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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, April-June 2021, Vol. 15, No.

2 535

Case Report: 25-year-old Female at Term Labour and Normal


Pradnya Gavhale1, Vaishali Taksande2, Shalini Moon3

M.Sc. Nursing student, Dept. of OBGY Nursing, 2Professor, Dept. of OBGY Nursing, 3Asso. Professor, Dept. of
OBGY Nursing, Smt. Radhikabai Meghe Memorial College of Nursing, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences
(Deemed to be University), Sawangi (Meghe) Wardha, Maharashtra, India

Labor has been defined as that of the initiation of periodic painful contractions of progressive deletion as
well as dilation of a cervix, followed by a decent part going to lead to the expulsion of its fetus & placenta
from the uterus of mother. Post - natal treatment was its individualized treatment provided that meet the
needs of the baby and mother after delivery/childbirth.

Case Report –Mrs. Nikita Matram 25-year-old female was admitted in AVBR Hospital with the complaint
of pain in abdomen and increased the fetal movement on date 4/01/2020 and she delivered female baby on
date 6/01/2020 and the baby weight was 2.8 kg at 1:40 am now her complaint was pain on suture side and
weakness. But the patient has a previous history of abortion after marriage of four month two and half month
of baby was abort. That time dilatation and curettage was done.

Discussion – Patient delivered female baby throughout the vaginal delivery and baby and mother was
normal after delivery baby was kept with mother on same bed and initiate breastfeeding within one hour
after delivery.

Conclusion – Case report conclude that after normal delivery and post-natal care mother and baby was

Key words – Full term normal delivery, post-natal care, newborn, delivery.

Introduction across labour and childbirth are standard occurrence.1

There is significant miss-use of advantageous techniques,
Giving birth, commonly defined of labor and birth,
over-use of detrimental or inefficient methods, or lack of
seems to be the conclusion of pregnancy once an or
desire and over consequences of insufficiently measured
maybe more kids exit the mother via going through the
methods.2 Enhance the efficiency with maternity services
womb or even the caesarean delivery and, throughout
for both developed and emerging nations is an essential
delivery, a baby is released through the womb. There
part with efforts to reduce maternal and infant mortality
are different forms of vaginal delivery. Supported
and morbidity.
vaginal and instrumental vaginal birth, accidental
vaginal delivery, triggered vaginal birth, natural vaginal
Patient Case Report
Mrs. Nikita Matram 25-year-old female diagnosed
Treatments that are consistent to protection. Given with G2, A1, with 38 .2 wks. of gestational age with full
medical and scientific innovations through managing term normal delivery was admitted in AVBR Hospital
complex health problems, this same current setting with with the complaint of pain in abdomen and increased
maternity services had also increased rates for healthy the fetal movement on date 4/01/2020 and she delivered
mothers and infants. There have been fears all around the female baby on date 6/01/2020 and the baby weight
community that evidence-based strategies and procedures was 2.8 kg at 1:40 am now her complaint was pain on
536 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, April-June 2021, Vol. 15, No. 2

suture side and weakness.. Before pregnancy the patient · USG –

menstrual cycle was regular 28 days of cycle and duration
Fetal no. – Single
was 3-4 days and Last menstrual period was 11/04/2019
and Expected date of delivery was 16/01/2020. Lie – variable
Mrs. Nikita Matram has a previous history of Placenta – anterior, grade – II
abortion after marriage of four month & two and half
month of baby was aborted. That time dilatation and Presentation – variable
curettage was done. She has not used any contraception
Fetal movement – present
method & no any medical history like DM, Hypertension,
TB, and Asthma. she lives in joint family in their family Liquor – adequate
five member are living together including newborn and
she was belonging from middle class family and in their Impression of USG – single intrauterine live fetus
houses all facilities are available like electricity, water of average gestational age of 27 weeks 1 day and
supply from municipality etc. her monthly income corresponding to weight of 999 GMS.
was 25000/- per month. Mrs. Nikita and her family The drugs are used Inj. Metrogyl 100cc, I.V.,
members were psychological stable. She maintains good TDS. Action – Metronidazole injection is also to
interpersonal relationship with others. She is taking only prevent infection when used before, during, and after
vegetarian diet. She doesn’t have any allergic reaction colorectal surgery. Metronidazole injection is in a class
from any food and no any history of any bad habits like of medications called antibacterial. It works by killing
chewing tobacco, smoking etc. bacteria and protozoa that cause infection, Inj. C-Tax
Patient general examination was state of health was 1 gm, I.V., BD., Action - C Tax 1gm Injection is an
unhealthy, conscious, Body built thin, Posture erect, antibiotic medicine used to treat bacterial infections in
and hygiene was good. General parameter height was your body. It is effective in infections of the brain, lungs,
154 cm, weight 45 kg. Vital sign is Temperature 98˚c, ear, urinary tract, skin and soft tissues, bones and joints,
Pulse 84 b/m, Respiration – 20 b/m, BP – 120/80 mmHg. blood and heart. It is also used to prevent infections
In breast some changes occur because of pregnancy during surgery, Inj. Oxytocin 10 IU. Oxytocin is a
enlargement of breast, nipple was large erectile and uterine stimulant, prescribed for the initiation of uterine
discharge was present of milk secretion. In abdomen contractions and induction of labor in women as well
linea nigra, striae gravidarum present. Lochia rubra was as stimulation of contractions in cases where the uterus
present. does not contract enough during labor.

