Moving Coil Galvanometer Porject Class 12

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Table of contents Description Page no

1 Introduction 1

Principle of a moving coil

2. 3
Construction of a moving coil
3. 5

4. Sensitivity of galvanometer 9

Conversion of galvanometer
5. 12
into Voltmeter
Conversion of galvanometer to
6. 16

7. Advantages of galvanometer 20

8. Conclusion 23

9. Bibliography 24


 Galvanometer is an electromechanical instrument for

detecting and indicating electric current. A
galvanometer works as an actuator, by producing a
rotary deflection (of a “pointer”), in response to
electric current flowing through a coil in a constant
magnetic field.

 Early galvanometers were not calibrated, but their

later developments were used as measuring
instruments, called ammeters, to measure the current
flowing through an electric circuit.

 Galvanometers developed from the observation that

the needle of a magnetic compass is deflected near a
wire that has electric current flowing through it, first
described by Hans Oersted in 1820.

 André-Marie Ampère, who gave mathematical

expression to Oersted’s discovery and named the
instrument after the Italian electricity
researcher Luigi Galvani, who in 1791 discovered the

Principle of the frog galvanoscope – that electric
current would make the legs of a dead frog jerk.

 Sensitive galvanometers have been essential for the

development of science and technology in many fields.


 A moving coil galvanometer works on the principle of

electromagnetic induction, specifically torque on a
current-carrying coil in a magnetic field.

 When an electric current passes through a rectangular

coil placed in a uniform magnetic field, the coil
experiences a torque.

 This torque causes the coil to rotate, and the rotation

is proportional to the current passing through the coil,
allowing the device to measure the current.

 This instrument is widely used in applications where

precise current measurements are essential, such as in
laboratories and electrical testing environments.


1. Coil

 Material: The coil is usually made of thin, insulated

copper wire.
 Shape: It is typically rectangular or circular in shape,
and it is wound around a lightweight, non-magnetic
frame (often made of aluminium or copper).
 Turns: The coil has multiple turns to increase the
interaction with the magnetic field and enhance the
sensitivity of the galvanometer.
 Function: When current flows through the coil, it
interacts with the magnetic field, creating a torque
that causes the coil to rotate.

2. Magnet

 Permanent Magnet: A strong, permanent magnet is

used to generate a uniform magnetic field. The
magnet is often shaped with curved poles to ensure
that the magnetic field remains radial and uniform.

 Pole Pieces: The poles of the magnet are designed to
have concave or cylindrical surfaces. This helps
produce a radial magnetic field, which ensures that
the plane of the coil remains perpendicular to the
magnetic field during rotation.
 Magnetic Field: The uniform magnetic field is
crucial for the accurate deflection of the coil, as it
ensures that the torque acting on the coil is
proportional to the current.

3. Soft Iron Core

 Material: A cylindrical soft iron core is placed

inside the coil.
 Function: The soft iron core is used to strengthen
and concentrate the magnetic field lines, increasing
the sensitivity of the galvanometer.
 Purpose: The core helps create a uniform magnetic
field in the region where the coil rotates, improving
the device’s precision.

4. Suspension System

 Torsion Wire or Spring: The coil is suspended by a

fine torsion wire or supported on pivots. The wire is
made of a material like phosphor bronze, which has
low torsional rigidity. In some designs, a fine helical
spring is used.
 Restoring Force: The suspension wire or spring
Provides a restoring torque that brings the coil back
to its original position once the current is removed.
The amount of deflection of the coil is balanced by
the restoring force.
 Lower Support: The lower end of the coil may rest
on a jewelled bearing to ensure smooth rotation and
minimize friction.

5. Pointer and Scale

 Pointer: A lightweight pointer is attached to the

coil. As the coil rotates due to the torque exerted by
the current, the pointer moves over a calibrated

 Scale: The scale is typically marked in units of
current (amperes or milliamperes) or deflection
(degrees), allowing the user to measure the current
directly. The deflection of the pointer is proportional
to the current flowing through the coil.


