US Army Medical Course MD0165-100 - Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene
US Army Medical Course MD0165-100 - Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene
US Army Medical Course MD0165-100 - Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene
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the Academy of Health Sciences.
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Lesson Paragraphs
A References
B Typical Operations Found at Military Installation: Their
Exposures and Controls
C Common Industrial Hazards found in the Army
D Industrial Hygiene Sampling Guide Instruction for Submission
of Industrial Hygiene Air Samples
E Threshold Limit Values for Selected Substances 1990-1991
F Guide for Selection of Respirators
G Use of GR 1566, Sound Level Meters
H Completion of DD Form 2214, Noise Survey
I Industrial Hygiene Field Notes
J Example of an Evaluation of Potential Health Hazards
K Instructions for Completing AEHA Form 8-R, Bulk Sample Data
MD0165 i
While medical science was in its infancy, the pioneering Hippocrates recognized
and described the toxic effects of lead on those who worked with the metal. In our own
country, not until the mid-1900's was anything substantially done to protect the health of
working men. In the United States, over 100,000 persons still die annually from job-
related causes.
Subcourse Components:
Lesson 4. Ventilation.
MD0165 ii
Credit Awarded:
Materials Furnished:
You are encouraged to complete the subcourse lesson by lesson. When you have
completed all of the lessons to your satisfaction, fill out the examination answer sheet
and mail it to the U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School in the envelope
provided. Be sure that your name, rank, social security number, and return address are
on all correspondence sent to the U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School.
You will be notified by return mail of the examination results. Your grade on the
examination will be your rating for the subcourse.
Study Suggestions:
Here are some suggestions that may be helpful to you in completing this
--Complete the subcourse lesson by lesson. After completing each lesson, work
the exercises at the end of the lesson, marking your answers in this booklet.
--After completing each set of lesson exercises, compare your answers with those
on the solution sheet that follows the exercises. If you have answered an exercise
incorrectly, check the reference cited after the answer on the solution sheet to
determine why your response was not the correct one.
--As you successfully complete each lesson, go on to the next. When you have
completed all of the lessons, complete the examination. Mark your answers in this
booklet; then transfer your responses to the examination answer sheet using a #2
You can provide us with your suggestions and criticisms by filling out the Student
Comment Sheet at the back of this booklet and returning it to us with your examination
answer sheet. In this way, you will help us to improve the quality of this subcourse.
MD0165 iii
LESSON OBJECTIVES After completing this lesson, you should be able to:
MD0165 1-1
b. Prior to the turn of the present century, there was little concern for the health
and well being of the worker. At the dawn of civilization, life was largely a struggle for
existence; merely being alive was an "occupational hazard." The passage of time, with
the attendant stratification of social classes, saw the slave class performing all the
common labor. This practice continued until relatively recent times. Mankind's natural
inclination towards war provided a steady supply of slave labor. The idea of actually
doing manual labor was so disdainful to many people that at one period in their culture
law prohibited Egyptians from performing such work. Considering this attitude on the
part of society, it is not surprising that no efforts were made to control the working
environment in order to provide a healthful, safe, comfortable place in which to work.
c. As early as the fourth century B.C., Hippo crates recognized and recorded the
effects of lead toxicity in mining operations. It appears to have been a purely academic
interest because there was no concern shown for workers in the mines then and
afterwards. However, some 500 years later, Pliny the Elder, a Roman scholar, referred
to the dangers inherent in working with zinc and sulfur; he also described a protective
mask made from an animal bladder to be used by laborers subjected to large quantities
of dust or lead fumes.
d. As centuries went by, only lip service was given to reducing the
environmental hazards associated with certain occupations throughout the world. In the
second century A.D., Galen, the famous Greek physician who lived in Rome,
recognized the threat posed to copper miners by acid mists. However, nothing concrete
was done to alleviate the hazardous conditions until 1473 when Ulrich Ellen bog
published his landmark pamphlet on occupational diseases and hygiene. In 1556
Georgius Agricola, a German scholar, described the hazards associated with the mining
industry and suggested mine ventilation and protective masks for miners. In the late
18th century, Percival Pott's recognition of soot as one of the major causes of scrotal
cancer provided a major impetus to the passage of the Chimney-Sweepers Act of 1788.
However, in spite of these isolated instances, very few truly significant safeguards for
workers had been developed.
MD0165 1-2
e. It was not until the English Factory Acts of 1833 were passed that
government showed any real interest in the health of workers. Following England's
lead, several other European countries instituted worker's compensation acts; these
laws tended to stimulate the adoption of increased factory safety precautions and the
inauguration of medical services in industrial plants. The adoption of worker's
compensation acts in Europe was an important factor in the development of
occupational health and industrial hygiene programs in the United States. After
adopting similar laws in this country, it became apparent that it was more profitable to
prevent accidents through enhancement of the working environment than to pay
compensation to accident victims.
f. As the United States grew into one of the world's leading industrial powers,
the US Public Health Service assumed a position of leadership in the evaluation of
diseases encountered by workers and in developing measures to control these
diseases, as well as fostering an interest in occupational diseases by state agencies,
universities, industry, and unions. Our country passed and enacted on many Federal,
state, and local environmental laws and regulations to protect people.
(1) Ensure that workers are suited for their jobs physically, mentally, and
(2) Ensure that workers are provided a safe, healthful work environment,
free from recognized health hazards.
(3) Reduce economic loss to the government and the worker caused by
compensation claims due to physical deficiency, sickness, and injury.
(4) Ensure proper medical care and rehabilitation of the occupationally ill
and injured.
a. President of the United States. The President of the United States signed
Executive Order 12196 establishing Occupational Health (OH) Programs for all Federal
employees, to include active duty military personnel. This order is the basis for the
Department of Defense (DOD) policy and guidance to DA. Our Congress passed and
enacted Public Law 91-596, The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970.
MD0165 1-3
b. Department of Defense. Department of Defense Instructions (DODI) have
provided definitive policy for implementation of OSH programs. DODI 6050.5, 6055.1,
6055.5, and 6055.12 are key documents that establish program organization,
responsibilities, and staff relationships.
(b) Post safety officer. The post safety officer is the installation
coordinator of the entire safety program. Usually, the installation OSH manager serves
on the installation Commander's staff.
MD0165 1-4
(e) Hospital Laboratory. The hospital laboratory provides analytical
service for the medical surveillance program.
(g) Alcohol and Drug Abuse Control Office. These office personnel
provide counseling referral of information to other program participants.
(2) Department of the Army staff (Assistant Secretary of the Army for
Installation and Logistics overall program manager).
3 Develops OH standards.
(b) Army Safety Manager. The Army Safety Manager performs these
functions :
(b) Safety office. The Safety office coordinates for the MACOM Safety
Program and perform liaison to supporting organizations.
MD0165 1-5
(4) Health Services Command).
(d) United States Army Safety Center, Fort Rucker, Alabama. This
center provides worldwide accident prevention, safety engineering, and accident
investigation consultation.
MD0165 1-6
2 Coordinates safety matters within the safety chain.
(c) Division commander and IG. The commander is responsible for all
that is done or is not done. The IG serves as the commander's eyes and ears and
seeks to resolve problems.
NOTE: Tenants are considered activity or unit commands. Both Federal and non-
Federal (such as an infantry or medical unit, a directorate or agency) housed on an
installation must comply equally with the requirements of the Federal, state, and local
solid waste and hazardous waste management laws, regulations, and Army policies.
Under new and changing laws, all supervisory and manager personnel are now
responsible, not just the commander.
MD0165 1-7
i. Chain of Command. Within the chain of command and depending upon the
size of the installation or geographical region, the safety officer or the preventive
medicine officer (usually a physician) carries out the safety and health programs. If the
region or installation is normal size or small but special circumstances exist (which is
normally the case), then both should be present and oversee their responsible areas.
The safety officer usually receives the bulk of the inquiries and complaints plus reports
(accident, illness, and so forth); and, therefore, serves the hub to orchestrate which
action office(s) (for example: COE, DEH, or Preventive Medicine Officer) should
receive the item(s). The preventive medicine officer or preventive medicine specialist
would sample possible substandard water, evaluate, and correct the problem so that it
once again meets requirements. This will be discussed later.
a. One of the programs under the Department of defense (DoD) is the OSH
Program. The Army Occupational Health Program (AOHP) is based on law, policy, and
regulation of the OSHA of 1970, appendix, para 1 of Public Law 91-596 (Appendix A of
this subcourse contains a list of important references that you may wish to review).
(Further referrals to the list will not be made). The program has the same goal,
providing a safe and healthful work place for all workers.
b. The overall AOHP promotes health and reduces risk of illness arising from the
individual's work environment. This includes special preventive measures for both
military and civilian personnel who are exposed or potentially exposed to toxic
materials, infectious agents, or other hazardous influences of the work environment.
MD0165 1-8
(5) Special DA OSH standards developed for military-unique equipment,
systems, and operations are to remain in effect.
MD0165 1-9
e. The specific objectives of the AOHP are to:
(1) Ensure that all eligible personnel, both military and civilian, are
physically, mentally, and psychologically suited to their work.
(2) Ensure that physical and mental health is maintained during the period
of their service or employment.
(3) Enforcing the use of protective clothing and equipment, and other
workplace procedures and practices.
(4) Providing the Directorate of Civilian Personnel (DCP) officer with health
and safety information necessary for effective job classification and placement actions.
MD0165 1-10
d. The appropriate DCP is responsible for establishing a system for identifying
individual civilian employees who are recipients of any particular occupational health
service and for notifying them when they are scheduled to receive it; for example:
periodic job related health examination. The system will include identifying new
employees as well as those changing jobs into and out of the program. This may be
accomplished by annotating manual records or coding automatic records. Because the
DCP, the safety officer, and the medical treatment facility (MTF) are all involved, it may
be necessary to establish a written standing operating procedures (SOP) to delineate
respective responsibilities. Coordination with the military unit of assignment is required
to ensure scheduling of active duty personnel for job-related examinations.
(3) Maintaining liaison with the US Public Health Service and other
governmental and/or private agencies concerned with occupational health.
a. Technical surveys and consultant assistance are available from the US Army
Environmental Hygiene Agency (USAEHA), upon request through command channels.
MD0165 1-11
(1) An inventory of health hazards is the basis for any OHP. Without
knowledge of potential exposures, a sound medical monitoring program cannot be
accomplished. The inventory must be updated periodically and include:
(d) Controls. The type of control measures in use and the adequacy of
these measures.
(2) The physician responsible for the OHP will review the inventory of health
hazards to determine the specific pre-placement and/or periodic medical monitoring
examination requirements for each exposure.
(4) Health personnel, to include physicians and nurses, must visit work
areas on a regular basis to obtain first hand information concerning the nature of the
various work operations and to maintain liaison with personnel and safety officials,
supervisors, and workers.
(5) Typically, the industrial hygiene personnel who work for the Installation
Medical Authority (IMA) assemble this inventory. They can be augmented or completely
substituted by the Preventive Medicine Specialist (MOS 91S).
MD0165 1-12
b. Industrial Hygiene Surveys. Industrial hygiene surveys will be conducted
by industrial hygiene personnel to evaluate operations or practices involving actual or
potential health hazards US Army Environmental Hygiene Agency (USAEHA) may
provide assistance in the form of special studies, consultations, or comprehensive
surveys. This corresponds to the second phase of classic industrial hygiene evaluation.
Quantification is essential. The current American Conference of Government Industrial
Hygienists (ACGIH) threshold limit values (TLV)’s will be used whenever they impose a
more stringent limit than OSHA or when OSHA has not promulgated a standard for a
particular substance under 29 CFR 1910.1000. The evaluation of exposures will
include operations that have:
(1) Chemicals
(2) Pesticides
MD0165 1-13
(2) Periodic job-related examinations. These examinations are an essential
component of the health examination program. The inventory of health hazard
assessments is the basis for this program because the examination will be specific to
the exposure, operation, or physical fitness requirements involved.
d. Treatment of Illness and Injuries. The care of the acutely ill and injured is
the third principal element of an occupational health program. Civilian employees on
TDY as well as personnel assigned to the local installation are eligible for such
MD0165 1-14
(3) Emergency care after duty hours. Provisions will be made for medical
care of emergencies during non-duty hours of the MTF, if individuals are employed on
other than normal day shifts.
(4) First aid. Utilization of first aid kits when professionally staffed and
appropriately equipped health care facilities are readily available is not in the best
interest of the employee. This practice also results in failure to report occupational
injuries and loss of epidemiological data. If local medical personnel determine that first
aid kits are needed at certain work areas, injuries incurred and treatments given will be
reported to health clinic personnel for recording in the employee's medical record.
MD0165 1-15
h. Pregnancy Surveillance Program. Leave policies for the pregnant worker
will be consistent with legal and regulatory provisions which prohibit placing a pregnant
employee on mandatory leave at an arbitrary or specified time because of pregnancy.
Policies should be adopted encouraging pregnant workers to report to the health clinic
as soon as the pregnancy is determined. At that time, the impact of employment upon
the pregnancy will be evaluated. Employees not under the care of a physician will be
encouraged to seek medical supervision and arrangements for follow-up should be
made if indicated.
j. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Program. A program for
evaluation, diagnosis, counseling, and referral of civilian employees will be established
in accordance with AR 600-85, 1 December 1981. Where applicable, the occupational
health physician or the designated military physician will evaluate and, if appropriate,
refer individuals to the civilian program coordinator (CPC) and the Alcohol and Drug
Abuse Prevention and Control Program (ADAPCP) in accordance with local guidelines.
(2) The OSH Act and the DOD OSHA criteria require that employees be
apprised of identified health hazards to which they are exposed, relevant symptoms,
appropriate emergency treatment, and responsibility for using protective clothing or
equipment. Additionally, provisions should be made for providing employees
information concerning occupational health services. Supervisors should be provided
initial and periodic orientation and guidance regarding their responsibilities for the health
of employees and areas for coordination with the OH staff.
MD0165 1-16
is maintained and a surveillance program will reflect the occupational exposures within
the command. There are other sources of non-ionizing radiation, which include:
microwave oven, leakage, high intensity ultraviolet, infrared, visible, ultrasound, and
radio frequency.
(1) An inventory of radiation sources and dosimeters used for monitoring will
be maintained as appropriate. Radiation exposure records for Department of the Army
personnel are maintained at the US Army Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry Center at
Lexington Bluegrass Army Depot (LBAD). Reports of monthly or quarterly Dosimetry
results are mailed to the users with updates on a quarterly and annual basis. Locator
cards are placed in the health record to indicate that the Dosimetry records are
maintained at either location. Usually, these current records of exposure are located at
preventive medicine. Civilian employees and military personnel will receive appropriate
periodic medical surveillance (AR 40-14).
MD0165 1-17
p. Occupational Safety and Health Committees or Council. An effective
OHP is an interdisciplinary effort and requires the support and cooperation of both the
providers and users of OHS. Participation by OH and industrial hygiene personnel is
essential to the full utilization and success of both the hospital and installation safety
and health committee or council. In addition to key providers of services, the committee
or council will include management and employee representation from organizations
being served to include representatives of recognized employee unions, as appropriate.
The installation safety and health committee or council offers an effective means of
ensuring coordination between the various staff elements. It is recommended that the
committee or council meet on a regular basis either monthly or quarterly.
a. Defining Industrial Hygiene. Industrial hygiene (IH) is that science and art
devoted to the recognition, evaluation, and control of those environmental factors or
stress, arising in or from the work place, which may cause sickness, impair health and
well being, or cause significant discomfort and inefficiency among workers or among the
citizens of the community. Industrial hygiene primarily involves:
(1) Chemical in the form of liquid, dust, fumes, mist, vapor, or gas.
(3) Biological, such as insects and mites, molds, yeasts, fungi, bacteria, and
viruses. (Infectious agents presenting a risk or potential risk to our well-being.)
MD0165 1-18
acceleration of the aging process, or whether they will cause only significant discomfort
and inefficiency.
(2) Substitution of a less harmful material for one that is more dangerous to
(4) Ventilation and air cleaning to provide an atmosphere safe for human
The items listed in this paragraph are the minimum essential elements required
for an installation IH program. The elements listed are required by Federal law, AR, and
policy or are based upon consensus standard and good IH practice. Figure 1-1 is a
possible IH health hazard.
