Addressing Food Safety Risks in The Ah Sector With A Oh Approach

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Addressing Food Safety Risks Policy Brief

in the Animal Health Sector

‘From Farm to Fork’ with a One Health approach

Executive Summary
Food is a primary determinant of animal and human health. It is a basic human right to have access to safe,
nutritious and healthy food. Preventing, detecting and controlling foodborne hazards of animal origin is
important to protect humans from foodborne illnesses and infections [1].

The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) informs policy and decision-making and develops
international standards to ensure the safety of food of animal origin. WOAH works with Veterinary Services
who, together with other competent authorities, ensure that animal health and food safety standards are
met on farms and at slaughterhouses. For example, WOAH supports the capacity of Veterinary Services to
conduct inspections on farms and in slaughterhouses. Integrating a One Health approach to risk analysis
throughout the food chain ensures that food safety risks can be identified and addressed [1,2].

WOAH actively contributes to the Codex Alimentarius Commission, which publishes a collection of
standards, guidelines and codes of practice. The Commission was established in 1963 by the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to protect
consumer health and promote fair practices in food processing. WOAH is the reference organisation for
standards relating to animal health and zoonoses in the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on the
Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) [3]. The SPS Agreement facilitates the
reduction of hazards at the human–animal–environment interface and enhances transparency of sanitary
and phytosanitary measures around the world [4,5].

The Quadripartite Collaboration on One Health, consisting of FAO, WHO, the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) and WOAH, developed the One Health Joint Plan of Action (2022–2026) (OH JPA) to
integrate systems and capacity to better tackle health threats collectively. Action Track 4 focuses on the
assessment, management and communication of food safety risks through a One Health approach. WOAH
is advocating for policy alignment of Action Track 4 in the animal health sector.
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Insights from Scientific Evidence
Consumption of unsafe food causes While pesticides are used to increase yields and
600 million illnesses and 420,000 quality of food and reduce agricultural losses,
human deaths per year [6]. they can have negative consequences on
terrestrial and aquatic animal health
through contamination of the environment, including
Over 60% of pathogens that infect people
soil, feed and water, by chemical hazards [9].
are zoonotic and the most common causes
of foodborne diseases in humans are
associated with the contamination of foods
Effects of climate change alter the distribution
from animals [2].
of diseases and vectors, increasing the susceptibility
of animals to disease and the number of foodborne
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) can pathogens [10].
spread to animal products during
slaughter or food processing and resistant
microbes can infect exposed humans [7].
Climate change induced extreme weather
events, such as the flooding of agricultural lands
In low- and middle-income countries, and livestock farms, increase the likelihood of
the economic burden of unsafe food is microbial and chemical contamination of
approximately US$ 110 billion yearly [8]. food and water [10].

Definition of Concepts

Food safety Food control system

Assurance that food will not cause adverse Regulatory action carried out by national,
health effects to the consumer when it is regional or global authorities to safeguard
prepared or eaten according to its intended consumers and guarantee that food is
use [11]. wholesome and safe throughout the
Risk assessment production, handling, storage, processing and
Evaluation of the likelihood and the biological distribution process; that it complies with legal
and economic consequences of entry, requirements for labelling, food safety and
establishment and spread of a hazard [13]. quality, and that it is honest and accurate [12].
Foodborne disease Risk analysis
A disease transmitted through contaminated Process composed of hazard identification,
food (of animal origin, fruits, vegetables or risk assessment, risk management and risk
drinking water). Foodborne diseases can occur communication [13].
throughout the whole food chain and result in Risk communication
a broad group of illnesses (e.g. diarrhoea and Interactive transmission and exchange of
cancer) [1]. information and opinions throughout the risk
Epidemic analysis process, concerning risk, risk-related
A disease outbreak that spreads quickly and factors and risk perceptions among risk
affects one or more populations at the same assessors, risk managers, risk communicators,
time in a small geographical area [12]. the public and other parties [13].

