Encoder Absoluto Optico Dynapar
Encoder Absoluto Optico Dynapar
Encoder Absoluto Optico Dynapar
T r! i r t l ut t l i r r I M M ILETWITITTil
ABSOLUTE ENCODERS FOLLOW Absolute encoders save costs and provide A prejudice that is cleared up by ACURO.
THE LATEST TREND: enhanced safety - facts that are obviously Even the multi turn version of ACURO is no
CHANGE EASILY TO ACURO important in complex installations and multi- larger than most incremental encoders and
axis machinery: Time-consuming reference costs less than you would expect. And how
runs after powering-up the supply voltage about reliability? Due to their complexity,
have become a thing of the past for absolute encoders seem to be susceptible
absolute encoders. Hazardous conditions to faults. No problem with ACURO: once
caused by reference runs (which are always installed they will not cause trouble, due to
necessary with incremental encoders) can the highest integration density and use of
be prevented right from the start. Absolute extremely reliable technologies to ensure
encoders - too large, too expensive? safe and reliable long-term operation.
The platform concept Hengstler's new ACURO absolute encoders The mechanical construction of ACURO is
feature innovative technology, simple ope- rugged and precise. Double high-precision
rational and optimal functional safety. Their ball bearings guarantee reliable long-term
platform concept also allows especially operation even at speeds of up to 12000 rpm.
compact dimensions with a modular design, ACURO is equipped with the commercially
which always ensures the right version for available mechanical interfaces, including
each individual application in the field of solid shaft or hub shaft, synchro-flange or
motor feedback and automation enginee- clamping flange.
ring. Equipped with the new open BiSS
interface these encoders are a good and
future oriented investment.
INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY Hengstler's ACURO series comprises a - High degree of electromagnetic compa-
complete range of absolute encoders, all tibility due to elimination of macroscopic
in OPTOASIC technology. OPTOASIC units low-current paths.
combine all required optical and electronic
components in only one silicon chip. Our new absolute shaft encoders have an
excellent price/performance ratio. As a
This new technology is tailored to the user's further feature the encoders are fully
needs and offers advantages previously backward compatible due to identical
unknown in the field: mounting flanges and electrical interfaces.
- High degree of reliability
due to differential scanning and single- This makes it easy for the user to switch
step Gray code. from incremental to absolute shaft
- Fail-safe due to the elimination of more encoders.
than a hundred components
- Long serviceable lifetime due to state-of-
the-art semiconductor technology-
PROGRAMMABLE All essential parameters are userpro- Furthermore, storage and maintenance are
ABSOLUTE SHAFT ENCODERS grammable. more cost-efficient: the same encoder may
Additional advantages are uncomplicated be used for a variety of applications and
subsequent data processing, electronic assigned to its task at the place of installa-
adjustment and add-on optimization of tion.
mechanical systems which are subject to
APPLICATIONS The new encoders are, for example, per- ACURO is the right match for a wide range of
fectly suited to determine angular positions applications - from medical technology,
in automated systems with reliable and elevators, all printing, paper processing or
precise operation. metal-processing machinery, such as
Absolute encoding eliminates the need for presses and saws, right through to highly-
a reference run after interruptions (such as dynamic drives.
power failures).
• CAN • Profibus DP
Bus specifications according to CAN Protocol according to encoder profile
High-Speed ISO/DIS 11898 for transfer class C2 (programmable)
rates up to 1 MBaud.
• BiSS
• Suconet K1 - bidirectional and fully digital
Klöckner-Moeller 2 wire fieldbus - synchronous serial data
- licence-free
• DeviceNet - up to 8 slaves per master
- Based on CAN layer 2 (data link layer)
- Up to 64 nodes and 500 KBaud speed
- Configuration via network
GENERAL INFORMATION The bidirectional digital sensor interface follows on from this. Just four unidirectional
BiSS safeguards communication between RS422 data lines are required; the slave
position encoders or measuring devices electronics, kept to an absolute minimum,
and industrial controls, such as a drive are incorporated on the sensor lCs.
control, for example, and if necessary can When the master sends a clock pulse on
transmit measurement values from up to line MA, the slave answers directly on
8 sensors simultaneously. return line SL with the recorded position
For 1 to 8 subscribers the interface master data. Commands and parameters can be
provides a clock signal for the simultaneous swapped on a PWM pulse form; this is,
capture of all position data and for the syn- however, not necessary to start the BiSS
chronous-serial data transmission which protocol.
