Practical 3

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Vansh Shah Msc.

IT SU245148

1. Perform the following computations

on table data:

A. List the names of all clients having ‘a’ as the

second letter in their names.
 select * from client_master where name like ‘_a%’;

B. List the clients who stay in a city whose first

letter is ‘M’.
 select * from client_master where city like ‘M%’;

C. List all clients who stay in 'Bangalore' or

 select * from client_master where city in (‘Bangalore’,

D.List all clients whose BalDue is greater than value

 select * from client_master where baldue>10000;

E. List all information from the Sales_Orders table

for orders placed in the month of June.
 select * from Sales_Orders where
rtrim(to_char(orderdate, “Month’)) = ‘June’;

F. List the order information for ClientNo ‘C00001’

and ‘C00002’.
 select * from Sales_Orders_Details where orderno in
(select orderno from Sales_Orders where ClientNo in
(‘C00001’, ‘C00002’ ));

Vansh Shah Msc.IT SU245148

G.List products whose selling price is greater than

500 and less than or equal to 750.
 select * from product_master where sellprice>500 and

H.List products whose selling price is more than

500.Calculate a new selling price as, original
selling price * .15. Rename the new column in the
output of the above query as new_price.
 select productno, description, profitpercent,
unitmeasure, qtyonhand, reorderlvl, sellprice, (sellprice
* 0.15+sellprice) as new_price, costprice from
product_master where sellprice>500;

I. List the names, city and state of clients who are

not in the state of ‘Maharashtra’.
 select name, city, state from client_master where state
<> ‘Maharashtra’;

J. Count the total number of orders.

 select count(orderno) as “Total Orders” from

K. Calculate the average price of all the products.

 select avg(sellprice) as “Average Sell Price” from
product_master ;

L. Determine the maximum and minimum product

price, Rename the output as max price and
min_price respectively.
 select max(sellprice) as “Max_Price” , min(sellprice) as
“Min_Price” from product_master;

Vansh Shah Msc.IT SU245148

M. Count the number of products having price less

than or equal to 500.
 select count(productno) as “No Of Products Price <=
500” from product_master where sellprice <=500;

N.List all the products whose QtyOnHand is less

than reorder level.

 Select * from product_master where qtyonhand <


2. Exercise on Date Manipulation:

A. List the Order number and day on which clients

placed their order.
 select orderno, to_char(orderdate, ‘Day’) as “Order Day”
from Sales_Orders;

B. List the month (in alphabets) and date when the

orders must be delivered.
 select to_char(delydate, ‘Month’) as “Delivery Month”,
to_char(delydate, ‘DD’) as “Delivery_date” from

C. List the OrderDate in the formate ‘DD-Month-YY’.

 Select to_char(orderdate, ‘DD-Month-YY’) as Order_Date
from Sales_Orders;

D.List the date, 15 days after today’s date.

 Select sysdate+15 as “Date After 15 Days” from dual;

Vansh Shah Msc.IT SU245148

3. Write 10 Queries on Date


1. Get the current system date.

 select sysdate from dual;

2. Add 6 months to the current date and return the

last day of that month.

 Select last_day(add_months(sysdate,6) as “last day six

months later from dual;

3. Find the difference in months between your

birthdate and today’s date.
 Select months_between(sysdate, to_date(‘29-02-2024’,
‘DD-MM-YYYY’)) as “month_difference” from dual;

4. Round the 29th February 2024 to the nearest

 Select round(to_date(’20-FEB-2024’, ‘DD-MON-YYYY”),
‘MONTH’) as “Rounded Date” from dual;

5. Display the current date in readable words.

 Select to_char(sysdate, ‘DDSP / MMSP / YYYYSP’) as
“Spelled Date” from dual;

6. Display the full date in a specific format.

 Select to_char(sysdate, ‘FMDay, FMMonth DD, YYYY) as
“formatted date” from dual;

7. Find the date exactly 45 days from today.

 Select sysdate + as “Date Days Later” from dual;

Vansh Shah Msc.IT SU245148

8. Find the first day of the current month.

 Select trunc(sysdate, ‘MM’) as “First day of month’ from

9. Get the current day of the week.

 Select to_char(sysdate, ‘DAY’) as ‘Day Of Week’ from

10. Display the current date in ISO format (YYYY-

 Select to_char(sysdate, ‘YYYY-MM-DD’) as “ISO Date”
from dual;

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