PEC-Regulation 2023-B.E & N
PEC-Regulation 2023-B.E & N
PEC-Regulation 2023-B.E & N
Applicable for B.E/B.Tech Programmes from the Academic Year 2023 -2024
Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
2.1. Candidates seeking admission to the first semester of the eight semesters B.E. /
Degree Programme: Should have passed the Higher Secondary Examinations of
(10+2) Curriculum (Academic Stream) prescribed by the Government of Tamil Nadu
and AICTE or authority accepted by the Syndicate of Anna University as equivalent
thereto. They should also satisfy other eligibility rules as prescribed by the Anna
University and Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Tamil Nadu,
Chennai from time to time.
Should have passed the Higher Secondary Examination of Vocational stream
(Vocational groups in Engineering / Technology) as prescribed by the Government of
Tamil Nadu.
2.2. Lateral Entry Admission
The candidates who possess the Diploma in Engineering / Technology awarded by
the State Board of Technical Education, Tamilnadu or its equivalent are eligible to
apply for Lateral entry admission to the third semester of B.E. / B.Tech. in the branch
corresponding to the branch of study.
The candidates who possess the Degree in Science (B.Sc.) (10+2+3 stream) with
Mathematics as a subject at the B.Sc. Level are eligible to apply for Lateral entry
admission to the third semester of B.E. / B.Tech. Such candidates shall undergo two
additional Engineering subject(s) in the third and fourth semesters as prescribed by
the University.
The various B.E. / B.Tech. Programmes offered at the college are:
B.E - Computer Science and Engineering
B.Tech - Information Technology
B.Tech - Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
B.Tech - Computer Science and Business Systems.
B.Tech – Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
B.E - Electronics and Communication Engineering
B.E - Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Applicable for B.E/B.Tech Programmes from the Academic Year 2023 -2024
Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
4.1. Categorization of the Course
Every B.E. / B. Tech. programme will have a curriculum with syllabi consisting of
theory and practical courses that shall be categorized as follows:
i. Humanities and Social Sciences including Management Courses (HS)
courses include Technical English, Engineering Ethics and Human Values,
Communication skills, Environmental Science and Engineering and
ii. Basic Sciences (BS) courses include Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, etc.
iii. Engineering Sciences (ES) courses include Engineering practices, Engineering
Graphics, Basics of Electrical / Electronics / Civil/ Mechanical / Computer
Engineering etc.
iv. Professional Core (PC) courses include the core courses relevant to the chosen
specialization / branch.
v. Professional Elective (PE) courses include the verticals with elective courses
and elective courses relevant to the chosen specialization/ branch.
vi. Open Elective (OE) courses include the courses from Humanities and other
disciplines of Engineering and Technology. Students can choose these courses
from the list of Open Elective courses specified in the respective curriculum.
Students may also choose courses from other disciplines from Swayam/NPTEL
platform, including non-engineering courses.
vii. Employability Enhancement Courses (EEC) include Project Work and/or
Internship, Creative and Innovative Projects which include Core skill Design
projects, Seminar, Professional Practices, Case Study and Industrial / Practical
viii. Mandatory Courses (MC) includes courses related to social outreach, culture,
Indian Constitution, Value Education, Stress Management, heritage of Indian
society and induction programme. The mandatory course does not play a role in
the CGPA calculation.
4.2. Personality and Character Development
All students shall enroll, on admission, in any one of the personality and character
development programmes (NSS/NSO/YRC) and undergo training for about 80 hours
Applicable for B.E/B.Tech Programmes from the Academic Year 2023 -2024
Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
and attend a camp of about seven days. The training shall include classes on hygiene
and health awareness and also training in first-aid.
National Service Scheme (NSS) will have social service activities in and around the
College. The activities may include practical projects on recycling and reusing
biodegradable and dry waste etc.
National Sports Organization (NSO) will have sports, Games, Drills and Physical
Youth Red Cross (YRC) will have activities related to social services in and
around College/Institutions.
While the training activities will normally be during weekends, the camp will
normally be during vacation period.
Apart from the above, the students may enroll for Professional Societies / Physical
Education/ Yoga/ Clubs etc.
4.3. Mandatory Two Week Induction programme
The students are expected to undergo a mandatory two week induction programme
comprising of physical activity, creative arts, universal human values, proficiency
modules, lectures by eminent people, visits to local areas and familiarization to
department/branch immediately after admission. Students successfully completed the
induction programme shall be certified by the Head of the institution. For the studens
who were admitted later and who have not attended the Induction Program, the same
shall be conducted later.