MD0165 1-19
Figure 1-1. Possible IH Health Hazards
MD0165 1-20
Figure 1-2. Flow of the Industrial Hygiene Program.
(2) A toxic chemical inspection and inventory should be part of the HHIM for
each operation. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSS) must be kept for all toxic
chemicals used in the work place.
(3) Data retrieval programs have been developed (for use by installation IH
personnel) which allow retrieval based on: operation, existing hazards, worker's social
security number (SSN) and name, and Risk Assessment Code (RACs). Additionally,
output programs have been developed which detail comprehensive exposure data and
information on OSHA regulated substances and operations. Equipment training and
calibration information is also available.
MD0165 1-21
the operation process, and workers to determine the evaluation procedure necessary.
USAEHA, Industrial Hygiene Division, may be contacted for information concerning
hazard evaluation or detailed sampling instructions.
e. Record Keeping.
MD0165 1-22
h. Hearing Conservation. Hearing conservation program requirements are
detailed in DODI 6055.3, AR 40-5, TB MED 50l, and USAEHA TG 170. The IH
personnel will conduct annual noise surveys, assign RAC's to noise hazardous areas,
keep noise survey data, identify exposed personnel, and recommend noise control
measures. The OH clinic or audiologist is responsible for audio-metric examinations
and evaluation of effects on exposed personnel.
a. Develop and keep current annual industrial hygiene (IH) input for the OHP
document to clearly define goals and objectives in the IH area.
MD0165 1-23
must function. However, much can be done to prevent harmful effects on personnel
from exposure to these extremes and subsequent deterioration of performance.
b. Heat injuries are the result of excessive elevation of body temperature and/or
water electrolyte imbalance due to inadequate replacement of fluid lost through
perspiration. The danger of heat injuries is much greater for freshly exposed
unacclimatized personnel than it is for seasoned troops. In normal individuals, a
physiologic adjustment occurs over a prevention and treatment of heat injuries period of
2 to 3 weeks. Careful attention to heat indices is one of the most effective ways of
preventing heat injuries. FM 21-10 and TB MED 507 provide valuable guidance on the
prevention and treatment of heat injuries.
The several environmental factors are measured with the illustrated devices set up in
the area where exposure is to take place (see Figure 1-3 to view equipment needed to
perform the WBGT index).
MD0165 1-24
Figure 1-3. Equipment for determining the WBGT index
(RSS-214 Micro-Wibget heat Stress Monitor).
MD0165 1-25
d. When using the WBGT index in control of a physical activity, the proponents
of the WBGT index have proposed the following as a standard for application of the
index. IT SHOULD BE EMPHASIZED that the measurements must be taken in a
location, which is the same as, or closely approximates, the environment to which
personnel are exposed.
(1) When the WBGT index reaches 78ºF or 26 ºC (Heat Category 1), (see
Table 1-1) extremely intense physical exertion may precipitate heat exhaustion or heat
stroke; therefore, caution should be taken.
*Criteria Controls
1 78-81.9 At least ½ Continuous
2 82-84.9 At least ½ 50/10 minutes
3 85-87.9 At least 1 45/15 minutes
4 88-89.9 At least 1 1/2 30/30 minutes
5 90 and up More than 2 20/40 minutes
NOTE: "Rest" means minimal physical activity. Rest should be accomplished in the
shade if possible. Any activity requiring only minimal physical activity can be performed
during "rest" periods. EXAMPLES: Training by lecture or demonstration, minor
maintenance procedures on vehicles or weapons, personal hygiene activities, such as
shin and foot care.
MD0165 1-26
(4) Outdoor classes in the sun should be avoided when the WBGT exceeds
85ºF or 29ºC (Heat Category 4).
(5) When the WBGT reaches 88ºF or 31ºC (Heat Category 4), strenuous
exercise should be curtailed for all recruits and other trainees with less than 12 weeks
training in hot weather. Hardened personnel, after having been acclimatized each
season, can carry on limited activity at WBGT of 88ºF to 90ºF (31ºC-32ºC) for periods
not exceeding six hours a day.
(6) When the WBGT index is 90ºF or 32ºC (Heat Category 5) and above,
physical training and strenuous exercise should be suspended for all personnel
(excluding essential operational commitments not for training purposes, where the risk
of heat casualties may be warranted).
(8) The optimal doctrine for preventing dehydration and heat illness during
hot weather operation requires three guidelines:
e. Solar radiation injuries may occur in hot, arid climates; on high mountain
slopes, where intense ultraviolet radiation may be combined with windburn; or in the
Arctic, where snow blindness may result from reflected light glare. Preventive
measures include the wearing of broad-brimmed hats, sunglasses, and lightweight,
loose-fitting, light colored clothing. Moderate tanning is desirable to increase sunburn
resistance, but the exposure time should initially be limited to 5-15 minutes per day and
gradually increased. Dark, intense, long-term tanning should be avoided as a possible
contributing factor to skin cancers.
MD0165 1-27
Acclimatization to cold is difficult to measure and is relatively slight. Careful planning
and adequate training of both commanders and individual soldiers are essential in the
prevention of cold injuries. Specific guidelines can be found in USAEHA TG 172. Each
major unit is required to publish a directive that details responsibilities for cold injury
prevention and control.
g. The importance attached to the prevention and control of heat, cold, and solar
injuries is illustrated by the fact that, whenever a heat injury, a cold injury, or a case of
solar radiation injury occurs which requires hospitalization, the commander of the MTF
is required to immediately inform the installation or organization commander of the fact.
In addition, AR 40-418 requires that he also report this information by telegraph or other
expeditious means to TSG, the major Army commander, and in the CONUS, the
Commander, Health Services Command. In overseas areas, including Alaska and
Hawaii, the report is made only to the major Army commander, who in turn notifies TSG.
MD0165 1-28
Figure 1-5. Wind chill chart.
MD0165 1-29
The industrial hygiene programs, with which you will come into contact, will
normally consist of three phases previously mentioned: recognition, evaluation, and
control. These phases will assist you to reduce those environment factors that detract
from employee well being and to create a better work environment or physical and
physiological work environment.
a. Recognition. Health hazards in the work area must first be recognized. This
will usually be the result of the various surveys, inspections, and inventories, which you
will make. It can also result from listening to complaints received from workers or by
noting trends reflected in written reports.
(4) Distance. Increasing the distance between the worker and the source of
the harmful substance or the noise.
(7) Wet methods. Using wet methods to reduce emission of dusts to the
atmosphere such as in the case of abrasive blasting, lathing, and grinding operations.
MD0165 1-30
c. AR 385-10, The Army Safety Program. This regulation outlines the Army
Safety Program and assigns responsibilities for carrying out the various provisions of
the program. It also describes the Army protocol for record keeping and employee
notification required under Public Law 91-598, the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
MD0165 1-31
h. DA Pam 40-501, Hearing Conservation. This pamphlet augments
information contained in TB MED 501 and provides guidance for implementing the
hearing conservation program at all facilities controlled by the DA as established in AR
40-5 and AR 385-10. It specifies audiometer testing, and so forth.
*A variety of colors may be used, except for red, yellow, or purple (magenta)
NOTE: There are some variances in sign colors, shapes, and markings to denote
hazards. These color markings, and so forth, may be placed on danger, caution, or hazard
MD0165 1-32
a. Danger Signs. These signs have a red marking as the basic or highlight
color for identifying such items as: fire and laser equipment and other signs or labels
posted to warn of specific dangers. All personnel will be instructed that danger signs
indicate immediate danger and that special precautions are necessary. Danger signs
will have a white background. A black rectangular panel will be placed at the top of the
sign. Within the black rectangular panel will be the word "DANGER" in white letters
surrounded by a red oval. (A white line separating the outside edges of the red oval
from the adjacent edge of the black panel may be used.)
MD0165 1-33
DANGER High Voltage
DANGER Keep Off, Electric Current
DANGER No Smoking, Matches, or Open Light
DANGER Men Working Above
DANGER Not Room Enough Here to Clear Man on Cars
DANGER Keep Away
DANGER Man in Boiler
DANGER Insufficient Clearance
DANGER 2,300 Volts
DANGER Crane Overhead
DANGER Use No Open Light Flammable
DANGER Artillery Firing in Progress
DANGER Small Arms Firing in Progress
DANGER Ammunition Dud Area
DANGER Blasting
DANGER Do Not Operate. Man Working on Repairs
DANGER Hands Off Switch, Man Working on Line
b. Caution Signs. These signs are used to warn against potential hazards or to
caution against unsafe practices such as: stopping machinery to clean, oil, or repair. All
personnel will be instructed that a caution sign indicates a possible hazard against
which proper precautions will be taken. Caution signs will have a yellow background. A
black rectangular panel will be placed at the top of the sign and within it will be the word
"CAUTION" in yellow letters. Additional wording will be added below the word
"CAUTION" to warn of specific possible dangers or unsafe practices.
MD0165 1-34
CAUTION Goggles Must Be Worn When Operating Machine
CAUTION This Door Must Be Kept Closed
CAUTION Electric Trucks, Go Slow
CAUTION This Space Must Be Kept Clear At All Times
CAUTION Stop Machinery to Clean, Oil, or Repair
CAUTION Keep Aisles Clear
CAUTION Operator of This Machine Shall Wear Snug Fitting
Clothing, No Gloves
CAUTION Close Clearance
CAUTION Watch Your Step
CAUTION Eye Protection Required In This Area
CAUTION Electric Fence
CAUTION High Intensity, Noise" Hearing Protection Required
c. Radiation Symbols and Signs. With the advent of modern technology, the
numbers of radiation equipment and other items are increasing; therefore, safety
concerns for employees are paramount.
(1) The ionizing radiation symbol sign is a three-bladed design bearing the
propeller symbol in magenta (purple) with a yellow background. The wording will vary
depending upon the degree of radiation, type of radiation, or area where the radiation is
located. Conspicuously display the signs with the lettering mentioned below for the
following areas. In addition, post or label with a sign all devices and equipment capable
of producing X-rays when energized, except diagnostic and therapeutic x-ray
equipment. The sign will bear the ionizing radiation symbol and the words "CAUTION-
X-RAYS." Mark all diagnostic and therapeutic x-ray equipment with warning labels as
required by TB MED 521.
MD0165 1-35
Figure 1-9. Radiation symbol.
MD0165 1-36
(d) In each area or room that contains radioactive materials in excess
of the amount specified by 10 CFR 20.203.
(2) The laser radiation label and sign formats are for danger and caution
data. In the white area of a danger label is to be a red sunburst for Class 3b and Class
4 lasers. In the yellow area of a caution sign and label only on Class 2 and Class 3a
lasers, the sunburst is to be black. Extending from the center of the sunburst to the
right is a horizontal line. Above the horizontal line of the sunburst, indicate the type of
laser radiation. Below the line, indicate the action to be taken to avoid the hazard.
Along the lower edge of labels, give the laser classification from TB MED 279,
wavelengths, and maximum output power (or energy) of the laser.
MD0165 1-37
(3) For microwave radiation warning and danger signs, use a red isosceles
triangle above an inverted black isosceles triangle. Separate and outline both triangles
with an aluminum color border. Always place the following words in the upper triangle
of either sign:
The user decides what information will be inserted in the lower triangle, except for those
systems determined to be potentially hazardous. For these systems, the lower triangle
will say: "This system may produce potentially hazardous power density levels. See
TM (insert TM that applies) and local standard operating procedures before operation."
d. Biological Hazard Signs. The biological hazard sign is used to signify the
actual or potential presence of a biological hazard and to identify any equipment,
containers, rooms, materials, or experimental animals that contain or are contaminated
with hazardous agents. The sign may be any design in a fluorescent orange or
orange-red color. The background color is optional as long as there is sufficient
contrast for the symbol to be clearly defined. These labels or signs are required to be
affixed as close as feasible to the container, on the equipment by string, wire, adhesive,
or other method that prevents their loss or unintentional removal. The signs are to be
also posted at the entrance to the work areas specified (see Figure 1-11).
e. Safety Instruction Signs. These signs are used when there is need for
general instructions and suggestions pertaining to safety measures such as: reporting
of all injuries or no matter how slight. Safety instruction signs will have a white
background. A green panel will be placed at the top of the sign and within it will be the
white letters giving the safety instructions. The sign wording in black letters, giving
details of the safety instructions will be placed below the green panel.
MD0165 1-38
Figure 1-12. Safety instruction signs.
MD0165 1-39
f. Directional Signs. These signs in sufficient numbers should be used to
indicate the way to locations such as: stairways, fire escapes, and exits. Directional
signs will have a white background. The arrow pointing the direction will be in white on
a black rectangular panel, located at the top of the sign. Any wording in the arrow or
below the black rectangular panel will be in black (see Figure 1-13).
You will carry out many of your duties as a preventive medicine specialist by
serving as a member of an IH survey team. After you have completed the lessons in
this subcourse, study Appendix H, Appendix I, and Appendix J. They illustrate examples
of a form designed for use during a preliminary survey, a worksheet to be used during the
general survey, and a report submitted following an IH survey, respectively.
MD0165 1-40
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following exercises by marking the lettered response that
best answers the exercise, by completing the incomplete statement, or by writing the
answer in the space provided at the end of the exercise.
After you have completed all these exercises, turn to "Solutions to Exercises" at
the end of the lesson and check your answers. For each exercise answered incorrectly,
reread the material referenced with the solution.
1. Occupational health is concerned with diminishing illness and injury that results
from the relationship between a (an) ____________ and his _____________.
3. After adopting worker's compensation laws in the United States, it was realized
that prevention of accidents was more ________________ than ________
compensation to accident victims.
a. Ensure that some eligible personnel are physically suited to their work.
MD0165 1-41
5. Which person is responsible for implementing the occupational health program at
the work site?
6. While the emphasis of the AOHP is placed on the economic gain to the
Government, it is important to note that the worker who sustains an injury or
illness suffers an economic loss due to non-employment.
a. True
b. False
7. The elimination or reduction of job related injuries and illness is the end goal of the
a. True
b. False
8. Which personnel have overall staff responsibility for OSHA compliance as stated
in AR 385-10?
b. Safety.
d. Managers.
MD0165 1-42
9. What is the basis for any occupational health program?
a. Correcting the exposure to health hazards without inventorying the area first.
c. Categorizing jobs.
10. When performing industrial hygiene surveys, what potential health hazards will be
b. Pests, radiation (ionizing and non-ionizing), noise hazards, eye, and biological
11. What investigations will be conducted when situations develop suggesting the
possibility of an increased disease or injury rate attributable to occupational
a. Immunization.
b. Epidemiological.
c. Chronic absence.
d. Non-occupational injuries.
MD0165 1-43
12. The Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention & Control Program was established by AR
600-85 to:
13. Varying electromagnetic fields in the frequency range of 10 KHz to 300,000 MHz,
with corresponding wavelengths of 30 KM to 1 millimeter, are known as:
b. Microwave radiation.
c. Laser radiation.
d. Pregnancy surveillance.
14. Employees exposed to laser radiation sources are identified and included in
medical surveillance program as per which TB?
a. TB MED 523.
b. TB MED 501.
c. TB MED 35.
d. TB MED 279.
MD0165 1-44
15. What control measure would be performed if an environmental hazard were
17. What are four of the required minimum essential elements that comprise an
installation IH program?
MD0165 1-45
18. Under the Respiratory Protection Program for IH, what requirements must
supervisory, safety, and preventive medicine personnel keep in mind when jointly
developing installation program?
a. Legal.
b. Administrative.
c. Logistical.
d. Training.
19. Name the most important principles for acclimatization for the prevention of heat
a. _________________________________________
b. _________________________________________
c. __________________________________________
20. Although nothing can be done to control the climate, weather, or altitude at which
soldiers must function, what can the industrial hygienist do to prevent harmful
effects on personnel and subsequent deterioration of performance?
a. Little.
c. Develop and keep current defined goals and objectives in the IH area.
MD0165 1-46
21. What type of injuries is the result of excessive elevation of body temperature
and/or water electrolyte imbalance due to inadequate replacement of fluid lost
through perspiration?
a. Cold.
b. Sprain.
c. Heat.
d. Ingrown toenail.
