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Journal Batch 8

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Kuncha Teja1, Penninti Jana Kumar2, D Srividhya3, A Pravallika4,
Mr. Omi Suresh5
1. B-Tech, Department of civil engineering, Dadi institute of engineering and technology, Anakapalli, India.
2. B-Tech, Department of civil engineering, Dadi institute of engineering and technology, Anakapalli, India.
3. B-Tech, Department of civil engineering, Dadi institute of engineering and technology, Anakapalli, India.
4. B-Tech, Department of civil engineering, Dadi institute of engineering and technology, Anakapalli, India.
5. Asst. Professor, M Tech (SENDM), (Ph. D), AMIE, C. Eng, Civil Department

World production mainly depends upon the water only in our daily basis or in construction field, and
moreover the quality of the construction project is very essential now a day. Periodically works are
carried out in place where there is scarcity of water is more in our country and the application of water
curing is not possible for a reason of economy. And here there is an advanced option to the concrete can
cure its self by adding some of the agents internally to the concrete; i.e. “poly ethylene glycol” 400 is
mainly used to reduce the self-desiccation and improve the mechanical characteristics and it retains the
internal water for proper hydration of cement in concrete as compared to conventional concrete. And
here using other material is fly ash is used to improve the strength when compared with conventional
In the self-curing concrete, the cement is partially replaced with the fly ash and PEG (400) the
optimum percentage is 15% and polyethylene glycol 400 chemical agents is mixed into the water in the
percentage of 2.5% Finally, the self-curing concrete cubes are compared with the conventional concrete
Keywords: self-curing, polyethylene glycol (400), fly ash, Internal curing.

1. Introduction internally to the concrete; i.e. “poly ethylene glycol

Concrete is material which is used in the 400” is mainly used to reduce the self-desiccation
construction process because of its flexibility in and improve the mechanical characteristics and it
its use, and it consist of mainly three components retains the internal water for proper hydration of
cement fine and coarse aggregate. Among these cement in concrete as compared to conventional
cement plays a very important role that is binding concrete.
material. In construction, concrete is the only 2. Project objectives
material which has the properties such as 1) By using Poly ethylene Glycol 400 improve the
Strength, Durability, and Resistant to Absorption. water content of mix concrete.
In the world the development and use of mineral 2) The polyethylene glycol (400) makes the
admixtures for cement replacement is vastly concrete internal curing without the use of external
growing in construction industries to achieve water to cure the concrete.
energy saving, economy environmental
protection, low consumption and by utilizing the 1. 3) By adding poly ethylene glycol and fly ash in
by-product that are available natural resource. different percentage we have to determine the
Mineral admixture generally used are Fly ash, rice compressive strength & tensile Strength of
husk ash, silica fumes polyethylene glycol 400 concrete.
etc. After the several theses conducted on the 2. 4) Determine the strength of normal concrete &
replacement of cement in concrete by these self-curing concrete & fly ash concrete & compare
mineral admixtures to develop the concrete with them.
required strength, durability and impermeability.
Here there is advanced option to the concrete can
consecutive test samples capacity of concrete to fulfill
cure its self by adding some of the agents the Column (2) of Table-
3. Methodology 4.3. Coarse aggregate:
Study on scholarly literature Crushed granite stone of 20mm size having specific
gravity of 2.70, fineness modulus of 2.9, confirming
to I.S. 383-1970.
Selection of materials (Fly ash, polyethylene glycol 4.4. Polyethylene glycol (400):
(400)) Polythene glycol could be a condensation chemical
compound of ethene chemical compound and water
with the overall formula H (OCH2 CH2) n
Collection of materials (cement, fine Aggregate, American state, wherever n is that the average
coarse Aggregate) variety of continuation of ethylene teams usually
from four to concerning one hundred eighty. It
seems to be water soluble. It’s nontoxic and
Tests of materials (Cement, Fine and Coarse inodorous.
Aggregate) 4.5. Fly ash:
Fly ash is a byproduct of coal combustion,
composed of fine particles rich in silica, alumina,
Casting of concrete cubes (150*150*150mm cube and calcium oxide. It is used in concrete to enhance
moulds) strength, durability, and resistance to various
chemical attacks.
4.6. Compressive Strength Test:
Results and Discussions In this study, a total number of 54 cubes for the
control and cement replacement of fly ash levels of
5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% & 30% were produced
respectively and after testing of fly ash specimen
4. Materials
and for the optimum value we are adding of
4.1. Cement:
chemical ad mixture of polyethylene glycol 400 to a
Ordinary Portland cement is used to prepare specimen of a total number of 45 cubes were cast
the mix design of M-30 grade. The cement is for various levels of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% & 2.5%
used fresh and without any lumps Water – respectively. For the compressive strength, 150mm
cement ratio is 0.45 for this mix design using x 150mm x 150mm cubes would were used to cast
IS 456:2007. Cement is an extremely ground the cubes and 3 specimens were tested for each age
material having adhesive and in a particular mix (i.e. the cubes were crushed at
cohesive properties which provide a binding 7,14 and 28 days). All freshly cast specimens were
medium for the discrete ingredients. left in the moulds for 24 hours before being de-
Table -1: Chemical Composition of Cement molded and then submerged in water for curing until
Chemical Composition Values the time of testing.
Percentage 5. Constituents of mix:
Lime 60-to 67
TABLE-1:- Casting of cubes by replacing
Silica 17 to 25
cement with varying of Fly ash in different
Alumina 3 to 8 percentage.
Iron oxide 0.5 to 6
Magnesia 0.1 to 6
Sulphur trioxide 1 to 3
Soda & Potash 0 0.5 to 3
4.2. Fine aggregate:
Natural river sand of maximum size of 4.75mm
was used Locally available sand zone-II with
specific gravity 2.65, water absorption 2% and
fineness modulus 2.6, confirming to I.S. 383-1970.
TABLE-1:-Compressive Strength test results for
replaced cement with varrying Fly ash in 7, 14, 28

