FOCUS-4 kl-12 FIRST PERIOD 2018.2019

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FIELD: Languages and Communication
Subject: English XII (FOCUS 4)
First period - 39 hours
Key Competences Learning Outcomes
The student:
 takes part in group discussions and gives his/her own arguments supporting them with explanations and evidence
 uses the grammatical and lexical rules correctly when writing essays and reports
 explains in detalis the steps to be followed in solving a problem encountered in class or in school and presents them to his/her mates
 identifies and makes use of different sources of information while doing homework or designing a project
 applies the previous learnt knowledge in dealing with the new language information or when participating in a debate
 monitors his/her own learning process by doing self assessment and also setting goals for the future, corrects his/her own mistakes
 takes the iniciative in organising cross curricular activities in class and school showing commitment in meeting all the deadlines
 makes proper decisions having to do with his/her health, diet in everyday life and school activities
 demonstrates values by respecting the opinion of others and helps in conflict resolutions showing maturity and tolerance
 respects and values the cultures and traditions of other countries and people
 uses his/her European Language Portfolio to document his/her work and plan his/her learning
 uses IT skills in presenting his/her project work
 uses his/her IT skills to improve the learning process, and to cooperate with other people in order to learn effectively
Subject Competences Learning Outcomes
The student:
 talks about education and different kinds of schools
 talks about their families, present and past habits and describes ceremonies
 describes cities and talks about city life recognizing and using common collocations
 speculates about photos and answers related questions and tells a personal anecdode about a memorable day out
 uses a variety of forms to talk about the future and a range of different quantifiers correctly
 identifies and uses different types of relative clauses
 suggests, agrees to and objects to a course of action
 understands the main points in short monologues and specific details in a talk and distinguishes between facts and opinions
 understands the structure of a text and finds specific detail in a text
 writes a report that summarises information from a meeting
 writes an article that attracts and holds the rerader`s attention
 uses a range of formal language when arguing for and agains an issue
Topics Topics per hour Learning situations and students Assessment Resources

0 Starter 1. Portfolio-Presenting the

8 hours ELP (European  group work  observation  studentbook
Language Portfolio)and  pair work  assessing  workbook
describing the B2 Level 1. Campaign  brainstorming answers  picture
2. Project ( deciding on theStudents are asked to plan  questions and  assessing dictionary
groups and exercises on and organise a campaign answers group work  CD
descripters of B2 level) on healthy eating. In  gap filling  assessing  Internet
groups they are asigned  matching home work  Digital
3. Diet-Fun and games different tasks and are also exercises  using platform
(grammer and given the deadlines.
 games checklists  Posters,
vocaulary) a. Prepare leaflets on
 questionnaire  self- photos
4. Teenage types- grammar raising the awareness
 think-pair- assessment  ELP
and vocabulary” Family for healthy eating
b. Prepare questionnaires share
and People” WB  dialogues
exercises and have interviews on
students` eating habits  role play
c. Advertize healthy  open ended
5. Visitors from space- questions
eating habits
grammar and  debate
d. Prepare the food
vocabulary- WB
pyramid and calculate
all the calories
6. Advertising –
e. Organise a healthy food
vocabulary and

7. Performers-listening and
8. UK vs USA and USA vs
UK (WB exercises)

Do your best 1. Education-vocabulary  group work  observation  studentbook
10 hours personality adjectives 1. Learning styles  pair work  assessing  workbook
2. Grammar- present and Students in groups  brainstorming answers  picture
past habits (WB organise a survey on their  questions and  assessing dictionary
exercises) friends` learning styles. answers group work  CD
Each group analyzes the  gap filling  assessing  Internet
data and presents the  matching home work  Digital
3. Listening and speaking results of the survey in exercises  using platform
4. Lighting the spark of class. Then
 games checklists  Posters,
learning (WB exercises) representatives of each
 questionnaire  self- photos
group are invited to a
 think-pair- assessment  ELP
radio or TV show where
the topic is “Teens` share
5. Grammar- verb patterns  dialogues
learning styles”. Discuss.
6. Speaking (WB  role play
exercises)  open ended
2. Reporting questions
Teacher presents
7. Writing – report students with different
structure situations of class or school
8. Writing a report (WB events and asks them to
exercises) Language in write a report for that
focus event.
a. You took part in a
teacher-parent- student
9. Focus Review meeeting
10. Project ( Deciding on b. You were part of a
the topic) (WB charity event organised
exercises) by your school
collecting food and
clothes for elderly
c. You were part of the
leading team of a
football championship
organised by the
1. Birthday
2 It takes all sorts 1. Coming-of-age Celebrations  group work  observation  studentbook
10 hours ceremonies- Vocabulary Teacher tells students that  pair work  assessing  workbook
and reading they will organize the  brainstorming answers  picture
2. Grammar- past Perfect celebrations for the  questions and  assessing dictionary
Simple and Continuous birthday of a friend who answers group work  CD
(WB exercises) was born on that month.  gap filling  assessing  Internet
Class is devided into  matching home work  Digital
groups and each group has exercises  using platform
3. Listening and Speaking a specific task to do:
 Quiz checklists  Posters,
4. One-Yaht found adrift in a. Prepare the invitations
 think-pair-  self- photos
Bermuda Triangle- and list of the people
share assessment  ELP
reading to be invited
b. Negociate and decide  dialogues  peer-
on the place and  role play assessment
program of the event  open ended
5. Grammar- Relative question
c. Discuss and decide on
clauses (WB exercises) exercises
the present to buy and
6. Listening and speaking
food to be served
d. throw the party

7. Writing an article 2. Anecdote

techniques competition
8. Writing and Language Teacher tells students that
in focus (WB exercises) they will have an anecdote
competition. Students in
groups tell anecdotes and
9. Focus Review decide on the best one to
10. Project and Portfolio be shared with the whole
(ELP) class. Then they decide on
the best anecdote told.
The have to decide on a
set of criteria to be used
for deciding on the best
1. My ideal place to
A Place to live 1. The Youthful Cities live  group work  observation  studentbook
11 hours Index- reading and Students in groups  pair work  assessing  workbook
vocabulary discuss on their  brainstorming answers  picture
2. Grammar- Future forms favourite city to live  questions and  assessing dictionary
(WB exercises) and give arguments answers group work  CD
3. Listening and speaking why. Then they decide  gap filling  assessing  Internet
4. Life on board the to create their ideal  matching home work  Digital
International Space dream city. They exercises  using platform
Stationreading (WB discuss and decide on
 games checklists  Posters,
exercises) 10 main characteristics
 think-pair-  self- photos
that the city should
5. Grammar- Quantifiers share assessment  ELP
have. They are
(WB exercises)
encouraged to prepare  dialogues
6. Organising a place to  role play
posters or drawing to
live- speaking  open ended
present their cities.
7. Focus Review question
8. Written test 2. Independent exercises
9. Introducing a for and Teacher presents students  test
against essay with a situation where they
10. Writing a for and have to take different roles:
against essay (WB In a family of 5-6 persons
exercises); language in (grandparents; parents;
focus children) one of the
11. Project & Self children wants to study
assessment (ELP) abroad. Some members are
in favour, some are not.
Discuss and come to a
decision after giving
arguments and supporting
your arguments with facts
and evidence.

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