Sampoorna Raksha Promise Brochure

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Promise your

a fikar-free today,
and forever.

About Tata AIA Life

Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited (Tata AIA Life) is a joint venture company, formed by Tata Sons and AIA Group Limited (AIA). Tata AIA Life
combines Tata’s pre-eminent leadership position in India and AIA’s presence as the largest, independent listed pan-Asia life insurance group in the
world spanning 18 markets in Asia Pacific. Tata Sons holds a majority stake (51 per cent) in the company and AIA holds 49 per cent through an AIA
International Limited. Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited was licensed to operate in India on February 12, 2001 and started operations on April
1, 2001.
Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited (IRDAI Regn. No.110 • CIN: U66010MH2000PLC128403). Registered & Corporate Office: 14th Floor,
Tower A, Peninsula Business Park, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400013. Trade logo displayed above belongs to Tata Sons Ltd and
AIA Group Ltd. and is used by Tata AIA Life Insurance Ltd under a license. For any information including cancellation, claims and complaints, please
contact our Insurance Advisor / Intermediary or visit Tata AIA Life’s nearest branch office or call 1-860-266-9966 (local charges apply) or write to us at
[email protected]. Visit us at:
Unique Reference Number: L&C/Advt/2024/Oct/3059 • UIN: 110N176V02
Tata AIA Sampoorna Raksha Promise 1. Key Highlights

Non-linked, non-participating, pure risk, individual life • Flexibility to choose from 4 unique Death Benefi¬t options
insurance product • Whole of life cover available
Life is full of uncertainties, and the unexpected can happen at • Acceleration of 50% of base sum assured on diagnosis of
any moment. A promise of financial security in the face of life's terminal illness
unpredictable events can provide immense peace of mind.
This is where the concept of a promise, embodied in the form • Inbuilt waiver of premium on terminal illness
of life insurance, becomes invaluable. • Special discount for salaried customers on first year
When we make a promise to our loved ones, we are premium
committing to be there for them, no matter what the future may • Additional first year premium discount on achieving
hold. A life insurance is a tangible expression of this promise, important life milestones
ensuring that in the event of our passing, our dependents will
• Flexibility to cover spouse under joint life option
be taken care of financially.
• Option to receive death benefit as lumpsum and/or
The promise of life insurance extends beyond the present,
allowing us to leave a lasting legacy for our loved ones. By instalments
ensuring that our family's financial needs are met, we can • Option to defer premiums by up to 12 months with
focus on creating cherished memories and building a strong FlexiPay Benefit
foundation for their future. This promise becomes a testament
• Instant payout on claim intimation
to our love and care, a gift that will continue to provide for them
long after we are gone. • 15% lower premium for Female lives
Tata AIA’s flagship protection plan, Sampoorna Raksha • Enhance your protection through our comprehensive riders
Promise is the ultimate solution for comprehensive financial with unique health and wellness benefits
protection and security to your family. • Choice to transfer legacy sum assured to your child with
2. Parameters at a Glance Family Plan option

Plan Parameters Minimum Maximum

Benefit Option POS Other than POS
Life Promise 60 65
Age at Entry For PoS & other than PoS : 18 years applicable for Life Promise, Life Life Promise Plus 55
(years)1 Promise Plus, Joint Life Promise, Joint Life Promise Plus.
Joint Life Promise 60
Joint Life
Promise Plus 55
Benefit Option POS Other than POS For PoS : 65 years applicable for Life Promise, Life
Promise Plus, Joint Life Promise, Joint Life Promise
Life Promise 23 18
Age at Maturity Life Promise Plus 28 28
(years)1 For other than PoS : 100 years applicable for Life
Joint Life Promise 23 23
Promise, Life Promise Plus, Joint Life Promise, Joint
Joint Life Promise Plus 28 28 Life Promise Plus.
Plan Option 2
• Life Promise • Life Promise Plus • Joint Life Promise • Joint Life Promise Plus

1 2
For PoS
Benefit Option Regular pay Limited pay Single pay
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Life Promise 60 61 60
Life Promise Plus 120 120 120
564 564 564
Policy Term Joint Life Promise 60 61 60
Joint Life
120 120 120
Promise Plus
For Other than PoS
Benefit Option Regular pay Limited pay Single pay
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Life Promise 13 14 1
Life Promise Plus 120 120 120
984 984 984
Joint Life Promise 13 14 1
Joint Life 120 120 120
Promise Plus
If “Joint Life Promise” or “Joint Life Promise Plus” option is chosen, the maximum policy term will be determined basis older of the 2 lives.

Regular Pay – Equal to Policy Term, subject to the boundary conditions mentioned below.
Single Pay – Lump sum at Policy inception
Limited pay – Subject to the boundary conditions below with maximum Premium Paying Term limited to Policy Term less 1 month.
For PoS
Benefit Option Regular pay Limited pay

Premium Min Max Min Max

Payment Term Life Promise 60
(PPT)3 Life Promise Plus 120 564 60 563
Joint Life Promise 60
Joint Life Promise Plus 120
For Other than PoS
Benefit Option Regular pay Limited pay
Min Max Min Max
Life Promise 13 13
Life Promise Plus 120 60
984 983
Joint Life Promise 13 13
Joint Life Promise Plus 120 60
If “Joint Life Promise” or “Joint Life Promise Plus” option is chosen, the maximum policy term will be determined basis older of the 2 lives.
Basic Sum No Limit subject to Board approved underwriting
The minimum Basic Sum Assured under all options is: ₹ 25,00,000
Assured4 policy (BAUP)
Single Pay/ Yearly/ Half- Yearly/ Quarterly/ Monthly
Payment Mode
• 1Any reference to age is as on last birthday • 2The plan option can be selected only at inception of the policy • 3For all options the figures are in months. • 4For PoS, the Basic
Sum Assured shall be in multiples of INR 50,000 • 5For Joint Life Promise and Joint Life promise Plus, the above limits will be applicable to both lives.

