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GI B1PLUS U7 Evaluation Rubrics

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7 Evaluation rubrics

Discussing points of view Debate a topic

Criteria Band 5 Band 4 Band 3 Band 2 Band 1

Task fulfilment Fully covers all the Covers all the Covers all the Doesn’t cover all Doesn’t cover all
steps required by the steps required by steps required by the steps the steps
task: Think, Prepare, the task: Think, the task: Think, required by the required by the
Practise, Perform. Prepare, Practise, Prepare, Practise, task and/or with task and/or with
Perform. Perform but with little detail in the very little detail in
some detail Think and the Think and
missing from the Prepare Prepare
Think and sections. sections.
Prepare sections.

Communication Communicates Communicates Communicates Often struggles Struggles to ask

effectively with a effectively with a with a partner but to ask questions questions or
partner, always asks partner, asks doesn’t always or respond respond
questions/responds some questions respond appropriately. appropriately.
appropriately. but occasionally appropriately.

Language Uses a wide range of Uses a range of Uses a limited Uses a very Doesn’t use a
vocabulary. Uses key vocabulary. Uses range of limited range of range of
grammar: reported key grammar: vocabulary. Uses vocabulary. Uses vocabulary.
speech, with no or reported speech, key grammar: key grammar: Doesn’t use key
very few mistakes. with only a few reported speech, reported grammar:
Uses a good number mistakes. Uses with some speech, with reported
of key phrases: for some key mistakes. Uses a several mistakes. speech. Doesn’t
discussing points phrases: for few key phrases: Uses a limited use key phrases
of view: asking discussing for discussing number of key for discussing
about and giving points of view: points of view: phrases: for points of view:
points of view, asking about and asking about discussing asking about
describing and giving points of and giving points of view: and giving
reacting to view, describing points of view, asking about points of view,
opinions. and reacting to describing and and giving describing and
opinions. reacting to points of view, reacting to
opinions. describing and opinions.
reacting to

Pronunciation Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly, Speaks clearly, Often struggles Struggles to
with intelligible occasionally sometimes to speak speak intelligibly.
pronunciation for the struggles with struggles with intelligibly.
most part. pronunciation but pronunciation but
without affecting without affecting
understanding. understanding.

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7 Evaluation rubrics

Write a report about survey results

Criteria Band 5 Band 4 Band 3 Band 2 Band 1

Task fulfilment Fully covers all the Covers all the steps Covers all the steps Covers the steps Doesn’t cover all
steps required by required by the required by the required by the the steps required
the task: Think, task: Think, task: Think, task: Think, by the task.
Prepare, Write, Prepare, Write, Prepare, Write, Prepare, Write,
Check. Check. Check but with Check but with a lot
some detail of detail missing.

Language Uses key Uses key Uses some key Uses limited key Uses very limited
vocabulary: vocabulary: vocabulary: vocabulary: key vocabulary:
reporting verbs, reporting verbs, reporting verbs, reporting verbs, reporting verbs,
with no or very few with only a few with some spelling with several spelling with spelling
spelling mistakes. spelling mistakes. mistakes. Uses mistakes. Uses mistakes. Uses very
Uses key grammar: Uses key grammar: some key grammar: limited key limited key
reported speech reported speech reported speech grammar: reported grammar: reported
and reported and reported and reported speech and speech and
questions questions, with questions, with reported reported
accurately, with no only a few some mistakes. questions, with questions, with
or very few mistakes. several mistakes. mistakes.

Organisation Organises the Organises the Organises the Uses one or two Doesn’t organise
report into three report into two or report into two sections. Doesn’t the report into any
sections: an three sections. sections. Organises organise the text so sections. Doesn’t
introduction, a main Organises the text the text so that the that the reader organise the text so
body and a so that the reader reader understands understands little of that the reader
conclusion. understands most some of the the message. understands very
Organises the text of the message. message. little of the
so that the reader message.
understands all of
the message.

