Materials Today: Proceedings: N. Sivakumar, G. Beulah Gnana Ananthi, M.S. Deepak

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An evaluation study on amalgamation and performance of fiber

reinforced concrete frames with infills and without infills
N. Sivakumar a, G. Beulah Gnana Ananthi a,⇑, M.S. Deepak b
Department of Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering Division, Anna University, Chennai 600 025, India
Department of Civil Engineering, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bangalore 560 064, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This is an analysis of the quality of framed structures strengthened by using toughened fibre reinforced
Received 25 July 2020 concrete which undergoes a lateral cyclic force. A measure of 1/3rd scale model frames were designed
Accepted 5 August 2020 with infills and without infills and tested. The capacity design criteria serves as the base for moment
Available online xxxx
resisting frames – i.e., the columns should be stronger than the beams to decrease early failure in con-
crete. Cubical, cylindrical and prism companion specimen were cast for hybrid fiber dosages of 0%,
Keywords: 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2%, These were cured appropriately and the strength was examined for a period of
Fibre reinforced concrete
1 week and 4 weeks respectively. For this a simple frame with concrete grade of M25 was adopted.
Lateral cyclic load
Infill wall
Polyolefin and compressed steel fibers in different proportions were used in this analysis. At the plastic
Amalgamation fibre hinge zone hybrid fibers of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% were used. The viability of concrete mix was increased
Polyolefin and steel by adding super plasticizer in appropriate proportions. Totally 5 frames were cast and tested. A compar-
ison of results of frames reinforced with hybrid fibers and the frame made of controlled concrete was
made. The result showed, Hybrid/Amalgamated, Fibre strengthened concrete frames had higher ductility
performance during cyclic loads.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Newer Trends and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering: Materials Science.

1. Introduction Many monotonic test data by different authors were analyzed -

on loaded, beam-column joints to ascertain its impact on joint
Fiber strengthened/reinforced concrete is widely utilized in shear strength on column load, concrete strength, reinforcement
Shotcrete also known as Gunite, alternatively it could be utilized detailing, stirrups and joint aspect ratio. These effects of frame-
with usual concrete as well. Fiber strengthened/reinforced con- work are separately discussed though in practice, they are consid-
cretes are largely applied in construction of ground floors and side- ered interdependent. The frames strengthened with amalgamated
walks. However, they can also be utilized in major part of fibers have also been examined.
construction like beams, columns and foundations etc., indepen-
dently or with hand-tied re-bars. The purpose of incorporating 2. Fibers incorporated with concrete
steel fibers to concrete mixture is to control the post cracking
effects of the concrete that is; to increase its capacity to absorb 2.1. Impact of fibres in concrete
strength, high ductility, crack control and resistance. Also, it main-
tains structural solidarity and bonding in the material. In urban Mostly, usage of fibres in concrete is to control cracking due to
areas the common type of construction is infilled frame construc- plastic shrinkage and drying shrinkage. Also the absorption ability
tion. As the frame carries gravity loads and earthquake loads and of the concrete is reduced hence resulting in reduced water bleed-
the infills help in providing the building an envelope and/or inter- ing. Few fibers have better effects like abrasion and shatter resis-
nal partitioning [1–30]. tance in concrete.The flexural strength of the concrete generally
cannot be increased by every fibre, so replacing of moment resist-
⇑ Corresponding author. ing or structural steel reinforcement is not feasible. Few fibres have
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (N. Sivakumar), beulah28@annauniv. the capability to reduce the strength of concrete. The volume of
edu (G. Beulah Gnana Ananthi), [email protected] (M.S. Deepak). fibers added to a concrete mixture is based on the total volume
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Newer Trends and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering:
Materials Science.

