7 First-Principles Study of The Properties of Li, Al and CD Doped MG Alloys
7 First-Principles Study of The Properties of Li, Al and CD Doped MG Alloys
7 First-Principles Study of The Properties of Li, Al and CD Doped MG Alloys
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The major mechanical and electronic properties of the Li, Al and Cd doped Mg solid solutions were inves-
Received 16 December 2013 tigated by employing the first principles density functional theory methods. The solute atoms were cho-
Received in revised form 24 January 2014 sen since they have a larger range of solubility. Each of the alloy models consists of fifteen Mg atoms and
Accepted 27 January 2014
one solute atom. The elastic parameters Cij were evaluated, and the bulk modulus (B), shear modulus (G),
Available online 2 February 2014
Young’s modulus (E) and Poisson’s ratio (m) were further derived. The results show that the B/G ratio (an
estimation of the metal ductility) of Mg, Mg–Al, Mg–Li and Mg–Cd are 1.92, 1.80, 1.47 and 2.17, respec-
tively, which indicates that the Mg–Al and Mg–Cd alloys are ductile and the Mg–Li alloy is slightly brittle.
First-principles calculation
Mg alloy
For the Mg–Cd alloy, its plasticity might be better than that of the others due to a larger Poisson’s ratio
Mechanical properties and lower values of C11 C12 and E. The tensile test simulation of the Mg metal and Mg–Al, Mg–Li and
Strain–stress Mg–Cd alloys reaches the strengths of 5.05, 5.32, 5.28 and 4.89 GPa, respectively.
Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction the tensile strength of Mg alloys by adding one and three Al atoms
into the super-cell of Mg54 and reported that the tensile strength of
Magnesium alloys, the lightweight metallic structural materi- Mg51Al3 is obviously increased compared with Mg54 and Mg53Al.
als, have been used broadly in the fields of aerospace, automotive, Additionally, Counts et al. [18,19] predicted the structure and
computer, communications and home appliances industry owing properties of the bcc Mg–Li alloys. Since the solute elements of
to their high specific strength, stiffness and low density known Al, Li and Cd have a larger range of solubility [9,20], and have sim-
well as the twenty-first century green engineering materials ilar atomic radii [21] in different rows and columns of the periodic
[1–4]. The improvement of the mechanical properties attracts table, this paper will, therefore, examine some of the mechanical,
great interest mostly by the addition of different alloy elements the electronic properties and the stabilities of the stable hcp Mg al-
[5–7]. Three mechanisms in the increase of the strength of Mg al- loys at a relatively higher concentration of the solute atoms.
loys were proposed including solid solution strengthening, precip-
itation strengthening and dispersion strengthening. Among those, 2. Computational method
the intermetallic phases are believed to be the most significant
[8,9]. Experimental and theoretical investigations mainly on the The first-principles calculations were performed with the Cambridge Serial To-
tal Energy Package (CASTEP) code in the Materials Studio software [22,23]. The den-
intermetallic phases were thus broadly carried out, e.g. in Refs.
sity functional theory (DFT) of the plane-wave pseudopotential method [24,25] was
[8,10–15]. For the solid solution strengthening, Cáceres and Rovera chosen. The generalized gradient approximation (GGA) of Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof
[5] detected that the hardness of Mg alloys, forming a hexagonal (PBE) [26,27] exchange–correlation functionals were employed combined with the
close-packed (or hcp) structure, would increase along with increas- finite basis set correction [28] and the Pulay scheme of density mixing [29]. The
models were designed as a super-cell containing 16 atoms with three dimensional
ing the Al content in the solid solution within 1–8 wt%. Theoreti-
periodic conditions. The cell structure was full optimized using the Broyden–Fletch-
cally, Ganeshan et al. [16] investigated the elastic properties of er–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) [30] minimization technique, where the cut-off energy
Mg by doping 12 alloying elements at a concentration of for the plane wave expansion was 420 eV, the Brillouin zone sampling was carried
2.77 at%. The lattice structure, bulk and shear modulus, elastic con- out using a 7 7 4 set of the Monkhorst–Pack mesh [31] and the SCF energy tol-
stant and ductility were discussed. Wang et al. [17] investigated erance was set as 5.0 107 eV. For all calculations, the further thresholds were:
the total energy being converged into 5.0 106 eV/atom, the finite atomic dis-
placement [32] being less than 5.0 104 Å and the maximum force being less than
0.01 eV/Å. In the elastic constants evaluations, the additional GGA-PW91 [33]
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 29 88431672 (O); fax: +86 29 88493325. method was examined in order to compare the accuracy of the calculations. In
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Su). the tensile simulations, uniaxial strain was introduced into the super-cell of the
0925-8388/Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
64 L. Zhou et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 596 (2014) 63–68
equilibrium configuration with the minimum energy. The tensile test was simu- less than 1%, an error that is acceptable for the theoretical calcula-
lated by gradually increasing the dimension along the z-direction at the tensile
tions [16]. Our results also show that the c/a ratio is 1.6399 and the
strain increment of 2% of the system. The atomic positions of the new configuration
were thus fully relaxed at each strain stage. The next initial strain configuration
volume of the primitive cell is 46.079 Å3, which is consistent with
would start from the former relaxed configuration. The procedure continued until the experimental and calculated results [16,37–41]. It should be
the convergence criterion was unable to meet. noted that the experimental lattice constants are measured at
