All Syllabus Distrution Ms 1 Ms 2 Ms 3 Ms 4 Miss Nadjat Bellazreg
All Syllabus Distrution Ms 1 Ms 2 Ms 3 Ms 4 Miss Nadjat Bellazreg
All Syllabus Distrution Ms 1 Ms 2 Ms 3 Ms 4 Miss Nadjat Bellazreg
Objectives Lexis Grammar Pronunciation Tasks
4 *Greet people Lexis related -Verb ‘to be’ (present simple tense): a- Affirmative/negative - Labelling
Sequence *Introduce myself to: forms. b- Interrogative forms: Yes/No questions/ Wh questions /aɪ/-/ei / - Email
1 *Give information - Greeting (what?, where?, How old?) /i/ - /i:/ - Role play
1 and respond to (hello, hi etc.). -Use of simple sentence pattern (memorized/ modeled ones: - Songs
2 questions about me: - The learner’s affirmative and interrogative ) Integrated - Games
3 Me my age, my class and personal life: -Personal pronouns [ I – you ] as a skill - Id card
4 and hometown. (name, age, school, -Possessive adjectives [ my - your ] /not as an
My *Ask about a new hometown, etc.) -Prepositions of location: - in+ hometown/ - at + School isolated
* Interpretation of oral and written messages: The pupil can: -interpret significant details in a conversation and in simple short texts
on topics dealt with in the previous domain. -understand short texts with illustrations (audio or visual: picture, graph, map, etc.)
* Production of oral and written messages: The pupil can: -give information/respond to questions about himself/ herself: age, class,
friends. -use simple phrases and sentences. -fill out a form and give simple details. -maintain a conversation with an interlocutor.
1 -Present simple tense with the verbs: to live- to love – to like - Email - Role
2 Sequence * Ask and give Basic lexis (only affirmative form) / θ/ - / δ / play - Poster
1 3 2 information about related to -Verbs ‘to have’ / ‘to be’ (present simple tense) - Family tree/
4 me and my family family and a- Affirmative/negative forms. b- Interrogative forms Integrated Tagging - Songs
family members. -respond to questions about himself/herself: name, age, class, hometown, family.
Descriptors of
* Interpretation of oral and written messages: The pupil can: -interpret significant details in a conversation and in simple short texts
on topics dealt with in the previous domain. -understand short texts with illustrations (audio or visual: picture, graph, map, etc.)
* Production of oral and written messages: The pupil can: -give information/respond to questions about himself/ herself:
age, class, family (parents, brothers, sisters) and pets. -use simple phrases and sentences. -fill out a form/give simple details
2-4 1 s t Term Exams Winter Holiday End of Term
Period 1
1-2 *Tell the time Lexis related to - Discourse markers: today, every… - The present simple tense final ‘s’: - Role play
3-4 Sequence *Talk about daily daily activities , with concrete, routine actions: positive, negative and /s/ /z/ /ɪz/ - Games
3 and leisure activities digital time, leisure interrogative form (Wh’ questions & Yes / No questions) Integrated - Email - Songs
activities - Prepositions of time: in (the morning …); at ( time); on (day) as a skill - Interview…
Me Pre-requisites - Question words ( who /what / where …. ? )
and * Oral interaction: The pupil can: -tell the time. -talk about daily and leisure activities.
my * Interpretation of oral and written messages: The pupil can: -understand significant details in a conversation and in short texts
Descriptor of
dealing with topics dealt with in the previous domain -use paraphrases to make himself understood.
Daily * Production of oral and written messages: The pupil can: -write about his preferences, daily activities, leisure activities , rights and
duties etc. on a postcard or in an email using short phrases and sentences (subject + verb + object).
i es
2 2 Sequence
*Describe my school school and leisure
*Talk about rights / activities.(classroo
- The present continuous with now.
- ‘what’ and ‘where’ with ‘to be’ to ask about location.
