Vanguard Managed Solutions: Vanguard Applications Ware IP and LAN Feature Protocols Ethernet Basics Guide

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Vanguard Managed Solutions

Vanguard Applications Ware IP and LAN Feature Protocols Ethernet Basics Guide


2004 Vanguard Managed Solutions, LLC 575 West Street Mansfield, Massachusetts 02048 (508) 261-4000 All rights reserved Printed in U.S.A.

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The software (including firmware) addressed in this manual is provided to the U.S. Government under agreement which grants the government the minimum restricted rights in the software, as defined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) or the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), whichever is applicable. If the software is procured for use by the Department of Defense, the following legend applies:

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Notwithstanding any other lease or license agreement that may pertain to, or accompany the delivery of, this computer software, the rights of the Government regarding its use, reproduction, and disclosure are as set forth in FAR 52.227-19(C). Unpublished - rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.

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Information and software in this document are proprietary to Vanguard Managed Solutions, LLC (or its Suppliers) and without the express prior permission of an officer, may not be copied, reproduced, disclosed to others, published, or used, in whole or in part, for any purpose other than that for which it is being made available. Use of software described in this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Software License Agreement. This document is for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice.

Part No. T0109, Rev K Publication Code: DS First Printing: November 1998 Manual is current for Release 6.4 of Vanguard Applications Ware. To comment on this manual, please send e-mail to [email protected]

Ethernet Basics Guide Overview

Introduction Ethernet is a common implementation of LAN topology where stations are connected using a bus topology. Stations access the Ethernet using Carrier Sense with Multiple Access and Collision Detection (CSMA/CD). This guide explains how to use configure Vanguard ports for Ethernet operations. In This Manual Topic See Page 2 4 7 12

Ethernet LAN ................................................................................................ Multiple LAN Ethernet.................................................................................. Configuration................................................................................................. Ethernet LAN Port Statistics .........................................................................

Ethernet Basics Guide

Ethernet LAN

Ethernet LAN
Introduction Vanguard Support for Ethernet This section provides a brief description of how Vanguard products use Ethernet. Vanguard Ethernet functionality complies with the IEEE 802.3 specifications and provides Transparent Bridging to transport many different protocols over the Wide Area Network (WAN) to remote destinations. Supported protocols include: Novell Netware DECnet Banyan Vines Example of Basic Ethernet Frame Format Figure 1 shows the basic frame formats for Ethernet frames supported by Vanguard products.
Ethernet Frame Format
Preamble 8 Destination Source Type 6 6 64-1518 2 Data 45-1500 FCS 4 Octets

Figure 1. Frame Format for Ethernet Frames

802.3 MAC Frame Format

Figure 2 shows the supported 802.3 Ethernet MAC Frame format.

802.3 MAC Frame Format
Preamble SFD Destination Source Len Data Unit Pad FCS

DSAP SSAP Control Higher Layer Information 1 1 1 or 2 42-1497 Octets


Figure 2. 802.3 Ethernet MAC Frame Format Example

Ethernet Basics Guide

Ethernet LAN

Example of Ethernet Bridge Operation

Figure 3 shows an example of two Ethernet LANs connected across a WAN using two Vanguard products as bridges. The example shows a Frame Relay WAN application, but you can also bridge across an X.25 WAN.


Frame Relay


Figure 3. Ethernet Bridge Example

Ethernet Basics Guide T0109, Revision K

3 Release 6.4

Multiple LAN Ethernet

Multiple LAN Ethernet

What Is It? The Multiple LAN Ethernet feature lets your Vanguard 6520 nodes perform bridging and routing of LAN traffic across multiple LANs. Before Multiple Ethernet LAN, the Vanguard 6520 supported only one Ethernet LAN port for remote bridging and routing of LAN traffic. However, with the Multiple Ethernet LAN feature, you can bridge and route LAN traffic locally and remotely using up to two LAN ports on each Vanguard 6520 node, as shown in Figure 4. You should configure the first LAN card in your device as Bridge Link Number 1 or Router Interface Number 1. Failure to do so may cause your device to perform continuous resets when you power up the device after reinstalling an earlier release of operating software. Sample Application Figure 4 shows a sample application for the Multiple Ethernet LAN feature.
Ethernet 1 Port 13 Ethernet 1




Port 19 Ethernet 2

Ethernet 2

Figure 4. Example of Multiple Ethernet LAN


The Vanguard 6520 supports only two Ethernet LAN ports at one time. If you configure more than two Ethernet ports on a Vanguard 6520, the system initializes only the first two ports you configure during system powerup. In a transparent Bridging environment, if you connect both Ethernet LAN ports to the same Ethernet segment, you must enable Spanning Tree. Failure to enable Spanning Tree in this configuration is a violation of the rules of transparent bridging. In IP/IPX or AppleTalk routing environments, do not connect both Ethernet LAN ports to the same Ethernet segment with identical routing decision values. This is not supported.