3 4
3. Plan Benefits Option 3: Joint Life Promise Option:
Under this option, the life assured (first life) and spouse of the
Option 1: Life Promise Option:
life assured (second life) would be covered under the same
Under this option, the policyholder chooses the Base SA at the policy. The policyholder chooses the Base SA at the time of
time of purchase. In case the life assured dies during the policy purchase.
term, the stipulated death benefit (based on Effective Sum In case of first death of either lives assured or simultaneous
Assured as applicable on the date of death – defined below) death of both the life assureds’ during the policy term, the
less any payout under Payor Accelerated Benefit will be paid stipulated death benefit (based on Effective Sum Assured as
out to the nominee (as per the payout plan chosen) and the applicable on the date of death – defined below) less any
policy will terminate. payout under Payor Accelerated Benefit will be paid out to the
The Effective Sum Assured applicable for computation of nominee (as per the payout plan chosen).
Death Benefit would include any Cover Enhancement Option In case of simultaneous death of both the first life and second
purchased by exercising either the Life Stage or the Top-Up SA life due to an accident, an additional amount equal to the Base
option along with Base SA. Please refer to Section 8 for SA will be paid out to the nominee as lump sum.
more details.
The Effective Sum Assured applicable for the above
Life Promise Option has an inbuilt “Payor Accelerator Benefit” computation of Death Benefit would include any Cover
wherein the benefit amount equal to 50% of the Base SA is Enhancement Option purchased by exercising either the Life
paid out as lump sum on acceptance of Terminal Illness (TI) Stage or the Top-Up SA option along with Base SA.
claim by us. Upon payment of the TI claim, all the future
The policy will terminate upon payment of the entire sum of
premiums (base benefit and cover enhancement options, if
death benefit.
opted) shall be waived off and the policy will continue to remain
inforce for the remaining applicable benefit(s). Joint Life Promise Option also has an inbuilt benefit called
“Payor Accelerator Benefit” wherein the benefit amount equal
In case the life assured survives till maturity, no additional to 50% of the Base SA is paid out as lump sum on acceptance
benefit is payable, and the policy terminates. of first Terminal Illness (TI) claim of either first life or second life
Payor Accelerator Benefit illustration: by us. Upon payment of the TI claim, all the future premiums
(base benefit option and Life Stage or Top-Up SA, if opted)
Mr. Rahul, a 40 years healthy non-smoker business owner,
shall be waived off. Only 1 claim is admissible under “Payor
purchases Tata AIA Sampoorna Raksha Promise for a policy
Accelerator Benefit”.
term of 45 years and Sum Assured of 1 Cr. Rahul chooses to
pay premiums for 10 years. Before paying the 7th premium The policy will continue to remain inforce for the remaining
instalment, he gets diagnosed with a terminal illness. applicable benefits.
In case any or both the life assureds survive till maturity, no
Insured Age
40 45 49 85
additional benefit is payable, and the policy terminates.
Pay R 68,111 for Option 4: Joint Life Promise Plus Option:
4 Premiums
6 years Total Under this option, the death benefit will be as per Option
premiums paid Waived
3 above.
= R 4,08,666 (excl.
any applicable tax) In case both the lives assured survive till maturity, an amount
equal to the 100% of the Total Premiums Paid (excluding
0 5 9 45 loading for modal premiums and discount) towards the benefit
Policy year PPT End Policy year option, “Life Stage” or “Top-up SA”, if opted, shall be payable
Start end at the end of the Policy Term, provided the policy is not
Rahul is diagnosed Cover continues for terminated earlier.
with Terminal illness balance R 50 L SA
Rahul receives lumpsum “Terminal Illness” is defined as an advanced or rapidly
of R 50 L progressing incurable and un-correctable medical condition
which, in the opinion of two (2) independent Medical
Option 2: Life Promise Plus Option: Practitioners specializing in treatment of such illness, has
Under this option, the death benefit will be as per Option 1 greater than 50% chance of death of the Life Assured within 6
described above. months of the date of diagnosis of Terminal Illness. The
In case the life assured survives till maturity, an amount equal to Company reserves the right for independent assessment of the
the 100% of the Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for Terminal Illness.
modal premiums and discount) towards the benefit option, “Life The Payor Accelerator Benefit will commence after two years
Stage” or “Top-up SA”, if opted, shall be payable at the end of of issue of the policy. It is an accelerated benefit and is not
the Policy Term, provided the policy is not terminated earlier. available if the product is bought under PoS.