 The sensitivity of a galvanometer refers to how small

a current the instrument can detect and measure
accurately. A more sensitive galvanometer can detect
smaller currents, resulting in greater precision in
current measurement.
 There are two types of sensitivity often discussed:

1. Current Sensitivity
Definition: Current sensitivity of a galvanometer is the
amount of deflection produced per unit current passing
through the coil.
Higher Current Sensitivity means the galvanometer
deflects more for a given small current, making it easier
to detect small changes in current. To increase current
sensitivity, you can:
 Increase the number of turns of the coil.

 Increase the magnetic field strength.

 Increase the area of the coil.

 Reduce the restoring torque constant (which is

related to the torsion spring).

2. Voltage Sensitivity

Definition: Voltage sensitivity refers to the deflection
produced per unit voltage applied across the
Voltage sensitivity depends on both the current
sensitivity and the resistance of the galvanometer.
Factors Affecting Sensitivity:

Magnetic Field Strength

A stronger magnetic field increases the torque on the
coil for a given current, resulting in greater deflection
and higher sensitivity.

Number of Turns of the Coil

Increasing the number of turns increases the total
force acting on the coil, leading to greater sensitivity.

Area of the Coil

A larger coil area increases the interaction between
the coil and the magnetic field, improving sensitivity.

Torsion Constant of the Suspension Wire

A lower torsion constant means the coil experiences
less restoring force for a given deflection, increasing
the sensitivity.

Resistance of the Coil:
The resistance of the coil affects voltage sensitivity.
Lower resistance results in higher voltage sensitivity
for the same current sensitivity.

Increasing the Sensitivity:

To increase the sensitivity of a galvanometer:

 Increase the number of turns in the coil.

 Use a stronger magnetic field.
 Increase the area of the coil.
 Use a suspension wire with a lower torsional
constant to decrease the restoring torque.
 Reduce the coil resistance for higher voltage


A galvanometer can be converted into a voltmeter by

connecting a high resistance, known as a series
resistance or multiplier, in series with the galvanometer
coil. The purpose of this series resistance is to limit the
current flowing through the galvanometer so that it can
measure high voltages without being damaged.


A voltmeter is used to measure the potential difference

(voltage) across two points in a circuit. To do this, it
must have a very high resistance so that it draws minimal
current from the circuit, ensuring that it does not affect
the circuit operation.


Determine the Full-Scale Deflection Current of the

The galvanometer has a maximum current (Ig) that it
can handle without damage. This is known as the full-
scale deflection current. When this current flows
through the galvanometer, it produces maximum

Choose the Voltage Range for the Voltmeter:

Decide the voltage range (V) that the new voltmeter
should measure. For example, if you want the
voltmeter to measure up to 10 volts, this is the
maximum voltage it should display.

Calculate the Series Resistance (Multiplier):

To convert the galvanometer to a voltmeter, a series
resistance (Rs) must be added to ensure that the
galvanometer only receives its maximum current
(Ig)when the voltmeter measures the maximum

The total voltage across the galvanometer and the

series resistance is given by:
V is the maximum voltage to be measured.
Ig is the full-scale deflection current of the
G is the internal resistance of the galvanometer.
Rs is the series resistance to be added.

This gives the value of the series resistance that needs to
be added to convert the galvanometer into a voltmeter
with the desired voltage range.

Important Points:

 High Resistance: The series resistance should be

much larger than the internal resistance of the
galvanometer to ensure minimal current is drawn
from the circuit.

 Parallel Connection: A voltmeter is always
connected in parallel to the component across which
the voltage is to be measured.

 Accuracy: By using a high series resistance, the

voltmeter will have a negligible effect on the circuit,
ensuring accurate voltage measurements.


A galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter by

connecting a low resistance, called a shunt resistance, in
parallel with the galvanometer. The purpose of the shunt
resistance is to allow most of the current to bypass the
galvanometer, protecting it from large currents while
allowing the device to measure high currents.


