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The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 1

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Human Growth and Development

A Learning Module

Kayla L. Oppus – Mercader

Content Writer

Biliran Province State Unversity

School of Teacher Education
Bachelor of Special Needs Education
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 2

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

C ourse Information

Course Code : PROF. ED. CAL

Course Title : The Child and
Adolescent Learners and
Learning Principles
Course Description: This course focuses on child and
adolescent development with emphasis on current
research and theory on biological, linguistic, cognitive,
social and emotional dimensions of development. Further,
this includes factors that affect the progress of
development and shall include appropriate pedagogical
principles applicable for each developmental level.

Pre-requisite Course: None

Course Credit : Three (3) Units
Program : Bachelor of Elmentary
Bachelor of Special Needs
Year Level : First Year
Semester Offered :First Semester
Academic Year : 2021 - 2022

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 3

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Human Growth and Development

Kayla L. Oppus – Mercader

Content Writer

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 4

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Biliran Province State Unversity

School of Teacher Education

O verview

Purpose of the Module

Teaching profession is constantly confronted with a crucial task of

cultivating learners’ optimum growth, development and learning. In
fact, teachers make used of diverse contemporary teaching
strategies paired with very rich learning environments in order to
fulfill their educational mission. However, none of these will matter
not at least a teacher would invest on understanding the nature of
learners very well, at any given aspects and life stages. They need
to determine each learners’ developmental status and needs so that
effective and efficient educative process will transpire.

Hence, this module is principally designed to enlighten you, as a

pre-service teacher, on the basic concepts related to child and
adolescent development. Your knowledge on these concepts will
help you comprehend your learners’ capabilities, design appropriate
activities necessary to their needs and properly dealing to their
emotional and behavioral aspects. Moreover, this will be your guide
in effectively handling learners at different levels with different
educational needs.

Module Outcome

Design and write detailed activity plan for early childhood learners that are
responsive to their developmental characteristics in accordance to DepEd.
Order No. 42, series of 2016.

Title and Description

Module 1 in the course The Child and Adolescent Learners and

Learning Principles is entitled Human Growth and Development.
This module will give you valuable insights on the following:

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 5

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Lesson 1: Human Development: Meaning, Concepts and

 This lesson will provide an operational definition of human
development in the context of learning and education,
introduce the basic principles of human development and its
characteristics based on the traditional and life-span
Lesson 2: Stages of Development and Developmental Tasks
 This lesson will orient you on the different periods and
domains/aspects of development, and the developmental
milestones of individual in each given developmental aspect
at the various level.
Instructor’s Profile



Specialization: Early Childhood


Teaching Experience:
 Faculty Member of School of
Teacher Education
(June 2013 – present)

Course Assignements:
 The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
 The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and
Organization Leadership
 Early Childhood Education Curriculum Models
 Infant and Toddlers Program

 Doctor of Arts major in Early Childhood Education
Cebu Normal University
 Master of Arts in Pre-Elmentary Education
Leyte Normal University
Year Graduated : 2019
 Bachelor of Elementary Education
(General Education & Preschool Education)
Naval State University

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 6

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Year Graduated : 2012

Contact Details:
 Messanger Account
Kayla Oppus – Mercader
 Email Address
[email protected]

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 7

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

C ourse Pre-test

Instructions: You are required to create a Self – Developmental

Profile on the different developmental aspects. You need to self-observe
and reflect on the tasks that you are capable of in your current stage of
development, as an adolescent. Accomplish the said activity using the
template as your complete guide which is provided below.

Curren Physical Aspect Cognitive Aspect Socio-emotional

t Aspect

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 8

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

L esson 1
Human Development : Meaning,
Concepts and Approaches

What Is This Lesson All About?

This lesson will provide an operational definition of human

development in the context of learning and education,
introduce the basic principles of human development and its
characteristics based on the traditional and life-span
perspective. The specified topics are as follows:

 Definition of Human Development

 Basic Principles of Development
 Approaches to Human Development
o Traditional Perspective
o Life-Span Perspective

What Can You Learn From This Lesson?

