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dccire n / IIlScrl ticbc,c1 traffr, 44 2020


Roll No.

[Time for marking Answers of all 100 Questions: 2.00 Hours]

Pit 100 T49.1. \31-N c T\99i : 2.00 Y-lu
[Total No. of Printed Pages: 32
[Maximum Marks: 100]
[3iftwmi3T 5 : 100]

Important Instructions:-
1. This question booklet contains 100 questions numbered from 1 to 100 and each question
carries 1 mark. There is no negative marking.
2. Before answering the questions please read carefully the instructions printed on the back
cover page of the question booklet and strictly follow them.
3. Use of any type of calculator, mobile or any other electronic equipment and log table etc.
is strictly prohibited.
4. Candidates are permitted to carry away the question booklet with them after the

fUti -ft-4-tz :-
1. *fl A — rf 100 T49 51)914) 1 tr ioo cict, t 74 ;FT)-T 11-v 31-T ct)T t I t4 ltullc41(t)
H(4)-1 I

2. w•-i--ti7 60{ ct), 4 Lt uz3fit7 fk-4711 UrT9t& trff 74

\3•-tcpt cH6 -`"rf'- 7
3. 1:--01 41 1;TwR5r ck,1cOt "3:1tOTO th-19 Zrr f+71't CIM-R 3T-qT *e)civict, .34(fro-ii 74 eiTh
t-4c T 39T cm-FI *
4. rtaTr \31.-c-r 1*TO 37[4 Trr4 3T-11:rf #

1171-4ff TITa17 :-

SET-B Page 1 of 32 9C/DPS/20-2

Space for Rough Work Nt-t) WF4 f -4 ‘3-1416

SET-B Page 2 of 32 9C/DPS/20-2

1. 'TP-TpiaThTd-9-r 3TO t—



(B) gjdtft

(C) 5-5

SET-B Page 3 of 9C/DPS/20-2

5. ..q). 4 idmtr crrmi 3i4 co 6a # —

(A) IiiRcico


(C) cp

(D) • 310

6. "311.1174R' 4 \39.941 * —

(A) 31q

(B) 31-Ni

(C) 3TRI

(D) 31

7. '3TThif tiq 41(11 *—

(A) ,<‘r141-cpZ

(B) eiYui

(C) 4 1 C4


SET-B Page 4 of 32 9C/DPS/20-2

8. itIF 1-110 TrWr #ff s tifdtr 4 31--d'WR —

(A) 31-11;FRi

(B) q9co

(C) \34 411

(D) t)LIct)

9. 1*-r # 71T9-0 1.54t —

(A) 3TFT—uivii

(B) c14-1_q,

(C) Tfi—S-E1


(D) 3T:1

SET-B Page 5 of 32 9C/DPS/20-2

12. '37' col 'A LI t —


(B) fT

(C) N-PrzT

(D) titzT

tr f+-Ti l t?

(A) trRli ±

(B) 1-1,0-11 + 3TTMT

(C) + 3Tro1r

(D) TRTIT + c11-11

15. .317FT 7 64 Zr Tret t —

(A) ttiT<I41

(B) tiff


(D) ~CFr

SET-B Page 6 of 32 9C1DPS/20-2

16. The correct passive voice of 'We cannot repair this lock.' is

(A) We don't know how to repair this lock.

(B) Nobody can repair this lock.

(C) Your lock can be repaired.

(D) Your lock can't be repaired.

17. The antonym of 'despair' is -

(A) repair

(B) hope

(C) undespair

(D) dispair

18. The meaning of the phrase "Take French leave" is-

(A) Go to France

(B) Take somebody to France

(C) Take leave

(D) Leave without permission

19. The sound made by a Lion is-

(A) trumpeting

(B) howling

(C) roaring

(D) squeaking

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20. I prefer milk ... tea.

