Sybca Os Question Bank

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Question Bank

Q. 2 marks questions
What is the Race condition ?
What is meant by Waiting Time ?
What is meant by multiprocessing system ?
What is Context switch ?
What is meant by Address Binding ?
What do you mean by Seek Time in Disk Scheduling ?
Define the term Operating System.
What is meant by Deadlock ?
Define the term Dispatcher.

 List various operations on files

 Define the term operating system.
 What is meant by multiprocessing system?
 What is process?
 Which scheduler controls the degree of Multiprogramming?
 Define Burst Time.
 What is semaphores?
 What do you mean by Rollback?
 What is meant by Address Binding?
 List various operation on File.
 What do you mean by Seek Time in Disk Scheduling?
o Define Dispatch Latency Time.

o Round Robin algorithm is non-preemptive. Comment.

o Define request and claim edge.

o What is demand paging ?

o List any four attributes of files.

o Define critical section problem and list its solutions.

o What is the role of MAX and NEED array used in Banker’s


o Which scheduler controls the degree of multiprogramming ? How

o Wait for graph is used for deadlock avoidance in the system.
 True/False. Justify

Q. 4 marks question
1.List and explain services provided by operating system.
2.Explain Resource Allocation Graph in detail.

3.What is Fragmentation ? Compare Internal and External

4.Write a short note on File Directories.
5.Explain Process Control Block (PCB) in detail with the
help of diagram.
6.What is CPU Schedular ? State the criteria of CPU
7.Describe in detail the ‘Dinning Philosopher Problem’
synchro- nization problem.
8.Explain Indexed Allocation briefly.
9.What do you mean by Paging ? List the advantages and
disadvantages of Paging.

10.Describe process state with suitable diagram.

11.Explain medium term scheduler in detail.

12.Define the terms :

(i) Logical Address

(ii) Physical Address.

13.List and explain necessary conditions for Deadlock

14.What are the differences between Preemptive and Non-

preemptive Scheduling ?

15.What is meant by free space management ? Define Bit

vector and Grouping.

16.Describe the application of I/O Interfaces in detail.

17.List and explain advantages of Multiprocessor system.

18.List & explain any 2 deadlock handling techniques in detail?
19.Explain different method for recovery from a deadlock.
20.What is Fragmentation? Explain types of fragmentation in details.

21.List and explain system calls related to Process and Job control.
22.Explain multilevel Feedback queue Algorithm.
23.Describe in detail the 'producer –consumer ' Synchronization
24.Write a note on interrupts.

25.Explain Resource Allocation Graph in detail.

26.Write a note on file protection.

27.What is a page fault ? Explain the different steps in
handling a page fault.
28.Explain client-server system in detail.
29.Explain various types of system program

30.Write short note on solution for critical section problem.

31.Write a short note on Medium-term schedular.
32.Explain Indexed Allocation briefly.
33.Write the steps to calculate the physical address by
operating system. Explain with example.
33.Explain process Control Block with a diagram.
34.Explain Reader’s writer’s problems.
35.Write a note on interrupts.
36.List and explain four criteria for computing various
scheduling algorithms.
37.Explain semaphores and its types in detail.
38.Write a short note on medium-term scheduler.
39.What is DMA ? When is it used ?
40.Explain advantages and disadvantages of Linked Allocation
41.Explain WAIT and SIGNAL semaphore operations.
42.List and explain necessary conditions for deadlock.
43.List two types of multiprocessor. Explain both in detail
44.Explain the process of CPU-I/O burst cycle with neat
45. Explain first fit, best fit, worst fit, next fit algorithm.

1.. Calculate average turn around time and average waiting

time for all set of processes using Non-preemptive SJF
Draw Gantt chart :
Process Burst Time Arrival Time
P 5 0
P 4 2
P 2 1
P 9 3

2.Consider the following page reference

string : 5, 4, 3, 2, 5, 4, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 6
The number of frame is 3. Show page trace and calculate
page fault for the following page replacement schemes :
(i) Optimal.
(b) Assume there are total 0 – 199 tracks that are present on
each surface of the disk. If request queue is :
84, 145, 89, 168, 93, 128, 100, 68
and initial position of the head is 125. Apply SCAN disk scheduling
algorithm and calculate total head movement.

(c) Consider the five processes P0, P1, P2, P3, P4 and three
resources A, B, C :
Allocation MAX Available
P0 0 3 2 6 5 4 3 4 4
P1 1 2 0 4 4 4
P2 0 0 0 0 0 1
P3 3 3 2 3 9 3
P4 1 4 3 2 5 3
Answer the following questions using Banker’s Algorithm :
(i) What is the contents of need matrix ?
(ii) Is the system in a safe state ? Find the safe sequence.

d..Consider the following set of processes :

Processes CPU Burst Time Arrival Time
(in milliseconds)
P1 28 3
P2 7 1
P3 9 2
Calculate the Average Waiting Time and Average Turn-around
Time by using Round Robin CPU Scheduling Algorithm.
(The time quantum is of 5 milliseconds)

(b) Assume there are total 200 tracks present on each surface

of the disk, if request queue is 57, 60, 41, 20, 92, 162, 152,

40, 186.

Initial position of head is at 99 track. Apply FCFS disk scheduling

Algorithm and calculate total head movement ?

(c) Consider the following page reference string :

9, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5, 2, 6, 4, 5, 2, 5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3, 9, 2, 3

The number of frames are 4. Calculate the page faults for

the following page replacement schemes :

(i) FIFO

(ii) Optimal.

(e) Consider the following snapshot of system :

Allocation MAX Available


P0 010 753 332

P1 200 322
P2 302 902

P3 211 222

P4 002 433
Is the system safe ? Justify.

If yes, give safe sequence.

Calculate average turn around time and average waiting time for
all set of processes using FCFS algorithm

Processe Burst Arrival

s Time Time
P1 5 1
P2 6 0
P3 2 2
P4 4 0

a) Consider the following page reference

string: 4, 6, 7, 8, 4, 6, 9, 6, 7, 8, 4, 6, 7, 9.
The number of Frames is 3. Show page trace and calculate page Fault for
the following page replacement schemes.
i) FIFO ii) LRU

Q. Assume there are total 0-199 tracks that are present on each surface of the
disk. If request queue is 68, 172, 4, 178, 130, 40, 118 and 136 initial position of
the head is 25. Apply FCFS disk scheduling

Consider the following page reference string:

The number of Frames is 3. Show page trace and calculate page Fault for
the following page replacement schemes.

Calculate average turn around time and average waiting time

for all set of processes using preemptive SJF algorithm.
Draw Gantt chart :
Process Burst Time Arrival Time
P1 5 0
P2 4 2
P3 2 1

P4 9 3

. Assume a system has 3 processes and 4 resources with 1, 2, 1, 4 instances

of each resource respectively :

Process P0 holds 1 instance of R1

Process P1 holds 1 instance of R0 and R1

Process P1 requests for 1 instance of R2

Process P2 holds 1 instance of R1

Check if deadlock is present.

46. Let the reference string is :

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Use LRU algorithm to find the number of page faults :

(1) when there are 3 frames.

when there are 4 frames.

a) Consider a reference string 3,2,1,0,3,2,4,3,2,1,0,4 No. of

frames = 3. Find out the number of page faults using
i) LRU ii) OPT.
[5803]- 3
algorithm & calculate total head Movement

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