Yct Ece Vol 2
Yct Ece Vol 2
Yct Ece Vol 2
Electronics &
Previous Years Chapterwise and
Sub-topicwise Objective Solved Papers
ASSAM PSC, APPSC, BPSC, CGPSC, DRDO Scientist, GATE, Gujarat PSC, Haryana PSC,
HPPSC, JPSC, J&K PSC, Kerala PSC, Karnataka PSC, KPTCL AE, Maharashtra PSC, MP
PSC, Mizoram PSC, Odisha PSC, Punjab PSC, RPSC, TNPSC, TANGEDCO AE, Tamilnadu
Chief Editor
A.K. Mahajan
Compiled by
Er. Pradeep Kumar
Edited by
Er. Anil Kumar, Er. Rakesh Patel
Computer Graphics by
Balkrishna Tripathi, Charan Singh
Editorial Office
Youth Competition Times
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Edited and Published by A.K. Mahajan for YCT Publications Pvt. Ltd.
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Electronics &
Communication Engineering
Chapterwise solved Papers
Electronic Devices and Circuits
Analog Electronics
Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation
Digital Electronics
Advanced Electronics
Power Electronics & Drives
Control system
Signals and Systems Processing
Network Theory
Electromagnetic Field Theory
Communication System
Advance Communication System
Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Computer Organization and Architecture
Basic Electrical Engineering
Material Science
Engineering mathematics
Microwave Engineering
Electronics & Communication Engineering AE Syllabus ....................... 5-6
Electronics & Communication Engineering AE Previous
Year Exam Paper Analysis Chart ............................................................ 7-11
Trend Analysis of Previous Year Papers
Through Bar Graph and Pie Chart.............................................................. 12
Network Theory ..................................................................................................... 13-391
Basics of Network Analysis............................................................................................13
Transient State Analysis & Steady State Analysis .......................................................114
Network Theorems .......................................................................................................177
Two Port Network ........................................................................................................221
Magnetic Coupled Circuit.............................................................................................268
Network Synthesis and Function ..................................................................................277
Graph Theory ................................................................................................................304
AC supply .....................................................................................................................319
Resonance .....................................................................................................................357
Filter ..............................................................................................................................381
Electromagnetic Field Theory ......................................................................... 392-611
Co-ordinate System & Vector Calculus........................................................................392
Electrostatic and Magnetostatic Field ...........................................................................406
Time Varying & Electromagnetic Field .......................................................................466
EM Wave & Transmission Line ...................................................................................480
Communication System ..................................................................................... 612-800
Random Signals and Noise ...........................................................................................612
Analog Communication System ...................................................................................641
Information Theory and Coding ...................................................................................718
Digital Communication System ....................................................................................738
Advance communication system .................................................................... 801-911
Communication Network ..............................................................................................801
Antenna & Microwave Communication .......................................................................815
Radar & Satellite Communication ................................................................................869
Optical Fiber Communication ......................................................................................890
TV, Audio and Video....................................................................................................906
Microprocessor and Microcontroller ........................................................... 912-966
Basics of 8085 Microprocessor.....................................................................................912
Instruction set and Programming of 8085.....................................................................920
Interrupts of 8085..........................................................................................................942
Interfacing of Memory Devices with 8085 ...................................................................946
8086 Microprocessor ....................................................................................................957
Microcontroller .............................................................................................................961
Computer Organization and Architecture ............................................... 967-1019
Basics of Computer Organization, Architecture & Memory ........................................967
Data structure and DBMS .............................................................................................991
Programming and operating system ...........................................................................1000
Basic Electrical Engineering ........................................................................ 1020-1055
Electromagnetism .......................................................................................................1023
Transformer ................................................................................................................1027
DC Machine ................................................................................................................1038
Induction Machine ......................................................................................................1045
Synchronous Machine.................................................................................................1050
Electrical Power Source ..............................................................................................1052
Single phase Motor .....................................................................................................1055
Materials Science ............................................................................................. 1056-1148
Structure of materials ..................................................................................................1056
Dielectric Properties of Materials ...............................................................................1067
Magnetic Properties of Materials ................................................................................1087
Semiconductors ...........................................................................................................1105
Conductive Materials ..................................................................................................1122
Super Conductor .........................................................................................................1136
Ceramic Materials .......................................................................................................1143
Nanotechnology ..........................................................................................................1147
Engineering mathematics ............................................................................. 1149-1228
Linear Algebra ............................................................................................................1149
Calculus ......................................................................................................................1165
Differential Equation ..................................................................................................1187
Complex Variable .......................................................................................................1202
Probability and Statistics ............................................................................................1211
Fourier Series & Transform Theory ...........................................................................1219
Numerical Method ......................................................................................................1225
Microwave Engineering................................................................................. 1229-1264
Introduction .................................................................................................................1229
Waveguides .................................................................................................................1231
Microwave Hybrid Circuit ..........................................................................................1255
Microwave Transistor and Tunnel Diode ...................................................................1257
Transferred Electron Devices .....................................................................................1260
Microwave Linear Beam Tubes (O-type) ...................................................................1260
Avalanche Transit Time Device .................................................................................1263
Microwave Crossed Field Tubes (M-type) .................................................................1263
Microwave Measurements ..........................................................................................1264
Note : Electronic Devices and Circuits, Analog Electronics, Electronics Measurements and
Instrumentation, Digital Electronics, Advanced Electronics, Power Electronics &
Drives, Control system, Signals and Systems Processing (Study Volume-I)
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Networks Theory:
Basic of Network Theory, Nodal and Mesh analysis, Network Theorems- Superposition Theorem, Thevenin and
Norton's Theorem, Maximum power transfer Theorem, Star-Delta transformation, Duality Steady state,
Sinusoidal analysis, Time domain analysis of simple linear circuits, Frequency domain analysis of RLC (Series
and Parallel) circuits, Two port network parameters, Graph Theory.
Electrostatics, Maxwell's equations, wave equation, Poynting theorem & vector. Plane waves- Reflection and
refraction, polarization, phase and group velocity, calculation of skin depth, Transmission lines- Equations,
characteristic impedance, impedance matching, impedance transformation, S-parameters, Smith chart,
Waveguides- Basic of Waveguides. Antennas- Basic Concept, Definition, Types of Antenna, radiation pattern,
gain, and directivity return loss etc.
Materials : Classification of materials , Conducting, semi-conducting and insulating materials through a brief
reference to their atomic structure. Conducting Materials : Resistors and factors affecting resistivity such as
temperature, alloying and mechanical stressing. Classification of conducting materials into low resistivity and
high resistivity materials. Insulating Materials : Important relevant characteristics (electrical, mechanical and
thermal) and applications of the following material: Mica, Glass, Copper, Silver, PVC, Silicon, Rubber,
Bakelite, Cotton, Ceramic, Polyester, Polythene and Varnish. Magnetic Materials : Different Magnetic
materials; (Dia, Para, Ferro) and their properties. Ferro magnetism, Domains, permeability, Hysteresis loop.
Soft and hard magnetic materials, their examples and typical applications.
Electronics measurement and instrumentation:
Electronics measurement and non-electrical quantities, Electronics measuring instruments, Error analysis,
Measurements of basic electrical quantities, Transducers, Working principle of measuring instruments.
Electronic Devices Circuits (EDC):
Energy bands in intrinsic and extrinsic silicon, Carrier transport- diffusion current, Drift current, Mobility and
Resistivity, Diffusion constant, Generation and recombination of carriers, Diode, BJT (Bipolar Junction
Transistor), P-N junction, Transistor, Zener diode, LED (Light Emitting Diode), a photodiode and solar cell.
Analog Electronics:
BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor), and MOSFETs, Simple diode circuits- clipping, clamping and rectifiers, BJT
and MOSFET amplifiers- multi-stage, differential, feedback, power and operational, Operational Amplifier
circuits, Active filters, Oscillators- criterion for oscillation, RC Phase Shift, using transistor and FET, Wein
bridge, Clapp's, Colpitts oscillator only Formula, Function generators, wave-shaping circuits and 555 timers,
Voltage reference circuits, Power supplies- ripple removal and regulation.
Power Electronics:
Power semiconductor: Power semiconductor devices their symbols and static characteristics and
specifications of switches, types of power electronics circuits Operations, steady state & switch
characteristics & switching limits of Power Transistor Operation and steady state characteristics of Power
MOSFET and IGBT Thyristor Operation V-I characteristics, two transistor mode, methods of turn-on
operation of GTO, MCT and TRIAC.
Phase Controlled Rectifiers: Phase Angle Control, Single-phase half-wave Controlled Rectifier (One
quadrant), Single-phase Full-wave Controlled Rectifier (Two quadrant Converters), Performance Factors of
Line-commutated Converters. The Performance Measures of Two-pulse converters, Three phase Controlled
Signal and System:
Time Shifting, Scaling & Reversal, System- Linear, causality, stability, Fourier series and Fourier transform
representations, Sampling theorem, Discrete- Time signals – discrete-time Fourier transform, DFT (Discrete
Fourier transform), FFT and Z-transform, LTI systems- Properties, frequency response, group delay, phase
Control Systems:
Basic control system, Transfer function mason's formula, Block diagram representation, Signal flow graph,
Transient and steady-state analysis of LTI systems- First and Second Order System, Frequency response-
Routh-Hurwitz criterion, Polar Plot analysis, and Nyquist stability criteria, Bode plot and root-locus plots,
Calculation of Gain and Phase Margin, Lag, lead and lag-lead compensation, P, PI, PD, and PID, State variable
Analysis- State model solution of LTI systems, State model to transfer function, Controllability, and
Observability. Non-Linear Control System : Introduction, behaviour of non-linear control system. Different
types of nonlinearities, saturation, backlash, hysteresis, dead zone, relay, fiction, characteristics of non-linear
control system, limit cycles, jump resonance, jump phenomenon. Difference between linear and non-linear
control system.
Digital Electronics:
Number systems, Code converters: BCD, Binary, HEX, Octal other codes, Combinational Circuits, Boolean
algebra, Karnaugh map, CMOS implementations, Arithmetic Circuits Multiplexers, Encoder & Decoders,
Sequential circuits- latches and all flip-flops, counters, shift-registers, Data converters- ADC (Analog to Digital
Converter) and DAC (Digital to Analog Converter). Semiconductor memories: ROM (Read Only Memory),
SRAM (Static Read Access Memory), DRAM (Dynamic read Access Memory).
Microprocessor and Microcontroller:
Architecture, All Instruction, Programming, Memory. Architecture of a typical microprocessor, configurations
and instructional pair configuration systems and working of various peripheral interface chips. 8085
Microprocessors, architecture, instruction sets and introduction to 8086.Micro controller: Introduction,
Microcontrollers and Embedded systems, Overview of the 8051, Inside the 8051, Addressing modes, assembly
programming, 8051 data types and directives, interfacing with 8051, Programming the 8051 times.
Communication System:
Analog Communication System: Amplitude modulation and demodulation For Sinusoidal, Rectangular and
Triangular Signal, Angle modulation (Frequency and Phase Modulation) and demodulation, AM and FM
Spectrum Analysis, super heterodyne receivers. Digital communications: PCM (Pulse Code Modulation),
DPCM (Delta Pulse Code Modulation), digital modulation schemes, Bandwidth Calculation, SNR (Signal to
Noise ratio) and BER/Probability error for digital modulation, Fundamentals of error correction, Hamming
codes, Inter-symbol interference, Basics of TDMA, FDMA and CDMA (Code-division Multiple access),
Information theory-Entropy, mutual information and channel capacity theorem.
Advance Communication System
Telephone instruments and signal: Introduction, the subscriber loop, standard telephone set, basic call
procedure, cordless telephones, electronic telephones. Telephone circuit: Introduction, the local subscriber
loop, channel noise and units of power measurements, transmission parameters, voice frequency circuit
arrangements. Public telephone network: Transmission system, public telephone network, automated central
office switches and exchanges, telephone switching hierarchy, common channel signaling system. Multiplexing
of telephone channels: TDM, digital hierarchy, digital carrier line encoding, T-carrier systems, digital carrier
frame synchronization, FDM, WDM. Digital telephony: Introduction, voice digitization, TDM of PCM signals,
digital carrier, Fractional T-Carrier Service, Data Terminal, Digital Carrier Line Encoding, Error Detection, T
Carrier System, T-1 Carrier Computer Networking: Network features- Network topologies, protocols-
TCP/IP, UDP, FTP, models, types, network components, network medias, Specification and standards, types of
cables, UTP, STP, Coaxial cables, Network components like hub, Ethernet switch, router, NIC Cards,
connectors, media and firewall. Difference between PC & Server.
Computer aided Instrumentation, Buses and Standards : Introduction , BUS types : The I/O BUS a) ISA
bus b) EISA Bus c) PCI bus , GPIB 2.5 RS-232, Linear Circuits and Signal Conditioning, Parallel Port (PP)
Interfacing Techniques, Serial Port (SP) Interfacing Techniques, USB Port Interfacing Techniques.
Microwave Engineering:
Rectangular wave Guide: Field components, TE, TM modes, Dominant TE10 mode, Field Distribution, Power
Attenuation. Circular waveguides: TE, TM mode, Wave velocities, Microstrip Transmission line (TL),
Coupled TL, Strip TL, Coupled Strip Line, Coplanar TL, Microwave Cavities. Scattering Matrix, Passive
microwave devices: Microwave Hybrid Circuits, Terminations, Attenuators, Phase Shifters, Directional
Couplers: Two Hole directional couplers, S Matrix of a Directional coupler, Hybrid Couplers, Microwave
Propagation in ferrites, Faraday Rotations, Isolators, Circulators. Microwave Tubes: Limitation of
Conventional Active Devices at Microwave frequency, Two cavity Klystron, Reflex Klystron, Magnetron,
Traveling Wave Tube, Backward Wave Oscillators: Their Schematic, Principle of Operation, Performance
Characteristics and their applications. Solid state amplifiers and oscillators: Microwave Bipolar Transistor,
Microwave tunnel diode, microwave Field-effect Transistor, Transferred electron devices, Avalanche Transit-
time device: IMPATT Diode, TRAPATT Diode. Microwave Measurements: General setup of a microwave
testbench, Slotted line carriage, VSWR Meter, microwave power measurements techniques, Crystal Detector,
frequency measurement, wavelength measurements, Impedance and Reflection coefficient, VSWR, insertion
and attenuation loss measurement, measurement of antenna characteristics, microwave link design.
Electronics & Communication Engineering AE Previous Year
Exam Paper Analysis Chart
Kerala PSC
129. Kerala PSC AE 06.04.2017 1×80
130. Kerala PSC Lect. (NCA) 04.07.2017 1×200
131. Kerala PSC Lect. 09.12.2016 1×80
132. Kerala Asstt. Prof. 06.05.2016 1×80
133. UPMRCL AM 2021 1×90
134. UPMRCL AM (Operation) 20.01.2020 1×90
135. LMRC AM (S&T) 13.05.2018 1×75
136. DMRC AM (S&T) 2020 1×75
Madhya Pradesh PSC
137. MPPSC Forest Service Exam.-2014 2014 1×150
Maharashtra Public Service Commission
138. MPSC HOD Govt. Poly. 2013 1 × 80
Mizoram PSC
139. Mizoram PSC IOLM Paper- I 2018 1×100
140. Mizoram PSC IOLM Paper-II 2018 1×100
141. Mizoram PSC IOLM Paper-III 2018 1×100
142. Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade Paper-I 2018 1×50
143. Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade Paper-II 2018 1×50
144. Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade Paper-III 2018 1×50
145. Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade Paper-I 2015 1×50
146. Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade Paper-II 2015 1×50
147. Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade Paper-III 2015 1×50
148. Mizoram PSC AE/SDO Paper-I 2012 1×200
149. Mizoram PSC AE/SDO Paper-III 2012 1×150
150. Mizoram PSC IOLM Paper-I 2010 1×150
151. Mizoram PSC IOLM Paper-II 2010 1×150
Nagaland PSC
152. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma), Paper-I 2018 1 × 200
153. Nagaland Psc CTSE (Diploma), Paper-II 2018 1 × 200
154. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree), Paper-I 2018 1 × 200
155. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree), Paper-II 2018 1 × 200
156. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma), Paper-I 2017 1 × 200
157. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma), Paper II 2017 1 × 200
158. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree), Paper-I 2017 1 × 200
159. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree), Paper-II 2017 1 × 200
160. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree), Paper-I 2016 1 × 200
161. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree), Paper-II 2016 1 × 200
162. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) , Paper I 2015 1 × 200
163. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree), Paper-II 2015 1 × 200
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited
164. NPCIL ET 2015 1×90
NLC India Limited
165. NLC GET 24.11.2020 1×80
National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology
166. NIELIT Scientist-B 2017 1×60
167. NIELIT Scientist-B 2016 1×60
Odisha Public Service Commission
168. OPSC Poly. Lect. (Instrumentation & Control), Paper-I 2018 1 × 100
169. OPSC Poly. Lect. (Instrumentation & Control), Paper-II 2018 1 × 100
170. OPSC Poly. Lect. (Electronic Engineering), Paper-I 2018 1 × 100
171. OPSC Poly. Lect. (Electronic Engineering), Paper-II 2018 1 × 100
Punjab PSC
172. Punjab PSC Poly. Lect. 20.08.2017 1 × 100
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
173. RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 1 × 120
174. RPSC Vice Principal ITI/Suptdt. 2016 1 ×100
175. RPSC Lect. (Tech. Edu. Dept.) 10.01.2016 1 ×100
176. RPSC Lect. (Tech. Edu. Dept.) 2011 1 ×100
177. RPSC Vice Principal ITI/Suptdt. 05.11.2019 1 ×100
Railway Recruitment Board
178. RRB JE Shift-I 01.09.2019 1 × 100
179. RRB JE Shift-II 31.08.2019 1 × 100
180. RRB SSE Shift-I 01.09.2015 1×21
181. RRB SSE Shift-II 01.09.2015 1×22
182. RRB SSE Shift-III 01.09.2015 1×20
183. RRB SSE Shift-I 02.09.2015 1×20
184. RRB SSE Shift-II 02.09.2015 1×21
185. RRB SSE Shift-III 02.09.2015 1×22
186. RRB SSE Shift-I 03.09.2015 1×22
187. RRB SSE Shift-II 03.09.2015 1×21
188. RRB SSE Shift-III 03.09.2015 1×20
189. RRB SSE (Green) 21.12.2014 1×21
190. RRB SSE (RED) 21.12.2014 1×22
191. RRB SSE (yellow) 21.12.2014 1×20
Sikkim PSC
192. Sikkim PSC SI (Mains) 2018 1×50
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
193. TNPSC AE 2019 1 ×200
194. TNPSC AE 2018 1 ×200
195. TNPSC AE 2014 1 ×200
196. TNPSC AE 2013 1 ×200
197. TNPSC AE 2008 1 ×200
198. TANGEDCO AE 2018 1×60
199. TANGEDCO AE 2015 1×60
200. TRB Poly. Lect. 2012 1×150
201. TRB Poly. Lect. 2017 1×150
202. TRB Poly. Lect. 2021 1×150
Telangana PSC
203. TSGENCO AE 2015 1×80
204. TSPSC Manager (Engg.) 2015 1×150
205. TSTRANSCO AE 2018 1×80
206. TSPSC Manager (Engg.) in HMWSSB 12.11.2020 1×150
Total 23515
Trend Analysis of Previous Year Electronics &
Communication Engineering Exams Papers Through
Pie Chart and Bar Graph
Network Theory
(a) I = – 12A (b) I = –9A
(i) Basics of Network Analysis (c) I = 12A (d) I = 9A
UPPSC Poly. Tech. Lect.-22.03.2022, Paper -I
1. Determine the equivalent resistance between Ans. (a) :
terminal A and B in the following circuit -
Req = 6 + (6||12)
Req = 6 + 4 = 10kΩ
(d) IS = = 1.2 × 10−3 A
UPPSC Poly. Tech. Lect.-22.03.2022, Paper -I IS = 1.2 mA
Ans. (b) : Apply source conversion method - 9. The measure of a coil’s ability to produce flux
is called
(a) electromotive force
(b) magnetic lines of force
(c) magnetomotive force
(d) magnetism
Ans. (c) : The measure of a coil’s ability to produce
flux is called magnetomotive force.
10. The voltage induced in a coil by a changing flux
will be of such a polarity that if a current could
flow as a result of that induced voltage, the flux
established by that current would oppose the
causing or original flux change. It is known as
In circuit 15||20
15 × 20 60
R eq = = Ω
35 7
(a) 4 Ω (b) 10 Ω
(c) 48 Ω (d) 2 Ω
Nodal analysis at point A UPRVUNL AE -19.07.2021, Shift-II
V0 − 80 V0 7 ( V0 + 40 ) Ans. (a) :
+ + =0
5 4 60
12V0 − 960 + 15V0 + 7V0 + 280
34V0 = 680
V0 = 20V
29. Find the current in first and second loop,
R eq = + ( 4.375 || 5)
Req = 1.66 + 2.33
Req = 4Ω
(a) 0.3077 A; 0.179 A (b) 0.3077 A; 0.169 A 31.
(c) 0.4077 A; 0.269 A (d) 0.3177 A; 0.169 A
UPRVUNL AE -19.07.2021, Shift-II
Ans. (b) :
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO 2012, Paper-I
Network Theory 19 YCT
Which of the following can be value of the 38. An inductance of 1 H is realized using air core
current source I? with 100 turns. What will be the inductance if
(a) 10 A (b) 13 A the number of turns are doubled?