4.4. Number of Courses per semester
Each semester curriculum shall normally have maximum of 7 Theory and Laboratory
integrated Theory courses and 5 Laboratory courses and Employability Enhancement
Course(s) put together. However, the total number of courses per semester shall not
exceed 11.
4.5. Credit Assignment
Each course is assigned with the credit as in Table 1:
Contact hours per week Credits
1 Lecture periods 1
1 Tutorial periods 1
2 Laboratory periods 1
2 Periods of EEC courses like seminar / project Work / Case Study 1
2 Week summer Internship/ Training / Industrial Training 1
Table 1: Credit Assignment
Applicable for B.E/B.Tech Programmes from the Academic Year 2023 -2024
Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
Applicable for B.E/B.Tech Programmes from the Academic Year 2023 -2024
Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
Applicable for B.E/B.Tech Programmes from the Academic Year 2023 -2024
Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
Applicable for B.E/B.Tech Programmes from the Academic Year 2023 -2024
Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
imparts instruction as per the number of periods specified in the syllabus and that the
teacher teaches the full content of the specified syllabus for the course being taught.
5.3. The Head of the Institution may conduct additional classes for improvement, special
coaching, conduct of model test etc., over and above the specified periods. The End
Semester examination will ordinarily follow immediately after the last working day
of the semester commencing from first semester as per the academic schedule
prescribed from time to time.
5.4. The total period for completion of the programme reckoned from the
commencement of the semester to which the student was admitted shall not exceed
the maximum period specified in clause 5.1 irrespective of the period of break of
study (Vide Clause 18) or prevention (vide Clause 7) in order that he/she may be
eligible for the award of the degree (vide clause 15).
6.1. Each student has to register for:
i. Courses of the current semester (including mandatory courses)
ii. Course(s) in which he/ she has failed and required to reappear for the end
semester examinations, carrying forward the continuous internal assessment
marks earned in the last attempt.
iii. Any other course(s) the student wishes to register as per norms (vide Clause 4.6,
4.8 and 4.10)
6.2. No Elective course shall be offered by a Department unless a minimum of 20
students register for that course, subject to the approval of Head of the Department.
6.3. After registering for a course, a student shall attend the classes, satisfy the
attendance requirements, earn Continuous Assessment marks and appear for the End
Semester Examinations.
6.3.1. Each student on admission shall register for all the courses prescribed in the
curriculum for the first semester of study.
6.3.2. The enrolment for the courses of the Semesters II to VIII will commence 5
working days prior to the commencement of the succeeding semester. The
student shall enroll for the courses with the guidance of the respective mentor.
If the student wishes, the student may drop or add courses (vide clause 6.5
within five working days after the commencement of the concerned semester
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Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
and complete the registration process duly authorized by the Head of the
6.3.3. After a student completes EIGHTH semester, if he/she has to complete ONE /
TWO course(s) (maximum 2 only) of any semester, he/she will be permitted to
appear for a supplementary examination (conducted within a month after the
announcement of eighth semester results) for those courses, carrying forward
continuous assessment marks of the last attempt, for fulfilling the
6.4. Registration for reappearance
6.4.1. If a student fails to secure a pass in any course(s) he/she has to register for
reappearance for those courses in a subsequent semesters, till he/she secures
a pass in such courses. In such a case he/she can carry forward the
continuous assessment marks earned in the last attempt and appear for end
semester exam.
6.4.2. If a student is prevented from writing end semester examination due to lack
of attendance, the student has to register for that course again, when offered
next, attend the classes and fulfill the attendance requirements as per
clause 7.
6.5. Flexibility to Add / Drop course
6.5.1. A student has to earn the total number of credits specified in the curriculum
of the respective Programme of study in order to be eligible to obtain the
degree. From the II to VII semesters, the student has the option of
registering for additional courses or dropping existing courses in a semester.
The total number of credits that a student can add or drop in a semester is
limited to 8, subject to a maximum of 2 courses. Maximum number of
credits enrolled in a semester (including Shortage of Attendance (SA),
Honours and Minor) shall not exceed 36. The online courses registered
shall be over and above 36 credits. However, he/she has to undergo these
dropped courses in the subsequent semester to fulfill the requirement of the
degree programme.
6.5.2. If the student wishes to earn more than the total number of credits
prescribed in the curriculum of the student’s programme within the
minimum duration of the programme, then he/she can enroll for such
additional courses in any programme with the permission of Head of the
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Applicable for B.E/B.Tech Programmes from the Academic Year 2023 -2024
Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
clause 7, secure Continuous Assessment marks and appear for the End
Semester Examinations.