(A) to

(B) than

(C) from

(D) of

21. No News Good News.

(A) is

(B) are

(C) am

(D) None

22. Feminine gender of the word 'Gander' is

(A) Gosling

(B) Gandress

(C) Ganders

(D) Goose

23. Have you the

(A) scene, seen

(B) sin, seen

(C) seen, scene

(D) scene, sin

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24. The plural of the word 'formula' is —

(A) formulae

(B) formulee

(C) formula's

(D) formulas

25. Similar meaning of the word 'preserve' is

(A) conserve

(B) meek

(C) impede

(D) protect

26. Whose .these cattle?

(A) is

(B) are

(C) am

(D) None

27. "Give vent to" means-

(A) Go somewhere

(B) Express

(C) Went somewhere

(D) None

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28. The river flows .the bridge.

(A) on

(B) above

(C) to

(D) under

29. is the silent letter in 'honest'.

(A) n

(B) h

(C) t

(D) s

30. The opposite gender for 'fox' is -

(A) colt

(B) filly

(C) mare

(D) vixen

SET-B Page 10 of 32 9C/DPS/20-2

31. Plants are the main air purifiers because 31. vgjui T?j 71)zTEF 6 f \3-I 6 cll
they show-
(A) Transpiration (A) um muil

(B) Respiration (B)

(C) Photosynthesis
(C) .)Ri tR qui
(D) Wilting

32. Normally rain water is slightly - 32. \914-11-z4cf: ua1 wi etlt tI

(A) Pure (A) ..k5

(B) Acidic (B) 31-gtzr

(C) Toxic (C) 7-6terr

(D) Oxidized
(D) 3rWitr

33. Bhopal gas tragedy occurred due to which 33. ItcrrF coNui
chemical? Or?
(B) CO (B) CO
(C) CO2 (C) CO2
(D) NH3 (D) NH3

34. The layer of earth on which living beings 34. 712̀41. tr4 \-1 IN ‘3ncl .<6 c176eila
live is called-
(A) Lithosphere (A) R Q1

(B) Hydrosphere
(B) vie11-1uSel
(C) Atmosphere
(C) clITIu5ef
(D) Biosphere
(D) 11-1u5r1

SET-B Page 11 of 32 9C/DPS/20-2

35. From which of the following do we get # fk3T34- 3itrA. vi-Nitv-ii 34
information regarding the population of 3ferff Wig &et t?
our country? (A) fkaT-41.
(A) Text-books
(B) \Li
(B) Survey
(C) Census
(D) Geological Survey

36. The gas which is responsible for depletion 36, cliTiuso ftP-Tff 3*-
of Ozone layer in the upper atmosphere
aWlir otro) qiell 4*f t—
(A) Chlorofloro Carbon (A) creil,<14.01,<1 wrti

(B) Photochemical Oxidants (B) cMct)ef 311-4#14-cii

(C) SO2 (C) SO2

(D) 02 (D) 02

37, The percentage of Nitrogen in the 37, cuT-iuo TioTiRtzff 141z1 I

atmosphere is - t—
(A) 21% (A) 21%

(B) 78% (B) 78%

(C) 26% (C) 26%

(D) 75% (D) 75%

38. Blue revolution is related with - 38. m-tft 3t4Rff —

(A) Fruit Production (A) 4) eel ci

(B) Fish Production (B) ?it 4) tf

(C) Mustard Production (C) \LP<

(D) Milk Production
(D) -sTET

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39. Biggest National Park of India is..... 39. ITTM45T tiel4 43T

(A) Manas (A) hi-it

(B) Hemis (B) WM.

(C) Kanha-Kisli
(C) oi•zr--itTr-
(D) Jim Corbett

40. Biodiversity Hot spot is - 40. 44-redtTffr t—

(A) Sea (A) •tiv

(B) Glacier (B) 4e)Rizi,(

(C) River (C) .ffr4-41

(D) Forest (D) wirf

41. All food chains start with and end 41. Tilft faisf lurat 31 arrt4T tw3. Idtifeci
with decay. 1/441a *1
(A) Environment (A) cNui

(B) Organisms (B)

(C) Photosynthesis
(C) MT4T tic)tful
(D) Fungi
(D) cocico

42. "World Environment Protection Day" is 42. 1'04 cHui *mu' ft-4-fr' 11-11i41
celebrated on vital t I