Addressing Food Safety Risks during Animal Production through the One
Health Approach
The food production system is complex, with many approach issues with a comprehensive
sectors operating from local to global levels. A One perspective, and ensure food safety at the human–
Health approach is essential to connect sectors, animal–environment interface (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: A One Health perspective for food safety along the food chain considering different sectors and actors.

Risks from foods of animal origin can arise Unsafe food can cause disease and malnutrition in
anywhere along the food chain – from farm to fork humans as well as disruptions in the food industry
– during animal production, slaughter, processing, (e.g. during animal production, food processing
storage or distribution, or when handled by the and retail) [17]. The burden of foodborne diseases
consumer [2]. The From Farm to Fork strategy aims is especially high in low- and middle-income
to make each step of the food chain sustainable, countries, as there are challenges regarding the
fair and healthy (see Figure 2) [14]. implementation of strategic and cohesive food
safety programmes that proactively address
Bacteria such as Salmonella spp. and problems. This is due to a lack of adequate
Campylobacter spp. and parasites such as human resources in veterinary services, lack of
Echinococcus spp. and Taenia solium are the most information, inaccurate use of available evidence,
common food-borne pathogens that affect millions or poor communication and coordination with
of people annually [1]. Chemical hazards such as relevant governmental actors and stakeholders [18].
veterinary drug residues and chemicals
(e.g. dioxins, pesticides) or environmental
pollutants (heavy metals) can be the source of
food-borne diseases [1]. There is also a risk of AMR
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spread, which must be mitigated by safe food

production practices and reduced antimicrobial
use during animal production [14].

Figure 2: One Health in the food chain: From Farm to Fork [15].

Veterinary Services are crucial actors within

the food production system. They implement
animal health and welfare measures, conduct risk
assessments, develop policies to manage animal
health risks, issue certifications for animal health
and food safety criteria for food of animal origin,
and facilitate the safe international trade of live
animals and animal products based on WOAH
international standards. Risk assessments of
foodborne diseases of animal origin determine
the prevalence, incidence and transmission
of risks within the food chain. Following the
assessment, actions are carried out, including
communication and management to reduce
risks of adverse health effects for animals and
humans [2]. Implementing food safety risk
analysis through risk assessments promotes food
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safety and can prevent economic losses for food

producers, processors and distributors due to
reduced access to domestic and export markets [19].

WOAH Contributions to Improving Food Safety through the One Health Approach
Facilitating One Health governance of food safety
WOAH promotes multi-sector food safety The SPS Agreement encourages the members
systems by encouraging implementation of of the World Trade Organization to base their
relevant policies and legislation throughout sanitary measures on WOAH international
global, national and local agri-food systems [4]. standards [3].
WOAH international standards, implemented
by Veterinary Services and other competent WOAH actively collaborates with the Codex
authorities, facilitate the detection, management Alimentarius Commission to ensure the
and reduction of risks of foodborne diseases. development of standards by the two
For example, Veterinary Services conduct organisations to address hazards throughout the
ante-mortem and post-mortem inspections at food chain. WOAH and the Codex Alimentarius
slaughterhouses to ensure the health of animals Commission work together to identify gaps and
and the quality of their products, in accordance avoid duplication between WOAH’s standards and
with the standards. Examples of relevant the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
standards in the WOAH Terrestrial Animal Health The Quadripartite Collaboration on One Health
Code include chapters on biosecurity procedures, developed the One Health Joint Plan of Action
animal production and the prevention, detection (2022–2026). Action Track 4 specifically refers
and control of common foodborne pathogens to food safety with a framework to strengthen the
that cause significant illness in humans, such assessment, management and communication of
as Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp. and food safety risks through a One Health approach
parasites such as Echinococcus spp. and [24]. However, all five other action tracks are
Taenia solium. The standards also provide relevant to food safety (see Figure 3).
recommendations on the control of hazards in
animal feed [13,20].

Figure 3: Interrelation of Action Track 4 with other Action Tracks of the One Health Joint Plan of Action (2022–2026).

