and
beliefs of the province, using the faiths and beliefs of the invasion games to promote invasion games to
local concepts, processes, province, using local family wellness for active promote family wellness
and practices in Music and Arts. concepts, processes, and healthy living. for active and healthy
and practices in Music and living.
D. Learning Relate their faiths and beliefs Relate their faiths and Explain the characteristics Explain the characteristics
Competency based on the representations of beliefs based on the and importance of and importance of
local creative works with basic representations of local promoting a healthy family. promoting a healthy
concepts and creative works with basic Demonstrate one’s roles and family.
principles of sound, theater, concepts and responsibilities in promoting Demonstrate one’s roles
dance, and visual elements principles of sound, theater, family health. and responsibilities in
dance, and visual elements promoting family health.
E. Learning Objectives • Describe faiths and beliefs; • Describe faiths and beliefs; 1. identify the 1. identify the
• Differentiate the • Differentiate the characteristics of a healthy characteristics of a
characteristics of faiths and characteristics of faiths and family; healthy family;
beliefs; beliefs; 2. assess their own 2. assess their own
• Interpret the symbols and • Interpret the symbols and relationship with their relationship with their
representations used in the representations used in the family; family;
Bendian Dance; and Bendian Dance; and 3. identify the roles and 3. identify the roles and
• Explain the relevance of • Explain the relevance of responsibilities of family responsibilities of family
faiths and beliefs in the context faiths and beliefs in the members in promoting a members in promoting a
of Bendian dance through of context of Bendian dance healthy family; and healthy family; and
symbols and through of symbols and 4. understand the 4. understand the
representations. representations. importance of promoting a importance of promoting a
healthy family. healthy family.


Page 29 Page 29 GRADES 4 – 10 GRADES 4 – 10
Page 23 Page 23
B. Other Learning

Before the Lesson/Pre-lesson Proper

A. Activating Prior Loop all the words you What are the eight Bendian What is the importance of a What is your role as
Knowledge encounter in the previous Steps ? Healthy Family? member of your family ?
lesson. Make sure you can
the word you loop for the
teacher will ask you about it.

Answer key:
B. Lesson How will you respond if you What are these materials Today, we will learn about Today, we will further our
Purpose/Intention hear the gongs that are being used in Roles and Responsibilities of discussion about Roles
and solibao during Bendian Bendian Dance ? Family Members in and Responsibilities of
Dance? Promoting Family Health Family Members in
Promoting Family Health

C. Lesson Language Supply each letter of the word The term Bendian refers to
Practice/Unlocking of Faith and Belief to generate a traditional dance of the Roles Roles
Difficulties their own definition of Cordillera people in the Roles refer to the expected Roles refer to the
the word itself. Philippines, particularly behaviors, duties, and expected behaviors,
among the Igorot functions that individuals duties, and functions that
communities. It is often fulfill in various contexts, individuals fulfill in various
performed during such as within a family, contexts, such as within a
celebrations and rituals to workplace, or community. family, workplace, or
express gratitude, unity, and Each role comes with community. Each role
cultural identity. The dance specific expectations and comes with specific
is characterized by rhythmic responsibilities, influencing expectations and
movements and is usually how individuals interact with responsibilities,
accompanied by indigenous one another. influencing how individuals
music. Responsibilities interact with one another.
The Bendian is not just a Responsibilities are the Responsibilities
dance; it also symbolizes the obligations and tasks that Responsibilities are the
community's connection to individuals are expected to obligations and tasks that
their land and their perform as part of their individuals are expected
ancestors, celebrating the roles. These can include to perform as part of their
richness of their cultural duties such as providing roles. These can include
heritage. If you need more emotional support, financial duties such as providing
specific details or context stability, caregiving, and emotional support,
about Bendian, feel free to maintaining household financial stability,
ask! management. caregiving, and
4o mini Responsibilities vary based maintaining household
on the individual's role and management.
the dynamics of the family Responsibilities vary
or community. based on the individual's
Family Health role and the dynamics of
Family health encompasses the family or community.
the physical, emotional, and Family Health
social well-being of all family Family health
members. It involves the encompasses the physical,
collective health practices, emotional, and social well-
relationships, and support being of all family
systems within a family unit. members. It involves the
Family health can be collective health practices,
influenced by factors such relationships, and support
as access to healthcare, systems within a family
lifestyle choices, unit. Family health can be
communication patterns, influenced by factors such
and the ability to cope with as access to healthcare,
stress and adversity. lifestyle choices,
communication patterns,
and the ability to cope
with stress and adversity.