An ammeter is used to measure current, and it should

have a very low resistance to minimize the impact on the
circuit. The current flowing through the galvanometer is
very small, so a shunt resistor is placed in parallel to
divert most of the current away from the sensitive
galvanometer coil.

Determine the Full-Scale Deflection Current of the

The galvanometer has a maximum current Ig, which
is the current that produces full-scale deflection in
the galvanometer.

Decide the Range of the Ammeter:

Choose the maximum current III that the ammeter
should measure. This is the total current that flows
through the ammeter (galvanometer + shunt).

Calculate the Shunt Resistance:

A shunt resistor Rs is connected in parallel with the
galvanometer to allow the majority of the current to
bypass the galvanometer.

The total current I is the sum of the current through

the galvanometer Ig and the current through the shunt
resistor Is given below
Since the galvanometer and the shunt resistor are in
parallel, they both have the same potential difference
across them. Using Ohm’s law:
Vg=Ig⋅ Rs= Is⋅ Rs

Vg is the voltage across the galvanometer (and shunt).
Ig is the full-scale deflection current of the
Rg is the resistance of the galvanometer.
Is is the current through the shunt.
Rs is the shunt resistance.

This gives the value of the shunt resistor required to

convert the galvanometer into an ammeter for the
desired current range.

Important Points:

 Low Resistance: The shunt resistance must be very

small compared to the galvanometer resistance to
ensure most of the current flows through the shunt.

 Series Connection: An ammeter is always connected

in series with the circuit element whose current is to
be measured, so that the entire current passes
through the ammeter.

 Accuracy: The low resistance of the ammeter ensures

that it introduces minimal voltage drop in the circuit,
making the current measurement accurate.


High Sensitivity:
Moving coil galvanometers are highly sensitive,
meaning they can detect very small currents. This
makes them ideal for applications requiring precise
current measurements.

Linear Scale:
The deflection of the coil is directly proportional to the
current passing through it. This gives the instrument
a linear scale, making it easier to read and interpret the
results accurately.

High Accuracy:
The device provides highly accurate measurements
due to its sensitivity and linearity. The uniform
magnetic field and construction minimize
measurement errors.

The eddy current damping mechanism in the coil
frame ensures that the pointer comes to rest quickly
without oscillations, making readings stable, fast

And Low Power Consumption. Moving coil
galvanometers consume very little power, as they
require only small currents for deflection, which is
particularly useful in low-power applications.

No Hysteresis:
Since it uses a permanent magnet, the moving coil
galvanometer does not exhibit hysteresis, which
means it does not retain magnetization or have a
memory effect that can interfere with readings.

The uniform magnetic field and the lightweight coil
allow for precise movements and minimize friction,
leading to more reliable measurements.

Wide Range of Measurement:

By adjusting the series resistance or shunt resistance,
the same galvanometer can be used to measure
different ranges of currents or voltages, making it

Portable and Compact:
Moving coil galvanometers are generally compact and
portable, making them easy to use in various
laboratory or field applications.


 In conclusion, the moving coil galvanometer is a

valuable instrument in electrical measurements,
providing accurate and sensitive readings of small
electric currents. Its conversion into voltmeter and
ammeter further extends its versatility in various
applications. While it offers several advantages,
including accuracy, linear response, and low power
consumption, there are certain limitations such as a
limited range and susceptibility to external factors.
 To ensure reliable and precise measurements with a
moving coil galvanometer, it is essential to follow
precautions such as careful handling, avoiding
strong magnetic fields, and maintaining proper
calibration. Regular maintenance and attention to
environmental conditions contribute to the
durability and longevity of the instrument.
 Overall, the moving coil galvanometer continues to
play a crucial role in scientific and technological
advancements, contributing to the understanding
and measurement of electric currents in diverse


 NCERT Physics Class XII Textbook Part-I


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