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Topic: Online Voting System

New Research Concept to Propose:

Research Title Author/s Abstract Reference

1. Voting Made Safe and Easy: The Impact of e-voting on Citizen

Perceptions* R. Michael Alvarez Voting technologies frame the
voting experience. Different ways of presenting information to voters,
registering voter choices and counting ballots may change the voting
experience and cause individuals to re-evaluate the legitimacy of the
electoral process. Yet few field experiments have evaluated how voting
technologies affect the voting experience. This article uses unique data from
a recent e-voting field experiment in Salta, Argentina to study these

2. Blockchain-Based E-Voting Systems: A Technology Review Hamed

Taherdoost The employment of blockchain technology in electronic voting (e-
voting) systems is attracting significant attention due to its ability to
enhance transparency, security, and integrity in digital voting. This study
presents an extensive review of the existing research on e-voting systems
that rely on blockchain technology. The study investigates a range of key
research concerns, including the benefits, challenges, and impacts of such
systems, together with technologies and implementations, and an
identification of future directions of research in this domain.

3. Blockchain for Electronic Voting System—Review and Open Research

Challenges Uzma Jafar, Online voting is a trend that is gaining momentum in
modern society. It has great potential to decrease organizational costs and
increase voter turnout. It eliminates the need to print ballot papers or open
polling stations—voters can vote from wherever there is an Internet
connection. Despite these benefits, online voting solutions are viewed with a
great deal of caution because they introduce new threats. A single
vulnerability can lead to large-scale manipulations of votes. Electronic voting
systems must be legitimate, accurate, safe, and convenient when used for
elections. Nonetheless, adoption may be limited by potential problems
associated with electronic voting systems.

4. Online Voting System Miti Mehta, Mihir Lalwani, Ashwini Harle The
‘Online Voting System’ is a web based voting platform for conducting
elections online. This system seeks to use face recognition algorithm for
voter identity authentication to enhance the security of the electioneering
process and ultimately providing an online platform which enables all eligible
voters to exercise this activity from any location.

5. ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM D Gayathri This work depicts an on-line

voting system by taking advantage of the centralized database with a web
interface. The main concept of this project is to allow people to cast their
vote by online. It saves the desirable time, it reduces the manual work, and
information available at time and it provide security for the data. The
election commission will maintain this website using face Recognition. User
needs to enter respective Aadhar id to cast the vote. User’s face can be
captured and compared with Aadhar database. The captured image and id
number are recognized and user is allowed to cast the vote. If it is failed then
user is not allowed to vote. After the successful completion of voting process,
number of votes to the particular candidate and the party will be counted by

6. Voters’ Evaluations of Electronic Voting Systems Paul S. Herrnson

This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grants
EAI0201634 and IIS-0306698 and Carnegie Corporation of New York Grant
D05008. We thank

the editor, guest editor Mike Alvarez, and the anonymous reviewers for their
comments on the

article. We also thank the voting system vendors, the participants in our
study, the staff at the
Center for American Politics and Citizenship of the University of Maryland,
and the numerous undergraduate and graduate research assistants at the
University of Maryland, University

of Rochester, and University of Michigan. secured and user friendly Online

Voting System. The problem

7. Does online voting change the outcome? Evidence from a multi-mode

public policy referendum Jonathan Mellon Do online and offline voters
differ in terms of policy preferences? The growth of Internet voting in recent
years has opened up new channels of participation. Whether or not political
outcomes change as a consequence of new modes of voting is an open
question. Here we analyze all the votes cast both offline (n = 5.7 million) and
online (n = 1.3 million) and compare the actual vote choices in a public
policy referendum, the world's largest participatory budgeting process, in Rio
Grande do Sul in June 2014.

of voting is still critical in terms of safety and security. This

8. Internet Voting Technologies and Civic Participation: The Users’

Perspective ANNE-MARIE OOSTVEEN In many places e-voting
technologies are under development, and an intensive theoretical and
normative debate is taking place about the pros and cons. We investigate the
opinions of the users of this type of technologies, as this is crucial for the
shaping and acceptance of the technology. We did not use a survey, but held
14 intensive discussion sessions in different countries with voters and
organizers of ballots, using the focus groups methodology. order to provide a
high performance with high security to the