 Create a poster showing the educational application of the

principles or characteristics of human development to your field
of specialization.

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 9

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles


Instructions: Please observe the photo carefully and follow the designed
tasks below.

1.) Write in the

Drop your TERMS here !!!
box at least (10)
words/terms or
more that you
can associate on
the picture

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 10

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

2.) Now, look at the terms you dropped on the box. Using those words,
write a comprehensive definition of HUMAN DEVELOPMENT.

How well did you define the
term human development?
Did you find it a difficult
task? Does the said activity
stimulate your mind about
human development
Well, you need to scan this
module and navigate for
more substantial
information. Good luck!

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 11

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles


Instructions: Please take a close look of the photo of a 3-year old boy on
the left side and 15-year old lad on the right. Compare and contrast the
two boys presented below. The comparative analysis must center on
human development concepts. List down your observations directly


Keevo, a 3-year old Ronnie, a 15 – year old lad

Are you done jotting
down your valuable
observations? Have you
not forget to write
Now, if you think you
forgot to write some
details, it’s1 ꓲ just
Human Growth and Development
since you will have the
chance to input more
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles


Instructions: After writing your observations above, please answer the

following process questions below concisely.
1.) What can Keevo do as a 3-year old boy?
2.) What can Ronnie do as a 15- year old lad?
3.) Will Keevo be able to do all that Ronnie can do? Why? Or Why not?

4.) Will there be anything common in their pattern of development? If
Yes, What are those?

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 13

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

5.) Will there be differences pattern of development? What are those
and Why? _______________________________________________________________
6.) Will there be anything common in their pattern of development? If
Yes, What are those? Expound your answer.
7.) Do you believe that Keevo and Ronnie will continue to develop in
Or will they stop developing in adulthood?


Did Analysis activity
squeeze your mind really
hard or everything was
just a piece of cake?
Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth you did a
and Development 14
smart analysis on the
given situation. Now, if
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles


What is Human

Human development refers to the pattern

of movement or change that begins at
conception and continuous throughout the
lifespan. It includes growth and decline and
may involve positive and negative

Aspects of Development

 Physical Development - involves growth and changes in the body and

brain, the senses, motor skills, and health and wellness. It includes
weight, height, fine and gross motor skills, puberty, sexual health, fertility,
menopause, changes in our senses, and primary versus secondary aging.

 Cognitive Development - involves learning, attention, memory, language,

thinking, reasoning, creativity and all other mental processes. Some
examples of cognitive domain are; learning to talk, solving mathematical
problems and reasoning out.

 Socio – emotional development - This includes individuals’ relationship with

himself and others; emotions, self-concept, self-esteem and the ability to
express one’s feelings. Friendships, dating and romance marriage, and
parenting are some examples of this particular aspect.

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 15

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Knowledge – Check 1

Instructions: Sort and classify the developmental tasks or milestones

found in the box to its corresponding ASPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT.

 Speaks in sentences of five to six  Cooperates with other children

words.  Begins to have a clearer sense of
 Hops and stands on one foot up to time
five seconds.  Begins to copy some capital
 Throws ball overhand letters
 Interested in new experiences  Follows three-part commands
 Views self as a whole person  Goes upstairs and downstairs
involving body, mind, and feelings without support
 Understands the concept of  Increasingly inventive in fantasy
same/different play
 Engages in fantasy play  Approaches problems from a
 Draws a person with two to four single point of view
body parts  Tells stories
 Uses scissors  Negotiates solutions to conflicts
 Correctly names some colors  Understands the concept of

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 16

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Knowledge – Check 1
Answer Sheet

Physical Aspect of Cognitive Aspect of Socio-Emotional

Development Development Aspect of

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 17

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Basic Principles of Human



ECE teachers should be closely guarded by the 12 principles of child
development and learning to ensure that DAP is embedded in an early
childhood settings.

ECE teachers should be closely guarded by the 12 principles of child
development and learning to ensure that DAP is embedded in an early
childhood settings.


