Module in ED101 Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles PDF - PDF - Cognitive Development - Developmental Psychology

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Module in ED101 Child and Adolescent

Learners and Learning Principles PDF

Anjela April


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College of Teacher Education- Undergraduate Program


Ed 101- Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
College of Teacher Education- Undergraduate Program
What this module is about?
This module is intended for the course, ED 101- The Child and Adolescent Learners and
Learning Principles which focuses on child and adolescent learners development with emphasis
on current research and theory on biological, linguisc, cognive, social, and emoonal
dimensions of development. Further, this includes factors that aect the progress of
development of the learners and shall include appropriate pedagogical principles applicable for
each developmental level. The module will help one develop identy as a future teacher and
understand the role of the students’ idenes in the classroom.

In this module, you will learn how theories and principles of development, learning and
movaon were given importance as they relate to the educaonal process. You will
study these ten lessons, namely:

Lesson 1 - Human Development: Meaning, Concepts, and Approaches

Lesson 2 - The Stages of Development and Developmental Tasks

Lesson 3 - Issues on Human Development

Lesson 4 - Research in Child and Adolescent Development

Lesson 5 - Freud’s Psychoanalyc Theory

Lesson 6 - Piaget’s Stages of Cognive Development

Lesson 7 - Erikson’s Psycho-Social Theory of Development

Lesson 8 - Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development

Lesson 9 - Vygotsky’s Socio- Cultural Theory

Lesson 10 - Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory

Lesson 11 - Development of the Learners at Various Sages

Lesson 12 - Learners Centered Learning principles

Ed 101- Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

College of Teacher Education- Undergraduate Program

WEEK 1 - Lesson 1

WEEK 2 - Lesson 2 and Lesson 4

WEEK 3 - Lesson 5 and Lesson 6

WEEK 4 -Lesson 7 and Lesson 8

WEEK 5 - Lesson 9 and Lesson 10

WEEK 6-12 - Lesson 11

Week 13-18 - Lesson 12

What are the intended learning outcomes of this


1. Determine and acquire beer understanding on child and adolescent development.

2. Understand the role that teachers, school and the family in the crucial development stages of
the individual child and adolescent.

3. Make crical analysis of recurring problems that aect the development of the child
and adolescent.

4. Apply various theories of development relave to the dierent learning principles.

Ed 101- Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

College of Teacher Education- Undergraduate Program

Human Development: Meaning, Concepts and Approaches

What are the objecves of this lesson?

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to be able to:

• dene human development in your own words;

• draw some principles of human development; and
• disnguish two approaches to human development.

Overview of the topic

Human development refers to the biological and psychological development of the

human being throughout the lifespan. It consists of the development from infancy,
childhood, and adolescence to adulthood.
It is a paern of movement that begins at concepon and connues through the life span of
a well human being. Also it includes growth and decline. The human development can
be posive or negave. Growth deals with quantave changes while development deals
with qualitave changes. Development is relavely orderly. Development has proximodistal
paern that deals with the development from inward to upward. Another paern is the
cephalocaudal paern in which the development is from head to toe and from top to boom.
Development also takes place gradually. The paern of development is more likely be similar,
the outcome of development process and the rate of development are vary among
individuals. Development as a process is complex because it is the product of biological,
cognive and socio-emoonal process. The biological process is a physical change. The
cognive process is about knowledge, thoughts, and language. The socio-emoonal is a process
that focuses on dealing with people. The human development has ve (5) dierent approaches.
It includes life-long, mul-dimensional, plasc, contextual and involves growth,
maintenance and regulaon. The life-span of a human development occurs al throughout the
life-span of an individual. The development never stops unl death. The tradional occurs
human development that shows extensive change from birth to adolescence, lile or no
change in adulthood and decline in the late old age. The life-long development does not
end by adulthood and no development stage dominates the development. The mul-
dimensional consists of biological, cognive and socio-emoonal dimensions. The plasc
development is possible throughout the life-span. The contextual development, are individuals
that can adopt

Ed 101- Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

College of Teacher Education- Undergraduate Program

changing beings in a changing world. Development and learning result from a dynamic
and connuous interacon of biological maturaon and experience.

Principles of Human Growth and Development:

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