(c) 15 A (d) 18 A (a) 1 H (b) 0.5 H
KVS TGT (WE)- 2017 (c) 2 H (d) None of these
NIELIT Scientists - 2017 ISRO Scientist Engg. 2009
BPSC Polytechnic Lecturer-2014 Ans. (d) : As given that,
GATE-2009 L1 = 1H , N1 = 100
Ans. (a) : It is given that 60V voltage source is always L2 = ? N2 = 200
absorbing power, so that the current on 60V voltage We know that,
source entering at (+ve) terminal of voltage source at
leaving at (–ve) terminal. µ µ N2A
L= 0 r
Let I1 be the current on 60 volt of voltage source ℓ
Thus, L∝N 2
I + I1 = 12 2
L1 N1 100 1
or I = 12 − I1 = = =
L 2 N 2 200 4
It is clear from above assumptions that I is always less L2=4L1
than 12A
L2 = 4H
Therefore from hit and trial method option (A) is correct.
36. A delta-connected network with its star 39. An inductor of inductance 0.1 H, carrying
equivalent is shown in the figure below. The current of 6 Amps will store energy of
resistance R1, R2 and R3 (in ohms) are (a) 6 Joules (b) 36 Joules
respectively. (c) 1.8 Joules (d) 3.6 Joules
ISRO Scientist Engg. 2009
Ans. (c) : L = 0.1H, I = 6A
Stored energy (E) = LI2
1 1
= × 0.1× 62 = × 0.1× 36
2 2
(a) 1.5, 3 and 9 (b) 3, 9 and 1.5 = 1.8 Joules
(c) 9, 3 and 1.5 (d) 3, 1.5 and 9 40. Following four resistances are connected in
RPSC VP/Suptd. ITI 05.11.2019 parallel; the largest power is dissipated by…
BPSC Polytechnic Lecturer-2014 1) 2.4 Ω, 1 W 2) 5.1Ω, 2W
KVS TGT (WE)- 2014 3) 10Ω, 5W 4) 22 Ω, 10 W
Ans. (b) : (a) 2.4Ω, 1W (b) 5.1Ω, 2W
(c) 10Ω, 5W (d) 22Ω, 10W
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2014
Ans. (a) : As we know that:-
In parallel combination, the voltage across each branch
remains same.
R1 ,R 2 ,R 3 = ? V2
Power ( P ) =
5 × 30 R
R1 = = 3Ω 1
50 so, ↑ P ∝
30 × 15 R↓
R2 = = 9Ω
50 So, branch with minimum resistance have largest power
5 ×15 3 dissipation.
R3 = = = 1.5Ω In given option, 2.4 Ω and 1W gives the largest power
50 2
37. An ideal current meter should have
(a) Zero resistance 41. In the circuit shown below, the current through
(b) Finite resistance 10 Ω resistor is:
(c) Infinite resistance
(d) Very large resistance
ISRO Scientist Engg. 2009
Ans. (a) : An ideal current meter should have zero
resistance and an ideal voltmeter should have infinite
The internal resistance of an ideal voltage source is zero (a) 5A (b) 10 A
and the internal resistance of an ideal current source is (c) -5A (d) None of these
infinite. ISRO Scientist Engg.-2014
Network Theory 20 YCT
Ans. (d) : (a) 1 Ω (b) 2 Ω
(c) 4 Ω (d) 0.5 Ω
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2012
Ans. (b) :
(a) 6 V (b) 10 V
(c) 25 V (d) 40 V
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2006
Ans. (a) :
9 3 12
Req = + = = 3Ω
4 4 4
i2 = A
+0+0 A
So, total current (i2) =
3 Apply Nodal analysis at node A.
2 VA +10 VA VA − 50
i2 = A + + =0
3 5 5 10
2VA + 20 + 2VA + VA – 50 = 0
45. The value of resistance R shown in the given
figure is 5VA = 30
VA = 30
VA = VAB = 6 V
47. The equivalent capacitance across 'ab' will be
R X1X = 20 + ( 40 || 44 )
∴ Cab = C1 + C2 40 × 44
= 20 + = 20 + 20.94 = 40.94
= 0.05 + 0.05 84
Cab = 0.1µF R X1 X2 ≃ 40Ω
48. In a capacitor, the electric charge is stored in 50. The resistance of a parallel circuit consisting of
(a) Dielectric two resistors is 12Ω. One of the resistance wires
(b) Metal plates breaks and the effective resistance becomes
(c) Dielectric as well as metal plates 18Ω. The resistance of the broken wire is
(d) Neither dielectric nor metal plates (a) 48 Ω (b) 18 Ω
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2006 (c) 36 Ω (d) 24 Ω
Ans. (a) : In a capacitor, the electric charge is stored in ISRO Scientist Engg.-2006
dielectric. Ans. (c) :
ε0 ε r A 1
C= E C = CV 2
d 2
Two conductors are separate by Insulator and when an
electric field is applied electrical energy is stored in it as
a charge.
49. The approximate equivalent resistance at the R1 × R 2
R eq =
points X1 and X2 in the circuit shown below R1 + R 2
R × R2
12 = 1 ................ (i)
R1 + R 2
If one resistance is break then
(a) 60 Ω (b) 40 Ω
(c) 80 Ω (d) 20 Ω
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2006
Network Theory 23 YCT
Req = R1 Ans. (c) :
R1 = 18 Ω
from equation (i) -
18 × R 2
12 =
18 + R 2
216 + 12R2 = 18R2
216 = 6 R2 1 1 1 2 1 7
⇒ + + = + =
R2 = 36Ω 3 3 2 3 2 6
The resistance of the broken wire is 36Ω. 6
= µF
51. For the circuit shown below the current I 7
flowing through the circuit will be
6 20
⇒ 2+ = µF
7 7
(a) 1/ 2A (b) 1 A
(c) 2 A (d) 4 A
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2006
Ans. (c) : All 3Ω resistors are connected in parallel
1 1 1
⇒ + +
3 3 20 / 7
2 7 40 + 21 61
⇒ + = =
3 20 60 60
= µF
R 3
Req = = =1Ω
3 3
hence, Req = 1Ω
60 122 + 60 182
⇒ 2+ = = µF
61 61 61
V 2
I= = = 2A 1 1 1 1
R eq 1 = + +
CAB 3 3 182 / 61
52. In the circuit if C1 = 2 µF and C2 = 3 µF, the
equivalent capacitance between points A and B 1 2 61
= +
is: CAB 3 182
1 364 + 183
CAB 546
1 547
CAB 546
CAB = = 0.998µF
(a) 4 µF (b) 3 µF 547
(c) 1 µF (d) 2 µF CAB ≃ 1µF
ISRO Scientist Engg. -2015
Network Theory 24 YCT
53. A practical current source is usually 1F and 1F in parallel-
represented by Ceq = 1F + 1F = 2F
(a) A resistance in series with an ideal current
(b) A resistance in parallel with an ideal current
source. B
(c) A resistance in parallel with an ideal voltage
(d) None of the above
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-I
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2011 Star to delta conversion in capacitors at point ABC
Ans. (b) : A practical current source usually have some
resistance value connected in parallel with current
source while in Ideal current source has infinite value of
resistance connected with current source.
54. An electric iron designed for 110V AC supply
was rated at 500W. It was put across a 220V
supply. Assuming that at 110V it supplied
500W output (i.e. no losses) at the new voltage C1 = 4 × 2 = 8 = 4 F
it will supply 4 + 4 + 2 10 5
(a) 2500W (b) 250W 4× 2 4
(c) 500W (d) 2000W C2 = = F
10 5
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2011 4× 4 8
Ans. (d) : As given that, V = 110, P = 500W C3 = = F
10 5
V 2
110 ×110 11×11 Ω 8
R= = = 2F || F
P 500 5 5
V 2
220 × 220 × 5 8 18F
P= = = 2000W 2F + F =
R 11× 11 5 5
55. What is the value of C such that equivalent 4
capacitance across x-y is 5F. 2F || F
4 14
2F + F = F
5 5
18F 14
and F are in series
5 5
18 14
F× F
5 5 = 63 F
18F 14
+ F 40
5 5
63 4
F & F are in parallel -
40 5
(a) 20F (b) 23F
63 4 63 + 32 95 19
(c) 22F (d) 21F Ceq = F+ F = F= F= F
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2011 40 5 40 40 8
Ans. (d) : 19 3C
CXY = F and are in parallel
8 3 + C
19 3C
5= +
8 3+ C
40 − 19 3C
8 3+ C
3C = 63
C = 21 F
56. With fixed value capacitor C and variable
3F and C in series-
voltage V across it, the energy stored in the
3× C 3C
Ceq = = F capacitor is
3+ C 3+ C (a) CV2 (b) 0.5 CV2
1F and 3F are in parallel (c) 2 CV 2
(d) CV
Ceq = 1 + 3 = 4F ISRO Scientist Engg.-2007
Network Theory 25 YCT
Ans. (b) : Energy stored in the capacitor- 59. Two resistance R1 and R2 give combined
1 resistance of 4.5 ohms when in series and 1 ohm
E = CV 2 when in parallel. The resistances are
2 (a) 3 ohms and 6 ohms
E = 0.5CV 2 J (b) 3 ohms and 9 ohms
57. Three resistors of 6 Ω each are connected as (c) 1.5 ohms and 3 ohms
shown in the following fig. The equivalent (d) 1.5 ohms and 0.5 ohms
resistance between X1 and X2 is ISRO Scientist Engg.-2007
Ans. (c) : As given that,
R1 + R2 = 4.5 Ω
R1 R 2
= 1Ω
R1 + R 2
R1 (4.5 – R1) = R1 + (4.5 – R1)
(a) 2 Ω (b) 4 Ω 2
R1 − 4.5R1 + 4.5 = 0
(c) 8 Ω (d) 12 Ω (R1 – 3) (R1 – 1.5) = 0
TNPSC AE-2008 R1 = 3 Ω
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2007 R2 = 1.5 Ω
Ans. (a) : Re-arranging the circuit:- 60. Which of the following bulbs will have the least
(a) 220V, 60 W (b) 220 V, 100 W
(c) 115 V, 60 W (d) 115 V, 100 W
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2007
Ans. (d) : By checking option -
V 2 220 × 220
(i) R1 = = = 806.67 Ω
P 60
V 2 220 × 220
(ii) R 2 = = = 484 Ω
1 1 1 1 P 100
= + +
R x1x 2 6 6 6 V 2 115 × 115
(iii) R 3 = = = 220.42 Ω
6 P 60
R x1x 2 =
3 V 2 115 × 115
(iv) R 4 = = = 132.25 Ω
R x1x 2 = 2Ω P 100
58. Two bulbs marked 200 watt-250 volts and 100 for least resistance, power should be more and voltage
watt-250 volts are joined is series to 250 volt should be less.
supply. Power consumed in circuits is 61. A resistance of 5 ohms is further drawn so that
(a) 33 watt (b) 67 watt its length becomes double. Its resistance will
(c) 100 watt (d) 300 watt now be
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO 2012-Paper-I (a) 5 ohms (b) 7.5 ohms
(c) 10 ohms (d) 20 ohms
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2007
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2007
Ans. (b) : Ans. (c) : As given that,
R1 = 5Ω, R2 = ?
ℓ1 = ℓ, ℓ2 = 2ℓ
R∝ ℓ
R 2 ℓ 2 2ℓ
= =
R 1 ℓ1 ℓ
R2 = 2R1 = 2×5 = 10Ω
62. The power rating of a 470 ohm resistor
In series circuit then power is parallel - carrying a current of 40 mA should be
100 × 200 (a) 1/4 W (b) 1/2 W
Peq = (c) 2 W (d) 1 W
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2007
Peq = Ans. (*) : P = I 2R
3 P = 40 × 40 × 10–6 × 470
Peq = 66.67 W
P = 752 × 10–3
Peq ≃ 67 W P = 0.75 W
Network Theory 26 YCT
63. Equivalent Resistance between X and Y is 66.
Choose the wrong statement. In the nodal
analysis, the choice of a reference node does not
(a) affect the voltages of various nodes
(b) affect the operation of the circuit
(c) change the voltage across any element
(d) alter the potential difference between any pair
(a) 75 Ω (b) 50 Ω TNPSC AE - 2018
(c) 275 Ω (d) None of above Ans. (a) : In nodal analysis, the choice of reference
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2007 node affects the value of Voltages of various reference
Ans. (a) : Equivalent circuit:- node.
67. Minimum no. of resistors required to form a
series-parallel circuit is
(a) Two (b) Three
(c) Four (d) One
75 TNPSC AE - 2018
Rxy = 50 +
3 Ans. (b) : For series parallel combination–
= 50 + 25 = 75 Ω R1 R3
64. Determine the value of voltage V1 in the figure
shown below.
RL = ∞
97. In a circuit shown below, the voltage and
current sources are ideal. The voltage (Vout) (a) 805 Ω (b) 205 Ω
across the current source is (c) 105 Ω (d) 405 Ω
UPPCL AE- 31.12.2018
Ans. (b) :
(a) 0 V (b) 5V
(c) 10 V (d) 20 V Vi − Va Va − Vb Va
Mizoram PSC IOLM -2018, Paper I = + ………… (i)
10 10 5
Ans. (d) :
5A Va − Vb Vb Vb
= + ……………(ii)
− + 10 5 15
From figure-
Vout Vb
= I L ⇒ Vb = 15I L
From equation (ii)
Apply KVL in the loop-
Va − 15I L 15I L 15I L
–Vout + 2 × 5 + 10 = 0 = +
Vout = 10 + 10 10 5 15
Vout = 20V V 15I
= L
+ 4I L
10 10
98. What is the voltage across the current source
for the below-shown circuit? Va = 55I L
From equation (i)-
Vi − 55I L 55I L − 15I L 55I L
= +
10 10 5
Vi 55I L
= + 4I L + 11IL
10 10
Vi = 55I L + 150I L
(a) 5V (b) 7.5 V Vi
(c) 12.5 V (d) 17.5 V = 205Ω
Mizoram PSC IOLM -2018, Paper I I L
TSPSC Manager (Engg.) - 2015 100. A network contains only an independent
Ans. (d) : current source and resistors. If the values of all
A V I3 resistors are doubled, the value of the node
2I voltage will-
(a) remain unchanged (b) become half
(c) become double (d) become zero
UPPCL AE-16.11.2013
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO 2012-Paper-I
Network Theory 32 YCT
Ans. (c) : Let I1, I2, I3.......... are independent current 102. Consider the following circuit
source which are connected in parallel with resistors
R1,R2, R3,........
–50 + 5I + ( I + 3) + 5 ( I + 3 ) = 0
5I 5
.–50+5I+ + + 5I + 15 =0 (a) 2.5 (b) 2.64
6 2 (c) 2.79 (d) 2.97
−65 65I Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I
+ =0
2 6 Ans. (b) :
65 6
I= ×
2 65
Hence, current through 5Ω is (I + 3) = 3+3 = 6A
117. Which of the following is NOT a non-linear
(a) Varistor (b) Precision resistor
(c) NTC thermistor (d) PTC thermistor
RPSC LECTURER-10.01.2016 1
RS <<< RL
140. Six light bulbs are connected in parallel across
110 volt. Each bulb is 75 Watt. The current
flows through each bulb is
Apply KVL- (a) 0.682 A (b) 0.482 A
−8 + 2 ( I + 1) + 2 = 0 (c) 0.382 A (d) 0.282 A
−8 + 2I + 4 = 0 Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I
2I = 4 Ans. (a) :
I = 2A
137. What happens to the resistance of a conductor
if its length is increased three times and
diameter is halved?
(a) Resistance remains the same
(b) Resistance is increased by 3 times Total Power (P) = P1+ P2 + P3 + P4 + P5 + P6
(c) Resistance is increased by 6 times = 75+75+75+75+75+75
(d) Resistance is increased by 12 times = 450W
Mizoram PSC IOLM -2018, Paper I P = VI
ρℓ 450
Ans. (d) : We know that R = I= = 4.09A (Total current)
A 110
When ℓ 2 = 3 ℓ 1 and d2 = d1/2 Power in each bulb is same then current in each branch
R2 = ? will be same.
2 Then current flow through the each bulb is same-
R1 l1 A 2 l1 d 2
= . = × 4.09
R 2 l2 A1 l2 d1 = 0.682A
R1 1 1 141. The passive element among the following is
= × (a) Voltage Source (b) Current Source
R2 3 2
(c) Inductor (d) Transistor
R1 1 Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I
R 2 12 Ans. (c) : A passive element is an electrical component
that does not generate power, but instead dissipates
R 2 = 12 ⋅ R1 stores, and/or releases it. Resistors, capacitors,
138. An ideal current source is one whose internal inductors, transformers and even diode are all
resistance is considered passive devices.
(a) Very High (b) Zero 142. A piece of graphite has a cross-sectional area of
(c) Very Low (d) Infinite 10 mm2. If its resistance is 0.1 Ω and its
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I resistivity 10 × 10–8 Ωm, its length is:
Ans. (d) : In ideal current source, the internal resistance (a) 10 km (b) 10 cm
(c) 10 mm (d) 10 m
is infinite.
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I
A Ans. (d) : Given,
A = 10 mm2 = 10×10–6m
I R=∞ R = 0.1Ω
ρ = 10×10–8Ωm , ℓ = ?
B ℓ
∵ R =ρ
139. In a practical voltage source, the source A
resistance is RA 0.1× 10 ×10−6 Ωm 2
(a) Very low compared to load resistance ℓ= =
(b) Very high compared to load resistance
ρ 10 × 10 −8 Ωm
(c) Equal to load resistance ℓ = 0.1×102 m
(d) Zero ℓ = 10 m
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I
Network Theory 39 YCT
143. A 10 Ω resistor is connected in parallel with a 146. The potential difference across a 10 µF
15 Ω resistor and the combination in series capacitor to charge it with 10 mC is
with a 12 Ω resistor. The equivalent resistance (a) 10 V (b) 1 kV
of the circuit is: (c) 1 V (d) 10 V
(a) 37 Ω (b) 18 Ω Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I
(c) 27 Ω (d) 4 Ω Ans. (b) : Given,
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I C = 10 µF = 10×10–6 F
Ans. (b) : Q = 10 mC = 10×10–3C
Q 10 × 10−3
V= = = 1kV
C 10 ×10−6
V = 1kV
10 × 15
R AB = + 12 147. Calculate the voltage at point C in the given
25 circuit.
RAB = 6+12
RAB = 18Ω
144. Four 2µF capacitors are connected in series.
The equivalent capacitance is
(a) 8 µF (b) 0.5 µF
(c) 2 µF (d) 6 µf
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I (a) +1.48 V (b) +0.94 V
Ans. (b) : (c) +11.6 V (d) +3 V
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I
Ans. (c) :
C1 = C2 = C3 = C4 = 2µF
1 1 1 1 1
= + + +
Ceq C1 C2 C3 C4
1 1 1 1 1
= + + +
Ceq 2 2 2 2
1 1+1+1+1 4 9–47KI –27KI–56KI–20KI–12 = 0
= =
Ceq 2 2 150KI = –3
1 I = − mA
Ceq = = 0.5µF 50
VC – 20 KI–12 = 0
145. The length of a certain conductor of resistance 1
100 Ω is doubled and its cross-sectional area is VC – 20 K× − mA –12 = 0
halved. Its new resistance is: 50
(a) 100 Ω (b) 200 Ω 2
VC + –12 = 0
(c) 50 Ω (d) 400 Ω 5
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I VC + 0.4 –12 = 0
VC –11.6 = 0
Ans. (d) : ℓ1 = ℓ, ℓ2 = 2 ℓ
VC =11.6V
R1 = 100Ω R2 = ?
148. A capacitor has 25 V across its plates and a
A1 = A A2 = A/2
stored charge of 1500 C. What is the
∵ R =ρ capacitance value?
A (a) 60 pF (b) 60 F
R 1 ℓ1 A 2 (c) 16.67 mF (d) 37.5 mF
= ×
R 2 ℓ 2 A1 Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I
100 ℓ A / 2 Ans. (b) : Given,
= × V = 25 Volt
R 2 2ℓ A
Q = 1500 C
100 1 1 Q 1500
= × C= =
R2 2 2 V 25
R2 = 400Ω C = 60 F
Network Theory 40 YCT
149. If a 1 k ohm and a 2 k ohm resistor are 153. Three resistances of 15Ω, 10Ω and 3Ω are
parallel-connected across a 12 V supply, how connected in parallel. The overall resistance is
much current is received by the 2 k resistor? (a) Less than 3Ω
(a) 4 mA (b) 6 mA (b) Between 15 and 10Ω
(c) 8 mA (d) 12 mA (c) Between 10 and 3Ω
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I (d) More than 3Ω
Ans. (b) : Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2015, Paper-I
Ans. (a) :
R1 Ω R2 Ω
V 12
I1 = = = 6mA + −
R1 2k V
150. After a capacitor has charged for 1 ms, what 1 1 1 1
percentage of current remains in the capacitor = + +
R eq R1 R 2 R 3
(a) 63.2 (b) 36.8
(c) 13.5 (d) 5.0 1 1 1 1
= + +
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I R eq 15 10 3
Ans. (b) : For 1 time constant the capacitor discharge
63.2% of its final value. Hence there is 36.8% charging 1 2 + 3 + 10
remaining in capacitor. R eq 30
151. What is the total inductance, assuming no 30
mutual inductance? Req = = 2Ω
2Ω < 3Ω
So, option (a) will be correct.
154. For node 1 in figure, KCL, equation is
(a) 12 mH (b) 6 mH
(c) 0.73 mH (d) 0 mH
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I V1 d
Ans. (a) : Leq = L1 + L2 + L3 (a) i(t) = + C1 ( V2 + V1 )
R1 dt
Leq = 1 + 5 + 6
V d
Leq = 12 mH (b) i ( t ) = − 1 + C1 ( V1 + V2 )
152. If 220Ω, a 100Ω, and a 180Ω resistor are R1 dt
connected in series across a 12 V source, the V d
circuit current equals (c) i ( t ) = 1 + C1 ( V1 − V2 )
R1 dt
(a) 41.67 A (b) 120 mA
(d) None of these
(c) 500 A (d) 24 mA
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2015, Paper-I
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I
Ans. (c) :
Ans. (d) : Given,
R1 = 220Ω, R2 = 100Ω, R3 = 180Ω
i(t) = i1(t) + i C1
V1 d
i(t) = + C1 ( V1 − V2 )
R1 dt
155. Electrolytic Capacitors are generally made of
V 12 (a) Aluminium (b) Copper
I= = (c) Gold (d) Plastic
R1 + R 2 + R 3 220 + 180 + 100
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade -2018, Paper-I
12 Ans. (a) : Electrolytic capacitors are normally made
I= A = 0.024A = 24mA
500 from one of three different materials; aluminium,
I = 24 mA tantalum and niobium.
