Journal of Nursing and Health Care
Journal of Nursing and Health Care
Journal of Nursing and Health Care
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Abstract— This article aims to introduce readers to a distinctive This article discusses a methodology which we refer to as
approach to health research when the topic under investigation Exploratory-Descriptive Qualitative research, and for brevity,
has received little previous attention. It provides details of the have abbreviated to EDQ research. Both exploratory and
theoretical underpinnings of the methodology, as well as qualitative descriptive research have been discussed
providing recommendations regarding the practicalities of its independently in the literature. Lederman [5] recognizes that
use. both are used where the concepts under study are vague. While
To address a specific research aim, the primary author believed
studies already exist that purport to use an ‘exploratory
that an exploratory descriptive qualitative approach was the
most suitable. A subsequent review of the relevant literature
descriptive’ methodology; closer examination suggests that
identified a number of published research articles, which claimed their theoretical underpinning is lacking. This article provides a
to use an "exploratory descriptive qualitative" design. Closer theoretical framework, which would address this deficit.
inspection revealed that these papers lacked theoretical Discussion of potential research methods in relation to the
underpinning. As a result, the authors created a conceptual methodology is also provided.
framework, underpinned by appropriate theory, to support the
use of an exploratory descriptive qualitative approach. We refer II. GENISIS OF THE METHODOLOGY
to this approach as EDQ and argue that there is a place in health
research when it is deemed the most appropriate methodology to Polit and Beck [6] briefly consider exploratory research, and
achieve the aims of a study. suggest that it is designed to illuminate how a phenomenon is
manifested and is especially useful in uncovering the full
nature of a little-understood phenomenon. Reid-Searl and
Keywords- exploratory descriptive research; qualitative; Happell [7] concur suggesting that a qualitative exploratory
methodology. design allows the researcher to explore a topic with limited
coverage within the literature and allows the participants of the
study to contribute to the development of new knowledge in
"Qualitative research findings have been shown to be necessary that area.
to the advancement of health research" [1]. There are various
qualitative approaches for researchers to choose from [2] to As a result of paucity in the literature around exploratory
deliver such advancement. They include phenomenology, research as a methodology in its own right, the work of
ethnography, grounded theory and action research. However, Stebbins [8], a sociologist, is influential. Stebbins [8] defined
this is not an exhaustive list. Other qualitative methodologies exploratory research as "a broad-ranging, purposive,
exist which a researcher may choose to use if they can justify systematic, prearranged undertaking designed to maximize the
their rationale for using it [3]. Ultimately, a researcher has to discovery of generalizations leading to description and
defend their choice of methodology by demonstrating how it understanding of an area of social or psychological life. Such
relates to the aims of the research and provides the most exploration is, depending on the standpoint taken, a distinctive
suitable way of achieving those aims [4]. way of conducting science - a scientific process - a special
methodological approach...". This definition is a useful starting
point for understanding exploratory research as a methodology.
Descriptive Qualitative
Exploratory Research
Description of phenomena is recognized by Polit and Beck [6] Research based upon
based upon Stebbins
Sandelowski (2000,
to be an important purpose for research and one which nurse (2001)
researchers have embraced. Holloway and Wheeler [3] suggest
that description of the phenomena provides a detailed account
of its significance and generates a picture of the world from the
perspective of the participants. The purpose of a descriptive
study is to document and describe the phenomena of interest Exploratory-Descriptive Qualitative
[9]. (EDQ) Research used in this study
Data Collection
Aim: To explore the experiences of student Literature review: no studies identified which
nurses in relation to the provision of directly address this topic. Surrounding literature
compassionate care within the Emergency critiqued.
Research questions:
Findings identified (see below). Some direct quotes used to illustrate. Discussed in relation to wider literature. Rigour
demonstrated as suggested by Whittemore et al. [31].