SCS2 Manual HW
SCS2 Manual HW
SCS2 Manual HW
0 7/18/03
Document: Project: Project No
Manual SCS2
Prepared by: Date: Version: Page:
Andy Lewis 2003-07-18 2:06 PM 11 2(50)
Dictionary and abbreviations .................................................................................................................................................3
Document layout....................................................................................................................................................................3
The Nodes..............................................................................................................................................................................5
Boot Program.........................................................................................................................................................................6
System program .....................................................................................................................................................................6
Spreader Program ..................................................................................................................................................................6
Hardware Overview ...............................................................................................................................................................7
I/O LED’s ..............................................................................................................................................................................7
Event categories .................................................................................................................................................................8
Message format..................................................................................................................................................................8
Priority of displayed messages...........................................................................................................................................9
Ground connection.................................................................................................................................................................9
The X1 and X3 connectors ....................................................................................................................................................9
X1 I/O connector .............................................................................................................................................................10
X3 I/O connector .............................................................................................................................................................11
The X2 connector.................................................................................................................................................................13
Main Supply.....................................................................................................................................................................13
Address Key.....................................................................................................................................................................14
Analogue Inputs ...............................................................................................................................................................15
PWM Outputs ..................................................................................................................................................................15
External Spreader Memory ..............................................................................................................................................15
RS 485 and SSI ................................................................................................................................................................16
Additional Jumper Group ................................................................................................................................................16
The X4 Connector................................................................................................................................................................17
AnyBus ............................................................................................................................................................................18
Two auxiliary Analogue Inputs........................................................................................................................................18
The X5 Connector................................................................................................................................................................19
RS-232 .............................................................................................................................................................................19
The Redundancy Function ...................................................................................................................................................19
Field bus Connections..........................................................................................................................................................20
Mapping of I/O ................................................................................................................................................................20
Spreader Stop.......................................................................................................................................................................21
Fault Finding table ...............................................................................................................................................................22
Software tools ......................................................................................................................................................................23
ABE .....................................................................................................................................................................................23
Miscellaneous ......................................................................................................................................................................24
Data sheet.............................................................................................................................................................................24
Dimensions ..........................................................................................................................................................................25
Appendix A (Error messages)..............................................................................................................................................26
This document serves as a user manual and shall be used by the surveillance and maintenance operators of the Bromma
SCS2. Software as well as hardware routines and descriptions are covered in this document.
Location where to find the latest revision of this document:
Document layout
Chapter 3, System overview, gives a brief description of the SCS2.
Chapter 4, Software, describes how the different software parts correlates.
Chapter 5, Hardware overview, describes the hardware in the SCS2.
Chapter 6, External interfaces, describes all the external interfaces in the SCS2.
Chapter 7, Software tools, describes the supporting tools to the SCS2.
Appendix A, Error messages, shows all error messages and their meaning.
The core of the Bromma Smart Spreader is the Spreader Communications System (SCS2). In 1991 when Bromma decided
to develop a new and highly advanced communications system a close look at the available bus systems revealed a
number of shortcomings, such as temperature range, EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) protection and mechanical
Bromma therefore decided to design a bus system that met the demands made on an electronic system for a tough
Spreader application. We decided to develop a modular programmable controller, with a heavy-duty field bus interface
that complies with European and international standards for control equipment in this area. The SCS2 solution is a single
control product that can be used as I/O, as a PLC, and as distributed control for up to 528 I/O points. SCS2 nodes are
simple to install. You can connect up to 11 devices using just a single pair of wires. With its modular and scaleable
architecture, intuitive features and unparalleled ease of use, it will help save crane builders and end users time and money.
A bus system able to handle 528 I/O ports (programmable input or output).
Up to four analogue inputs with 12 bit resolution.
Four PWM outputs for proportional solenoids.
One general purpose RS485 channel OR SSI channel.
Communication with the help of a standard spreader cable — no screening, no twisted pair.
A system that withstands the repeated shocks and vibrations suffered by spreaders.
A system able to operate in tropical heat and arctic cold.
Choice of different field bus interfaces (ProfiBus, Interbus-S, Device Net….)
Optional duty cycle input
As a universal I/O, SCS2 gives you the freedom to connect to a wide variety of host controllers, including PLC's, DCS
and PC-based control systems by way of DeviceNet, Profibus-DP. SCS2 can be networked as a slave to Profibus-DP or
you can choose a DeviceNet master module for easy third-party integration. Designed by Bromma engineers for reliable
performance in the particularly challenging environment of container handling the system corporate four basic elements:
Crane Node1 A device directly interfacing with the crane’s control systems, computer and
monitoring screens, providing an optional serial bus interface for
programming or diagnostic communications, as well as an interface to the
spreader node.
Crane-Spreader Communications Link A two-wire conventional cable CAN communications between the crane
control system and the spreader.
Spreader Node A device that interfaces directly with the spreader’s sensors, supports discrete
signals, and acts as the Master node.
Sensors and Switches Conventional sensors, switches, and actuators on the spreader.
For details regarding separate dedicated crane fieldbus gateway, see separate manual
The system is divided into several hardware units called nodes. The nodes are located on the spreader and in the crane.
The nodes are connected to each other via a CAN network, see figure 1. The number of nodes required is based on the
number of I/O needed. The nodes are all equals, both in software as well as in hardware. This reduces spare parts and
enables easy-to-change procedures.
The only difference is their identity, id. Depending on their location the nodes have different ids. They are numbered
from 0 to 11 where:
0 is the master called B1
1-7 are slave nodes located on the spreader called B2-B8
8-11 are slave nodes located in the crane called A1-A4.