9. E-Voting Using Android Device and Computer Terminals for Student

Government Election Galauran, Joseph D The Traditional way of voting
uses paper and most of the times make the election process very
inconvenient to the voters but, however with the arrival of technology right
now we already have lots of way to improve it, one example of which is the
E-voting it is widely known as the next level to the traditional paper voting
but laws, threats, flaws, and bugs keep it from being used by the masses. By
studying these faults, the study main prerogative is to be more
knowledgeable about the hindrances of the development of the voting
process in our society. voting system. The proposed Online Voting System

10. The Implementation of Electronic Voting System for Student

Representation Council using reCAPTCHA Amirul Asyraf Khairul Salleh1,
Harlinawati Abdul Kadir1, Aslimariah Ahmad1 and Mohd Azahari Mohd Yusof1
The electronic voting system (E-voting System) is a web-based
application that enables voters to record safe and confidential votes
electronically. This research aims to develop an E-Voting System by exploiting
the 'reCAPTCHA' security component for a private international college. The
Waterfall Model is deemed the most suitable to be used after data was
gathered prior to developing the system and it is also considered simple to
be employed the voters to scan their fingerprint, which is then matched

11. An Online Voting System for Colleges and Universities: A Case Study of
National Association of Science Students (NASS), University of Calabar
Idongesit E. Eteng, Ugochi D. Ahunanya and Paul U. Umoren This
paper describes an online voting system that was designed to meet the
electoral needs of universities and colleges. Design/Methodology: The
prototyping model was adopted as the methodology for designing the
application. In designing the Online Voting System, Flowcharts, Use Case
Diagrams and Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) were also employed. Results: The
system generated a more convenient voter and candidate registration
interface, an efficient voting interface, vote storage and count plus
immediate result compilation etc. with an already saved image within a
database that is

12. Online Voting system Aakash Suryavanshi

Our paper deals with online voting system that facilitates user(voter),
candidate and administrator (who will be in charge and will verify all the user
and information) to participate in online voting. our online voting system is
highly secured, and it has a simple and interactive user interface.retrieved
from aadhaar card database of the government.

13. The Theory and Implementation of an Electronic Voting System Ivan


We describe the theory behind a practical voting scheme based on homo-

morphic encryption. We give an example of an ElGamal-style encryption
scheme, which can be used as the underlying cryptosystem. Then, we
present efficient honest verifier zero-knowledge proofs that make the
messages in the voting scheme shorter and easier to compute and verify, for
voters as well as authorities, than in currently known schemes. Finally, we
discuss various issues connected with the security of a practical
implementation of the scheme for on-line voting. Notably, this includes
minimizing risks that are beyond what can be handled with cryptography,
such as attacks that try to substitute the software running on client

14. Web App Voting System in a Philippine State University: An ISO 9241-
11 Evaluation Jessie Richie N. De los Santos Fourth Industrial Revolution
offers various technological innovations that contribute significant
advantages to the university. The development of the web app voting system
(WAVS) in Eastern Visayas State University - Tanauan Campus transformed
the voting experience of university students. The study aimed to determine
the extent of usability of the WAVS in the Supreme Student Government
election. A total of 203 students (voters) served as the respondents using a
convenient sampling technique.

15. Web App Voting System in a Philippine State University: An ISO 9241-
11 Evaluation Jessie Richie N. De los Santos Fourth Industrial Revolution
offers various technological innovations that contribute significant
advantages to the university. The development of the web app voting system
(WAVS) in Eastern Visayas State University - Tanauan Campus transformed
the voting experience of university students. The study aimed to determine
the extent of usability of the WAVS in the Supreme Student Government
election. A total of 203 students (voters) served as the respondents using a
convenient sampling technique.