(A) 5 June (A) 5

(B) 24 March (B) 24 174

(C) 26 November
(C) 26 icv*<
(D) None of these
(D) 161

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43. When was 'Tiger Project' launched in 43. 111 T 4 cii,k`
gi-4-ez g3Te

India? (A) 1973

(A) 1973
(B) 1974
(B) 1974
(C) 1975
(C) 1975

(D) 1976 (D) 1976

44. Which of the following movement was 44. fir c01-1 Trr 74 titdcHui

carried out for the conservation of forest ttaTur fqf i Trzn- et?

and environment? (A) E 3T .1

(A) Forest Movement

(B) ipli 7rm
(B) Ganga Action Plan
(C) tl 6 3JT-
(C) Tehri Andolan
(D) fit 3rt--4Y-
(D) Chipko Andolan

45. Which of the following are the largest 45. ftPt t tft4w ui *01 "IT

contributors to global pollution? q 41411cDo t —

(A) Soil Pollution (A) IFT mvuf

(B) Industrial Pollution (B) atIthiim KEpir

(C) Radioactive Pollution (C) tit-6A vvrrr

(D) 977
(D) Water Pollution

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46. Which of the following is different from 46. f=--tiNc—i# 31-67 4)11 3it

(A) titt

(A) Prithvi
(B) 31
(B) Agni
(C) Nag
(D) Jaguar

47. Which hills of Madhya Pradesh is known 47. 7itzfirbT 'er cl.i tIMTr'4111 "Trda-
11. fit

as 'Queen of Satpuras'? W-41- i ti t \Twit t?

(A) Amarkantak (A) 31+-Ncocq)

(B) Bhimbetka (B)

(C) Panchmari
(C) trxr-41(
(D) Malwa
(D) iimcn

48. Which game is related to penalty corner? 48. '4ffrer mI- f5T Tt-OT f l i lei t?

(A) Badminton (A) l.5 u•-t

(B) Football (B) Iteeitei

(C) Hockey
(C) 614
(D) Polo

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49. Who wrote "Godan"? 49. 4 1)411. 1

(A) Premchand (A) tiTT-


(B) Mahadevi Varma (B) ITU-kt 414

(C) Ram Kumar

(C) 771 cgiiH

(D) Maithili Sharan Gupt

(D) tleTtwar

50. 'Captain Roopsingh Stadium' is 50. "cf)Lcri 1*-m-

situated at -
(A) Mumbai

(B) Gwalior (B) 4 CiAtp‹

(C) Bhopal (C)

(D) Chennai (D)

51. How many Rajya Sabha Seats are there in 51. Tiauk4T 4 ft-d4 39FT t?

M.P.? (A) 230

(A) 230 (B) 29

(B) 29
(C) 11

(C) 11
(D) 18

(D) 18

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52. Which country is also known as 'Land of 52, lit7I '< I N TO Met ler Itt ?Of

the midnight sun'?

(A) Ireland

(B) Japan

(C) Norway

(D) England

53„ India has-

(A) Socialistic economy

(B) Gandhian economy

(C) Mixed economy

(D) Free economy

54. Who was selected for Dadasaheb Phalke 54, qici‘w4 9 1e 3T1-44 2019 i== l7l Iiifft

award 2019? Trzrr?

(A) 31f4R criv

(A) Anil Kapoor

(B) 3Trur
(B) Asha Bhosle

(C) Amitabh Bachchan (C) 31ftfa11 eizzirf

(D) Mahesh Bhatt (D) 44

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55. 'Jungle Satyagraha' was carried out under 55. '.441el 11 cti I 6 ftfr* •)ciccl LI I iTzIT?

the leadership of - (A) zi)zV 3T7T4

(A) Chandra Shekhar Azad (B) e etiI qt7

(B) Tantya Bhil


(C) Durga Shankar Mehta

(D) ARTg

(D) Narmada Prasad

56. What is the name of the state animal of 56. lizzabi* tm 4zit'ff71 *?

Madhya Pradesh?
(A) Tiger
(B) 71-4
(B) Cow
(C) feTrr
(C) Deer
(D) GIN6 +II
(D) Swamp deer