/ŋ / - Labelling -
Integrated Email(communica
3 4 duties at school. m, lab, school yard, - Prepositions and adverbs of location: (in, between, next to, as a skill tive message)
4 *Talk about leisure plant trees, decorate behind, opposite, in the middle, etc.). /not as - Role play
activities at school classroom..) isolated. -Songs-Games
Me Pre-requisites - Preposition of place (in) /to be/ ‘what’ and ‘where’
and * Oral interaction: The pupil can: - describe his/her school. - talk about his/ her rights and
1 * Interpretation of oral and written messages: The pupil can: -understand significant details in a conversation and in short
texts dealing with topics dealt with in the previous domain. -use paraphrases to make himself/herself understood.
l * Production of oral and written messages: The pupil can: -write about his school, leisure activities, rights and duties, etc. on a
postcard or in an email using short phrases and sentences(subject +verb+ object).
2-4 2 n d t Term Exams Period Spring Holiday End of Term 2
1 *Ask and give info *Lexis related to -‘to be’ in the present simple with cardinal points /ʃ/ /tʃ/ - Labelling -
2 Sequence about :- My country the topic : -‘to have’ in the present simple - personal pronoun (we - they) Integrated Email(communica
3 5 (currency/flag/nation Continents / Flags -the possessive adjectives (our - their) as a skill tive message)
4 al and religious days) Nationalities/curren -‘What’ and ‘Where’ with ‘to be’ to ask about location. /not as - Role play
1 - Other countries .. cies /celebration -preposition of location (in) isolated. - Songs - Games
Me, Pre-requisites - Preposition of place ‘in’ - /to be/ - Using ‘what’ and ‘where’ with ‘to be’
my * Oral interaction: The pupil can: -ask and give information about:- Algeria (currency/ flag/national and
3 Countr religious days.- other countries (nationalities/ flags / currencies/celebration days.)
y and * Interpretation of oral and written messages: The pupil can: -understand very short dialogues on familiar subjects (the ones dealt
Descriptor of
with in the previous domain.) -understand short texts with illustrations (audio or visual: picture, graph, map, etc.) Production of oral
the and written messages
World * Production of oral and writtenmessages: The pupil can: -write a simple message on a postcard or in an email about Algeria using
short phrases with simple vocabulary .Transform messages from verbal to nonverbal and vice versa.
3-4 3 r d Term Exams Period End of
Term 3
*Based on the yearly planning issued by the Ministry of National Education in Sep 2022
Situation 3: Example: you are a new Example: your e-pal wants to Example: you want to know Example: it is your first Example: this is an e-mail from
Learning to member of your school know more about you and your about your friend’s weekend day at middle school. Kathleen. Read it and help your
Integrate - blog and your friends family. Draw your family tree, leisure activities. Write the Describe the place partner to write a reply to
group work want to know more about add information (name, conversation where you study to your Kathleen.
you. Introduce age, job..) and send it as an between you and your friend. family members. NB: The e-mail provided to the
yourself to them. attached document. learners is to be related to the
global competence of the
Situation 4: Example: you want to Example our English friend Example: you receive a letter Example: you have Example: your teacher asks
Integration - join your school English comes to spend Summer Holidays from your e-pal Mark. His duties and rights at you to participate in an online
(assessment) Language Club. Fill in in Algeria. S/he wants to know mother wants to know about school. Add more rights international competition to
solo work your ID card then more about your your mother’s daily about exams, break, attract students from all over the
introduce yourself to the family members before s/he meets activities. Read the letter and homework, computer world to visit yourcountry.
club members. them. Send him/her a message ( write a reply. room, Design a leaflet. Include the
viber) to introduce your family class council, school flag, national currency, famous
members to website…. places, national and religious
him (names/ ages/ jobs) celebration days, )
Complex To set a new complex situation that provides context for To set new complex situation that provides context for To set a new complex situation
Situation meaningful communication related to the learner’s personal meaningful communication related to the learner’s that provides context for
life (name, age, address, school, friends and personal environment (habits and leisure activities ) . meaningful communication
relatives). related to the learner’s enlarged
N.B The situation is based on the learning objectives of N.B The situation is based on the learning objectives of environment (common places in
sequences 1 and 2 and incorporates the topics and linguistic sequences 3 and 4and incorporates the topics and her/his town, famous places in
resources dealt with in these linguistic resources dealt with in these sequences our country, national days and
sequences. religious celebrations….)