6.7.3 If the course in which a student fails to secure a pass is a professional/open
elective course, then the student can opt for a different professional/ open
elective course, register for the same when it is offered, attend classes, fulfill
the attendance requirements as per clause 7, secure Continuous Assessment
marks and appear for End Semester Examinations.
6.7.4 A student who fails in Project work shall register for the course again, when
offered next, and redo the course. In this case, the student shall attend the
reviews and fulfill the attendance requirements as per clause 7.
6.7.5 student who fails in Seminar / Case Study and Creative and Innovative project,
where such other courses are evaluated through 100% continuous assessment,
shall register for the same in the subsequent semester and redo the course. In
this case, the student shall attend the classes and fulfill the attendance
requirements as per clause 7 and earn continuous assessment marks.
6.7.6 The student who fails in summer industrial training / internship shall attend the
training / internship again and redo the course with the same organization or
different organization with the approval of the Head of the Department.
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Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
submit the medical certificate / sports participation certificate attested by the Head of
the Institution. The same shall be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations for
record purposes.
7.4. A student shall normally be permitted to appear for the end semester examination of
the course if the student has satisfied the attendance requirements (vide Clause 7.2 –
7.3) and has registered for the examination in those courses of that semester by
paying the prescribed fee.
7.5. Candidates who secure less than 65% overall attendance and candidates who do
not satisfy the clause 7.2 and 7.3 shall not be permitted to write the University
examination at the end of the semester and not permitted to move to the next
semester. They are required to repeat the incomplete semester in the next academic
year, as per the norms prescribed.
7.6. In the case of reappearance (Arrear) registration for a course (the courses for which
redo is not required), the attendance requirement as mentioned in Clauses 7.1, 7.2
and 7.5 is not applicable. However, the student has to register for the examination in
that course by paying the prescribed fee.
7.7. A student who has already appeared for a course in a semester and passed the
examination is not entitled to reappear for the same course for improvement of letter
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Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
9.1. Every class will have a class committee constituted by the Head of the Department
concerned. The members of the class committee will include:
9.1.1. Chairperson (a senior faculty who is preferably not teaching any course for
the class)
9.1.2. All faculty handling courses for the class
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Applicable for B.E/B.Tech Programmes from the Academic Year 2023 -2024
Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
particulars of each student at the end of every such meeting to enable the students to
know their attendance details to satisfy the clause 7 of this Regulation. During these
meetings the student members representing the entire class, shall meaningfully
interact and express the opinions and suggestions of the other students of the class in
order to improve the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process.
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Applicable for B.E/B.Tech Programmes from the Academic Year 2023 -2024
Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
Applicable for B.E/B.Tech Programmes from the Academic Year 2023 -2024
Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
*The weighted average shall be converted into 60 marks for internal Assessment.
12.3. Theory Courses with Laboratory Component
If there is a theory course with laboratory component, there shall be two
assessments: the first assessment (maximum mark is 100) will be similar to
assessment of theory course and the second assessment (maximum mark is 100)
will be similar to assessment of laboratory course respectively. The weightage of
first assessment shall be 40 % and the second assessment is 60%.
Assessment I Assessment II
(40% weightage) (60% weightage)
(Theory Component) (Laboratory Component)
Evaluation of Internal
Assignment /
Written Laboratory Assessment
Case Study / Test
Test Observation,
Seminar /
Mini Project
40 60 75 25 200*
*The weighted average shall be converted into 50 marks for internal Assessment.
12.4. Mandatory Non-credit Courses
For every Mandatory Non-credit Course there will be two continuous assessments
carrying equal marks which include tests, assignments, seminars etc. The total
marks obtained in all two assessments put together shall be proportionately reduced
for 100 marks and rounded to the nearest integer.
12.5. Project Work
Project work may be allotted to a single student or to a group of students not
exceeding 4 per group.
The Head of the department shall constitute a review committee for project work.
There shall be three reviews during the semester by the review committee. The
student shall make presentation on the progress made by him / her before the
12.5.1. The project work shall be evaluated for a maximum of 100 marks, of which
continuous Assessments carry 60 marks and the End Semester Examination
(Project report evaluation and Viva- Voce Examination) carries 40 marks.
The project report shall be submitted as per the approved guidelines as
given by the controller of Examinations. The evaluation of the project
reports will carry 10 marks and the same mark shall be awarded to every
student within the project group for the project report. The viva-voce
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Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
examination shall carry 30 marks and marks are awarded to each student of
the project group based on the individual performance in the viva-voce
Continuous Assessment End Semester Examination
(60 marks) (40 marks)
Review Review
Review III Project Report Evaluation Viva-Voce
Supervisor External Internal External
10 20 30
10 10 10 10
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Applicable for B.E/B.Tech Programmes from the Academic Year 2023 -2024
Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
clause 4.10. The Head of the Department may identify a faculty member as
coordinator for the course, who is responsible for the evaluation process.