57. Which is the state tree of M.P.? 57. ivicati V)7 TIT t?

(A) Mango (A) 3Trii

(B) Banyan (B) Goi<

(C) Jackfruit
(C) ci) d 6 cl

(D) Neem
(D) 417

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58. The first Newspaper print mill of India is • 58. F7a. AST Rpt:17 —

at -
(A) :.1! 1+I
(A) Nepanagar
(B) Satna
(C) 671+I1611‹
(C) Hoshangabad
(D) Mumbai

59. Which of the following tribes is 59. 1c ti co-1 lt 3TTF4-41-ift vil1c TT

associated with Lahangi dance? (A) 11YS

(A) Gond (B)

(B) Bhil

(C) Korku

(D) Sahariya

60. Diamond mines are found in the district 60. tfit ts141-) fc) # 414 %ill& *?

of -

(A) Rewa

(B) Panna

(C) Chhatarpur

(D) Sagar

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61. Black Gold is actually - 61. 'ow clIttici t —

(A) Gold which become black on (A) 1-1)1i, ‘.4eict) cPieif t 11'4111
(B) 1 41q
(B) Petroleum
(C) a<1
(C) Diamond

(D) Graphite

62. Light year is related to- 62. wpm -44 ,c-plan

(A) Energy (A) mow` tf

(B) Speed (B) Trft

(C) Distance (C) t
(D) Luminous Intensity
(D) 411-cf cNcii

63. Reproduction by binary fission takes 63. ftutgff 6 al t—

place in-
(A) Frog
(B) MTT lit
(B) Starfish
(C) Human
(D) 3Tft
(D) Amoeba

64. Which of the following is not the isotope 64. f*-1 t 6t4v1rf T1113P-1A- *?
of hydrogen?
(A) AItzfli
(A) Protium

(B) Deuterium

(C) Iterium

(D) Tritium

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65. Helium, Neon, Argon are- 65. UP-TT 309. —

(A) Metals (A) sTrg

(B) Noble gases (B) 3TWzr thr

(C) Non metals (C) 3TETTg

(D) None of these
(D) *14 t mlTel

66. Malaria can be caused by the bite of 66. 1 i Trvas7 cPic4 "Pf-
"IT t-IT ticodi
which mosquito? ?
(A) liTqT
(A) Female anopheles

(B) Culex

(C) Aedes

(D) None of these

67. Main component of LPG (Cooking gas)

is -
(A) Butane

(B) Ethene

(C) Propene

(D) All of these

68. Metal which is stored in kerosene is- 68.

(A) Iron

(B) Copper

(C) Sodium

(D) Calcium

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69. Which was the first artificial satellite to 69. 72,cli &LT ‘1-161,t) 1T6FT ted1-0

orbit the earth? Ì?

(A) — 1
(A) Sputnik -1

(B) •cr\Lti-ril —1
(B) Explorer — 1

(C) li+ii —1
(C) Vanguard — 1

(D) Discoverer -1 (D) —1

70. Metallic oxide has a ..nature. 70. ETTNT 3T-NTITO TVW 6'k11 t —

(A) Acidic (A) 31-1#14

(B) Basic (B) ailtfzi

(C) Neutral (C)

(D) None of these (D) -114 coq Tei

71. Sex of child is determined by- 71. f -7T 5T f4eTt7tri 6)01 *?

(A) Chromosomes of mother (A) 4-11c1I ljuRp

(B) Chromosomes of sister (B) 616-1 Trip t

(C) Chromosomes of brother

(C) ljuRp

(D) Chromosomes of father

(D) 111717P

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72. What was the name of the first cloned 72, cm -I It4 WIT 9TIT eTT?

sheep? (A) 44

(A) Babli

(B) Doll
(C) sicil

(C) Dolly
(D) Pinki

73, First model of an atom was given by - 73, iill tvzirit fiT TRITI 5ef tu WT?