22. What would the WBGT index be for ºF and ºC if the air temperature is 90ºF, the
air movement and relative humidity reading is 80ºF, and the radiant heat reading is
a. 85ºF; 31.9ºC.
b. 64ºF; 28.3ºC.
c. 73ºF; 35.2ºC.
d. 85ºF; 29.7ºC.
23. If the heat condition or category is four, then the WBGT index is_____
and the acclimatized work/rest periods would be _________________.
a. 82.4; 50/10.
b. 88.4; 30/30.
c. 86.1; 45/15.
d. 90.7; 20/40.
MD0165 1-47
24. What are ALL the listed factors that cause cold injuries, in various combinations?
d. Temperature, humidity, wind speed and chill, length of exposure, activity, type
and condition of clothing, amount of snow fallen, race, and nutritional state.
25. Which AR describes the Army program for health and environment and
specifically provides detailed information on the AOHP?
a. AR 11-34.
b. AR 40-5.
c. AR 385-10.
d. AR 385-32.
26. What is the safety color code marking for a safety instruction sign?
a. Red.
b. Yellow.
c. Green.
d. Black.
MD0165 1-48
27. Which hazard sign uses florescent orange or orange-red for its design with an
optional color background?
a. Laser radiation.
b. Biological.
c. Safety instruction.
d. Directional.
28. Which kind of sign would normally have the wording "Electric Fence"?
a. Caution.
b. Danger.
c. Directional.
d. Safety instruction.
29. A three-bladed design bearing the propeller symbol in magenta (purple) with a
yellow background would be used for what sign?
a. Laser radiation.
b. Biological.
c. Ionizing radiation.
d. Microwave radiation.
30. Which TB contains important facts relating to noise and its effects on the human
a. TB MED 35.
b. TB MED 279.
c. TB MED 501.
d. TB MED 523.
Check Your Answers on Next Page
MD0165 1-49
4. c (para. 1-1g(4))
5. a (para. 1-2h)
6. a (para 1-3f)
7. a (para 1-3f)
8. b (para 1-4b)
9. d (para 1-6a(1))
MD0165 1-50
21. c (para 1-11b)
MD0165 1-51
LESSON OBJECTIVES After completing this lesson, you should be able to:
MD0165 2-1
a. There are over l00, 000 chemicals used in industrial operations in this country
today. Several of them have been identified as cancer causing agents, or carcinogens.
Hundreds of them are known to destroy body organs, or to cause extreme irritation
leading to reduced or total non-effectiveness of workers. Still others are in use whose
effects on the body are unknown, or about which very little is known. In this lesson we
will concern ourselves with known effects such as toxicity and skin contamination.
Appendix C contains a partial list of potentially hazardous substances found on Army
MD0165 2-2
(1) Gases. A gas is a fluid that has neither independent shape nor volume,
but tends to expand indefinitely. Some examples are air, oxygen, chlorine, and the gas,
which constitutes one of the most serious occupational hazards, carbon monoxide.
(2) Liquids (liquid itself, vapors, and mists). Liquids are fluids characterized
by particles that move freely, without a tendency to separate from one another as in the
case with a gas. Examples of liquids are water and most insecticide formulations.
(a) Vapors. Vapors are gaseous forms of substances that are normally
liquid or solids at normal temperature and pressure. Vapors can be changed to liquids
and solids by increasing the pressure or decreasing the temperature. Among the
vapors, the solvents are particularly hazardous, since they tend to vaporize easily and
contaminate the work atmosphere. Benzyl, carbon tetrachloride, and trichloroethylene
are examples of organic solvents that vaporize readily.
(3) Solids
(a) Dusts are finely divided solid particles formed by the crushing,
grinding, or abrading of solid materials. Dusts settle to the ground at variable rates
depending on their size and mass. Dusts may cause pneumoconiosis (a chronic
inflammation of the lungs after continued inhalation of dusts after a period of time). The
most common reaction is fibrosis. Silicosis is the predominant form of fibrosis that is
known to cause disability. Systemic poisons in the form of dusts are common, and
some need not be inhaled to cause damage. Skin absorption may be the route of entry
for some toxic dusts. Examples of toxic dusts are those formed from lead, antimony,
manganese, and some plastics.
MD0165 2-3
Toxic chemicals can enter the body by various routes and the response to any
toxic agent may vary markedly depending on the specific route of entry. It is important
to understand the routes of entry since protecting the individual from toxic agents
depends on preventing exposure.
a. Inhalation. Inhalation is the most important route of entry for toxic agents.
Some toxic agents may produce acute effects that will be quickly recognized by the
person being exposed. Others may cause chronic effects that may take up to 25 years
to recognize, such as asbestosis from asbestos exposure.
b. Absorption. The most common occupational disease seen in the Army and
in the public sector is dermatitis. Effects on the skin and other sites of absorption are
primary irritation from contact, sensitization from repeated exposure, and systemic
poisoning from absorption.
(1) Mucosa. The mucous surfaces of the nose protect nose breathers from
inhaling particles larger than 5 or 10 microns in diameter (a micron is one millionth of a
meter or approximately 1/25,000 inch). Soluble gases are largely removed by
absorption and the air is moistened and warmed (or cooled, in hot, dry conditions). In
addition, the smell receptors in the upper reaches of the nose may serve as a protective
(2) Cilia. The tracheobronchial system is lined with cilia (short hairs) that
constantly force mucus toward the larynx. When the mucus reaches the pharynx, it
may be expectorated but is usually swallowed. These "pulmonary clearance"
MD0165 2-4
mechanisms play an important role in preventing pulmonary effects from inhalation of
dusts, fumes, and other forms of potentially hazardous materials.
b. The Skin Surface. The skin, with its thick layers of cells and its secretions, is
almost impervious to chemical agents. However, certain chemicals, such as solvents
and gases, can penetrate the skin's barriers.
Many chemicals may act as toxic agents. A detailed discussion of all the
biological actions of all the toxic agents a preventive medicine specialist would
encounter would be an impossible undertaking. Instead, the toxic agents will be
discussed according to their general biological actions.
MD0165 2-5
produce pneumoconiosis. Many dusts, of organic origin such as those arising from
cotton or wood can cause pathology of the lungs and/or alterations in lung function.
NOTE: Some substances may fit in two or more categories. Many variables determine
the effect of hazardous substances with the most important consideration is the dose
response relationship. Dose involves two variable concentration and duration of
exposure. For certain chemicals, a high concentration for a short period of time would
produce the same effects as a low concentration for a long period of time. Safe limits
are set so that the combination of concentration and time are below levels, which will
produce injury or illness, the "response." A sufficiently small amount of most chemicals
do nothing injurious. This means that there is a threshold of effect of a "no response"
(l) Volatility.
(2) Temperature.
(3) Solubility.
MD0165 2-6
(4) Particle size.
(5) Density.
(1) Concentration
The atmosphere includes toxic chemicals that are released into the air as by
products of industrial activity. Examples include: carbon monoxide from tuning and
testing combustion engines, welding fumes, solvent vapors from spray painting,
degreasing operations, and the like.
MD0165 2-7
b. Bodily Effects. Carbon monoxide interferes with the supply of oxygen to the
tissues of the body. Normally, inhaled oxygen is transferred in the lungs to a chemical
known as hemoglobin, which is present in all red blood cells. Hemoglobin then
transports oxygen, by way of the bloodstream, to the tissue cells where transfer takes
place. The affinity of hemoglobin for carbon monoxide is 250 times greater than it is for
oxygen. When carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin, the transport of oxygen to
the tissue cells is blocked. Without oxygen, cells cannot live, and when the
concentration of carbon monoxide is great enough, death occurs through asphyxiation.
a. Irritant Gases. The gases that have an irritant effect on the mucous
membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes are important occupational hazards.
Gases in this group are chemically very different, but their bodily effects are similar.
Nitrogen dioxide and phosgene will be used as examples of irritant gases.
(2) Bodily effects. The body has many mechanisms for protecting its
tissues from injury by harmful gases. For example, some of the irritant gases cause
coughing, sneezing, narrowing of the air passages, or even temporary cessation of
respiration. Also, the tears of the eye and mucus of the respiratory tract tend to dilute
and wash away irritating substances. Irritation of the eyes and upper respiratory tract
may in some cases be severe enough to drive a person out of an area of exposure
before serious damage can occur. On the other hand, some gases damage the lungs,
yet produce only slight irritation of the upper respiratory tract. This effect is
characteristic of phosgene, for example. Other gases may fail to produce warning
symptoms when the amount of gas in the air is increased gradually. The effects of
exposure to a large amount of irritating gases for a short time are different from those
MD0165 2-8
due to small amount stretched over weeks or months. Sudden, large exposure results
in inflammation, swelling, and narrowing of the airway, and in some cases the lungs fill
up with a fluid-a condition known as pulmonary edema. Those that primarily affect the
lungs, such as phosgene, often cause few, if any, symptoms at the time of exposure.
The employees may continue at their jobs, unaware that they have inhaled a dangerous
gas. Only after several hours do headache, vomiting, coughing, and shortness of
breath appear. In severe cases, death may occur. Prolonged exposure to small
amounts of irritant gas may produce a persistent cough or repeated cold-type infections
as the only symptoms.
c. Toxic Gases.
(1) Ethylene oxide, a common toxic gas, is used for sterilizing surgical
supplies. The high chemical reactivity and the general exothermic nature of ethylene
oxide reactions present a number of stable conditions, but the vapor in concentrations
of 3 to l00 percent is highly flammable and subject to explosive decomposition. Ignition
and decomposition are initiated by many common sources of heat, and the pressure
rise is sufficiently rapid and extensive to cause violent rupture of containing equipment.
The hazards of health associated with the handling of ethylene oxide are those of
inhalation of the vapor and contact of the eyes and skin with the liquid or solutions even
as dilute as one percent. Ethylene oxide may be described as a central depressant, an
irritant, and a protoplasmic poison. Contact with even dilute solutions may cause
irritation and necrosis of the eyes and irritation, blistering, edema, and necrosis of the
skin. Excessive exposure to vapor may cause irritation of the eyes, respiratory tract,
lungs, and central depression. Nausea and vomiting are usually delayed and may be
MD0165 2-9
followed by convulsive seizure and profound weakness of the extremities and
secondary infection of the lungs.
(2) Hydrogen sulfide, a colorless gas with the foul odor of rotten eggs that is
flammable and highly toxic, is used as an industrial chemical. It is encountered in
mining, especially where sulfide ores are found; in excavating in swampy or filled
ground, and sometimes in wells, caissons, and tunnels; in natural gases and in sewer
gases. By far the greatest danger from the inhalation of hydrogen sulfide is from its
acute effects. Concentrations of 700 PPM and above may result in acute poisoning.
Although the gas is an irritant, the systemic effects from the absorption of hydrogen
sulfide into the blood stream exceed that which is readily oxidized. Systemic poisoning
results, with a general action on the nervous system. Hyperpnea occurs shortly, and
respiratory paralysis may follow immediately. This condition may be reached without
warning as the originally detected odor of hydrogen sulfide may have disappeared.
Unless the victim is removed to fresh air within a very few minutes and breathing is
stimulated or induced by artificial respiration, death occurs.
The most widespread, and some of the most dangerous, occupational hazards
are created by liquid chemicals, such as solvents. These chemicals may present
hazards from the use of the liquid itself, as a vapor of the liquid, or as a mist of the
liquid. The vast majority of liquid chemicals found in the industrial workplace are
organic compounds. The organic compounds are those that contain carbon. They are
found in plant and animal tissues and in materials, such as petroleum and coal, which
result from the breakdown of living substances. Lubricants, solvents, fuel, and many
insecticides are but a few of the many hundred of different compounds in use, and new
ones are constantly being produced. These chemicals are used in the course of most
industrial-type jobs, as well as being commonly found in the home. Because of their
widespread use and their harmful properties, the organic compounds present significant
military occupational hazards.
MD0165 2-10
requires grease, oil, and other lubricants. Field sanitation teams, engineers, and
preventive medicine personnel handle insecticide concentrates. Additional examples of
operations involving the use of liquid chemicals can be found in Appendix B.
a. General. The bodily effects of liquid chemicals vary widely, depending on the
exact chemical involved. The effects on the skin, nervous system, liver, and those
leading to cancer will be discussed in this subcourse.
(1) The healthy skin has certain barriers against injury. The dead surface
cells resist most chemicals, while the oily secretions of the skin form a protective
covering against some chemicals. Deeper skin cells prevent the loss of water from the
MD0165 2-11
(3) The effect of chemicals on the skin may be an irritant effect, a sensitizing
effect, or both. A chemical that is classified, as a skin irritant will cause irritation to any
individual's skin, if left in contact with the skin longs enough. Most of the organic
compounds can be considered skin irritants, although they vary greatly in strength.
Chemical agents which do not cause skin disease on first contact but do so after 5 to 7
days or more of continuous or repeated contact are called sensitizing chemicals. This is
a type of allergy, which develops only in a small number of people exposed, depending
on the chemical involved and the individual's sensitivity to that substance. Examples of
chemicals capable of sensitizing are the explosives, photographic developers, epoxy
mixtures, some insecticides, and some fungicides.
a. General. Measures for the prevention and control of illnesses arising from
exposure to liquid chemicals fall into three groups: environmental control, personal
control, and medical control. By far the most effective category is environmental
control; this type of control involves designing the work area and associated equipment
to minimize the exposure of the worker to the liquid chemical, its vapors, or its mists.
Environmental control also includes one of the most basic control measures substituting
MD0165 2-12
less toxic substances for the more toxic substances being used. Personal protective
measures are not as effective as engineering controls (like ventilation) or work practice
modifications. Personal protective measures are limited to the use of protective clothing
and respirators. Medical control refers to programs encompassing pre-placement
physical examinations and medical surveillance of workers to detect early signs of
occupational disease.
(1) Aluminum and titanium (little flame but intense radiation). For example,
when aluminum and titanium (a reactive metal and alloy) are welded in argon (a
protective, inert atmosphere), they will produce very little flame but intense radiation.
This radiation’s can offspring into ozone.
MD0165 2-13
NOTE: Slag is dross or scum (mainly oxides and impurities) forming on the surface of
molten metals, as they are being melted or refined.
NOTE: Variable concentrations of a wide variety of substances are found in the work
place air. Two organizations promulgate standards for worker exposure to specific
chemicals. In Title 29 Code of Federal Regulation 1910.1000, OHSA has established
Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL’S) for potentially hazardous chemical substances.
The American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) has
recommended threshold limits (TLV) which do the same. Ordinarily, ACHGIH TLVs are
more stringent (and provide greater worker protection) than OSAH PELs. It is important
to understand that PELs and TLVs is not the same thing.
(5) Total fume concentration or content analysis. Analyze the total fume
concentration or content as needed. This analysis will be sufficient if no other toxic
elements are present in the metal, welding rods, or metal coatings and conditions are
not ripe for toxic gas formation.
The U.S. Army must comply with the standards of 29 CFR l9l0.l000 for
exposures to airborne contaminants. In addition, the Army has adopted the consensus
standards developed by the ACGIH. We must check both sources and use the more
stringent of the two standards.
MD0165 2-14
b. Terms.
(1) Threshold limit value-time weighed average . The threshold limit value-
time weighed average (TLV-TWA) is the time weighted average for a normal 8-hour
workday and a 40-hour workweek to which nearly all workers may be repeatedly
exposed day after day without adverse health effects.
(2) Threshold limit value short-term exposure limits. The threshold limit
value short-term exposure limits (TLV─STEL) is the concentration to which workers can
be exposed continuously for a short period of time. A STEL is defined as a l5 minute
time weighted average exposure, which should not be exceeded at any time during a
work day even if the 8-hour time-weighted average is within the TLV. Exposure at the
STEL should not exceed l5 minutes and should not be repeated more than 4 times a
day. There should be at least 60 minutes between successive exposures at the STEL.
(5) "Ceiling" values. There are certain toxic substances for which time-
weighted average concentrations are inappropriate. For example, there are substances
that are predominantly fast acting, and whose threshold limit is based on this response.
Substances of this type are assigned a "ceiling" limit ("C") that should not be exceeded
under any circumstances. Appendix E contains examples of substances to which "C"
limits have been assigned.
