Bba-14 2024-2025

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Programme Name: BBA (Part III)

Paper Code – BBA 14

(Organizational Behaviour)

Max Marks: 30

Note: The Question paper is divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the

given instruction.


(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your answer

in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 1 mark .


1. (i) Define Perception.

Customer perception refers to how a customer feels about a company. This includes their thoughts,
emotions and opinions related to a brand and its products or services. Customer perception can be
positive or negative. The customer perception process occurs when customers interact with your
brand, products or services.

(ii) Define Leadership.

Business leadership refers to how individuals make decisions, set goals and provide direction in a
professional environment. Business leadership can take many different forms, but usually involves a
CEO or higher-level employees guiding and inspiring the rest of the team.

(iii) Define Attitude.

Attitude is a way of thinking or feeling about something and is usually reflected in behavior. Attitude
in the workplace refers to the feelings and beliefs concerning the workplace. With respect to the
workplace, attitudes are defined as a way of thinking that shapes how we behave at work and
outside of work.

(iv) Define Negotiation.

A Business Negotiation is a process between two or more parties (each with its own aims, needs, and
viewpoints) seeking to discover a common ground and reach an Agreement to settle a matter of
mutual concern, resolve a conflict and exchange value.

(v) Process of conflict

The conflict process deals with the five steps that help alleviate friction, disagreement, problems or
fighting within organizations. The five steps are potential opposition or incompatibility, cognition and
personalization, intentions, behavior and outcomes.

(vi) Classification of power

 Legitimate power
 Reward power
 Coercive power
 Expert power
 Referent power
 Informational power
 Connection power
 Personal power
 Charismatic power


(Short Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any four questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words. Each

question carries 3 marks. 4X3=12

2. Define organizational behaviour.

Organizational behaviour is a field of study which helps in understanding human behaviour in an

organisational context and also the interconnection between human behaviour and growth of the
organization. Scope of organizational behaviour is very broad which opens the door to many other
concepts like importance of OB and other fields of study, role and skills of managers, challenges in
organisational behaviour, understanding people at work: individual, groups and systems as building
blocks, organisational behaviour models, evolution of organisational behaviour, researches in
organisational behaviour and organisational behaviour in international context etc.

“Organisation behaviour is the study which is used to evaluate overall recourses (Physical resources
and human recourse) and helps to enhance the productivity of the organisation.”

“Organization behaviour is a systematic study to examine the knowledge of individual at work and
their act within the organisation.”

V.G. Kondalkar defined ‘it is the study to investigate the impact of behaviour on an individual, group
of individuals and organisational structure within the organisation. The focus is given to enhance and
apply such knowledge to gain organisational effectiveness.

3. What role does institution play in effective decision making?

4. Discuss the importance of perception.

importance of perception in business:

1. Effective perception.
For a consumer, it is important to know what they are investing into is worth it and for this, the
business needs to market itself to prove them right. Perception is reality. The business needs to make
sure that they produce advertisements that are relevant enough to convince the customer.

They are now doing really well and essentially have become better in some aspects and hence,
perception has become reality.

2. Reaching out to the consumers.

One of the key factors that influence the consumer perception is the exposure to the products.
Naturally, if a customer has more knowledge about a certain product and is content with the
information provided, there is a higher chance for them to buy it rather than buying something that
they either haven’t heard about or haven’t seen yet. This is where publicizing the offerings of a
certain business comes into play. Educating our customers is an important aspect of marketing,
perception and effective selling.

3. Risk Perception.

Businesses must also take into consideration the risk perception that customers may have while
buying their products. The more risky a hypothesis is, the more difficult it can be to get consumers to
act. For this reason, guarantees and warranties reduce that perception of risk, particularly if the
item is expensive or large.

4. Holding onto customers.

Lastly, once a customer has purchased a product, it is the responsibility of the business to make sure
that they don’t lose the customer. This means that the business must foster perception that will in
turn result in profitable behaviours for the business. The business must maintain a good reputation
and initiate brand loyalty. One way to do this is by offering finer customer service as this helps to
maintain the perception that the business cares for its customers’ interests. In this way, the
customer develops loyalty towards the business, creating a steady revenue stream thus making it
more difficult for other companies to take away these customers. The customer needs to perceive
they are valued and are being looked after.