Subskill Shows Shows Shows some Shows little Shows no

understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
the subskill: uses the subskill: uses the subskill: uses a the subskill: uses a the subskill: doesn’t
percentages and percentages and limited number of very limited number use any
expressions of expressions of percentages and of percentages and percentages or
quantity to talk quantity to talk expressions of expressions of expressions of
about statistics about statistics quantity to talk quantity to talk quantity to talk
accurately with no with only a few about statistics about statistics about statistics.
or very few mistakes. but with some with mistakes.
mistakes. mistakes.

Genre Uses several Uses several Uses some phrases Uses very few Doesn’t use any
phrases and phrases and and features as phrases and phrases and
features accurately features as appropriate for the features as features as
as appropriate for appropriate for the writing genre: appropriate for the appropriate for the
the writing genre: writing genre: introductions and writing genre: writing genre:
introductions and introductions and conclusions and introductions and introductions and
conclusions and conclusions and formal register. conclusions and conclusions and
formal register. formal register. formal register. formal register.

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7 Evaluation rubrics

Interview a person from the past; present the interview

Criteria Band 5 Band 4 Band 3 Band 2 Band 1

Task fulfilment Fully covers all the Covers all the steps Covers all the steps Covers the steps Doesn’t cover all
steps required by required by the required by the required by the the steps required
the task: Think, task: Think, Plan, task: Think, Plan, task: Think, Plan, by the task.
Plan, Create, Create, Present. Create, Present but Create, Present but
Present. with some detail with a lot of detail
missing. missing.

Super skill Creativity: works Creativity: works Creativity: works Creativity: often Creativity: doesn’t
very effectively with effectively with a well with a partner struggles to work work effectively
a partner to use partner to use to use imagination with a partner to with a partner to
imagination; uses imagination; uses but with areas for use imagination; use imagination;
original ideas, original ideas, improvement; uses uses a limited doesn’t use original
keeps trying even keeps trying even a few original ideas, number of original ideas, isn’t able to
when an idea when an idea sometimes stops ideas, finds it keep trying when
doesn’t work. Uses doesn’t work. Uses trying when an idea difficult to keep an idea doesn’t
several key some key phrases: doesn’t work. Could trying when an idea work. Doesn’t use
phrases: for using for using use more key doesn’t work. Uses key phrases: for
imagination. imagination. phrases: for using very few key using imagination.
imagination. phrases: for using

Content Creates a clearly Creates an Creates an Creates an Creates a simple

organised interview organised interview interview and report interview and report interview and report
and report with key and report with key about a person about a person about a person
information about a information about a from the past but from the past, but from the past with
person from the person from the some key a lot of key very limited
past. Includes all of past. Includes most information is information is information; the
the points covered in of the points missing, or the missing or the interview and/or
the How to … tips on covered in the How organisation of the interview and/or report isn’t clear.
p133. to … tips on p133. interview and/or report isn’t clear. Includes very little
report isn’t always Includes few of the or none of the
clear. Includes points covered in the points covered in the
some of the points How to … tips on How to … tips on
covered in the How p133. p133.
to … tips on p133.

Language Uses key language Uses key language Uses some key Uses limited key Uses very limited
in the report of the in the report of the language in the language in the key language in the
interview: reported interview: reported report of the report of the report of the
speech and speech and interview: reported interview: reported interview: reported
reporting verbs reporting verbs, speech and speech and speech and
accurately, with no with only a few reporting verbs, reporting verbs, reporting verbs,
or very few mistakes. with some with several with mistakes.
mistakes. mistakes. mistakes.

Presentation Presents each Presents each Presents the report Presents the report Presents the report
section of the report section of the report of the interview of the interview, but of the interview by
of the interview of the interview well, but some parts many parts of simply reading the
very clearly, with clearly, with of the presentation presentation are interview aloud.
good pacing. Uses reasonable pacing. could be clearer. unclear. Uses very Presentation is
opening and Uses opening and Doesn’t always use few opening and unclear.
closing phrases closing phrases opening and closing closing phrases.
accurately. mostly accurately. phrases.

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