Slave A1 Slave A4
CAN network (BCAN) SCS
Figure 1. The figure shows SCS2 connected to the spreader and the crane via I/O. The nodes are also connected internally
via a CAN network.
The Nodes
The SCS2 is built up of several nodes co-operating in the system. Each node has a specific role, either slave or master.
There must be only one master node in the system and the rest are slaves.
The master node makes all the calculations and decisions. The slave nodes act as remote I/O to the master, but can also
have distributed functions such as regulators.
The SCS2 software consists of three types of programs; Boot Program, System Program and Spreader Program.
Boot Program
When the power is applied to the Boot Program starts to run. It will take approximately 5 seconds to boot up the system.
During system Program updates it will take longer.
System program
After the Boot program is finished, the System program will run, until the system is switched off. The System program is
responsible for
Executing the Spreader program (only on Master node)
Supporting any connected PC via the com-port
Monitoring the supply voltage and some internal voltages
Handling in the event log
Reading and writing I/O
Spreader Program
The Spreader Program is the program logic that controls the spreader. This program is created in ABE, see chapter 0 for a
brief description.
Hardware Overview
Below is a picture of a SCS2 node. The different parts are explained in the following chapter.
The I/O LED’s indicate the current status of the corresponding I/O module. The LED is powered from the secondary (5V)
of the module.
The display shows three pages of information where each page has a maximum of 8 characters. Each page is shown for 1
second. The pages show the following:
Node ID and System program version. Format: <Node ID><Version>.
Elapsed time running since power on. Format: DDD HHMM where DDD is the number of days, HH the number of hours
and MM the number of minutes.
Message page. The message page shows numeric information only, which has to be translated into comprehensive plain
text manually. The meaning of this page is explained in the rest of this section.
There are also four red LED’s in the bottom of the display window indicating the supply voltage level. Four different
levels are indicated and the ideal voltage is when all LED’s are lit.
It is not recommended to run the system below the OK level though it still seems to work fine. Attached devices may
malfunction at lower voltages thus making the system unreliable. The green LED is the “power on” indicator.
Event categories
There are three categories of information displayed on the event page: information, warning and error.
WARNING W W60 Warning shows information about the system status that is of high
importance. The system keeps on running. Warning messages will
begin with a W.
Message format
The display can show 8 characters. These are used in the following format:
L = Level type
TTT = Message type
SSSS = Sub type
E102 => Error in initialising the hardware
W61 1 => Warning indicating that a twistlock is indicating locked and unlocked. The sub code indicates that it is corner
I59 => Information that the system has started.
Level type
The level type can be one of the following: I = Information, W = Warning, E = Error
Message type
The message type represents the cause of the message. Examples of message types are System started, Wrong system
version and I/O error.
All these types are described in appendix A.
Sub type
The sub type is used to specify more detailed information about the message type. The sub types have different meanings
for all message types. For example does sub type 14 together with message type 47 mean I/O error on digital port 14
instead of just I/O error.
These sub types are described in appendix A.
Note that warnings are cleared from the display after at least 10 messages of informational type have passed and the
warning message is older than 15 minutes. Error messages are cleared by resetting the system.
Ground connection
The node chassis must be properly connected to protective earth. A grounding bolt is placed on the right hand side of the
node for this purpose.
X1 I/O connector
Redundancy remark.
I/O signals 21 – 24 are affected by the redundancy safety functionality. See chapter 0
To make linking of common supplies easier the X1 connector also has groups if pins linked together to be used basically
as jumper bars with the same potential. The following pins are linked together internally for the purpose of feeding
switches/valves with common potential.
X3 I/O connector
To make linking of common supplies easier the X3 connector also has groups if pins linked together to be used basically
as jumper bars with the same potential. The following pins are linked together internally for the purpose of feeding
switches/valves with common potential.
The X2 connector
The X2 connector has a jumper group to be used for supply voltage to the different analogue sensors.
Main Supply
24Volt AC or DC power supply for the node. The signals are doubled in the connector due to the current limit of single
pins. DC voltage can be applied either way.
The two CAN nets are placed in the X2 connector. The first net use Bromma CAN (BCAN) voltage levels and the second
net use standard CAN voltage levels. The standard CAN net has to be terminated with external resistors.
CAN channel is std CAN for future CAN-Open installations
Address Key
All nodes must have a unique identity. This is read from the Id pins ID0 – ID4 where pins being connected to the ground
pin corresponds to ”zeroes” and pins left unconnected are considered ”ones”.
Since all nodes are the same in reference to the software as well as hardware you have to configure them to carry different
roles. Setting the address key configures the role of the node. The address key has two other functions as well, enabling
Spreader stop and enabling redundancy block. These functions are described in chapters 0 and 0.
Key input Node Spreader Redundancy block and Pins to be linked together in Node number identifier
name stop override of landing X2 connector when viewing Display and
pins Log
00000 Test 10,9,19,29,39,49
00001 A1 No No 10,19,29,39,49 8
00010 A2 No No 10,9,29,39,49 9
00011 A3 No No 10,29,39,49 10
00100 A4 No No 10,9,19,39,49 11
00101 B1 Yes Yes 10,19,39,49 0
00110 B1 Yes No 10,9,39,49 0
00111 B1 No Yes 10,39,49 0
01000 B1 No No 10,9,19,29,49 0
01001 B2 Yes Yes 10,19,29,49 1
01010 B2 Yes No 10,9,29,49 1
01011 B2 No Yes 10,29,49 1
01100 B2 No No 10,9,19,49 1
01101 B3 No No 10,19,49 2
01110 B4 No No 10,9,49 3
01111 B5 No No 10,49 4
10000 B6 No No 10,9,19,29,39 5
10001 B7 No No 10,19,29,39 6
10010 B8 No No 10,9,29,39 7
10011- Not
11110 Used
11111 Test None
Here are three examples of how to set the address key:
A node with id B1 without redundancy block or emergency stop has the address key 01000.