T = Time
C = Concentration
TWA = time weighed average
Hrs = hours
MD0165 2-15
d. Working with TLV Data. The following examples will provide practice in
using TLV's and related data.
2 What is the TWA exposure for these workers during the 8-hour
(b) Solutions:
3 Substituting, we have:
MD0165 2-16
(2) Example 2. Workers are engaged in a process that results in the
production of ozone (03). Throughout most of the 8-hour shift, the process, the
concentration reaches 0.005-ppm. However, at four steps in the process, the
concentration reaches 0.5-ppm, for about l2 minutes each time. These four instances of
0.5-ppm concentrations are 90 minutes apart.
(b) Solutions:
(b) Solution: From Appendix E, we determine that although the TLV for
formaldehyde is 1.0-ppm, this substance has been assigned a STEL which means that
the STEL region must not be exceeded for longer than 15 minutes. This soldier's health
is in jeopardy and control measures are imperative.
MD0165 2-17
a. The collection and analysis of representative samples of the air in the work
place is an important means of determining the nature and extent of occupational
hazards or exposures associated with an operation or process. In addition, the
effectiveness, or the inadequacy, or exiting control measures may be demonstrated by
appropriate sampling. In this regard, the preventive medicine specialist will frequently
be called upon to assist in the collection of samples of potentially contaminated air in a
variety of work places on Army installations. Very often this sampling will be conducted
for the purpose of determining compliance with Department of the Army and OSHA
environmental standards. There are a number of important factors that must be
considered during the collection of samples if reliable results are to be obtained.
Disregarding any of these factors can seriously limit the accuracy of the data collected
and can lead to invalid conclusions.
(1) General room (area or background) air sample. The general room air
sample provides an indication of the total concentration of a contaminant in the overall
work area. Such sampling gives qualitative data on what contaminants are present in
the work area and to some extent indicates if control measures are effective.
MD0165 2-18
in the operation or process, which constitutes the greatest hazard, and the duration of
the hazard.
e. Depending upon the physical demands of the work, workers inhale from 5 to
20 cubic meters of air during an 8-hour day. However, the volume of the air sample
(and hence, the length of the sampling period) need not approach the volume of air
actually inhaled by the worker. All that is needed is a representative sample of the air,
large enough to contain sufficient contaminant to be analyzed and identified. Therefore,
the volume of the air sample (and the duration of the sampling period) will be dependent
upon the TLV of the contaminant, sensitivity of the analytical procedure to be used, and
the estimated concentration of the contaminant in the work place atmosphere. The
sample volume and flow rate is determined by using the USAEHA Sampling Guide TG
141 (see Appendix D). The duration of the sampling run depends on the flow rate of the
sampling pump and the volume required and can be calculated by using the formula:
Duration = ────────
Flow rate
g. Before we can decide when to sample, we must consider the purpose of the
evaluation (for example, what information is desired) as well as the overall nature of the
particular operation or process being evaluated. Since the concentration of contaminant
may vary considerably throughout a 24-hour period, it is necessary to take samples
during each shift of operation. In addition, when Army installations are located in areas
which experience wide seasonal variations in temperature, it may be necessary to
MD0165 2-19
sample during each of the seasonal extremes, since the demands on the ventilation
system and hence, the ability of the system to control the contaminant, may vary
h. Closely related to the question of how long to sample, how many samples to
collect, and when to collect the samples is the matter of determining how to sample,
that is, the type of sample to be collected. In this regard, there are four general
categories of samples: spot (grab) samples, partial period samples, full period single
samples, and full period consecutive samples.
(1) Grab samples. This is a method for collecting a sample of gas or vapor.
Grab samples are also called instantaneous samples, as they are collected almost
instantaneously, that is, usually within a few seconds, although some grab samples may
be collected over a period of up to l5 minutes. A grab sample is therefore
representative of the atmospheric conditions at the sampling site at a given point in
time. Normally, at least five to seven samples should be taken, at random, except for
contaminants with a "ceiling" TLV. In this case, the samples must be taken at times
when concentrations are expected to be maximum. Evacuated flask samples, Mylar
bag samples, and detector tube samples are all examples of grab samples. Examples
of grab sample collecting devices are shown in Figures 2-1 and 2-2.
MD0165 2-20
Figure 2-2. Bag for collecting grab samples
(2) Partial period samples. In this kind of sampling, the sample is collected
for a portion of some standard period such as workday or shift. Partial period sampling
should not be conducted for less than 70the period of the standard (for example, 5 l/2
hours of an 8-hour work period). To collect partial period samples, it is necessary to
collect atmospheric air and pass it through a device or a series of devices in which the
contaminant can be concentrated for later analysis.
(3) Full period single samples. A full period single sample is one sample
collected continuously throughout the full period of the standard (for example, the work
shift or workday). As was the case with the partial period sample, it is necessary to
draw in atmospheric air and process it through some device (like a charcoal tube),
which collects and/or concentrates the contaminant for later analysis.
MD0165 2-21
(5) Analysis of samples. Once air samples have been requested on
charcoal tubes, filters, and so forth, the sample media is sent to USAEHA for analysis. The
sampling form with instructions is at Appendix I. This information applies to each type of
(1) In the case of soluble contaminants, absorption devices may also collect
samples. These devices concentrate the contaminant by dissolving it in some medium;
bubblers and impinges (see Figure 2-3) are examples of such devices. They are used in
conjunction with some form of pump or suction device, which captures the air-gas
mixture and brings it into the absorption device where it is impinged on a receptive
liquid. In using such a device, it is necessary to know the rate at which the air-gas
mixture was collected (flow rate) and the duration of the sampling period, in order to
determine the volume of air from which the contaminant was extracted.
MD0165 2-22
Figure 2-3. Absorption devices for collecting gaseous or vapor forms
of soluble contaminants. Gas washing (A and B); helical (C);
fretted bubbler (D); glass-bead contaminants (E).
MD0165 2-23
Figure 2-4. Charcoal tube for collecting insoluble contaminants.
MD0165 2-24
(3) When sampling gas/vapor contaminants, it is possible to use direct
reading devices that do not require subsequent laboratory analysis. One such device is
the detector tube (see Figure 2-6), which is accurate to plus or minus 25 physical
principles (e.g., heat of oxidation and wavelength of light) to obtain direct indications of
the concentration of contaminant. These are limited to use with certain specific
contaminants. Examples of this kind of instrument are carbon monoxide monitor (see
Figures 2-7 and 2-8).
Figure 2-6. Precision piston gas detector system (A); cut away view of automatic
precision hand pump (B); bellows pump with detector tube and
stroke counter (C); and cut away view of bellows pump (D).
MD0165 2-25
Figure 2-7. Portable carbon monoxide monitor.
MD0165 2-26
collected. These devices may also be single-staged or multistage (for example, consist
of two or more devices connected in tandem).
(3) Respirable dust sampling. Some standards are based upon the dust
being of respirable size, meaning the dust will not be filtered out before reaching the air
sacs in the lungs. In this case, a cyclone is utilized before the filter, which slows the
dust down, to enable the filter to capture it (see Figure 2-5).
d. The Sampling Train. Discussions thus far have borne on various devices
used in sampling the air in the worker's environment. In actual practice, these devices
are interconnected in a certain order to obtain the desired sample; this interconnection
of instruments and devices is known as a sampling train (see Figure 2-10). A sampling
train for particulate would consist of these critical elements, in this order: an inlet orifice
(opening); particulate separator (filter, precipitator, impinge, and so forth); air flow meter
MD0165 2-27
(to determine flow rate); flow rate control valve; and suction pump. The suction pumps
will require some sort of power supply; some particulate separators also require an
additional source of electrical power. A sampling train for gas or vapor would be similar,
except that some type of absorption or adsorption device would replace the particulate
separator. Refer again to Figure 2-5 for an example of a sampling train, in this instance,
assembled to sample for respirable dust).
One of the major routes of entry for toxic substances is through inhalation.
Almost every industry has some form of respiratory hazard associated with it. Industrial
type operations carried out on Army installations have hazards too. In the field of
industrial hygiene, our primary concern is to protect the worker from exposure to
hazardous situations in the work environment. One method of eliminating an inhalation
exposure is to place a barrier between the worker's respiratory tract and the hazardous
environment. You may recall that in lesson l we referred to Pliney the Elder, who, in 60
AD, reported that a goat's bladder placed over the face could protect workers from the
hazard of working with lead (the bladder is a barrier between the worker's respiratory
tract and the hazardous environment). Respirator design has come a long way since
that time; however, the improper use of a respirator or the selection of the wrong one
can leave a worker with a false sense of security, and possibly less protection than he
might get with a goat's bladder. As a preventive medicine specialist, you may be called
upon to evaluate the use of respirators and to train employees in their proper selection,
use, and maintenance.
MD0165 2-28
Figure 2-l0. Calibration setup of a sampling train.
MD0165 2-29
Figure 2-11 Air purifying respirator.
service indicator, they may not be used for contaminants that have poor odor warning
properties. The maximum concentration for which the air-purifying unit is effective is
specified by applicable Federal occupational health standards. Respirators will not
provide the maximum design protection specified unless the face piece is carefully fitted
to the wearer's face to prevent inward leakage. Fit testing is a requirement of Federal
Law and Army regulation. The time period over which protection is provided is
dependent on canister, cartridge, or filter type, concentration and physical state of
contaminant, and the wearer’s respiratory rate. The proper type of canister, cartridge,
or filter must be selected for the particular atmosphere and condition. Air purifying
respirators may cause discomfort and objectionable resistance to breathing. Respirator
face pieces present special problems to individuals required to wear prescription lenses,
and those individuals who have a profile on shaving. Army Regulation 11-34, The Army
Respiratory Protection Program specifically prohibits unshaven personnel (especially
having beards) from working in environments where wearing a respirator is required.
This requirement is also an OSHA mandate.
(1) General description . See Figure 2-12. Packed solvent beds (cartridge or canister)
remove single gases or vapors (for example, chlorine gas), a single class of gases or vapors (for
example, organic vapors) or a combination of two or more classes of gases and vapors
(for example, acid gases, organic vapors, ammonia, and carbon monoxide) by
absorption, chemical reaction or catalysis or a combination of these methods.
MD0165 2-30
Figure 2-12. Gas mask.
(3) Gas masks. Gas masks include all completely assembled air
purifying masks that are designed for use as respiratory protection during entry into
atmospheres not immediately dangerous to life or health or escape only from
hazardous atmospheres. Gas masks are further described according to the types of
gases or vapors they remove. They may be front mounted and back mounted
(consisting of a full face piece, a canister which is usually attached to the face piece,
and associated connections).
(b) Limitations. Gas masks shall be used only for escape from (not
entry into) immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) atmospheres and shall not be
used against gases or vapors with poor warning properties or which generate high
heats or reaction with solvent materials in the canister. In addition, eye protection may
be required when escape type gas masks are used. In general, gas masks have only
MD0165 2-31
been tested and approved against certain contaminants. See Table 2-1 for a
description of the label that is required on the canister of all gas masks, and Table 2-2
for the color code used for gas mask canisters.
Canister for • • • • • • • • • •
3. Each canister shall have a label warning that gas masks should be
used only in atmospheres that are not oxygen deficient (at least 19.5
percent oxygen by volume at sea level), since gas mask canisters are
only designed to neutralize or remove contaminants from the air.
MD0165 2-32
Type of Atmospheric Contaminant* Color Code │
* If only the labels are color-coded as above, then the canister or cartridge
body is to be gray or natural metallic color.
* Wording on the label will tell you the contaminant contained within and
the degree of protection it will give you.
MD0165 2-33
Type of Chemical Maximum Use Concentration
Cartridge Respirator Parts Per Million (PPM)
Ammonia 600
Chlorine 10
Hydrogen Chloride 50
Sulfur Dioxide 50
*Not for use against organic vapors with poor warning properties or those
which generate high heats or reaction with solvent material in the cartridge.
*Maximum use concentrations are lower for organic vapors that produce
atmospheres immediately hazardous to life or health at concentrations
equal to or lower than this concentration.
MD0165 2-34
(b) Limitations. Chemical cartridge respirators shall not be used in
atmospheres immediately dangerous to life or health and will be limited to the maximum
concentration of gases and vapors as specified on the cartridge (also see specific
standard for exposure to chemical or chemicals in question). Some chemical cartridges
are listed in Table 2-4. In addition, in the case of the half mask face piece, no protection
is provided for the eyes. The nose clip on mouthpiece style respirators shall be
securely in place to prevent nasal breathing. No protection is provided to the eyes.
NSN Respirator
Table 2-4. Air purifying respirators and gas masks available in the
Federal supply system.
MD0165 2-35
(a) Respirators, either with replaceable or reusable filters, designed as
respiratory protection against dusts, fumes, and mists having maximum acceptable
exposure limits not less than 0.05 milligram per cubic meter (mg/m3) of air.
(2) Limitations.
(b) Half mask face pieces. Fabric coverings are only permissible in
atmospheres of coarse dust and mists of low toxicity. No protection is provided to the
(1) Description. These respirators include all the devices discussed having
either canisters or cartridges with filters for protection against dusts, mists, fumes,
gases, and vapors. These include respirators that have been tested against lacquer
and enamel mists (paint spray respirators).
(2) Limitations. With the exception that these devices protect against
gases, vapors, and particulates, the limitations of the other devices would also apply to
the combination device.
MD0165 2-36
f. Pesticide Respirators.
(2) Limitations. Limitations previously discussed for each type of device will
also apply, in general, to pesticide respirators.
NOTE: See Table 2-4 for a list of air purifying respirators and gas masks available in
the federal supply system.
MD0165 2-37
Figure 2─l4. Air-line respirator (A) and self-contained respirator (B).
(2) Limitations.
MD0165 2-38
the apparatus, the ambient atmospheric pressure (service life is cut in half by a doubling
of the atmospheric pressure), and workload. A warning device shall be provided to
indicate to the wearer when the service life has been reduced to a low level. Some
SCBA devices have a short service life (few minutes) and are suitable only for escape
(self rescue) from a non-respirable atmosphere. Chief limitations of SCBA devices are
their weight or bulk or both, limited service life, and the training required for their
maintenance and safe use.
(c) Open circuit demand and pressure demand. The demand type
produces a negative pressure in the face piece on inhalation whereas the pressure
demand type maintains a positive pressure in the face piece and is less apt to permit
inward leakage of contaminants.
d. Supplied-Air Respirators.
(a) Type "A" supplied air respirator. A hose mask respirator for entry
into and escape from atmospheres not immediately dangerous to life or health which
consist of a motor driven or hand operated blower that permits the free entrance of air
when the blower is not operating, a strong large diameter hose having a low resistance
to airflow, a harness to which the hose and the lifeline are attached and a tight fitting
face piece.
(b) Type "B" supplied air respirator. A hose mask respirator, for entry
into and escape from atmospheres not immediately dangerous to life or health, which
consists of a strong, large diameter hose with low resistance to airflow through which
the user draws inspired air by means of his lungs alone, a harness to which the hose is
attached, and a tight fitting face piece.
(c) Type "C" supplied air respirator. An airline respirator, for entry into
and escape from atmospheres not immediately dangerous to life or health, which
consists of a source of respirable breathing air, a hose, a detachable coupling, a control
valve, orifice, demand valve or pressure demand valve, an arrangement for attaching
the hose to the wearer, and a face piece, hood, or helmet.
(d) Types "AE," "BE," and "CE" supplied air respirators. Types "A," "B,"
or "C" supplied-air respirator equipped with additional devices designed to protect the
wearer's head and neck against impact and abrasion, and with shielding material to
MD0165 2-39
protect the window(s) of face pieces, hoods, and helmets which do not unduly interfere
with the wearer's vision and permit easy access to the external surface of such
window(s) for cleaning.
(2) Limitations.
(b) Type "A" hose mask respirator with blower. If the blower fails, the
units still provide an air supply and sufficient protection to permit the wearer to escape
although a negative pressure exists in the face piece during inhalation. Use is not
permissible in atmospheres immediately dangerous to life or health.
(c) Type "B" hose mask without blower. If the air supply fails, no
protection is provided the wearer. Limited to use in atmospheres not immediately
dangerous to life or health and from which the wearer can escape unharmed without aid
of the respirator.