Please cite this article as: N. Sivakumar, G. B. G. Ananthi and M. S. Deepak, An evaluation study on amalgamation and performance of fiber reinforced con-
crete frames with infills and without infills, Materials Today: Proceedings,
2 N. Sivakumar et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

of the composite (concrete and fibers) called volume fraction (Vf). Table 1
Vf usually ranges from 0.1 to 3%. By dividing the fiber length (l) Properties of steel fibers.

by its diameter (d) we arrive at the aspect ratio l/d. The calculation Type of steel fiber Size range (dia. of wire mm) Length (mm)
of aspect ratio is done with fibers with a non-circular cross section Flat 0.175–0.42 6,12.5,16,25
because they have an identical diameter. There is an increase in Hooked 0.4–1.05 25,30,50,60
tensile strength of the material when the modulus of elasticity of Undulated 0.5–1.05 30,40,50,60
the fibre is higher than the matrix (concrete or mortar binder), thus
helping it to carry the load. Generally the flexural force and stiff-
ness of the matrix is segmented when the aspect ratio of the fiber
is higher, however longer fibres are more likely to ‘‘Foll” in the mix-
ture and lead to practical difficulties while working. Recently stud-
ies have proved that adding fibers in concrete has bounded effects
on the resistance of concrete materials. These studies have a signif-
icant effect because normally people thought that there was an
increase in ductility when concrete was strengthened with fibers.
These studies further proved that the usage of micro fibers had
improved resistance than longer fibers. The following are the ben-
efits when the High Speed 1 tunnel linings was strengthened with
concrete containing 1 kg/m3 of polypropylene fiber of 18 & 32 lm

2.2. Advancement in fiber reinforced concrete

Engineered cementitious Composite (ECC), a newly created FRC

is estimated to be 500x more resistant to cracking and is 40% light-
weight than the prevailing concrete. ECC is highly strain hardening Fig. 1. Steel fibers with hooked end.
and can endure strain up to several percentage. In comparison to
prevailing concrete or standard fiber strengthened concrete ECC
can withstand material ductility of a minimum of two orders
higher magnitude. It also has a distinctive cracking property which
helps maintain as low as 100 mm crack width, even when it is dam-
aged to some percentage of tensile strains and loaded beyond the
elastic range. Recently, studies were conducted in a bridge deck
and found that residual strength and composed cracking happened
when high-performance fiber strengthened concrete was used.
Even though the FRC had more shrinkage than control there were
fewer and narrower cracks in the FRC, concluding that the fiber
content is directly proportional to the residual strength. A new,
natural cellulose fiber processed from genetically modified slash
pine trees called Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete has shown bet-
ter results. These cellulose fibers have larger diameter and are
longer when compared to other timber sources.
Researches in recent times were made with used carpet waste
fibers as an environmental friendly attempt to recycle carpet waste
Fig. 2. Undulated steel fibers.
and use them in concrete. Normally, carpets are made up of two
coatings (usually fabric yarns from polyolefin tape), face fibers (lar-
ger part being textured yarns of nylon 6 and nylon 66) and are 2.4. Polyolefin fibers
fixed with CaCO3 filled SBR, Styrene-Butadiene, Latex rubber.
Therefore, concrete reinforcement can be done with such steel The non-metallic polyolefin fiber was procured from Barchip
and polyolefin fibers. Company. They produce fibers that are minimum 550 MP, which
are a high tensile strength modified polyolefin and almost similar
to steel rebar (Table 2). To maximize the bond with cement matrix
2.3. Steel fibers our structural fiber range had a contoured surface embossing treat-
ment. Even if it is exposed to conditions where oxidation takes
Low Carbon content cold drawn steel wire or Stainless steel place these will not rust because the base polyolefin is highly resis-
wire (SS 302/SS 304) are used to make steel fibers. Different kinds tant to the majority of aggressive agents (Fig. 3).
of steel fibers are produced based on the requirement of the con-
struction project: For example, Undulated, Flat and Hooked. Gener-
ally these fibers are put to use in construction for strengthening the 3. Amalgamation fiber reinforced concrete
concrete (Table 1). These Fiber Reinforced concrete are widely used
for ground floors and pavements but it can also be put to use for 3.1. Fibers used in this exploratory work
various other construction parts like Pillars, Beams and Founda-
tions and many more independently or with hand-tied rebars. As an attempt a study has been performed in Amalgamation
The steel fiber used in the project is 36 mm long and 0.6 mm diam- Fiber Reinforced Concrete (AFRC) in RC frames with and without
eter and it is undulated steel fiber (Figs. 1 and 2). usage of brick infills mainly focusing on the polyolefin-steel hybrid

Please cite this article as: N. Sivakumar, G. B. G. Ananthi and M. S. Deepak, An evaluation study on amalgamation and performance of fiber reinforced con-
crete frames with infills and without infills, Materials Today: Proceedings,
N. Sivakumar et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Table 2 Table5
Properties of polyolefin fibers. Proportion.