room temperature and the theoretical results correspond to the
temperature at zero Kelvin. However, as has been examined in
3. Results and discussions
Ref. [42], the computed results with the GGA functionals at 0 K
are also in excellent agreement with the room temperature exper-
3.1. Structure and lattice constant
iments. This might represent the fact that the lattice constants
would not be significantly changed for temperatures rising from
The models of Mg and Mg alloys are shown in Fig. 1. The Mg
0 K to the room temperature.
crystal is a hexagonal close-packed (hcp) structure with the space
Compared with Mg metal, the cell volumes of the alloys de-
group P63/mmc. A primitive cell contains 2 atoms and thus the
creased. This should be mainly due to the smaller atomic radii of
super-cell model contains eight units. The Mg alloy models involve
aluminum and lithium, and the larger electronegativity of cad-
15 Mg atoms and one solute atom that takes the place of a magne-
mium. The volumes of the Mg–Al, Mg–Li and Mg–Cd alloy cells
sium atom. This implies that the concentration is 6.25 at% which is
are 45.002, 45.542 and 45.679 Å3, respectively. It is interesting that
within the range of the solid solution phase for a large region of
the c/a ratios increased slightly by adding Al and Cd atoms at
temperatures according to the equilibrium phase diagrams of the
1.6448 and 1.6430, respectively, but that decreased slightly by Li
Mg–Al, Mg–Li and Mg–Cd alloys [34–36].
at 1.6257.
As shown in Table 1, the lattice constants of Mg crystal have
been widely determined (e.g., in Refs. [37–39]) by a = b = 3.2026–
3.2099 Å and c = 5.1997–5.2108 Å. The theoretical calculations 3.2. Heat of formation and cohesive energy
[16,40,41] reproduced the results by a = b = 3.187–3.195 Å and
c = 5.1777–5.1939 Å. Our results, a = b = 3.1915 Å and c = 5.2338 Å, The alloying ability or stability may be estimated with either
consist well with the experiments [37–39] by a deviation of the heat of formation (DH, or equivalently the internal energy for
Table 1
Lattice constant, cohesive energy and the heat of formation of Mg and its 6.25 at% alloys obtained with PBE density functional theory.
condensed phases) or the cohesive energy (Ecoh) defined [44,45] thus have a larger structural stability. This result is also consistent
approximately as: with the calculated cohesive energies in this work.
1 AB
DH ¼ Etot xEAsolid yEBsolid ð1Þ
xþy 0.6
The results listed in Table 1 shows that the DH for the pure Mg 0.0
metal is a negative value 0.0193 eV/atom. This should be consid- 8
ered as the systematic error of the present calculations since the 4
0.4 Mg 3s
[35], in which each of the systems exhibits an alloy of unsaturated 2p 3p
Mg 2p
solid solution. The DH for the Mg–Al alloy is less negative (or is a
small positive value 0.0136 eV if the systematic error is taken into 0.6
account). The equilibrium phase diagram of Mg–Al [36] alloy 0.4 Cd 5s
Cd 4p
shows that the solid solution alloy is stable between 310 and 0.2 Cd 4d
550 °C, implying that the Gibbs free energy is negative within this 0.0
temperature region but is positive below 310 °C due to the positive 8
DH. Qualitatively, our results reproduce well the facts within the 4
Mg–Al alloy phase diagram. 0
It is also shown in Table 1 that the cohesive energies of Mg and -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10
Mg–Al, Mg–Li, Mg–Cd alloys are larger negative values by 1.4915, Energy (eV)
1.6260, 1.5288 and 1.4599 eV/atom, respectively. This indi- 12
cates that the models are much more stable compared with their Mg-Cd
3.3. Electronic structure
The partial and total density of states (DOS) of Mg and its alloys 4
near the Fermi level are plotted in Fig. 2. It is shown that the partial 0
DOS represent the differences of the bands, especially contributed Mg-Al
from the different valence orbitals of Mg, Al, Li and Cd elements. 8
But the features of the total DOS close to the Fermi level of the
4 6.47
alloys are similar to those of the pure Mg metal mainly from
the valence s and p orbitals of Mg with the dominant concentra- 0
tion. However, the total DOS of Mg, Mg–Al, Mg–Li and Mg–Cd have
different values by 5.81, 6.47, 5.71 and 5.75 states/eV on the Fermi 8
level, consistent qualitatively well with the number of the valence 4
electrons of the system. Naturally, the DOS for Mg–Cd has a sharp 5.81
peak at 9 eV mainly from the contribution of the full occupied 4d 0
-8 -4 0 4 8
orbital of Cd that have not mixed with the valence orbitals. Since
Energy (eV)
the DOS value at the Fermi level may estimate the relative bonding
electron numbers and a higher number of bonding electrons repre- Fig. 2. Partial and total density of states of Mg and its alloys near the Fermi level
sents a stronger charge interaction [46,47], the Mg–Al alloy should obtained with DFT-PBE (the Fermi level is plotted as 0 eV).