Ethernet Basics Guide

Multiple LAN Ethernet

Configure Multiple Ethernet LAN

Follow these steps to configure your device for Multiple Ethernet LAN.

Step 1 2 3

Action Make a local CTP connection to a Vanguard 6520 node. From the CTP Main menu, select Configure->Port. Configure the Port record as you normally do for an Ethernet LAN connection. At the Bridge Link Number: parameter, type in a number 1 to 4 to identify the bridge link, and press Return. Note The default value for this parameter is 1.

Result/Description CTP is physically connected to the device you are configuring. The Port record appears. The Bridge Link Number and Router Interface parameters appear in this record. This matches this port configuration to a specific bridge link number within the bridging configuration. If the bridge link you select is already used, a warning message appears, but your input is retained in the CMEM.

At the Router Interface Number: This matches this port configuration parameter, type in a number 1 to 4 to a router link number within the to identify the router interface. router configuration. If the router interface number you select is already Note used, a warning message appears, but The default value for this your input is retained in the CMEM. parameter is 1. Type ; and press Return to save the This saves the record. record. Perform a Node boot from the Boot menu. This implements your changes, but if you want the new bridge link to be active, you must configure the Bridge Link record under the Configure Bridge menu. Go to the following step. By default, the bridge link is not activated until you activate it. The Bridge Link Parameters menu appears.

6 7

To activate the bridge link, select Configure Bridge->Bridge Link Parameters from the CTP Main menu. Type ; and press Return. Perform a Bridge Link boot from the Boot menu.

9 10

The record is saved. This enables the bridge link.

Ethernet Basics Guide T0109, Revision K

5 Release 6.4

Multiple LAN Ethernet

Configuration Example

Figure 5 is a sample configuration showing the critical parameters for configuring an RFC877 LAN Connection between two Vanguard 6520 nodes.

6520 100

X25-1 Port 1

6520 200

Mnemonic Table Entry 1 Mnemonic Name: Call Parameters: Route Selection Table Entry 1 Address: Destination: Entry 2 Address: Destination:

Remote 20094 200* X25-1 10094 LCON ROUT 5 RFC877 Remote 4 90 OFF HIGH 16000

Mnemonic Table Entry 1 Mnemonic Name: Call Parameters: Route Selection Table Entry 1 Address: Destination: Entry 2 Address: Destination:

Remote 10094 100* X25-1 20094 LCON ROUT 5 RFC877 Remote 4 90 OFF HIGH 16000

LAN Connection Table LAN Forwarder Type: Router Interface Number: Encapsulation Type: Autocall Mnemonic: Autocall Timeout: Idle Timeout: Billing Records: Traffic Priority: LCON Queue Limit:

LAN Connection Table LAN Forwarder Type: Router Interface Number: Encapsulation Type: Autocall Mnemonic: Autocall Timeout: Idle Timeout: Billing Records: Traffic Priority: LCON Queue Limit:

Figure 5. RFC877 LAN Connection Between Two Vanguard 6520 Nodes

Ethernet Basics Guide


Introduction This section describes the Ethernet Port Parameters Figure 6 shows the location of the Ethernet Port Record and lists the parameters.

Menu: Configure Node Port


Port Number *Port Type LAN Cable Type *Port MAC Address *Local Ring Number Transmit Queue Limit Carrier Sense Limit Collision Detection Filter *Bridge Link Number *Router Interface Number Port Operating Mode Encapsulation Native VLAN ID DSCP-to-Cos Profile

Figure 6. Ethernet Port Record


These parameters make up the Ethernet LAN Port Record. Note An asterisk (*) in the parameter name indicates that a node boot is required for changes to take effect.

Port Number Range: Default: Description: Dependent on hardware platform 1 Represents the physical port number. Note You must perform a node boot for changes to this parameter to take effect.