A node with id B2 with both redundancy block and emergency stop has the address key 01001.
A node with id A2 (cannot have redundancy block or emergency stop enabled) has the address key 00010.
Analogue Inputs
There are two analogue inputs on each node via the X2 connector (the other two are via the X4 connector). Each signal
has its own 10V-reference voltage output, ground reference and sensor signal that should be connected to the sensor
Analogue in 2 X2/17
10Vref 2 X2/27
Signal ground 2 X2/7
PWM Outputs
There are four PWM outputs for driving external loads, for example proportional hydraulic valves. Each output has two
connections, one in and one out. The load should be connected between these, since it is a current loop.
The X4 Connector
The X4 connector can be configured for field bus operation or one of three alternative functions. The alternatives are a RS
232 serial port, two additional analogue inputs or a duty cycle input. The function is selected by connecting different pin
headers to connector CN103. To find these pin headers the SCS2 node must be opened. The figure below shows the
relative placement of the pin headers. In each pin header the pins are number 1 to 5 or 1 to 10. In the figure a pin with a
circle to the left is number one in that header.
Field bus operation is selected by connecting the field bus connector on the Anybus card with pin header CN103. The RS
232 serial port is selected by connecting CN100 and CN103. The two additional analogue inputs are selected by
connecting CN105 and CN103. Finally the duty cycle input is selected by connecting CN104 with CN103.
The AnyBus connector is used to interface any of the fieldbus types used apart from BCAN.
The X5 Connector
The RS-232 connector, called BMS port, is located to the right of the node and is used only for this purpose.
The commands either from a remote node on the network or the local node itself.
The CPU and the system software as well as the application specific software (Spreader program).
The redundancy block of hardware static logic. The block has two functions, to make sure the twistlocks are energised
correctly at boot and to prevent the software from changing between lock and unlock when not landed during operation.
At boot the redundancy block checks the sensor status and determines if the twistlock valves are to be energised and in
what direction. After a correct landing and a transition between lock/unlock the redundancy block goes passive only
preventing the software to change between lock and unlock unless the Spreader is properly landed. In this state the
redundancy can be viewed as two relay contacts, where only one contact is closed at a time permitting the twistlock
outputs. The only way of overriding the logic of the redundancy block is to energise a specific I/O (landed override) on
that particular node.
The outputs to the lock/unlock valves
The sensor signals from landed, locked and unlocked.
To enable the redundancy the address key on B1 or B2 is used, this then automatically means you have to use input 48 as
Landed override to be able to override the hardware logic. The landed override signal sets the spreader in landed mode
and thereby temporarily disables the redundancy block.
The size of the data exchange area between the SCS2 and the Anybus card is configurable up to 64 bytes in and 64 bytes
out. The configuration is done via HMS standard files. This interface must be configured in the same way for both the
Master and the SCS 2 slave for the bus to work correctly. For each project a document has to be sent to the customer
describing the used parts of the interface. When referring to in/out we view it from the SCS2 side, hence input for the
SCS2 is an output from the master in the crane.
Mapping of I/O
Byte 0-63 Byte 0-63
Project Project
specific specific
outputs inputs
Output Segment
In the output segment it possible to use a number of bytes for diagnostic information in the form codes. The code sent
will be equivalent with the code displayed in the onboard display; hence there will be three levels of this code INFO,
WARNING, ERROR. Apart from the code and the byte for indicating the type of code a counter will be incremented
each time a code is sent. The counter is a 16bit value and therefore will begin from 0 if the counter overflows. The value
of this counter will be sent each time that a new diagnostic message is transmitted.
The remaining bytes for output will be assigned the interface with the crane and will vary on each project. The
assignments here are discrete outputs from the Spreader and current values (pressure etc.) from devices on the Spreader.
These assignments shall be are documented in the electrical documentation of the project.
Input Segment
The entire range of the input area is configurable per project. The assignments here are discrete inputs to the Spreader and
set point values for the Spreader. These assignments shall be documented in the electrical documentation of the project.
Spreader Stop
A Spreader stop function can be used in the system.
This is performed by enabling Spreader stop using the address key on B1 or B2 and connecting the signal from the
spreader stop button to digital port 47 on the corresponding node (B1 or B2).
The spreader stop configuration must correspond to the spreader stop setting in the spreader program. This means that if
and only if the spreader stop on a node is enabled, digital port 47 must be connected to the Spreader Stop component in
the spreader program.
Power Supply
Node won’t start. No text appears in Measure the main supply. The voltage The green and all red LED’s in the
the display after power-on. should exceed 17V AC or DC. display should be lit.
BMS system can not communicate Probe TxD and RxD lines with Data lines should show square waves
with the node. oscilloscope while trying to between –10V to +10V relative to
communicate. GND pin.
The node can not communicate with Probe bus lines with oscilloscope.
the other nodes. CAN high should show square waves
pointing downwards and CAN low
should be showing square waves
pointing upwards.
Digital Ports
Input signal fault Check if LED indicator on I/O module The LED should be lit when current
responds to sensor signal. flows through the module.
Check the Common connection for
correct supply.
Output signal fault Check if LED indicator on I/O module The LED should be lit when the circuit
responds to command. is closed.
Check the load for proper connection The load should be connected between
and grounding. the modules out pin and ground.