5 6
Premiums will vary depending on the option chosen. Common for all options –
At the time of purchase, the policyholder may stipulate that the
4. Death Benefit
nominee named in the policy receive a chosen portion (up to
In case of death of the life assured for an in-force policy (all due 100%) of the death benefit as lump sum and remaining as a
premiums have been paid), the death benefit payable to the staggered benefit stream over a pre-decided staggered
nominee is as outlined below: period. The nominee also has an option to receive the
commuted value of the future staggered benefit stream as a
Life Promise / Life promise Plus options – lumpsum. Refer to Section 7, Flexible Payout Option below for
Highest of: further details.
• 1.25 x Single Premium (excluding discount) or DB multiple1 In case of death of the life assured during the Grace Period but
x Annualised Premium2 (excluding discount); before the payment of the premium then due, the policy will still
be valid and the benefits shall be paid after deductions of the
• 105% of Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal said unpaid premium and also the balance premium(s), if any,
premiums and discount) up to date of death; or falling due from the date of death and before the next policy
• An absolute amount assured to be paid on death3 anniversary.
Upon payment of entire sum of the death benefit, the policy In case of death after a valid claim under the Payor Accelerator
terminates and no further benefits are payable. Benefit, the death benefit as described under this Section
DB multiple is 7 in case of Life Promise and 10 in case of Life promise Plus
would be reduced by the amount already paid under Payor
option Accelerator Benefit.
in aggregate for Base SA and all tranches of Additional Sum Assured
5. Maturity Benefit
The absolute amount assured to be paid on death is the Effective Sum
Assured applicable (as defined earlier) as on the date of death. Life Promise / Joint Life Promise: Not applicable
Joint Life Promise / Joint Life Promise Plus options – Life Promise Plus: An amount equal to the 100% of the Total
Highest of: Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and
discount) towards base benefit option and “Life Stage” or
• 1.25 x Single Premium (excluding discount) or DB multiple1 “Top-up SA”, if opted and applicable, shall be payable at the
x Annualised Premium (excluding discount); end of the Policy Term, provided the life assured survives till
• 105% of Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal maturity and the policy is not terminated earlier.
premiums and discount) up to date of death; or The Total Premiums Paid in the above formula shall be towards
• An absolute amount assured to be paid on death2 the base benefit option excluding loading for modal premiums
and discount.
DB multiple is 7 in case of Joint Life Promise and 10 in case of Joint Life
Promise Plus option Joint Life Promise Plus option: An amount equal to the
The absolute amount assured to be paid on death is the Effective Sum 100% of the Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for
Assured applicable (as defined earlier) as on the date of death. modal premiums and discount) towards the base benefit
option and “Life Stage” or “Top-up SA”, if opted and
The “Base SA” of the policy would be the sum of the amount
applicable, shall be payable at the end of the Policy Term,
payable as lumpsum and discounted value of the staggered
provided both the life assureds survive till maturity and the
benefit stream, as computed using the discount factor (as policy is not terminated earlier.
mentioned under Section 7, Flexible Payout Option) as at
policy inception. 6. Flexible Payout Option
“Total Premiums Paid” means total of all the premium paid The policyholder will have the option to opt for lump sum,
under the base product, excluding any extra premium and staggered benefit or a combination of a lump sum amount and
taxes, if collected explicitly. staggered benefit, as at the time of purchase (referred as the
“Annualised Premium” shall be the premium payable in a “Payout Plan” henceforth).
year under a non-single pay option chosen by the policyholder, If the payout plan chosen includes a staggered benefit, at the
excluding the taxes, rider premiums, underwriting extra time of purchase of the policy, the policyholder would stipulate
premiums, loading for modal premiums, if any. the benefit amount stream payable to the nominee after death
of the life assured. For premium calculation, sum assured for
“Single Premium” shall be the premium payable under a
the staggered benefit portion shall be computed as the
single pay option chosen by the policyholder, excluding the discounted value of the staggered benefit stream using a
taxes, rider premiums, underwriting extra premiums if any. discount rate of 4% p.a. The staggered benefit payment
frequency can be Annual / Half Yearly / Quarterly / Monthly.
The staggered benefit will be paid as per the frequency chosen

7 8
for the “Benefit Period” (up to 30 years) selected, starting from The policy shall continue with the Effective Sum
the next monthly anniversary following the date of occurrence Assured as applicable at the time of termination for
of insured event. Any accrued staggered benefit, due before rest of the policy term.
intimation of death, will be paid along with first payout under This option will not be available if the product is
this option. The policyholder can choose between: bought under PoS.
a. Level income payout – fixed income payout throughout the b. Top-Up SA:
chosen benefit period
Under Top-Up SA option, the policyholder can opt to
b. Increasing Income payout – income increases increase the life cover by a fixed percentage at each
year-on-year based on chosen simple interest rate (up to policy anniversary by paying an additional premium
15%) throughout the chosen benefit period. for every increase, subject to satisfactory underwriting
At any time during the staggered period, the nominee also as per the Board approved underwriting policy of the
has an option to receive the commuted value of the future Company (BAUP). The policyholder can opt to
staggered benefit stream as a lumpsum, discounted at the exercise the Top-SA option at the time of purchase of
higher of (4% p.a., State Bank of India domestic 10-year term the policy, provided the premium payment term is at
deposit rate prevailing at the time of commutation + 2%). least 5 years.
The Sum Assured increase shall be by a fixed
7. Additional Benefits and Features
percentage ranging from 5% to 20% of the Base SA
1. Cover Enhancement Options: chosen at inception every year till the earlier of:
a. Life Stage: Under Life Stage option, the policyholder • The maximum sum assured eligibility as per the
can increase the coverage amount on happening of Board-approved Underwriting Policy (BAUP) is
any one of the following events, subject to the BAUP breached
and the option to increase the SA is exercised within • The outstanding premium payment term
180 days of the incidence of the following event(s): becomes less than minimum specified under the
Event Additional Sum Assured product
as % of Base SA • The outstanding policy term becomes less than
Marriage (One Marriage Only) 50% the minimum allowed under the product
Birth/Adoption of 1st Child 25% • The attained age becomes higher than maximum
entry age allowed under the product
Birth/Adoption of 2nd Child 25%
Home Loan disbursal* • Claim under Payor Accelerator Benefit.
100%, subject to home loan
amount sanctioned This is subject to the Board approved underwriting
*Subject to underwriting
policy (BAUP) of the Company.
Once chosen, the option cannot be changed over the Once chosen, the option cannot be changed over the
policy term, but the policyholder will always have a policy term, but the policyholder will always have a
right to stop exercising the option in the future. right to stop exercising the option in the future.
The Additional SA can only be taken in the form of (up For each tranche, the additional premium will be
to) 4 tranches as mentioned in the above table determined using additional SA and the premium rate
provided there has been no claim under Payor which will be derived basis the following:
Accelerator Benefit. Additional premium will be • Attained age as of the policy anniversary at the
charged for each tranche. The premium amount for point of increase, subject to the maximum entry
the Base SA remains unaltered. Any increase in the age stipulated in the product.
SA shall be effective from the policy anniversary
succeeding the option exercise date. • Outstanding policy term (in complete months) as
of the policy anniversary succeeding the option
The policyholder will have an option to surrender the exercise date, subject to the minimum policy term
additional sum assured tranches after payment of stipulated in the product.
premiums for first five completed policy years. The
tranches shall be terminated after payment of any • Outstanding premium paying term (in complete
applicable value on surrender. The tranches will be months) as of the policy anniversary succeeding
surrendered in reverse order to which they were the option exercise date, subject to a minimum
availed, i.e. the latest tranche will be surrendered first, premium paying term specified in the product.
followed by the penultimate tranche, and so on. This • Aggregate sum assured (up to and including the
shall be allowed till all incremental tranches are increment in sum assured requested) opted for
removed. Once reduced, the premium or sum
under the contract.
assured cannot be subsequently increased.