1 UPMRC AM - 2020
Rk Ans. (c) : Given that,
(d) I I = 0.5A , T = 60 sec
Rk ∴ [ Q = IT ]
R + R + ... + R
1 2 N = 0.5×60 = 30C
BSNL(JTO)-2009 [ Q = n.e ]
Ans. (b) : Q 30
n= =
e 1.6 ×10−19
n = 1.875×1020 electrons
217. For the circuit shown in figure vs represents
voltage source and v2 = 15 V, then values of vs
1 and is are :
1 + 1 + ... 1
1 2
214. A 33 Ω half-watt resistor and a 330 Ω half-watt
resistor are connected across a 12 V source.
Which one(s) will overheat? (a) 20 V and 1 mA respectively
(a) 33 Ω (b) 330 Ω (b) 10 V and 2 mA respectively
(c) both resistors (d) neither resistor (c) 30 V and 1 mA respectively
RRB SSE 02.09.2015, Shift-III (d) 15 V and 0.5 mA respectively
Ans. (a) : MPSC HOD Govt. Poly. -2013
Ans. (a) :
∵ P=
V2 15 15
Power dissipated across 33 Ω resistor - i1 = = = = 0.5mA
R 24 + 6 30
V 2 122 V 15
P= = = 4.36W i2 = 2 = = 0.5mA
R 33 R 30
Power dissipated across 330 Ω resistor - is = i1 + i2
V 2 122 = 0.5 + 0.5
P= = = 0.436W
R 330 is = 1mA
P33 > P330 Req = 5 + 30||30
So, P33 gets overheated than P330 Req = 20 kΩ
215. Three equal resistance of 5 Ω are connected in VS = is × Req
delta. What is the resistance in one of the arms = 1mA × 20 kΩ
of the equivalent star circuit? VS = 20V
Network Theory 50 YCT
218. Which of the following statement is wrong with 221. In an element, let w be the energy, and q be the
respect to the given network? charge, what is the voltage across the element?
(a) w – q (b) w × q
(c) (d) w + q
NLC GET -24.11.2020
Ans. (c) : In an element let w be the energy, and q be
the charge so voltage across the element
1 Volt =
(a) i1 = is (b) i2 = i3 V=
(c) i3 = is (d) i1 = i2 + i3
NLC GET -24.11.2020 222. Which of the following components shows the
Ans. (d) : effect "as they become hotter, they conduct less
efficiently, and their resistance increases"?
(a) Insulators (b) Thermistors
(c) Semiconductors (d) Conductors
NLC GET -24.11.2020
Ans. (d) :
All resistance are connected in series - The resistivity of a conductor will increases when
So, i1 = i2 + i3 is wrong. temperature increases.
Hence option (d) is correct. 223. Which of the following devices absorb 0.03 W?
219. Which components are used in electronics to
block direct current, to couple ac signals and
for bypassing?
(a) Resistors (b) Diodes
(c) Transistors (d) Capacitors
NLC GET -24.11.2020
Ans. (d) : Capacitors components are used in
electronics to block direct current to couple ac signals
and for bypassing.
220. Determine the current i1 in the network.
(a) A and D (b) A and B
(c) B and D (d) B and C
NLC GET -24.11.2020
Ω Ans. (d) : In case of absorbing current enters a device
at its positive terminal and exit from negative terminal.
(a) 3.5 A (b) 2A
(c) 5.5 A (d) 1.5 A
NLC GET -24.11.2020
Ans. (c) : ∵ P = V×I
Ω ∴ P = 5 × 6 × 10–3
P = 0.03W
∵ P=V×I
Current i1 in the network
i1 = 2 + 3.5 ∴ P = 6×5×10–3
i1 = 5.5A P = 0.03W
Network Theory 51 YCT
224. Find the Req in the given resistive network. 227. A cylindrical block of a certain material has a
resistance R as measured between its circular
faces. To have the resistance all the dimension
of the block must be
(a) doubled (b) halved
(c) decreased by 2π (d) increased by 2π
BSNL (JTO)-2001
Ans. (a) : A cylindrical block of a certain material has a
(a) 45 Ω (b) 56 Ω resistance R as measured between its circular faces. To
(c) 65 Ω (d) 60 Ω have the resistance all the dimension of the block must
NLC GET -24.11.2020 be doubled
Ans. (b) : ℓ
R =ρ
In network.
R∝ 2
(∵ A = πr 2 )
Req = [(52+28) || 20] + 15 + 25 228. The following is generally true
= [80 || 20] + 15 + 25 = 16+15+25 (a) A capacitor using air as dielectric has greater
Req = 56Ω capacitance than one using any other material
225. Find Pin for an amplifier with a power gain of as dielectric
20 and an output power of 1 W. (b) An air cored inductor has a highly linear B/H
(a) 50 mW (b) 5 W characteristic
(c) 50 W (d) 0.5 W (c) The voltage across an inductor will decrease
NLC GET -24.11.2020 with increasing frequency of the applied
Ans. (a) : Given that, current
(d) The current in a capacitor will decrease with
Power gain (P) = 20
increasing frequency of the applied voltage
Pout = 1W
BSNL (JTO)-2001
Pout Ans. (b) : An air cored inductor has a highly linear B/H
∴ Power gain =
Pinput characteristics.
Pinput = W
Pinput = 0.05W
Pinput = 50mW
226. Find the voltage v2 in the given network.
∵ VL = i L X L = jωL.i L
VL ∝ ω
ic =
= jωC.VC
(a) 6 V (b) 4 V iC ∝ ω
(c) 8 V (d) 2 V 229. The time rate of change of a voltage applied
NLC GET -24.11.2020 across a 1 µF capacitor is 2 V/s. This means that
Ans. (a) : the current flowing through the capacitor is
(a) 2 × 10 −6 A (b) 2 A
(c) 0.5 × 10 A (d) 0.5 A
BSNL (JTO)-2001
Ans. (a) : Given that,
C = 1 µF
Apply voltage divider rule - dv
400 =2
V2 = ×12 dt
100 + 400 + 300 dv
400 ∴ IC = C = 1× 2 × 10−6 A
V2 = ×12 dt
V2 = 6V IC = 2 ×10−6 A
(a) 0.5 A (b) A
∴ R = R1 + R2 + (R3||R) 6
R .R (c) 1.5 A (d) 2.5 A
R = R1 + R2 + 3 DRDO-2009
R3 + R
Ans. (a) : Convert current source to voltage source
R1R 3 + R1R + R 2 R 3 + R 2 R + R 3R
R3 + R
R3R+R = R1R3 + R1R + R2R3 + R2R + R3R
R2– (R1+R2)R–(R1R3+R2R3) = 0
R1 +R 2 ± (R1 +R 2 ) 2 + 4(R1 +R 2 )R 3 ∴ Total resistance = 6Ω
R= V 4 −1 3
2 ∴ current (I) = = = = 0.5A
Hence, R depends only on the sum R1 + R2 and not upon R 6 6
their individual values. I = 0.5 A
Total resistance = 2 + 2 + 1 = 5Ω
∴ current (I) =
2 Total resistance = 0.5+1+0.5 = 2Ω
I= A
5 12.5 − 2.5
∴ I=
236. Two parallel plate capacitors shown in figure 2
(a) and figure (b) have capacitance C1 and C2, 10
respectively. If C2 = 2C1, which one of the I = = 5A
following relations is TRUE ? (Neglect fringing 238. In the network in figure, the mesh current I
and the input impedance seen by the 50V
source, respectively, are
125 11 150 13
(a) A and Ω (b) A and Ω
13 8 13 8
150 11 125 13
L L (c) A and Ω (d) A and Ω
(a) x = (b) x = 13 8 13 8
4 2 DRDO-2008
L 2L Ans. (b) :
(c) x = (d) x =
3 3
εA ε0 ε r A
Ans. (b) : ∵ C = =
d d
ε0 WL
C1 =
Solving to point B
ε0 Wx 3ε0 W ( L − x )
C2 = + = (1+1)||1
d d 2
According to question = 2 ||1 =
C2 = 2C1 3
Solving to point A
ε0 Wx 3ε0 W ( L − x ) 2ε0 WL
+ = 2
= ( +1)||1
d d d 3
Network Theory 54 YCT
5 We know that,
×1 P= VI = I2R
= 3 = In series connection current will be same-
+1 8 P∝R
5 13 V2
Req = + 1 = ∵P=
8 8 R
Resistance across 40 W bulb > Resistance across 80W
R eq = Ω bulb
8 So,
50 400 The voltage across the 80W bulb is lesser than that
From figure total current (I') = = A
13/ 8 13 across the 40W bulb.
241. Two identical resistive loads consume a total of
W watts when connected in parallel across an
ideal dc current source. If, instead, they were
connected in series with the same source, their
total consumption :
Impedance Z = (2||1)+1 (a) would halve
5 (b) would double
Z= Ω
3 (c) would remain the same
1 (d) would increased by a factor of 4
∴Current (I) = I' ×
Z +1 KVS TGT (WE)- 2014
400 1 400 3 BSNL(JTO)-2002, 2001
= × = × Ans. (d) : When 2 identical resistance connected in
13 5 + 1 13 8
series -
I= A
239. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Thevenin reduction can be used only if there W1 = I2R+I2R
are no current sources. W1 = 2I2R
(b) In ac circuits KCL holds only for average When 2 identical resistance connected in parallel
currents and not for instantaneous currents.
(c) Capacitors are generally less lossy than
(d) Linear networks can have dependent sources.
Ans. (d) : Linear network - A linear circuit is a circuit
2 2
in which all its voltage and current are also since-curved I I
of frequency (f) when an input voltage of frequency (f) W2 = R + R
is applied. but it is not necessary that all the voltage and 2 2
currents are in the same phase of the input. Linear I2 R I2 R 2I 2 R
network can have dependent source. W2 = + =
4 4 4
240. Two incandescent lights of 40 W and 80 W are 2
connected in series : I R
W2 =
(a) The current drawn is lesser than what either 2
bulb would draw alone W1 2I2 R
(b) The voltage across the 80 W bulb is lesser =
than that across the 40 W bulb W2 I 2 R / 2
(c) The power dissipated by the 80 W bulb is W1
greater than that by the 40 W bulb =4
(d) The current drawn in the average of what of
either bulb would draw alone W1 = 4W2
BSNL(JTO)-2002 242. A house served by a 220 V supply light, is
Ans. (b) : protected by a 9-Ampere fuse. The maximum
number of 60W bulbs in parallel that can be
turned on is
(a) 11 (b) 33
(c) 22 (d) 44
BSNL (JTO)-2006
Network Theory 55 YCT
Ans. (b) : Given that , V = 220V, I = 9A 246. ________ is shuttled back and forth between
∴ Total power (P) = V×I = 220×9 = 1980W the source and load
Maximum number of bulb that can be turned on - (a) True power (b) Reactive power
(c) Apparent power (d) Impedance power
Total Power
= Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I
Maximum number of W bulbs Ans. (b) : Reactive power is shuttled back and forth
1980 between the source and load. The reactive power is
= = 33 measured in kilovolt-ampere reactive (kVAR) or MVAR.
243. In the circuit shown below, the current through 247. Siemens is a unit for measuring
the 3/11Ω resistance between terminals A & B (a) Conductance (b) Resistance
is (c) Flux density (d) Electric field
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2016, Paper-I
Ans. (a) : Siemens is a unit of electrical conductance.
In case of electrical, the conductance is reciprocal of
248. Non-linear resistors
(a) produce harmonic distortion
(b) follows Ohm's law at low temperatures only
(a) 4 Amps (b) 1 Amp (c) result in non-uniform heating
(c) 2 Amps (d) 5 Amps (d) cannot realized
BSNL (JTO)-2006 Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I
Ans. (c) : Applying nodal analysis method Ans. (a) : For a non-linear resistor, the graph of voltage
3 − VA 2 − VA 1 − VA 11VA and current is not linear.
+ + = Hence non linear resistor produces harmonic distortion.
3 2 1 3
249. The four stripes of a resistor are yellow-violet-
1− +1− +1− = orange-gold. The value of the resistance should be
3 2 1 3 (a) 470Ω ± 5% (b) 47 kΩ ± 5%
11VA VA VA (c) 47MΩ ± 5% (d) 47 kΩ ± 10%
3= + + + VA
3 3 2 Mizoram PSC AE/SDO 2012-Paper-I
18 Ans. (b) : Yellow violet orange gold
VA = volt R = AB × 10C ± Tolerance
Now current through 3/11Ω resistor R = 47 ×103 ± 5%
18 11 R = 47 kΩ ± 5%
I= × = 2A
33 3 250. Energy needed to move 4 coulombs of charge is
244. If the period of a clock waveform is 1 µs, 4 joules. The potential difference is
calculate its frequency. (a) 2 Volt (b) 1 Volt
(a) 1 kHz (b) 2 kHz (c) 0.1 Volt (d) 0.2 Volt
(c) 1 MHz (d) 2 MHz RPSC Vice Principal ITI-2016
UPRVUNL AE– 11.06.2014 Ans. (b) : Given,
Ans. (c) : Time period: It is the time taken to complete Energy(E) = 4 joule
one full oscillation or cycle by the wave. Charge(q) = 4 coulomb
1 E = qV
Time period =
frequency E 4
V = = = 1V
Given that, T = 1µs q 4
1 251. A capacitor of capacitance C is charged by
f= = 1MHz connecting it to a battery of e.m.f. (E). The
capacitor is now disconnected and reconnected
245. Which of the following is a passive component? to the battery with the polarity reversed. The
(a) Semi-conductor device heat developed in the connecting wires is
(b) Vacuum tube device (a) 0.5 CE2 (b) CE2
(c) Capacitors (c) 2 CE2 (d) 3 CE2
(d) All of these IES-2012
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2015, Paper-I Ans. (c) : According to question
Ans. (c) : Capacitor is a passive component. Passive
network is one which contains no source of e.m.f.
A passive component is an electronic component which
can only receive energy, which it can either dissipate,
absorb or store it is an electric field or a magnetic field. ∆Q = Q1 – Q2 = CE – (– CE) = 2 CE
e.g R, L, C Then, Heat (H) = ∆Q × E = 2 CE × E = 2 CE2
253. The algebraic sum of the voltages around any Ans. (d) : ∵ R = P
closed path is equal to: 110 × 110 121
(a) Infinite (b) 1 Resistance (R) = = Ω
(c) Indefinite (d) 0 500 5
DFCCIL Executive S&T-17.04.2016, Shift-II New output power -
Ans. (d) : Kirchhoff 's voltage law states that the V 2 220 × 220
algebraic sum of all voltages within a closed network or P = = = 2000W
R 121
loop is equal to zero.
254. What does the following figure represent?
258. What is product of form factor and peak
max.value max.value
(a) (b)
(a) Current controlled voltage source. rms value avg.value
(b) Voltage controlled current source. rms value avg.value
(c) Current controlled current source. (c) (d)
avg.value rms value
(d) Voltage controlled voltage source.
KVS TGT (WE)- 2014 KVS TGT (WE)- 2014
Ans. (c) : Ans. (b) : We know that,
RMS value Max.value
Form factor×Peak factor = ×
Avg.value RMS value
Given figure is a current controlled current source, Avg.value
because current is dependent on KIx
255. The voltage division and the current division 259. Power dissipation in an ideal inductor is
forms a (a) Infinity (b) Zero
(a) Orthogonal pair (b) Dual pair (c) Very low (d) Very high
(c) Complementary pair (d) Conjugate pair KVS TGT (WE)- 2014
KVS TGT (WE)- 2014 Ans. (b) : Power dissipation in an ideal inductor is zero.
Ans. (b) : The voltage division and the current division Power is dissipated only in the resistor. Capacitor and
forms a Dual pair. inductor only store energy not dissipate any power.
Network Theory 57 YCT
260. Find equivalent capacitance of the following 262. A gang capacitor has ______ varied by
circuit. changing ______ respectively.
(a) One capacitance, dielectric
(b) Two capacitances, plate area
(c) One capacitance, No of plates
(d) Two capacitances, distance between plates
2 1 UPRVUNL AE-2016
(a) 2 µF (b) 3 µF
3 3 Ans. (b) : Gang capacitor in general consists of inter
2 woven sets of metallic plates in which one is fixed and
(c) 4 µF (d) 6µF other is variable. It has two capacitances.
KVS TGT (WE)- 2014
Ans. (a) :
(a) 15 µF (b) 17 µF
(c) 16 µF (d) 18 µF
KVS TGT (WE)- 2018
Ans. (c) :
For Rth,
After solving
R th = (10 5 + 10 ) 5 + 10} 5
R th = 3.66Ω
For Vth,
10 × 10 100
Ceq1 = = = 5µF
10 + 10 20 Vin
10 ×10 100 Vth =
Ceq 2 = = = 5µF 40.97
10 + 10 20
For parallel capacitor
Ceq3 = 10 + 5 = 15µF
For series capacitor
15 ×10 150
Ceq 4 = = = 6µF
15 + 10 25
For parallel capacitor Vin
= 41R L + 150
Ceq5 = 10 + 6 = 16µF I4
(a) –4A (b) –1A
(c) –3.2A (d) –7A
TNTRB AE– 2017
Ans. (b) : Apply source conversion method-
50 − 100
Is =
10 + 20 + 20 R XY = 17.4 ≃ 16.175Ω
Is = = −1A 267. Obtain the current IT for the circuit below:
265. Use branch currents in the network shown in
below figure to find the current supplied by the
60 V source.
(a) 2A (b) 15 A
(c) 5 A (d) 10 A
TNTRB AE– 2017
Ans. (c) :
(a) 8A (b) 6A
(c) 12A (d) 3A
TNTRB AE– 2017
Ans. (b) : From given figure- Apply nodal at point –V
R eq = 7 + (12 || 6 ||12 ) V − 25 V V
+ + =0
R eq = 7 + 3 = 10Ω 2 6 6
3V − 75 + V + V = 0
60 5V = 75
I1 = = 6A
10 V = 15V
266. Find the equivalent resistance across the 25 − 15 10
terminals X–Y, for the below figure. IT = = = 5A
2 2
268. A practical current source has a current of 22.0
A. Loading the source with 50.0 Ω results in a
terminal voltage of 390.3V. Obtain the source
constants, I and R.
(a) 10.0A, 50Ω (b) 50.2A, 10Ω
(c) 27.5A, 50Ω (d) 22.0A, 27.5Ω
(a) 32.35Ω (b) 64.5Ω TNTRB AE– 2017
(c) 16.175Ω (d) 5.35Ω Ans. (d) : From the question-
TNTRB AE– 2017
Ans. (c) :
35 40
(a) A (b) A
22 22
39 5
(c) A (d) A
22 12
KVS TGT (WE)- 2017
(a) 16.2A (b) 6.5A Ans. (a) : Given circuit is-
(c) –25A (d) 35.7A
TNTRB AE– 2017
Ans. (a) : Apply source conversion-
R eq1 = ( 30 || 30 ) + 5 = 20Ω
R eq2 = ( 20 || 20 ) = 10Ω
R eq3 = 10 + 10 = 20Ω
R eq 4 = 20 || 20 = 10 Ω
(a) ( V cos φ ) / π (b) ( V sin φ ) / π
R PQ = R eq5 = 10 + 10 = 20Ω
(c) ( 2V cos φ ) / π (d) V/π
UPRVUNL AE– 11.06.2014
Network Theory 62 YCT
Ans. (a) : (d) All these
KVS TGT (WE)- 2016
Ans. (d) :
1 T
f ( t ) dt
T ∫0
f avg =
1 π−φ π+φ
f avg = ∫ V sin ( t ) dt + ∫ V sin ( t ) dt
2π 0 π
From circuit-
f avg = ( −V cos ( π − φ ) + V cos 0 ) + ( V cos φ − V ) (i) Both the resistors carry same amount of current-
2π (ii) R eq = R 1 + R 2
V cos φ
f avg = Total resistance equals the sum of all series resistances
π (iii) E = IR 1 + IR 2
288. Consider the following given figure and
calculate RAB. ∑ E = ∑ IR
Sum of individual voltage drop (IR) equals the applied
292. Which of the following is false about three
unequal resistances connected in parallel?
(a) Voltage across each branch is same
(b) Reciprocal of the net resistance of the entire
(a) 0.5 Ohm (b) 2 Ohm circuit equals the sum of reciprocals of the
(c) 3 Ohm (d) 7 Ohm individual resistance
UPRVUNL AE– 11.06.2014 (c) The sum of the branch currents is equal to the
Ans. (b) : RAB = 1+1 = 2Ω total current supplied by the battery
289. In an open device, current through it is (d) Current in each branch is equal
(a) zero and voltage is unknown KVS TGT (WE)- 2016
(b) known and voltage is zero Ans. (d) :
(c) zero and voltage is also zero
(d) unknown and voltage is also unknown
KVS TGT (WE)- 2016
Ans. (a) : In an open device, current through it is zero
and voltage is unknown.