12.10. Attendance Record
Every teacher is required to maintain an 'ATTENDANCE AND ASSESSMENT
RECORD' which consists of attendance marked in each lecture or practical or
project work class, the test marks and the record of class work (topic covered),
separately for each course. This should be submitted to the Head of the department
periodically for checking the syllabus coverage and the records of test marks and
attendance. The Head of the department will verify and sign it with date after due
verification. At the end of the semester, the record should be verified by the Head
of the Institution who will keep this document in safe custody (for five years). The
records of attendance and assessment of both current and previous semesters
should be available for auditing.
12.11. Conduct of Academic Audit By The Department
Every department shall strive for a better performance of the students by
conducting the continuous assessments as mentioned in Clause 12 and that is
followed by the end semester examination, as the case may be.
The Head of the Department shall arrange to conduct the Academic Audit once in
every year for all the courses conducted in the respective semesters through
external expert(s) approved by the Principal.
In order to ensure the above, Academic Audit is to be done for every course
taught during the semester.
For the continuous assessments conducted for each course (as per details
provided in Clause 12), the academic records shall be maintained for the
activity based evaluation and assessment test question paper and answer script.
Report of industrial training / internship shall also be maintained, if applicable.
For laboratory courses the students’ record and course coordinator’s system of
evaluation shall be maintained. Further, the attendance of all students shall be
maintained as a record.
The Controller of Examinations shall facilitate the conduct of academic audit
process including the end semester examination question paper and answer
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Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
The academic audit shall include verification of all the academic records
pertaining to the Regulation in-force, the attendance and assessment record,
CO, PO attainment records, student’s and course coordinators feedback of the
courses, and the overall teaching-learning process based on Bloom’s taxonomy.
Action shall be taken by HOD based on audit report for continuous
improvement. Academic documents of UG degree programmes should be
available with the department for 5 years.
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A student is deemed to have passed and acquired the corresponding credits in a particular
course if he/she obtains any one of the following grades: “O”, “A+”, “A”, “B+”,“B”, “C”.
‘SA’ denotes shortage of attendance and hence prevented from writing the end semester
examinations. ‘SA’ will appear only in the result sheet.
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Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
“RA” denotes that the student has failed to pass in that course. “W” denotes withdrawal
from the exam for the particular course. The grades RA and W will figure both in the
Grade Sheet as well as in the Result Sheet. In both cases, the student has to appear for the
End Semester Examinations.
If the grade RA is given to Theory Courses/ Laboratory Courses it is not required to
satisfy the attendance requirements, but has to appear for the end semester examination
and fulfil the passing requirements to earn a pass in the respective courses.
If the grade RA is given to EEC (Employability Enhancement Course) (except Project
Work), which are evaluated only through internal assessment, the student shall register
for the course again in the subsequent semester, fulfill the passing requirements to earn
pass in the course. However, attendance requirement need not be satisfied.
For the students who complete the Mandatory Course satisfying attendance requirement,
the title of the Mandatory Course will be mentioned in the Grade Sheet as CS (Completed
Successfully). If the attendance requirement is not satisfied, it will not be shown in the
Grade Sheet.
The Completion of the Induction programme shall be printed in the Grade Sheet as CS
(Completed Successfully).
The grades O, A+, A, B+, B, C obtained in value added courses shall figure in the Grade
sheet under the title ‘Value Added Courses’. The other grades U, SA will not figure in the
grade sheet.
The GPA / CGPA is calculated as:
∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝐶𝑖 𝐺𝑃𝑖
∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝐶𝑖
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Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
(Hons) and B.E. / B.Tech. Minor, grades scored in the six additional courses shall be taken
into account for the computation of CGPA.
Credits earned under value added courses, shall not be considered for calculating the GPA
If a student successfully completes all the requirements of the programme and also meets
the requirements of B.E. / B. Tech. (Hons) or B.E. / B. Tech. Minor but desires not to opt
for the additional qualification, then he/she has to submit a declaration with regard to the
same within 30 days before the completion of semester VIII.
In the consolidated grade sheet the CGPA earned shall be converted into percentage of
marks as follows:
Percentage of Marks = CGPA X 10
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Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
Should have passed all the courses prescribed in the curriculum and additional
courses in the first attempt.
Should have earned a minimum CGPA of 7.50 taking into account of all the
courses prescribed in the curriculum and additional courses.
(iii)B.E /B.Tech Minor with specialization in another discipline
The Students should have satisfied as per clauses 15(i).