16. Web App Voting System in a Philippine State University: An ISO 9241-
11 Evaluation Jessie Richie N. De los Santos Fourth Industrial Revolution
offers various technological innovations that contribute significant
advantages to the university. The development of the web app voting system
(WAVS) in Eastern Visayas State University - Tanauan Campus transformed
the voting experience of university students. The study aimed to determine
the extent of usability of the WAVS in the Supreme Student Government
election. A total of 203 students (voters) served as the respondents using a
convenient sampling technique.



This capstone project focused on the design of a next generation online

voting system based on Blockchain technology, to strengthen the electoral
needs of universities and colleges. The issue with the current election in
some colleges here in the Philippines is performed in a traditional way,
counting the votes manually, that is prone to data tampering, fraud, and
data lost, even though there’s an existing electronic voting system it is
not sufficient. The researchers aimed to develop a web-based electronic
voting system, which provides a secure and flexible voting mechanism to
solve the problem of voter votes, hacking, and destroying systems.

18. A direct recording electronic voting system "Martha Miranda" Prior

to 2010 Elections, the Philippine elections have been manual, making the
process very slow and tiresome. Advantages and flaws were outlined thru
review of several approaches to manual and automated elections. Database
management and user interface development standards were focused to
develop a vote integral solution embodied in a Direct Recording Electronic
(DRE) Automated Election System (AES).

19. Does E-Voting matter for turnout, and to whom? Adrien Petitpas
Empirical evidence suggests that e-voting has no measurable effects
on turnout. However, existing studies did (or could) not look at e-voting
effects on the individual level. We innovate by analyzing whether and to
what extent the availability of e-voting fosters turnout among specific groups
of citizens, and how this influences the equality of participation. To that end,
we estimate Bayesian multi-level models on a unique set of official data on
citizens’ participation covering 30
etween 2008 and 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland, which has the most far-
reaching experience with e-voting worldwide. Despite the fact that e-voting
was added to an easy-to-use form of postal voting, we find that offering e-
voting has increased turnout among abstainers and occasional voters. By
contrast, the effects of e-voting availability on the equality of participation
are mixed with respect to the age cohorts and gender.

20. The Security Challenges of Online Voting Have Not Gone Away
Robert Cunningham Online voting is sometimes heralded as a
solution to all our election headaches. Proponents claim it eliminates hassle,
provides better verification for voters and auditors, and may even increase
voter turnout. In reality, it’s not a panacea, and certainly not ready for use in
U.S. elections.

Recent events have illustrated the complex problem of voting in the

presence of a state-level attacker, and online voting will make U.S. elections
more vulnerable to foreign interference. In just the past year, we have seen
Russian hackers exfiltrate information from the Democratic National
Committee and probe voter databases for vulnerabilities, prompting the U.S.
government to formally accuse Russia of hacking.

21. Internet Voting: Challenges and Solutions. Policy Paper Dmytro

Khutkyy The aim of this paper is to identify, structure, and remit the risks
of electronic voting by offering practical solutions for countering them. In the
context of a wider electoral reform, after a cost-benefit analysis has been
performed and the introduction of internet voting has been decided upon,
this policy paper can help foresee presumable challenges and refute
ungrounded objections. In contrast to most publications that either focus on
particular risks or describe proper i-voting, this paper inspects multiple
challenges and addresses them. It is intended as a reference for politicians,
public officials, civic activists, and citizens overall for preventing, detecting,
and mitigating i-voting misuse, safeguarding e-democracy against
distortions, and strengthening good governance

22. Design and Development of Real-Time E-Voting System with High

Security Features Amit MishraIn this day and age of developing cutting edge
innovations, the traditional voting technique can be changed to a more up to
date and powerful approach termed as electronic voting system. The
electronic voting system gives a helpful, simple and proficient approach to
cast a ballot eliminating the shortcomings of traditional approach. The point
of this research work is to exhibit an electronic voting system (E-Voting) to be
connected to organization constituent body. A software application was
developed utilizing web API’s and the concept of Dynamic systems
development method (DSDM) used with object-oriented methodology for the
development of the application.