Sl. No. Property Detail Sl. No. Specimen % of Steel fibers (70%) % of Polyolefin fibers (30%)
1 Length 42 mm 1 CC — —
2 Tensile strength 550mpa 2 AFRC 1 0.5 0.5
3 Surface texture Continuously Embossed 3 AFRC 2 1 1
4 No. of fibers per kg >50,000 4 AFRC 3 1.5 1.5
5 Specific gravity 0.90–0.92 5 AFRC 4 2 2
6 Young modulus 6 MPa
7 Melting point 150°-165° C
8 Ignition point > 450
3.2. Mix design and proportion of fibers

The following tabular column shows the measures of different

components in a concrete mixture. The concrete mixture is
designed according to the guidelines of Indian Standard Recom-
mendations IS: 10262-1982 (Tables 3, 4 and 5)

4. Influence of masonry infill walls

4.1. Performance of masonry infill walls

As an effort to understand the masonry infilled frames behavior

remarkable and systematic researches are being conducted. In the
process of lateral deformation of RC frames the Infills intervene; as
a result along one diagonal the frame and infill split apart and com-
pression strut is formed on the other crossway. Therefore, building
is provided with lateral stiffness because of the infills and the
structural load mechanism transfers from frame action to predom-
inant truss action (Fig. 4); the frame columns now undergo
decreased bending moments and shear forces but increased axial
forces. In a plane or in an elevation of the building un-uniformly
placed infills may develop truss action and frame action due to
Fig. 3. Polyolefin fibers. hybrid structural load transfer mechanism. In such a scenario, in
some structure members the ductility requirement may increase.
for e.g., the short-column effect (with raised infills to partial height
fiber reinforced system as the literature on the ductility perfor- of the columns), the soft-storey effect (when there are relatively
mance of amalgamated reinforced concrete is still bounded. Here, lesser or no infills than the adjacent storeys) and plan-torsion
it showed that when strong and stiff steel fibers were used, the first effect (when asymmetrical infills are located in plane), creates
crack strength was improved. Whereas, in the post cracking region higher ductility requirement on frame columns and the collapse
the firmness and strain holding ability was improved by highly technique is significantly changed.
flexible and ductile polyolefin fiber. Also an effort to study the flex- Another life threatening concern in such buildings is when the
ural performance of the fiber strengthened concrete was done in infills collapse out-of-plane. Though the RC frame is structurally
this investigation research. separated from the infills it might not be enough to avoid the infills
getting in touch with the frame when it undergoes lateral displace-
ment because compression struts are formed and the strength of
Table 3 the building increases.
Properties of various materials used.

SL. No. Description Parameters 4.2. Failure types in masonry infilled RC frames
1 Grade of concrete M25
2 Cement PPC 43 grade IS 269–1976 A convincing share of lateral force is drawn because infills pos-
3 Fine aggregate Sand confirming to zone II of IS 383–1978 sess a large lateral stiffness. If the infills are strong enough the con-
4 Coarse Aggregate 20 mm nominal size
tribution of strength by the infills and the strength of independent
5 Type & shape of C.A Angular
6 W/C Ratio 0.4 frame is equivalent. Therefore, the comparative strength of frame
7 Steel fiber Undulated (0.6 mm dia and 36 mm length) and infills has a vital role in failure of infilled building [Table 6]
8 Polyolefin fiber Barchip fibers (42 mm length) on the other hand factors that affect ductility are (a) Characteristics
9 Superplasticizer Conplast SP 337
of infills(b) Respective strength of infill and frames (c) when failure
10 Age of curing 7 days & 28 days
is controlled by the plastic hinging, the detailing of ductile also

Table 4
Mix Design.

Cement Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate Water

By Ratio 1 1.325 3.00 0.45
By weight 445 kg 529Kg/m3 1152Kg/m3 191.61Litre

Please cite this article as: N. Sivakumar, G. B. G. Ananthi and M. S. Deepak, An evaluation study on amalgamation and performance of fiber reinforced con-
crete frames with infills and without infills, Materials Today: Proceedings,
4 N. Sivakumar et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. Mechanism of lateral load transfer as a result of incorporating masonry infill in walls.