9 10
• Underwriting classification as applicable on the option This option must be chosen at inception of the policy,
exercise date. however the surviving life assured has a choice to not
The policyholder can opt to terminate the future exercise this option at later date.
increments at any time during the policy term and such 4. Accidental Death Benefit:
termination will be effective from the next policy
anniversary. Once the future increments are terminated, Life Promise / Life Promise Plus: Not applicable
it is not possible to initiate the increments again over the Joint Life Promise / Joint Life Promise Plus options:
remaining premium paying term of the policy.
In case of simultaneous death of both the first life and
In case the policyholder does opt to terminate the
future increments, there will be an option to surrender second life due to accident for an in-force policy (all due
the additional sum assured tranches (i.e. in multiples of premiums have been paid), Base SA in addition to the
5% of Base SA) after payment of premiums for first five death benefit (defined above) shall be payable.
completed policy years. The tranches shall be Accidental Death shall mean death which
terminated after payment of any applicable value on
surrender. The tranches will be surrendered in reverse • is caused by bodily injury resulting from an accident and
order to which they were availed, i.e. the latest tranche • occurs due to the said bodily injury solely, directly and
will be surrendered first, followed by the penultimate independently of any other causes and
tranche, and so on. This shall be allowed till all
incremental tranches are removed. Once reduced, the • occurs within 180 days of the occurrence of such
premium or sum assured cannot be subsequently accident
increased. The benefit due to accidental death will be payable if
The policy shall continue with the Effective Sum the accident occurs within the Benefit Option term
Assured as applicable at the time of termination for rest even if death occurs beyond the term (however within
of the policy term.
180 days of the accident).
This Top-SA feature is not available if the product is
bought under PoS. An “Accident” means sudden, unforeseen and
involuntary event caused by external, visible and violent
2. Renewability option at Maturity: means.
At maturity, the policyholder can choose to extend the term
An “Injury” means accidental physical bodily harm
of their policy. This option can be exercised a maximum of
five times and is subject to BAUP. Additional premium shall excluding illness or disease solely and directly caused
be payable for the extended term and this shall be based by external, violent and visible and evident means
on the following: which is verified and certified by a Medical Practitioner
• Attained age at the time of maturity 5. Flexi Pay Benefit:
• The chosen increase in policy term Under this feature, the policyholder is allowed to defer the
due premium for a period of up to 12 months from the due
This option is available subject to following: date, while maintaining the full risk cover under the base
• Life Promise, Life Promise Plus option has been opted plan and attached riders, if any. There is no additional
• Premium payment term is Regular Pay premium applicable for this feature. In the event of a claim
during this period, sum assured will be payable after
• This option is not available if any claim under the deducting the unpaid premiums, if any, as on date of death
policy for respective life assured has already been or other insured event covered under base product and
made attached riders.
• This option is not available if any benefit under the At the end of premium deferment period, the policyholder
policy has already expired is required to pay the due premiums, including the
premium applicable for the period of premium deferment,
3. Cover Continuation Option:
i.e. the base cover premium and additional premium (if
In case of first death of either of the life assureds during the any). During the Premium Deferment, the policy will remain
policy term under Joint Life Promise and Joint Life Promise in-force with the benefits applicable under Grace Period of
Plus, the surviving life may choose to continue his / her life the policy.
cover by taking a Single Premium policy. The premium for Please note the following conditions:
the Single Premium policy shall be determined based on
attained age, chosen sum assured and policy term. The • The option is available to all premium paying terms
Single Premium policy shall be chosen from Life Promise (Regular, Limited) except Single pay
and Life Promise Plus options. The Single Premium • The option can be exercised only after payment of 5 full
amount shall be deducted from the death benefit payable years premium.
with respect to first death.