23. Developing a Secure Integrated E-Voting System Charles AyoThe

electoral system is paramount to the survival of democracy all over the
world. Current happenings around the world, particularly in the developing
world where poor conduct of elections had left a number of countries
devastated are of great concern to world leaders. Therefore, efforts are
ongoing to introduce a voting system that is transparent, convenient and
reliable. This chapter presents an overview of an integrated electronic voting
(e-Voting) system comprising: the electronic voting machine (EVM), Internet
voting (i-Voting) and mobile voting (m-Voting). Similarly, issues of
interoperability of the integrated system are discussed as well as the needed
security measures. It is however recommended that emphasis be directed at
EVM for use within the country while others are restricted to special cases of
remote voting for citizens living abroad or living with certain deformities.

24. Building the System for E-voting or Ecounting Ben Goldsmith When
defining national standards, countries may choose to make reference to or
incorporate international standards for the use of voting and counting
technologies (for example, the Council of Europe [CoE] recommendation on
e-voting28). International standards for democratic elections defined in
public international law apply equally to elections using electronic voting and
counting technologies and must be taken into account. However, as
explained above, international electoral standards are still evolving in order
to cope with the specific challenges of using voting and counting
technologies; and there is no consensus yet on their content. Even the CoE
recommendation on e-voting, which is the most authoritative of the
emerging standards documents, is only a recommendation and only directly
applicable to CoE member states.

25. Online Voting System | Online Election System

jpinfotechprojectsThe project “Online Election System” / “Online Voting

Software” aims at making the voting process easy in any type of elections.
Presently voting is performed using ballot paper and the counting is done
manually, hence it consumes a lot of time. There can be possibility of invalid
votes. All these make election a tedious task. In recent times in India, due to
elections the second wave of COVID transmission also made huge loss of
human lives.


Maryblessing Umeh Fundamental right to vote or simply voting in
elections forms the basis of democracy. The conduct of periodic, competitive,
participatory, credible and non-violent elections is one of the main yardsticks
used to determine the democratic condition of a state. In Nigeria, elections
have been conducted using the manual system of voting ever since we
started practicing democracy in 1999, but these elections using the manual
means have been marred with a lot of electoral malpractices and hitches.
These includes violent attack on the voters, result manipulations, vote
buying, remoteness of polling centers etc. These are enough reasons that
necessitates the design and construction of an electronic voting system, that
goes a long way in addressing most of these problems.

27. The effect of the internet on voting behavior Stephan Heblich

The internet is the new mass medium that affects many aspects of everyday
life. Empirical evidence during the initial phase of the internet suggests that
a “crowding-out” of political information occurred, which affected voter
turnout. The introduction of interactive social media and “user-defined”
content appears to have reversed this, but there is a downside: voters can
now be personally identified and strategically influenced by targeted

28. ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM Prachi Lohakare

The development of an online voting system aims to modernize the

electoral process by leveraging digital technologies to ensure a secure,
efficient, and accessible voting experience. This system addresses critical
issues such as voter authentication, ballot secrecy, vote integrity, and result
accuracy. It employs robust cryptographic techniques to protect the
confidentiality and integrity of votes, ensuring that each vote is uniquely
linked to an authenticated voter while maintaining anonymity.


Akshara Sahu

The advent of technology has ushered in a new era of innovation,

impacting various facets of our lives, including democratic processes. The
"Online Voting System" represents a paradigm shift in the way citizens
participate in elections, leveraging digital platforms to enhance accessibility,
efficiency, and security in the electoral process. This research paper delves
into the design, implementation, and evaluation of an online voting system.
It explores the key components, such as voter authentication, ballot casting,
and result tabulation, while addressing the challenges associated with
ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the voting process.

30. ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM Mr. Chirag Thakur

With rapid growth in technologies the old voting methods can change
to advanced voting methods. Online voting software is a modern solution
that can efficiently and securely facilitate the voting process for various
groups and organizations. The use of such software eliminates the need for
physical polling stations, as voters can cast their ballots from anywhere with
an internet connection.