290. An energy source forces a constant current of 5
(i) V = I1R 1 = I2 R 2 = I3 R 3
ampere for 4 sec to flow through a light bulb. If
3 kJ is give in terms of light energy, the voltage 1 1 1 1
drop across the bulb is ________. (ii) = + +
R R1 R 2 R 3
(a) 150 V (b) 75 V
(c) 25 V (d) 100 V (iii) I = I1 + I2 + I3
KVS TGT (WE)- 2016 293. The algebraic sum of all voltage drops and
Ans. (a) : Given that, I = 5 A, T = 4 sec, E = 3kJ EMFs in any closed loop of a circuit is zero.
E = I2RT This law is called
(a) Ohm's law
= I2 × × T ∵ R = (b) Kirchhoff's Current Law
I I (c) Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
∴ E = I × V ×T (d) Snell's Law
∴ 3×103 = 5×V×4 KVS TGT (WE)- 2016
3 ×103 Ans. (c) Kirchhoff’s voltage law- The algebraic sum of
V= all voltage drops and EMFs in any closed loop of a
20 circuit is zero.
V = 150 volt
291. Which of the following is true about the two
resistors connected in series?
(a) Both the resistors carry same amount of
(b) Total resistance equals the sum of all series
resistances E − I1R 1 − I 2 R 2 = 0
(c) Sum of individual voltage drop (IR) equals
the applied voltage ∑ E −∑ IR = 0
Network Theory 63 YCT
294. A principal node is a 299. Find the resistance R1 and R3 in the following
(a) junction where branch current can combine or circuit
(b) closed path or loop where the algebraic sum
of voltages must be zero
(c) simple possible closed path around a circuit
(d) None of these
KVS TGT (WE)- 2016
Ans. (a) : A principal node is a junction where branch
current can combine or divide.
A principal node is one that has three or more
(a) 4.11, 6.78 (b) 4.11, 5.78
295. The reluctance offered by a magnetic circuit
(c) 7.23, 3.19 (d) 5.09, 3.18
consisting of two parallel paths acted upon by
DFCCIL Executive (S&T) 11.11.2018, 4:30 to 6:30PM
same magneto motive force is equal to
(a) half the reluctance of each path ( )
Ans. (d) :Voltage a cross R2 resister VR 2 = 24 –5–8
(b) the reluctance of each path
VR 2 = 11V
(c) twice the reluctance of each path
(d) thrice the reluctance of each path
KVS TGT (WE)- 2016
Ans. (a) : The reluctance offered by a magnetic circuit
consisting of two parallel paths acted upon by same
magneto motive force is equal to half the reluctance of
each path.
296. A current source of 2 mA has an internal
resistance of 20 MΩ. Current source is stiff,
when the load resistance is from _____. VR 11
(a) 0 to 200 kΩ (b) 0 to 20 kΩ Current (I) = 2 = A
R2 7
(c) 0 to 100 kΩ (d) 0 to 2 kΩ
( )
KVS TGT (WE)- 2016 Voltage across R1 register VR1 = I × R1
Ans. (b) : A current source of 2 mA has an internal 11
resistance of 20 MΩ. Current source is stiff, when the 8 = × R1
load resistance is from 0 to 20 kΩ. 7
297. Which of the following is not true about voltage R1 = = 5.09 Ω
source? 11
(a) Source resistance (Rs) is typically low
(b) Load resistance is greater than 100 Rs
( )
Voltage across R3 register VR 3 = I × R3
(c) Load voltage is constant 11
5 = × R3
(d) Load current is constant and independent of 7
load resistance (RL) R3 = 3.18Ω
KVS TGT (WE)- 2016
300. Find the current flowing through the resistor
Ans. (b) : We know about voltage source- R 3?
Source resistance (Rs) is typically low
Load voltage is constant
Load current is constant and independent of load
resistance (RL)
298. If all the elements in a circuit are carrying the
equal amount of current then the elements are
said to be in _____ connection.
(a) Parallel (b) Series
(a) 0.48 A (b) 0.96 A
(c) Undefined path (d) closed
(c) 0.24 A (d) 1.2 A
DFCCIL Executive S&T-17.04.2016, Shift-II DFCCIL Executive (S&T) 11.11.2018, 4:30 to 6:30PM
Ans. (b) : If all the elements in a circuit are carrying the Ans. (b) :
equal amount of current then the elements are said to be
in series connection.
Ans. (a) : P= =
R 10
= 14.9 W.
321. Find V in the following circuit?
R1= R2 = R3 = 1000 Ω
According to KVL -
R .R
R AB = R 1 + 2 3 ΣE − IR = 0
R2 + R3
E1 − IR − E 2 = 0
R AB = 1500Ω
Note- KVL law is based on “conservation of energy”.
343. Find the value of V0 in the figure
345. Ohm's law is applicable to
(a) DC circuit only
(b) AC circuit only
(c) DC circuit as well as AC circuit, provided
account is taken of the induced emf resulting
from the self-inductance of circuit in cross
section of circuit
(d) DC circuit as well as AC circuit, provided
account is taken of the induced emf resulting
(a) 1/2 V (b) –1/2 V from mutual inductance of circuit and of the
(c) 0 V (d) –3/2 V distribution of current in cross section of
ISRO Scientist Engg. 2009 circuit.
Ans. (b) : IES-2020
Ans. (d) : Ohm’s law- The ratio of potential difference
(V) at two point on a conductor to the current (I)
flowing them is constant, when all the physical
parameter does not change.
for DC circuit -
= Constant
Where, R= resistance of conductor between two point.
For AC circuit -
I = 1+I1 V V
I= =
I1 = I–1 Z R + jX
Apply KVL in the circuit- Where, X = L1 + L2 ± 2M
–1+1×(–I)+(–I1)+1 = 0 So, we can say Ohm's law's applicable to both DC as
–1–I–(I–1) +1 = 0 well as AC circuit provided that mutual inductance of
–1–I–I+1+1 = 0 the circuit is taken into account.
1 • Ohm’s law is applicable for linear and bilateral circuit.
I= 346. Two coils are connected in parallel and a
voltage of 200 V is applied to the terminals. The
1 1
I1 = − 1 = − total current taken is 15 A and the power
2 2 dissipated in one of the coils is 1500 W, the
V0 = I1 R resistance of each coil will be nearly
1 (a) 26.7Ω and 23.4Ω (b) 22.4Ω and 23.4Ω
= − ×1
2 (c) 26.7Ω and 26.7Ω (d) 22.4Ω and 26.7Ω
V0 = − V Ans. (c) :
344. According to Kirchhoff's voltage law, the
algebraic sum of all the voltage in any closed
loop of a network is always
(a) Negative (b) Positive
(c) Zero (d) Determined by the battery emf
Network Theory 72 YCT
∵ DC source of 200V connected across the parallel Ans. (a) : Kirchhoff's current law works on the
network then the inductor L1, L2 will be short circuited. principle of conservation of charge.
The equivalent resistance of the circuit- Kirchhoff’s current law is “the algebraic sum of all
V 200 40 current entering and leaving a node must equal to zero”.
R eq = = = Ω Ientering = Ileaving
I 15 3
Power dissipated in one coil = 1500W
Then resistance of these coil R1 =
200 × 200 400 80
R1 = = = = 26.67Ω
1500 15 3
∵ Req = Ω
And R1 = Ω I1 + I4 = I 2 + I3 + I5
I1 − I 2 − I3 + I4 − I5 = 0
× R2 349. The current in a coil self-inductance of 4H
Then- = 3 changes from 10 A to 2A in t seconds and the
3 80
+ R2 induced emf is 40V. The time is
3 (a) 0.2s (b) 0.4s
80 (c) 0.6s (d) 0.8s
R2 = = 26.67Ω
3 IES-2018
347. Two resistance, one of 30Ω and another of Ans. (d) : As we know that,
unknown value, are connected in parallel. The di
total power dissipated in the circuit is 450 W e = −L
when the applied voltage is 90 V. The unknown
resistance is ( I2 − I1 )
(a) 45Ω (b) 35Ω dt
(c) 30Ω (d) 20Ω (-ve sign will be neglected for calculation )
IES-2019 4(10 − 2)
Ans. (a) : As given that, 40 =
Total power = 450W
32 4
VI = 450W t= = = 0.8s
450 40 5
I= = 5A
90 350. A network in which all the elements are
In 30Ω resistance current will be- physically separable is called a
90 (a) distributed network (b) lumped network
I' = = 3A (c) passive network (d) reactive network
In RΩ resistance the current will be = 5−3 = 2A IES-2017
90 Ans. (b) : A network in which all the elements are
Hence, resistance (R) = = 45Ω physically separable is called a lumped network.
2 Lumped network-
Use simple geometry with a few RLC elements
(e.g. π equivalent circuit).
Efficient but lack accuracy.
I Should only be used for low performance/speed
The voltage and currents in such a circuit are
functions of time only.
In circuit theory, we assume the physical dimension
of a circuit element are much smaller than the
+ −
electrical wavelength.
348. The Kirchhoff's current law works on the
principle of conservation of 351. Consider the following factors:
1. charge 2. energy 1. Number of turns of the coil
3. power 2. Length of the coil
Which of the above is/are correct? 3. Area of cross-section of the coil
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only 4. Permeability of the coil
(c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 On which of the above factors does inductance,
IES-2018 depend?
Network Theory 73 YCT
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 1, 3 and 4 only Ans. (a) :
(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) 2 and 4 only
Ans. (c) : As we know that,
N 2µ0µr A RB RC
Where, N = No. of turns of the coil
µ0 = Permeability of the coil in air
µr = Relative permeability of the coil Delta to star conversion
A = Area of the coil R AB × R AC R∆ × R∆
RA = =
ℓ = Length of the coil R AB + R BC + R AC R ∆ + R ∆ + R ∆
Inductance (L) depends on following factors-
R AB × R BC R∆ × R∆ R
(i) Number of turns of the coil RB = = = ∆
(ii) Length of the coil R AB + R BC + R AC R ∆ + R ∆ + R ∆ 3
(iii) Area of cross-section of the coil R∆
(iv) Permeability of the core Similarly, R A = R B = R C =
352. Consider the following statements pertaining to
354. Seven resistances each of 5 Ω are connected as
the resistance of a conductor: shown a figure. The equivalent resistance
1. Resistance can be simply defined as the between the points A and B is
ratio of voltage across the conductor to the
current through the conductor. This is, in
fact, Georg Ohm's law
2. Resistance is a function of voltage and
3. Resistance is a function of conductor
geometry and its conductivity
Which of the above statements are correct? (a) 3Ω (b) 11Ω
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 15Ω (d) None of the above
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 IES-2015
IES-2016 Ans. (d) :
Ans. (c) : Ohm's law:- It states that the current through
a conductor between two points is directly proportional
to the voltage across the two points. It is given by 5Ω
mathematical equation
(i) I∝V
I = V
R By converting delta to star-
V = IR 5×5 25 5
We can see that R is actually the proportionality OM = = = = 1.25 Ω
5 + 5 + 10 20 4
constant, it does not depends upon V and I. 5 × 10 50 5
ℓ ON = = = = 2.5 Ω
(ii) R= ρ 5 + 5 + 10 20 2
A 5 ×10 50 5
ℓ OB = = = = 2.5 Ω
R= 5 + 5 + 10 20 2
Here we can see that resistance is a function of
conductor geometry and its conductivity.
353. If the three resistors in a delta network are all M N
equal in values i.e. RDELTA then the value of the 1.25Ω 2.5Ω
resultant resistors in each branch of the O
equivalent star network i.e. RSTAR will be equal
(a) (b) Hence, the equivalent resistance between two point A
3 2 and B are-
R AB = (11.25 || 7.5 ) + 2.5 = 7Ω
Network Theory 74 YCT
355. The capacitance of each capacitor is C = 3 µF in 10 − VA V − 2i x
the figure shown. The effective capacitance +3= A
2 1
between points A and B is
10 − VA + 6 10 − VA
= VA − 2i x ∵ i x =
2 2
10 − VA + 6 2 (10 − VA )
= VA −
2 2
(a) 2µF (b) 3µF 10 − VA + 6
= VA − 10 + VA
(c) 4µF (d) 5µF 2
IES-2015 16 − VA = 4VA − 20
Ans. (d) : 36
VA = = 7.2 volt
10 − 7.2
Now, i x = = 1.4A
357. A 12 V automobile light is rated at 30 W. The
total charge flows through the filament in one
minute is
Equivalent circuit will be (a) 30 C (b) 12 C
(c) 150 C (d) 180 C
Ans. (c) : As given that,
Automobile light voltage (V) = 12V
Power (P) = 30W
Hence, P = VI
The capacitance between O and B are in parallel-
C1 = C + C = 2C I= = 2.5A
now, capacitance 2C and C are in series- 12
2C × C 2C now, charge (Q) flowing through filament in 1 minute
Hence, C2 = = Q = It = 2.5 ×60
3C 3 Q = 150C
2C 358. How many 6µF, 200V capacitors are needed to
Now, and C are in parallel
3 make a capacitor of 18µF 600V?
2C 5C (a) 18 (b) 9
Ceq = +C = (c) 3 (d) 27
3 3
given C = 3µF
Ans. (d) : To get 1 equivalent 600V, 18µF capacitor,
Hence, Ceq = = 5µF place three 200V, 6µF capacitor is series.
3 Hence, there will be need of 9 of these equivalent 600V,
356. In the circuit the value of ix is 2µF capacitors in parallel
Hence, Total no of capacitor will be required to make
18µF, 600V capacitor is 27.
V − 2I
I= ≠ 2I
R1 + R 2 + R 3 + .....R N
Hence we can say that current through each resistor will
get double, when independent voltage and current
Irms value of triangular wave form- sources are double.
Im 9 361. Consider the following statements:
I rms = = A Any element is redundant if connected in
3 3
1. series with an ideal current source
Power dissipated in the 20Ω resistor is-
2. parallel with an ideal current source
P = (i rms ) R
3. series with an ideal voltage source
9 4. parallel with an ideal voltage source
= × 20 Which of the above statements are correct?
3 (a) 1 and 3 (b) 1 and 4
P = 540W (c) 2 and 3 (d) 2 and 4
360. A network N consists of resistors, dependent IES-2014
and independent voltage and current sources. Ans. (b) : • An ideal current source has infinite internal
If the current in one particular resistance is I resistance connected in parallel so that change in load
A, it will be doubled if the values of all the resistance will not change the required current.
(a) independent voltage sources are doubled
(b) independent current sources are doubled A
(c) dependent and independent voltage and
current sources are doubled ⇒
(d) independent voltage and current sources are
IES-2014 B
Ans. (d) : A network N consists of resistors, dependent • An ideal voltage source has zero internal resistance
and independent voltage and current sources. If the connected in series so that changes in load resistance
current in one particular resistance is I A, it will be will not change the voltage supplied.
doubled if the values of all the independent voltage and 362. Inductive reactance X is a function of
current sources are doubled. inductance L and frequency f. The value of X
case (i) increases when
(a) both L and f increases
(b) L increases and f decreases
(c) both L and f decreases
(d) L decrease and f increases
V Ans. (a) : As we know that-
R1 + R 2 + R 3 + ......R N Inductive reactance (XL) = 2πfL
if we take V = 2V XL ∝ f
2V XL ∝ L
R1 + R 2 + R 3 + ......R N Hence, XL increases when both L and f increases.
I = 2I 363. A current of 2.0 A passes through a cell of
case (ii) e.m.f. 1.5V having internal resistance of 0.15Ω.
The potential difference across the terminals of
the cell is
(a) 1.35 V (b) 1.50 V
(c) 1.00 V (d) 1.20 V
Network Theory 76 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ans. (c) : Let, C1 and C2 are capacitance of the
capacitor when capacitor is connected in parallel, then
C1+ C2 = 25F ....(i)
When capacitor are connected in series, then
C1 C2
= 4F ....(ii)
C1 + C2
now, C1 C2 = 4 × 25 = 100 F (∵C1 + C2 = 25F)
As we know that
(C1 − C 2 ) 2 = (C1 + C 2 ) 2 − 4C1C 2
V = E − ir
= 1.5 −2× 0.15 ∴ (C1 − C 2 ) 2 = (25) 2 − 4 × 100 = 225 F
= 1.5 − 0.30 C1 − C2 = 15 F .....(iii)
From equation (i) and (iii) we get
V = 1.20V
C1 = 20 F, C2 = 5 F
364. A capacitor of 100µF stores 10 mJ of energy. 367. A coil having an inductance of 4 H and a
What is the amount of charge (in Coulomb) resistance of 2 Ω is connected across a 20 V dc
stored in it? source. The steady state current (in amperes)
–6 –3
(a) 1.414 × 10 (b) 1.414 × 10 through the coil is
–6 –3
(c) 2.303 × 10 (d) 2.303 × 10 (a) 5 (b) 3.3
IES-2014 (c) 10 (d) 6.6
1 Q2 IES-2013
Ans. (b) : Energy stored in the capacitor (E) =
2 C Ans. (c) : As given that, V = 20V, L = 4H, R = 2Ω
1 Q2
= 10 × 10−3
2 C
1 Q2
× = 10 × 10−3 I
2 100 × 10−6
Q2 = 2 × 10−6
Q = 1.414 ×10−3 C
At a steady state condition inductor works as a short
365. Two lamps each of 230 V and 60 W rating are circuit then,
connected in series across a single phase 230 V V
supply. The total power consumed by the two I=
lamps would be R
(a) 120 W (b) 60 W 20
I= = 10A
(c) 30 W (d) 15 W 2
IES-2013 368. A coil of inductance 2 H and resistance 1 Ω is
Ans. (c) : Total power given by at same supply voltage connected to a 10 V battery with negligible
in series connected lamp. internal resistance. The amount of energy
stored in the magnetic field is
(a) 8 J (b) 50 J
(c) 25 J (d) 100 J
Ans. (d) : As given that,
R = 1Ω, L = 2H , V=10V
For DC circuit-
[f = 0]
P1 × P2 XL = 2πfL = 0
PT =
P1 + P2
60 × 60
PT = = 30W
60 + 60
366. The total capacitance of two capacitors is 25 F
when connected in parallel and 4 F when
connected in series. The individual capacitance
of the two capacitors are A B
(a) 1 F and 24 F (b) 3 F and 21 F
(c) 5 F and 20 F (d) 10 F and 15 F Hence, total impedance = R + jXL = 1+ 0
IES-2013 = 1Ω
Network Theory 77 YCT
V 10 371.
Current (I) = = = 10A
Z 1
1 2
Energy stored in the magnetic field (E) = LI
= × 2 × 102
E = 100 J
369. A capacitor of 100µF is charged to 10V
through a resistance of 10 kΩ. It would be fully In the delta equivalent of the about star
charged in connected circuit, ZQR is equal to
(a) 5 sec (b) 0.1 sec (a) 40Ω (b) (20 + j10) Ω
(c) 1.0 sec (d) 0.5 sec
IES-2013 (c) 5 + Ω (d) (10 + j30)Ω
Ans. (a) : Time constant of capacitor (τ) = RC 3
It will fully charged at time constant of (5τ) = 5RC
As given that, Ans. (d) :
R = 10kΩ, C = 100 µF
∴ τ = 5 ×10 ×103 ×100×10−6
τ = 5 sec.
370. A battery is connected to a resistance causing a
current of 0.5 A in the circuit. The current
drops to 0.4 A when an additional resistance of
5Ω is connected in series. The current will drop
to 0.2 A when the resistance is further
increased by 10 × ( j10 ) + j10 × 5 + 5 ×10
(a) 10Ω (b) 15Ω ZQR =
(c) 25Ω (d) 40Ω 150 j + 50
IES-2013 ZQR= = 10 + 30 j
Ans. (c) : Let Resistance (R) connected to voltage V 5
372. The number of branches in a network is 'b' the
number of nodes is 'n' and number of
dependent loop is 'l'. The number of
0.5A independent current equations will be
(a) n – l – 1 (b) b – l
(c) b – n (d) n – 1
Ans. (d) : If the number of nodes is 'n', then the number
V = IR of independent current equation will be (n-1).
V = 0.5R ....(i) (given, I = 0.5A)
Number of KVL equations = b − n +1
Current drops to 0.4A when an additional resistance of
Where, b = Branch
5Ω is connected in series
n = no. of nodes
373. The total resistance faced by the voltage source
having zero internal resistance in the circuit is
1 0.4A
V = 0.4 (5 + R)
V = 2 + R (0.4) .....(ii)
From (i) and (ii)
0.5 R = 2 + 0.4R (a) 10Ω (b) 5Ω
R = 20 Ω (c) 2.5Ω (d) 1.5Ω
Putting R = 20Ω in equation (i) - IES-2012
then, V = 0.5 × 20 = 10V Ans. (c) :
Now, when further resistance (R1) will be added then,
I1 =
20 + 5 + R
0.2 (25+R1) =10 [∵ I1 = 0.2A]
R1 = 25Ω
(a) 6 A (b) 4 A
(c) 2 A (d) 0
Ans. (a) :
Value of current I1 in the branch AB
I1 = = 1A
Value of current (I2)= = 3A
By applying KCL Applying KCL at node A -
I = I1 + I2 I = I1 + I2
200 − 24 440 − VA VA − 440 VA − 0
= 1+ 3 = +
R 120 60 30
R = 44Ω 440 − VA ( VA − 440 + 2VA )
383. The value of current in 80Ω resistor of below 120 60
circuit is 440 − VA = 2(3VA − 440)
440 − VA = 6VA − 880
880 + 440 1320
VA = = V
7 7
Current in 30Ω resistance-
I2 = = 6.28A ≃ 6A
7 × 30
(a) 0.5 A (b) 2.0 A
385. In the circuit shown below, the current I is
(c) 5.0 A (d) 20.0 A
Ans. (a) : Equivalent resistance of circuit will be
Fig (a) Network NA is equivalent to network NB in fig Total current given by-
(b) I 2 = IC2 + I R2
52 = 4 2 + I R2
I R = 9 = 3A
Voltage across resistance (R) is 240 V
∴ R= = 80Ω
From Fig. 3A
IC R C = 10 , R C = 1Ω 391. Consider the following network:
IC =10A
I1 = = 5A
I2 = C C
RC +1
Fig. A and Fig. B are equivalent - Which one of the following is the differential
[ I1 = I2 ] equation for V in the above network?