ECE teachers should be closely guarded by the 12 principles of child
development and learning to ensure that DAP is embedded in an early
childhood settings.

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 18

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Approaches to Human

It is an approach to human development

that views development as having
Traditional ‘’’’ extensive change from birth to
adolescence, little or no change in
adulthood and decline in late old age.

It is an approach to human development

Life-span that views development as both constancy
perspective and change in human behavior across the
entire life span, that is, from conception to
death (Baltes, 1987).

Paul Baltes (1987) gives the five major

characteristics of human development
that is anchored om his life-span

1.) Development is lifelong. This belief has two separate

aspects. First, the potential for development
extends across the entire life span: there is
no assumption that the life course must
reach a plateau or decline during adulthood
and old age. Second, development may
involve processes which are not present at
birth but emerge throughout the life span.

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 19

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

2.) Development is plastic. Plasticity refers to the potential

for change. Development is possible
throughout the life-span. No one is too old to
learn. There is no such thing as “I am too old
for that…” Neither you will be too old to
learn something.
Aging is associated with declines in
certain intellectual abilities. These declines
can be prevented or reduced. In one
research study, the reasoning abilities of
older adults were improved through
retraining (Willies & Schose, 1994 cited by
Santrock J., 2005)

3.) Development is multidimensional. Development consists of

biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional
dimensions. Development as a process is
complex because it is the product of
biological, cognitive and socio-emotional
processes (Santrock, 2002).
Biological processes involves changes in
the individual physical nature. For example:
a.) gaining weight, b.) height increase, c.)
hormonal changes during puberty
(menstruation, enlargement of breast,
growth of Adam’s apple, and other), d)
cardiovascular decline as we approach late
adulthood. Further, these process upholds
two principles in development. To wit:
a.) Development is relatively orderly:
Mostly, development exhibits patterns
of development which is in sequence or in
order. Like, a baby will learn to sit, crawl
then walk before they can run.
2 Patterns of Development
Cephalocaudal pattern: Development starts
from head to toe, like the baby can first
move his head, then shoulders, middle trunk
and with his legs and feet.

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 20

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Proximodistal pattern: Development starts

from the center of the body to the outward
parts (trunk to the extremities).

a.) Development takes place gradually:

Development or changes in individuals
do not happen overnight or in an abrupt
manner but rather it takes months and
years before it will occur.
Cognitive processes involves changes in
the individual’s thought, intelligence and
For example: Kent develops from mere
sounds to uttering one word and then
becoming two words until two words will
become a sentence.
Socio-emotional processes involves
changes in the individual’s relationship with
other people, changes in emotions and
changes in personality.
For example: When you are still a baby, you
responded with a sweet smile when
affectionately touched and frowned when
you are displeased and even showed temper
tantrum when you did not get what you
want. From that aggressive personality of
yours, you have now develop into a fine lady
and a gentlemen wherein you are now
learning how to control your emotions in
different situation. Just like, you no longer
cry when you can’t get what you want.
4.) Development is contextual. Individuals are changing beings in a
changing world. Individuals respond to and
act on contexts. These contexts include the
individual’s biological make-up, physical
environment, cognitive processes, historical,
social and cultural contexts. You and your
classmates’ biological make-up, social and
cultural contexts may vary and therefore all
of you develop differently from each other.

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 21

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

5.) Development involves growth, maintenance and regulation.

Growth, maintenance and regulation are the
three main goals in human development.
The goals of every individual vary among
the developmental stages that they are in.
For instance, as individuals reach middle
and late adulthood, concern with growth
gets into back stage while maintenance and
regulation take the center stage.

