Basic Microeconomics - Lesson 4
Basic Microeconomics - Lesson 4
Basic Microeconomics - Lesson 4
➢ Markets arrange the interaction of
LESSON 4 buyers and sellers. It can be but does
not have to be a physical location
Markets are important because they allow like a supermarket.
the allocation of resources in the economy.
They serve as an avenue in which ➢ Markets can take on other forms –
consumers and producers can meet and
interact. It is a mechanism that facilitates ○ virtual market - shopee,
trade by which the prices of commodities lazada, carousell
are determined. ○ labor market - marketplace
where employers seek to hire
DEFINITION OF A MARKET workers and individuals look
For the process of exchange to take place, a for employment. Ex.
market is necessary. A market is a place Jobstreet Ph
that enables two parties – buyers and ○ real estate market - is a
sellers, to interact with each other or marketplace where properties
exchange goods and services. such as land, houses, condos
and commercial spaces are
Economists suggest that markets have the bought, sold or rented. Ex.
following Elements/Components: Lamudi Ph
○ foreign exchange market -
1. Buyers. People who demand and marketplace that determines
consume goods and services. the exchange rate for global
2. Sellers. Firms that produce or supply currencies. Ex. Metrobank
goods and services. ○ and so forth.
3. Goods and services. The existence
of commodities for transaction or ➢ A Market can be a specific location,
exchange. such as a retail outlet. It may cover
4. Price. The mechanism that regulates local, national, or global in scale,
the quantities demanded and such as the market for petroleum
supplied. products.
5. Money. Serves as a facility or ➢ It may be a formally established
medium of exchange. process, such as the Philippine
6. Demarcation of area. This includes Stock Exchange, or an
the specific place or location, region, unorganized one, like the
country or the whole world. underground or black market.
the ease of entry and exit from the
➢ Regardless of the forms, markets market.
always perform a role to facilitate The interaction and differences between
the exchange of goods and services. these characteristics result in the existence
of several structures of the market. These
➢ Markets vary in form, scale, include:
location, types of participants, as
well as the types of goods and 1. Perfect Competition
services traded. The broad 2. Monopolistic Competition
classification of markets in the 3. Oligopoly
following table: 4. Monopoly
1. One seller. There is only one firm that An oligopolistic market has these
supplies products in the market. As a important characteristics:
consequence, the firm is the industry. A
monopoly is completely different from 1. Few sellers and many buyers. There is a
perfect competition, where a large number small number of interdependent firms that
of firms make up the industry. Since there is dominate or control the market. The
no competition, the firm enjoys the power of oligopolist is considered a price searcher.
controlling the supply and setting higher
prices of products. Thus, monopolists are 2. Homogeneous or differentiated
price makers, products. Firms either produce
homogeneous or differentiated products.
2. Unique product. The sole supplier sells a Oligopolistic markets supply homogenous
product that has no close substitutes or no products such as petroleum and aluminum
competitors. The Microsoft Office
and sell differentiated products such as
automobiles and aircraft.