11 12
• The Premium Deferment shall be available for multiple 6. Instant Payout on Claim Intimation:
times with a gap of 5 policy years from the expiry date In case of death of the Life Insured, post completion of
of previous Premium Deferment. waiting period of 3 Policy Year from the policy inception or
• No interest shall be levied on the premium due during Revival of the Policy and provided the Policy is in force, an
the Premium Deferment period. accelerated instant death benefit of INR 3 Lacs from the
• Once the Premium Deferment is exercised, it shall Sum Assured will be paid within 1 working day from the
continue for maximum of 12 consecutive policy claim registration date as a gesture to provide interim
months i.e. one Premium Deferment shall mean 1 support. This payout shall be made only upon the
annual premium, 2 half-yearly premiums, 4 quarterly Company being satisfied with respect to the validity and
premium or 12 monthly premiums, as the case may be. enforceability of the documents submitted along with the
intimation of death claim.
• There should be a gap of at least 5 policy years
between the Premium Deferment i.e. policyholder can The remaining SA shall be payable post the completion of
opt for next - after completion of 5 years from the the claim investigation. Further, in case of any discrepancy
expiry of last exercised Premium Deferment. in the claim investigation where the death claim (including
Instant Payout) is found to be not payable owning to any
• The policyholder needs to pay the total outstanding reason whatsoever, the company reserves the right to
amount at the end of Premium Deferment period. For recover the already paid amount.
example, if the policyholder exercises Premium
Deferment in the 5th policy year then at the end of Eligibility criteria:
Premium Deferment period, policyholder has to pay • This benefit can only be availed if the policy is in-force.
the due premium for previous year (5th year) along with • This benefit is not payable in case of death during the
the next due premium (6th year) first 3 policy years.
• If the premiums due are not paid within 30 days (15 • Applicable only for policies with minimum Sum Assured
days in case of monthly mode) of the commencement of r 1 Crore.
of the next Policy Year after expiry of the Premium • On receipt of intimation of death, a payment of 3 Lac is
Deferment, the Policy (including Rider(s), if any) shall payable as Insta Payment. The balance Death benefit
lapse and no benefits shall be payable in the Policy or shall be payable at the time of claim settlement.
the Rider(s), if any) and company shall be entitled to • Documents required for claim intimation are Death
recover the same from any amounts or benefits Certificate, Cancelled Cheque / Bank account de-tails,
payable under the Policy or Rider(s). Claim intimation form, KYC of nominee and Policy
• This option can be exercised from the next premium document.
anniversary, independent of the policy anniversary. For • In case the Policy is during the FlexiPay benefit period,
example, for a monthly mode policy, a policyholder then in case of death of the Life Insured, we will deduct
having paid 12 monthly premiums may choose not to the due amounts from above accelerated death benefit
pay the next 12 monthly premiums. of r 3 Lacs
• If the policyholder exercises the Premium Deferment in • On assessment of documents submitted during claim
assessment, additional documents may be sought by
the last 5 years of the policy, then the next Premium
the company
Deferment shall not be allowed. Further, the Premium
Deferment shall not be available during the last year of • In case of repudiation / rejection of claim, for any
the premium paying term. reason whatsoever the company reserves the right to
recover the already paid amount. The Claimant is liable
• This option will only be applicable on the Base to pay such amount within 7 days of receipt of such
premium and rider premium, if any. communication of recovery.
• Policyholder can surrender the policy anytime along • This feature accelerates the total claim amount. The
with this option even during the Premium acceleration of instant claim should not be
Deferment year. construed/interpreted as acceptance of the claim.
• The policyholder needs to intimate 60 days before • The Company’s decision on the claim shall be final and
exercising Premium Deferment. If a premium is unpaid binding on the Claimant. In case the Claimant fails to
with no prior intimation, the policy at the end of the refund the said amount, appropriate actions may be
grace period shall be treated as per the terms initiated by the Company for recovery of the
and conditions. said amount.

13 14
7. Family Plan Option: • In case of death of secondary life insured before the
policy term, no further addition / change will
The Life insured at the inception (on payment of additional
be allowed.
premium) shall have an option to transfer Legacy Sum
• The life insured can opt for the benefit only at policy
Assured to his/her child provided the policy is inforce and
inception by paying an incremental premium to avail
the primary Life insured survives till the end of their policy the benefit.
term. The optional benefit will work as follows:
8. Health Management Services:
Primary Life (Benefits defined for Life Promise /Life The life assured may avail Second Opinion / Personal
Promise Plus option as stipulated under “Plan Medical Case Management / Medical Consultation
Benefits” Section) services from service provider(s) affiliated to/registered with
• The Primary Life Insured (i.e. Parent) coverage shall be the Tata AIA Life Insurance Co. Ltd. The services are
expected to assist the life assured to ascertain correct
applicable during the Policy Term wherein the available
diagnosis of a medical condition and obtain due care for
coverage terms for Primary Life are till Age 60 or 65 the life assured in case of illness.
years as per the base plan.
These services are subject to:
• Upon death or terminal illness of the Primary life during • the availability of suitable service provider(s);
the policy term, death or payor accelerated benefit, as
• primary diagnosis has been done by a registered
applicable, shall be payable and the policy will medical practitioner as may be authorized by a
terminate thereafter. competent statutory authority; and
• Upon survival of the primary life till the end of the Policy • the eligibility of the life assured as may be determined
Term, the primary life shall receive Return of Premiums by BAUP.
in case of Life Promise Plus options and no benefit Note:
shall be applicable under Life Promise option. The Sum • This service feature is expected to reduce mortality /
Assured (including any Top-up or Life stage option) of morbidity rates and thereby reduce expected claim
the primary life shall be transferred to the secondary life outgo for the insurer.
thereafter. • Medical Second Opinion / Personal Medical Case
Management / Medical Consultation is an optional
Secondary Life
service offered at no additional cost to the life assured.
• Upon survival of the primary life till the end of the Policy The life assured may exercise his/her own discretion to
Term; provided the secondary life (i.e. one Child, as avail the services and to follow the treatment path
opted at the inception) is alive, the coverage will suggested by the service provider.
commence for the Secondary Life Insured and shall be • These services shall be directly provided by the service
covered till the Extended Policy Term. provider(s).
• The Extended Policy Term shall start post the coverage • The services can be availed only where the policy /
rider is in-force.
period of primary life and will continue till the secondary
life reaches Age 60. • All the supporting medical records should be available
to avail the service.
• Upon death of the Secondary Life Insured, the Sum • We reserve the right to discontinue the service or
Assured shall be payable and the policy will terminate change the service provider(s) at any time.
thereafter. • The services are being provided by third party service
• Upon survival of the secondary life during the extended provider(s) and we will not be liable for any liability.
period, no benefit shall be payable, and the policy will Riders:
terminate thereafter.
The below mentioned rider(s) would be available with the base
Addition clauses applicable product:
• This option is available only for Life Promise and Life • Tata AIA Life Insurance Non-Linked Comprehensive
Promise Plus options. Protection Rider (UIN:110B033V04 or any subsequent
• Minimum Age gap between primary and secondary life version)
insured should be 18 years. • Tata AIA Life Insurance Non-Linked Comprehensive Health
Rider (UIN: 110B031V04 or any subsequent version)