Knowledge – Check 3

Instructions: Read and comprehend the statement of principles of human

development by NAEYC. Identify which one is a restatement of the principle of human
development by stating the characteristics of life-span perspective in the second column.
Principles of Human Development (NAEYC, 2009) Characteristics of Human Development from Life –
Span Perspective
1.) All the domains of development and learning –
physical, social, emotional, and cognitive – are
important, and they are closely interrelated.
2.) Many aspects of children’s learning and
development follow well documented sequences,
with later abilities, skills and knowledge building on
those already acquired.
3.) Development and learning proceed at varying
rates from child to child, as well as at uneven rates
across different areas of a child’s individual
4.) Development and learning result from a dynamic
and continuous interaction of biological maturation
and experience.
5.) Early experiences have profound effects, both
cumulative and delayed, on a child’s development
and learning, and optimal periods exist for certain
types of development and learning to occur.
6.) Development proceeds toward greater
complexity, self- regulation , and symbolic or
representational capacities.
7.) Children develop best when they have secure,
consistent relationships with responsive adults and
opportunities for positive relationships with peers.
8.) Development and learning occur in and are
influenced by multiple social and cultural contexts.
9.) Always mentally active in seeking to understand
the world around them, children learn in variety of
ways; a wide range of teaching strategies and

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 22

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

interactions are effective in supporting all these kinds

of learning.
10.) Play is an important vehicle for developing self-
regulation as well as for promoting language,
cognition, and social competence.
11.) Development and learning advance when
children are challenged to achieve at a level just
beyond their current mystery, and also when they
have many opportunities to practice newly acquired
12.) Children’s experiences shape their motivation
and approaches to learning, such as persistence,
initiative, and flexibility; in turn, these dispositions
and behaviors affect their learning and development.


Instructions: After learning valuable insights relevant to human

development and its principles, you are required to do the following.
Task: Create a poster showing the educational application of the principles
or characteristics of human development to your field of specialization.
For example / Hint:
Concept: Development is relatively orderly (particularly the
proximodistal pattern)
Educational Application: The pencils use by the
Kindergarten and Grade 1 pupils are bigger than those
in higher grade levels.
1.) Choose one principle/characteristic of human development.
2.) Create a poster using a clean bond paper on how this
principle/characteristic be applied in teaching your field of
3.) You can do digital or traditional art on your poster. If digital,
you may use any drawing app for PC or mobile phones. If
traditional, take a photo of your poster using your phone and
paste it in the space below
4.) At the bottom part of your poster, write the short description
of your concept on its educational application.

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 23

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 24

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Poster Rubric
Highest Possible Points : 100
Criteria Exceeds Meets Needs Does Not Points
Expectation Expectation Improvement Meet Earned
Content Content is Content is accurate Content is either Content is
accurate and all but some required questionable or inaccurate.
required information is incomplete. Information is
information is missing and/or not Information is not incomplete,
presented in a presented in a presented in a inaccurate, or not
logical order. logical order, but is logical order, presented in a
50 points still generally easy making it difficult to logical order,
to follow. follow. making it difficult to

Graphics All graphics are All graphics are All graphics relate Graphics do not
excellently related to the topic to the topic. relate to the topic.
Relevance related to the and most make it
topic and make it easier to
20 points easier to understand.
Presentation Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is Presentation has no
neat, clean, well- mostly neat and unorganized. Tools flow. Insufficient
organized and clean. Information are not used in a information and
presented in a is organized in a relevant manner. lacking some of the
creative way. logical manner and Lacking some of the member’s
Presentation is shows some degree members’ information.
colorful and of creativity. The information/ and or
creative. overall presentation information is not
Information is is interesting. identified
interesting and
30 points
Total Points Earned:

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

L esson 2
Stages of Human Development and
Developmental Tasks

What Is This Lesson All About?

This lesson will orient you about developmental tasks and its
description in each developmental stage of human
development. Basically this lesson involves topic about:

 Definition of Developmental Task

 Stages of Human Development
 Developmental Task in each Developmental Stage

What Can You Learn From This Lesson?

 Write an in-depth case study on child development between the

ages of birth to twelve (12) years old.


Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles


Instructions: Conduct an informal observation of individuals on each

different level or stage of development. After your observation, select and
write its outstanding characteristic on each given stage. Use the template
provided below.

