Technical Paper
Technical Paper
Technical Paper
Reinforced Concrete
(Sifat Mekanik dan Penyerapan Tenaga Konkrit Bertetulang Gentian Hibrid Kenaf dan Sabut Kelapa)
Concrete is brittle and weak in tensile strength but high in compressive strength. One of the alternative ways used
to improve these weakness is by adding reinforcement such as fibres. In this research, kenaf fiber was hybridized
with coir fiber in order to achieve optimum physical and mechanical properties. Physical properties of fiber itself
playing a big role influencing the mechanical properties of concrete. Since, kenaf fiber has high tensile strength
and water absorption but low in ductility while coir fiber has the opposite trend, the hybridization of these two
fiber complement each other by improving the mechanical properties of concrete. This research determines
compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength and ultimate energy absorption by conducting
compression test, split tensile test, flexural test and drop-weight impact test. Five different kenaf : coir fibre ratios
(S1;100:0, S2;50:50, S3;60:40, S4;40:60,S5; 0:100) with 4% fibre by concrete volume and fibre length of 3-5 cm
are considered to identify the optimum ratio that can produced high quality composite. The ratio of kenaf and
coir fibre at 40:60 is the optimum ratio which gives the highest increment up to 10.8% for compressive strength,
37.0% for split tensile strength and 9.8% for flexural strength compared to control sample. 40:60 (S4) is the
optimum ratio based on impact resistance aspect with 8 number of blows and 339.03 Nm of ultimate energy
absorption with an increment of 166.7% compared to control sample. It has been observed that concrete
containing 100% of kenaf fibre (S1) and 100% of coir fibre (S5) shows the increment in compressive strength,
split tensile strength, flexural strength and also impact resistance. (S1) increase by 7.4% on compressive strength,
17.9% on split tensile strength, 4.6% on flexural strength and 33.3% on impact resistance while (S2) increase by
3.9% on compressive strength, 6.1% on split tensile strength, 3% on flexural strength and 100% on impact
resistance. Based on that, (S1) with 100% of kenaf fibre shows better results in mechanical properties compared
to (S2) with 100% coir fibre whereas for impact resistance, (S2) gives higher increments compared to (S1). The
results reveal that hybrid fibre reinforced concrete enhancing mechanical properties and impact resistance of
concrete much higher than single fibre reinforced concrete.
Keywords: Fibre reinforced concrete; Hybrid; Kenaf; Coir; Mechanical properties; Impact resistance
Konkrit mempunyai kekuatan dari aspek mampatan yang sangat tinggi namun ia sangat lemah pada kekuatan
tegangannya dan ia sangat rapuh. Bagi memperbaiki kelemahan tersebut, gentian digunakan sebagai tetulang
kepada konkrit. Dalam kajian ini gentian kenaf dan sabut kelapa dihibridkan bagi menghasilkan satu komposit
yang optimum dari segi fizikal dan sifat mekaniknya. Sifat fizikal gentian berperanan mempengaruhi sifat
mekanikal konkrit. Gentian kenaf mempunyai kekuatan tegangan dan penyerapan lembapan yang tinggi tetapi
kemulurannya sangat rendah manakala gentian sabut kelapa mempunyai kekuatan tegangan dan penyerapan
lembapan yang rendah tetapi kemulurannya sangat tinggi. Penghibridan kedua-dua gentian ini dapat melengkapi
antara satu sama lain dan meningkatkan sifat mekanikal konkrit. Kajian ini dijalankan bagi menentukan kekuatan
mampatan, kekuatan tegangan belah, kekuatan lenturan dan penyerapan tenaga muktamad dengan menjalankan
ujian mampatan, tegangan belah, lenturan dan ujian impak jatuhan berat. Lima nisbah gentian kenaf:sabut
kelapa yang berbeza (S1;100:0, S2;50:50, S3;60:40, S4;40:60,S5; 0:100) dengan jumlah peratusan gentian 4%
dari isipadu konkrit dan panjang gentian 3-5 cm telah diuji untuk mengetahui nisbah optimum yang dapat
menghasilkan komposit yang berprestasi tinggi. Keputusan menunjukkan sifat mekanikal konkrit meningkat
dengan penambahan gentian terutama sekali gentian hibrid yang menunjukkan peningkatan yang tinggi dalam
kekuatan mampatan, kekuatan tegangan belah dan kekuatan lenturan. Nisbah yang optimum ialah 60:40 (S3)
dengan peningkatan kekuatan mampatan sebanyak 10.8%, tegangan belah sebanyak 37.0% dan lenturan
sebanyak 9.8% berbanding sampel kawalan. Dari aspek rintangan hentaman pula, nisbah peratusan gentian
kenaf : sabut kelapa yang paling optimum ialah 40:60 (S4) dengan nilai hentaman sebanyak 8 kali dan
penyerapan tenaga muktamad sebanyak 339.03 Nm dengan peningkatan 166.7% berbanding sampel kawalan.
Untuk 100% gentian kenaf (S1) dan 100% gentian sabut kelapa (S5), ia menunjukkan peningkatan pada kekuatan
mampatan, tegangan belah, lenturan dan penyerapan tenaga berbanding sampel kawalan. (S1) memberi
peningkatan sebanyak 7.4% pada kekuatan mampatan, 17.9% pada kekuatan tegangan belah, 4.6% pada
kekuatan lenturan dan 33.3% pada penyerapan tenaga berbanding sampel kawalan manakala (S2) memberi
peningkatan sebanyak 3.9% pada kekuatan mampatan, 6.1% pada kekuatan tegangan belah, 3% pada kekuatan
lenturan dan 100% pada penyerapan tenaga berbanding sampel kawalan. Dengan penambahan 100% gentian
kenaf (S1) memberikan keputusan yang baik dari sifat mekanikalnya manakala 100% gentian sabut kelapa (S2)
pula menunjukkan peningkatan yang lebih tinggi rintangan hentamannya. Kesimpulan daripada kajian ini,
penambahan gentian hibrid ke dalam bancuhan konkrit menghasilkan komposit yang lebih baik dari aspek sifat
mekanik dan rintangan hentaman berbanding gentian tunggal.