Check for broken fuse on the I/O
Check the Common connection for The supply voltage depends on the
correct supply. type of load. 220V,110V,24V or other.
Node ID
The node stops at start-up with Node Measure the voltage of all ID pins. 5V This can indicate that the node has
Id displayed. represent ones and 0V represents wrong id strapped telling the node to
zeroes. The measures should indicate participate in the system with wrong
the expected id. role.
Analogue Inports
Analogue input signal appears to be Check the reference voltage relative to There should be exactly 10V
faulty. the GND. difference between them.
Check if the node chassis is properly This is very important in an AC driven
grounded to the spreader. system.
PWM Outports
PWM output appears to be faulty. Check the load for errors.
Try another load.
Software tools
There are some related tools to the SCS2, which support it in different ways. A brief description of these tools is given
ABE (Application Builder Environment) is a tool for developing and configuring the spreader program, which controls
the logic of the spreader. ABE generates a load file. For more detailed see the separate manual.
BMS ultra light (Bromma Monitoring System ultra light) is a tool for monitoring events and reading status of I/O in the
SCS2. BMS can also be used to download new programs to the SCS2. For more detailed see the separate manual.
Data sheet
23 spare 15 .
24 spare 16 .
25 spare 17 .
26 spare 18 .
27 spare 19 .
28 WARNING No data in program/system . System cannot start Contact Bromma
29 spare 20 .
30 WARNING Checksum of memory corrupt .
31 ERROR HW fault on memory . System is brought into Contact Bromma
failsafe mode. if problem
32 spare 21 .
33 spare 22 .
34 ERROR System init. Display. This error The error codes during the system boot phase that have caused the
code accumalates and displays system to go into failsafe mode
the errors ocurred during the
system boot, since no reporting
is done until the system has
35 ERROR System failed in reading . System is brought into reload and
spreader program from memory failsafe mode. restart
36 ERROR No spreader program residing in . System is brought into download
memory failsafe mode. program
37 ERROR System failed to run spreader . System is brought into reload proram
program failsafe mode.
38 ERROR Spreader program object . System is brought into Check spreader
instances failed failsafe mode. program. If
problems persist
contact Bromma
39 ERROR Spreader program object . System is brought into Check spreader
instances failed failsafe mode. program. If
problems persist
contact Bromma
40 ERROR Spreader program object . System is brought into Check spreader
instances failed failsafe mode. program. If
problems persist
contact Bromma
41 ERROR Spreader program object . System is brought into Check spreader.
instances failed failsafe mode. If problems
persist contact
42 ERROR Spreader program object . System is brought into Check spreader
instances failed failsafe mode. program. If
problems persist
contact Bromma
52 ERROR System initialising error when The node ID which has System is brought into restart
configuring nodes I/O generated the error failsafe mode.
53 ERROR Duplicate answers on I/O The node ID which has System is brought into restart
configuration from the same generated the error failsafe mode.
node when initialising system
54 spare 27
55 ERROR Duplicate answers on I/O The node ID which has System is brought into restart
configuration from the same generated the error failsafe mode.
node when initialising system
61 WARNING TWL - One twistlock indicating ID no. of the twistlock Message stored in log and check for
both locked and unlocked which generated the displayed on Spreader damaged sensors
warning and sensor
adjustment or
62 WARNING TWL - timeout locking. Locked ID no. of the twistlock Message stored in log and check sensor,
signal has not been received which generated the displayed on Spreader valves and/or
after output to valve warning wiring or
63 WARNING TWL - Locked sensor lost ID no. of the twistlock Message stored in log and check for
during operation. Sensor lost which generated the displayed on Spreader damaged sensors
without command/output when warning and sensor
twistlocks are all locked adjustment or
64 WARNING TWL - timeout unlocking. ID no. of the twistlock Message stored in log and check sensor,
Unlocked signal has not been which generated the displayed on Spreader valves and/or
received after output to valve warning wiring or
65 WARNING TWL - Unocked sensor lost ID no. of the twistlock Message stored in log and check for
during operation. Sensor lost which generated the displayed on Spreader damaged sensors
without command/output when warning and sensor
twistlocks are all unlocked adjustment or
66 WARNING TWL - all landed sensors not ID no. of the twistlock Message stored in log and check for
received after first landed and which generated the displayed on Spreader damaged sensors
timeout. warning and sensor
adjustment or
67 WARNING TWL - landed sensor not ID no. of the twistlock Message stored in log and check for
released when the other sensors which generated the displayed on Spreader damaged sensors
not active and a timer has timed warning and sensor
out adjustment or
68 WARNING TELESCOPE - prox. type. No . Stops the telescope and check for
valid sensor found within displays/stores message damaged sensors
timeout limit after output has and sensor
been activated adjustment or
69 WARNING TELESCOPE - prox. type. ID no. of the sensor Stops the telescope and check for
Wrong sensor in telescoping missing which displays/stores message damaged sensors
sequence reached generated the warning and sensor
adjustment or
70 WARNING TELESCOPE - prox. type. The ID no. of the lost Message stored in log and displayed on
position sensor is lost without an sensor Spreader
71 WARNING TELESCOPE - prox. type. Two ID no.s. of the sensors Message stored in log and check for
different position sensors displayed on Spreader damaged sensors
indicating simultaneously and sensor
adjustment or
72 ERROR Duplicate answers from one The node ID which has System is brought into restart (check
node during boot verification generated the error failsafe mode. address keying)
73 ERROR Wrong boot version in a node The node ID which has System is brought into contact Bromma
generated the error failsafe mode.
74 ERROR No answer when master The node ID which has System is brought into restart
requesting boot version. generated the error failsafe mode.