Investigation - If any complication occurs during normal delivery

than patient refer for lower segment Cesarian section.
· CBC Mother should take care of self and self-care may include
Rest and ambulance - early ambulation after delivery,
Hb 12.7 gm %
hospital stay, diet, perineal care, care of bladder, care
Total RBC 3.92 million /cu mm of bowel, sleep, care of breast, rooming in, aseptic and
antiseptics, immunization post-partum exercise, follow
Total WBC 13900 cu.mm up, daily observation and care of newborn. After normal
delivery mother and baby should come for check-up and
Total platelet counts 2.69 lacs/cu.mm
follow up after discharge of six weeks, and explained
· LFT the client about if any sign of infection and side effect
of medication immediately informed to the doctors.
Immunization of baby follow up is necessary.

Albumin 3.6 g/dl

Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, April-June 2021, Vol. 15, No. 2 537

Discussion Healthcare offers patient care, encourages

convenience, listens to emotional needs through a
Present case reveals that the antenatal patient come
comprehensive wellbeing paradigm, and teaches
in hospital with the complaint of pain in abdomen and
nutrition or self-care. Even so, in today’s popular health
increased the fetal movement on date 4/01/2020 and
care setting, postnatal nurses are very often responsible
she delivered female baby on date 6/01/2020 and the
to devices or for mothers and babies. It is critical that
baby weight was 2.8 kg at 1:40 am now her complaint
organizations develop trust and expertise in order to
was pain on suture side and weakness. After delivery
make a transition towards a humanizing birth feasible.
mother and baby was normal Apgar score was ten and
This topic problem in such a major nursing review
baby was kept with mother in same bed it will help to
offers important resources to help caregivers encourage,
initiate breast feeding, thermoregulation, create bonding
endorse and defend regular births Nursing staff have
between mother and child, mother learn how to provide
a special and significant role to play in deciding
the care to baby etc. after that pain was manage by
the treatment procedures encountered by women.
painkiller. Condition of baby and mother was good.
Unfortunately, nursing staff may well be functionally
Most broadly, the phrase ‘natural life’ in scientific removed from important methods of data interchange as
research and healthcare policy refers to conception well as from making a contribution to a treatment plan.
without and with minimal surgical intervention. The This can influence the ability of nursing to successfully
2007 systematic review by both the prenatal care encourage, help or secure regular births. Since
Planning Group, Making Natural Childbirth a Fact, medicalized conception presents a threat of iatrogenic
provided for such a uniform approach of hospital birth damage to the both mothers and infants, nurses have a
to improve trust for auditors or tracking practice patterns duty obligation to encourage natural delivery in order to
a subsequent description defined natural delivery or non- improve patient health.5
assisted vaginal delivery without intervention of labour;
epidural, spinal and general anaesthesia or episiotomy. Conclusion
Unlike many other meanings, an interpretation with After delivery mother and baby was normal. Apgar
werkmeister has been restricted to a pregnancy and birth score was ten at birth. Condition of baby and mother was
and it does not apply to birth outcomes like vertical good after pain management pain was reduced. Vaginal
presentation as well as intact perineum.3 delivery is a process of natural birth.

This same delivering of a full-term baby originally Ethical approval: Not applicable
referred with service only at gestational age of 37-42
weeks, even though defined by last menstruation cycle Patient inform consent: While preparing case
or through ultrasound dating as well as assessment. A report and for publication patient’s informed consent
Naegel rule is indeed a frequently was using formula has been taken.
besides predicting a due date focused mostly on date Conflict of Interest: The Author declares that there
from the last menstruation cycle. Its legislation states are no conflicts of interest.
a 28-day menstruation periods as well as a mid-stage
ovulation. Ultrasound dating will be much more Funding: Not applicable
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