Kidney360 4 398
Kidney360 4 398
Kidney360 4 398
Globally, over 103 million individuals are afflicted by CKD, a silent killer claiming the lives of 1.2 million people
annually. CKD is characterized by five progressive stages, in which dialysis and kidney transplant are life-saving
routes for patients with end stage kidney failure. While kidney damage impairs kidney function and derails BP
regulation, uncontrolled hypertension accelerates the development and progression of CKD. Zinc (Zn) deficiency
has emerged as a potential hidden driver within this detrimental cycle of CKD and hypertension. This review article
will (1) highlight mechanisms of Zn procurement and trafficking, (2) provide evidence that urinary Zn wasting can
fuel Zn deficiency in CKD, (3) discuss how Zn deficiency can accelerate the progression of hypertension and kidney
damage in CKD, and (4) consider Zn supplementation as an exit strategy with the potential to rectify the course of
hypertension and CKD progression.
KIDNEY360 4: 398–404, 2023. doi:
Department of Neuroscience, Cell Biology and Physiology, Boonshoft School of Medicine, College of Science and Mathematics, Wright
State University, Dayton, Ohio
Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
Correspondence: Dr. Clintoria R. Williams, Department of Neuroscience, Cell Biology and Physiology, Wright State University, 3640
Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435. Email: [email protected]
398 Copyright © 2022 by the American Society of Nephrology Vol 4 March, 2023
KIDNEY360 4: 398–404, March, 2023 A Potential Hidden Driver of the Detrimental Cycle, Ume et al. 399
exit strategy with the potential to rectify the course of Cellular uptake of Zn constitutes an efficient homeostatic
hypertension and CKD progression. control mechanism that prevents excess serum Zn levels.12,16,23
Cellular Zn homeostasis is mediated by three main families of
Zn transport proteins (Figure 2). The Zrt-, Irt-like protein family
Mechanisms of Zn Procurement and Trafficking facilitates entry of Zn into the cytosol while Zn-binding metal-
The human body contains 2–3 g of Zn, with the largest lothioneins bind intracellular Zn. Intracellular Zn serves as a
fractions found in the skeletal muscle (approximately 50%) cofactor for the catalytic activity and structural integrity of over
and bone (approximately 30%)13,16,22 (Figure 1). Lower Zn 300 proteins, including those involved in macromolecule syn-
fractions are also present in the following tissues: kidney, thesis and cell division39-41. Finally, Zn transporters facilitate
prostate, liver, gastrointestinal (GI) tract, skin, lung, brain, exit of unbound, cytosolic Zn into organelles.
heart, and pancreas16,23,24 (Figure 1). Three major routes en-
able Zn entry into the human body12,25,26: (1) inhalation
through the lungs, (2) penetrance through the skin, and (3) in-
Evidence That Urinary Zinc Wasting Can Fuel Zinc
gestion through the GI tract. Notably, these organ systems
Deficiency in CKD
are also responsible for Zn loss. Approximately 0.8–2.7 mg The World Health Organization has deemed Zn
Zn/day are excreted in the feces23 while 500–600 mg Zn/day deficiency a global health crisis, affecting 31% of the
are excreted in sweat.27 The kidneys also regulate Zn excretion population.42,43 While Zn deficiency is well-documented in
as urinary losses amount to 500–800 mg/day.28 patients with CKD,14,17,44-48 it is worth acknowledging that
While the amount required to replenish lost Zn is primarily the following factors are associated with Zn deficiency: veg-
obtained by adequate dietary intake and proper intestinal etarian diets, older age, diabetes, diuretics, inflammatory
absorption, kidney reabsorption is also critical for Zn diseases, and digestive disorders. Thus, parsing out whether
procurement14,29,30 (Figure 2). Zn trafficking to target organs Zn deficiency is a cause or consequence of CKD is quite
subsequently occurs through the serum, where it primarily complicated given the aforementioned confounding factors
circulates bound to plasma proteins such as albumin, mac- in patients with CKD. Multiple mechanisms can contribute to
roglobulins, and transferrin31 (Figure 2). Serum Zn levels in Zn deficiency in patients with CKD, including low dietary
healthy individuals vary from 12 to 16 mM, which corre- intake and increased Zn excretion.18,49,50 A cross-sectional
sponds to , 0.1% of total body Zn.32 However, caution is study examining 145 patients at different stages of CKD
advised when interpreting serum Zn levels because many (stages 1–4) found that serum Zn levels decreased with
factors affect plasma Zn concentration32-38—including sex, CKD progression, whereas serum levels of copper, iron,
age, time of the day, meal consumption, medications (thia- and selenium did not.48 In a case-control study of patients
zides, oral contraceptive use), pregnancy, and inflammation. on maintenance hemodialysis, average serum Zn levels were
significantly lower (69.2 mg/dl617.29) than those in healthy
controls (82.9 mg/dl614.75).44 Although dialysis may con-
tribute to Zn deficiency,51 it should be noted that abnormal-
ities in Zn metabolism develop before end stage kidney
failure and the initiation of dialysis.47
The progressive decline in serum Zn levels observed in
patients with CKD is partially fueled by a newly uncovered
phenomenon—urinary Zn wasting (Figure 3). In a cohort
study, patients with CKD (regardless of stage) exhibited
lower plasma Zn levels (606 mg/L6106.3 versus 664.1 mg/
L6101.2), accompanied by higher urinary Zn excretion
(612.4 mg/day6425.9 versus 479.2 mg/day6293) than pa-
tients without CKD.14 A decline in GFR correlated with
enhanced urinary Zn wasting. A sharp increase in urinary
Zn was observed at stage 3, when most patients receive a
CKD diagnosis. Although hypertension contributes to CKD,
hypertensive patients without CKD also had higher urinary
Zn excretion than normotensive controls. This indicates that
hypertension, in the absence of CKD, can independently
promote urinary Zn excretion. Interestingly, these patients
were at greater risk of experiencing CKD development
within 3 years.14 Taken together, these critical findings in-
dicate that Zn deficiency, accelerated by urinary Zn wasting,
is both an early warning sign for the decline in kidney
Figure 1. Zinc distribution in organs (clockwise). Brain (11 mgZn/
function and a hidden driver of CKD progression.