Network Theory 83 YCT
dV dV 60 120
(a) C + GV = 0 (b) C + CV = 0 =
dt dt 30 60
1 dV ∵ This is balance bridge
(c) C + GV = 0 (d) C − GV = 0 Hence no current will flow through resistance (R)
dt dt Hence, Power delivered to resistance (R) will be zero.
IES-2004 P = I 2R = 0
Ans. (a) : By applying Kirchhoff's voltage law -
394. Consider the following circuit:
+V =0
i + GV = 0
C + GV = 0
dt In the above circuit, the current I2 is 2A when
392. Consider the following circuit: the value of R1 is 20Ω. What will be the value of
I2, when R1 is changed to 10Ω?
(a) 1 A (b) 2 A
(c) 3 A (d) 4 A
IES-2004, 1999
Ans. (b) :
above circuit?
(a) – 15W
(b) 0 W
(c) 15 W
(d) Cannot be determined unless the value of R is By applying KCL
known I1 = I2 + I3
IES-2004 60 − V1 V1 V1 − V2
Ans. (b) : The circuit can be redrawn as: = +
10 20 10
6 12 2 ( 60 − V1 ) = V1 + 2V1 − 2V2
120 − 2V1 = 3V1 − 2V2
5V1 − 2V2 = 120 .....(i)
3 6
I3 = I4 + I5
V1 − V2 V2 V2 − 60
= +
30V 10 20 10
Network Theory 84 YCT
2 ( V1 − V2 ) = V2 + 2V2 − 120 Ans. (a) :
2V1 − 2V2 = 3V2 − 120 Inverse time constant of inductor (R/L) → (Second)-1
Oscillation (1/LC) → (Radian/Second)2
5V2 − 2V1 = 120 ....(ii) Time constant of capacitor (CR) → Second
On solving equation (i) and (ii) we get,
V1 = 40V, V2= 40V
Surge Impedance (
L / C → Ohm)
Hence, the value of current 398. In the circuit shown below, the voltage across
V1 − V2 40 − 40 2Ω resistor is 20V. The 5Ω resistor connected
I3 = = =0 between the terminals A and B can be replaced
10 10
by an ideal
Therefore the value of current for the given branch is
396. Which one of the following statements is
In a four branch parallel circuit, 50 mA
current flows in the each branch. If one of the
branches opens, the current in the other
(a) increase (b) decrease
(c) are unaffected (d) double
IES-2004 (a) Voltage source of 25V with + terminal
Ans. (c) : The circuit given as following for four branch (b) Voltage source of 25V with + terminal
parallel circuit: downward
50mA (c) Current source of 2A upward
(d) Current source of 2A downward
50mA IES-2003
Ans. (a) :
+ −
Let us considered voltage source (V) connected across 20
parallel circuit. Current ( I1 ) =
= 10A
The current in all branches are same i.e. 50mA, and also 10 A divided in two parallel branches so,
voltage across each branch is same in parallel. 10 × 5
Therefore, value of resistance will be same for each Current in 5Ω resistance ( I3 ) = = 5A
branch. 5+5
If one of the branch opens, then the current in the other Voltage across 5Ω resistor = 5 × 5 = 25Volt
branches are unaffected, because voltage and resistance Open circuit voltage across terminal A and B
are same in each branch. VAB = 25V [(+ve) terminal upward]
V 399. The current flowing through the voltage source
i= in the circuit shown below is
397. Match List-I (Quantities) with List-II (Units)
and select the correct answer:
List-I List-II
A. R/L 1. Second
B. 1/LC 2. Ohm
C. CR 3. (Radian/Second)2
D. L/C 4. (Second)–1
Codes: (a) 1.0 A (b) 0.75 A
A B C D (c) 0.5 A (d) 0.25 A
(a) 4 3 1 2
(b) 3 4 2 1
(c) 4 3 2 1 Ans. (a) : Current through 4Ω resistor is-
(d) 3 4 1 2 3
I1 = = 0.75A
IES-2003 4
Network Theory 85 YCT
Apply KCL at node A-
I2 = ± = ± 5A
Case 3 : When source E3 is taken-
Let current I3 flows through source E3
If the power dissipated in the 6Ω resistor is zero,
P3 = 98 W = I32 R
Pdiss = 0
98 then, either I =0 or
I3 = ± = ± 7A
2 VA − VB = 0
Maximum value of power in R will be- means VA = VB
P = (5 + 3 + 7 ) × 2 By voltage division rule
P = 225 × 2 = 450W VA = 20∠0º ×
1 + j1
Minimum value of power in R will be-
P = ( 5 + 3 − 7 ) × 2 = 12 × 2
2 VB = ×V
P = 2W ∵ VA = VB
1∠90º 1
409. In the circuit shown in the figure below, the ∴ × 20 ∠0º = V
current supplied by the sinusoidal current 2 ∠45º 2
source is 40
∠45° = V
V = 20 2∠45°
411. In the circuit below, V1 = 40 V when R is 10Ω.
When R is zero, the value of V2 will be
(a) 28 A
(b) 4A
(c) 20 A
(d) not determinable from the data given
Network Theory 88 YCT
(a) 40 V (b) 30 V Apply KCL at Node-
(c) 20 V (d) 10 V I1 + I2 = I
IES-2000 V V
Ans. (a) : The circuit can be redraw as: (Due to source R + R = I
1 2
V = I× 1 2
R1 + R 2
Now, Resistance becomes double, then
2R × 2R 2 R 1R 2
V' = I× 1 = 2I
2R1 + 2R 2 R1 + R 2
By applying KCL
Given, V1 = 40V V ' = 2V
I = I1 + I2 Hence, node voltage become double.
60 − V1 V1 V1 − V2 414. A coil would behave as
= + (a) an inductor at high frequencies
10 20 R (b) a capacitor at very low frequencies
60 − 40 40 40 − V2 (c) a capacitor at very high frequencies
= +
10 20 R (d) a resistor at high frequencies
40 − V2 IES-2000
2 = 2+ Ans. (a) : At higher frequency, the XL become high ,
then the coil would behave as an Inductor.
V2 = 40V 415. The circuit shown in Figure-I is replaced by
∵ V1 = V2 = 40V that in Figure-II. If current 'I' remains the
Hence, Now current will flow for any value of same, then R0 will be
resistance R.
412. Consider the following statements:
If a network has an impedance of (1–j) at a
specific frequency, the circuit would consist of
1. R and C
2. R and L
3. R, L and C
Which of these statements are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3
(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 2 and 3
(a) zero (b) R
Ans. (b) : As given that, Impedance (Z) = 1-j (c) 2 R (d) 4 R
On comparing with impedance triangle equation = IES-1999
Where XC is only capacitive or may be combination of Ans. (d) :
capacitance and inductance whose magnitude is 1.
413. A network contains only independent current
sources and resistors. If the values of all
resistors are doubled, the values of the node
(a) will become half
(b) will remain unchanged
(c) will become double
(d) cannot be determined unless the circuit
configuration and the values of the resistors
are known ∵ Voltage and Current are same, then Equivalent
IES-2000 Resistance of both circuit will be same.
Ans. (c) : So, 32R || 16R || 8R = R0 + 4R || 2R || R
I2 32R 4R
= R0 +
I1 7 7
R0 =
R 0 = 4R
(a) 1Ω (b) 2Ω
(c) 3Ω (d) 3.3Ω (a) 5 V (b) 3 V
ISRO Scientist Engg. -2015 (c) 2 V (d) 1 V
IES-1998 IES-1997
Ans. (b) : Ans. (c) :
(a) R (b) R – 1
According to question,
R 10
(c) (d)
I1= 2 = 1A 2 2
2 IES-1997
Apply KCL at node A
Ans. (c) :
2 + I2 = I1
I2 = −1Amp
Total power consumed by the circuit
PT = (2)2 × 2 + (1)2 × 2 + 1 × 2
PT = 12W
(a) (c)
2 24
(a) − A (b) A
5 5
18 2
(c) A (d) A
5 5
IES-1994 (a) 1 amp (b) 1/2 amp
Ans. (d) : (c) 3 amp (d) 1/3 amp
A IES-1993
Ans. (a) : According to Question,–
2 3
At balance bridge condition branch CD no current flow
R eq = 2R || R || 2R
put the value R = 1
1 Apply KVL in the loop -
Req = R / 2 =
= 0.5Ω
2 – 40 +4I+28I+8I– 40=0
440. The current in resistor R shown in the fig. will –80+40I = 0
be 40I = 80
I = 2A
442. In the circuit shown, the values of V1 and I1 will
(a) 1 V, 1 A (b) 1 V, 6 A
(c) 5 V, 5 A (d) None of the above
Network Theory 97 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ans. (d) : Given, x = 3A
1000 1000
(a) W (b) W (a) 1W, 1W, 2W (b) 0W, 1W, 1W
1 2 (c) 1W, 0W, 1W (d) 0W, 0W, 0W
1000 1000 IES-1991
(c) W (d) W
3 4 Ans. (b) :
Ans. (c) :
Current in 1Ω resistance = = 1A
rms value of current– Net current in voltage source = 0 A
10 1
I= A Internal resistance of current source = = 1Ω
3 1
The Average Power is = (I2 R) So, power loss in voltage source -
(P1) = V×I = 1×0 = 0 W
100 1000
= × 10 = W Power loss in current source (P2) = 12×1 = 1 W
3 3 Power loss in resistance (P3) = 12×1 = 1W
444. For the circuit shown in the figure, the current
x is 3A. The power delivered by the dependent 446. The two electrical sub networks N1 and N2 are
current source D is connected through three resistors as shown in
Fig. The voltages across 5 ohm resistor and 1
ohm resistor are given to be 10 V and 5 V,
respectively. Then voltage across 15 ohm
resistor is
Current in 5Ω resistor
I1 = = 2A (from N1 to N2)
Current in 1Ω resistor (a) 12 A (b) – 12 A
5 (c) 4 A (d) None of these
I 2 = = 5A (from N1 to N2) GATE-1997
Total current N2 to N1 = I1+I2 = 2+5 = 7A Ans. (b) :
Current in 15Ω resistors = –7A (N1 to N2)
Voltage across 15Ω resistor (V) = 15 × (–7) A C
= –105V
447. A dc circuit shown in figure has a voltage
source V, a current source I and several
resistors. A particular resistor R dissipates a
power of 4 Watts when V alone is active. The
same resistor R dissipates a power of 9 Watts D
when I alone is active. The power dissipated by B
R when both sources are active will be
Apply KCL at node A
I1 + I0+I4 = 0
So, 5+7+I4 = 0
I4 = –12A
449. The voltage V in figure is always equal to
(a) 1 W (b) 5 W
(c) 13 W (d) 25 W
Ans. (d) : Applying the superposition theorem.
1st case- Voltage source is active and the other sources
are replace by their internal resistance.
(a) 3 V (b) 5 V
(c) 1 V (d) None of these
OPSC Poly. Lect. (Instrumentation)-2018, Paper-I
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) - 2015, Paper - I
Power (P1) = I12 R = 4W GATE-1997
2nd case- Current source is active Ans. (a) :
Power (P2) = I 22 R = 9 W
When both source are active then
Total current (I) = ( I1 ± I 2 )
Total power = I2 R
= ( I1 ± I 2 ) R = I12 R + I 22 R ± 2I1I 2 R
( ) =( )
2 2
4 ± 9 = ( 2 ± 3)
= P1 ± P2 Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law in loop ABCDA
P = (2+3) = 25Watt −V − 5 + 4 + 4 = 0
I1 and I2 are same direction then positive sign take. V = 3V
(a) 9 V (b) 5 V
(c) 1 V (d) None of these 1 1 1
GATE-1997 = +
Zeq 8 4
Ans. (d) :
Zeq = Ω
453. In the circuit shown in the figure the current iD
through the ideal diode (zero cut in voltage and
zero forward resistance) equals
(a) 0 A (b) 4 A
(c) 1 A (d) None of these
Ans. (c) : Current source conversion in voltage source
(a) 10 V (b) 15 V then,
(c) 5 V (d) None of the these
Ans. (a) : In parallel circuit voltage are same
Hence, V = 10V
452. In the circuit of Fig. the equivalent impedance
seen across terminals A, B is
Apply KCL at node A
VA − 10 VA − 0 VA − 2
+ + =0
4 4 1
VA = 3
So, diode current (ID) = VA − 2 = 3 − 2 = 1A
1 1
454. The voltage across the terminals a and b in fig.
(a) (16/3) Ω
(b) (8/3) Ω
(c) (8/3 + 12j) Ω
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b) : (a) 0.5 V (b) 3.0 V
(c) 3.5 V (d) 4.0 V
Z1= = Z2 GATE-1998
Ans. (c) :
Z3= = Z4
(a) 2 V V
(c) 4 V (d) 8 V
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) - 2017, Paper - I
(a) –16 V (b) 4 V GATE-2001
(c) –6 V (d) 16 V
Ans. (c) :
KVS TGT (WE)- 2014
BPSC Polytechnic Lecturer-2014 I1 A I3
GATE-2000 I2
Ans. (a) :
Apply KCL at A -
I1 + I2 + I3 = 0
e0 − 12 e0 e0
+ + =0
Apply the KVL 4 4 4
0 + 1 + E +5 + 10 =0 e0 –12+ e0 +e0 = 0
3e0 –12 = 0
E = −16 V e0 = 4V
Network Theory 101 YCT
459. If each branch of A Delta circuit has 461. The dependent current source shown in the
impedance 3Z, then each branch of the figure
equivalent Wye circuit has impedance.
(a) (b) 3 Z
(c) 3 3 Z (d) (a) delivers 80 W (b) absorbs 80 W
GATE-2001 (c) delivers 40 W (d) absorbs 40 W
Ans. (a) : Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
Ans. (a) :
V1 1
3Z × 3Z 3Z2 Z
ZA = = = Apply the KCL at node V
3Z + 3Z + 3Z 3 3Z 3 V − 20 V V1
+ = (V1 = 20V)
3Z × 3Z 3Z 2
Z 5 5 5
ZB = = =
3Z + 3Z + 3Z 3 3Z 3 V − 20 + V 20
3Z × 3Z 3Z 2
Z 5 5
ZC = = = 2V = 40
3Z + 3Z + 3Z 3 3Z 3
V = 20
460. The voltage eo in the figure is
Power across current source
P = 1 ×V
P= × 20 = 80 Watt
(a) 48 V (b) 24 V P = delivered 80 Watt
(c) 36 V (d) 28 V 462. If the 3-phase balanced source in the figure
OPSC Poly. Lect. (Instrumentation)-2018, Paper-I delivers 1500 W at a leading power factor
GATE-2001 0.844, then the value of ZL (in ohm) is
Ans. (d) :
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 6 (d) 7 (a) 0.238 V (b) 0.138 V
GATE-2003 (c) –0.238 V (d) 1 V
Ans. (a) : Number of Node = (4) GATE-2005
Maximum number of equation = N –1 Ans. (c) :
R1 = R 2 = R 4 = R and R3 = 1.1R
R × 10 R × 10
Va = 2 = = 5V
Where node ‘1’ voltage is known and node 2, 3 & 4 R1 + R 2 2R
voltage is unknown. R 3 ×10 R ×10 1.1×10 11
464. An ideal sawtooth voltage waveform of Vb = = 3 = = = 5.238
R 3 + R 4 1.1R + R 2.1 2.1
frequency 500Hz and amplitude 3V is
generated by charging a capacitor of 2 µF in Vab = Va − Vb
every cycle. The charging requires Vab = 5 − 5.238 = −0.238V
(a) constant voltage source of 3 V for 1 ms
(b) constant voltage source of 3 V for 2 ms 466. A fully charged mobile phone with a 12V
(c) constant current source of 3 mA for 1 ms battery is good for a 10 minute talk-time.
(d) constant current source of 3 mA for 2 ms Assume that, during the talk-time the battery
GATE-2003 delivers a constant current of 2 A and its
Ans. (d) : voltage drops linearly from 12 V to 10 V as
V (t)C
shown in the figure. How much energy does the
battery deliver during this talk-time?
1 T
C ∫0
VC (t) = i c dt ....(i)
∴ +VC+5–VD = 0
Or VC − VD = −5V
(a) 0 W (b) 5 W 469. Consider a delta connection of resistors and its
(c) 10 W (d) 100 W equivalent star connection as shown below. If
NIELIT Scientists -2017 all elements of the delta connection are scaled
GATE-2010 by a factor k, k > 0, the elements of the
Ans. (a) : corresponding star equivalent will be scaled by
a factor of
New ΣR A =
( kR b )( kR c ) = k. R b R c
k (Ra + Rb + Rc ) Ra + Rb + Rc
(a) –5 V (b) 2 V ∴ R'A = kR a
(c) 3 V (d) 6 V
OPSC Poly Lect. (Instrumentution) -2018 Paper-I Hence, the elements of the corresponding star
GATE-2012 equivalent will be scaled by k times also.
Network Theory 104 YCT
470. The following arrangement consists of an ideal Ans. (c) :
transformer and an attenuator which
attenuates by a factor of 0.8. An AC Voltage
VWX1 = 100 V is applied across WX to get an
open circuit voltage VYZ1 across YZ. Next, an ac
voltage VYZ2 = 100 V is applied across YZ to get As we know that
open circuit voltage VWX2 across WX. Then, Q = CV
VYZ1/ VWX1, Vwx2/VYZ2 are respectively Given,
C1 = 10µF V1 = 10V
C2 = 5µF V2 = 5V
C3 = 2µF V3 = 2V
Q 1 = C1V 1
put value = 10×10–6×10 = 100 µC
Q2 = C2 ×V2 = 5×10–6×5 = 25µC
(a) 125/100 and 80/100 Q3 = C3× V3 = 2×10–6×2= 4 µC
(b) 100/100 and 80/100 Capacitor C2 and C3 are in series combination-
(c) 100/100 and 100/100 So charge is same in series connection
(d) 80/100 and 80/100 • In series the equivalent of C2 and C3
C × C3 5µF × 2µF 10
Ans. (b) : C23 = 2 = = µF
C2 + C3 5µF + 2µF 7
Q 23 4 ×10−6
So voltage V23 = = = 2.8V
C23 10 × 10−6
In parallel, voltage is same
V1 = V23 = 2.8Volt
Voltage across VYZ1 = 100 × 1.25 × 0.8 = 100Volt Charge across C1
If 100 V applied across YZ terminal then 100 V will Q 1 = C1V 1
appear across the secondary winding. = 10µF×2.8 = 28µC
Total charge in parallel
VWX2 1
= Q = Q1 +Q23
VYZ2 1.25 = (28+4) µC
100 Q = 32 µC
VWX2 = = 80 V
1.25 472. If σ is the conductivity, What is the
VYZ1 100 relationship between the electric field E and the
= current density J in a conducting medium?
VWX1 100 (a) σ = J / E (b) σ = 1/(EJ)
VWX2 80 (c) σ = E / J (d) σ = EJ
VYZ2 100 DFCCIL Executive (S&T) 11.11.2018, 4:30 to 6:30PM
Ans. (a) : We know
471. Three capacitor C1, C2 and C3 whose values are
10µF, 5µF and 2µF respectively, have V
I= …(i)
breakdown voltages of 10 V, 5 V and 2 V R
respectively. For the interconnection shown l
below, the maximum safe voltage in volts that R= ρ
can be applied across the combination, and the
corresponding total charge in µC stored in the J=
effective capacitance across the terminals are, A
respectively Put R value in equation (i)
J= =
A ρlA
(a) 2.8 and 36 (b) 7 and 119 1 V
(c) 2.8 and 32 (d) 7 and 80 J= E ∵ E =
ρ l
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) - 2017, Paper - I
GATE-2013 J = σE
Network Theory 105 YCT
473. If σ = 4.0J/m and E = 5.0 V m, the conduction (c) current controlled current source
current density is: (d) current controlled voltage source
(a) 10.0A / m 2 (b) 5.0A / m 2 GATE-2014
Ans. (c) :
(c) 1.25A / m 2 (d) 20.0A / m 2
UPPCL AE-05.11.2019
Ans. (d) : Given,
σ = 4.0 J / m, E = 5.0 V / m
J = σ⋅E
A current source that dependent on a current input is
J = 4×5 generally referred to as a current controlled current
J = 20 A m 2 source.
476. In the given circuit, the value of V1 and V2
474. Consider the configuration shown in the figure respectively are
which is a portion of a larger electrical network
(a) 5 V, 25 V (b) 10 V, 30 V
For R = 1 Ω and currents i1 = 2A, i4 = –1A, i5 = (c) 15 V, 35 V (d) 0 V, 20 V
–4 A, which one of the following is TRUE?