A. Reading the Key ● Accordingly, people respond ● Symbols and (imitate) the object in the A. Mother. A mother is a
Idea/Stem in different ways depending on Representations are used in picture using your bodies in female parent: mothers
the purpose of the celebration. the Bendian Dance the form of Tableau. The nurture and mother
➢ The resonating and deep ➢ When both arms are groups will be asked to say, children. It's also a term
sounds of the gangsa and extended above the head, “In the giant’s house, tell for an
solibao are while the hands are me what you see?” Then the elderly woman or mother
inviting. They signal an flipped up and down, it group will shout the object superior. Your mother is
invitation to move out of their symbolizes progress, that they recreated. the woman who gave birth
houses and bountiful harvest, etc. to you: mothers are
proceed to the event venue to What dance step is this? parents, the female
witness the happenings. equivalent of a father.
➢ The Bendian is performed for Roles and responsibilities
many reasons, one of which is of a mother:
when a 1.
cañao ritual intended for a To Love (unconditionally)
good harvest is done. So, there 2.
is a full To care (physically and
week of sacrifices, including the emotionally)
killing of pigs and poultry, along 3.
with the playing of gongs, To correct (to discipline
chanting, and dancing around • Costume during Bendian and train)
to ask for Dance 4.
enough rain to irrigate the ➢ These are the traditional To build (to encourage and
fields and offering prayers to attires of the Ibaloi women teach)
"Kabunyan" of Benguet. They
for a bountiful harvest. Some are the kambal (blouse), B. Father. Protector,
do cañao rituals to heal a divit (wrap-around skirt) and teacher, and encourager;
prolonged shengit a
illness and relieve natural (headdress). An Ibaloi person who picks you up
calamities such as famine and woman's shirt/jacket and when you fall, brushes
drought. wrap-around skirt you off, and lets you try
are both adorned with a again; admired and
Do you have local practices or recognizable stripe and plaid much loved; often referred
beliefs in your family? pattern as you to as a son's first hero
can see in the photo below. and daughter's first love.
● Indigenous musical Accordingly, if the quality of Roles and responsibilities
instruments played during the cloth is of a father:
Bendian dance good and the color of the 1. Motivator. As a dad,
➢ Gongs and solibao are designs is bright, it signifies you are at times a
commonly heard during the the high status helper, a coach, and a
Bendian dance, of the owner. friend. One of your
which is a customary dance jobs is to motivate your
performed by the Ibaloi children toward
community in daily productivity and
Benguet. These musical healthy growth. I
instruments enhance the lively find that my kids are not
ambiance always self
of the dance by providing a motivated to reach their
rhythmic background. full potential in character,
➢ In addition, the beating of discipline, and
gongs at a feast signifies spiritual growth. So when I
nobility and see that potential, this is
thanksgiving for important where I often find
gatherings such as weddings, the need to come in,
family sometimes creatively and
reunions, healing of the sick, or other times firmly, to
even during the final rites of a motivate them.
burial. It also signifies Sometimes this is with
recognition of an important ideas, incentives,
person in the schedules, or
village. simply clear expectations.
2. Enforcer.
Fatherlessness is a great
concern in our society
today. One
of the greatest
disadvantages many kids
in fatherless homes face is
lack of male presence and
leadership they need. A
huge part of having
a father in the home is
having an enforcer in the
home. Like it or not,
kids naturally respond
differently to male
leadership, especially in
family. Dad being the
main enforcer of family
rules and boundaries at
home also makes a
mother’s job so much
3. Encourager. Because
children are born with a
desire for their father’s
approval and attention,
one of the best ways to
encourage them is to
be their biggest
cheerleader and their
greatest fan. Giving them
compliments and positive
reinforcement in the areas
of their strengths
can go a long way. I
personally have seen the
demeanor of my children
change when I say
encouraging things like,
“You’re doing a great job”
or “I’m so glad you’re
mine.” Every child loves
positive fatherly
4. Trainer. There are
lessons and life skills your
child will never learn
apart from being taught.
Part of the role of
fatherhood is training our
children to be good at life.
From learning how to ride
a bike to knowing
how to manage good
relationships with the
opposite sex, and
everything in between,
your child needs your
intentional investment.
Yes, it takes time and a bit
of inconvenience, but it’s
so worth it in the
long run.
5. Counselor. Kids
struggle too. Sometimes,
as adults, it’s easy to