(d) Type "C" air line respirators (continuous flow, demand, and
pressure demand types). The demand type produces a negative pressure in the face
piece on inhalation whereas continuous flow and pressure demand types maintain a
positive pressure in the face piece at all times and are less apt to permit inward leakage
of contaminants. Demand flow air-line respirators are for use in atmospheres
immediately dangerous to life or health, provided an auxiliary self-contained air supply is
worn to permit escape if the air supply fails.
MD0165 2-40
a. Nature of Hazard. Identify the substance or substances against which
protection is required. Determine the hazards and significant properties of each
substance. Determine the physical state in which the contaminant is likely to occur. Is
the hazard one of oxygen deficiency, or is it dangerous to life and health? This is the
first and over riding consideration.
NOTE: There is one limitation that should be kept in mind, as it affects all respiratory
protective devices: Certain gases can harm the body by means other than through the
respiratory tract. For example, ammonia, in a sufficiently high concentration, can cause
skin burns, particularly on moist skin. As a result, suitable protective clothing would
have to be worn, in addition to the proper respirator.
a. Instruction in the nature of the hazard, along with an honest appraisal of the
consequences if the respirator is not used.
c. Explanation of the basis for selection of the particular respirator. The training
must include instructions covering the fitting of respirator on personnel with special
problems, such as facial hair, eyeglasses, deep cuts, scars, or irregular facial features
(for example, hollow temples, dentures, lack of teeth, and so forth.).
MD0165 2-41
d. A discussion of the respirator's capabilities and limitations.
e. Instruction and training in the actual use of the respirator. This must include
hands on training during which workers are provided an opportunity to handle the
respirator, fit it properly, test its face piece to face seal, wear it in a test atmosphere.
Training must include that required to recognize and cope with emergency situations; it
must also include the requirement that respirator face piece shall be checked for fit each
time they are worn.
Each job, which requires the use of a respirator, should have the correct
respirator specified for that job. Selection of the respirator should be made by the
supervisory personnel, using guidance provided by the Installation Medical Authority
(IMA), the Installation Respirator Program Director (IRPD), and the Installation
Respirator Specialist (IRS). Care should be taken that when a worker has been fitted
with a particular style and size of mask and instructed in its use and capabilities,
substitutions for that particular respirator must not be made. Respirators permanently
assigned to an individual worker must be durably and legibly marked with the
individual’s name. The date of issuance should be centrally recorded and maintained
by the responsible individual for the overall respiratory protection program.
(2) Wash face piece and breathing tube in cleaner disinfectant or detergent
solution. Cleaner disinfectant solutions are available which effectively clean the
respirator and also contain a bactericidal agent. As an alternative, respirators may be
washed in a liquid detergent solution and then immersed either in a hypo-chloride
solution for 2 minutes or an aqueous iodine solution for 2 minutes, or a quaternary
ammonium solution. A hand brush may be used to facilitate the removal of dirt.
Because some of these disinfecting agents may age rubber parts and corrode metal
parts, immersion times should be kept to a minimum and all disinfectants thoroughly
drained from the parts.
MD0165 2-42
(3) Rinse completely in clean, warm water. Because some disinfectants
can damage rubber, elastomer, or metal parts, and because quaternary ammonium
solutions can even cause dermatitis if not rinsed completely from the respirator, the
importance of through rinsing cannot be stressed too strongly.
(6) Inspect valves, head straps, and other parts for wear and/or damage;
replace with new parts if defective.
(7) Insert new filters, cartridges, or canisters; ensure that all seals are tight.
MD0165 2-43
b. Frequently, respirators are kept at work areas or stations for emergency use.
In such cases, they should be stored in compartments built for the purpose, quickly
accessible at all times, and clearly marked.
MD0165 2-44
At one time, the US Bureau of Mines was the governmental agency responsible
for approval of respirators. The NIOSH and the Mine Safety and Health Administration
(MSHA) have assumed this responsibility. Manufacturers of respirators are to submit
respirators to NIOSH for testing and certifying. When a respirator is found to be
satisfactory for use against a specific contaminant and concentration, NIOSH issues it a
"TC" number indicating that it has been "tested and certified" with Federal Law.
Thereafter, it must be used as a unit as certified. If it requires any replacement parts,
they must be replaced by parts identical to those being replaced.
MD0165 2-45
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following exercises by marking the lettered response that
best answers the exercise, by completing the incomplete statement, or by writing the
answer in the space provided at the end of the exercise.
After you have completed all of these exercises, turn to "Solutions to Exercises" at
the end of the lesson and check your answers. For each exercise answered incorrectly,
reread the material referenced with the solution.
1. The gas that constitutes one of the most serious occupational hazards is
a. Liquid.
b. Mist.
c. Gas.
d. Fume.
a. Sulfide.
b. Iron.
c. Lead.
d. Iron sulfide.
a. ___________________________________.
b. ___________________________________.
c. ___________________________________.
MD0165 2-46
5. Which particles are finely divided solids resulting from crushing, grinding, or
a. Solids.
b. Dust.
c. Liquids.
d. Gases.
6. Which part of the body, with its thick layers of cells and its secretions, is almost
impervious to chemical agents? However, certain chemicals, such as solvents
and gases, can penetrate this barrier.
a. The skin.
b. Excretory system.
c. Respiratory system.
7. For all practical purposes, mists and vapors are the same.
a. True.
b. False.
8. Which potential chemical hazard is most likely to be formed during the heating of
a. Solid.
b. Dust.
c. Mist.
d. Fume.
MD0165 2-47
9. Liquids are fluids characterized by particles that move freely, without a tendency to
separate from one another as in the case with a gas. What are examples of mist
10. The most common route of entry to the body for a chemical agent is through
a. True.
b. False.
11. The human tracheobronchial system is lined with short hairs known as
12. Name the two body organs that play the major role in extracting and expelling
a. ______________________.
b. ______________________.
13. The skin offers virtually no resistance to the entry of harmful chemicals into the
a. True.
b. False.
MD0165 2-48
14. Select the chemical asphyxiants that render the body incapable of utilizing an
adequate oxygen supply (because they replace the oxygen in the air or interfere
with the body's oxygen transfer mechanism).
d. Methane (gases from marshes and mines) and ethane (natural gases and
f. Both a and c.
15. An anesthetic may be used during surgery as a depressant to the central nervous
system, particularly the brain. However, an anesthetic is a chemical that is
potentially hazard in that its:
a. _________________________.
b. _________________________.
c. _________________________.
d. _________________________.
MD0165 2-49
17. The toxicity of a chemical may be affected by all of the following except:
a. Volatility.
b. Particle size.
c. Color.
d. Density.
18. The physical condition of a worker has no effect on the toxicity of a chemical agent
to which he might be exposed.
a. True.
b. False.
19. List two environmental factors that can affect the toxicity of a chemical agent.
a. ___________________.
b. ___________________.
20. What gas damages the lungs but only slightly irritates the upper respiratory tract?
MD0165 2-50
22. Which one of the following does NOT produce carbon monoxide?
b. Explosion of dynamite.
d. Photosynthesis of plants.
24. What type of gas can accidentally be produced when chemicals called chlorinated
hydrocarbons come into contact with a flame, hot metal, or any other heat source?
a. Carbon monoxide.
b. Nitroglycerine.
c. Carbon dioxide.
d. Nitrogen dioxide.
25. Which toxic colorless gas will quickly cause systemic poisoning, hyperpnoea on
the nervous system and immediate respiratory paralysis, without warning, and
unless the victim is removed to fresh air within a very few minutes and breathing
stimulated or induced by artificial respiration, death will occur?
a. Ammonia.
b. Nitrogen dioxide.
c. Hydrogen sulfide.
d. Carbon dioxide.
MD0165 2-51
26. Chemicals, found at most industrial type jobs and homes, contain harmful organic
liquid chemical properties, which may present a _________________ military
occupational hazard to soldiers.
a. Possible.
b. Significant.
c. Mediocre.
d. Remote.
27. More specifically, ____________ are good examples of the liquid chemicals which
are widespread in their use and which constitute some of the most dangerous
occupational hazards.
b. When metal machine parts are removed for repair or cleaning, their lubricating
oils and greases are immersed in the vapor of solvents will give off vaporous
29. Dermatitis is one of the most important occupational diseases and the effect of
chemicals on the skin may be caused by:
a. A sensitizing effect.
b. An irritant effect.
c. Both a and b.
MD0165 2-52
30. Which is the most important of the occupational diseases for time lost from the job
but usually not severe enough to warrant permanent disability?
b. Skin diseases.
31. The three types of measures used for the prevention and control of illnesses
arising from exposure to liquid chemicals are __________ control, __________
control, and _____________ control.
32. Personal control measures for the prevention and control of illnesses arising from
liquid chemicals are limited to the use of _______________, ________________,
and ________________.
33. Which organic insecticide solvent acts directly on the brain causing tremors,
dizziness, and convulsions?
a. Methyl chloroform.
c. Ammonia.
` d. Sodium carbonate.
MD0165 2-53
35. List three of the sample locations that may be used, depending upon the type of
evaluation desired, when performing sampling techniques.
a. ____________________.
b. ____________________.
c. ____________________.
36. Which of the following sampling devices is NOT a direct readout device of gases
and vapors?
37. The number of air samples to be collected will depend upon the type of evaluation
being conducted and what is necessary to effectively evaluate a worker’s
a. True.
b. False.
38. Devices used to sample air, which are interconnected in a certain order to obtain
the desired sample, are known as:
a. Impingers.
b. Flow meters.
c. Sampling trains.
d. Suction pumps.
MD0165 2-54
40. A sampling train for ______________ would be similar to a sampling train for
particulate, except that some type of absorption or adsorption device would
replace the particulate separator.
41. One limitation for a gas mask is that it may only be used for escape from:
a. Entry.
b. Exit.
42. Which type of chemical cartridge respirator could have a maximum use
concentration of 100 ppm?
a. Ammonia.
b. Chlorine.
c. Hydrogen chloride.
d. Methyl Amine.
43. The respirator with a Federal supply system NSN of 4240-01-259-4575 indicates
that this is a:
c. Respirator, air filtering, for metal fumes (respirator furnished with l00 filters, or
50 filters depending on whether the mask is dual or single element).
d. Respirator, air filtering, for paint spray (respirator furnished with l00 or 50
cartridges and filters).
e. Respirator, air filtering, for organic vapors (respirator furnished with l00 or 50
MD0165 2-55
44. Pesticide respirators contain:
c. Individual devices.
d. No cartridge respirators.
a. _______________.
b. _______________.
c. _______________.
46. Which is NOT a criteria for selecting the proper respiratory protective device?
a. Movement requirements.
b. Conditions of exposure.
d. Nature of hazard.
47. What do you look for when checking a respirator during an inspection?
b. Looseness of conductors.
c. Clean parts.
MD0165 2-56
48. After the respirator has been washed and completely rinsed in clean, warm water,
what are the next correct sequenced steps?
a. Air dry the part in a clean area and clean other respirator parts. Insert new
filters, cartridges, or canisters; ensure that all seals are tight. Inspect valves,
head straps, and other parts for wear and/or damage; replace with new parts if
defective. Place in plastic bag or container for storage.
b. Air dry the part. Inspect valves, head straps, and other parts for wear and/or
damage; replace with new parts if defective. Insert new filters, cartridges, or
canisters; ensure that all seals are tight. Clean other respirator parts as
recommended by the manufacturer. Place in plastic bag or container for
c. Inspect valves, head straps, and other parts for wear and/or damage; replace
with new parts if defective. Air dry the part in a clean area. Clean other
respirator parts as recommended by the manufacturer. Insert new filters,
cartridges, or canisters; ensure that all seals are tight. Place in a plastic bag.
d. Air dry the part in a clean area. Clean other respirator parts as recommended
by the manufacturer. Inspect valves, head straps, and other parts for wear
and/or damage; replace with new parts if defective. Insert new filters,
cartridges, or canisters; ensure that all seals are tight. Place in plastic bag or
container for storage.
a. Lockers.
b. Plastic bags.
c. Tool boxes.
d. Desk drawers.
MD0165 2-57
50. What must be continuously checked and evaluated if respiratory protection for
workers in a hazardous environment is to be effective?
b. The program.
MD0165 2-58
2. c (para 2-2b)
3. c (para 2-2b(3)(b))
4. Benzol.
Carbon tetrachloride.
Trichloroethylene. (para 2-2b(2)(a))
5. b (para 2-2b(3)(a))
6. a (para 2-4b)
7. b (para 2-2b(2))
8. d (para 2-2b(3)(b))
9. c (para 2-2b(2))
12. Liver
Kidneys. (para 2-4c)
MD0165 2-59
18. b (para 2-6b)
32. Protective clothing, protective ointments, and personal cleanliness. (para 2-13b)
MD0165 2-60
38. c (para 2-16d)
MD0165 2-61
LESSON OBJECTIVES After completing this lesson you should be able to:
MD0165 3-1
MD0165 3-2
c. Installation Medical Authority (IMA). The IMA plans and supervises the
overall Occupational Health Program, including the Hearing Conservation Program in
accordance with (IAW) TB MED 501 and DA Pam 40-501. The IMA ensures that a
physician determines the diagnosis of noise-induced hearing loss and notifies the
Civilian Personnel Office of hearing and noise hazardous problems. Specialists, who
assist the IMA, include medical officers, audiologists, hearing conservation officers, and
preventive medicine specialists.
(2) Ensuring that medically trained personnel fit individuals with hearing
(4) Using approved and calibrated equipment, and surveying all suspected
noise-hazardous areas and equipment at least once and within 30 days of any change
in operations.
MD0165 3-3
(9) Recommending job placement and job criteria, that is, wearing personal
protective devices.
MD0165 3-4
The human ear is composed of three major sections: the external ear, the
middle ear, and the inner ear. Each of these has a distinct function in the hearing
b. The middle ear consists of the eardrum, the air cavity, filled with a chain of
small bones called the malleus, incus, stapes or the hammer, anvil, and stirrup plus the
oval window. One end of this chain rests against the eardrum, while the other end is
connected to the inner ear. It is within the middle ear that the sound waves strike the
tympanic membrane (eardrum), which in turn, cause vibrations. Note in Figure 3-1 that
the tympanic membrane is catty-corner to the auditory canal. These vibrations are then
bounced off hammer, anvil, stirrup, and oval window as they are carried or transferred
to the inner ear.
c. The inner ear consists of a spiral or curved tube filled with fluid. The spiral
tube contains the cochlea, organ of Corti, and semicircular canals. The cochlea, sea
shell shaped, bone contains the organ of Corti, which consists of many sensory cells
with delicate hairs or hair cells projecting into the fluid. The organ of Corti receives the
sound waves and transfers these impulses to the eighth cranial nerve. This auditory
nerve transmits the impulses to the brain for interpretation by the brain.
There are several definitions of the physical properties of sound, which you need
to understand and that will be helpful to you in carrying out your responsibilities.
a. Sound. Sound is based upon the sense of hearing. Sound is the effect
produced on the organ of hearing and its central connections by the vibrations of the air
or other medium. The motion, energy, and frequency, of these particles (gas, liquid, or
solid) passing through a medium, like a human ear or tunnel, provide a sensation. This
sensation or vibration reaching the human ear is interpreted by the human brain as
"sound." A frequency of between 8 and 20,000 cycles per second provides the stimulus
for the subjective sensation of hearing. Although sound resembles forms of
electromagnetic energy (light, x-rays, radio waves), it always requires a transport
b. Frequency. Frequency is the rate per unit time that high and low pressure
regions occur. It is measured as Hertz, where one Hertz is equivalent to one cycle per
second. The range of sound frequencies, which the human ear can perceive, extends
MD0165 3-5
from 16 Hz up to as high as 30,000 Hz (also written as 30 KHz). The average young
adult can hear sounds from 20 to 20,000 Hz, although as a practical matter, few adults
can hear sounds whose frequency exceeds 11,000 Hz (11 KHz).
