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Labor has been defined as that of the initiation of periodic painful contractions of progressive deletion as
well as dilation of a cervix, followed by a decent part going to lead to the expulsion of its fetus & placenta
from the uterus of mother. Post - natal treatment was its individualized treatment provided that meet the
needs of the baby and mother after delivery/childbirth.
Case Report –Mrs. Nikita Matram 25-year-old female was admitted in AVBR Hospital with the complaint
of pain in abdomen and increased the fetal movement on date 4/01/2020 and she delivered female baby on
date 6/01/2020 and the baby weight was 2.8 kg at 1:40 am now her complaint was pain on suture side and
weakness. But the patient has a previous history of abortion after marriage of four month two and half month
of baby was abort. That time dilatation and curettage was done.
Discussion – Patient delivered female baby throughout the vaginal delivery and baby and mother was
normal after delivery baby was kept with mother on same bed and initiate breastfeeding within one hour
after delivery.
Conclusion – Case report conclude that after normal delivery and post-natal care mother and baby was
Key words – Full term normal delivery, post-natal care, newborn, delivery.
This same delivering of a full-term baby originally Ethical approval: Not applicable
referred with service only at gestational age of 37-42
weeks, even though defined by last menstruation cycle Patient inform consent: While preparing case
or through ultrasound dating as well as assessment. A report and for publication patient’s informed consent
Naegel rule is indeed a frequently was using formula has been taken.
besides predicting a due date focused mostly on date Conflict of Interest: The Author declares that there
from the last menstruation cycle. Its legislation states are no conflicts of interest.
a 28-day menstruation periods as well as a mid-stage
ovulation. Ultrasound dating will be much more Funding: Not applicable
accurate, especially because once implemented early in
the pregnancy and used to substantiate or adjust a due References
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