75 spare 28
76 spare 29
77 spare 30
78 spare 31 .
79 spare 32 .
80 ERROR Wrong node answered request The node ID which has System is brought into restart
from master to check if pc was generated the error failsafe mode.
81 ERROR No answer after master request The node ID which has System is brought into restart, check
to check PC port (RS232) generated the error failsafe mode. connections
82 ERROR Unable to download program . System is brought into retry
failsafe mode.
83 ERROR Unable to download program . System is brought into Check spreader
(checksum failure) failsafe mode. program. If
problems persist
contact Bromma
84 WARNING Onboard realtime clock time .
couldn't be read
85 WARNING Onboard realtime clock time .
couldn't be set
86 INFO minimum system CPU cycle time in ms Message stored in log and displayed on
time. Periodically reported every Spreader
half hour. The counter is reset
after reporting.
87 INFO maximum system CPU cycle time in ms Message stored in log and displayed on
time. Periodically reported every Spreader
half hour. The counter is reset
after reporting.
88 INFO average system CPU cycle time. time in ms Message stored in log and displayed on
Periodically reported every half Spreader
hour. The counter is reset after
89 spare 33 .
90 INFO The number of control loops The number of the Message stored in log and displayed on
exceeding 100ms for th last half counter Spreader
hour. The counter is reset after
91 spare 34 .
92 spare 35 .
93 spare 36 .
94 ERROR No operative system in Node . Systems fails to start contact Bromma
95 ERROR Duplicate answer on The node ID which has System is brought into check adress key
determining Spreader stop set up generated the error failsafe mode.
96 ERROR No answer on Master request for . System is brought into check adress key
"Spreader stop" configuration failsafe mode.
97 INFO Spreader stop has been 0= activated Message stored in log and displayed on
activated/deactivated 1=deactivated Spreader
98 spare 37 .
99 spare 38 .
100 ERROR Spreader program fault . System is brought into recompile and
failsafe mode. reload spreader
101 WARNING CAN message buffer is full The first message type Message stored in log and displayed on
in the buffer Spreader
106 spare 41 .
107 WARNING 10V reference voltage too low Actual voltage *10 Message stored in log and check supplies
displayed on Spreader
108 WARNING 12V internal supply too low Actual voltage *10 Message stored in log and check supplies
displayed on Spreader
109 ERROR Battery voltage too low Actual voltage *10 Message stored in log and check battery
displayed on Spreader
110 ERROR The System failed to lock th I/O . System is brought into restart
on a node during system init. failsafe mode.
111 spare 42
112 spare 43 .
113 spare 44 .
114 INFO System is shutting down .
115 INFO System shutdown has been .
116 spare 45 .
117 spare 46 .
118 INFO Landed override has been .
119 INFO Landed override has been .
120 spare 47 .
121 spare 48 .
122 spare 49 .
123 spare 50 .
124 spare 51 .
125 spare 52 .
126 spare 53 .
127 spare 54 .
128 spare 55 .
129 ERROR Spreader program fault or load . System is brought into check and
file has been korrupted failsafe mode. recompile
Reload. /contact
130 ERROR Spreader program fault or load . System is brought into check and
file has been korrupted failsafe mode. recompile
Reload. /contact
131 ERROR Spreader program fault or load . System is brought into check and
file has been korrupted failsafe mode. recompile
Reload. /contact
132 spare 56 .
133 spare 57 .
134 spare 58 .
135 spare 59 .
136 ERROR Spreader program fault or load . System is brought into check and
file has been korrupted failsafe mode. recompile
Reload. /contact
137 spare 60 .
138 spare 61 .
139 spare 62 .
140 WARNING Unknown CAN message The ID type of the Message stored in log and displayed on
received message Spreader
141 INFO CAN messages missed. The count of the Message stored in log and displayed on
Cyclically reported. missed messages Spreader
142 ERROR Two nodes within the system The ID which is System is brought into check and
have the same ID/adress duplicate failsafe mode. correct the
adress key
143 WARNING 10V reference voltage is too Voltage * 10 Message stored in log and check supplies
high displayed on Spreader
144 WARNING 12V internal voltage is too high Voltage * 10 Message stored in log and check supplies
displayed on Spreader
145 WARNING Battery voltage is too high Voltage * 10 Message stored in log and check supplies
displayed on Spreader
146 WARNING User defined Warning. The . Message stored in log and Check specific
user/programmer defines what displayed on Spreader project.
this fault should indicate within
the application program.
147 WARNING User defined Warning. The . Message stored in log and Check specific
user/programmer defines what displayed on Spreader project.
this fault should indicate within
the application program.
148 WARNING User defined Warning. The . Message stored in log and Check specific
user/programmer defines what displayed on Spreader project.
this fault should indicate within
the application program.
149 WARNING User defined Warning. The . Message stored in log and Check specific
user/programmer defines what displayed on Spreader project.
this fault should indicate within
the application program.
150 WARNING User defined Warning. The . Message stored in log and Check specific
user/programmer defines what displayed on Spreader project.
this fault should indicate within
the application program.
151 WARNING User defined Warning. The . Message stored in log and Check specific
user/programmer defines what displayed on Spreader project.
this fault should indicate within
the application program.
152 WARNING User defined Warning. The . Message stored in log and Check specific
user/programmer defines what displayed on Spreader project.
this fault should indicate within
the application program.
153 WARNING User defined Warning. The . Message stored in log and Check specific
user/programmer defines what displayed on Spreader project.
this fault should indicate within
the application program.
154 WARNING User defined Warning. The . Message stored in log and Check specific
user/programmer defines what displayed on Spreader project.
this fault should indicate within
the spreader program.