MD0165 3-6
e. Noise. Noise, normal or abnormal, is simply defined as unwanted sound,
whether it is a pure tone, a complex of tones, or unwanted speech or music. For actual
complex sounds, the acoustical character is usually applied to sounds which contain a
large number of separate frequency components that extend over a wide range of
frequencies, coming from animate or inanimate objects, and may or may not convey
meaning or information. Then again, noise may be a single sharp, squeaky, or piercing
sound of short or long duration.
MD0165 3-7
person with very good hearing in an extremely quiet environment. To use the decibel in
a familiar example, the sound pressure level in a large administrative office is usually
between 40 and 60 dB. It should be no higher than 60 dB.
m. The dB(A). When measuring the intensity of sound using a sound level
meter, the meter is equipped with a system of "weighting networks" whose effect is to
duplicate the response of the human ear. To achieve this, these weighting networks
cause the sensitivity of the meter to vary with frequency and intensity of sound, as does
the sensitivity of the human ear. When referring to sound levels in this subcourse, we
will be referring to sound levels measured by a meter employing the "A-weighting"
network and will use the term "dB(A)" rather than "dB." Table 3-1 lists some typical
noise levels, given in dB(A).
n. The dB(P). This is the unit used to express the peak sound pressure of
impulse noise.
MD0165 3-8
MD0165 3-9
b. Over exposure to high frequency noise causes more significant hearing loss
than over exposure to low frequency noise of the same intensity. During initial
exposure, most of the hearing impairment is in the frequency range above those
important to the understanding of speech. As a result, early damage is frequently not
noticed by the individual. Detection of losses in these ranges by the medical officer is
important, as early losses may be regarded as danger signs of further potential hearing
loss. Continued exposure will lead to progressively greater damage, including loss of
the speech frequencies that, if allowed to reach an advanced stage, will cause a severe
b. Intensity. The relative loudness of the noise, expressed in decibels, will play
a large part in determining the degree of hazard; the louder the noise, the greater its
potential for causing hearing loss.
d. The Duration of Exposure. The longer the exposure, the greater the
damage to the hearing mechanism.
MD0165 3-10
be initiated without such a survey. For example, a noise survey is unnecessary in the
following cases:
b. When personnel hear noises or ringing sounds in their ears after working in
the noise area for several hours.
The purpose of the noise survey is to evaluate the exposures to noise in the work
place in relation to interference with speech, worker comfort, and hearing loss. Another
important purpose served is the collection of information for use in designing controls.
In making noise measurements, the following points are important.
a. At all locations where noise makes it difficult for two persons with good
hearing to converse at close range, tests should be made with a sound level meter.
The average, overall level is determined by taking several meter readings at each
location. In general, when it is necessary to shout in order to be heard intelligibly at a
distance of 1 foot, the noise level is at least 60 dB(A), and probably even higher.
e. Many operations and areas that are sources of hazardous noise are common
to most Army installations and should be the site of sound surveys. These include the
interiors of tanks, personnel carriers, and truck cabs; the vicinity of field electrical
generator sets; machine shops, carpenter shops; sheet metal shops; engine repair and
testing shops; weapons ranges; areas in which air driven tools are used; aircraft in
operation on the ground and in the air; and aircraft engine test facilities.
MD0165 3-11
f. During noise surveys, inventories of hazardous noise areas are usually kept.
Records of noise surveys are kept on DD Form 2214 (Appendix H). Risk assessment
codes are assigned for all sound levels above 85 dB (A).
(2) There may also be unique situations where noise levels rise infrequently
and unpredictably to 85 dB(A) or greater for short durations so that the wearing of
hearing protective devices may be judged impractical or unnecessary. Decisions to
waive the wearing of hearing protective devices or any other requirement of the
program must not be made arbitrarily. Such judgments may be rendered by trained
AMEDD personnel who will perform a thorough evaluation using approved
instrumentation and who will consider all factors relative to the potential for a given
exposure to cause hearing impairment.
The environmental control of noise exposure may involve the solution of complex
noise reduction problems. Many such projects should be undertaken only with the help
of acoustical engineers or consultants in noise control.
MD0165 3-12
a. Noise Control Methods. The following general methods of noise control
may be applied in certain situations.
(1) Increasing the distance between work areas and noise sources.
(2) Providing acoustical barriers between work areas and sound sources.
MD0165 3-13
Figure 3-2. Safety poster (general information on using earplugs).
MD0165 3-14
Figure 3-4. Safety poster (inserting the single-flange earplugs).
MD0165 3-15
b. Well-designed and properly fitted earplugs or earmuffs will lessen the noise
reaching the inner ear by 15 dB in the lower frequencies and by up to 35 dB in the
higher frequencies. Wearing earplugs and earmuffs together, however, does not
provide attenuation (weakening of the sound) equal to the arithmetic sum of the
individual attenuation of earplugs and earmuffs worn separately. The combination of
plugs and muffs provides from 35 to 40 dB noise attenuation at most frequencies.
Regular use of ear protective devices is mandatory for all individuals exposed to noise
in excess of 85 dB(A) or impulse noise in excess of 140 dB(P).
c. Persons with normal hearing will have little difficulty in understanding speech
when earplugs or muffs are worn if the speakers will raise their voices slightly above the
level of ordinary conversation. Actually it is easier for a person to hear and understand
auditory signals with them. A simple demonstration will be useful in illustrating this
conversation in a noisy room. You will note that the conversation can be more
easily understood.
Figure 3-6. Ear plugs and carrying case approved by The Surgeon General.
MD0165 3-16
d. Properly fitted earplugs will not cause damage to the normal ear canal if the
earplugs are kept reasonably clean. Plugs should be fitted individually for each ear,
under medical supervision (see Figure 3-9). Occasionally, an individual's two ear canals
will require earplugs of different sizes. A good seal between the ear canal and the
earplug is very important, so that no leak develops. A really good seal may cause some
initial discomfort to the wearer. When earmuffs are chosen in preference to earplugs,
the headband must be properly adjusted to ensure a snug fit. When eyeglasses are
worn at the same time as earmuffs, it is important that the flange of the muff fit well
around the temple of the glasses, because even a small "leak" will completely destroy
the purpose of the ear protector, yet the wearer will have a false sense of security
because of wearing the protector. A related problem with earplugs is that they tend to
work loose as a result of talking and chewing. As a result, they must be reseated from
time to time during the workday.
MD0165 3-17
e. The only effective ear protector is one that is worn consistently. Hearing
damage becomes progressively worse with each additional day of exposure; personnel
must be convinced of the importance of wearing their ear protectors.
MD0165 3-18
Table 3-3. Ear plugs and earmuffs available through medical and/or
regular supply channels.
MD0165 3-19
Figure 3-9. Examples of poorly fitted/poorly inserted earplugs and
well-fitted/properly-seated earplugs (continued).
MD0165 3-20
Figure 3-9. Examples of poorly fitted/poorly inserted earplugs and
well-fitted/properly-seated earplugs (concluded).
MD0165 3-21
b. Audio metric testing must be done only by trained personnel. The baseline or
reference audiogram should be made at least 15 hours after the most recent exposure
to high intensity noise. For the purposes of a hearing conservation program, only air
conduction tests are required.
MD0165 3-22
Figure 3-10. Example of an earplug fitting and educational pack.
d. The accuracy of the audiometer must be checked at least once a week; this is
easily done by testing two young persons with no history of ear disease or hearing loss
and a known hearing threshold level (HTL). Such a procedure checks not only the
accuracy of the instrument, but also the effectiveness of sound insulation in the test
room. The results should be within 5 dB of HTL level of the individual at each test
frequency. Failure to obtain such results indicates either incorrect audiometer
calibration or excessive room noise, or both. The audiometer should be calibrated
periodically, at least semiannually for self-recording audiometers, and annually for
others by a qualified medical equipment repair facility.
MD0165 3-23
Hearing loss caused by noise is difficult to differentiate from that resulting from
such other factors as systemic disease, toxicity from infection, effect of drugs, and
presbycusis. All reasonable methods of differential diagnosis should be used before
establishing the diagnosis of hearing loss caused by noise. This includes a careful
investigation of the worker's history with special references to any previous hearing
tests, a general physical examination, accurate pure tone and air conduction
audiometric tests, and complete speech and discrimination tests. Trained personnel
under the supervision of a physician or a qualified audiologist may measure hearing.
The physician, however, is responsible for determining and evaluating the degree of
hearing loss.
a. The standard sound level meter is the basic measuring instrument for the
industrial hygienist. It consists of a microphone, an amplifier with calibrated volume
control, and an indicating meter. It measures the sound pressure level in decibels,
which is proportional to intensity or sound energy flow.
MD0165 3-24
b. Sound level meters of the same type differ mainly in external shape,
arrangement of controls, and other convenient features that frequently influence the
selection made by a prospective user. A typical sound level meter is pictured in
Figure 3-11.
MD0165 3-25
c. Standards for sound level meters specify performance characteristics in order
that all conforming instruments will yield consistent readings under identical
circumstances. The more important characteristics specified are frequency response,
signal averaging, and tolerance.
d. Three weighting networks (A, B, and C) are provided on standard sound level
meters. The purpose of these is to give a number that is an approximate evaluation of
the total loudness level. The (A) scale emphasizes those frequencies, which the human
ear responds to. The (B) scale is an intermediate scale. The (C) scale has a flat
response, which indicates the actual sound pressure level.
e. The A-weighting network is the most useful one on the sound level meter. It
indicates the A-weighted sound level, often abbreviated dB(A) from which most human
responses can be predicted quite adequately (see para 3-2m).
g. The speed of meter response affects the readings obtained for transient
sounds. For example, the level of a whistle toot lasting 1/5 second should be indicated
no more than 2 dB low on the "fast" scale. On the "slow" scale, the level of a toot
lasting 1/5 second would read 3 to 5 dB low. The "slow" meter response must be used
for steady-state noise surveys.
h. American standard sound level meters are furnished in three types offering
varying degrees of precision. Designated Types 0, 1, and 2 in order of increasing
tolerances, the Type 2 generally measures within 2 or 3 dB of true levels, which is
satisfactory for most purposes.
a. Since the hazardous criteria for steady state noise is 85 dB(A) s, the SLM
should be set for a range of 80 to 90 dB on the weighted scale.
b. Starting at a point a distance from the noise source, the technician moves
toward the noise, holding the SLM at a 70o angle to the noise source. When the SLM
registers 85 dB (A), he stops recording the spot on a diagram of the area. He then
repeats the procedure 3 to 5 mores times from different points, thereby making it
possible to establish a noise contour.
MD0165 3-26
c. All of the area inside the contour is considered noise hazardous. Hearing
protection must be worn while inside the contour.
MD0165 3-27
After you have completed all the exercises, turn to "Solutions to Exercise" at the
end of the lesson and check your answers. For each exercise answered incorrectly,
reread the material referenced with the solution.
1. Exposure to certain hazardous noise in the work environment can have what type
of effect on the individual?
2. Will the total absence of all sound result in an ideal work environment?
a. Never.
b. Always.
c. Sometimes.
MD0165 3-28
4. What type of new equipment are commanders, supervisors, and managers
responsible for purchasing to maintain a safe work environment?
a. Safety Officer.
c. Provide for treated booths or rooms for audiometric testing, when the number
of persons requiring such testing warrants the expense involved.
MD0165 3-29
7. What is the purpose of the Army hearing conservation program?
a. Run tests to determine how much noise or sound individuals can sustain
before it is reduced.
9. Army physicians and civilian industrial physicians in the employ of the Army,
must be familiar with the:
a. Nature of noise.
c. Measures for preventing hearing loss due to noise and hazardous sound.
MD0165 3-30
10. As part of the mechanics of hearing, which statement is correct concerning the
movement of sound waves?
a. Sound waves are funneled to the external ear and then strike the tympanic
d. Sound waves entering the ear travel through the external ear canal, are
funneled to the middle ear, and strike the eardrum, or tympanic membrane.
11. Which small bones in the middle ear receive vibrations from the tympanic
membrane and transmit them to the inner ear?
b. Oval window.
c. a and b.
a. Sensory cells.
c. Organ of Corti.
d. Auditory canal.
a. Tone.
b. Sound.
c. Intensity.
d. Frequency.
MD0165 3-31
14. As an age dependent and practical matter, in most cases, few adults can hear
sound whose frequency exceeds:
a. 4,000 Hz.
b. 7,000 Hz.
c. 11,000 Hz.
15. What is the difference between the terms loudness and intensity?
c. There is no difference.
c. a and b.
d. A conveyer of information.
a. Intermittent, continuous, or fluctuating noise with the sound level varying over
a wide range.
d. Noise that does not fluctuate nor vary in sound level range.
MD0165 3-32
18. When the pressure of a sound varies in a perfectly periodic manner, the sound is
termed as a:
a. Tone.
b. Sound.
c. Decibel.
d. Frequency.
a. Audiometer.
b. Audiogram.
c. Impulse of noise.
a. Audiometer.
b. dB(P).
c. Microphone.
d. Ear muff.
MD0165 3-33
21. The beginning or starting point on the relative scale of noise levels is about the
level of the weakest sound that can be heard by a person with very good hearing
in an extremely quiet environment. The word for this is _____________and is
expressed as ________________.
22. A dB(P):
23. Which item in Table 3-1 has a peak sound pressure of impulse noise at 94 dB(A)?
a. Whisper.
b. Howitzer.
c. Air compressor.
d. Printing plant.
24. If over an extended period of time, ears are exposed to excessive noise, what
happens to the individual's inner ear?
a. The hair and hair cells activate, causing hearing injury or destruction.
c. Depending upon the duration of the exposure to excessive noise, hearing loss
may be only temporary in nature.
MD0165 3-34
25. Which statement is correct concerning overexposure of frequency noise?
26. What are the other physiological effects that can be produced by excessive
exposure to noise?
c. a and b.
27. Psychological stress factors to noise may also be manifested in the form of:
MD0165 3-35
28. Early damage to hearing may not be noticed by the individual.
a. Always.
b. Never.
c. Sometimes.
29. Which are the correct factors in determining the degree of noise hazard?
30. If the frequency of noise determines its pitch, then which pitched noise is more
likely to be dangerous to the individual?
a. High.
b. Medium.
c. Low.
d. Intermittent.
31. Based upon exercise # 30, which item would be more dangerous to the ear than a
gasoline chain saw?
a. Diesel truck.
b. Grinder, electric.
c. Chain saw.
MD0165 3-36
32. Which statement is correct? Noise may be:
33. The hearing conservation program can be an effective means to prevent hearing
loss from exposure to excessive job-related noise if careful coordination involves:
35. Under what circumstances might a noise survey be conducted? When personnel:
a. Have difficulty communicating by speech while they are in the noise area.
b. Hear noises or ringing sounds in their ears after working in the noise area for
several hours.
c. Experience temporary loss of hearing, which muffles speech and certain other
sounds, after several hours of exposure to the noise.
MD0165 3-37
36. What is the purpose of a noise survey?
d. Determine who may suffer from hearing loss if loud noises persist.
37. During a noise survey, which points are important when making noise
a. Check all locations where noise interferes with persons conversing at close
range and can't hear each other.
a. 0.
b. 75.
c. 70.
d. 60.
39. If noise or sound is at 90 dB(A), how many decibels over the normal range of
office administrative noise is this?
a. 30 to 50.
b. 20 to 40.
c. 10 to 30.
d. 00 to 20.
MD0165 3-38
40. Why is it essential to break down the composition and frequency spectra of steady
noise coming from several sources?
b. Find out which noises are loud, continuous or short, and low.
41. Sound or noise above 60 dB may need to be reduced depending on the working
environment but noises above _______ are considered to be __________
and risk assessment codes are assigned for all sound levels above this.
a. 80; dangerous.
b. 85; hazardous.
c. 90; OK.
d. 96; moderate.
42. When measuring for noise, you check the noise level at the source and at the
approximate position of the worker's:
a. Ear.
b. Foot.
c. Hand.
d. Knees.
MD0165 3-39
44. An example of engineer noise source reduction is to:
d. a and b.
45. Generally speaking, when a worker is exposed to steady state noise levels in
excess of _________________ he should wear both earplugs and earmuffs.
a. 60 dB(A).
b. 68 dB(A).
c. 108 dB(A).
d. 138 dB(A).
a. DD Form 2215.
b. DD Form 2A.
c. DD Form 2216.
d. a and c.