15 16
• Tata AIA Vitality Protect (UIN: 110B046V04 or any Life Milestone Discount
subsequent version) An additional first year premium discount of 0.5% on single
premium and 2% on regular and limited pay policies will be
• Tata AIA Vitality Health (UIN: 110B045V03 or any
offered to customers any one of the below mentioned
subsequent version) milestones subject to the eligibility criteria specified.
These riders can be subject to the rider premium payment term Event Eligibility
and the policy term shall not be more than the outstanding Marriage Within 6 months before or after the date
premium payment term and outstanding policy term for the of marriage
base plan. Birth/Adoption Within 6 months before or after the birth /
Any minimum and maximum sum assured limits on the above of child adoption date
riders will remain applicable, irrespective of the fact that lower Home Loan Within 6 months of loan getting sanctioned
or higher sum assured might be chosen as the base cover First Job Within 6 months of joining date
under this plan. Currently, this discount is capped to a maximum of R 500 over
If there is overlap in benefit offered under different riders with the year and shall be subject to changes as determined by
Board Approved Policy.
the base product, then that benefit under the rider will not be
offered. Loyalty Program Reward
If you are a member of the loyalty program administered by a
The sum assured for any attaching rider(s) will not exceed the service provider empaneled by the Company, you shall be
Basic Sum Assured except for accidental death benefit rider. entitled to the Loyalty Program Reward upon the purchase of
Flexible premium payment modes the policy and upon meeting the eligibility criteria. The loyalty
programs foster long-term customer relationship and offer
You have an option to pay the premiums either as Single Pay redemption benefits through the service provider’s
or pay Annually, Half Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly modes. eco-systems based on applicable terms and conditions. Such
Loading on premiums will be applicable as mentioned below reward shall accrue as percentage of the Annualized Premium
or Single Premium (as applicable) and shall be made available
Modal loading is as follows: by the service provider to you in the form of benefits (points,
coins, etc.) in the first policy year by loyalty program service
Single Premium Rate : Multiply Single premium rate by
provider. The quantum of reward shall be determined by the
1(i.e. No loading) company’s extant policy and shall be disclosed in the
Annual Premium Rate : Multiply Annual Premium Rate by company’s website from time to time.
1 (i.e. No loading). The loyalty program rewards benefit shall be subject to
the below:
Half Yearly Premium Rate : Multiply Annual Premium Rate by • The availability of “Loyalty Program Reward” shall be
0.51 subject to the availability of suitable service provider(s).
Quarterly Premium Rate : Multiply Annual Premium Rate by • The Loyalty Program reward shall be directly provided by
0.26 the service provider(s). The rights and liabilities of the
policyholder/ Life Insured with respect to the Loyalty
Monthly Premium Rate : Multiply Annual Premium Rate by Program, shall be governed by the terms and conditions
0.0883 applicable to loyalty program.
• The Loyalty Program service is being provided by third
If the chosen premium paying term is not in integer years, the
party service provider(s) and the company shall not be
permissible mode of premium payment shall be restricted to liable for such services.
Single or Monthly only • The liability of the company is limited to the transfer of the
Salaried Discount value of the reward to the service provider, so empaneled.
If you are salaried and opting for Base sum assured greater • The company reserves the right to discontinue the service
or change the service provider(s) at any time and such
than equal to Rs 50 lacs, you will be offered a premium changes shall be updated on the company’s website
discount of 1% of single premium or 5% on first year premiums (
for regular and limited pay. • The eligibility conditions including the quantum of reward
No discounts shall be applicable on exercising the Life Stage or shall be determined as per the company’s extant policy
Top-Up SA Option as the increased premium shall be payable and subject to change. Please refer our website
from the next policy anniversary, which at the earliest would ( for updated list of eligibility conditions,
happen in the second policy year whereas the discount is list of empaneled service providers, loyalty programs and
the quantum of rewards. Any changes shall be applicable
applicable only on the first year’s premium. prospectively.

17 18
• The Loyalty Program reward shall be applicable post Non-Forfeiture Benefit on Premium Discontinuance:
completion of the free-look period, given the policy is still If any due premium for a non-single pay policy remains unpaid
in-force at the time of extending such reward. at the end of the grace period, cover ceases to exist and the
• The company reserves the right to recover such reward following benefit shall be payable:
value in the event of cancellation of the policy by you, within
6 months from the issuance of the policy.

Life Coverage
Premium Paying Size of benefits/policy monies
Before 2 years’ After 2 years’
premium paid premium paid
Cover cease Cover cease
Regular Pay to exist No amount is payable
to exist
Unexpired Risk Premium Value is paid out on the earlier of the following
Life events after which the policy terminates:
Option • Policyholder terminates voluntarily.
Cover cease Cover cease
Limited Pay • Death of the Life Assured
to exist to exist
• Expiry of Revival Period
• Maturity

Cover cease Cover cease

Regular Pay No amount is payable
to exist to exist
Unexpired Risk Premium Value is paid out on the earlier of the following
events after which the policy terminates:
Joint Life
Cover cease • Policyholder terminates voluntarily.
Promise Cover cease
Limited Pay to exist • First death of any of the Life Assureds or simultaneous death of both
to exist
Life Assureds
• Expiry of Revival Period
• Maturity

Life Coverage
Premium Before 1 full Size of benefits/policy monies
Paying options After 1 full years’
premium paid
premium paid
• Death Benefit as defined below is payable on death of the life assured.
• Payor accelerator benefit is payable on confirmed diagnosis of terminal
Life Cover continues with illness of the life assured.
Regular or Cover cease
Promise Reduced Paid-Up
Limited Pay to exist • Surrender Value / Unexpired Risk Premium as defined below is
Plus Option Sum Assured
• Maturity / Survival as defined above
• Death Benefit is payable on first death of any of the life assureds or
simultaneous deaths of both life assureds.
• Benefit as defined below is payable on simultaneous death of both life
Joint Life Cover continues with assureds due to accident
Regular or Cover cease
Promise Reduced Paid-Up
Limited Pay to exist • Payor Accelerator Benefit is payable on first confirmed diagnosis of
Plus Sum Assured
Terminal Illness of any of the life assureds
• Surrender Value as defined below is payable.
• Maturity Value is payable at maturity on survival of both life assureds