School: ……………………………………………………………… ֍ Annual Syllabus Distribution ֍ School Year:
Teacher: ……………………………………………………………… MS -2-
Linguistic Resources Communicative
Sep Mont
4 Sequence -Describing physical Basic lexis related to -To be – to have -The simple present tense.
1 appearance. physical -The present continuous. / ai / / ei / - Interview
1 -Describing and locate places appearance, hobbies -Adjectives (colour, height, build, hairstyle, - Role play
2 -Talking about daily and free and places: house, and physical attraction) To be integrated - Guessing game
3 Me, time activities. school -Possessive pronouns. as a skill and not - Songs
4 my -Expressing abilities and -Location markers (prepositions and as an isolated - Location map…
1 Friend inabilities. adverbs). lesson (Review )
2 -Expressing likes and dislikes. -Can – can’t -To like – to love – to enjoy
s and
3 - Present simple of “to be” and “to have” - Colours
my Pre-requisites
1 - Prepositions of location ( in, at) - Vowel sounds / ai / / ei /
Famil * Oral interaction: The pupil can: -describe physical appearance. -describe and locate places. -understand essential
details in a conversation, containing simple language and familiar expressions used in everyday life.
Descriptors * Interpretation of oral and written messages: The pupil can: -read and interpret a plan (house / school...) - read and
1 of
understand general ideas and details in easy texts, written in simple language with familiar vocabulary and lexical
tion expressions and related to topics dealt with in the previous domain.
* Production of oral and written messages: The pupil can: -write a medium length descriptive paragraph on facts
related to himself and his family. - draw an outline and the first draft of a text -generate new ideas from a model.
2-4 1st Term Exams Period Winter Holiday End of Term 1
1 Sequence *Describing shopping items. * Basic lexis related *Plural forms. Pronunciation of - Shopping list
2 2 *Expressing quantity. to shopping: *Demonstratives: this/these, that/those. the final’s’ with - Role play
3 *Asking information about, food, price, markets, *Many, much, some, any. plurals. - Map
4 quantity, and price. etc.. *How many?.… *How much? … To be integrated - Leaflets
Me *Locating and showing the way as a skill / not as
2 and to amenities.
* Cardinal and ordinal numbers.
*The imperative isolated (Review)
- Songs
- Posters.
Shoppi -Demonstratives: this /that - Prepositions (next to/ near / opposite / behind…)
n -Cardinal and ordinal numbers -Final ’s’ pronunciation
* Oral interaction: The pupil can: - describe shopping items. -locate and show the way to amenities. understand essential details
1 in a conversation about shopping items., containing simple language and familiar expressions used in everyday
life. -anticipate the meaning of messages.
Descriptors * Interpretation of oral and written messages: The pupil can: -read and understand general ideas and details in easy texts,
February of written in simple language with familiar vocabulary and lexical expressions and related to shopping items. -understand the gist of a
Implementa text, the writer’s ideas and opinions clearly expressed, and simple texts about shopping.
tion * Production of oral and written messages: The pupil can: -can write simple texts describing shopping items and showing the
way to amenities. - write simple directions. -devise a neighbourhood street map, locate and show the way to amenities.
Sequence *Basic lexis related Pronunciation of -Role play
2 3 * Expressing recommendations to health problems
- “Should” / “Shouldn’t” “sh”: /ʃ/ -Email
3 and giving advice and remedies.- Imperative (do – don’t) “ch”: /tʃ/ -Leaflet
4 (sickness, illness, “ch”: /k/ -Games
remedy,…) Integrated as a -Songs
Me skill / not isolated -Notices…
and Descriptors * Oral interaction: The pupil can: -express recommendations and give advice. -understand essential details in a conversation
my of about food / health, containing simple language and familiar expressions used in everyday life. -anticipate the meaning of
Health Implementa messages.
tion * Interpretation of oral and written messages: The pupil can: -read and understand general ideas and details in easy texts,
written in simple language with familiar vocabulary and lexical expressions and related to healthy food. -understand the gist of a
text, the writer’s ideas and opinions clearly expressed, and a simple message giving pieces of advice.
