Math 4 - DLL - Q2 - Week 4

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Kurikulum Teacher’s Name: JOSEPHINE T. AGOCOY Learning Area: MATHEMATICS

Lingguhang Aralin Date: October 21-25, 2024 Quarter & Week: Q2 / WEEK 4



A. Content The learners should have knowledge and understanding of multiplication of whole numbers with products up to 1
Standards 000 000, division of up to 4-digit numbers by up to 2-digit numbers, and the MDAS rules.

B. Performance
By the end of the quarter, the learners are able to perform different operations by applying the MDAS rules. (NA)

C. Learning
1. Perform two or more different operations by applying the MDAS rules.
2. Represent situations involving one or more of the four operations using a number sentence.
and Objectives

D. Content Order of Operations (Applying the MDAS rules)

E. Integration


Tabilang, A. R., Arce, I. J. B., Pascua, R. V., Calayag, N. P., Dacuba, L. P., Borais, D. B., Buemia, r. B., Collao, M. T., Morandate, L. g.,
A. B., Gonzaga, L. N., Briones, I. A., & Daganta, J. A. D. (2015). Mathematics 4 Learner’s Material Unit 1. pp. 82-84. Department of
Education. Philippines.


A. Activating DAY 1 to 4 It is suggested that operation
PriorKnowledge 1. Short Review facts should be an integral part
Addition and Subtraction Facts of the preliminary activities.
Instructions. Use flashcards with addition and subtraction of two-digit
numbers and a one-digit number and/or two-digit numbers and two-digit Addition and Subtraction
numbers. Let the students use a “Show Me” board where they can write their Facts. Mastery of the skills to
answers. Flashcards must contain the answer to the addition and subtraction add and subtract two-digit
facts. numbers with one-digit
Example: numbers and two-digit numbers
with two- digit numbers is an

23 + 5 = 37 - 4 = 34 + 27 = 78 - 49 = requirement for Grade 4
14 + 7 = 49 - 6 = 56 + 48 = 63 - 27 = students mentally or
32 + 4 = 58 - 2 = 72 + 35 = 94 - 58 =
48 + 3 = 26 - 5 = 89 + 42 = 56 - 34 =
56 + 2 = 53 - 8 = 45 + 56 = 72 - 39 = Providing students with
39 + 6 = 45 - 3 = 63 + 78 = 85 - 27 = flashcards containing answers
17 + 9 = 31 - 7 = 57 + 66 = 69 - 47 = on the reverse side can be a
41 + 8 = 72 - 1 = 88 + 75 = 77 - 58 = valuable remediation and
25 + 1 = 64 - 9 = 47 + 53 = 88 - 66 = intervention strategy for
36 + 7 = 38 - 2 = 66 + 44 = 55 - 22 = students facing challenges in
acquiring these skills. This
allows them to work at their own
Multiplication and Division Facts pace to achieve proficiency.
Instructions. Use flashcards with multiplication and division of two-digit
numbers and one-digit numbers. Multiplication and Division
4 x 3 = 6÷3= 34 x 5 = 36 ÷ 12 = Facts. Failing to commit
7 x 5 = 9÷3= 56 x 3 = 63 ÷ 9= multiplication and division facts
2 x 8 = 10 ÷ 2 = 72 x 9 = 48 ÷ 12 = to memory puts learners at risk
6 x 7 = 28 ÷ 7 = 89 x 4 = 72 ÷ 36 = of struggling with the
3 x 9 = 90 ÷ 10 = 45 x 2 = 55 ÷ 11 = comprehension of advanced
5 x 2 = 15 ÷ 5 = 63 x 7 = 28 ÷ 14 = mathematical concepts and
8 x 4 = 8÷4= 57 x 8 = 84 ÷ 21 = processes.
6 x 9 = 25 ÷ 5 = 88 x 6 = 62 ÷ 21 =
7 x 1 = 56 ÷ 7 = 47 x 1 = 78 ÷ 13 = If possible, reiterate the following
3 x 0 = 0÷3= 66 x 0 = 92 ÷ 23 = with accompanying explanations:
a. multiplication as repeated
addition (i.e., 5 x 3 = 5 + 5 + 5);
and b. division as the formation
of equal groups (i.e., how many
2. Feedback groups of three are there in 15?)
Monitor the common errors committed by learners. Give immediate and and inverse operation of
corrective feedback on this operation facts. multiplication.