(A) N. Bohr
(A) 79. A'R

(B) E. Goldstein
(B) t. ine\s*bi

(C) Rutherford

(D) J. J. Thomson
(D) "4. eitTiflff

74. Factor of polio disease is - 74, :111 i 5T cmco

(A) Bacteria (A) 117T7

(B) Virus (B)

(C) Fungi
(C) *117

(D) Protozoa
(D) te7ATT

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75. Cell theory was given by 75. cr) Liicrf i 1 i ii?

(A) Schleiden and Schwann (A) 7t-iff — 1 -f

(B) Virchow (B) crci 4

(C) Hooke
(C) §co

(D) Haeckel
(D) twF

76. What is C.N.G? 76. C.N.G

(A) Compressed Natural Gas (A) ,4-1,40c-r AredT

(B) Cool Natural Gas (B) vrtItT

(C) Compact Natural Gas

(C) ArtitT thT

(D) None of the above

(D) ‘iip<lcrcr 4t 9-41

77. Which planet is known as the morning 77. 10 74 Titzfr Ti oki T\I• ct)c)

and evening star? (A) 1-4

(A) Mercury
(B) ,150

(B) Venus
(C) liTTF

(C) Mars
(D) 3ITOTT 4 trcult
(D) None of these

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78. Which is a highly malleable metal?

(A) Gold

(B) Copper

(C) Aluminium

(D) Graphite

79, How many image will be formed when 79, 11191-4 44,1 7w egti 3TT9 \Lim.)

two plane mirrors are placed parallel to

mf*1.4 614,1?
each other?

(A) Two

(B) Infinite

(C) One

(D) Four

80. The coloured part of eyes is called - 80, 3ffutt 11-Fr ct-,tor * —

(A) Pupil (A) Ft

(B) Iris (B) 14 7I col

(C) Cornea (C) r'f'4-zrr

(D) Retina (D)

SET-B Page 25 of 32 9C/DPS/20-2

81. The value of x in following rectangular 81. 311Zrffx i TIM 61 -

is —

(A) 10 (A) 10

(B) 20 (B) 20

(C) 30 (C) 30

(D) 40 (D) 40

82. Expansion of a3 + b3 is - 82. a3 + b3 TT ;MR 611 —

(A) (a + b) (a2 — ab + b2) (A) (a + b) (a2 — ab + b2)

(B) (a + b) (a2 + ab + b2) (B) (a + b) (a2 + ab + b2)

(C) (a - b) (a2 + ab + b2) (C) (a - b) (a2 + ab + b2)

(D) (a - b)3 (a3 — ab + b3) (D) (a - b)3 (a3 — ab + b3)

83. Cube root of 1331 is - 83. 1331r V910 t—

(A) 15 ' (A) 15

(B) 11 (B) 11

(C) 12 (C) 12

(D) 21 (D) 21

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84. When money is deposited in a bank for a 84. 4q) f4r4-4-d. .94-Nic( *1. 4 Nil WEE

fixed period of time, then it is called - 411 wine t, T4 Ttf ct)i wine t—

(A) Savings account (A) u 4c1 tg1c11

(B) Current account (B) tuck midi
(C) Fixed deposit account
(C) TrrWr wqr lc-11

(D) None of above

(D) -141

85. Based on the figure below, what is the 85. 3TIT-ft x f79' *—

value of x-

(A) 70°

(A) 70°
(B) 120°

(B) 120°
(C) 50°

(C) 50°
(D) 60°

(D) 60°

86. The factor of 7x2 + 48xy — 7y2 is - 86. 7x2 + 48xy — 7y2 5T ttui-Ngs 614ti —

(A) (x + 7y)(7x — y) (A) (x + 7y)(7x — y)

(B) (x — 7y)(7x — y) (B) (x — 7y)(7x — y)

(C) (7x + y)(7x — y) (C) (7x + y)(7x — y)

(D) (7x + 7y) (x — y) (D) (7x + 7y) (x — y)

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87. Measure of the angle subtended by each 87. f9 171 3 ft2rff TiTIEI7P
side of a regular hexagon at the trR* cp)ui 3f-

centre, inscribed in the circle is- --fr-4t Tarr 0,11 —

(A) 45° (A) 45°

(B) 60° (B) 60°

(C) 72° (C) 72°

(D) 90° (D) 90°

88. If a transversal line intersects two parallel 88. LiR .cr" tziT 1411-I IM
lines, then their corresponding angles
colui 0c) t —
are -
(A) Unequal
(A) 31TFETff
(B) Equal (B)