* Production of oral and written messages: The pupil can: -can write simple directions, advice to keep fit/healthy, etc. - write an
outline and the first draft of a text. -can generate new ideas from a model.
2-4 2nd Term Exams Period Spring Holiday End of Term 2
Sequence -Infor panels
1 4 * Describing environmental * Basic Lexis related -The present simple. / θ/ - / δ / -Brochure for
2 sights and places of interest. to -Simple future tense. Integrated as a holidays - Map
3 * Planning itineraries. travel, weather, ..etc. - “be going to”. skill / not as an route - Info
Me -Adjectives related to weather. isolated lesson transfer (from
and -Cardinal points. (Review) weather forecast
my symbols to text)
Travel - Poster
3 1 s Pre-requisites - The present simple
- Preposition of location
-The verbs to be / to have
- Pronunciation: / θ/-/ δ /
Descriptors *Oral interaction: The pupil can:-describe amenities and places of interest. -use expressions relating everydaysituations, and
of simple sentences in a spontaneous way.
Implementa *Interpretation of oral and written messages: The pupil can:-read a map and interpret itineraries -assess his reading strategies
tion as efficient or not. -predict an event.
*Production of oral and written messages : The pupil can: - write a medium length descriptiveparagraph on environmental sites
-write an outline and the first draft of a text -generate new ideas from a model
3-4 3rd Term Exams Period End of Term 3
*Based on the yearly planning issued by the Ministry of National Education in Sep 2022
3 childhood lifestyles in the irregular verbs /t/, /d/, /id/ - Email - Letter
4 memories. past: food/ -The semi- modal: ‘used to’ Integrated as a - Short video
1 Me and *Describing life and clothes/activities skill / not isolated segments - Poster
my lifestyles (past and
lifestyles present)
* Oral Interaction : The learner can: -describe personal interests and personality features. -use words and
expressions related to personal interests and personality features. -narrate past childhood memories.
Descriptors of
* Interpretation of oral and written messages: The learner can: -understand gist and important details in dialogues
and paragraphs written in simple and easy English and familiar expressions that describe or compare life and
lifestyles. - manage his work and assess his own reading strategies.
* Production of oral and written messages: The learner can: -describe facts in short narrative texts relating to the
learners experiences and events (past and present) use a wide range of connectors and time sequencers. -draft, redraft and
edit a text.
2-4 1st Term Exams Period Winter Holiday End of Term
1 Sequence *Basic Lexis related - Pronunciation of - Diary/ journal
2 3 *Telling about a to the topic: famous -The past simple tense the final ‘ed’: - Survey
Jan 3 scientist’s life scholar (timeline -The past continuous tense /t/, /d/, /id/ - Posters
4 (biography) discoveries -The past continuous tense -/ŋ/ - Charters
Me and ,inventions), - Relative clauses: who / which To be integrated as a - Formal letters
1 the technology, devices. skill / not isolated - Newspaper
2 Scientific (review) article
3 Pre- requisites -Past simple tense -/ŋ/ -Pronunciation of the final ‘ed’
2 4 * Oral Interaction: The learner can: -select relevant biographical information - use familiar expressions and simple
sentences in a spontaneous way.
Descriptors of
* Interpretation of oral and written messages: The learner can : -organise /sequence biographical information in
chronological order. - understand gist and identify relevant biographical information. -manage his work, develop efficient
reading methods and assess his own reading strategies.
* Production of oral and written messages: The learner can:-transfer biographical information from one format (ID card)
to another.
2-4 2nd Term Exams Period Spring Holiday End of Term
1 Sequence *Expressing obligation/ *Basic Lexis * ”Must” / “mustn’t” Silent letters: - Pictionary
2 4 prohibition related to the * “Should” (Review) ‘l’, ‘k’, ’w’, ‘h’, ‘t’ - Id cards
3 *Making topic :pollution *The imperative (Review) - Diagrams /charts
2 * Interpretation of oral and written messages: The learner can: - understand gist and details in medium length texts
- describing topics familiar to him relating to eco-behaviour, health, urban life, and animals in danger of extinction.
understand and anticipate meaning in clearly stated opinions and viewpoints
* Production of oral and written messages: The learner can: - write, “School Eco-Charter demonstrating.