Table 6
concretes with different quantities and dosages of fiber and a com-
Types of failure of masonry infilled RC frames. parison of results were done with controlled samples.

Feeble infill Sturd infill

5.1.1. Compressive strength
Feeble Frame — Occurrence of Diagonal
Compressive strength plays a vital role in properties of concrete.
crevice in infills and Plastic
hinges in columns All other qualities of concretes precisely relates to the strength in
Frame with Occurrence of Corner Occurrence of Diagonal compression i.e. this experimental test is aimed to determine the
Feeble Joints smashing of crevice in infillOccurrence maximum load carrying capacity of test specimens. Cubes of size
and Sturd infillsOccurrence of Crevice of Crevice in beam-columns 150  150  150mm were tested in CTM for 1 week (7 days) and
Members in beam-column joints joints
Sturd Frame Horizontal sliding infills —
4 weeks (28 days). The comparison of 1 week (7 days) and 4 weeks
(28 days) compressive strength results shows that AFRC1, AFRC2,
AFRC3, AFRC4, shows an increase of 0.5%,1%,1.5%,2% with respect
to CC For M25 (Fig. 5).
Table 7
Percentage of fibers.
5.1.2. Split tensile strength
Sl. No Specimen % of Steel fibers (70%) % of Polyolefin fibers (30%) Split tensile results shows that AFRC1, AFRC2, AFRC3, AFRC4,
1 CC – – Shows an increase of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2% with respect to CC
2 AFRC 1 0.5 0.5 For M25. This comparison of 7 and 28 days (Fig. 6).
3 AFRC 2 1.0 1.0
4 AFRC 3 1.5 1.5
5 AFRC 4 2.0 2.0 5.1.3. Flexural or bend strength
Flexural strength results for various percentage of steel and
polyolefin fibres is shown in Fig. 7.
plays a part (d) when there is cracking in infills, using reinforce-
ment in the filling helps control the failure (e) Proper infill admin- 6. Result and discussion
istration should be ensured during the construction of a plane and
an elevation of the building [Table 7]. 6.1. AFRC frames without infills
In a plain frame, the energy is dissipated by inelastic effects in
RC frames and joints on the other hand in an infilled frame the Five test frames - single-storey, one-bay, 1/3rd scale were cast
infills contribute inelastic effects therefore the energy dissipation and tested with varying proportions of polyolefin and steel fibers
is greater than that of a plain frame. Stiffness degradation &
strength deterioration are said to be nominal under cyclic loading
if infill & frame both are exactly ductile. The reduction of stiffness
& strength because of continuous loading, may be high if the elastic
effects are weak in nature (e.g. shear failure in frame members,
infill cracking, failure of bond slip in frame, etc.) The hysteresis
loops demonstrates increase pinching either when there are phys-
ical gaps between the frame and the infills or when there is a slid-
ing across the mortar beds in the infills.

5. Experimental program

5.1. Tests on hardened concrete

This analysis is a study of the manner of cyclic loads in hybrid

fiber reinforced concrete frames that contain/not contain masonry
infills. Tests were conducted with cubical, cylindrical, and prism Fig. 5. Examining on compressive strength at 1 week and 4 weeks.

Please cite this article as: N. Sivakumar, G. B. G. Ananthi and M. S. Deepak, An evaluation study on amalgamation and performance of fiber reinforced con-
crete frames with infills and without infills, Materials Today: Proceedings,
N. Sivakumar et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

Fig. 6. Examining on split tensile strength at 1 week and 4 weeks.

Fig. 8. Dimensions of the frame (in metre).

Fig. 7. Examining on flexural strength at 4 weeks.

at the joints up to the plastic zones, i.e., fiber-reinforced for a dis-

tance of 0.2d for beams and 0.15d for columns.

6.2. AFRC frames with infills

The masonry infills contains non-reinforced bricks made of

burnt clay and cement mixture. Five test frames - single-storey, Fig. 9. Reinforcement details of the frame.
one-bay, 1/3rd scale were cast and tested with varying proportions
of polyolefin and steel fibers at the joints up to the plastic zones,
i.e., fiber reinforced for a distance of 0.2d for beams and 0.15d
for columns (Fig. 8).