Stage of Development Outstanding Trait or

Prenatal period
(conception to birth)

(birth to 18-24 months)

Early Childhood 28
(2-5 years old)

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Middle and Late Childhood

(6-11 years old)

(10-12 up to 18-22 years old)

Early Adulthood
(Late teens or Early 20’s lasting
through 30’s)

Middle Adulthood
(40-60 years old)

Late Adulthood
(60’s above)

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles


Does a developmental task in a higher level require accomplishment of
the lower level developmental tasks? Expound your answer.


Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Check 1

Instructions: Put a check (/) beside those statements that are correct
and an (x) besides those that are wrong. If your answer is an (x), explain
why. (5 points each).
____________ 1. Developmental tasks are only for the first 3 stages of
human development.
____________ 2. Failure of achieving developmental tasks in an earlier
stage also means failure for the learner to master the
developmental task in the next stage.
____________ 3. Preschool age corresponds to early childhood stage.
____________ 4. Adolescence is middle and late childhood stage.
____________ 5. Teenage is middle childhood.
____________ 6. Mastery of fundamental skills is major concern during
early childhood.
____________ 7. Play is a great need of children in middle childhood.
____________ 8. Preparing children for school readiness is the major
concern of middle childhood.
____________ 9. Late adulthood is a time for adjustment to decreasing
strength and health.
___________ 10. Early adulthood is considered as the “period of storm
and stress.” 31

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Check 2

Instructions: Write educational implications of the different developmental tasks on each stage of
development to your role as a student.

1.) Early Childhood Stage: What are preschool teachers supposed to do with preschoolers?


2.) Middle and Late Childhood Stage: Elementary school teachers ought to help their pupils by:

__________________________________________________________________________________ 32

3.) Adolescence Stage: High school teachers ought to help their pupils by:

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles


Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Poster Rubric
Highest Possible Points : 100
Criteria Exceeds Meets Needs Does Not Points
Expectation Expectation Improvement Meet Earned
Content Content is Content is accurate Content is either Content is
accurate and all but some required questionable or inaccurate.
required information is incomplete. Information is
information is missing and/or not Information is not incomplete,
presented in a presented in a presented in a inaccurate, or not
logical order. logical order, but is logical order, presented in a
50 points still generally easy making it difficult to logical order,
to follow. follow. making it difficult to

Graphics All graphics are All graphics are All graphics relate Graphics do not
excellently related to the topic to the topic. relate to the topic.
Relevance related to the and most make it
topic and make it easier to
20 points easier to understand.
Presentation Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is Presentation has no
neat, clean, well- mostly neat and unorganized. Tools flow. Insufficient
organized and clean. Information are not used in a information and
presented in a is organized in a relevant manner. lacking some of the
creative way. logical manner and Lacking some of the member’s
Presentation is shows some degree members’ information.
colorful and of creativity. The information/ and or
creative. overall presentation information is not
Information is is interesting. identified
interesting and
30 points
Total Points Earned:

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 34

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 35

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles


Task: Write an in-depth case study on child development between

the ages of birth to twelve (12) years old.

1.) Choose one (1) child between the ages (birth to 12 years old)
for you to conduct a child observation.
Note: It would be ideal for you to select age which is relative
to your major or specialization.
2.) After you have identified the child under observation or study,
ask permission to the child’s parents/guardians through letting
them signed and approved the “Informed Consent”.
Note: Please see attached file for the informed consent and
edit it out for the context of your study.
3.) If you already have the consent of the parents/guardians,
conduct a week of observation of the child’s developmental
tasks or milestones in the different aspects of development.
Bring a pen, notebooks and camera for the documentation
4.) After a week-long observation and data saturation, you need
to write the final draft or your case study using the template
5.) Do not forget to attach documentation in every 36
Developmental Aspect (Physical, Cognitive, Socio-emotional
and language) with a brief description. Photos that would
support the determined tasks and milestones per aspect.

