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1. 2,6,5,9,8,12,--,-- (a) 13, 17 (b) 11, 15 (c) 21, 25 (d) 15, 10 (e) 20, 24
2. 5,2,5,4,5,16,--,-- (a) 5, 256 (b) 255, 5 (c) 25, 300 (d) 300, 25 (e) 15, 275
3. OCFEFE name of a drink. Write the last letter. (a) C (b) F (c) E (d) G
4. 48,45,40,33,24,--,-- (a) 12, 0 (b) 11, 0 (c) 15, 0 (d) 13, 0 (e) 14, 0
5. 5,8,16,19,38,41,--,-- (a) 85, 82 (b) 82, 85 (c) 80, 86 (d) 81, 80 (e) 85, 88
6. 87,73,61,51,--,-- (a) 36, 43 (b) 37, 43 (c) 37, 42 (d) 37, 40 (e) 43, 37
7. ENTORKOAN name of a district. Write the last letter. (a) A (b) E (c) O (d) N (e) T
8. ENTOUG name of an organ. Write the last letter. (a) G (b) N (c) E (d)I (e) U
9. 3,7,14,18,36,40,--,-- (a) 84, 80 (b) 82, 80 (c) 84, 38 (d) 80, 84 (e) 80, 83
10. a)iron b)brass c)copper d)tin. Find the odd.
11. a)zuhor b)asor c)betar d)magrib. Find the odd.
12. a)Socrates b)Tagore c)Hitler d)Tolstoy. Find the odd.
13. 1,4,12,15,45,48,--,-- (a) 141, 144 (b) 144, 147 (c) 146, 144 (d) 143, 145 (e) 144, 141
14. 2,5,9,14,20,27,--,-- (a) 35, 44 (b) 45, 35 (c) 44, 35 (d) 42, 37 (e) 41, 36
15. 5,20,6,24,7,28,--,-- (a) 7, 32 (b) 8, 32 (c) 9, 32 (d) 8, 34 (e) 10, 32
16. 44,35,27,20,14,--,-- (a) 4, 5 (b) 9, 4 (c) 8, 5 (d) 8, 5 (e) 9, 5
17. build is to break as tight is to -- (a) Lose (b) Loose (c) Hard (d) Soft
18. NAMSBHIAAKPTA part of a India. write the last letter. (a) A (b) P (c) M (d) N
19. finger is to ring as ear is to -- (a) Sound (b) Wake (c) Earring (d) Deaf
20. hero is to heroine as villain is to -- (a) Villain (b) Actor (c) Vamp (d) Villains
21. shine is to sun as rain is to -- (a) Moon (b) Sky (c) Water (d) Cloud
22. BALL = SORT, FINE =? (a)WWTM (b)WTWM (c)WMTW (d)WWE
23. SKY = CRY, FAT =? (a)PTH (b)PHT (c)TPH (d)PKH
24. BTV = NTP, YPZ =? (a)TPK (b)KTP (c)KPT (d)KOT
25. what is the opposite word of antonym. (a) Antic (b) Antonymous (c) Anatomy (d) Synonym
26. ILD = DWV, GNH =? (a)BYT (b)BYR (c)BYZ (d)BZY
27. PLH = XPT, ZVR =? (a)HDZ (b)HTY (c)GTY (d)JIU (e) HZD
28. OERAPELNA name of a transport. Write the last letter. (a) O (b) E (c) N (d) A (e) L
29. WOELRF found in the garden. Write the last letter. (a) W (b) O (c) E (d) L (e) R
30. DUABLLAH name of a person. Write the last letter. (a) D (b) U (c) A (d) B (e) H
31. NPO = PRS, HJT =? (a)LJX (b)LXJ (c)LOH (d)LOP (e) JLX
32. ORKAE name of a country. Write the last letter. (a) O (b) R (c) K (d) A (e) E
33. ITVEMUN name of a country. Write the last letter.(a) I (b) T (c) V (d) E (e) M
34. air force is to navy as air man is to - (a) Navy man (b) Water Man (c) Sea Man (d) Boat Man
35. pencil is to drawing as brush is - (a) Washing (b) Cleaning (c)Drawing (d) Sweeping (e)
36. JKI = OPN, BCA =? (a)GHT (b)GHF (c)GHO (d)GHI
37. cat is to fur as sheep is to -- (a) Far (b) Cotton (c) Thread (d) Feather (e) Wool
38. a garden always has (a)roses (b)land (c)fence (d)guard