Information system and surveillance
WOAH provides the interactive mapping Additionally, the EBO-SURSY project implements
tools and dashboards World Animal Health strategies for the surveillance, prevention and
Information System (WAHIS) and WAHIS-Wild control of zoonotic diseases in ten West and
Beta, which present data reported by countries Central African countries, including diseases
and facilitate access to information on disease transmitted by the consumption of wild animals,
outbreaks, including foodborne illnesses [22]. with the plan to expand to more countries.

Capacity building and guidance

WOAH provides capacity building of Veterinary The guidance document recommends several
Services through the Performance of Veterinary actions that national governments should adopt
Services (PVS) Pathway. Veterinary Services can with the aim of making traditional markets safer
be responsible for food safety along some parts and recognising their central role in providing
of the food chain [7]. As such, capacity building of food and livelihoods for large populations.
Veterinary Services contributes to the reduction
of threats and risk to animal health and public WOAH also works to detect, manage and reduce
health. This includes training in conducting the risk of AMR within the food chain through
checks on farms (vaccination, diagnosis, international standards, including responsible
quarantine) and in processing facilities such as prescription practices of veterinarians [13].
slaughterhouses [21]. Its Strategy on Antimicrobial Resistance
and the Prudent Use of Antimicrobials
WOAH also publishes regular guidance to establishes responsible prescription practices
Members, including the interim guidance on of veterinarians, which strengthens food safety
Reducing public health risks associated with the by preventing the spread of resistant microbes
sale of live wild animals of mammalian species in animals, the environment and throughout the
in traditional food markets, which was jointly food chain [23].
developed with WHO and UNEP in 2021.

Policy Recommendations
WOAH recommends the following policy-based consideration the recommendations of the
solutions to strengthen the One Health approach Quadripartite.
and tackle food safety threats within the animal • Promote stronger public–private sector
health sector and beyond. collaboration to develop innovative solutions,
At policy and institutional level: enhancing food control systems, strengthening
• Implement relevant WOAH Standards food safety capacity and facilitating food safety
and collaborate with national Food Safety dialogues and interventions.
Authorities to implement relevant Codex • Provide investments and resources to manage
Alimentarius Standards. and execute risk management, develop and
• Harmonise standards relevant to food update food standards, enhance laboratory
safety developed by WOAH and the Codex testing of food, increase inspections and
Alimentarius Commission while taking into educate value chain employees.

At programmatic level:
• Support meetings and update national food • Foster and support creation and exchange of
safety legislation based on WOAH and Codex scientific knowledge, evidence and technology
Alimentarius standards and in the requirements for food safety in relation to the One Health
of importing countries. approach and the Farm to Fork strategy.
• Improve coordination on food safety at
At technical level:
the national and regional levels between
• Strengthen Veterinary Services via capacity
competent authorities, such as veterinary,
building activities, with an emphasis on
public health, agricultural and environment
implementation of measures applicable at
institutes as well as other relevant stakeholders.
farm level and throughout different stages of
• Promote national, regional and local cross-
the food chain, in collaboration with national
sector collaboration of competent authorities
Food Safety Authorities, to decrease the risk of
responsible for animal health, food safety
unsafe food.
and public health in line with the One Health
• Facilitate behaviour change through
communication strategies and clear messages
• Support Veterinary Services in ensuring the
for each actor in the food chain.
responsible use of veterinary pharmaceutical
products such as antimicrobials.

Recommended WOAH sources for further information

One Health
Quadripartite One Health Joint Plan of Action (2022–2026)
Food Safety
Food Safety Fact Sheet
International Standards
Training Portal for the reinforcement of Veterinary Services worldwide
World Animal Health Information System (WAHIS and WAHIS Wild)
Performance of Veterinary Services (PVS) Pathway
Wildlife Health Framework

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Dr Chadia Wannous
One Health Senior Specialist and Global Coordinator

© WOAH, 2024. Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO.

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