5. Industry Perceptions.

Often industries or groups will foster a perception. For example, a medical specialist you expect to
wait ages to see. Coaches have a reputation of being expensive (yet my starter package is very
affordable), take-away is often perceived as unhealthy (yet McDonalds have some great
salad/healthy choices). If your industry has a specific perception, and that is not the case in your
business, you need to educate your prospects as to your point of difference. Of course some
industry perceptions are beneficial, for example Certified Practising Accountants (CPA’s) have a
perception of being qualified, experienced and knowledgeable.
5. Mention the principles of learning.

Principles Of Learning

1. Effort management planning

The idea that ability determines what and how much kids learn is replaced by the assumption that
sustained and directed effort may deliver high accomplishment for all students in an effort-based
school. Everything is set up to elicit and support this effort, to deliver the message that effort is
required and that challenging difficulties may be overcome with perseverance. High standards are
established, and assessments are based on them. All pupils follow a structured curriculum that is
aligned with the set standards. They are given as much time and expert guidance as they require in
order to meet or surpass objectives.

2. Participation

During the learning process, the learner’s active participation should be permitted and encouraged.
Participation increases motivation and tends to engage more senses in the learning process. When
people engage, they learn more quickly and retain their information for a longer time.

Most people never forget how to ride a bicycle since they were actively involved in the learning
process. Thus, learning activities should be experiential rather than informational. As a result,
trainers should create a physical atmosphere that encourages small group interaction and sharing

3. Repetition

One of the most important aspects of learning is allowing students to practice and repeat. If you
want to get the most out of training, acquired behaviors must be learned repeatedly to guarantee
smooth performance so that individuals don’t forget the teachings that they receive. Individuals’
capacity to learn and retain new skills improves when they visualize themselves performing the

4. Relevance

Learning is aided when the material that is taught is meaningful and relevant to the learners. We
should prioritize content-based learning above problem-based learning. People are more likely to
learn when instruction is directly related to fixing a current problem. It’s not as motivating to study
something just because someone says, “it's critical.”

5. Transference

Because the training takes place in a unique environment, it’s critical to assess if what you’ve learned
will apply in the real world. Transfer of training occurs when learners can apply their learnings in
their job. If the information learned in one setting does not transfer to the workplace, the training
can’t be considered successful.

6. Socializing Intelligence

Intelligence involves far more than the ability to think quickly and retain knowledge. Intelligence is a
collection of problem-solving and reasoning abilities and the mental habits that contribute to the
frequent application of such abilities. Learning principle is a collection of concepts about one’s right
and obligation to grasp and make sense of the world, as well as one’s ability to figure things out
through time. As a consequence of the daily pressures placed on them, learners develop clever
mental habits.

6. Discuss the components and theories of job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction

Job satisfaction is one of the most researched variables in the area of workplace psychology [1], and
has been associated with numerous psychosocial issues ranging from leadership to job design [2]. This
article seeks to outline the key definitions relating to job satisfaction, the main theories associated
with explaining job satisfaction, as well as the types of and issues surrounding the measurement of
job satisfaction

Components of Job Satisfaction:

Evaluative Component

How employees feel about their employer overall is the evaluative component of job satisfaction.
They can either like the organization, dislike it, or even have mixed feelings about it. When someone
asks you, "How satisfied are you at your job?" your response is the summation of how you feel about
various aspects of the organization. It is the overall opinion you have about the organization.

Cognitive Component

The cognitive component of job satisfaction considers the employee's beliefs and expectations.
Whether employees feel that their work is respectable, rewarding, or challenging is all part of the
cognitive component of job satisfaction.

Affective Component

How an organization makes its employees feel is known as the affective component. Positive
feedback and situations can make an employee feel welcome, whereas negative feedback and
situations can affect their self-worth and make them feel invalidated.

Section ‘C’

(Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any two questions. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 400

words. Each question carries 06 marks. 2x6=12

7. Define re-enforcement? Discuss its use in the any organization.

A definition of reinforcement is something that occurs when a stimulus is presented or removed

following response and in the future, increases the frequency of that behavior in similar
circumstances. (Cooper, Heron, and Heward 2007). In other words, adding or taking something away
AFTER a behavior occurs will increase the likelihood that the same behavior will happen again at a
future time.