(C) Proportional (C) 371cedT

(D) *-144 ct)
(D) None of these

89. A trader marks his goods 25% above the 89. ct) arTEETti 3T1T4 TIFIT91 TOM

cost price and allows a discount of 12.5% 41 c1 *1 25% Giq.ictr< 3iftff t, cif

on the market price. If he sells an article tc-44 lzR 12.5% ktt t iTift qt

for 875, then the cost price of the article t14-111 R3rft
\94-11'i 875 4WdT
is -
(A) Z 850
(A) 850
(B) Z 825
(B) 825 Z
(C) Z 800
(C) 800 Z
(D) Z 775
(D) 775 Z

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90. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 90. LTT fi'lj*chui 2:4 : 3*3T-Trrffiftr t
2:4:3, then the smallest angle of the
filp ts. ei co uf
triangle is-
(A) 60° (A) 60°

(B) 40° (B) 40°

(C) 80° (C) 80°

(D) 20° (D) 20°

91. Concession on marked-price is called- 91. iii te•4 t /ft IF T1 co 6 d

(A) Interest (A) (2-11v1

(B) Discount (B) 6icd1

(C) Profit (C)

(D) Loss (D) t;i f

92. Square root of 10.24 is - 92. 10.24 TT 441,0 6 4II -

(A) 2.7 (A) 2.7

(B) 3.2 (B) 3.2

(C) 4.8 (C) 4.8

(D) 5.8 (D) 5.8

93. A chord of a circle of radius 5 cm is at a 93. 5 tft. fi-arr girl r -q ‘i..94

distance 4 cm from the centre, then the ql ffTsIlt.qu5 4 i.)111. cif *, -o-RT ullar
measure of the chord is - Trrti 6 , —
(A) 6 cm (A) 6 A41.
(B) 8 cm
(B) 8 *1st.
(C) 25 cm
(C) 25 A411.
(D) 10 cm
(D) 10 M.

SET-B Page 29 of 32 9C/DPS/20-2

94. The value of (11111)2 is - 94. (11111)2 -
(A) 123454321 (A) 123454321

(B) 12345412 (B) 12345412

(C) 123454 (C) 123454

(D) None of these (D) *-14 TY4 9t

95. Value of a4 x a3 is- 95. a4 x a3 *—
(A) a (A) a5

(B) (B)

(C) al (C) al
(D) a° (D) a°
1 1 1
96. (2401); x (81)4 = ? 96. (2401); x (81)4 = ?

(A) 16 (A) 16 .110r!

(B) 21 (13) 21

(C) 441 (C) 441

(D) 64 (D) 64

97. The Diameter of a coin is 2 cm, its 97. airti 2 . t 3-fretrift

circumference is - Th`21- Triti 4fl —
(A) 4 ir cm (A) 4 n *It

(B) 8 7t CM (B) 8 ic ts-W.

(C) 2 it cm (C) 2 n .
(D) 7C CM
(D) 7C .

SET-B Page 30 of 32 9C/DPS/20-2

98. The opposite angles of a parallelogram 98, f4trftu colur Oa t I
are -
(A) Equal
(B) Complementary
(C) witkoi)
(C) Supplementary
(D) TriftliTT
(D) Perpendicular bisector

99. 3x+4 = —2 99. zfrq 3x+ 4 = ——2 , ff4 x

then what is the value liTff WIT tin?
2 —6x 5 2 - 6x 5
of x?
(A) -7 (A) -7

(B) 8 (B) 8

(C) 7 (C) 7

(D) -8 (D) -8

100. The compound interest on Z 5,000 at 10% 100. 5,000 Z IN 10% qiNco 34 2 44 TT qThlit

per annum for 2 years is - Gefivf t—

(A) 950 Z
(A) Z 950
(B) 1,050 Z
(B) 1,050
(C) 2,100
(C) 2,100
(D) 1,000
(D) 1,000


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