Young Stars 4 Second Period 12 Jave
Young Stars 4 Second Period 12 Jave
Young Stars 4 Second Period 12 Jave
FIELD: Languages and Communication
Subject: English IV
Second period - 36 hours
Key Competences Learning Outcomes
The student:
listens carefully to short stories
sings songs in English using the learnt vocabulary and following a given pattern
pronounces the words correctly but he/she makes some mistakes
identifies the true or false information in a short story
expresses his/her preferences about food in very simple and short sentences
names professions
follows school and class rules and participates in games organised in class
prepares a very simple project using pictures, colours, words and simple sentences
works individually, in pairs and groups to carry out the tasks given
listens carefully to peers and teacher
uses his/her ELP (European Language Portfolio) for self assessment
Topics Topics per hour Learning situations and students Assessment Resources
1. Rules –must /mustn`t – 1. Rules! group work observation studentbook
WB exercises Teacher presents students pair work assessing workbook
4 Here and there 2. Let`s play- numbers with different situations brainstorming answers picture
and students in groups are questions and assessing dictionary
7 classes asked to write rules for answers group work CD
those specific situations: gap filling assessing Internet
3. Cross-curricular (social a. Class rules matching home work Digital
sciences) ; street signs; b. School rules exercises using platform
writing; WB exercises c. Home rules games checklists Posters,
4. Story –Listening and d. Museum rules role play self- photos
reading e. Swimming pool assessment ELP
Students first discuss and
then decide which rules to
include in the poster they
5. Story- role play; WB have to prepare.
2. Traffic!