B. Establishing 1. Lesson Purpose Draw learners’ attention to the

Lesson Purpose DAY 1 associative property of addition
Activity 1. Write the missing number so that the addition sentence is correct. and multiplication and the

(Sample items) distributive property of
multiplication over addition.

Activity 1 draws learners’

attention to addition and
subtraction facts and the
associative property of addition.
Guide Questions: Rather than emphasizing the
1. How did you find the missing numbers so that the addition sentence is associative property, draw their
correct? attention to doing the addition
2. How did you check if your answer is correct? process from left to right and not
to the grouping symbol.
Activity 2. Write the missing number so
that the multiplication sentence is correct. Activity 2 draws learners’
(Sample items) attention to multiplication and
division facts and the associative
Guide Questions: property of multiplication.
1. How did you find the missing Rather than introducing the
numbers so that the multiplication associative property, draw their
sentence is correct? attention to doing the
2. How did you check if your answer is correct? multiplication process from left
to right and not to the grouping
DAY 3 symbol.
Activity 3. Write the missing number so
that the number sentence is correct.
(Sample items) Activity 3 draws learners’
attention to operation facts and
Guide Questions: the distributive property of
1. How did you find the missing multiplication over addition.
numbers so that the number Rather than introducing the
sentence is correct? distributive property, draw their
2. How did you check if your answer is correct? attention to doing all
multiplication processes first
2. Unlocking Content Area Vocabulary from left to right before adding.
Order of Operations is a set of rules used in mathematics to determine the (Give Activity 3 after facilitating
sequence in which operations should be performed. For the four fundamental sub-topic 1)
operations, MDAS is used to abbreviate the order of operations.

C. Developing and DAY 1-2 Remember to perform addition
Deepening SUB-TOPIC 1: Order of Operations [Performing two operations: Addition and and subtraction operations in
Understanding Subtraction (AS rule) and Multiplication and Division (MD rule)] the order they are written in a
1. Explicitation problem. No priority is given to
After letting learners do Activity 1 and 2 and answer the guide questions, addition over subtraction or vice
the teacher emphasizes that they got the correct answer because they versa; we work from left to right.
followed a set of rules. This ensures clarity and
The teacher will introduce the order of operations performing two accuracy when simplifying
operations at a time (i.e., AS rule and MD rule). numerical expressions.
 AS rule stands for Addition and Subtraction rule. The rule states that
you should perform addition or subtraction whichever comes first, from To avoid confusion, it is
left to right. recommended not to give the
 MD rule stands for Multiplication and Division rule. The rule states addition operation as a first
that you should perform multiplication or division whichever comes first, operation on the number
from left to right. sentence of the first example so
that they will not have a
2. Worked Example misconception that it is always
Example 1. What is the value of 20 – 8 + 13? addition that should be
Solution: Start from left to right: 20 – 8 + 13 performed, and subtraction is
Continue from left to right: 12 + 13 secondary (as the AS appears in
Answer: 25 the abbreviation of the rule).

Example 2. What is the value of 15 + 27 – 2 – 10 + 17?

Solution: 15 + 27 – 2 – 10 + 17
42 – 2 – 10 + 17
40 – 10 + 17
30 + 17
Answer: 47

Example 3. Arthur has 15 pieces of colored paper. Ben borrowed 2 colored

papers from Arthur while Catherine borrowed 5, and Dave borrowed 6. Eli
gave Arthur 8 colored papers. How many colored papers does Arthur have
Number sentence: 15 – 2 – 5 – 6 + 8
15 – 2 – 5 – 6 + 8
13 – 5 – 6 + 8
Answer: Arthur has 10 colored papers

Example 4. What is the value of 30 ÷ 6 × 3?