39. a man is known by the company he keeps.(a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F.
40. he upon new a idea hits. Write down the last word. (a) Idea (b) New (c) Hits
41. usually the children takes after the parents(a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F
42. deficiency of vitamin C causes - (a)scurvy (b)beriberi (c)cancer (d)aids
43. who was the hero of American war of independence. (a) Russell (b) Washington (c) William (d) Clinton
44. olive branch is sign of - (a)war (b)peace (c)defeat (d)none
45. scientist is to laboratory as doctor is to - (a) Clinic (b) Hospital (c) Nursing (d) None
46. a)hut b)house c)office d)bungalow, find the odd one
47. if you spend carelessly, you will run into debt.(a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F
48. you must keep your word at any cost. (a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F
49. a silver mouth is in spoon with he was born. (a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F
50. dogs seldom bites barking. (a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F

51. brave deeds are done by brave people. (a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F
52. books are a great treasure of knowledge. (a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F
53. man cannot live without food. (a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F
54. invention mother of the is necessity. (a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F
55. systems down broke on account heavy of rains telegram. Write last word. (a) Rains (b) Account (c) Telegram
56. lamp a wonder is science of invention electric. (a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F
57. teaching is the noblest of all profession. (a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F
58. there is the scarcity of scientist in Bangladesh. (a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F
59. turned leaf over a new in has he life. Write the last word. (a) Life (b) Leaf (c) Turned
60. the backbone of Bangladesh economy is agriculture. (a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F
61. prison is to human as cage is to -- (a) Beast (b) Thief (c) Bird (d) Cat
62. major is to lieutenant as sqn. leader is to –(a) Captain (b) Pilot Officer (c) Flying Officer (d) Colonel
63. reward is to hero as – is to traitor. (a) Hate (b) Lone (c) Punishment (d) Hit
64. sheep is to flock as – is to swarm. (a) Bird (b) Cow (c) Beast (d) Tiger (e) Bee
65. PODEKRCEWO name of a bird. Write the last letter. (a) P (b) O (c) D (d) E (e) R
66. if “boy” is coded 539 “girl” coded 8627 what “glory” code? (a) 78329 (b) 83729 (c) 87329
67. if IQRG means HOPE then what mean OKNM? (a) MILM (b) NILK (c) NILL (d) LINK
68. if may is to 5 so November is to -- (a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 9 (d) 11 (e) 7
69. car is to driver as aero plane is to -- (a) Captain (b) Airman (c) Sky man (d) Pilot (e) Super
70. gold is to ornament as wood is to -- (a) Book (b) Almirah (c) Furniture (d) Desk
71. CEB = PRO, BDA =? (a)OQM (b)OQN (c)OQH (d)OQG
72. 96(16)12, 88(16)11, 91(?)13. (a)13 (b)16 (c)14 (d)15
73. 2(10)4, 3(17)5, 3(?)6. (a)50 (b)40 (c)30 (d)20
74. 7(28)8, 6(18)6, 8(8)? (a)2 (b)1 (c)3 (d)5
75. 4+3=10, 5+4=13, 6+5=? (a)15 (b)16 (c)14 (d)12
76. 8+3=7, 6+1=4, 4+6=? (a)6 (b)8 (c)2 (d)7
77. tale is to tail as bale is to -- (a) Bali (b) Bail (c) Bile (d) Belle
78. shift is to rhaft as rhift is to -- (a) Shaft (b) Shift (c)Rihift (d) Rheft (e) Stiff

80. light is to shade as sharp is to -- (a) Blunt (b) Clear (c) Keen (d) Risky
81. a)pen b)pencil c)ink d)goggles. Find the odd.
82. a)rose b)dahlia c)phlox d)daisy. Find the odd.
83. 1,4,9,16,25,36,49,--,-- (a) 10, 41 (b) 81, 64 (c) 64, 81 (d) 121, 100 (e) 8, 100

84. a)deer b)crow c)pigeon d)parrot. Find the odd.

85. a)water b)oil c)gas d)juice. Find the odd.
86. a)dog b)horse c)man d)tiger. Find the odd.
87. a)book b)chair c)stool d)bench. Find the odd.
88. a)man b)woman c)husband d)father. Find the odd.
89. a)tooth b)leg c)arm d)thigh. Find the odd.
90. a)boots b)stocking c)frock d)coat. Find the odd
91. RETOOCS name of a vehicle. Write the last letter. (a) R (b) E (c) O (d) S (e) T
92. LOVITE name of a color. Write the last letter. (a) V (b) l (c) E (d) T (e) O
93. RACOTR name of a vegetable. Write the last letter. (a) R (b) A (c) O (d) T (e) C
94. APSVE s a vehicle. Write the last letter. (a) A (b) P (c) S (d) E (e) A
95. HCIAR name of a furniture. Write the last letter. (a) R (b) S (c) T (d) P (e) G
96. stitch saves in time a nine. (a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F
97. the evil must be nipped in bud. (a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F
98. hard work success the of is secret. (a) T (b) F (c) None (d) Either T or F
99. meat is vegetarian and liquor is to (a)teatoller (b)tea (c)drunkard.
100.EBARZ name of an animal. Write the last letter. (a) E (b) B (c) A (d) Z


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