APGENCO AE- 23.04.2017
(a) i6 = 5A
(b) i3 = – 4A
(c) Data is sufficient to conclude that the Ans. (a) :
supposed currents are impossible
(d) Data is insufficient to identity the currents i2.
i3 and i6
Ans. (a) : Given,
12 × 8 ∴P = × 5 × 0.8 = 50Watt
Total resistance (RT) = R + = R + 4.8 2
12 + 8
Network Theory 109 YCT
497. In the circuit shown, the voltage Vx (in Volts) is 499. The resistance measured by the ohmmeter in
the figure will be :
(a) 8 (b) 9
(c) 10 (d) 11 (a) 30Ω (b) 50Ω
APGENCO AE- 23.04.2017 (c) 60Ω (d) 120Ω
GATE-2015 APPSC Poly. Lect. 15.03.2020
Ans. (a) : Applying KCL at node-x, we get Ans. (b) :
V V − 0.25Vx
−5 + 0.5Vx + x + x =0
20 10
−100 + 10Vx + Vx + 2Vx − 0.5Vx = 0
12.5Vx = 100 60 × 30
R e q = 30 + = 30 + 20 = 50Ω
Vx = 8Volts 60 + 30
498. Identify the Current-Controlled Voltage 500. For a 3-pF capacitor with 20V across it, the
Source (CCVS) : energy stored will be :
(a) 60J (b) 600 pJ
(c) 60 pJ (d) 6J
APPSC Poly. Lect. 15.03.2020
Ans. (b) : Energy stored in capacitor -
1 1
EC = CV 2 = × 3 × 10−12 × 202
2 2
EC = 600 pJ
(a) 1Ω (b) 1 kΩ
(c) 111 Ω (d) 100 Ω
APPSC Poly. Lect. 15.03.2020
Ans. (c) :
The voltage at nodes 1 and 2, respectively are :
(a) 13.33V and 20V
(b) 20V and 13.33V
(c) 6.66V and 12V
(d) 12V and 6.66V V= 100V
R = 1kΩ
APPSC Poly. Lect. 15.03.2020
Ans. (a) : Current through voltmeter -
IV = = 0.1A
Current through load -
IL = 1–0.1 = 0.9 A
V 100
Apply nodal analysis at node VA - RL = = = 111.11Ω
I L 0.9
+ −5 = 0 504. An ideal current controlled voltage source has
2 4
(a) Ri = ∞, Ro = ∞
2VA + VA − VB = 20
(b) Ri = 0, Ro = ∞
3VA − VB = 20 –––––(i)
(c) Ri = 0, Ro = 0
Apply nodal analysis at node VB -
(d) Ri = ∞, Ro = 0
+ + 5 − 10 = 0 Nagaland PSC (Degree) 2018, Paper-II
6 4
Ans. (c) : Ri = 0, Ro = 0
+ =5
6 4 505. When two coils are connected in parallel and a
5VB – 3VA = 60 ––––––(ii) voltage of 200V is applied between the
From equation (ii) and (i) - terminals, the total current taken by the circuit
is 25A and power dissipated in one of the coil is
1500W, the resistance of each coil is
(a) 25Ω and 5Ω
(b) 26.67Ω and 11.43Ω
Putting the value in equation (i) (c) 0.25Ω and 4.75Ω
40 (d) 35Ω and 5Ω
VA = = 13.33V
3 TNPSC AE- 2019
Network Theory 111 YCT
Ans. (b) : I1 = 2A
I 2 = I.
G1 + G 2 + G 3
= 12 ×
I2= 4A
I3 = I ×
G1 + G 2 + G 3
V 2 200 × 200 0.3
R1 = = = 26.67Ω = 12 ×
P 1500 0.6
P 1500
I1 = = = 7.5A I3 = 6A
V 200
I = I1 + I2 507. The value of R1 and R2 in the given circuit are
25 = 7.5 + I2 (in ohms)
I2 = 25 – 7.5
I2= 17.5 A
V 200
R2 = = = 11.43Ω
I 2 17.5
I = 1+ 5 = 6 A
Apply KVL in loop (i)
– 100 + 5 × 6 + 1 × R1 + 50 = 0
–100 + 30 + R1 + 50 = 0
G1 –20 + R1 = 0
I1 = I.
G1 + G 2 + G 3 R1 = 20Ω
0.1 Apply KVL in loop (ii)
= 12 ×
0.6 –100 + 5 × 6 + R2 × 5 + 30 = 0
= 50 1 − e 5 V
3. In the circuit shown below, find out the value of
di ( 0+ )
(a) i(t) = et sin t u(t) i ( 0 ) and
. If switch is closed at t = 0.
(b) i(t) = e–t sin t u(t)
(c) i(t) = et cos t u(t)
(d) i(t) = e–t cos t u(t)
UPPSC Poly. Tech. Lect.-22.03.2022, Paper -I
di ( 0+ )
Ans. (b) :
(a) i ( 0+ ) = 10 Amp, = 10 Amp / sec
di ( 0+ )
(b) i ( 0+ ) = 0 Amp, = 10 Amp / sec
1 di ( 0+ )
(c) i ( 0+ ) = 0 Amp,
= −10 Amp / sec
i (s) = s dt
+2+s di ( 0+ )
s (d) i ( 0+ ) = 10 Amp, = −10 Amp / sec
1 dt
i(s) = UPPSC Poly. Tech. Lect.-22.03.2022, Paper -I
2 + 2s + s 2
1 Ans. (b) : At t = 0−
( )
i s = 2
s + 2s + 1 + 1
i (s) =
( s + 1)2 + 1
i(t) = e–t sint u(t) A
2. For the RC parallel circuit, determine the Switch is open
voltage across the capacitor using Laplace i ( 0− ) = 0
transform, assume capacitor is initially relaxed.
Hence i ( 0− ) = i ( 0+ ) = 0 Amp
at t = 0 + switch closed
(a) 50 1 − e ( −t
) (
(b) 50 1 + e
(c) 5 1 − e
) (
(d) 5 1 + e
) VL ( 0+ ) =
di ( 0+ )
= 10V
UPPSC Poly. Tech. Lect.-22.03.2022, Paper -I dt
Ans. (a) : Given that, because i ( 0+ ) = i ( 0− ) = 0 & VC ( 0+ ) = 0
Initially capacitor is relaxed So, all voltage will apply across inductor.
VC ( 0 − ) = 0 4. For the circuit shown in figure, find current i(t)
At steady state capacitor is open circuit after the switch moves from position '1' to
VC ( ∞ ) = 10 × 5 position '2' -
= 50V
| Z0 |= + ω2 L2
Switch of position 1 1 + ω2 L2 = 2
Steady state inductor is short circuit L2 = 1 (∵ ω = 1 rad / sec)
L = 1H
6. The value of the time constant in the R-L
circuit is?
(a) L/R (b) R/L
(c) R (d) L
LMRC AM- 16.07.2021
i ( 0− ) =
= −2 Amp Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I
at t = ∞ KVS TGT (WE) -2016, 2014
Switch of position 2 Ans. (a) : The time constant for series R-L network is
inductor act as defined as
Open circuit τ = L/R sec
7. Find the unit-impulse response of the given RC
circuit. v1 is the input and v2 is the output.
i(∞) = 0
time constant
L 4 1 t t
τ= = = = 0.2 sec − −
R 20 5 (a) RCe RC
u(t) (b) e RC
u (t)
i ( t ) = i ( ∞ ) + i ( 0 ) − i ( ∞ ) e τ t
R − RC
1 − RC
(c) e u(t) (d) e u(t)
−t C RC
= 0 + [ −2 − 0] e .2
NLC GET -24.11.2020
= −2e −5t A Ans. (d) :
5. Consider the circuit shown in the figure with
input V(t) in volts. The sinusoidal steady state
current I(t) flowing through the circuit is
shown graphically (where t is in seconds). The
circuit element Z can be _______.
1/ Cs
V2 ( s ) = V (s)
1 1
(a) a capacitor of 1 F V1 ( s )
(b) an inductor of 1 H RCs + 1
(c) a capacitor of 3F For unit impulse response V1(s) =1
(d) an inductor of 3H
1 1 1
GATE-2022 V2 ( s ) = =
RCs + 1 RC s + 1
Ans. (b) : As given the figure current i(t) is lagging
so element z is inductor RC
1 − RC
i(t) max = V2 ( t ) = e u(t)
2 RC
Network Theory 115 YCT
8. Vo −t
Vo e2− tτ
(c) i(t) = 1 − e τ (d) i(t) = 1 −
2R R
APPSC Poly. Lect. 15.03.2020
Ans. (a) :
for 0<t<1τ
By KCL at Vc(s)
108s +1350 +150s2 + 1500s
VC ( s ) s2 +10s + 9 =
Network Theory 118 YCT
20 − t / τ At t = 0+
I= e
When t = 1τ
20 − τ 20 1 20
I= e = × = × 0.37
500 500 e 500 100 − 200 / 3
= 0.0148 Amp i2(0+) =
Voltage across capacitor is- 20
VC(t) = 20(1–e–t/τ) 300 − 200 100 5
for t = τ– = = = A
VC(τ–) = VC(τ+) for capacitor 60 60 3
VC(τ ) = 20[1–e–1] = 20×0.63 = 12.6V
– When switch is close
for t = (τ+) 2di1
100 = 20i1 +
then equivalent circuit dt
100 =
20 × i1 (0 ) +
( )
2di1 0 +
40 − 12.6 100= 20 ×
di1 0+( )
I= = 0.0548 ≃ 0.055A
500 3 dt
19. For a network shown in figure a steady state is 200
reached with switch k is open. Switch is closed
at time t=0. Calculate (di1/dt) and (di2/dt) at
( )
di1 0 +
100 −
t=0+ dt 2
( ) = 100 = 16.67 A/sec
di1 0+
dt 6
Apply KVL -
∫ i ( 0 ) dt
200 1
100 = 20i 2 (0+ ) ++ +
2 ×10−6
Apply differentiation both side
( ) + i (0 )
20di 2 0+ 2
dt 2 ×10−6
(a) 16.67 A / sec and – 4.16 ×104 A / sec
20di 2 0 + ( )+ 5/3
2 × 10−6
(b) 16.67 A / sec and – 3.33 ×10 A / sec dt
(c) 25A / sec and – 4.16 × 10 A / sec
( ) = −5 × 10
di 2 0 + 6
= −4.16 × 104 A / sec
(d) 25A / sec and – 3.33 × 10 A / sec dt 6 20
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2018 20. A step voltage of 10 V applied to the circuit at
Ans.(a): for t = 0 t = 0. The current through the resistor R just
after t = 0 and at steady state are:
100 10
iL(0–) = = A (a) 100 mA, 50 mA (b) 50 mA, 50 mA
30 3 (c) 100 mA, 100 mA (d) 75 mA, 75 mA
for inductor ISRO Scientist Engg. -2015
10 Ans. (a) : In steady state, capacitor behaves as open
iL(0–) = iL(0+) = A circuit
( )
VC 0 − = 20 ×
10 200
V IR(∞) IR(∞)
for capacitor - VC(0–) = VC(0+) = V
I R (0+ ) = = 100mA In Steady state:-
10 When t→∞
21. Under steady state condition, the energy stored ∵ XL = ωL
in the circuit is: ∴ XL = 0
So, steady state current (I) =
23. The time-constant of the network shown in the
(a) 8.22 × 10–6J (b) 1.48 × 10–6J figure is
(c) 2.88 × 10–4J (d) 4.81 × 10–4J
ISRO Scientist Engg. -2015
Ans. (c) :
(a) CR (b) 2 CR
(c) (d)
4 2
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2007
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2006
At steady state, capacitor will be open-circuited so, Ans. (a) :
equivalent circuit is-
( 2 + 4 ) ×16 = 12V
∴ VBC = 12V
In R-C circuit, the time constant,
So, energy stored T = RC
1 1 T = Req Ceq
= C1VAD + C 2 VBC
2 2
2 2 R
1 1 T = × 2C
−6 −6
= × 2 × 10 × 12 ×12 + × 2 × 10 × 12 ×12 2
2 2 T = RC
= 2.88 × 10−4 J 24. For the given circuit, switch remains closed for
22. A dc voltage V is applied to a series RL circuit. a long time and opens at t = 0 seconds.
The steady state current is Assuming ideal model for every device, find
(a) V/R (b) V/L steady state magnitude of voltage at capacitor.
Network Theory 120 YCT
Ans. (a) : Given that -
k k
(a) 1 (b) 25
k k
(c) 50 (d) 100
ISRO Scientist Engg. -2020
Ans. (c) : For t < 0 convert delta to star-
Inductor short circuit & capacitor open circuit.
IL(0–) = 10 A
VC (0–) = 10 V
k k
2× 4 8 2
R1 = = = kΩ
2 + 6 + 4 12 3
4× 6 24
for t > 0 when switch open then equivalent R2 = = = 2kΩ
circuit - 2 + 6 + 4 12
2×6 12
R3 = = = 1kΩ
s 2 + 6 + 4 12
So, equivalent circuit -
k k
steady state voltage -
0.5 × 10−2 k k
I(s) =
0.5 ×10−3 s + 2 14 × 4
20s Req = +
3 14 + 4
I(s) = 3.778 kΩ
then Vc(s) = charge equation for discharging capacitor
Q(t) = Qe − t / RC
0.5 × 10−2
Vc(s) = Q
106 = Qe − t / RC
0.5 ×10 s + ( ) −6
20 × 10 s
e − t / RC =
50 ×104 2.72
Vc(s) = 2 taking ℓn both side
s + 108
taking inverse laplace - ℓn e− t / RC = ℓn
50 × 104 2.72
Vc (t) = L−1 2 8
= −ℓn2.72
s + 10 Rc
t = RC ℓn2.72
= 50L−1 t = 3.778×103×18×10–6×1.0006
4 2
( )
s + 10 = 3778×18×1.0006×10–6
= 68.412×10–3sec = 68.412 ms
Vc(t) = 50sin104t V
≃ 68ms.
25. A 18 µf capacitor holding charge of Q coulomb
is connected to the circuit at time t = 0 sec. 26. In the circuit shown below, switch S1 is closed
at t = 0 seconds. Switch S2 is opened at t = 0
Apply KVL ⇒ +50 + 100 + VR = 0 Capacitor will be open circuited and inductor will be
VR = −150 V short circuited.
39. For the circuit shown in the figure below, what So 1A current will be passed through inductor.
is the time constant? vc (t) = constant
dvc (t)
vL(t) = 100 e–t/τ
di +100 − t / c
= e
dt 10−3
= 10 V/sec
(a) (R1 + R2) (C1 x C2 / C1 + C2) 42. The transient response of a system is mainly
(b) (R1 xR2 / R1 + R2) (C1 + C2) due to
(c) (R1 + R2) (C1 + C2) (a) Internal forces (b) Stored energy
(d) (R1 x R2 / R1 + R2) (C1 x C2/ C1 + C2) (c) Friction (d) Inertia forces
UPPCL AE-16.11.2013 UJVNL AE-2016
Network Theory 124 YCT
Ans. (b) : circuit containing only resistive element has Whenever the switch is closed momentarily an
no transients because resistance does not stored energy impulsive current will flow in the current and both
in any form. It dissipates energy in form of heat coming capacitor charge upto a common voltage. This circuit
from I2R loss. will remain constant at steady state.
Transient is shown mainly in circuit due to presence of 46. A system is at rest for t < 0. It is given by
inductor or capacitor. Hence transient is due to stored dy
energy by these devices. + 2y =u(t) sin (2t + α). It's steady state is
43. A series RC circuit is fed from 5V d.c. source. reached at t = 0, then the value of angle α is
If R = 10Ω and C = 1 µF, the current will be given by
maximum (a) 0 (b) tan–1(1)
(a) 10 µ sec after turn on 1
(b) 50 µ sec after turn on (c) –tan–1(1) (d) tan–1 2
(c) immediately after turn on
(d) after time t = ∞ Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
TNPSC AE-2013 Ans. (b) : A system relation as-
Ans. (c) : For RC series circuit, dy
+ 2y = sin (2t + α) u(t)
1 ∆V dt
D c = c Hence it would not take more 2
c ∆t s.Y(s)+2Y(s) = 2 =0
time to get maximum. s +4
44. A 50 micro farad capacitor in series with a 40 k s+2=0
ohms resistor is charged to a potential jω + 2 = 0
difference of 400 volts. The time constant and j2+2=0, 1+j = 0
energy stored in the fully charged capacitor Value of α will be
will be = tan–1 (1)
(a) 20 seconds, 2 Joules 47. An R-L-C series circuit has R = 1Ω, L = 1H,
(b) 2 seconds, 20 Joules and C = 1F. Damping ratio of the circuit will be
(c) 2 seconds, 2 Joules (a) > 1 (b) unity
(d) 20 seconds, 20 Joules (c) 0.5 (d) zero
MPPSC Forest Service Exam.-2014 Mizoram PSC AE/SDO 2012-Paper-I
Ans. (*) : Time constant for RC circuit Ans. (c) :
τ = RC R
τ = 40 × 103 × 50 × 10–6 2ξωn =
τ = 2000 × 10–3 1 R
τ = 2 sec 2ξ × =
1 LC L
Energy = CV 2
2 1 C
ξ= R
1 2 L
E = × 50 × 10−6 × 160000
2 1
E = 4J ξ = × 1 1/1
45. In the following figure, C1 and C2 are ideal ξ = 0.5
capacitors. C1 has been charged to 12V before
the ideal switch S is closed at t = 0. The current 48.
A series R-L circuit with R = 100Ω, L=50H is
i(t) for all t is connected to a dc source of 100 V. the time
taken for the current to rise to 70% of its
steady value is
i(t) (a) 0.2s (b) 0.6s
(c) 2.4s (d) none of these
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO 2012-Paper-I
(a) Zero
(b) A step function Ans. (b) : i(t) = i(∞) + [i(0) − i(∞)].e − t / τ
(c) An exponentially decaying function i(0+) = 0
(d) An impulse function V 100
i(∞) = = =1
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I R 100
GATE-2012 i(t) = 1 − e −2t
Ans. (d) :
0.70 = 1 − e −2t
0.3 = e–2t
ℓn ( 0.3) = −2t
–2t = –1.2
t = 0.6sec
Network Theory 125 YCT
49. In the circuit shown below, the initial charge on (a) 0V (b) 1V
the capacitor is 2.5mC, with the voltage (c) 2V (d) 3V
polarity as indicated. The switch is closed at Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I
time t = 0. The current i(t) at a time t after the Ans. (b) : At steady state condition–
switch is closed is Capacitor will open circuited–
(a) 1 A (b) 2 A
(c) 3 A (d) 4/3 A
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-I
Ans. (b) : When switch is open
at t = 0
VC (0+) = VC (0–) = 0V
4V i(0+) = s A
59. The transient current in loss-free LC circuit
when excited from an ac source is an
i(0–) = 2A (a) Undamped sine wave
When switch is closed (b) Over damped Sine wave
(c) Under damped sine wave
1Ω (d) Critically damped sine wave
1Ω Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-II
Ans. (a) :
At t = 0+
I = th
I = 2/1
I = 2A
= ( 20 )2 + ( 40 )2
= 400 + 1600 = 2000
= 44.72≃ 45 V
61. In figure, the current supplied by battery (a) 10 e-21 (b) 12.5et
immediately after switching on the circuit is (c) 20 e (d) 40 e–2t
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2016, Paper-I
Ans. (c) Gievn that
i(0) = 20A, i (∞) = 0
(a) 0A (b) 1A i(t) = i ( ∞ ) + (i(0) − i(∞)]e − t / τ ; τ =
(c) 4A (d) 10A 8
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2015, Paper-I i(t) = 20.e −2t A τ = 1/ 2
Ans. (b) :
66. In the circuit shown below, switch S is open for
a long time and is closed at t = 0. The value of
current i(t) when t → ∞ is
Behaviour of uncharged inductor after excitation i.e. at
t=0+ is open circuit.
i1 = 1.5 ×
i1 = 0.6 A
1 1
Xc = =
jωC j2C
XL = j ωL = j2
10 R = 2Ω
i(t) = 0.6 × = 0.3 A
20 1
Zeq = (2+2j)
67. A voltage of 24 V DC is applied through switch j2C
S to an R-L series circuit. Switch S was initially
open. At time t = 0, switch is closed. The rate of ( 2 + 2 j) ×
change of current through the resistor is j2C
8A/sec, while current through the inductor is 1
8A. If the value of inductor is 1H, then for this ( 2 + 2 j) +
condition the value of the resistor will be
(a) 1 Ω (b) 2 Ω =
( 2 + 2 j)
(c) 3 Ω (d) 4 Ω −4C + 1 + 4 jC
Sikkim PSC SI (Mains)-2018
( 2 + 2 j)( −4C + 1 − 4 jC )
IES-2012 ( −4C + 1 + 4 jC )( −4C + 1 − 4 jC )
Ans. (b) : When switch is closed at t = 0
then circuit - −8C + 2 − 8jC − 8jC + 2 j − 8j2 C
( −4C + 1)2 − ( 4 jC )2
2 − 16 jC + 2 j
16C2 + 1 − 8C − 16 j2C2
2 + 2 j (1 − 8C ) 2 + 2 j(1 − 8C )
Apply KVL
= =
16C2 + 1 − 8C + 16C2 32C2 + 1 − 8C
dI when V & I in phase the imaginary part is
–24 + RI + L = 0
dt zero.
24 = RI +
dI 2 (1 − 8C )
dt 2
current through the inductor and resistor are the same, 32C + 1 − 8C
therefore the rate of change of current through resistor - (1–8C) = 0
dI 8C = 1
= 8A / s
dt C = 18
I = 8A
So, 24 = 8R + 8×1 69. A parallel RLC with R1 = 10, L1 = 1/100 and C1
8R = 16 = 1/100 is scaled giving R2 = 104, L2 = 10–3 and
R = 2Ω C2 is
68. In the circuit shown, Vs = sin 2 t. C is chosen so (a) 10–3 (b) 10–5
that I and Vs are in phase. (I is the current (c) 10 (d) 10–9
drawn from Vs). Then the value of C is given by Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-I
Ans. (d) : Given ,
1 1
R1= 10, L1 = , C1 =
100 100
R2 = 104 , L2 = 10–3, C2 = ?
1 1 R 10000
(a) (b) K1 = 2 = = 1000
2 4 R1 10
Network Theory 129 YCT
Now , Ans. (a) : Given that -
L1 kω t
= Vin = V sin
L 2 k1
kω = 1 × k1
kω = × 1000
10−3 L L
kω = 104
C2 1
C1 kωk1 t
Vin = V sin
−2 MC
10 −9
C2 = 4 = 1×10 The current in the circuit I
10 × 1000
70. For the circuit of the figure the inductor Va = M + IX c
current IL just before t = 0 is dt
take laplace of the above equation.