31. Selective comparison of verifiable online voting systems

Tamara Finogina

This paper aims to provide a guideline for identifying the most suitable online
voting system under the given requirements and acceptable tradeoffs. We
have selected twelve (more or less) well‐known online voting systems that
rely on distinct cryptographic mechanisms for achieving security. For each of
the systems, we summarized the key architectural and cryptographic ideas
behind their design.



Emmanuel Ogala

The development of an online voting system in a cloud computing

environment has emerged as a crucial area of research due to its potential to
enhance the efficiency, security, and accessibility of the voting process. This
paper presents an overview of the key components and design
considerations involved in the development of such a system.

33. Web Based: Online Voting System

Sujit Manapure

Online voting systems offer a promising avenue for modernizing

electoral processes, providing convenience and accessibility to voters.
However, ensuring the security and integrity of such systems remains a
critical challenge. This abstract proposes the integration of web camera
authentication as a novel approach to enhance security and inclusivity in
online voting systems.

34. ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM Ms. Kavya Ramesh Naidu With rapid
growth in technologies the old voting methods can change to advanced
voting methods. Online voting software is a modern solution that can
efficiently and securely facilitate the voting process for various groups and
organizations. The use of such software eliminates the need for physical
polling stations, as voters can cast their ballots from anywhere with an
internet connection. The benefits of using online voting software are many; it
increases accessibility, saves time and resources, ensures accuracy and
transparency, and supports a more democratic decision-making process.
Eligibility verification and accurate voter information are essential
components of a successful online voting platform. While several countries
have already implemented online voting software, this approach still faces
challenges and limitations that must be addressed before universal adoption.
In the following sections, we will delve further into the various types of
electronic voting methods and examine successful global examples of online
voting. We will also discuss current trends and future developments in online
voting software provide a comparison between online and traditional voting
methods. Keywords: Mysql, Java, Servlet, JSP

35. COLLEGE VOTING PORTAL Samarth N. Bedare In this research

paper, we present a desktop application for college elections developed
using VB C#, SQL Server technologies. The proposed system is designed to
offer a secure, efficient, and reliable platform for students to vote online. The
system uses various security measures such as user authentication, data
encryption, and secure database management to ensure the security and
integrity of the voting process. The system is scalable and can handle a large
number of voters and candidates, and includes features such as custom
ballot templates and vote counting. The proposed desktop application uses
the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates the
presentation, business logic, and data access layers. The user interface is
designed to be intuitive and userfriendly, with candidate profiles and
electronic voting features. The system is fault-tolerant, with failover
mechanisms in place to ensure that the system remains available in the
event of hardware or software failures. Overall, the proposed college voting
system is an effective solution for conducting elections, offering a reliable
and efficient platform that can be customized to meet the specific needs of
different institutions. Keywords: Voting, Polls, SQL, Admin, User, Module,
Visual Studio, Secure.

36. College Online Voting System R.Divakar Subbram Abstract : College

Online Voting System is a web-based system, it automates the running of
elections and surveys online. Users are individually interacting with the
system. All user interaction is performed remotely through the user's
browser. Before voting user should fill registration form and provide their
details, that details are compared with details in college database, if data’s
are match then user request form is accepted and provided by username and
password, otherwise entry is going to be cancelled by administrator. Users
using their username and password log in into this system and vote on that
date of election only. In this system contains two level of user’s, one is
administrator level and another one is voter level https://www.journal-

37. Student Online Voting System Raja Lakshmi Abstract: On-line

Voting System is a web based system that facilitates the running of elections
and surveys online. Users are individuals who interact with the system. All
user interaction is performed remotely through the user's web browser. Users
are provided with a online registration form before voting user should fill
online form and submit details these details are compared with details in
database and if they match then user is provided with username and
password using this information user can login and vote. If conditions are not
correct entry will be canceled. It contains two level of user’s administrator
level and voter level where each level has different functionality.

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