this because their
problems seem so small.
Do you remember how
small things were big
things as a kid? Children
don’t naturally know
how to navigate the issues
of life that are thrown at
them. That’s
because they’re kids—
they’re adults in training.
They regularly need
direction, answers, and
advice. Dad, strive to be
your children’s chief
counselor, their go-to for
advice. Because they will
get it from
somewhere, so why not
from you?
C. Sibling. A sibling is a
relative that shares at
one parent with the
subject. A male sibling is a
and a female sibling is a
sister. A person with no
siblings is an only child.
Roles and Responsibilities
of Siblings
1. You need to balance out
acting immature and
acting like a serious adult.
2. You should be on top of
your game at all times.
3. Stop yourself from
being controlling and
your philosophies down
their throat.
4. You should be able to
connect them to any, if
all, the resources you
5. You should be able to
hide your ego and do your
best not to compare your
life with your siblings.
6. Don’t request that you
get praised for being a
great older sibling.
7. Learn to be aggressive.
8. You should always be
9. You must be patient
and trust that they will do
the right thing.
10.You will be a better
older sibling if you are
willing to listen to them,
from them, and most of
all, be proud of them.
B. Developing Eight Bendian Steps Symbols and Identify the following Indicate whether each
Understanding of the Representations in Bendian characteristics of members statement is True (T) or
Key Idea or Stem Dance of the family. Write M for False (F).
Unity and Community: mother, F for father, and S 1. A mother is the
for siblings. Put your answer female parent who
The dance often involves in the space provided nurtures and cares
group formations that for each number. for children.
symbolize solidarity and _______ 1. The one who
togetherness among corrects, disciplines, and 2. Fathers are
community members. trains children. primarily
Harvest and Abundance: _______ 2. The one who gave responsible for
birth to you. discipline and do
Movements may mimic _______ 3. Often referred to not provide
agricultural activities, as a son's first hero and emotional support.
representing gratitude for daughter's first love.
bountiful harvests and the _______ 4. At times, a helper, 3. Siblings are
relationship between the a coach, and a friend. defined as
people and their land. _______ 5. Need to balance relatives who
Cultural Identity: out acting immature and share at least one
acting like a serious parent with the
The dance serves as a adult. subject.
means of expressing and _______ 6. Willing to listen,
preserving the cultural learn, and most of all, proud 4. One of the roles of
heritage of the Igorot of them. a father is to serve
people, showcasing their _______ 7. Trains children to as a motivator and
unique identity. be good at life. coach for his
Connection to Ancestry: _______ 8. To care physically children.
and emotionally.
Certain movements and _______ 9. The one who 5. Siblings should
rituals during the dance may learns to be aggressive. always seek praise
honor ancestors and invoke _______ 10. The main for being great
their blessings, highlighting enforcer of family rules and older siblings.
the importance of lineage sets boundaries at home.
and tradition. 6. A mother is
Nature and Environment: expected to build
and encourage her
The dance often reflects the children.
natural surroundings of the
Cordillera region, with 7. The father’s role
movements that may imitate does not include
elements of nature such as being an enforcer
flowing water, wind, or the of family rules.
sway of trees.
Spirituality: 8. It is important for
siblings to
The Bendian may include compare their
elements of spirituality, lives to each other
where dancers offer thanks to maintain
to deities or spirits for healthy
protection and guidance. relationships.
Ritualistic Significance:
9. Fathers should
Performed during important strive to be their
community events, the children’s chief
dance often serves ritual counselor and
purposes, such as during source of advice.
healing ceremonies,
festivals, or rites of passage. 10. Siblings must hide
Strength and Resilience: their egos and
avoid controlling
The vigorous and dynamic behavior towards
movements symbolize the each other.
strength and resilience of
the Igorot people in the face
of challenges.
C. Deepening the Idea Group Activity: • Describe faiths and beliefs; Draw a picture of a Complete the chart below.
of the Key Idea or • Differentiate the responsible family that
Stem Determine at least one symbol characteristics of faiths and promotes family health.
and representation used in beliefs;
each step of the Bendian dance • Interpret the symbols and
and even the designs in their representations used in the
costumes. Bendian Dance;
• Explain the relevance of
faiths and beliefs in the
context of Bendian
dance through of symbols
and representations.