TRANSFER SEQUENCE With each data cycle the master learns and catered for. Bidirectional parameter com-
compensates for line delays, thus permit- munication for device configuration - also
ting clock rates of up to 10 Mbit/s even for applicable to what are known as OEM
cable lengths of up to 100 m. Changes in line parameters - is usually consigned to the
conditions which occur during cable drag, register data section, with rapidly changing
for example, are corrected. The precision of angle data being assigned to the sensor
synchronization among several position data section.
encoders along various axes is less than Control cycle times of less than 100 ps are
1 microsecond; the master also makes the thus not a problem, even for data words of up
signal delay it has recorded accessible to 64 bits in length. There is enough room in
to the control unit, allowing further opti- the protocol for redundancy; this space is
mization. normally used to implement a CRC (cyclic
The BiSS protocol classifies each subscri- redundancy check). Framed by just one
ber in the following data sections: sensor start and one stop bit, the sensor data is
data, register data. These data sections transmitted at the best-possible core data
have various setups with regard to access rate. Permanent monitoring of the position
and transmission performance so that a and operation of the encoder is possible
number of different sensor applications are without interfering with the control cycle.
Block diagram of a
BiSS Master-Slave configuration Sensor
clock dale
sefial dale sl I
GENERAL INFORMATION In many cases, absolute shaft encoders are The major differences between the concept
subject to severe mechanical stresses and of synchronous-serial data transfer for
to electrical and magnetic fields that conta- absolute shaft encoders described here
minate the site. and parallel and asynchronous serial forms
Therefore, special design measures are of data transfer are:
needed to combat dirt, dust and liquids in • less electronic components
industrial environments. • less cabling for data transfer
Our absolute shaft encoders are of state-of- • the same interface hardware, regardless
the-art rugged mechanical construction, of the absolute shaft encoders reso-
and the electronic components are very lution (word length)
compact. • electrical insulation of the shaft encoder
A main consideration for immunity to inter- from the control system by optocouplers
ference is the data transfer from the shaft • open-circuit monitoring by constant
encoder to the control system. The control current
system must be able to read the readings • data transfer rates up to 1.5 megabits per
from the shaft encoder without errors. second (depending on the length of line)
Under no circumstances should undefined • ring-register operating possible.
data be transmitted, for example at the
changeover point.
TRANSFER SEQUENCE For correct transfer of the data a defined As soon as a clock pulse brush is applied to
number of pulses (clock pulse brush) must the clock input again, the instantaneous
be applied to the clock input of the absolute angular data is recorded.
shaft encoder. Next, a pause Tp must be The first shift of the clock signal from high to
observed. As long as no clock signal is low CD actuates the shaft encoders internal
applied to the shaft encoder, its internal retriggerable mono-stable element, whose
parallel/serial shift register remains storage time tm must be greater than the
switched to parallel. The data change con- clock signal's period T.
tinuously, corresponding to the current The output of the monostable element con-
position of the shaft encoders shaft. trols the parallel/serial register via terminal
P/S (parallel/serial).
Block diagram
of an absolute shaft encoder
Clock pulse
70 KHz ... 1,5 MHz
EM •
Optical scanning Data
Driver to Serial data
EIA 422 A
Clock pulse - I I- tm
Serial Data
Dn D n-1 Di Do 11% Special
Morostable P/S
With the first shift of the clock signal from A further transfer of data cannot be started
low to high 0 the most significant bit (MSB) until the data line switches to high O again.
of the angular data is applied to the shaft lf the clock pulse sequence is not interrup-
encoders serial output. ted at point ED, the ring-register mode is
With each succeeding rising edge, the next activated automatically. This means that
less significant bit is shifted to the data out- the data stored at the first clock pulse tran-
put. sition @ are returned to the serial input Si
After transmission of the least significant via the terminal So. As long as the clock
bit (LSB) the Alarm bit or other special bits pulse is not interrupted at ED, the data can
are transferred, depending on configura- be read out as often as wanted (multiple
tion. Then the data line switches to low CD transfer).
until the time t, has passed.
input circuit
1 ' 0 Clock
91S-2, 100Q
-KI:=2 2V ZE LED I I "InF
r o Clock
Output circuit
Driver to EIA 422 A