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Guide in Writing A Child Development Case Study

Part of the Case Study Description

Title Page This part is found on the first page/cover page of your study which contains the Title of Your
Case Study and your valuable information (Name, email, course, year and section and
Abstract A brief summary of finding of your observation conducted or the case-study conducted.
Background of the Child This part contains the basic context for selecting this child and other important factors about
his environment, his family, as well as describing the child’s unique characteristics and needs
Part I: Physical Development Describe the current developmental tasks or milestones in physical aspect of the child in his /
her corresponding age. Basically this would include his/her body changes, physical
movement, interest and capabilities. In the end part, disclose and state the physical
development needs of the child and its brief description.
Part II: Cognitive Development Describe the current developmental tasks or milestones in cognitive of the child in his / her
corresponding age. Basically this would include his/her thoughts and learning and metal
skills. In the end part, disclose and state the cognitive development needs of the child and its
brief description.
Part III: Socio-Emotional Development Describe the current developmental tasks or milestones in socio-emotional aspect of the child
in his / her corresponding age. Basically this would include his/her feelings / emotions, and
socialization skills. In the end part, disclose and state the socio-emotional development needs
of the child and its brief description.
Part IV: Language Development Describe the current developmental tasks or milestones in language aspect of the child in
his / her corresponding age. Basically this would include his/her language and literacy skills.
In the end part, disclose and state the language development needs of the child and its brief
Conclusion What conclusion can you make out of your observations?
Reflection What actions will you take to begin to promote positive development and challenge the child
to gain new competencies in each of the weak areas that you have identified? Describe
immediate and long-term actions you will take to help the child meet his/her developmental
needs. In your response to this question, make sure that you explain what standards, best-
practices, and developmental research and principles you are using as a basis for your

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development 37

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles


At this juncture, you need to collect and utilize all concepts

that you have learned from all the pre-activities in the
previous sections. Thereafter, you are required to
accomplish the task describe below:
Task: Design and write detailed activity plan for early
childhood learners that are responsive to their
developmental characteristics in accordance DepEd
Order 42, s. of 2016.
1. This designed activity is an individual performance-
based task.
2. Select a target grade level of learners for your
written plan.
3. Prior to designing your activities through writing a
detailed lesson plan, you need to choose one
learning competency in your selected developmental
domain based on the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
4. After all the selections, you have to write now a
lesson plan with activities responsive to the
developmental characteristics of the grade level
using the parts and template indicated on the DO
No. 42, s, of 2016. 38
5. Review your draft lesson plan before deciding to
submit and subject it for evaluation.
6. If you have now your final output, you can drop it
immediately to the LMS or you can also submit
through the teacher’s email and Facebook

Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Criteria Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectations Needs Does Not Meet

Improvement Expectations
Developmentally The activity considers the The activity considers the The activity The activity does not consid
Appropriate interest, strengths, interest, but not the considers only the the whole characteristics of
Practice capabilities, and the capabilities of young social context of young learners.
social context of the learners. the young
50 points young learners. learners.
Learning Outcome Objective is obviously Objective is somewhat Objective is either Objective is not observable
observable and observable and measurable; not observable or and also are not measurable
measurable; Clearly Stated application of subject not measurable; Application of subject matte
stated application of matter knowledge and skills. Minimal knowledge and skills not
subject matter application of evident.
knowledge and skills. subject matter
10 points knowledge and
Organization and Well-planned, sequential, Organized yet includes Most of the steps Minimal or no organization
Content clearly organized, complicated steps. is not clear. and development
thorough development,
easy to follow by the
25 points children.
Assessment Appropriate to the age- Connected to the objective/s, Connected to Not connected to objectives
group and connected to yet inappropriate to age- objectives to a or inappropriate to age-grou
15 points objective/s. group. limited degree;
Total Points Earn
Score Interpretation:
70 – 100 = Proficient and confident with the task 40 – 59 = Needs supervision in performing th
70 – 69 = Conversant with the task 0 – 40 = Needs remedial instruction


Module 1 ꓲ Human Growth and Development

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