-use the acquired lexis and expressions having a relation with the need for written expression.
3-4 3rd Term Exams Period End of Term 3
*Based on the yearly planning issued by the Ministry of National Education in Sep 2022
4 Sequence *Describe famous landmarks *Basic lexis related - Qualifiers - Adjectives. - Diphthongs -Information transfer
1 using specific information to: - Comparative of equality / inferiority/ /ei/- /ai/ -E-mailing -Chatting
1 *Narrate using historical travel / tourism superiority with short and long adjectives. - Silent letters:-Networking
2 information about landmarks *Types of landmarks -The passive voice (past simple tense): “k”- “w”- “l” - -Forums/blogs
3 Me, *Narrate using biographical (monument /mosque/ must be related to describing monuments “t”- “b” - “m” -Leaflets/ads
4 Universal information about outstanding tower / bridge / castle and sites (was built, was discovered, etc.) -Form-filling
1 Landmar figures / temple…) and not describing a process. (Integrated as a -ID card/Bio card
ks *Comparing landmarks *Names of - Chronology sequencers: (first, then, skill / not as a -Itinerary -A fact File
2 and *Describe an itinerary and international next, after that, later, finally.) -cause and whole lesson) -A narrative account/
3 Outstandi identify its components in landmarks / famous effect (because, as, since, therefore, so, as (review) biography
4 chronological order figures a result) (review & expansion) -Photo captions
1 ng
Figures Pre- requisites - Diphthongs/ei/- /ai/ - Cause and effect (because, as, therefore, so)
e and * Oral interaction: The learner can:-describe famous landmarks /outstanding figures. - compare landmarks / monuments.
* Interpretation of oral and written messages: The learner can : - understand medium dialogues on familiar subjects (the
Discriptors of
1 ones dealt with in the previous domain) . - understand short texts with illustrations (audio or visual: picture, graph, map,
etc.) -information transfer from network research.
* Production of oral and written messages : The learner can : - write a medium-length descriptive paragraph on environmental
sites, landmarks and monuments, outstanding figures in history, literature and arts. - compare landmarks and monuments around
the world. -express cause and effects.
2-4 1st Term Exams Period Winter Holiday End of Term
Sequence *Make a profile Basic lexis related - The superlative with long and short *Pronunciation -A profile
1 2 *Report on significant events to the topic. adjectives of the final -Information gap
2 and life experiences Examples: - The present simple, past simple and ‘ed’: -Information
3 *Give information and *Adjectives (self- simple future tenses /t/, /d/, /id/ transfer
Me, my respond to questions about me, confident, - The past continuous and the past simple -Writing a journal
Personalit my dreams, my projects ambitious,) tenses in a narrative (while, when) (Integrated as a -An interview
* Express similarities and *Dream careers - Comparison and contrast markers (like, skill / not as a -Conversations
2 y and differences (future job…) unlike, whereas) whole lesson) -An oral
1 (review)
*Childhood - Word formation using affixes: presentation
Life memories / lives and Prefixes adjectives (negative -Formal letter
Experienc personalities) meaning: dis / un / in / il / ir / im) -Video survey
Discriptors of
meaning of instruction from context. -understand gist and details in medium-length texts describing topics familiar to him relating
to his everyday life, to his interests (sports, hobbies), his needs, wants, expectations, and current events occurring in the world, etc.
-understand a personal letter writtenin simple and easy English.-understand written texts and involve prediction of narration,
1 personal stories, feelings, dreams.
* Production of oral and written messages : The learner can : -describe facts in short narrative texts relating to the learner’s
environment, family, school; work, experiences and events (past and present). -express opposition / concession (unlike / whereas).