155 WARNING User defined Warning. The . Message stored in log and Check specific
user/programmer defines what displayed on Spreader project.
this fault should indicate within
the spreader program.
156 spare 63 .
157 spare 64 .
158 spare 65 .
159 spare 66 .
160 spare 67 .
161 WARNING CAN error . Message stored in log and displayed on
163 WARNING Power monitor P1 = sensor . Message stored in log and check supplies
supply voltage. Warning 1 = displayed on Spreader
Voltage < 21V
164 ERROR Power monitor P1 = sensor . System is taken down check supplies
supply voltage. ERROR = into idle mode. Ie if the
Voltage below permissive system voltage comes up
voltage of system. again it wakes otherwise
is prepared to shut down
165 WARNING Power monitor P2 = internal . Message stored in log and check supplies
supply voltage. Warning 1 = displayed on Spreader
Voltage < 21V
166 ERROR Power monitor P2 = internal . System is taken down check supplies
logic supply voltage. ERROR = into idle mode. Ie if the
Voltage below permissive system voltage comes up
voltage of system. again it wakes otherwise
is prepared to shut down
167 WARNING Power monitor P3 = PWM . Message stored in log and check supplies
supply voltage. Warning 1 = displayed on Spreader
Voltage < 21V
168 ERROR Power monitor P3 = PWM . System is taken down check supplies
supply voltage. ERROR = into idle mode. Ie if the
Voltage below permissive system voltage comes up
voltage of system. again it wakes otherwise
is prepared to shut down
169 WARNING System failed to read/write to a ID of port: Message stored in log and check supplies
I/O port Digital=0+port_no, displayed on Spreader
o, PWM=200+port_no,
170 spare 68 .
171 spare 69 .
172 spare 70 .
173 spare 71 .
174 ERROR No answer when on general . Message stored in log and displayed on
information request between Spreader
175 INFO TWL - twistlock lock command . Message stored in log and displayed on
received Spreader
176 INFO TWL - twistlock unlock . Message stored in log and displayed on
command received Spreader
177 INFO TWL - twistlock has been . Message stored in log and displayed on
locked Spreader
178 INFO TWL - twistlock has been . Message stored in log and displayed on
unlocked Spreader
179 INFO TELESCOPE - prox. type. . Message stored in log and displayed on
Expand command received Spreader
180 INFO TELESCOPE - prox. type. . Message stored in log and displayed on
Retract command received Spreader
181 INFO TELESCOPE - prox. type. The ID of the position Message stored in log and displayed on
Command to go to a speceific requested Spreader
position has been received
182 INFO TELESCOPE - prox. type. The The ID of the position Message stored in log and displayed on
desired position has been requested Spreader
183 WARNING TELESCOPE - automatic type. 0 = Desired position The telescopic motion is check sensor,
The telescope hasn't reached its' not reached within time stopped until a new pressure,mechan
position within time limit limit. command is given. ics. If necessary
1 = telescope has not Message stored in log and calibrate system.
moved more than 1 cm displayed on Spreader
during 3 seconds.
184 INFO TELESCOPE - automatic type. . Message stored in log and displayed on
expand command received Spreader
185 INFO TELESCOPE - automatic type. . Message stored in log and displayed on
Retract command received Spreader
186 INFO TELESCOPE - automatic type. The ID of the position Message stored in log and displayed on
Command to go to a specific requested Spreader
position received
187 INFO TELESCOPE - automatic type. The ID of the position Message stored in log and displayed on
The desired position reached requested Spreader
188 INFO The year has been set current value (year) Message stored in log and displayed on
189 INFO The month has been set current value (month) Message stored in log and displayed on
190 INFO The day/date has been set current value (date) Message stored in log and displayed on
191 INFO The time of day (hour) has been current value (hour) Message stored in log and displayed on
set Spreader
192 WARNING Nocontact with the master for The ID of the node Message stored in log and check
10s which doesn't have displayed on Spreader connections
195 INFO Download request active . Message stored in log and displayed on
(system boot functionality) Spreader
196 INFO Information request received . Message stored in log and displayed on
(system boot functionality) Spreader
197 INFO set time request received . Message stored in log and displayed on
(system boot functionality) Spreader
198 INFO Boot version request received. . Message stored in log and displayed on
(system boot functionality) Spreader
199 spare 72 .
200 INFO Download flag request received. . Message stored in log and displayed on
(system boot functionality) Spreader
201 spare 73 .
202 spare 74 .
203 spare 75 .
204 spare 76 .
205 INFO Check flash memory request . Message stored in log and displayed on
received. (system boot Spreader
206 INFO Restart node request received. . Message stored in log and displayed on
(system boot functionality) Spreader
207 INFO System start init. (system boot . Message stored in log and displayed on
functionality) Spreader
208 INFO System look for downloadflag. . Message stored in log and displayed on
(system boot functionality) Spreader
209 INFO Send datablock request. (system . Message stored in log and displayed on
boot functionality) Spreader
210 INFO Received datablock. (system . Message stored in log and displayed on
boot functionality) Spreader
213 spare 77 .
214 spare 78 .