After the Lesson/Post Lesson Proper

A. Making What are the 8 Bendian Steps ? Complete the following Complete the following Complete the following
Generalizations/Abstra phrases: phrases: phrases:
ctions a. We learned that a. We learned that a. We learned that
_____________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________
______________ ______________ ________________
b. We realized that b. We realized that b. We realized that
_____________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________
______________ ______________ ________________
c. We wish to c. We wish to c. We wish to
_____________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________
___________________ ___________________ _____________________
B. Assessment- Choose the letter of the correct Choose the letter of the Choose the letter of the Choose the letter of the
Evaluating Learning answer. correct answer. correct answer. correct answer.
1. Who is typically
1. What does the movement 1. What does the dance responsible for  What is the primary role
of PINESBEKAN signify? step with both arms correcting and of a mother?
A) Surrendering to the enemy extended above the head disciplining children? A) To motivate
B) Attacking and taking cover symbolize? A) Siblings B) To correct and
C) Praising for a bountiful A) Fear and submission B) Father discipline
harvest B) Progress and bountiful C) Mother C) To provide financial
D) Caring for the crops harvest D) Grandparent support
2. In the SALAWASAO C) Anger and conflict 2. Who is known as the D) To enforce rules
gesture, how are the arms D) Rest and relaxation person who gave birth to  Who is often referred to
positioned? 2. Which traditional attire you? as a son’s first hero?
A) One arm overhead, one arm is worn by Ibaloi women A) Aunt A) Mother
at the waist during the Bendian B) Sibling B) Grandparent
B) Both arms extended Dance? C) Mother C) Father
overhead A) Kimono D) Cousin D) Sibling
C) Both arms bent at the B) Kambal 3. Who is often referred  Which of the following is
elbows C) Barong Tagalog to as a son’s first hero a responsibility of siblings?
D) One arm lifted forward and D) Toga and a daughter’s first A) To ignore their siblings'
back 3. What does the group love? problems
3. The KINITANGAN pose is formation in the Bendian A) Uncle B) To always seek praise
characterized by what Dance represent? B) Grandfather for their actions
position of the hands? A) Individualism C) Father C) To connect their
A) Steady on the waist B) Solidarity and D) Brother siblings to resources
B) Clipped at the back of the togetherness 4. Which family member D) To be controlling
waist C) Competition often serves as a helper,  What is one of the
C) Extended forward D) Isolation coach, and friend? father’s responsibilities?
D) Raised overhead 4. The Bendian Dance A) Mother A) To care physically
4. What does the KINIKIYAN often mimics which of the B) Father B) To motivate and
gesture mimic? following activities? C) Sibling encourage children
A) Asking for blessings A) Fishing D) Aunt C) To stay out of discipline
B) Planting B) Agricultural activities 5. Who in the family may D) To only provide
C) Attacking an enemy C) Hunting struggle to balance being financial support
D) Confusing opponents D) Weaving immature and acting like  What does a mother do
5. What is the significance 5. Why is the quality of a serious adult? to support her children?
of the INUSHUNGAN the cloth important in A) Mother A) Correct only
position? Ibaloi attire? B) Sibling B) Love unconditionally
A) To symbolize surrender A) It determines the color of C) Father C) Be a friend only
B) To ask for blessings and the attire D) Grandparent D) Provide only financial
protection B) It signifies the high status 6. Which family member assistance
C) To portray caring for the of the owner is known for being willing  Which statement is true
family C) It affects the comfort of to listen, learn, and take regarding siblings?
D) To confuse the enemy by the wearer pride in their children? A) They should compare
turning and reversing D) It is used to reflect the A) Father their lives to each other.
weather B) Sibling B) They need to hide their
C) Mother egos and avoid control.
D) Cousin C) They should always be
7. Who is primarily praised.
responsible for teaching D) They are not relatives.
children valuable life  What role does a father
skills? play in his child’s
A) Sibling education?
B) Mother A) A passive observer
C) Father B) A trainer in life skills
D) Uncle C) A financial advisor only
8. Which member of the D) An enforcer of rules
family is expected to only
provide physical and  Which role does a
emotional care? sibling often take?
A) Father A) Sole authority figure
B) Mother B) A source of advice and
C) Sibling guidance
D) Grandparent C) An irrelevant party
9. Who among the family D) A strict disciplinarian
members might learn to  What is a common
be more assertive or expectation of a father in
aggressive? the family?
A) Mother A) To ignore children’s
B) Sibling needs
C) Father B) To be a motivator and
D) Aunt encourager
10. Who typically C) To avoid involvement in
enforces family rules and daily activities
sets boundaries at D) To only discipline
home?  Which of the following
A) Mother best describes the
B) Sibling relationship siblings
C) Grandparent should have?
D) Father A) Competitive and
B) Supportive and patient
C) Distant and indifferent
D) Superficial and aloof

C. Additional Activities
for Application or
remediation (if


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