gram, 0.6%), lungs (17 mg Zn/gram, 0.5%), heart (27 mg Zn/gram,
0.3%), spleen (15 mg Zn/gram, 0.1%), kidneys (55 mg Zn/gram, 0.6%),
skeletal muscles (51 mg Zn/gram, 50%), hair/skin/nails (279 mg
Zn/gram, 4.7%), bone (100 mg Zn/gram, 37%), blood vessels (6.81 mg Does Zinc Deficiency Accelerate the Detrimental
Zn/gram, 1.5%), pancreas (33.3 mg Zn/gram, 0.2%), liver (58 mg Zn/gram, Cycle of Hypertension and Kidney Damage in CKD?
3.4%), stomach (13.4 mg Zn/gram, 0.5%), and eyes (1.3 mg Zn/gram, The kidneys are essential in the maintenance of salt-water
,0.01%). balance and, subsequently, BP control. Because this critical
400 KIDNEY360
Figure 2. Normal zinc handling. MTs, metallothioneins; ZIPs, Zrt-, Irt-like proteins; ZnTs, Zn transporters.
homeostatic function is impaired in the setting of CKD, up stage 5.53 This stark reality creates a detrimental cycle in
to 90% of patients experience comorbid hypertension.6-9 which kidney damage causes hypertension, thus further
Notably, resistant hypertension is a common clinical prob- worsening damage to the kidneys. Hypertension in patients
lem, and CKD poses one of the greatest risks of developing with CKD has many etiologies including a hyperactive
treatment-resistant hypertension.52 The prevalence of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, reduced GFR, altered
hypertension increases with advanced CKD stages, with vascular reactivity, overactivity of the sympathetic nervous
nearly 100% of patients experiencing hypertension in system, and increased Na1 retention.6 As CKD progresses,
BP becomes increasingly Na 1 -sensitive due to the
fluid retention caused by salt intake. We present that the
disruption of renal Na1 excretory function that causes
Na1 retention is fueled by Zn deficiency 54 (Figure 3).
This overlooked culprit may consequently promote the
self-perpetuating cycle of hypertension and kidney damage
(Figure 3) that accelerates CKD progression to end stage
kidney failure.
Zn is an essential micronutrient present in the diet and
readily available as a supplement. The recommended di-
etary allowance of Zn is approximately 11 mg/day for men
and approximately 8 mg/day for women,55 with an in-
creased Zn demand (approximately 10–15 mg) during phys-
iological states of growth such as pregnancy or puberty.31,55
Zn supports numerous aspects of cellular metabolism, and
the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has highlighted the
utility of Zn in immune function.56,57 While Zn’s role in both
vascular58,59 and cardiac functions31,60 is well established, its
impact on kidney function is less known.31 Our laboratory
recently established a regulatory role for Zn in renal Na1
reabsorption by the distal nephron.54 Although most of
Na1 is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule, renal Na1 han-
dling is fine-tuned in the distal nephron. Specifically, this
nephron segment precisely integrates local changes in uri-
nary Na1 with hormonal signals to modulate Na1 excre-
tion, thus maintaining salt-water balance. This sequence of
Figure 3. Zinc deficiency can accelerate the detrimental cycle of physiological events culminates in BP control.
hypertension and kidney damage in CKD. Zn deficiency is partially
In CKD, however, distal nephron function is impaired,61
fueled by a newly uncovered phenomenon—urinary Zn wasting. Zn
resulting in three of five patients with salt-water retention,
deficiency alone causes kidney damage and is also sufficient to in-
duce hypertension. This overlooked culprit drives renal Na1 retention thereby fueling the initiation and persistence of hyperten-
and can consequently promote the self-perpetuating cycle of hy- sion.62 Our preclinical findings provide evidence that Zn
pertension and kidney damage that accelerates CKD progression to deficiency alone causes kidney damage63 and is sufficient to
end stage kidney failure. induce hypertension as a direct consequence of impaired
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