215 ERROR No answer when waiting for . System is brought into failsafe mode.
present nodes response
216 INFO Inforamtion on present nodes . Message stored in log and displayed on
has been received Spreader
230 ERROR Failed to set up spreader destination of error System is brought into Check spreader
program correctly failsafe mode. program. If
problems persist
contact Bromma
231 ERROR Spreader program download . System is brought into Check spreader
error failsafe mode. program. If
problems persist
contact Bromma
232 ERROR Spreader program download . System is brought into Check spreader
error failsafe mode. program. If
problems persist
contact Bromma
233 INFO Power monitor P1 = sensor . Message stored in log and displayed on
supply voltage. OK Spreader
234 INFO Power monitor P2 = internal . Message stored in log and displayed on
supply voltage. OK Spreader
235 INFO Power monitor P3 = PWM . Message stored in log and displayed on
supply voltage. OK Spreader
236 INFO Reboot (restart) request sent . Message stored in log and displayed on
from master to slaves. Happens Spreader
when slaves are powered on
before master at system start
237 INFO System has been taken down to . Message stored in log and displayed on
idle mode. Ie waiting to wake Spreader
238 Spare 81 .
239 INFO System failed to cancel . Message stored in log and displayed on
shutdown process Spreader
240 INFO No answer when attempting to . Message stored in log and displayed on
cancel shutdown process Spreader
241 INFO System received timeout when . Message stored in log and displayed on
attempting to cancel shutdown Spreader
242 INFO System shutdown aborted . Message stored in log and displayed on
243 spare 82 .
244 INFO TWL - The spreader has been . Message stored in log and displayed on
landed Spreader
245 INFO TWL - The Spreader has been . Message stored in log and displayed on
totally lifted (not landed) Spreader
246 INFO FLIPPER - flipper up command . Message stored in log and displayed on
received Spreader
247 INFO FLIPPER - flipper down . Message stored in log and displayed on
command received Spreader
248 WARNING Power monitor P1 = sensor . AI can start to flicker. Message stored in
supply voltage. Warning 2 = log and displayed on Spreader
Voltage < 17V
249 WARNING Power monitor P2 = internal . AI can start to flicker. Message stored in
supply voltage. Warning 2 = log and displayed on Spreader
Voltage <17V
250 WARNING Power monitor P3 = PWM . AI can start to flicker. Message stored in
supply voltage. Warning 2 = log and displayed on Spreader
Voltage < 17V
251 ERROR System failed to initialise fielbus . System is brought into failsafe mode.
252 ERROR Duplicate answers when setting . System is brought into failsafe mode.
up fieldbus interface
253 ERROR No answer when configuring . System is brought into failsafe mode.
fieldbus interface
254 WARNING System failed in locking .
fieldbus interface
255 WARNING TWIN195 - twinboxes have ID of the twin box Message stored in log and check
failed to get to their upper failing displayed on Spreader solenoids/mecha
position within time limit nics/sensors
256 WARNING TWIN195 - left hook has failed . Message stored in log and check
to reach its' upper position displayed on Spreader solenoids/mecha
within time limit nics/sensors
257 WARNING TWIN195 - right hook has failed . Message stored in log and check
to reach its' upper position displayed on Spreader solenoids/mecha
within time limit nics/sensors
258 WARNING TWIN195 - twin boxes left . Twin down sequence check
timed out when expanding to stopped. Have to return solenoids/mecha
their attach position. Failed to Spreaer to twin up nics/sensors
reach switch within time limit position. Message stored
in log and displayed on
259 WARNING TWIN195 - twin boxes right . Twin down sequence check
timed out when expanding to stopped. Have to return solenoids/mecha
their attach position. Failed to Spreaer to twin up nics/sensors
reach switch within time limit position. Message stored
in log and displayed on
260 WARNING TWIN195 - left hook has failed . Message stored in log and check
to reach its' lower position displayed on Spreader solenoids/mecha
(connect) within time limit nics/sensors
261 WARNING TWIN195 - right hook has failed . Message stored in log and check
to reach its' lower position displayed on Spreader solenoids/mecha
(connect) within time limit nics/sensors
262 WARNING TWIN195 - twinboxes have ID of the twin box Message stored in log and check
failed to get to their lower failing displayed on Spreader solenoids/mecha
position within time limit nics/sensors
263 WARNING TWIN195 - twin up sensor lost ID of the twin box Message stored in log and check
unexpectedly. (not due to failing displayed on Spreader solenoids/mecha
output) nics/sensors
264 WARNING TWIN195 - twin up sensor ID of the twin box Message stored in log and check
received when twinboxes are failing displayed on Spreader solenoids/mecha
down nics/sensors
265 WARNING TWIN195 - left hook down . Message stored in log and check
sensor lost unexpectedly. displayed on Spreader solenoids/mecha
266 WARNING TWIN195 - right hook down . Message stored in log and check
sensor lost unexpectedly. displayed on Spreader solenoids/mecha
267 WARNING TWIN195 - left hook up sensor . Message stored in log and check
lost unexpectedly. displayed on Spreader solenoids/mecha
268 WARNING TWIN195 - right hook up sensor . Message stored in log and check
lost unexpectedly. displayed on Spreader solenoids/mecha
269 ERROR System failed to init. RS485 Node ID System is brought into restart / contact
failsafe mode. Bromma
270 ERROR Duplicate answers in system Node ID System is brought into restart / contact
when setting up RS485 failsafe mode. Bromma
271 ERROR System timed out when trying to . System is brought into restart / contact
configure RS485 failsafe mode. Bromma
272 INFO TELESCOPE - automatic type. . Message stored in log and displayed on
Teach in command received Spreader
280 spare 83 .