MD0165 3-40
48. The three basic parts of a standard sound level meter are the:
49. Which weighting network sound level meter scale empathizes those frequencies,
which the human ear responds?
a. dB (A).
b. dB (B).
c. dB (C).
d. a and b.
a. The American models are furnished in four types offering varying degrees of
c. By combining an octave band filter with a sound level meter, you can
determine the pattern of the distribution of sound pressure at different points or
areas along the scale of audible frequencies.
MD0165 3-41
1. b (para 3-1)
2. c (para 3-1)
3. d (para 3-1)
4. a (para 3-2a)
5. b (para 3-2d(6))
6. d (para 3-2d(7))
7. c (para 3-3)
8. d (para 3-3)
9. d (para 3-3)
MD0165 3-42
22. b (para 3-5n)
MD0165 3-43
44. d (para 3-11c)
MD0165 3-44
LESSON 4 Ventilation.
LESSON OBJECTIVES After completing this lesson, you should be able to:
MD0165 4-1
c. All applications of ventilation usually fall into one of these three areas:
MD0165 4-2
(1) General (dilution) ventilation. The first method involves diluting the
concentration of the contaminant before it reaches the worker's breathing zone. This
method is referred to as "general ventilation" or "dilution ventilation."
(2) Local exhaust ventilation. The second method involves capturing and
removing the contaminant near its source or point of generation, thus preventing the
release of the contaminant into the work pace. This method is called "local exhaust
MD0165 4-3
interior areas, provide adequate air distribution, and prevent the creation of negative air
pressures in the building. In large, open industrial buildings, general ventilation can be
achieved by roof fans used with or without gravity ventilators. The best method of
providing general ventilation in a closed building is to supply air through ductwork and
distribute it into the work areas in a manner that will provide both humidity and
temperature control.
(c) Workers must be located far enough away from the point of
contaminant evolution, or the contaminant must be in low enough concentrations, so
that workers will not have an exposure that is above acceptable limits.
MD0165 4-4
d. Advantages of a Dilution Ventilation System.
(1) General ventilation systems have several advantages over local exhaust
systems. Perhaps the most obvious of these are simplicity of design and low initial cost.
However, it would not be wise to choose a general ventilation system solely because of
its low initial cost; because these systems invariably exhaust large volumes of heated
air from a building, their use can result in high operating costs in the form of conditioned
make-up air. Over a long period of time, this would tend to make the general ventilation
system much more expensive.
(2) Use of general ventilation systems does result in great flexibility in the
layout of the work area. In addition, it does provide a certain amount of comfort
(3) The contaminant should be kept out of the worker's breathing zone.
(5) The exhaust air must be discharged away from air inlet systems.
MD0165 4-5
Figure 4-2. Schematic of a local exhaust system.
(3) The worker's position is close to the point of the contaminant's evolution
or dispersion.
MD0165 4-6
c. Advantages of Local Exhaust Systems. Local exhaust systems are usually
preferred over general ventilation systems for these reasons:
(2) A local exhaust system can handle more highly toxic contaminants.
(4) The velocity of the air in the system is high; as a result, performance of
the exhaust fan system is not likely to be affected by cross drafts.
(1) Local exhaust systems are, as a rule, mechanically complex. This fact
results in high initial costs and a greater requirement for maintenance.
(2) Installation of the enclosures and ductwork associated with local exhaust
systems results in an inflexible work area.
a. Basic Laws. The basic laws governing the complete motion of a fluid such
as air are complex. In the simple case of moving a layer, or layers of air (laminar flow),
the motion of the air can be computed analytically. However, in most ventilation
systems (and especially in local exhaust systems) the air-flow is usually turbulent to
some degree. As a result, the analytical solution to the motion of air in exhaust systems
depends largely on experimental data.
Where Q = AV is the volumetric rate of air-flow in cubic feet per minute (cfm);
A = cross sectional area in square feet (ft2);
V = velocity in feet per minute (ft/min).
There is a very definite relationship between velocity and rate of flow, which can be
expressed by the equation:
MD0165 4-7
Q = AV
From this equation, it is possible to calculate airflow rate (Q) if the velocity (V) and the
cross-sectional area (A) are known.
For example: If a duct is 12" by 36," and the velocity of the air has been measured four
times, with readings of 170, 185, 210, and 195 ft/min, what is the rate of flow?
Q = AV
Q = 3 x 190.0 = 570.0
Q = 570.0 cubic feet per minute (cfm)
NOTE: For circular ducts, cross-sectional area is determined using the formula for area
of a circle: A = πr2, where π = 3.1416 and r = radius of the circle (r = 1/2 x diameter).
c. Air Velocity. The purpose of the exhaust system in an industrial work area is
to remove the contaminant from the environment. To do this effectively, the air must
have sufficient velocity to overcome opposing air currents and particle inertia causing
the contaminated air to flow into the enclosure (usually a hood) and there must be
sufficient velocity to keep the contaminant from settling out in the duct.
MD0165 4-8
particle inertia, causing the contaminated air to flow into the hood. The capture velocity
can be calculated for a distance (x) from the hood, using Figure 4-4.
(2) Duct velocity. The air velocity found within the duct.
(3) Face velocity. The air velocity is at a point parallel with the face of the
c. Total Pressure. The driving force for airflow is actually a pressure difference.
Pressure is required to start and maintain flow. This pressure is called total pressure
and has two components: velocity pressure and static pressure. Static pressure,
velocity pressure, and total pressure are all interrelated, as shown by the formula:
SP + VP = TP
MD0165 4-9
Figure 4-4. Capture velocity of some representative hood types.
a. Friction Losses. Friction losses result from the fact that air in motion
encounters resistance along any surface confining the flowing volume. Some of the
energy of the air is given up in overcoming this friction and is transformed into heat.
The rougher the surface confining the flow or the higher the flow rate, the higher the
frictional losses will be.
MD0165 4-10
b. Dynamic Losses. Dynamic losses are those energy losses encountered in
airflow that result from turbulence caused by a change in direction or velocity within a
duct. The pressure drop in a duct system due to dynamic losses increases with the
number of elbows or angles and the number of velocity changes within the system.
MD0165 4-11
Figure 4-5. Applications of a commercially available swinging vane anemometer.
MD0165 4-12
connected to an operating unit housing circuitry, meter, batteries, and so forth, and are
about the size of a cigar box. They are quite portable and commercially available.
Problems with these instruments are related primarily to maintaining the integrity of the
probe. Heavy dust loadings or corrosive materials, as well as mechanical shock, can
damage the delicate wires in the probe. These instruments also require periodic
(4) Heated wire anemometer. Heated wire anemometers depend upon the
change in resistance of a wire with a change in temperature. The degree of
temperature change is proportional to the velocity of air passing the wire. Velocity is
read directly on a meter that is actuated by a change in voltage, resulting from the
temperature change. Generally, the advantages and limitations of these instruments
are the same as those described for heated thermocouple anemometers.
All too often the need for calibration is not applied to devices for measuring
airflow and velocity, yet, as a group (with the exception of the Pitot tube), such devices
require periodic calibration. Calibration needs to be executed before measurements are
performed. Generally, airflow-measuring instruments are based on electrical or
mechanical systems, which are sensitive to shock. In addition, use of these instruments
in corrosive or dusty atmospheres affects their reliability.
b. The Pitot tube is the standard instrument for measuring the velocity of air in
ducts. The Pitot tube consists of two concentric tubes. The opening of the inner tube is
axial to the flow of air and measures total pressure, while the large tube with
circumferential openings measures static pressure. The difference between the total
pressure and the static pressure is the velocity pressure. Figure 4-6 shows the
relationships between the various pressures in an exhausting system, while Figure 4-7
illustrates the construction of a standard Pitot tube. The major disadvantage of the Pitot
tube is that it is not direct reading. The Pitot tube measures velocity pressure in inches
of water.
NOTE: An inch of water is a unit of pressure equal to the pressure exerted by a column
of liquid one inch high at a standard temperature.
MD0165 4-13
To calculate the rate of air flow use:
V = 4005 √ VP(d)
c. Some of the anemometers that have previously been discussed, for example,
those with relatively narrow probes and fittings, can also be used to measure air
velocities within the system. No matter which device is used, however, the accuracy in
determining duct velocities or flow rates will be dependent upon proper locations and
number of measurements taken in traversing the duct.
MD0165 4-14
Figure 4-7. Construction of the standard Pitot tube.
d. Pitot tubes are used to determine the velocity pressure contours inside ducts.
These measurements are obtained by connecting the static and total pressure taps of
the Pitot tubes to a manometer, which is an instrument for measuring gas (air) pressure
(see Figure 4-8). Inclined manometers are normally used since they increase the
accuracy and precision, especially for air velocities below 2,000 feet per minute.
MD0165 4-15
e. Aside from avoiding instrument error, the most significant requirement in
making valid velocity or air flow measurements is the location selected for the
measurements and the traverse of that location. The reason for these requirements is
that airflow is not uniform in the cross section of a duct. This is especially true near
such interferences as elbows, entries, and so forth. Therefore, for greater accuracy,
measurements should be taken at least 7.5 diameters of straight run downstream or 1.5
diameters upstream from any interference. Once a location is selected, a Pitot traverse
can be conducted. Figure 4-10 shows a cutaway drawing of both a round and a
rectangular duct, illustrating the principle of measuring the velocity pressure of equal
areas. Note that for round ducts it is advisable to traverse in two planes perpendicular
to each other. The suggested optimum number of measurements per plane for ducts of
stated dimensions is given below.
Like round ducts, rectangular ducts are traversed in terms of equal area segments.
Rectangular ducts should be divided into a minimum of 16 to a maximum of 64 equal
area rectangles with readings taken in the center of each rectangle, as shown in
Figure 4-9.
MD0165 4-16
f. There are fewer limitations for Pitot tubes than for other air velocity measuring
devices. Although they can be used in corrosive or variable temperature conditions, the
impact and static openings can become clogged with particulate matter. Also, as with
other instruments, corrections will have to be made if the temperature is plus or minus
30ºF from standard; if the altitude is greater than 10,000 feet, or if the moisture content
is 0.02 pound per pound or higher. They cannot be used to measure low velocities
(less than 600-fpm) and require an inclined manometer that must be level and free of
vibration. They are not applicable for use in small diameter ducts (less than 3 inches) or
in orifice type openings.
(1) Aneroid gauges. The most common and best known of the aneroid
gauges is the Magnehelic gauge. Aneroid gauges can be used for total, static, and, in
conjunction with a Pitot tube, velocity pressure measurements. They are small,
extremely portable, and not as sensitive to vibration and leveling as liquid filled
manometers. Since the inches of water pressure is a function of the location of an
indicating needle on a dial, they are extremely easy to read. The principal limitations
are accuracy and calibration. Accuracy is usually below plus or minus two is a need to
calibrate these devices periodically.
(2) Manometers. Manometers range from the simple U-tube to the inclined
manometers mentioned earlier. A range of sizes and varieties of U-tube manometers is
available and they may be filled with a variety of media ranging from alcohol to mercury.
Readings can be converted to inches of water simply by correcting for differences in
density (that is, 1 inch of mercury is equal to 13.61 inches of water). When extreme
accuracy is not essential or in high-pressure systems, U-tube manometers will suffice.
However, for greater accuracy and in low-pressure systems, inclined manometers are
required. Figure 4-8 illustrates an inclined manometer used with a Pitot tube.
MD0165 4-17
i. Static pressure measurements at strategic points in a system provide
invaluable information on the performance of the system. These measurements are
neither difficult to obtain nor do they require expensive or delicate instrumentation.
Q = 4005 Ce A √ SPh
MD0165 4-18
Figure 4-10. Coefficient of entry for a variety of hood and duct shapes.
MD0165 4-19
shown for general ventilation systems. Figures 4-1 through 4-3 represent a
simplification of this concept. Sketches of systems should be considered as part of the
permanent record on which future changes in the system may be recorded.
(a) Air flow in cfm at hoods (throat suction method), branches and
mains (Pitot tube), and up and downstream of fan (Pitot tube).
NOTE: The measurements obtained should agree within 10. If they do not, the system
will have to be modified until it meets design criteria.
(4) Other checks. Local exhaust systems are installed for the singular
purpose of removing some contaminant from the work environment. Visualization
techniques using smoke tubes or candles can be most helpful in verifying that the
system exerts a sphere of control over a sufficient area to prevent excessive exposures
to operating personnel. Air examination for specific contaminants is also recommended
to verify that the system will control contaminants to levels known to be safe. Air
samples taken in the breathing zones of operating personnel will be most helpful in
assessing the adequacy of contaminant control. Photographic records of smoke tests
and the results of evaluation tests should be maintained for future reference.
MD0165 4-20
supply ducts will provide a crude indication of system performance when compared with
start up evaluations. For local exhaust systems, the throat suction method applied to
exhaust hoods or face velocity and the static pressure differentials for air cleaners and
fans will suffice in confirming that the system is performing satisfactorily.
(1) The throat suction method will provide valid information, unless:
(c) Additional branches and hoods added to the system. "Adding on" to
a system is always a real temptation; however, it is not sound economics when it
renders the whole system deficient.
(e) Reduced fan output resulting from belt slippage, damaged, or worn
rotor, or build-up on the fan blades.
c. Data Handling and Recording. The sketch of the system made at start-up
or for the initial evaluations survey must be recorded and filed in such a manner that
future air-flow surveys can be conducted in a similar manner. The frequency of airflow
surveys can be determined only by such conditions as:
(1) Nature of the materials being controlled. The more hazardous the
materials, the more frequently the system should be checked.
MD0165 4-21
(2) Nature of the system. A blast gate system will require more frequent
checks than other systems.
(3) The level of maintenance. Airflow systems can be used to indicate the
need for more frequent and improved maintenance.
a. There are several reasons for evaluating the performance of air-flow systems.
b. Just as there is numerous reasons for evaluating air flow systems, there are
differing degrees to which they may need to be evaluated. Instruments and techniques
are available which may provide only a cursory evaluation of a part of the system or an
in-depth survey of the total system.
CAUTION: These fumes and the liquid are corrosive to the skin, and irritating to the
eyes and respiratory system.
MD0165 4-22
(2) Smoke candles are available in a range of sizes and a few colors. They
are sized on the basis of volume (cubic feet) of smoke produced or the duration of
smoke evolution.
(3) There are other means of generating visible clouds to follow airflow. A
"heavier-than-air" cloud can be generated by placing dry ice in an alcohol bath. A
"lighter-than-air" cloud can be generated by blowing air through a smoldering mixture of
sawdust and oil.
d. Visualization devices are best suited for the evaluation of air-flow patterns
and velocities at exhaust entries and supply outlets.
(1) The industrial hygienist can carry smoke tubes with him as he conducts
surveys or inspections of industrial work areas. The tubes can be used best as an
immediate survey type tool in assessing the ability of a local exhaust system to capture
airborne contaminants. Smoke should be administered close to the hood entry initially,
and gradually the smoke source moved away from the entry to observe the sphere of
containment the exhaust system produces. Larger quantities of smoke can be
generated inside the hood or enclosure to estimate rate of clearance as well as to check
for eddy currents, reverse airflows, and escaping contaminants. Small amounts of
smoke can be used to estimate the force and direction of air from outlets as well as a
qualitative check of the performance of return air outlets.
(4) The fire department should be informed of the use of excessive amounts
of smoke to prevent false alarms.
MD0165 4-23
e. There are two distinct limitations on the use of visualization techniques.
(1) Visualization is strictly qualitative and does not provide any information
in terms of design or performance specifications.
(2) The materials used can be hazardous or at the very least a nuisance,
thus their use in occupied work areas should be somewhat restricted.
MD0165 4-24
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following exercises by marking the lettered response that
best answers the exercise, by completing the incomplete statement, matching, or by
writing the answer in the space provided at the end of the exercise.
After you have completed all the exercises, turn to "Solutions to Exercises" at the
end of the lesson and check your answers. For each exercise answered incorrectly,
reread the material referenced with the solution.
1. For industrial operations, what type of system has been designed to protect
workers and create a safe, comfortable working environment?
a. Ventilation.
b. Sewer.
c. Dilution.
d. Exhaust.