19 20
Such discontinued policies can be revived within the period of - Single Pay: Unexpired Risk Premium Value will be
5 years from the due date of first unpaid premium by payment equal to Unexpired Risk Premium Value Factor
of all due premiums together with interest. Upon revival of the (URPVF) * Single Premium paid (excluding discount), A
policy, all benefits shall be restored and be applicable with positive Unexpired Risk Premium Value is payable any
effect from the date of revival. time after the premium is paid.
Under Life Promise Plus and Joint Life Promise Plus Options The Unexpired Risk Premium Value Factor applicable
when a policy is converted to Reduced Paid-up on premium at time of surrender in all options is given by the
discontinuance after 1 full years’ premium paid: following formula:
• The coverage will continue in reduced paid-up status till URPVF = 75% * (Policy term less policy duration) /
maturity unless the policy is revived earlier. Policy Term.
• The Death Benefit is re-set to the Reduced Paid-Up Sum Such Unexpired Risk Premium Value for a policy is
Assured (as computed below) and is payable on death. determined separately for the Base Sum Assured and
• The Accidental Death Benefit is re-set to the Reduced each tranche of Additional Sum Assured and all
Paid-Up Accidental Death Sum Assured (as computed conditions are applicable for each tranche separately.
below) and is payable on: The total Unexpired Risk Premium Value payable will
be sum of such computed Unexpired Risk Premium
- Joint Life Promise Plus: Simultaneous accidental Value for each tranche.
death of lives assured
• Under Life Promise Plus and Joint Life Promise Plus
• In case of Terminal Illness claim, the amount payable under Options, a Surrender Value shall be payable on completion
this benefit is: of one policy year, provided one full years’ premium is paid
- Life Promise Plus, Joint Life Promise Plus - 50% * for non-single pay policies. For Single Pay policies,
Reduced Paid-up Factor * Base SA Surrender Value shall be payable immediately after it
• Any benefit paid for the Payor Accelerated Benefit shall be is issued.
adjusted from the computation of remaining reduced The surrender value shall be equal to the higher of the
paid-up applicable benefits. No survival benefits are Guaranteed Surrender Value (GSV) and the Special
payable under a paid-up policy during the policy term prior Surrender Value (SSV).
to maturity. • Guaranteed Surrender Value (GSV):
• On survival to maturity, the maturity benefit payable under The company guarantees a minimum non-negative surrender
this benefit is: value which is equal to GSV factor x Total Premiums paid
Reduced Paid-up Sum Assured = Reduced Paid-up (excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) up to the
Factor * Base SA date of surrender.
Reduced Paid-Up Accidental Death Sum Assured = • Special Surrender Value (SSV):
Reduced Paid-up Factor * Accidental Death SA
Special Surrender Value (SSV) as determined by the Company
Where, Reduced Paid-up Factor = Number of Premiums from time-to-time basis changing economic scenario. The
Paid / Number of Premiums Payable Company may revise SSV, based on the then prevailing market
Surrender Benefit: conditions. Any change in the methodology/formula for
The surrender benefit available under the product varies by the calculating the SSV shall be subject to IRDAI approval. The
Option chosen. The policy will terminate upon payment of this SSV will be subject to a floor of:
benefit. - 95% of Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for
• Under Life Promise and Joint Life Promise, an Unexpired modal premiums and discount) if policy is surrendered
Risk Premium Value will be paid on voluntary policy between 21st to 24th policy year, provided all due
termination, which is as follows: premiums until date of surrender were paid.
- Regular Pay: Unexpired risk value will be zero. - 100% of Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for
- Limited Pay: Unexpired Risk Premium Value is modal premiums and discount) if policy is surrendered
payable. post completion of 24th policy year, provided all due
premiums until date of surrender were paid.
The Unexpired Risk Premium Value Factor applicable
is given by the following formula: GSV and SSV and hence the Surrender Value shall be
determined separately for the Base Sum Assured and each
Unexpired Risk Premium = Unexpired Risk Premium tranche of Additional Sum Assured, wherever applicable. The
Value Factor (URPVF) * Annualised Premium (excluding total Surrender Value payable will be sum of such computed
discount). Surrender Value for each tranche.