66 L. Zhou et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 596 (2014) 63–68
3.4. Elastic properties elastic constants for Mg metal are consistent with the experimen-
tal [43,54] and the reported theoretical values [16,42]. The elastic
The elastic stiffness constants Cij (i,j = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), forming a constants Cij of Mg obtained with the PBE and PW91 functionals
6 6 symmetric tensor matrix, determine the response of the have the average absolute deviations (AADs) of 1.272 GPa and
strain to external forces [48,49] that can be obtained by applying 1.820 GPa, respectively, compared with the experimental data
a set of finite homogeneous deformations to the unit cell and by [54] at 0 K. However, the respective data have the AADs of
optimizing the internal atomic freedoms to calculate the stresses. 2.016 GPa and 0.764 GPa compared with the experimental data
For the hexagonal crystal of Mg and its solid solution alloys, there [54] at 298 K, and also have the AADs of 2.011 GPa and
are six different elastic coefficients C11, C12, C13, C33, C44 and C66, 0.927 GPa compared with the 298 K experiments of Ref. [43]. Inter-
and five of which are independent due to C66 = (C11 C12)/2. The estingly, the calculation of the constants of Mg metal [42] with an
results obtained with both DFT-PBE and DFT-PW91 are listed in Ta- approach by using the stress-based least-squares fitting method of
ble 2. LePage and Saxe [56] resulted in a larger AAD value of 2.818 GPa
The Voigt’s (GV) [50], Reuss’s (GR) [51] approximations for max- and an even smaller AAD value of 0.598 GPa with the same GGA
imum and minimum values of the shear moduli and the Hill’s (G) PW91 functionals compared with the experiments of Ref. [54] at
approximation by the average value of GV and GR for the hexagonal 0 K and 298 K, respectively. Although the further discussions will
crystal are given as follows [50–53]: emphasize the results from the PW91 functionals, we may not con-
clude here that the PW91 method is superior in reproducing the
GV ¼ ½C 11 þ C 33 2C 13 þ 6C 44 þ 5C 66 =15 ð3Þ
Mg elastic constants because the theoretical computations have
not yet corrected the thermal influence. The much better results
GR ¼ 15=½8S11 þ 4S33 4S12 8S13 þ 6S44 þ 3S66 Þ ð4Þ
for Mg metal by comparing the ‘298 K’ experiments must be an
accidental case that needs to be further investigated.
G ¼ ðGV þ GR Þ=2 ð5Þ
The elastic moduli (B, G, E) of Mg metal and Mg–Al, Mg–Li and
where the compliance constants Sij are: S11 + S22 = C33/C, Mg–Cd alloys are listed in Table 2 and the results from the PW91
S11 S22 = 1/(C11 C12), S13 = C13/C, S33 = (C11 + C12)/C, S44 = 1/C44, functionals are shown in Fig. 3. The results show that the elastic
S66 = 1/C66 and C = (C11 + C12)C33 2(C13)2. moduli of the pure Mg metal consist very well with both of the
The Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio can be developed by experimental [43,54] and theoretical results [16,42] within a devi-
the shear modulus G and the bulk modulus B [50–53]: ation of 6%. However, these data have an error as much as 26%
compared with those, for example, from Ref. [41]. It should be
E¼ ð6Þ noted that the data from Ref. [41], obtained with a different Per-
G þ 3B dew functional, have a maximum error of about 22% compared
with all those from Refs. [16,42,43,54]. Since our results are more
3B 2G
m¼ ð7Þ close to the experiments, the data obtained in the present work
2ð3B þ GÞ
should be more reliable.
It is shown that all the elastic constants in Table 2 satisfy the For the Mg–Al alloy, all the bulk, shear and Young’s moduli are
Born stability criteria C11 > 0, C11 C12 > 0, C44 > 0 and (C11 + C12)- predicted to be improved by 1.58, 2.11 and 4.88 GPa, respectively,
C33 2(C12)2 > 0 for the hexagonal structure [55], representing that compared with those of the pure Mg metal. This is different from
the Mg metal and its alloys are mechanical stable. Our calculated the calculations of Ref. [16] where a smaller concentration of Al
Table 2
Elastic properties of Mg and its Al, Li and Cd alloys calculated with DFT-PBE and DFT-PW91. (Cij are the elastic stiffness constants, B is the bulk modulus, G is the shear modulus, E
is the Young’s modulus, m is the Poisson’s ratio and B/G is the ratio of bulk/shear moduli. All the data are in GPa except m and B/G. The C11, C12, C13, C33, C44 and B are given directly
in the calculations. The G, E, m and underlined data are calculated presently with the equations listed in the text of this paper by using the original elastic constants from
at 2.77 at% was examined within which the shear and the Young’s 70
bulk modulus (B)
moduli are slightly decreased. For the Mg–Li alloy, the bulk modu- shear modulus (G)
lus is slightly reduced by 1.3 GPa but both of the shear and Young’s 60 Young's modulus (E )
moduli are improved. Especially, the Young’s modulus is predicted
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