6.3. Reinforcement details of frames with and without infills

The reinforcement details of the frame is shown in Fig. 9.

Proportion of Fibers in Frames

6.4. Casting of specimens

Without Infill: M25 grade concrete was adopted for slab as well
as beam and columns. The RC model frames were cast in the fol-
lowing order. The base slab was concreted first and after three
days, the columns and beams were cast. The frames were cured
for 28 days. With Infill: The frames were cured for 21 days and
then the infill was completed with bricks of third class standard
and mortar of 1:3 was adopted and cured up to 28 days Figs. 10-15.

6.5. Testing procedure

A frame model with complete test setup is created & shown

below in Figs. 16 and 17. First, the efficacy and loading of the set Fig. 10. Reinforcement details of the frame.

Please cite this article as: N. Sivakumar, G. B. G. Ananthi and M. S. Deepak, An evaluation study on amalgamation and performance of fiber reinforced con-
crete frames with infills and without infills, Materials Today: Proceedings,
6 N. Sivakumar et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig.14. AFRC frame without infill.

Fig. 11. Concreting of the slab.

Fig. 15. AFRC frame with infill.

Fig. 12. Casting of the columns.

Fig. 16. HFRC frame under testing.

up were examined. The frame was checked by loading and unload-

ing with small loads (of the orders of 2.5 KN) until all the readings
were repeated. The frame was tested with equal static lateral cyclic
loading. In the beginning the loading sequences were similar.
At all stages the load increased for every cycle was 2.50KN. Dur-
ing each increase or decrease of load the deflections were mea-
sured. The monitoring of strain in steel concrete and infill was
done during each cycle with maximum or minimum/without load
condition of the frame (i.e.; with zero load). A record of hinge for-
Fig. 13. Casting of the beam.

Please cite this article as: N. Sivakumar, G. B. G. Ananthi and M. S. Deepak, An evaluation study on amalgamation and performance of fiber reinforced con-
crete frames with infills and without infills, Materials Today: Proceedings,
N. Sivakumar et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

Fig. 18. Experimental graph result.

Fig. 17. AFRC frame under testing.

mation, development and distribution of cracks, and collapsing

patterns during all cycles of loading was made.
In the outer most portal frame every frame is marked by points
before testing. From the portal frame LVDT is placed at a distance
of 25 cm, 50 cm, and 95 cm away from the raft slab. In order to find
the variations in the furthermost column due to lateral load the
LVDT is connected to the transducer.

6.6. Experimental results

Each of the three frames with and without infills in the 0%, 1%,
and 2%, fibers were tested for lateral cyclic loads and their results
Fig. 19. Experimental graph result.
are shown in Tables 8 and 9 below and Figs. 18 and 19.

Table 8
Experimental results (without Infill).

Frame ID % of Amalgamation fiber reinforcement (%) Exploratory annotations Deflection at extreme load (mm)
Initial crevice load (kN) Extreme load (kN)
CCF 0 4.36 7.58 15.67
AFRC1 0.5 – – –
AFRC2 1.0 12.36 15.74 33.14
AFRC3 1.5 – – –
AFRC4 2.0 18.34 20.46 45.38

Table 9
Experimental results (with Infill).

Frame ID % of hybrid fiber reinforcement (%) Exploratory annotations Deflection at extreme load (mm)
Initial crevice load (kN) Extreme load (kN)
CCF 0 18.11 47.39 11.36
AFRC1 0.5 – – –
AFRC2 1.0 21.06 49.70 22.33
AFRC3 1.5 – – –
AFRC4 2.0 23.05 56.01 29.12

Please cite this article as: N. Sivakumar, G. B. G. Ananthi and M. S. Deepak, An evaluation study on amalgamation and performance of fiber reinforced con-
crete frames with infills and without infills, Materials Today: Proceedings,
8 N. Sivakumar et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Please cite this article as: N. Sivakumar, G. B. G. Ananthi and M. S. Deepak, An evaluation study on amalgamation and performance of fiber reinforced con-
crete frames with infills and without infills, Materials Today: Proceedings,

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