Nagamitsu1999 Article PreferenceInFlowerVisitsAndPar
Nagamitsu1999 Article PreferenceInFlowerVisitsAndPar
Nagamitsu1999 Article PreferenceInFlowerVisitsAndPar
Operation Raleigh Tower. On census days surveys usually August 4–8, and 19–23 August, in 1996 during the general
started at 0800. When we found flowering plants, we col- flowering, we collected pollen loads carried by returning
lected flower visitors for at least 10 min at individual foragers from three colonies of Trigona collina, two colo-
flowering plants. At first, we caught visitors flying around nies of T. fuscobalteata, one colony of T. melanocephala,
and coming to flowers, and later we swept completely visi- and one colony of T. melina in the Canopy Biology Plot
tors on and in flowers. When few flower visitors were col- (see Fig. 1). We also studied two additional colonies of
lected, we collected additional visitors at various times on T. fuscobalteata in 1996. We collected pollen loads of re-
following days until the plants finished flowering. Among turning foragers with hand nets at 0730, 1030, and 1430 on
the collected flower visitors, we examined only stingless single days in front of a nest entrance to each colony, which
bees in the present study. Stingless bee specimens were was closed by a cotton cloth for the preceding 20 min.
pinned and identified following the classifications of After the standard procedure of acetolysis (Erdtman
Schwarz (1939), Sakagami (1975, 1978), and Sakagami et al. 1960), 200 pollen grains from each forager were examined
(1990). We designated each group of collected individuals and classified by morphology into taxonomically distinct
of stingless bees visiting flowers of each plant species in pollen types (Huang 1972; Roubik and Moreno 1991; Tissot
each year as ‘a collection.’ et al. 1994). We regarded the most abundant types of pollen
Specimens of surveyed flowering plants were collected as legitimate pollen sources of the foragers.
and identified in SAR (Sarawak Herbarium, Forest Depart- We obtained the number of foragers, Nijk, of stingless bee
ment, Sarawak). We recorded the location, shape, and color species, i, with pollen type, j, of legitimate pollen source in
of flowers of each surveyed plants, following the methods of collection period, k. We then calculated Morishita’s similar-
Momose et al. (1998). The locations of the flowers in the ity index (Morishita 1959), Cλkl, in period, k, for pair, l,
forest structure were divided into three categories: (1) un- (l 5 1–6) of species, i and i9, as follows:
derstory (,12.5 m high in the closed forest), (2) canopy
($12.5 m high, above the understory), and (3) gap (outside
the closed forest). Flower shape was classified as either
( ) (λ 1 λ9) Â (N )Â ( N 9 )
Cλkl 5 2 Â j Nijk Ni 9jk i i j ijk j i jk
Table 1. Sample numbers in collections of stingless bees visiting flowers representing three types of location, two types of shape, and three types
of color
Shape Color 1993–1995 1996 Subtotal Total
Table 3. Results of logistic regression analysis testing effects of collection year, flower location, flower shape, and flower color on the proportion
of collections including each stingless bee species
Stingless bee species
fus ita lae mla api ery ven fim can col mli
Year 0.737 0.869 0.973 0.361 0.832 0.600 0.849 1.000 0.982 0.991 0.529
Location 0.045 0.152 0.694 0.002 0.833 0.620 0.732 1.000 — 0.641 0.918
Shape 0.978 1.000 0.894 0.755 0.272 0.079 0.974 0.999 1.000 1.000 1.000
Color 0.999 0.632 0.994 1.000 0.631 1.000 — 0.858 1.000 0.999 1.000
Model 0.984 0.930 1.000 1.000 0.998 0.944 1.000 0.986 0.986 1.000 0.993
—, No test was done because no corresponding samples were collected
Species codes are shown in Table 2. The probabilities of type I errors occurring, adjusted by the sequential Bonferoni method for the four factors
and linear models of the analysis, are also shown
the mean rank of the T. fuscobalteata and T. melanocephala and Hubbell 1974; Roubik 1980; Roubik et al. 1986). Avail-
pairing was lowest in the pollen diet similarity (Fig. 4). able evidence so far accumulated suggests that stingless bee
However, the range of similarity strongly shifted, from species are able to partition floral resources of the same
0.00–0.10 during June 22–23, 1994 to 0.51–0.85 during 19– plant species through temporal and spatial variation in the
23, August 1996. In all test periods, except for 19–23, floral resources (Johnson and Hubbell 1975; Hubbell and
August 1996, when the pollen diet similarity of every pair Johnson 1978; Johnson 1981; Nagamitsu and Inoue 1997).
was extremely high, the similarity between T. fuscobalteata Pollen and nectar sources of diverse plant species are thus
and T. melanocephala was less than 0.02, indicating almost shared among stingless bee species (Heithaus 1979; Roubik
complete partitioning of pollen sources. Thus, the foregoing et al. 1986; Inoue et al. 1990; Martinez-Hernandes et al.
prediction was largely supported. 1994; Wilms and Wiechers 1997).
Stingless bees have also been regarded as generalists in
floral resource use that rarely specialize in particular plant
taxa with unique floral traits. However, several lines of
Discussion evidence suggest that floral resource partitioning according
to flower location and morphology does occur (Roubik
Floral resource partitioning has been proposed to occur 1993; Nagamitsu and Inoue 1997, 1998). The results pre-
among stingless bee species, because foragers of these spe- sented here show that two stingless bee species visited flow-
cies are likely to compete for pollen and nectar (Johnson ers in different types of locations within the forest structure,
and suggest that these two species did partition pollen ac- the results obtained in this study show that pollen diet simi-
cording to taxonomic source. Further, one species visited larity varied considerably, both seasonally and annually.
morphologically specialized flowers with enclosed petals, There was a period when pollen diet similarity was ex-
although this result was only marginally significant. These tremely high between all pairs of studied stingless bee spe-
results suggest that floral resource partitioning of stingless cies. This result suggests that pollen resource partitioning
bees arises not only from variation in floral resources within depends on pollen resource availability, which seemed to
plant species, but also from variation in floral traits among fluctuate during this study because of the general flowering
plant species. that occurred in 1996. However, we did not evaluate tempo-
The observed preference of Trigona melanocephala for ral changes in floral resource abundance and foraging effi-
visiting understory flowers is consistent with our previous ciency in the present study. These issues remain to be
observation that this species tended to visit the lowest addressed in further studies.
among honey-water feeders placed at heights ranging from
1 to 50 m above ground level (Nagamitsu and Inoue 1997). Acknowledgments We thank Dr. H. S. Lee, Mr. A. A. Hamid (Forest
However, height above the ground alone cannot explain the Department, Sarawak), and Dr. K. Ogino (University of Shiga Prefec-
ture) for kindly supporting the present study; Mrs. R. Johan, B.
different preferences for gap and understory flowers at simi- Nyambong, R. Rapi (Forest Department, Sarawak), and all members
lar heights. Factors common to both the canopy and gap, of the Canopy Biology Program in Sarawak for helping collect flower
but differing in the understory, may affect the observed visitors; and anonymous reviewers for improving this manuscript. This
preference in visiting flowers in different locations. study was partly supported by grants-in-aid from the Japanese Ministry
of Education, Science and Culture (grant numbers 04041067, 06041013,
Possible factors involved include environmental condi- and 09N1501).
tions, such as solar radiation, air temperature, and relative
humidity, which vary between sunny (canopy and gap) and
shaded (understory) places in tropical rain forests. Willmer References
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Appendix. Continued
Plant Floral trait Collection code No. of collection