TABLE-2:- Casting of cubes by adding varying of

PEG 400 in different percentages.

6.1.1) The results of the compressive strength at 7,

14 and 28 days are presented in graphical form.

6) Results and discussion:

6.1. Compressive strength test: Compressive
Strength Test: A minimum of nine cubes are casted
in each batch mix for determining compressive
strength. Tests are performed at the age of 7, 14 & Graph 1:- Compressive2 Strength of Conventionala
28 days of the specimens. Specimens are placed in concrete cubes in N/mm.
the test machine as per IS: 516-1959 clause no
5.5.1 page no 11, also loading is applied on the
specimen as per the same IS code.
Graph 4:- Compressive Strength of Cement
7 Days Tests replaced by percentages of fly ash concrete
Compressive strength in

cubes in N/mm2 for 28 days test results.
20 TABLE-2:- Compressive Strength test results

15 for PEG 400 in 7, 14,28 days.

30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5%

Percentage varying of Fly Ash

Graph 2: - Compressive Strength of Cement
replaced by percentages of fly ash concrete
cubes in N/mm2for 7 days test results.

7 Days Tests

Graph 3: - Compressive Strength of Cement 0

3% 2% 1% 1% 1%
replaced by percentages of fly ash concrete
cubes in N/mm2 for 14 days test results. Percentages of PEG(400)

Graph 5: - Compressive Strength of

percentages is varying for PEG 400 concrete
cubes in N/mm2 for 7 days test results.

28 Days Tests
Compressive strength

in N/mm2

30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5%

Percentage varying of Fly Ash

concrete with PEG 400 and is economical and
14 Days Test
Compressive strength

recommended for sustainable environment.

28 References: -
in N/mm2

26 1. Dr. U. Venkata Rathnam1 et.al., (2022)

24 Influence of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) And
22 Fly ash On Compressive Characteristics
20 Strength of Concrete.
3% 2% 1% 1% 1% 2. Parkas Mandiwal1 et.al., (2018) Use of
Polyethylene Glycol as Self Curing Agent in
Self Curing Concrete -An Experimental
Percentages of PEG(400) Approach
3. M V Jagannadha Kumar et.al., (2018)
Development of self-curing concrete using
Graph 6: - Compressive Strength of
polyethylene glycol as internal curing agent.
percentages is varying for PEG 400 concrete
4. Zameer K1, Karthik N M2 et.al., (2018) study
cubes in N/mm2 for 14 days test results.
on strength characteristics of self-curing
concrete incorporated with fly ash.
5. D. Annapurna and N. Venkata Ramana et.al.,
(2014) Mechanical Properties of Self Curing
Concrete Using Polyethylene Glycol and Fly
Ash as Partial Replacement for Cement.

28 Days Tests
Compressive strength

in N/MM2

Graph 257:- Compressive Strength for
24 varrying for PEG 400 concrete
cubes in N/mm 3%2 for 28
2% days1% 1%
test results. 1%
6. Conclusion:
Percentage varying of PEG(400)
1. The workability was increased with the
increase in PEG dosage in plain and fly ash
replaced concrete.
2. The compressive strength and split tensile
strength of concrete for M30 grade was found to
be optimum at 15% of fly ash replacement by
the weight of cement and for M30 concrete with
fly ash and peg 400 it was optimum at 1.5%
PEG dosage. It is observed that 15% of fly ash
replacement and 1.5% peg 400 are economical
and durable as the compressive strength
observed is higher target strength for both M30
concretes at 15% fly ash and 1.5% PEG
3. Considering the cost of curing, and
replacement of fly ash up to 15% will meet the
additional cost incurred for self-curing of

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