Ethernet Basics Guide T0109, Revision K

7 Release 6.4


*Port Type Range: Default: Description: NULL, ETH ETH Specifies the port type: NULL: Reserves the port for future use and does not require that you set any parameters. ETH: Specifies this port as an Ethernet port. Note You must perform a node boot for changes to this parameter to take effect.

LAN Cable Type Range: Default: Description: AUI, UTP AUI Specifies the type of cable and connector to use for the LAN interface: UTP: Unshielded Twisted Pair (RJ-45) AUI: Attachment Unit Interface (DB-15) Note You must perform a node boot for changes to this parameter to take effect.

*Port MAC Address Range: Default: Description: 00-00-00-00-00-00 to FE-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF 00-00-00-00-00-00 Specifies the MAC address of the LAN port. If you enter 00-00-00-00-00-00, the Burned In Address (BIA) of the LAN hardware (if present) is used. Note You must perform a node boot for changes to this parameter to take effect.

Ethernet Basics Guide


Transmit Queue Limit Range: Default: Description: 20 to 500 50 Specifies the number of frames that can be queued to the LAN transmitter before any frame is dropped. In multiple Ethernet systems, you may need to set this to a high value. Note You must perform a node boot for changes to this parameter to take effect.

Carrier Sense Filter Range: Default: Description: 0 to 7 0 Specifies the width required of the carrier sense signal, in bit times, before it is recognized as active. Carrier sense deactivation is recognized immediately. This function is useful in noisy cable environments. Note You must perform a node boot for changes to this parameter to take effect.

Collision Detect Filter Range: Default: Description: 0 to 7 0 Specifies the width required of the collision detection signal, in bit times, before the network recognizes that a collision has occurred. Note You must perform a node boot for changes to this parameter to take effect.

Ethernet Basics Guide T0109, Revision K

9 Release 6.4


*Bridge Link Number Range: Default: Description: 1 to 4 1 Specifies the number of the Bridge Link associated with this LAN port. Note Make sure that the corresponding Bridge Link Record is configured. Note You must perform a node boot for changes to this parameter to take effect.

*Router Interface Number Range: Default: Description: 1 to 4 1 Specifies the number Router Interface associated with this LAN port. Note You must perform a node boot for changes to this parameter to take effect.

Port Operating Mode Range: Default: Description: AUTO, 1000FD, 100FD, 100HD, 10FD, 10HD AUTO Specifies whether this LAN port runs in 1000Mbit Full-Duplex, 100Mbit Full-Duplex, 100Mbit Half-Duplex, 10Mbit Full-Duplex, 10Mbit Half-Duplex, or Auto-Negotiation mode. Note Vanguard 7300 Series - Release 6.4 and greater software supports 1000FD on ports 101 and 103 using the IBM750FX CPU card. ETH1 is port 101, ETH2 is port 103. Port 102 is the COM port.


Ethernet Basics Guide


VLAN Parameters

The following parameters have been added to the Ethernet port record to support VLAN applications. VLAN is available in Release 6.2.R000 and greater software.

802.1Q Encapsulation Range: Default: Description: None, 802.1Q None This parameter selects the Ethernet frame encapsulation methods supported on this port. The possible options are: None - Standard Ethernet frame format is supported. 802.1Q - IEEE 802.1Q format Ethernet frame formats are supported. Port

Boot Type:

Native VLAN ID Range: Default: Description: 1 to 4094 1 This parameter configures the native VLAN ID for this port. Untagged frames received on this port will be assigned to the native VLAN. Port

Boot Type:

DSCP-to-Cos Profile Range: Default: Description: 0 to 4 0 This parameter selects the DSCP-to-Cos mapping profile to use when setting CoS values in outgoing frames based on the DSCP field in outgoing packets. Values 1 through 4 select the associated profile. A setting of 0 means no profile is used and that CoS values are not based on DSCP values. Port

Boot Type:

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11 Release 6.4

Ethernet LAN Port Statistics

Ethernet LAN Port Statistics

Introduction When you select Detailed LAN Port Statistics, a screen appears containing information about LAN Ports. This section describes the statistics available for an Ethernet LAN connection. What You See in This Screen Figure 7 is an example of the Detailed LAN Port Statistics screen for Ethernet.