- produce different types of texts (descriptive and narrative) of a medium length /complexity using a wide range of connectors and
time markers (first, and, but, because, so, next, finally). - write a personal letter or an email to describe his environment, his life…
2-4 2nd Term Exams Period Spring Holiday End of Term
Sequence *Give advice and make Basic lexis related to *Imperative: (review) Review of the - Open letter
1 recommendations the topic. *Conditional type one (present simple/ previous sounds - Interview
*Express likes and dislikes Citizenship, charity future simple - present simple/imperative) (whole cycle) - Debate/speech
3 *Defend opinions and positive work, charity *“ ing “ form after the verbs : enjoy, Integrated as a - Investigating
4 Me, my actions organization, prefer, love, hate, like, dislike skill /not as a - Oral presentation
/ April
* Oral interaction: The learner can: -talk about school charity. -ask for and give advice. -defend positive actions. -express
2 * Interpretation of oral and written messages: The learner can : -read, understand and anticipate meaning in clearly stated
opinions and viewpoints. - understand a personal letter written in simple and easy English. - understand written argumentative
* Production of oral and written messages : The learner can : -produce coherent writing and generate ideas – build
conversation/role play/ interview. -defend positive actions. -write a short argumentative essay.
3-4 3nd Term Exams Period End of Term 3
*Based on the yearly planning issued by the Ministry of National Education in Sep 2022 .
Inspector Headmaster
Learning Seq 1: Me, Universal Landmarks and Seq 2: Me, my Personality and Life Seq 3: Me, my Community and
Situations Outstanding Figures in Hist, Lit and Experiences Citizenship
Situation 1: Example: you are among the best learners who Example: your teacher of history told you about Example: At the beginning of every school year,
Initial *PDP were selected by the Ministry of National one of the Algerian freedom fighters. You want Algerian schools help learners in need. You feel
lesson(s) Education for a trip to Los Angeles. You are to know more about him/her. Conduct research concerned and wonder whether or not you can help.
(listening curious to know about this city. Conduct to collect more information about him/her and This raises your curiosity about your schoolmates’
research on the net to find out more information share it with your classmates. attitude towards the necessity of being charitable.
about the places of interest, the landmarks, Conduct a survey to find out how much they feel
food… and believe their charity may make a change in
Situation 2:
PPU /PDP lessons ( language & reading and writing)
Situation 3: Example : you have just come back from a trip Example: your school is organizing an Example: the use of the internet can have a bad
Learning to around Algeria with a group of friends. You exhibition to commemorate the 1st of November influence on our culture and traditions. Give advice
Integrate - want to post on your Facebook page the report 1954. Design a poster about a moudjahid / a and make recommendations to your young fellow
group work of this trip to make people around the world moudjahida of your choice to take part in this citizens on how / why to protect your national
aware of the cultural and historical richness of event. Include short texts about his/her identity and culture.
your country. Describe your itinerary and talk childhood memories and experiences.
about the landmarks you visited and the
figures in history, literature, or arts that you
learned about during this trip
Situation 4: Example: your English web e-pal Richard has Example: Lalla Fatma N’Soumer is one of the Example: you read an interview about “Ness El Khir
Integration asked you about famous Algerian writers. Write most famous women freedom fighters who ” and searched the internet for more information
- him an e-mail in which you give him some fought for the independence of Algeria. Write an about youth charities in Algeria and other countries.
(assessment) biographical information about Kateb Yacine, an article in which you tell about her profile, life Write an article for your school magazine to sensitize
outstanding modern Algerian writer. experiences, and victories to be posted in an your schoolmates to the need for volunteer charity
solo work
international education blog. work recommending a list of civic and environmental
activities that can help our community.
Complex To set a new complex situation that provides To set a new complex situation that provides To set a new complex situation that provides context
Situation context for meaningful communication related to context for meaningful communication related to for meaningful communication related to the
the learner’s country and the world (Travelling the learner’s personality features and school life learner’s world (Citizenship / commitment with
/comparing landmarks and monuments around and experiences (embarrassing and positive charity clubs/ helping hand /respect of others. Family
the world/ Outstanding figures in history, ones) Prospects and initiatives (career /education advice).
literature, and art). / ambitions / projects…) Hobbies : (Cinema, N.B. The situation is based on the learning objectives
N.B. The situation is based on the learning literature, theatre, fashion, music, and the digital of all sequences and incorporates the topics and
objectives of sequence 1 and incorporates the / electronic devices) linguistic resources dealt with in these sequences.
topics and linguistic resources dealt with in N.B. The situation is based on the learning
this sequence. objectives of sequence 2 and incorporates the
topics and linguistic resources dealt with in
this sequence.