21 22
If the life insured has opted for Family Plan Option, the Waiting period of 90 days is not applicable for death due to
Secondary Life Insured cannot surrender the policy. He / she accident provided all due premiums have been paid.
has the option to terminate the policy, but no surrender value
Policy Loan:
shall be payable.
Not available under this plan
Grace Period:
Grace Period is the time provided after the premium due date 8. Exclusions
during which the policy is in force with the risk cover.
• In case of death due to suicide within 12 months:
• Grace Period for monthly mode policies is 15 days.
- Life Promise, Life Promise Plus
• Grace Period for all other mode policies is 30 days.
• From the date of commencement of risk under the
policy or from the date of revival of the policy, as
The policy may be revived within five years from the due date applicable, the nominee or beneficiary of the
of first unpaid premium and before the date of maturity, subject
policyholder shall be entitled to at least 80% of the
to: (i) Policyholder’s written application for revival; (ii) production
of Insured’ s current health certificate and other evidence of Total Premiums Paid till the date of death or the
insurability, satisfactory to the Company, (iii) payment of all surrender value available as on the date of death
overdue Premiums with interest. The revival is subject to Board whichever is higher, provided the policy is in force; or
Approved Underwriting Policy. Any revival shall only cover • From the date of exercising the Life Stage Option (if
insured event which occurs after the revival date. applicable), the nominee or beneficiary of the
The applicable interest rate for revival is determined using the policyholder shall be entitled to 80% of the premiums
SBI domestic term deposit rate for ‘1 year to less than 2 years’, paid (excluding any extra premium, any rider premium
plus 2%. The rate of interest on revival with effect from 1st April and taxes) for the increased tranche(s). The original
2024 is 8.98% simple p.a. (i.e. SBI interest rate of 6.98% + 2%) death benefit (based on the sum assured chosen at the
plus applicable taxes. The interest rate applicable is reviewed time of purchase) and any increased death benefit
every 6 months and any alteration in the formula will be subject purchased by exercising the Life Stage Option
to prior approval of IRDAI.
subsequently but prior to 12 months from the date of
Free Look Period: death (due to suicide) will remain payable in full.
If the policyholder is not satisfied with the terms & conditions of If the policyholder has opted for Family Plan option,
the policy, the policyholder has the right to cancel the Policy by post the payment of the suicide claim the policy will
providing written notice to the Company and receive a refund terminate and no transfer of coverage shall be
of all premiums paid without interest after deducting a)
applicable for Secondary life.
Proportionate risk premium for the period on cover, b) Stamp
duty and medical examination costs (including goods and - Joint Life Promise, Joint Life Promise Plus:
services tax) which have been incurred for issuing the Policy. • From the date of commencement of risk under the
Such notice must be signed by the policyholder and received policy or from the date of revival of the policy, as
directly by the Company within 30 days after the policyholder applicable, of either or both of the life assureds, the
receives the Policy Document whether the policy is sourced nominee or beneficiary of the policyholder shall be
electronically or otherwise. entitled to at least 80% of the Total Premiums Paid till
The Proportionate risk premium will be determined as under: the date of earlier death or the surrender value available
Effective Sum Assured x (mortality rate) x (number of days for as on the date of death whichever is higher, provided
the period on cover /365) the policy is in force.
Waiting Period: - Terminal Illness:
This is applicable only if the product is bought under PoS. • No claim will be payable if the condition arises directly
• Life Promise, Life Promise Plus: If death of the Life Assured or indirectly because of attempted suicide in the first
occurs during the first 90 days from the Date of year from inception or revival of policy.
commencement of risk, the company shall refund Total • In case a Terminal Illness claim is not payable due to
Premiums Paid and the policy will terminate with the above exclusions, the policy will continue with the
immediate effect. applicable death cover.
• Joint Life Promise, Joint Life Promise Plus: If death of the • The benefit will not commence till two years are
either or both of the Life Assureds occur during the first 90 completed from the date of issuance of the policy.
days from the Date of commencement of risk, the
company shall refund Total Premiums Paid and the policy
will terminate with immediate effect.

23 24
- Accidental Death Benefit: • Death arising from or caused by ionizing radiation or
Accidental Death Benefit shall not be payable for any contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel
losses caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by (explosive or hazardous form) or resulting from or from
any one of the following occurrences: any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in
any other sequence to the loss, claim or expense from
• Death because of any disease or infection any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel,
• Death arising due to any condition other than death nuclear, chemical or biological attack.
solely and directly as a result of an accident
Tax Benefit:
• Any Pre-existing condition or Disability arising out of a
Pre-existing Diseases or any complication arising Income Tax benefits would be available as per the prevailing
therefrom. Wherever the proximate cause is accident income tax laws, subject to fulfilment of conditions stipulated
which has occurred after the rider inception date, this therein. Income Tax laws are subject to change from time to
exclusion shall not apply. time. Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. does not assume
responsibility on tax implication mentioned anywhere in this
• Suicide, attempted suicide, intentional self-inflicted document. Please consult your own tax consultant to know the
injury, acts of self-destruction, irrespective of mental tax benefit available to you.
• Death arising from or caused due to use, abuse or a
consequence or influence of an abuse of any Assignment allowed as per provision of section 38 of the
substance, intoxicant, drug, alcohol or hallucinogen Insurance Act 1938 as amended from time to time
• Death arising out of or attributable to foreign invasion, Nomination:
act of foreign enemies, hostilities, warlike operations Nomination allowed as per provision of section 39 of the
(whether war be declared or not or while performing Insurance Act 1938 as amended from time to time
duties in the armed forces of any country during war or
at peace time), participation in any naval, military or DISCLAIMER:
air-force operation, civil war, public defense, rebellion, • The Brochure is not a contract of insurance. The precise terms and
revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power. conditions of this plan are specified in the Policy Contract.

• Death caused by participation of the insured person in • This Product Brochure should be read along with Benefit Illustration
any flying activity, except as a bona fide, fare-paying • This product is underwritten by Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd.
passenger of a recognized airline on regular routes and • Insurance cover is available under this product.
on a scheduled timetable. • In case of non-standard lives, extra premiums will be charged as per our
• Insured Person whilst engaging in a speed contest or underwriting guidelines.
racing of any kind (other than on foot), bungee jumping, • Rider is not mandatory and is available for a nominal extra cost. For
parasailing, ballooning, parachuting, skydiving, more details on benefits, premiums and exclusions under the Rider,
paragliding, hang gliding, mountain or rock climbing please contact Tata AIA Life's Insurance Advisor/ branch.
necessitating the use of guides or ropes, potholing, • This plan is not a guaranteed issuance plan and it will be subject to
abseiling, deep sea diving using hard helmet and Company’s underwriting and acceptance.
breathing apparatus, polo, snow and ice sports in so • Premium will vary depending on the option chosen
far as they involve the training for or participation in • Buying a Life Insurance Policy is a long-term commitment. An early
competitions or professional sports, or involving a termination of the Policy usually involves high costs and the Surrender
naval, military or air force operation and is specifically Value payable may be less than the all the Premiums Paid.
specified in the Policy Schedule. • In case of POS variant, the product is available with/without medical
• Working in underground mines, tunnelling or underwriting as per BAUP (Board Approved Underwriting Policy)
explosives, or involving electrical installation with high • This plan is also available for sale through online mode on Company’s
tension supply, or as jockeys or circus personnel, or web-site
engaged in Hazardous Activities
• Death arising or resulting from the Insured Person
committing any breach of law or participating in an
BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IRDAI or its officials do not involve in activities
actual or attempted felony, riot, crime, misdemeanor, like selling insurance policies, announcing
or civil commotion with criminal intent. bonus or investment of premiums. Public
receiving such phone calls are requested to
FRAUDULENT OFFERS lodge a police complaint.

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