281 INFO TWINMPS - teaching a pre- The ID of the position Message stored in log and displayed on
defined position teached Spreader
282 INFO TWINMPS - command to go to The ID of the position Message stored in log and displayed on
a pre-defined position has been requested Spreader
284 INFO TWINMPS - A command to The ID of the position Message stored in log and displayed on
return to a log position has been requested Spreader
286 INFO TWIN195 - twin up command . Message stored in log and displayed on
has been received Spreader
287 INFO TWIN195 - twin down . Message stored in log and displayed on
command has been received Spreader
288 INFO TWIN195 - twin boxes have . Message stored in log and displayed on
reached their upper position Spreader
289 INFO TWIN195 - twin boxes have . Message stored in log and displayed on
reached their lower position Spreader
290 INFO TTDS - override request . Message stored in log and displayed on
received Spreader
291 INFO TTDS - override request ended . Message stored in log and displayed on
292 WARNING Buffer full transferring serial . Message stored in log and displayed on
port info over CAN bus Spreader
293 WARNING No answer when transferring . Message stored in log and displayed on
serial port info over Can bus Spreader
295 spare 84 .
296 spare 85 .
297 spare 86 .
298 ERROR Failed reading spreader System is brought into Check spreader
program. failsafe mode. program. If
problems persist
contact Bromma
299 spare 87
300 spare 88
301 WARNING RS485 not functioning as Depending on type of Message stored in log and displayed on
intended sensor/device Spreader
302 WARNING AnyBus not functioning as Depending on type of Message stored in log and displayed on
intended sensor/device Spreader
306 INFO Spreader properties Number of containers Message stored in log and
loaded/unloaded displayed on Spreader
307 WARNING AnyBus external bus failure Message stored in log and
displayed on Spreader
308 WARNING AnyBus Status ok Message stored in log and
displayed on Spreader
309 WARNING AnyBus external bus ok Message stored in log and
displayed on Spreader
310 WARNING Wrong node answered when EEPROM setup
343 ERROR Inclination sensor initialisation node that failed to initialise the sensor
344 ERROR Timeout when trying to node that failed to initialise the sensor
intitialise the inclination sensor
345 WARNING Missed message on bus node from which an answer is expected
regarding inclination sensor
346 INFO Node bus communication ok. .
347 INFO BCAN bus status warning. .
348 WARNING BCAN bus communication off. .
349 ERROR AnyBus Spreader/systems node from which an answer is expected
diagnostic area failed to set up.
350 ERROR Timeout when trying to set up
AnyBus Spreader/system
diagnostic area
351 ERROR AnyBus Assert diagnostic area node from which an answer is expected
failed to set up
352 ERROR Timeout when trying to set up
AnyBus Assert diagnostic area.
353 INFO Present nodes shown in sub code bitwise OR for all included nodes. 12bit Value
357 INFO AnyBus Input data area size size of data area (bytes)
358 INFO AnyBus output data area size size of data area (bytes)
359 ERROR Hardware initialisation failed psu_mon.=1, temp_sens.=2, realtime_clock=3
(system prog.)
372 INFO The Spreader info has been set. The index of the field
which is set.
373 INFO The Spreader info has been set. The value of the field
which is set. The
logged value is in the
range 0-9999. This
range limit has nothing
to with the actual value
set in the Spreader info.
374 INFO The time of day (minute) has Current value (minute) Message stored in log and displayed on
been set Spreader
378 WARNING Codeloading via anybus failed. node ID that failed to Message stored in log and displayed on
(start sequence) handle start sequence. Spreader
379 WARNING Codeloading via anybus failed. node ID that failed to Message stored in log and displayed on
(download sequence) download. Spreader
380 WARNING Codeloading via anybus failed. node ID that failed to Message stored in log and displayed on
(finish sequence) handle finish sequence. Spreader
381 WARNING Disabeling outputs failed. node ID that failed to Message stored in log and displayed on
disable outputs. Spreader
382 WARNING No answer when attempting to Message stored in log and displayed on
disable outputs. Spreader
383 WARNING Enabeling outputs faild. node ID that failed to Message stored in log and displayed on
enabeling outputs. Spreader
384 WARNING No answer when attempting to Message stored in log and displayed on
enabeling outputs. Spreader
385 INFO AutoTuner stored in NVRAM Regulator index. Message stored in log and displayed on
386 INFO Tandem - Teaching a pre- The ID of the position Message stored in log and displayed on
defined position teached Spreader
387 INFO Tandem - A command to store a Message stored in log and displayed on
new value for a log position has Spreader
been received
388 INFO Tandem - command to go to a The ID of the position Message stored in log and displayed on
pre-defined position has been requested Spreader
389 INFO Tandem - A command to return The ID of the position Message stored in log and displayed on
to a log position has been requested Spreader
390 WARNING Tandem - Cylinder position has The ID of the cylinder Message stored in log and displayed on
changed more than allowed. Spreader
391 INFO Tandem – Both landside and Message stored in log and displayed on
waterside spreaders enabled Spreader
392 INFO Tandem – Landside spreader Message stored in log and displayed on
enabled Spreader
393 INFO Tandem – Waterside spreader Message stored in log and displayed on
enabled Spreader
395 INFO TandemPush – Inner position Message stored in log and displayed on
reached. Spreader
396 INFO TELESCOPE – Impact detected Message stored in log and displayed on
398 WARNING TELESCOPE – Sensor value is Message stored in log and displayed on
out of range Spreader
399 INFO TELESCOPE – Bumped out of Message stored in log and displayed on
signal window Spreader
400 INFO TWL – TTDS active Message stored in log and displayed on
401 WARNING TWL – Lock attempt with Message stored in log and displayed on
TTDS active Spreader
402 INFO Digital I/O configured on an Node id on where I/O Message stored in log and displayed on
AnybusGateway configured Spreader
403 INFO Analogue I/O configured on an Node id on where I/O Message stored in log and displayed on
AnybusGateway configured Spreader
404 INFO PWM configured on an Node id on where I/O Message stored in log and displayed on
AnybusGateway configured Spreader