Kata Kunci: Konkrit bertetulang gentian; Hibrid; Kenaf; Sabut kelapa; Sifat mekanik; Penyerapan tenaga
Based on Table 1.0, kenaf fiber has higher tensile 3.1. Materials
strength but low in ductility while coir fiber low in
tensile strength but high in ductility. Since natural 3.1.1. Cement. The cement used was Portland
fiber inherit its physical properties when served cement ASTM C type 1 with specific gravity of 3.15.
concrete as reinforcement, increasing and
decreasing in concrete strength were pretty much 3.1.2. Coarse aggregate. The dry and clean
comes from the fiber itself. The effectiveness of aggregate was used in concrete mixture. According
hybridization kenaf and coir fiber as the concrete to ASTM, the particle that is retained at sieve 4.75
reinforcement was investigated in this paper. The mm (No. 4) is the coarse aggregate. The crushed
aim of this hybridization is to produce a product that gravel is 20 mm maximum nominal size.
carry all the best properties and increasing the
mechanical properties of concrete to the optimum 3.1.3. Fine aggregate. Based on ASTM, fine
level. aggregate is the particles that can pass through sieve
size of 4.75 mm (No. 4) and some part of it retained
Table 2.0: Physical Properties of Kenaf and Coir at sieve 75 μm (No. 200).
3.1.4. Fibres. Cleaned kenaf and coir fibre with
Properties Fiber length of 3 to 5 cm was used in this research. The
Kenaf Coir fibres must be cleaned from its purities and core
Density (𝐤𝐠/𝐦𝟑 ) 1193 1150 parts as it can affect the effectiveness of the fibre.
Elastic Modulus 53 16 – 26
(GPa) 3.2. Mix Proportions and Preparation
Tensile Strength 930 500
(MPa) The concrete composition of each cubic meter of
Ductility (%) 1.6 17 concrete (used as basis) is given in Table 3.0. The
Water Absorption - 11.36 mix design is proportional in accordance with the
(%) British Department of Environment method (DOE
Reference Wambua et al. Ali Method of Concrete Mix Design). The targeted
(2003) (2012) compressive strength of concrete is 30 MPa, and
hence the water cement ratio is set constant at 0.50.
Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete (HFRC) is
formed from a combination of different types of Based on table 3.0, the binder content of 360 kg/m3
fibers, which differ in material properties, remain was determined by setting the water content at 180
bonded together when added in concrete and retain kg/m3 for the desired slump between 30 to 60 mm.
As the kenaf and coir fibre is added into the mixtures The procedures for mixing the FRC are as follows.
the water content getting reduced due fibre First, the coarse and fine aggregate were placed in a
properties which is high in water absorption. concrete mixer and were allowed to dry mixed for 2
Cement Water Coarse aggregate Fine aggregate Kenaf Coir Slump (mm)
(𝐤𝐠/𝐦𝟑 ) (𝐤𝐠/𝐦𝟑 ) (𝐤𝐠/𝐦𝟑 ) (𝐤𝐠/𝐦𝟑 ) (kg) (kg)
Tensile strength (MPa) = (2)
Cylinder area (m2 )
Table 4.1: Properties Of Fine Aggregate
Properties Value 0
Fineness Modulus 3.559
Bulk specific gravity 2.488
Bulk specific gravity 2.505
Apparent specific 2.530 Figure 4.2: Comparison Slump Value for All Mixes
Based on Table 4.3 it shows the average
Al-Bashiri (2016), slump value of HKCFRC compressive strength of 3 cube samples.
decreased as the percentage of hybrid kenaf and coir Compressive strength of single fibre and hybrid
fiber with ratio of 50:50 increase such as at concrete increasing the compressive strength of the
percentage 1%, 3% and 5%, the slump value are concrete.
18.20%, 33.33% and 54.66% compared to control
sample. This show that the slump value depends on
the ratio of hybrid fiber and the percentage of fiber 16
used.. 14
135 127.14 127.14 127.14 127.14 As for the static test, HKCFRC (S3) with kenaf : coir
Service energy absorption (Nm)
166.7% compared to plain concrete with number of
211.90 211.90
200 169.52
impact of 8. This prove the coir fiber is the toughest
150 127.14 fiber compared to the others and it also has the
highest percentage of ductility compared to kenaf
fiber. Thus, this mixture is the optimum one which
inherit all the best properties of fibers itself and
SK S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 produced the synergy product.
Figure 4.8: Ultimate Energy Absorption As a conclusion, HKCFRC gives the better results
Based on Nurudin (2017), the highest ultimate for static test and also dynamic test. HKCFRC (S3)
energy absorption is at percentage 1% which is is the optimum mixture for static test while
296.7 Nm with increment 75% from control sample. HKCFRC (S4) is the optimum mixture for dynamic
The energy absorption start to decrease at 3% and test. From this, it prove that concrete react
5% which are 253.3 Nm and 211.9 Nm. Thus, it differently under static load and dynamic load.
indicate that at 1% percentage of hybrid fiber is the
optimum. From this two researches, it can be
concluded that the energy absorption of HKCFRC
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