Detailed LAN Port Statistics: Port 5


1 of

Port Number: 5 Port Type: ETH Port Status: ENABLE Bridge Link Number:2 Router Interface Number: 2 RX Error Condition: Normal Carrier: Present TX Error Condition: Normal Port Address: 08-00-3E-00-50-B2 Port Operating Mode: Half Last Statistics Reset: Physical Summary: RX FCS Errors: RX Alignment Errors: RX Collisions: RX Short Frames: RX Long Frames: RX Congestions: RX HA Discards: Data Summary: RX Bytes 255345 Frames 1146 Avg Frame Len 122 FPS 14 1 14 0 14 0 0 3228 TX 21883 51 255 0 TX Carrier Sense Discards: TX Max Collisions Discards: TX Total Discards: TX Multi Collisions: TX Late Collisions: TX Single Collisions: 0 0 0 0 0 0

Press any key to continue ( ESC to exit ) ...

Figure 7. Ethernet Detailed LAN Port Statistics

Description of Terms

This table describes the information in the Detailed LAN Port Statistics screen:

Screen Term Port Number Port Type Port Status Bridge Link Number

Description Number of the port displaying statistics. ETH: Configured Value of the Port type. Can be either Enable or Disable depending upon the Port Control command. Indicates the Bridge Link Number that is configured for the port.

Router Interface Number Indicates the Router Interface Number that is configured for the port.


Ethernet Basics Guide

Ethernet LAN Port Statistics

Screen Term RX Error Condition

Description (continued) Indicates if the number of errors found in the Physical Summary is either excessive or normal. RX indicates frames coming into the Vanguard product. The determination of excessive or normal is a hardcoded setting within the Vanguard product. Indicates if a signal has been detected from the ethernet segment. Indicates if the number of errors found in the Physical Summary is either excessive or normal. TX indicates frames that are leaving the Vanguard product. The determination of excessive or normal is a hardcoded settting within the Vanguard product. Indicates the configured MAC port address assigned to this port. Specifies whether this LAN port runs in 1000Mbit FullDuplex, 100Mbit Full-Duplex, 100Mbit Half-Duplex, 10Mbit Full-Duplex, 10Mbit Half-Duplex, or AutoNegotiation mode. Ethernet transceiver received frame with a checksum error. Frame is discarded. Ethernet transceiver received a frame that does not end on an octet boundary. Frame is discarded. While Ethernet transceiver is receiving a frame, it detects a collision on the Ethernet. These frames are discarded. Ethernet transceiver received a frame whose length is less that 64 bytes. These frames are discarded. Ethernet transceiver received a frame whose length (including CRC) is greater that 1518. These frames are discarded. Ethernet transceiver received a frame but did not have any buffer space to store the frame. These frames are discarded. The Ethernet LAN Card Hardware Accelerator (HA) function indicates to the Ethernet transceiver not to receive frames that are destined to Stations on the Local LAN. These frames are not received by the Ethernet transceiver, and are referred to as RX HA Discards. The number of frames that were lost when the Ethernet transceiver detected a No Carrier condition on the Ethernet LAN when it was attempting to transmit. This is usually due to the Ethernet LAN Port Cable being disconnected.

Carrier TX Error Condition

Port Address Port Operating Mode

RX FCS Errors RX Alignment Errors RX Collisions

RX Short Frames RX Long Frames:

RX Congestions:

RX HA Discards:

TX Carrier Sense Discards:

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Ethernet LAN Port Statistics

Screen Term TX Single Collisions

Description (continued) This is the number of times that the Ethernet transceiver attempted to transmit a frame and a collision occurred during the frame preamble. Collisions are usually indicative of heavy LAN traffic or 802.3 LAN length specifications being exceeded. This is the number of times that the Ethernet transceiver made multiple attempts to transmit a frame and a collision occurred during the frame preamble on each attempt. This is the number of times that the Ethernet transceiver made 16 attempts to transmit a frame and a collision occurred during the frame preamble on each attempt. After 16 attempts, the Ethernet transceiver drops the frame it tried to transmit. This is the number of times that the Ethernet transceiver attempted to transmit a frame and a collision occurred after the frame preamble, and during the actual data of the frame. A frame where a late collision occurred is lost. This is the number of frames that the Ethernet transceiver transmitter dropped. It is the sum of TX Carrier Sense Discards and TX Max Collisions Discards, plus the number of frame dropped due to Transmit Queue Overflow.

TX Multi Collisions

TX Max Collisions Discards:

TX Late Collisions:

TX Total Discards:


Ethernet Basics Guide

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