Va(s) = sMI(s)+ I(s)
= sM + I(s) –––––––(i)
(a) 10A (b) 6A
(c) 4A (d) 2A V MC
I(s) = –––––(ii)
ISRO Scientist- May, 2017
Ans. (*) : At t= 0 then circuit - ( )
s 2 MC + 1 sL +
put the value of I(s) in equation (1)
s 2 MC + 1 V MC
Va(s) =
at t = ∞ then circuit-
( )
s 2 MC + 1 sL + 1
Va(s) = 2 =V
s LC + 1 2
L s + (1
take inverse Laplace of above equation–––
1× 10
IL = = 2.5 A M t
4 Va(t) = V sin
71. The network shown in below figure consist of L LC
two coupled coils and a capacitor. At t = 0, the dVa (t) V M t
switch is closed connecting a voltage generator, = cos
dt L C LC
Vin = V sin . What will be the value At t = 0 dVa (t) = V M
dt L C
of a (0+)? 72. The voltage gain Vout/Vin of a circuit shown
dt below is zero. If ω = 333.33 rad s–1, the values
of C is
(a) (b)
V M (a) 3.33 mF (b) 33.33 mF
(c) 0 (d)
L C (c) 3.33 µF (d) 33.33 µF
ISRO Scientist- May, 2017 ISRO Scientist- May, 2017
Network Theory 130 YCT
Ans. (d) : Given that Ans. (d) : for t < 0
IL(0–) = –4A
Vc = 8V
At t> 0 and take Laplace
Vth = 0, due to =0
Vth = j ωL2I2 + j ωMI1 = 0 Apply superposition theorem -
−L −16 −4 ( s + 2 )
I1 = 2 I 2 I L1 (s) = =
M 4s + 8 +
4 ( s + 2 )2 + 1
V1 = jωL1I1 + JωMI 2 ––––(i) s+2
V1 also can be written - take inverse Laplace -
I I I L1 (t) = −4e−2t cos t ––––(i)
V1 = 2 + Vth = 2 (∵ Vth = 0 )
jωc jωc for another source -
∴ j ω L1I1+j ωMI2 = 2 ––––––(ii)
L1 −L2 I 2 + MI 2 = − I2
M ω2C
L1L2 1 2 2 8/s
− M = 2 I L2 (s) = I(s) = ×
4s + 10 4s + 10
M ωC ( )
( 4s + 8 ) 2 +
M = K L1L 2 = 0.5 ( 0.12 )( 0.27 ) = 0.09 H 2
2 2 I L2 (s) =
L1L2 = M 2 =
1 2 2 ( s + 2 )2 + 1
M = 4M
K 0.5 Taking inverse Laplace
value of L1L2 put in equation
I L2 (t) = 2e−2t sin t
4M 2 1
− M = 2 I L (t) = IL1 + IL2
M ωC
IL(t) = –4e–2t cost +2e–2t sint
3M = 2 IL(t) = e–2t (2sint – 4cost) A
ωC 74. The unit impulse response of a system is
1 1 h(t) = e–t, t ≥ 0. For this system, the steady-state
C= 2
= 2
3Mω 1000 value of the output for unit step input is equal
3 ( 0.09 )
3 to
= 33.33 µF (a) –1 (b) 0
73. In the network shown below, switch is opened (c) 1 (d) ∞
at t = 0 after long time. The current IL(t) for ISRO Scientist- May, 2017
t > 0 is given as Ans. (c) : Given that -
x(t) = u(t)
X(s) =
h(t) = e–t
H(s) =
s +1
1 1 1 1
(a) e (2cos t + 4 sin t) A Y(s) = X(s)H(s) = × = −
(b) e (3sin t – 4 cos t) A s s + 1 s s +1
(c) e (–4 sin t + 2 cos t) A y(t) = 1–e
(d) e–2t(2 sin t – 4 cos t) A at steady state t → ∞
ISRO Scientist- May, 2017 y(∞) = 1
Network Theory 131 YCT
75. The switch in the circuit in the figure is in Ans. (a) : Each RC- Section provides a phase shift of
position P for a long time and then moved to 90° then two RC-Section are provided in cascade
position Q at time t = 0. connection maximum phase shift = 90°+90° = 180°
77. The differential equation for the current i(t) in
the circuit shown in figure is :
The value of at t = 0+ is d 2i di
dt (a) + 3 + 3i ( t ) = sin t
(a) 3 V/s (b) –5 V/s dt 2 dt
(c) –3 V/s (d) 0 V/s d 2i di
GATE-2021 (b) 3 2 + 3 + i ( t ) = cos t
dt dt
Ans. (c) : Given that -
d 2i di
(c) 2
+ 3 + 3i ( t ) = cos t
dt dt
d 2i di
(d) 3 2 + 3 + i ( t ) = sin t
dt dt
MPSC HOD Govt. Poly. -2013
Ans. (b) : V(t) = sint
At t = 0 then circuit draw
dV ( t )
= cos t
20 di ( t ) 1 t
iL(0–) = = 1mA = i L (0+ ) V ( t ) = 3i ( t ) + 3 + ∫ i ( t ) dt
20 ×103 dt 1 0
Apply voltage division rule- dV ( t ) 3.di ( t ) 3.d i ( t )
= + + i(t)
20 ×10 × 103
VC(0–) =
( 5 + 5 + 10 ) × 103
= 10V = VC 0+( ) dt dt dt 2
3.d 2i ( t ) 3.di ( t )
At t> 0 then circuit draw cos t = + + i(t)
dt 2 dt
78. In the circuit shown in Figure, the switch S is
open for a long time and closed at t = 0. The
value of I at t = 0+ is :
apply KCL-
+ iC (t) + 1mA = 0
5 × 103
iC(t)= –3mA
dv(t) (a) 9 A (b) –12 A
C = −3mA (c) 12 A (d) –6 A
DFCCIL Executive (S&T)-11.11.2018, 4:30- 6:30PM
dVC (t) −3 × 10−3 MPSC HOD Govt. Poly. -2013
= −3
= −3V / sec
dt 1×10 Ans. (b) : When switch is closed at t = 0 so t < 0
76. RC network shown in the figure un provide
maximum theoretical phase shift of ––––– V
6Ω I
( )V
capacitors will be of equal magnitude.
(a) 3 + 4sin 100t − π 81. The switch shown in figure below is ideal and
has been in position 1 for t < 0.
sin (100t + π ) V
3 4
(b) +
2 2 4
(c) 3 + 4 2 sin (100t − π ) V
sin (100t − π ) V
(d) 3+
2 4
MPSC HOD Govt. Poly. -2013 If the switch is moved to position 2 at t = 0,
−1 1 then V0 for t > 0 is given by :
Ans. (d) : θ = tan (a) 0 V (b) 2+2(1 + e–1000 t)V
ωRC –1000 t
1 (c) 2(1 – e )V (d) 2e–1000 t V
θ = tan −1 DRDO-2009
100 × 1× 10 ×10−6 ×103 Ans. (a) : At t = 0 inductor act as short circuit then
θ = 450 = π / 4 circuit draw
Input voltage Vi = ( 3 + 4sin100t ) V
Applying superposition theorem
Case-1st , when 3V dc source active, then V0'
V0' = 3V (because due to dc supply 10 µF capacitor is
open circuit) iL(0) = = 2A
Case 2nd, when 4sin100t source active, then V0''
At t = ∞ inductor act as short circuit then circuit draw
V0'' = Vi'' ×
R + jωC
1 20
V0'' = Vi'' × iL(∞) = = 2A
1 + jωCR 5+5
1 Req = 5+5 = 10 Ω
V0'' = 4sin100t ×
10 × 10−3
1 + j × 100 × 10 × 10 × 10 3
iL(t) = 2A
sin (100t − 450 ) V
V0'' = di (t)
2 V0 = L L = 0V
Total voltage V0 = V0' + V0'' 82. A linear time invariant RLC network is shown
in figure below :
sin (100t − 450 ) V
V0 = 3 +
80. Two linear capacitors C1 (with an initial
voltage of zero across it) and C2, (with V volts
across it initially) and a resistor R are wired
into a series circuit which is closed at t = 0.
(a) The initial series current depends on V but
not on R
(b) The final current is inversely proportional to
Network Theory 133 YCT
The state equation corresponding to the state equation (1), (2) and (3) in matrix form
variables v(t), i1(t) and i2(t) is :
dv −1 −1
dv –1 –1 dt 0 0
dt 0 C C
C C di
1= 1 − R 1
−1 e
di1 1 –R 1 0 +
dt L L
dt L
(a) = 1
L1 di
2 1 −R 2 0
di 2 1 –R 2 dt L
dt L 0
L 2
2 2
2 83. In the circuit in figure, the switch S is closed at
t = 0. Assuming that there is no initial charge in
dv 1 1 the capacitor, the current ic(t) for t > 0 is
dt 0
C C v
1 –R 1
(b) 1 = 0 i1 + –1 e
dt L L1
1 i 0
2 1 –R 2
dt L 2 L 2
dv –1 –1
Vs − RC Vs − RCt
dt 0 (a) e A e A
v 0
1 i + –1 e
Vs − RC Vs − RCt
(c) 1 =
di –R 1
0 (c) e A (d) e A
dt 1 2R 2R
L1 L1
1 i 2 0 DRDO-2008
di 2 –R 2
dt 0 Ans. (a) : At t =0 then circuit draw
L 2 L 2
dv 1 1
dt 0
C C v 0
i + –1 e
(d) 1
di –R 1 ic (0) =
dt 1 0 1 R
i 2 0 At t = ∞ then circuit draw
di 2 –R 2
dt 1 0
L 2
Ans. (a) : Given that
i c ( ∞ ) = 0, τ = R eq C
Req = =
Apply KCL at node 'a' 2R 2
i1 + i 2 = − C τ=
dt 2
dV 1 ic(t) = i(∞)+ ( i(0) – i(∞) )e–t/τ
= − ( i1 + i 2 ) ...........(1)
dt C − t
Apply KVL in loop 1 = 0 + s − 0e 2
di R
L1 1 + R 1i1 + e − V = 0 V
dt ic(t) = s e −2t / RC A
di1 V R1i1 e R
= − − ..........(2) 84. For the circuit in figure, the switch was kept
dt L1 L1 L1
closed for a long time before opening it at time
Apply KVL in loop 2
t = 0. The voltage vL(0+) is
L 2 2 + R 2i 2 − V = 0
di 2 V R 2
= − i 2 ........(3)
dt L 2 L 2
VR (0− ) = 0
At t = 0+, inductor does not allow sudden change in
current i.e. inductor will be treated as open circuit at t
So, i L (0 + ) = i R (0 + ) = 0
V0 / s
VR (0+ ) = R × i R (0 + ) = R × 0 I L (s) =
sL + 1/ Cs
VR (0+ ) = 0 ( V0 / s ) × Cs
Hence option (b) and (c) both are correct. 1
96. For the R-L circuit shown, the current i(t) for LC s 2 +
unit step input voltage will rise to 0.63 in
1 1/ LC
= V0 C × 2
LC s + 1/ LC
1/ LC
= V0 C × ω0 × 2
(a) 1 s (b) 2 s ( )
s + 1/ LC
(c) 0.5 s (d) 1.5 s i L (t) = ω0 C V0 sin ω0 t A
Network Theory 137 YCT
98. Consider the following data: i(0 − ) = 2A
1. Input applied for t < t0 for t > 0, when switch is closed, current through
2. Input applied for t ≥ t0 resistance R2 is zero.
3. State of the network at t = t0
so i(∞) = 0
4. State of the network at t < t0
Which of these are needed for determining the i(t) = final value + {Initial value – final value}×e–t/τ
response of a linear network for t < t0 ? = 0 +{2–0}×e–t/τ
(a) 1, 3 and 4 (b) 2, 3 and 4 i(t) = 2e − t / τ
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 2 and 4 only this value is not match option
IES-2013 101.
Ans. (a) : For determining the response of linear
network for t < t0, we need following points.
(i) Input applied for t < t0
(ii) State of network at t < t0
(iii) State of network at t = t0
Input applied for t ≥ t 0 is not necessary for response for
t < t0 .
99. The circuit shown above (L = 2 H and R = 4Ω)
is switched across a D.C. power supply of 20 V.
The current at time t = 1 sec is
(a) 5 A (b) 4.32 A
(c) 2 A (d) 0.5 A
For the network shown above, the current i(t) Ans. (b) : When switch is open (at t < 0), there is no
is any current flowing through the circuit.
(a) 2e–2(t–3) u(t–3) (b) 0.5e–2(t–3) u(t) i(0 − ) = 0
–(t–3) –(t–3)
(c) 2e u(t–3) (d) 2e u(t) From inductor properties, inductor does not allow
IES-2013 sudden change in current.
Ans. (a) : Given circuit in s-domain for t > 0 (switch is so, i(0 + ) = i(0 − ) = 0
closed) At t = ∞, inductor reaches at its steady state condition.
(treated as short circuit)
2e−3s 2e −3s
I(s) = = V
2 + s (s + 2)
By taking inverse Laplace transform-
i ( ∞ ) = 20 / 4 = 5A
i(t) = 2e −2( t −3) u(t − 3)
Time constant (T) = Leq/Req = 2/4=1/2 sec
100. so current
i(t) = i(∞) + {i(0) − i(∞)} e− t / T
i(t) = 5 + (0 − 5)e − t /1/ 2
i(t) = 5(1 − e −2t )
at t = 1 sec
i(1) = 4.32A
After closing the switch S at t = 0, the current
i(t) at any instant t in the above network is 102. The steady-state values of the currents i1(t) and
(a) 10 + 10e100t (b) 10 – 10e100t i2(t) in the circuit are
(c) 10 + 10e–100t (d) 10 – 10e–100t
Ans. (*) : For t < 0, when switch is open for long time,
capacitor is fully charged and it will treated as open
Vc1 Vc 2
Vc1 Vc 2
1 1
(a) (1 − e − t )and (1 + e − t ) Apply nodal at point a-
2 2 V − 10 V
(b) (1 – e-t) and (1 + e–t) + = 1.2
1 1 2.5 2.5
(c) (1 + e− t )and (1 − e − t ) V = 6.5 Volt.
2 2 The initial value of the voltage across the inductor
1 1
(d) (1 + e )and (1 − e − t / 2 )
V0 (0 + ) = V + I0 × (2.5 + 2.5)
2 2
IES-2012 = 6.5 +1.2 ×5
Ans. (c) : V0 (0 ) = 12.5 Volt
105. Consider the following statements:
1. Voltage across a capacitor cannot change
2. Voltage across an inductor cannot change
0.5 × 0.5 3. Current through a capacitor cannot
Ceq = µF = 0.25µF
( 0.5 + 0.5 ) change abruptly
4. Current through an inductor cannot
Time constant (T) = R. Ceq change abruptly
= 4×106 ×0.25×10−6 Which of these statements are correct?
= 1sec. (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
Final value of capacitor voltage- (c) 3 and 4 only (d) 1 and 4 only
C V × C2 V2 IES-2011
VC1 ( ∞ ) = VC2 (∞) = 1 1
C1 + C2 Ans. (d) : Current through capacitor is given by-
0.5 × 10 −6 ×1 + 0 iC = C
VC1 ( ∞ ) = VC2 (∞) = = 0.5V dt
( 0.5 + 0.5 ) × 10−6 Hence voltage across a capacitor can-not change
Voltage equation for capacitor 1 for t > 0 abruptly
VC1 (t) = VC1 ( ∞ ) + VC1 (0) − VC1 (∞) e− t / T} VC (0− ) = VC (0+ )
= 0.5 + (1−0.5) e
Voltage across inductor is given by-
VC1 ( t ) = (1 + e − t ) V
1 di
2 VL = L
Voltage expression for capacitor 2 for t > 0. Hence current through an inductor can't change
VC2 (t) = (1 − e − t ) V
2 i L (0− ) = i L (0+ )
(a) 30 V (b) 15 V
(c) 20 V (d) 25 V
Ans. (a) : Given, steady state current through the
I + is (0 + ) = 1 inductor = 1A.
When circuit is closed for long time then inductor
12 − 4
+ is (0+ ) = 1 reaches to its steady state and acts as short circuit.
12 for t = ∞, circuit become-
is (0 + ) = A
107. Time constants of R-L and R-C circuits are
R = 1Ω; L = 1H and C = 1F
(a) 1 sec and 1 sec (b) 1 sec and 2 sec
(c) 2 sec and 3 sec (d) 2 sec and 4 sec From current division rule-
IES-2011 I × 10
Ans. (a) : Given, R = 1Ω, L = 1H, C = 1F 1= ⇒ I = 2A
(10 + 10 )
Time constant for R-L circuit,
L 1 V = I × 10 + 1× 10
τ = = = 1sec
R 1 = 2×10+1×10
Time constant for R-C circuit,
τ = RC = 1×1 = 1 sec. V = 30 Volt
(a) 0 (b) 10
(c) 10e–t (d) 10 (1 – e–t)
Ans. (b) : 2
(a) 1 A (b) A
(c) A (d) 0 A
IES-2010, 2000
Ans. (c) : When switch is closed for a long time then all
the energy storing elements (like L and C) reaches to its
initial values of currents in both branches- steady state condition i.e. at steady state, inductor
behaves like a closed circuit and capacitor behave like
open circuit.
τ = R ×C = 100kΩ × 1µF
= 100 ×103 ×1×10-6
= 105×10–6
Apply kVL in loop circuit- τ = 0.1sec
V ( s ) 1/ s 2 1 117. In the circuit given below, the switch is open
I(s) = = =
Z ( s ) (1 + s ) s 2 (1 + s ) for a long time. At time t = 0, the switch is
closed. what are the initial and final values of
−1 1 1 voltages across the inductor?
I(s) = + 2+
s s ( s + 1)
By taking inverse Laplace transform-
i(t) = t − 1 + e − t u(t)
115. The voltage applied to an R-L circuit at t = 0
when switch is closed at 100 cos (100t + 30º).
The circuit resistance is 80Ω and inductance is
0.6H (in which initial current is zero). What is (a) 0 V and 0 V (b) 0 V and 80 V
the maximum amplitude of current flowing (c) 80 V and 0 V (d) 80 V and 80 V
through the circuit? IES-2009
Network Theory 142 YCT
Ans. (c) : At t = 0− ( t < 0 ) when switch is open for a 119.
long time, inductor reaches its steady state condition-
2 1
ξ= dI ( 0 )
2 1 i ( ∞ ) = 4, i ( 0 ) = −8, = 3A / s
ξ =1 R
− t
Hence response of the circuit is critically damped. i ( t ) = 4 + [ −8 − 4 ] e 2
0 − 0.1s
( s + 100 )
L/2 L
Time constant ( τ4 ) = =
2R 4R
Therefore increasing order of time constant is
(2) τ4 < τ3 < τ1 < τ2
130. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
answer using the codes given below the lists:
List-I List-II
A. Internal 1. Forced response
impedance of an of the circuit
ideal current
source is
B. for attenuated 2. Natural response
natural of the circuit
oscillations, the
(4) poles of the
transfer function
must lie on the
Network Theory 146 YCT
C. A battery with 3. E2/4 R Time constant of this circuit τ = L/R
an e.m.f. E and Step voltage = Vu(t)
internal Initial voltage across resistance VR (0+) = 0
resistance R Initial voltage across inductor VL (0+) = V
delivers current Final voltage across resistance VR (∞) = V
to a load RL. Final voltage across inductance VL (∞) = 0
Maximum power Thus VR (t) = VR ( ∞ ) + {VR (0) − VR (∞)} e − t / τ
transferred is
D. The roots of the 4. E2/2 R VR (t) = V(1 − e − t / τ )
characteristic Voltage across inductor
equation give VL (t) = VL ( ∞ ) + {VL (0) − VL (∞ )} e− t / τ
5. Left hand part
of the complex VL (t) = Ve − t / τ
frequency plane When both voltage is same-
6. Right hand part VR (t) = VL (t)
of the complex
frequency plane V(1 − e − t / τ ) = Ve − t / τ
7. Infinite 1 = 2e− t / τ
8. Zero 1
Codes: e− t / τ = ⇒ − t / τ = −ℓn(1/ 2)
(a) 7 6 3 1 t = τ ℓn(2)
(b) 8 5 4 2 133. For the following circuit a source of
(c) 8 6 4 1 V1(t) = e–2t is applied
(d) 7 5 3 2
Ans. (d)
(i) Ideal current source internal impedance is ∞ .
(ii) for attenuated natural oscillation the pole of transfer
function must be lie on left hand part of complex
frequency. Then the resulting response V2(t) is given by
(iii) Maximum power transfer to the load = E2/4R (a) e–2t + e–t (b) e–t
–t –2t
(iv) the roots of characteristics equation gives natural (c) e – e (d) e–2t/2
response or source free response of circuit. IES-2002
131. In a network containing resistances and Ans. (c) :
reactance the roots of the characteristic
equation given for the circuit
(a) the force response
(b) the total response
(c) the natural response
(d) the damped response
IES-2002 Circuit in s-domain-
Ans. (c) : If a network consist of resistance and
reactance then the roots of characteristic equation gives
the natural response of the circuit.
132. A series RL circuit is initially relaxed. A step
voltage is applied to the circuit. If τ is the time
constant of the circuit, the voltage across R and
L will be the same at time t equal to V2 (s) 1/ s 1
Transfer function = = =
1 V1 (s) 1 + 1/ s 1 + s
(a) τln2 (b) τln
2 ∵ V1 (t) = e −2 t
1 1 1
(c) (d) ⇒ V1 (s) =
τ ℓn2 1 (s + 2)
τl n
2 1
IES-2002, 1997 So, V2 (s) =
Ans. (a) : (s + 1) (s + 2)
1 1
V2 (s) = −
( s + 1) (s + 2)
Take inverse Laplace transform-
V2 (t) = (e − t − e −2 t ) V
i L (0 − ) = 2 / 2 = 1A
VC (0− ) = i L × 2 = 2V
Circuit in S-domain when switch is open.