Solution: 30 ÷ 6 × 3
Reiterate that the MD rule states

that learners need to perform
multiplication or division in the
Answer: 15 order they are written. To avoid

Example 5. Determine the value of 22 × 3 ÷ 2 ÷ 11.

confusion, it is suggested that

Answer: 22 × 3 ÷ 2 ÷ 11
the first example for the MD rule
does not have the multiplication
66 ÷ 2 ÷ 11 operation as the first operation
33 ÷ 11 on the number sentence.
Answer: 3
*You may create more
Example 6. Mrs. Cruz has 30 pupils. She grouped the class into 3 groups. Each contextualized word problems to
pupil in a group gets 2 pencils. How many pencils were received by one make learners more engaged in
Number Sentence: 30 ÷ 3 × 2
group? Solution:

30 ÷ 3 × 2
10 × 2
Answer: There are 20 pencils in one group

3. Lesson Activity
Let learners do the following: It is suggested that you give
A. Determine the value of the following: Activity 3 as a preliminary
activity to activate prior

5× 3× 4÷2
Set 1 Set 2 knowledge. Do this after the

108 ÷ 9 ÷ 3 × 6
1. 35 – 12 – 8 + 17 1. first sub-topic was

18 × 3 ÷ 9
2. 13 + 9 – 15 + 23 2. implemented.

9 ÷ 9 × 12 ÷ 4
3. 45 – 32 – 8 3.

10 ÷ 10 × 10 × 10
4. 16 + 21 – 9 4.
5. 9+9–9–9 5.

B. Determine the missing number so that the number sentence is correct.

7 ×
Set 1 Set 2

× 2 = 10
1. 16 – + 23 = 35 1. ÷ 2 = 21
2. 32 – 24 – + 19 = 24 2. 15 ÷

5× 5÷
3. - 18 + 9 – 10 = 8 3. 60 ÷ 3 ÷ =5

4 ×
4. 34 + 15 - = 40 4. ÷5=1
5. 8–5+ - 14 = 11 5. ÷ 2 = 10

SUB-TOPIC 2: Order of Operations (Performing three or more operations
using the MDAS rules)
To avoid misconception, do not
1. Explicitation
give as a first example a number
Before introducing the MDAS rule, let the students do Activity 3. The
sentence where multiplication or
teacher will process the learners’ work. The teacher needs to draw from the
division is the first set of
learners the process of doing multiplication first before adding to get the correct
operations to be seen from left to
missing value and to make the number sentence correct. The teacher
right. Instead, use addition or
introduces the MDAS rule.
subtraction followed by either
MDAS rule stands for Multiplication, Division, Addition, and
multiplication or division. This
Subtraction rule. The rule states that you should perform first multiplication
makes the first example
and division in the order in which they occur followed by addition or
problematic so that they always
subtraction, whichever comes first, from left to right.
must find multiplication/division
first before adding or subtracting
Example 1. What is the value of 79 – 12 × 4?
2. Worked Example
from left to right.
Solution: 79 – 12 × 4
Use colored pens to direct
79 – 48
learners’ attention to the first
Answer: 31
operations to be performed (i.e.,
Example 2. What is the value of 52 – 8 × 5 ÷ 4 + 9?
multiplication and division).
Solution: 52 – 8 × 5 ÷ 4 + 9 *You may add word problems to
52 – 40 ÷ 4 + 9 elicit number sentences to
52 – 10 + 9 represent the situation.
42 + 9
Answer: 51

Example 3. What is the value of 60 × 2 + 5 – 3 + 8 × 6 – 1?
Solution: 60 × 2 + 5 – 3 + 8 × 6 – 1
120 + 5 – 3 + 48 – 1
125 – 3 + 48 – 1
122 + 48 – 1
170 – 1
Answer: 169