2. Generally speaking, why is ventilation probably one of the most important control
techniques for workers? It:
a. Adding contaminants.
MD0165 4-25
4. The three applications of ventilation usually concern:
a. General ventilation.
b. Dilution ventilation.
a. Local exhaust.
b. Dilution.
c. General.
d. b and c.
c. a and b
MD0165 4-26
8. Which method of ventilation is preferred and more economical?
a. Dilution.
b. Local exhaust.
9. Which is correct?
c. a and b.
10. Which type of general ventilation provides the best results in most modern
buildings in which industrial operations are conducted?
a. Natural.
b. Mechanical.
11. Natural general ventilation means that workspaces or buildings may be ventilated
a. Wind.
b. Sun.
c. Thermal convection.
d. a and b.
MD0165 4-27
12. If wind and thermal convection are natural general ventilation, how do they work?
a. Their effects result from natural pressure and air density differences.
c. Warmer air inside a building rises, leaks out of openings in the upper areas
as colder air leaks into the building from lower areas, warms up and rises.
13. Which words describe wind currents and thermal convections for mechanical
ventilation on a hot and sticky day outside?
a. The air supply must reach interior areas to provide adequate air distribution
and prevent the creation of negative air pressures in the building.
MD0165 4-28
15. In using mechanical general ventilation, which is the best method of providing
general ventilation in a closed building? Supply air:
a. Via ductwork.
16. What will a good mechanical general ventilation system do for the workers? It will
17. Which is a limiting factor when considering the dilution ventilation system for
18. Because high toxicities encountered require excessively high quantities of air,
would usually not be recommended for control of fumes
and dusts.
MD0165 4-29
19. What are two obvious advantages of general (dilution) ventilation systems?
c. More maintenance.
21. List four basic considerations that should be kept in mind when applying local
exhaust ventilation to a specific problem.
d. a and c.
MD0165 4-30
23. What is the disadvantage of the local exhaust ventilation system?
a. It is not efficient.
b. It weighs less.
24. The basic laws governing the complete motion of a fluid, such as air, are widely
known and relatively simple.
a. True.
b. False.
25. What is the air-flow rate if the velocity was measured at 210, 320, 195, and 305
ft/min for a duct that is 12" by 36"?
a. 257.5 cmf.
b. 386.25 cfm.
c. 772.5 cfm.
d. 1030 cfm.
26. What consideration is needed for circular ducts when determining the rate of air-
flow? Use the:
a. Radius of a circle.
b. Area of a circle.
c. Area of a square.
d. Diameter of a circle.
MD0165 4-31
27. What term represents the minimum air velocity required to cause the
contaminated air to flow into an enclosure?
a. Capture velocity.
b. Static pressure.
c. Duct velocity
d. Face velocity.
28. When using the local exhaust system, this term maintains air velocity, exists only
when air is in motion, acts in the direction of the flow, and is always positive.
What is this term?
a. Capture velocity.
b. Velocity pressure.
c. Static pressure.
d. Total pressure.
29. When using the local exhaust system, this pressure term is required to start and
maintain air flow. What is the term?
a. Velocity pressure.
b. Static pressure.
c. Inner pressure.
d. Total pressure.
MD0165 4-32
In exercises 30 through 32, write the letter of the term in the right-hand column with the
appropriate equation definition in the left-hand column.
b. Turbulence.
34. Which anemometer is best suited for determining air velocities and estimating air
flow through large openings such as mine shafts, air supply, and discharge
a. Rotating vane.
b. Swinging vane.
c. Heating thermocouple.
d. Heated wire.
35. Which anemometer is quite portable and used extensively by industrial hygienists
and ventilation engineers in the field?
a. Heated wire.
b. Rotating vane.
c. Swinging vane.
d. Heating thermocouple.
MD0165 4-33
36. A heated wire anemometer:
b. Usually has readings taken for one-minute periods, thus giving air velocity in
linear fpm.
37. Which anemometer can have its delicate wires damaged in the probe if heavy
loadings or corrosive materials come in contact with it?
a. Heated wire.
b. Rotating vane.
c. Swinging vane.
d. Heating thermocouple.
a. Anemometer.
b. Rotating vane.
c. Swinging vane.
d. Heating thermocouple.
MD0165 4-34
39. Generally, the electrical or mechanical systems on which air flow measuring
instruments are based are quite sensitive to _________; this is one reason that
such instruments require periodic_______________ .
a. Touch; watering.
b. Shock; calibration.
b. A unit of pressure more than the pressure exerted by a column of liquid one
inch high at a standard temperature.
a. Relatively wide probes and fittings can also be used to measure air velocities
within the system.
c. The difference between the velocity pressure and the static pressure is the
total pressure.
MD0165 4-35
42. The major disadvantage of the Pitot tube is that it is:
a. Not the standard instrument for measuring the velocity of air in ducts.
43. Because the air flow is not uniform in the cross section of a duct, how many
diameters should be measured straight run downstream or upstream of any
interference for greater accuracy?
c. Not more than 7.5 diameters down run or 1.5 diameters upstream.
c. They are not used in small diameter ducts less than 3 inches or in orifice type
MD0165 4-36
45. The aneroid gauge:
a. Is small, extremely portable, and not as sensitive to vibration and level as gas
liquid filled manometers.
c. Is used when great accuracy and in low pressure systems are needed.
b. Are used when great accuracy in low pressure systems are needed.
a. Reading them.
c. Turbulence.
b. Type of hole.
c. Taps.
d. Static leg.
MD0165 4-37
49. Which statement is correct concerning fan performance with respect to fan
speed, horsepower, total pressure, and mechanical efficiency?
c. Visualization devices are best suited for the evaluation of airflow patterns and
velocities at exhaust entries and supply outlets.
MD0165 4-38
1. a (para 4-1a)
2. b (para 4-1b)
3. c (para 4-1b)
5. d (para 4-2)
6. d (para 4-2a(1))
7. c (para 4-2a(2))
8. b (para 4-2b)
9. a (para 4-3)
MD0165 4-39
21. The source of contamination should be enclosed as completely as possible.
The contaminant should be captured with adequate air velocity.
The contaminant should be kept out of the worker's breathing zone.
Adequate make-up air must be provided, or, exhaust air must be discharged away
from air inlet systems. (para 4-4a)
MD0165 4-40
42. d (para 4-10b)
MD0165 4-41
8. DODI 1000.3, Safety and Occupational Health Policy for the Department of
Defense, 29 March 1979.
10. DODI 6055.1, Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health, 30 April 1980.
12. Public Law 91-596. Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.
13. Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 1980 ed., Part 1910, Occupational
Safety and Health Standards.
14. Executive Order 12196, Occupational Safety and Health Programs for Federal
Employees, 26 February 1980.
18. TB MED 503, The Army Industrial Hygiene Program, February 1985.
MD0165 A-1
19. TB MED 506, Occupational and Environmental Health Occupational Vision,
15 December 1981.
20. TG 141, USAEHA Industrial Hygiene Air Sampling and Bulk Sampling
Instructions, December 1990.
MD0165 A-2
Arc welding and Ultraviolet, infrared and Local exhausts ventilation (100 feet
inert gas arc intense visible per-minute (fpm) at welding site),
inert gas arc radiation nitrogen; helmets, gloves, aprons, screens (at least
welding metal and flux fumes; 7" high)
Charging lead- Sulfuric acid and its Mechanical general ventilation (2 cfm/sq
acid Batteries mist ft of floor space), impervious gloves,
aprons, chemical splash goggles, or face
shield, deluge shower, eyewash fountain
MD0165 B-1
MD0165 B-2
Operation Exposures Controls Needed to Control Exposure*
MD0165 B-3
Operation Exposures Controls Needed to Control Exposure*
Filling fire Sulfuric acid and its Mechanical general ventilation, aprons,
extinguishers mist, carbon gloves, face shields, washing facilities,
tetrachloride dyed carbon tetrachloride solution
MD0165 B-4
MD0165 C-1
MD0165 C-2
MD0165 C-3
MD0165 C-4
MD0165 C-5
4. A "blank" MUST accompany ALL air samples. The "blank" is to be numbered and
the word "BLANK" written on the tube, filter, bottle, passive monitor or impinger.
Indicate on the form the "blank" sample number.
U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Agency
ATTN: HSHB─ML-A, Bldg E-2100
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5422
NOTE: Bulk Sample Data (AEHA Form 8) or Air Sample Data (AEHA Form 9) is to
accompany all industrial hygiene samples submitted for analysis.
U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Agency
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5422
Locally reproduce
MD0165 D-1
Air Sampling Procedures For Chemicals Contaminants
*Use the flow rate that will give the recommended air volume. Minimum liters generally
refer to the least number of liters that are required to see 0.1 to 0.2 TLV (TWA).
Maximum liters refer to largest number of liters, which may be collected without
significant breakthrough for a compound if present at approximately two times TLV
(TWA) levels. The recommended volumes should be collected even if very low or very
high levels are suspected.
MD0165 D-2
Air Sampling Procedures For Chemicals Contaminants (continued)
MD0165 D-3
Air Sampling Procedures For Chemicals Contaminants (continued)
MD0165 D-4
Air Sampling Procedures For Chemicals Contaminants (continued)
MD0165 D-5
Air Sampling Procedures For Chemicals Contaminants (continued)
Chemical Sampling Method and Sampling Rate* Sample Volume in
Contaminant Collecting Medium Per Minute Liters**
Minimum Maximum
MD0165 D-6
Air Sampling Procedures For Chemicals Contaminants (continued)
Nitrogen Preferred: -- -- --
dioxide Direct reading NO2
meter OR
400/600/400 nitrogen 20-50 ml 2 (TWA) 4
dioxide tube (ORBO-76)
MD0165 D-7
Air Sampling Procedures For Chemicals Contaminants (continued)
Ozone Preferred: -- -- --
Ozone meter (direct
MD0165 D-8
Air Sampling Procedures For Chemicals Contaminants (continued)
****Total quartz sampling not generally recommended. Sample for respirable dust.
*****A bulk air sample should be submitted for determination of percent respirable
MD0165 D-9
Air Sampling Procedures For Chemicals Contaminants (continued)
MD0165 D-10
3 3
Substance ppm mg/m ppm mg/m
Acetic acid 10 25 15 37
Ammonia 25 18 35 27
NOTE: Threshold limit values (TLVs) are subject to change annually. Check
latest edition of TLV booklet. Time weighted average (TWA).
MD0165 E-1
Hazard Respirator
*Not for use against gases or vapors with poor warning properties or that generate high
heat or reaction with sorbent materials in the canister or cartridge.
MD0165 F-1
Hazard Respirator
* Not for use against gases or vapors with poor warning properties or that generate
high heats or reaction with sorbent materials in the canister or cartridge.
MD0165 F-2
1. Activation of instrument.
c. Replace batteries if needle does not go past the "BAT" mark on the meter
2. Calibration.
a. GR 1562 calibrator.
(1) Set the GR 1565 sound level meter to the 110-120 dB scale using the
range selector knob on the right side of the meter.
(a) Turn the dial face counterclockwise to the start position and hold in
(a) Dial must be held in start position for at least 3 seconds prior to
turning to the desired frequency.
MD0165 G-1
b. GR 1987 calibrator.
(1) Set the GR 1565 sound lever meter to the desired range.
3. Measurement.
a. Set the sound level meter to the highest dB range using the selector knob on
the right side of the instrument.
d. Stand with the instrument extended in front of you with the sound coming from
the side.
e. Turn the range selector knob until the needle registers on the scale.
MD0165 G-2
3. Sound level meter, microphone, and calibrator date manufacturer, model, serial
number (if unable to get serial number from microphone, omit) calibration date (from
5. Measurements obtained indoors or outdoors if both, place a cross (+) after outdoors
and in the appropriate location block of "sound level data."
6. Description of areas/duties.
a. Building number.
b. Map of area/building.
(1) RPM.
(2) Load.
MD0165 H-1
9. Sound level data.
c. DB(C)--optional.
11. Remarks.
12. More detailed evaluation requires yes or no. If yes, identify type required.
a. List by name all those persons exposed to sound levels above the standards.
14. Name, phone, and organization of supervisor of noise hazardous area--first line
16. Hearing conservation monitor--usually Pvnt Med officer of audiologist, name and
MD0165 H-2
MD0165 H-3
LOCATION: Directorate, Branch, Building Number, Bay, Room, and so forth.
SPACE: Describe room, Size in 3D, Operations isolated or not, and so forth.
PROCEDURES: How done, Continuous, Intermittent, Permanent, Temporary,
and so forth
PERSONNEL: No. of operators, helpers, others, male-female, and so forth.
EXPOSURE AGENTS: Identify, explain source, no. of units, physical form, how
produced, at what temp, and so forth.
PERSONNEL: Who, where, when, how many, how long.
MODE: Explain how exposure occurs, atmospheric contamination, direct contact,
ingestion, and so forth.
SAMPLING: What test made or samples collected, how many, where taken,
when, how long, conditions, instruments used, results, TLV or OSHA standard.
REMARKS: Trade name data, if no sample-why, adverse health effect
experienced or reported, by whom.
ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Ventilation natural, mechanical, general, local exhaust
and supply-rates, enclosed, remote control, and so forth.
PERSONAL PROTECTION: Measures and equipment-effectiveness,
maintenance, supervision, and so forth.
OTHER: Wet method for dust, limited quantities, medical control, and so forth.
INADEQUACY: ________________________________________________________
RECOMMENDATION: __________________________________________________
MD0165 I-1
2. Purpose: The purpose of this survey was to evaluate the transportation motor
pool for the presence of actual or potential health hazards, and provide
recommendation for their control or elimination.
3. General: This survey was performed by SP5 Ernie Staph, of the Preventive
Medicine Division on 2 July 1992. He contacted Mr. Mack Truck, C, Transportation Div,
and briefed him on findings and recommendations. Equipment used during the survey
was a General Radio Sound Level Meter,
SN: 4732, calibrated 2 Apr 1992 and an Anemotherm air velocity meter, SN: 21,
calibrated 1 Feb 92.
4. Findings and Discussion: Areas surveyed and comments are listed below:
a. Grinding--five grinders are used in the shops, but protective goggles were
available on only three.
b. Engine tuning.
(1) In Building 743, no powered exhaust ventilation was present, but tight
fitting flexible tubing was being used and vented outside. This is adequate.
MD0165 J-1
d. Spray painting--Touch-up painting was done in Building 742 by one man, about
2 hours per day. He had three spray paint respirators, BM 23B-19, and all were coated
with paint on the inside and had missing or hardened seals. The paint booth was not
operating due to a broken fan. This poses a significant hazard to the health of the
painter. Unless 75 fpm (feet per minute) of airflow is maintained in the booth, an airline
respirator with suitable air supply is required. Even with the airflow, a new respirator
with suitable air supply is required. Even with the airflow, new respirators must be
b. Increase airflow in the powered exhaust system for Building 744 to the required
168 cfm at each outlet.
c. Repair the paint booth fan to provide 75 fpm of airflow through the booth.
Procure new paint spray respirators, NSN 4240-00-022-2524, and maintain them
properly. In the interim, spray outside or with the painter wearing an approved air line
d. Enroll personnel in the post hearing conservation program and require the
use of either earplugs or earmuffs while tuning M 35-A2 trucks.
MD0165 J-2
5. ARLOC. Army location code - reference DA Pams 525-12 (CONUS) and 525-13
11. Associated complaints. Worker complaints about exposure problems arising from
operation (for example: dizziness, nausea, skin irritation, and so forth).
12. Associated air samples. If air samples corresponding to these bulks are submitted
for analysis, indicate and list the sample numbers that identify these air samples.
Ship air samples separately from bulk samples.
MD0165 K-1
14. Analysis desired. List specific parameters when they are known or suspected to
be present otherwise, indicate general type of analysis desired (for example:
unknown solvents, and so forth).
16. Sample number. Number that field personnel assigns to the sample number.
Use a consecutive numbering system so there is no duplication of numbers from
batch-to batch of samples.
20. Comments to lab. Use for any general information or remarks you wish to include.
MD0165 K-2
MD0165 K-3
MD0165 K-4
MD0165 K-5
RETURN ADDRESS (and e-mail address, if possible), SUBCOURSE NUMBER AND EDITION, AND