The student should have earned additionally a minimum of 18 Credits in any one
of the verticals offered from other Engineering Disciplines / Science and
Humanities / Management.
15.1 Students can earn maximum of 6 credits in online mode (SWAYAM platform), out
of these 18 credits as approved by Centre for Academic Courses.
15.2 B.E / B.Tech. (Hons.) and B.E./B.Tech. minor with specialisation in another
discipline will be optional for students and the students shall be permitted to select
any one of them only.
15.3 For B.E. / B.Tech (Honours), the students, including Lateral Entry, shall be permitted
to register for the courses from Semester V onwards provided the students have
earned a minimum CGPA of 7.50 until Semester III and have cleared all the courses
in the first attempt.
15.4 For B.E /B.Tech Minor with specialization in another discipline, the students,
including Lateral Entry, will be permitted to register the courses from Semester V
onwards provided the marks earned by the students until Semester III is CGPA 7.50
and above.
15.5 B.E/B.Tech. (Hons.) or B.E./ B.Tech. Minor shall be offered by the Department
irrespective of the number of students enrolled.
15.6 If a student decided not to opt for Honours, after completing certain number of
additional courses, the additional courses studied shall be considered instead of the
Professional Elective courses which are part of the curriculum. If the student has
studied more number of such courses than the number of Professional Elective
courses requires as per the curriculum, the courses with higher grades shall be
considered for the calculation of CGPA. Remaining courses shall be printed in the
mark sheet, however, they will not be considered for calculation of CGPA and the
same shall be indicated in a foot note appropriately. If the student has failed in the
additional courses or faced shortage of attendance, they will not be printed in the
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Panimalar Engineering College- Regulation 2023
grade sheet and will not be considered for CGPA calculation and classification of
15.7 If the student decides not to opt for minor, after completing certain number of
courses, the additional courses shall be considered instead of Open Elective courses
which are part of the curriculum. If the student has studied more number of such
courses then the number of open electives required as per the curriculum, the courses
with higher grades shall be considered for calculation of CGPA. Remaining course
shall be printed in the mark sheet, however, they will not be considered for
calculation of CGPA and the same shall be indicated in a foot note appropriately. If
the student has failed in the additional courses or faced shortage of attendance, they
will not be printed in the grade sheet and will not be considered for CGPA
calculation and classification of degree.
15.8 The student has to enroll for these additional courses separately and pay a tuition fee
for studying these six additional courses and pay additional exam fee.
15.9 Classification of Degree:
15.9.1 First Class with Distinction
A student who satisfies the following conditions shall be declared to have passed the
examination in First class with Distinction:
Should have passed the examination of all the courses of all the eight semesters
(Six Semesters for Lateral Entry) in the student’s first appearance within five
years (Four years for Lateral Entry), which includes authorized break of study of
one year. Withdrawal from examination (vide Clause 17) will not be considered
as an appearance.
Should have secured a CGPA of not less than 8.50.
Should not have been prevented from writing end semester examination in any of
the courses of the Curriculum making up the total credit requirement.
A student who satisfies norms given in clause 15(ii) and 15(iii) becomes eligible
for classification of the degree with B.E./B.Tech. (Hons) and B.E./B.Tech.
One Year authorize break of study included in the duration Permitted
Prevention due to Lack of attendance is not permitted.
Withdrawal from Writing will not be considered as an attempt.
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Applicable for B.E/B.Tech Programmes from the Academic Year 2023 -2024
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clauses 15(ii) and 15(ii) and who qualify for the award of the degree (vide Clause 15)
shall be declared to have passed the examination in Second Class.
Students who have earned additional 18 credits but does not satisfy 15(ii) shall not be
awarded B.E. / B.Tech (Honours). In such cases the mark sheet will show the
additional courses studied and those courses shall not be considered for CGPA
calculation. In such case if the student becomes eligible for First class, while
computing CGPA with the professional elective / Open Elective Courses with higher
grades, the student shall be awarded B.E. / B.Tech. in First Class only.
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Applicable for B.E/B.Tech Programmes from the Academic Year 2023 -2024
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19.1. Every student is required to observe disciplined and decorous behaviour both inside and
outside the college and not to indulge in any activity which will tend to bring down the
prestige of the College. The Head of Institution shall constitute a disciplinary committee
consisting of Head of Institution, Two Heads of Department of which one should be from
the faculty of the student, to enquire into acts of indiscipline and initiate necessary
19.2. If a student indulges in malpractice in any of the end semester / internal
examination he / she shall be liable for punitive action as prescribed by the
college from time to time.
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