SRA to BMC संदर्भावर कलम 154
SRA to BMC संदर्भावर कलम 154
SRA to BMC संदर्भावर कलम 154
6qi6 :- m*-xi?u/qqRi/?.F.ti?/?o?xFH-qt
ri7rOq,ff:Xoo oi?.
q-1im':- t\ d-q*dn, ?o?u
arqr - t) oTt1ffi, {dEH qEFTRqrfus.r
: fi
fr . 1"7" q71 o 1 v rt*t gq
srRr*,rfr, dqgq-# ycd{a wFr+-€r qicT craffi c-r.
1; 5wonffi sTRrorfr, Ngqd{qqrtrfiurfifr. z/o\e/Rolx
tfrt vngc rrR fu+rq fran'n€ {d.
i ) 3Tr{ff , Tariq{ TdrTrRcrrd-*.r qit q* m. Mc p/\e. i \e,
fr. t3/ozllolY.
q6{H fr *Ts fr {ilr q dffi Eq fi rqqr+d- ? o t y dr yns{r+ fr z /o \R o z 1tfri
orRRIqm {{t1 ffi org+ w<-t fl++rreet fr . t/" 3n " I e crq{ irq FTd 3Trt.
qEEH qErrrnq'rftrfir *1T6 gt-rj{i qETqrftrfir ertflr-fi qrfrrs-{ur d-ss E6-{-qt
q?tq,RqftsT qffidr ttqk{ mRtqrur eTrt Tn{H qffi s}q-sq-S qhlT ycfr-s.rq
s-iuqrctdfr {o=i{i kfir€ flilizoT q c}Nr6{ fisq;ffi-loly t hfrqq itco) erqi
ilqi fllqrd orrdi oTrt. a-* rrnrq Inifrrm q TIpq {q{r 3rFrFffiqr+ 6-trq ?(q3xb) TsR
Fq ai+e Bicrl-d qikd M eH g{ffidr M Y-+ig-+ mFr*vns
frqiqq qrftrfi{rni orfrrfiR tuqriT sTrA €flta
dqrfu, Til1ffi qtrrr{qrfufir ffid M ga-d{T Titrfi"rffi-Er {{fr ilqrn
orr*et u-fi {uri{Eifr eq<, Er*i+{ qEnmqrfuor qi+ M gq-dffi $ft r*:, €r il+q
vTRFIRI qrlflt 3rTsic rttrq-.n :rq{ fr'R glqsqEqT (Non-srum) eH olRrfl{ Tq-dnT
glrsqEl T{dR-{ urftr*-run+ v<-t eldrq M T{+€-{ qtfi'qr s-d-f,fr ts{
3 tc"qrqn-a q-6rqiiil++ sneh +d-in olt qraf q-dqrnqrk+r dtq M
h/ Yq. grdlsq crFre.{ur qr ffi
qun F{"irur s e1-NrEq FTqqre-++d arE{r a rvit
Inrcrprcration qrqd Tfufit 6qI gfirqn Tfrd. fr6Tq Fl?ipr q ctflrE{
Frqqwdl+fl-m dtrkfi il.d-STqT Filrscgl g+iffi vrnrdhruni q+tur ed erg+
dqe{qreufr s-r.r 3nre{r6rcrf, TdTqrffiqT s{rsjc ant drcrTi,ni fu+r-s Fnirq q
dNTETi+Imq-ifl TsRsird-i-qrqufr owr+rcqfi -<r+avedr+s.{sinrdrfl +'rdr3{4
frqri qr 6i-dT fukqq x(?) ilrd-{qR e rr6Rrq yrifrr+ E qrr {a=r 3TFrFflqri
Ff,c tqy qE+ Ht{r tuqqrefr {eqriqi qaqr{qrffi affi frt-S fr-qRrc'nlqrd
*s-q erWn rrrnrq crifrrfi q rrr {q:Tr 3rtrtffiqri s-irq s\y(t) or-q-+ {6{-di
q6-aqqfus1 e M grdqr crRrs-iuns utffi fr }tr t qTd +d 3Trtd.
i) '[ hcdcvclopment/rcdcvelopmenl schcmes are more fundamental than any aulhority
bcing SPA, which is just a administrative malrer. The effect and inrcrprclation of
thc rcgulalion shall bc samc, irrcspcctivc which planning authority is interprcting/
using thc rcgulation.
ii) Schemc undcr Regulation 33(11) cannot be combined with any other Regulation
cxcept Slum Rchabilitation Schcmc under Regulation 33(10). Conccssions about
prcmium or othcrwisc for I{cgulation 33(11) shall bc as per rcgularion 33(l l) and
thcsc considcrations shall not necessarily follow from Regulation 33(10) just
bccausc SPA is SRA.
iii) In casc of dcvelopment/ rcdcvelopmcnt of slum area and contiguous non-slum arca
in a slum schcme, SI{A can approvc the composite scheme, provided the slum arca
constitutc more than 5l% in each single plot. A plot with less than 5lo% slum area
can be developed individually or as a part of larger slum schcmc, either by
applying, I{cgulation 33(l l) on non-slum arca or by subdividing plot into slum and
non slum plots and lcaving non slum plot outside the schcmc. Explicitly, for any
plot to bc a part olthc Slum schcme it must have more than 51% of its arca under
iv) ln casc o[devclopmcnt /redevelopment olslum and contiguos non-slum arca where
slum arca constitute more than 5l% in a plot, the developer can avail the provisions
of DCPR on non-slum portion only, subject to strict compliance of respective
DCPR provisions.
Planning norms and prcmium for built up area in lieu of non-slum plot area shall bc
considered as per corresponding provision in DCPR-2034 and relaxations or
conccssions available for the purpose of slum rehabilitation in S.R.Scheme cannot
bc appticd to any regular schemc being undertaken on non-slum part of any plot.
)ft1 Without prejudice to thc gencrality of this directive, no way premium for non-slum
portion can be cxcmpted at par with slum portion (i.e. reduced rate of premium at
Nil or l0% ctc.).
vi) SRA shall start issuing the building permissions online immediately in order to
bring transparency and efficiency.
< fr{u-gcrri
qhffi )
3cqfu{, {6nrgYrRr{
1) 3Tr{ffi, T6;1i{t
q; gq- +rffi srftr{fi, dq-gcfl grdqT qrRrfr{ur.
G) {qre-*, qrRTq'il, qErrq{q, yui.
(R) Bqdqrefi, ;rr{qir, qEEjst a{r6-c+c, c-6rcrfuorrTrrf, lH yooooq.
(r) frq-srd Gh-ss)