Reinforcement is the attempt to develop or strengthen desirable behavior. There are two types of
reinforcement in organizational behavior: positive and negative.
Positive reinforcement strengthens and enhances behavior by the presentation of positive
reinforcers. There are primary reinforcers and secondary reinforcers. Primary reinforcers satisfy basic
biological needs and include food and water. However, primary reinforcers don not always reinforce.
For instance, food may not be a reinforcer to someone who has just completed a five course meal.
Most behaviors in organizations are influenced by secondary reinforcers. These include such
benefits as money, status, grades, trophies and praise from others. These include such benefits as
money, status, grades, trophies and praise from others. These become positive reinforcers because
of their associations with the primary reinforcers and hence are often called conditioned reinforcers.

It should be noted that an event that functions as a positive reinforce at one time or in one context
may have a different effect at another time or in another place. For example, food may serve as a
positive reinforcer for a person who is hungry, but not when the person, as stated above, has already
a large meal. Clearly, a stimulus that functions as a positive reinforcer for one person may fail to
operate in a similar manner for another person.

Within itself, positive reinforcement has several principles.

 The principle of contingent reinforcement states that the reinforcer must be administered
only if the desired behavior has occurred. A reinforcer administered when the desired
behavior has not been performed becomes ineffective.

 The principle of immediate reinforcement states that the reinforcer will be most effective if
administered immediately after the desired behavior has occurred. The more time that
elapses after the behavior occurs, the less effective the reinforcer will be.

 The principle of reinforcement size stated that the larger the amount of reinforcement
delivered after the desired behavior, the more effect the reinforcer will have on the
frequency of the desired behavior. The amount or size of reinforcer is relative. A reinforcer
that may be insignificant to one person may be significant to another person. Thus, the size
of the reinforcer must be determined in relation both to the behavior and the individual.

 The principle of reinforcement deprivation states that the more a person is deprived of the
reinforcer, the greater effect it will have on the future occurrence of the desired behavior.
However, if an individual recently has had enough of a reinforcer and is satisfied the
reinforcer will have less effect.

In negative reinforcement, an unpleasant event that precedes a behavior is removed when the
desired behavior occurs. This procedure increases the likelihood that the desired behavior will occur.
Just as there are positive reinforcers, there are the stimuli that strengthen responses that permit an
organism to avoid or escape from their presence. Thus, when we perform an action that allows us to
escape from a negative reinforcer that is already present or to avoid the threatened application of
one, our tendency to perform this action in the future increases. Some negative reinforcers such as
intense heat, extreme cold, or electric shock, exert their effects the first time they are encountered,
whereas others acquire their impact through repeated association.

9. Explain the meaning, nature and significance of Organisational Behaviour.

Organizational behaviour (OB) refers to the examination of individual and group dynamics within a
corporate environment. While each enterprise is distinct and varies across sectors, the common
aspiration among them is to foster an organizational culture that harmonizes productivity with
employee contentment. Executives frequently employ insights from OB to decipher team
functionalities and individual contributions and behaviours within the office space. This discourse
delves into the essence of organizational behaviour, scrutinizes its merits and demerits, illustrates
instances, and demystifies the elements influencing OB.

Concept of Organisational Behaviour

Organisational Behaviour is based on several fundamental principles that relate to the nature of
people and organizations. The fundamental principles of OB include:

1. Individual Uniqueness: Stemming from psychological principles, this concept acknowledges

that from birth, each person is distinct, shaped by unique experiences that further
differentiate them from others. Individuals vary across multiple dimensions, including
intelligence, physical attributes, personality, learning abilities, and communication skills. It is
the individual who bears responsibility and makes decisions, while a group’s power is latent
until its members act in concert.

2. The Entirety of a Person: This notion suggests that an organization hires not merely the skills
of an individual but also their preferences, biases, and personal history. One’s domestic life is
intertwined with their professional existence, necessitating that organizations provide a
conducive work environment that promotes both professional and personal growth and

3. Causality in Behavior: Unseemly behaviour in an individual often has underlying causes,

which could range from domestic issues to challenges in punctuality. When such behaviour
surfaces, it is incumbent upon managers to discern the root cause and address it effectively.