3. Lesson Activity
Let the learners do the following: Answer Key:
A. Determine the value of the following: Part A.
1. 6 + 42 ÷ 2 – 15 1. 12
2. 5 + 36 ÷ 2 × 3 – 4 2. 55
3. 63 ÷ 7 × 3 – 4 3. 23
4. 25 × 2 – 42 ÷ 6 + 18 4. 61
5. 36 – 10 × 2 ÷ 5 – 11 5. 21

B. Determine the missing number so that the number sentence is correct. Part B.
1. 9 - + 14 × 2 = 30 1. 7
2. ÷5-7=3 2. 50
3. 24 ÷ + 5 × 3 + 2 = 20 3. 8
4. 16 + 8 × 4 – 9 ÷ = 45 4. 3
5. 36 + 18 ÷ - 10 = 35 5. 2

D. Making 1. Learners’ Takeaways

Generalizations DAY 2
For Sub-topic 1:
Guide Question: In solving a series of operations, in what order do you
perform addition and subtraction? multiplication and division?

For Sub-topic 2:
Harry and Hermione were given the same problem. They are to determine the
value of 6 + 4 × 2 ÷ 2 - 1. Here are their solutions.

Harry’s solution: Hermione’s solution:
6+4×2÷2–1 6+4×2÷2–1
10 × 2 ÷ 2 – 1 6+8÷2–1
20 ÷ 2 – 1 6+ 4–1
10 – 1 10 – 1
Answer: 9 Answer: 9

Who got the correct answer and correct solution? Why?

2. Reflection on Learning
1. In performing operations, I should look first for and
2. I should perform multiplication and division from to .
3. After performing multiplication and division, I can now or from
left to right.


A. Evaluating DAY 4 Answer Key:

Learning 1. Formative Assessment Part A.

1. 5 × 2 + 3 4. 5 × 3 + 20 ÷ 4 − 12
A. Determine the value of the following number sentence: 1. 13

2. 15 − 2 + 8 + 10
2. 31

3. 15 − 6 × 2 + 4 ÷ 4
5. 24 + 18 – 5 × 6 3. 4
4. 8
5. 12
B. Determine the missing number so that the number sentence is correct.
6. 18 ÷ 3 + –3×4=9 Part B.
7. 7 × 3 – 12 ÷ + 6 = 24 6. 15
8. 8 ÷ + 6 × 8 = 50 7. 4
8. 4
C. Write >, <, or = on the blank space to compare the two numerical
expressions. Part C.
9. 6 × 7 – 12 ÷ 3 + 15 13 + 3 × 4 – 10 ÷ 2 9. >
10. 3 × 2 × 5 + 12 12 ÷ 2 × 6 + 4 – 3 10. >

Rubrics. Each item is worth 2 points. The learner should be able to show a
complete solution for each item.
2 points 1 point 0 point
Provided a Provided a complete solution but Did not
complete solution. there are 1-2 processes taken attempt to
All process is incorrectly but arrive at the correct solve the
correct, and the answer. problem.
final answer is
correct. Attempted to solve the item but did
not arrive at the correct answer.

D. Worksheet (See attached copy of the worksheet)

Total points: 30
Rubric/Score Guide (if needed)
For Part A.
Correct Symbol: 1 point Solution: Use the pointing system below:
2 points 1 point 0 point
Provided a Provided a complete solution but Did not
complete solution. there are 1-2 processes taken attempt to
All process is incorrectly but arrive at the correct solve the
correct, and the answer. problem.
final answer is
correct. Attempted to solve the item but did
not arrive at the correct answer.
Total points: 15
For Part B.
Use the pointing system below:
Item Solution 1 Solution 2 Solution 3
1 1 pt 1 pt 3 pts
2 3 pts 1 pt 1 pt
3 1 pt 1 pt 3 pts
4 1 pt 3 pts 1 pt
5 1 pt 3 pts 1 pt
Total points: 15
2. Homework (optional)

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:


Subject Teacher Master Teacher II School Head


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