4. Respect for Individual Dignity: Every person, irrespective of their position, deserves to be
treated with respect and dignity. This principle emphasizes the importance of recognizing
and valuing each job, thereby fostering the improvement of individual aspirations and
capabilities. It stands in opposition to the notion of treating employees merely as economic

5. The organization as a social entity: Organizations function as complex social systems, a

concept derived from sociological studies. These systems are subject to both social and
psychological norms that dictate organizational activities. Within an organization, there exists
a blend of formal and informal social structures, emphasizing the organization’s capacity for
dynamic evolution over maintaining rigid relationships. Each component within this system
relies on the others for its function.

6. Shared interests among organizational participants: The principle of mutual interest

underscores the symbiotic relationship between individuals and organizations. Organizations
come into existence and persist through a shared interest among their members. Individuals
join organizations to fulfill their personal ambitions, while organizations depend on
individuals to achieve their collective goals. A lack of shared interest can lead to disarray
within the group. Conversely, a unified purpose galvanizes members to collaboratively
address organizational challenges rather than casting blame.

7. Holistic concept: The holistic approach to organizational behaviour synthesizes the

aforementioned six principles into a comprehensive framework. This perspective examines
the interplay between individuals and organizations, considering the full spectrum of
personal, group, organizational, and societal dimensions. It involves taking into account the
diverse viewpoints within an organization to grasp the factors shaping behaviour. Rather than
isolating specific incidents or issues, this approach evaluates them within the broader
context that they influence and are influenced by.

Nature of Organisational Behaviour

1. Diversity: Organizational behaviour recognizes the unique differences among individuals,

valuing diversity in backgrounds, skills, and perspectives as a source of strength and
innovation within a company.

2. Adaptability: It emphasizes the need for organizations to be adaptable, allowing them to

respond effectively to changes in the market, technology, and workforce dynamics.

3. Motivation: Understanding what motivates employees is crucial in Organisational Behaviour,

as it directly influences productivity, job satisfaction, and retention rates within an

4. Leadership: Effective leadership is a cornerstone of Organisational Behaviour, as leaders

shape the culture, set the vision, and guide employees towards achieving organizational

5. Communication: Clear and open communication channels are vital for the smooth operation
of an organization, facilitating collaboration and minimizing misunderstandings.

6. Productivity: Organisational Behaviour aims to enhance productivity by optimizing the work

environment, ensuring that employees have the resources and support they need to perform
at their best.

7. Well-being: Employee well-being is a focus area in Organizational Behaviour, with the

understanding that a healthy work-life balance contributes to better performance and lower

8. Innovation: Encouraging innovation is part of Organizational Behaviour, as it drives growth

and keeps organizations competitive in their respective industries.

9. Ethics: Organizational Behaviour upholds ethical standards and practices, ensuring that
organizations operate with integrity and respect for all stakeholders.

Role of Organizational Behaviour

The Role of organizational behaviour is multifaceted and crucial for the success of any organization.
Here are some key points highlighting its importance:

1. Performance Improvement: Organizational Behaviour helps in identifying ways to increase

productivity and efficiency, leading to better performance outcomes for both individuals and
the organization.

2. Employee Satisfaction: By understanding the needs and motivations of employees,

Organizational Behaviour contributes to creating a work environment that enhances job
satisfaction and employee retention.

3. Leadership Development: Organizational Behaviour provides insights into effective

leadership styles and practices, enabling the development of leaders who can inspire and
guide their teams.
4. Change Management: It equips organizations with the tools to manage and adapt to change,
ensuring resilience and flexibility in a dynamic business landscape.

5. Conflict Resolution: OB offers strategies for resolving interpersonal and group conflicts,
fostering a harmonious workplace.

6. Organizational Culture: It plays a significant role in shaping and maintaining a positive

organizational culture, which is essential for long-term success.

7. Team Dynamics: Organizational Behaviour studies how teams work and interact, which is
vital for building strong, collaborative teams that can achieve collective goals.

8. Communication Enhancement: It improves communication within an organization, ensuring

that information flows effectively between different levels and departments.

9. Decision-Making: OB aids in the decision-making process by providing a better

understanding of human behaviour and organizational dynamics.

10. Innovation Encouragement: It encourages innovation by creating an environment where

new ideas are valued and employees feel empowered to share their creativity.

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