1. 2V, 1Ω, and 1.25 F
2. 1.6V, 0.8Ω, and 1F
3. 1.6V, 1Ω, and 0.8 F
4. 2V, 1.25Ω, and 1F
Which of these sets of E, R and C values will
ensure that the state equation
dVC/dt = –1.25 VC + 2 is valid?
(a) 1 and 4 (b) 1 and 2
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 2 and 3
Ans. (d) : Given circuit-
1 L
Damping ratio of parallel RLC circuit ξ =
2R C
For critical damping ξ = 1
1 7 1
1= = ×7 6
2R 1/ 42 2R (a) 5 V (b) 5e–1 V
R = 8.57 Ω (c) 10 V (d) 12 V
144. In the network shown, the switch is opened at IES-1998
t = 0. Prior to that, the network was in the Ans. (a) : At t = 0 , when capacitor is connected
steady-state, vs(t) at t = 0 is towards 10V source. Capacitor is reached to it's steady
state condition-
i L (0− ) = = 2A B.
VC (0− ) = 0 Volt
For t = 0+, when switch was opened, At switching R<Rc
condition capacitor behaves as voltage source and
inductor behaves as current source.
⇓ D. L
1 2s s
I(s) = = =2 2
5000 s 2 + 10000 s (100 )
0.5s + +
s 2.
i(t) = 2 cos (100t)A
147. The time constant associated with the capacitor
changing in the circuit shown in Fig. is
(a) 6 µs (b) 10 µs 4.
(c) 15 µs (d) 25 µs
Network Theory 152 YCT
Codes: 150. In the following circuit, switch K is thrown from
A B C D position A to position B at time t = 0, the current
(a) 4 3 1 2 having previously reached its steady state:
(b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 3 4 2 1
(d) 4 3 2 1
Ans. (d) : For RLC series circuit
Damping ratio ξ = The current i(t) after switching will be
2 L
Case I- If R = 0 (a) 5e–5t (b) 4e–5t
Then ξ = 0 - undamped (c) 3e (d) e–5t
R = 0, ξ = 0 undamped Ans. (d) : When switch is at position A for long time.
Case II- If R = very large Inductor is reached it's steady state condition i.e. short
Then ξ > 1 overdamped circuit condition.
Case III- R = critical R then ξ = 1 critical damping
Case IV- R< critical R
Then ξ < 1 .
149. After keeping it open for a long time, the switch
'S' in the circuit shown in the given figure is 5
closed at t = 0. The capacitor voltage VC(0+) i L (0− ) = = 1Amp
and inductor current iL(0 ) will be 5
∵ Inductor does not allow sudden change in current
flowing through it.
∴ i L (0 − ) = i L (0+ )
i L (0 + ) = 1A
For t > 0 (When switch is at position B).
The energy stored by inductor is dissipated through the
(a) 60 V and –0.3 A (b) 150 V and zero Final current through the inductor is zero.
(c) zero and 0.3 A (d) 90 V and – 0.3 A i(∞) = 0
IES-1996 Leq
Ans. (a) : At t = 0−, when switch is open for long time, Time constant (T) =
the energy storing element is reaches to its steady state Req
i.e. capacitor reaches to open circuit and inductor to its Leq = 2
short circuit. Req = 5+ 5 = 10
Circuit for t = 0− 2
∴ T= = 1/ 5
current through inductor (for t > 0).
iL (t) = final value + {Initial value - final value}× e − t / T
= i L (∞) + {i L (0+ ) − i L (∞)} e − t /1/ 5
= 0 + {1 − 0} e −5t
iL (0−)= V/R1
L L +
At t = 0 , when switch is opened, from the property of
(a) (b)
R3 + 1 2 R1 + R 2 + R 3 inductor (inductor does not allow sudden change in
R1 + R 2 current).
(c) (d) So, i L (0+ ) = i L (0− ) =
1 1 1 R 1R 2 R1
+ +
R1 R 2 R 3 R1 + R 2 for t = 0+, circuit become
Ans. (a) : Given circuit is R-L circuit,
so, Time constant (τ) = eq
R eq
from the circuit Leq = L
I(0+) = iL (0+)
for Req - (current source = open circuited)
I(0+ ) =
and finally the current is reaches to zero because all
energy is dissipated through R2.
I (∞) = 0
Time constant (T) = L/Req
Req = (R1||R2) +R3 Req = R2
R 1R 2 so,
R eq = +R L
( R1 + R 2 ) 3 T=
L eq
Therefore time constant τ = Hence I(t) = I(∞) + ( I(0+ ) − I(∞) ) e − t / T
R eq
V − t / L / R2
L e A =
τ= R1
R3 + 1 2 157. In the network shown in the given figure, the
R1 + R 2 capacitor C1 is initially charged to a voltage V0
156. The circuit shown in the given Fig., has been in before the switch S in the circuit is closed. In
the steady-state. When the switch S is opened, the steady state,
the current I after the switch opened is given
Peak value of VC (t) = Volt
RC s
162. In the circuit shown in the figure. A, the switch
has been in position 1 for a long time. When the
switch is placed in position 2 at t = 0, the 163. When a unit impulse voltage is applied to an
current i(t) (t > 0) can be determined from the inductor of 1H, the energy supplied by the
transformed circuit given in the figure. source is
(a) ∞ (b) 1 J
(c) (1/2) J (d) 0
Ans. (c) : Given, V(t) = δ(t), L = 1H
Circuit in s-domain-
I(s) =
i(t) = u(t)
(c) i (t) = 1 when t > 0
Energy supplied by source ( E ) = L i(t)
E = × 1× 1 joule
E= J
IES-1991 164. The voltage applied across a capacitance is
Ans. (c) : Switch is at position 1 for long time i.e. triangular in waveform. The waveform of the
inductor L reaches to its steady state. current is
• Circuit for t = 0 (a) triangular (b) trapezoidal
(c) sinusoidal (d) rectangular
Ans. (d) : Voltage V(t) = triangular wave,
Current through the capacitor
V 1 d
i L (0− ) = = Amp i C (t) = C V(t)
R 2 dt
When switch is moved to position 2 (t = 0+). if V(t) = trangular wave
inductor does not allow sudden change in current so it dv(t) d
behaves as current source in parallel with inductor. so = (trangular wave)
dt dt
− + 1 = rectangular wave
i L (0 ) = i L (0 ) = A = I0
2 Hence current through capacitor is rectangular wave.
Network Theory 157 YCT
165. A 10 Ω resistor, a 1 H inductor and 1 µF 167. For the compensated attenuator of figure, the
capacitor are connected in parallel. The impulse response under the condition
combination is driven by a unit step current. R1C1 = R2C2 is
Under the steady state condition, the source
current flow through :
(a) the resistor
(b) the inductor
(c) the capacitor only
(d) all the three elements
Ans. (b) : Under steady state condition-Inductor behave
a short circuit
R2 R lC1
so, (a) 1 − e u ( t )
Source current flow through the inductor R1 + R 3
(b) δ(t)
R1 + R 2
(c) u (t)
R1 + R 2
(d) e R1C1 u ( t )
R1 + R 2
Ans. (b) :
(a) 80 V, 32 V, 48 V (b) 80 V, 48 V, 32 V
E= ∫0
[i ( t )]2 ⋅ R ⋅ dt = ∫
( e− t /8 )2 × 4 ⋅ dt
(c) 20 V, 8 V, 12 V (d) 20 V, 12 V, 8 V 4 ∞
GATE-1996 = ⋅ [ e − t / 4 ]0 dt
Ans. (b) : As we know that −
At steady state 4
Capacitor behaves as open circuit. –∞ 1 1
e = ∞ = =0
Inductor behaves as short circuit. = −16 [ e−∞ − e0 ] e ∞
Now circuit becomes – e º = 1
= −16 [ 0 − 1]
E = 16 J
172. In the figure, The switch was closed for a long
time before opening at t = 0. The voltage Vx at
VC1 = I ( ∞ ) × 40 t = 0+ is
= × 40
= 80 V
Now using VDR (Voltage division Rule)
VC2 = 80 × = 48 V
3+ 2
VC3 = 80 × = 32 V
3+ 2
Network Theory 159 YCT
(a) 25 V (b) 50 V 1
(c) –50 V (d) 0 V V = volt
Ans. (c) : Since initially switch is close for long time I1 ( s ) = A
then circuit become in steady state condition and s ( s + 2)
inductor behave as short circuit. Now apply partial fraction.
I1 ( s ) = +
s (s + 2)
20Ω 1 A ( s + 2 ) + Bs s ( A+B ) + 2A
= =
s (s + 2) s (s + 2 ) s (s + 2)
Now compare both side
A+B=0 2A = 1
• At (t = 0+)
Now inductor is replaced by its initial current 1 1
B=− A=
2 2
Put the value of A and B in eqn I1 (s)
1 1
I1 ( s ) = −
2s 2 ( s + 2 )
1 1 1
By ohm's law → = − A
Vx = −I × R 2 s s + 2
Taking inverse Laplace trans form both side.
= −2.5 × 20
Vx = −50V i ( t ) = [1 − e−2t ] A
173. For the R-L circuit shown in the figure, the 1
input voltage Vi(t) = u(t). The current i(t) is At t=0 i ( 0 ) = [1 − 1] = 0 A
t=∞ i ( ∞ ) = [1 − 0] = 0.5 A
1 1
t= i (1/ 2 ) = [1 − 0 − 0.36] = 0.31 A
2 2
(a) (b)
s s+2
(a) (b)
s + s +1
s + s +1
s−2 s−2
(c) 2 (d) 2
s + s −1 s + s +1
Apply KVL in loop — GATE-2004
I1 ( s ) ⋅ s ⋅ L + R ⋅ I1 ( s ) = V ( s ) Ans. (b) : Given circuit diagram -
I1 ( s ) ⋅ s + 2 ⋅ I1 ( s ) = V ( s )
V (s)
I1 ( s ) =
(s + 2)
Vi (t) = u (t)
Network Theory 160 YCT
Apply KVL in the loop — 176. A 2mH inductor with some initial current can
di ( t ) 1 ∞ be represented as shown in the figure below,
v(t) = i(t) ⋅ R + L
C 0 ∫
i ( t ) dt where s is the Laplace transform variable. The
value of the initial current is
Taking Laplace transform on both side —
( )
I ( s ) VC 0
( )
V ( s ) = RI ( s ) + L s I ( s ) − I 0+ +
In the given
I ( 0+ ) = 1A VC ( 0− ) = −1V {VC ( 0− ) = VC ( 0+ )}
V (s) = 1 s R = 1Ω L = 1H C = 1F (a) 0.5A (b) 2.0A
Now equation will be — (c) 1.0A (d) 0A
1 I (s ) 1 BPSC Polytechnic Lecturer-2014
= I (s ) + s ⋅ I (s ) − 1 + − GATE-2006
s s s
Ans. (a) : Initial current = lim IL ( s )
1 1 I (s) s→∞
+ +1 = [1 + s + s ]2
s s s ∵ I L ( t ) = ∫ v dt
1+1+ s I ()s L
= [1 + s + s2 ] 0
s s 1 VL ( 0+ )
= V (s) +
I (s ) = 2 A Ls L
s + s +1 1 VL ( 0 + )
175. A square pulse of 3 volts amplitude is applied Initial current = lim
s →∞ Ls
V ( s ) +
to C-R circuit shown in the figure. The
capacitor is initially uncharged. The output VL ( 0+ ) 1× 10−3
voltage V2 at time t = 2 sec is I ( 0+ ) = = = 0.5A
L 2 × 10−3
177. In the figure shown below, assume that all the
capacitors are initially uncharged. If
Vi(t) = 10u(t) Volts, V0 (t) is given by
(a) 3 V (b) –3 V
(c) 4 V (d) –4 V
Ans. (b) : Time constant of circuit
( τ ) = RC
= 1× 103 × 0.1× 10−6
= 10−4 sec
= 100 µ sec
Time constant is very small, so capacitor charged very (a) 8 e–t/0.004 Volts
fast, and steady state reached in 2 sec (b) 8 (1–e–t/0.004)Volts
VC = 3V (c) 8u(t) Volts
Now capacitor becomes voltage source of 3V (d) 8 Volts
Ans. (c) : Circuit is replaced by Laplace transform
Applying KVL–
3+1000I = 0
3 C k
I= − C
I = −3 mA
V2 (Voltage across 1kΩ )
V2 = −3mA × 1KΩ C1 = 4µF
V2 = −3V C2 = 1µF
R s Is
(a) 0 (b)
(R s
+ R s ) Is
(d) ∞
(a) 0.50 exp (–25t) mA GATE-2008
(b) 0.25 exp (–25t) mA Ans. (b) :
(c) 0.50 exp (–12.5t) mA
(d) 0.25 exp (–6.25t) mA • At t → 0– (switch is open)
GATE-2007 Inductor will be short circuit .
Ans. (a) :
• At t = 0
Capacitor voltage is 0V, i.e. capacitor will be short
circuit will becomes :-
I L ( 0− ) = 0A
I L ( 0− ) = IL ( 0+ ) = 0A
10V • At t → 0+ (switch is closed)
IC ( 0+ ) =
20 KΩ Inductor does not allow sudden change current so
= 0.5 mA Inductor becomes current source.
Rs at t = 2T , Vc(t) = 0
For n = 1
1 ; 2T ≤ t ≤ 3T
Vc ( t ) =
VL ( 0+ ) = Is ⋅ R s −1 ; 3T ≤ t ≤ 4T
( )
di 0+ 3T t
VL = L
Vc ( t ) =
∫ ∫
1.dt − 1.dt
( )=V
di 0+ IR
2T 3T
Vc ( t ) = [ t ]2T − [ ] = ( 3T − 2T ) − t + 3T = 4T − t
3T t
= s s t 3T
dt L L
180. The circuit shown in the figure is used to Vc (t) = tu(t) − 2(t − T)u ( t −2T ) + 2 ( t −2T ) u ( t −2T ) .........
charge the capacitor C alternately from two ∞
current sources as indicated. The switches S1 Vc(t)= tu(t) +2
and S2 are mechanically coupled and connected n =1
( −1)n ( t − nT ) u ( t − nT ) V
as follows. 181. The switch in the circuit shown was on position
For 2nT ≤ t < (2n + 1) T, (n = 0, 1, 2…) S1 to P1 a for a long time, and is moved to position b at
and S2 to P2. time t = 0. The current i(t) for t >0 is given by
For (2n + 1) T ≤ t < (2n + 2) T, (n = 0, 1, 2…) S1
to Q1 and S2 to Q2.
(b) u ( t ) + 2 ∑ ( −1) ( t − nT ) u ( t − nT )
n =1
(c) tu ( t ) + 2 ∑ ( −1) ( t − nT ) u ( t − nT )
n =1
(d) ∑ 0.5 − e
n =0
−( t −2 nT )
+ 0.5e −( t−2 n−T )
I ( 0− ) = 0A
Ans. (c) : Given that VC1 ( 0− ) = ×100
0.8 + 0.2
1 ; 2nT ≤ t ≤ ( 2n + 1) T 0.8
Vc (t) = = × 100
−1 ; ( 2n + 1) T ≤ t ≤ ( 2n + 2 ) T 1.0
VC1 ( 0− ) = 80V
100 × 0.2
VC2 ( 0− ) =
0 T
t 0.8 + 0.2
−1 20
VC2 ( 0− ) =
For n = 0
VC2 ( 0− ) = 20V
1 ; 0 ≤ t ≤ T
Vc ( t ) =
−1 ; T ≤ t ≤ 2T VC2 ( 0− ) = VC3 ( 0− ) = 20V
R e q = (10 10 ) + 10 = 100 + [ −50 − 100] e − 500×10−6
= 5 + 10 t
= 15Ω = 100 − 150 e – 500×10
Leq = 15 mH
Leq 15mH dv ( t ) −6
= 0.5 + {0.375 − 0 ⋅ 5} e − t /10 t
= 50 ×10−6 ×
= 0.5 + {−0.125} e −1000t e – 5×10
−500 × 10−6
I ( t ) = 0.5 − 0.125e −1000t A 3
I ( t ) = 15 ⋅ e −2×10 t Amp
184. In the circuit shown below, the initial charge on
the capacitor is 2.5 mC, with the voltage 185. In the circuit shown, the switch SW is thrown
polarity as indicated. The switch is closed at from position A to position B at time t = 0. The
time t = 0. The current i(t) at a time t after the energy taken from the 3 V source to charge the
switch is closed is 0.1 µF capacitor form 0 V to 3 V is
Apply KVL —
− VC ( ∞ ) + 0 + 3 = 0
VC ( ∞ ) = 3V
∞ ∞
1 −t / τ 3
= ∫
0 40
e dt = − × τ× e− t / τ
40 0
−3 −6 9 −6
(a) (Vp/3) cos(t/RC) (b) (Vp/3) sin(t/RC)
E= ×12 × 10 [ 0 − 1] = × 10 J (c) (Vp/2) cos(t/RC) (d) (Vp/2) sin(t/RC)
40 10 GATE-2011
= 0.90 µJ
Ans. (a) :
186. The switch has been in position 1 for a long
time and abruptly changes to position 2 at t = 0.
1 1 + jωRC
Z1 = R + = Ω
jωC jωC
If time t is in seconds, the capacitor voltage VC
1 R
(in volts) for t > 0 is given by Z2 = R = Ω
(a) 4 (1 – exp (–t/0.5) jωC 1 + jωRC
(b) 10–6 exp (–t/0.5) t
(c) 4 (1 – exp (–t/0.6) ∵ It is gives that Vi = Vp cos V
(d) 10–6 exp (–t/0.6) RC
GATE-2016 1
− ∵ ω= rad/sec
Ans. (d) At t → 0 , switch position -1 RC
So that –
Z1 = (1 − j) R
R (1 − j)
Z2 =
10 2
I ( 0− ) = = 2A Applying node analysis at 'Vo'
Vº − Vi Vo
VC ( 0− ) = 2 × 2 = 4V + =0
R (1 − j) R (1 − j) / 2
VC ( 0− ) = VC ( 0+ ) = VC ( 0 ) = 4V
1 2 Vi
• At t
→∞ , switch position -2 or Vº + =
(1 − j)
R R (1 − j) R (1 − j)
3Vº Vi
or =
R (1 − j) R (1 − j)
VC ( ∞ ) = 5 × 2 = 10V 1
or Vº = Vi
• Time constant of circuit is ( τ )
→ 3
1 t
Vº = Vp Cos V
3 RC
188. A series RC circuit is connected to a DC
voltage source at time t = 0. The relation
R e q = 6Ω between the source voltage VS. the resistance R,
the capacitance C, and the current i(t) is given
Ceq = 0.1F below.
Network Theory 166 YCT
1 2
Vs = Ri ( t ) +
C0∫i ( t ) dt (a)
3 RC
3 RC
Which one of the following represents the 1 2
(c) (d)
current i(t)? RC RC
Ans. (b) :
Equivalent admittance
3 1 VC(t) = 80(1–e )
y = y1 + y 2 = −3
+ j × 10−3 VC(t) = 80×0.98
2 × 10 2
VC(t) = 78.6V
i(t) = v(t) y(t) 193. Voltage and current expressions for the below
3 1 circuit are given at t ≥ 0 as V = 125 e–50t V, i =
= 2∠0 + j × 10−3 5e–50t A. The value of L will be
2 2
= ( 3 + j1) × 10−3 A = ( 3 + j1) mA
= 3sin1000t + cos1000t mA
191. An inductance and a capacitance are connected
in series. If a unit step voltage is applied across
the combination, then the initial and final (a) 0.005 H (b) 0.05 H
currents in the circuit will be (c) 0.5 H (d) 5 H
(a) 0, ∞ respectively (b) 0, 0 respectively IES-2010
(c) ∞, ∞ respectively (d) ∞, 0 respectively Ans. (c) : As given that,
TSPSC Manager (Engg.) - 2015
Ans. (b) :
(a) 1 A (b) 2 A
(c) 3 A (d) 4/3 A
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-I
For input x(t) = δ(t) is: Ans. (b) : S is open to steady state then inductor L is
1 −t / 4 1 − 4t S.C.
(a) e u(t) (b) e u(t)
4 4 4
Current (I) = = 2A
(c) 1 2t
e u(t) (d) 1 e u(t) 2
2 2 So voltage across inductor branch is
TNTRB AE– 2017 V' = 1×2 = 2V
1 1 Now S is closed at t = 0
y(t) The current (I) is 1Ω branch is
Ans. (a) : = 2s = 2s
x (t) 2 + 1 4s + 1 2
I = = 2A
2s 2s 1
Network Theory 169 YCT
199. With S1 closed in figure, what is the eventual 201. How many times constant is required to obtain
steady state value of current? the steady state response?
(a) 2 times (b) 3 times
(c) 4 times (d) 5 times
KVS TGT (WE)- 2014
Ans. (c) : 4 times constant is required to obtain the
steady state response.
202. The time during which capacitor charging
(a) 12.5 mA (b) 16 mA current becomes 37% of its initial value is
(c) 0 mA (d) 25 mA called time constant of an
KVS TGT (WE)- 2018 (a) R-L circuit (b) R-L-C circuit
Ans. (d) : Given, (c) R-C circuits (d) None of these
R = 1 kΩ KVS TGT (WE)- 2016
L = 50 mH Ans. (c) : The time during which capacitor charging
current becomes 37% of its initial value is called time
constant of an R-C circuits.
τ = R×C
∴ I1 = = 1A
R = 10 kΩ, C = 0.05 µF Inductor does not allow sudden change of current
V = 36V therefore-
Time taken to charge up to 24 V - I L ( 0− ) = IL ( 0+ ) = 1A ………………..(i)
Similarly by voltage division rule, the voltage across
VC = VS × e RC
0.5F capacitor is
V 4V × 0.5 4
t = –RC × ln C VC1 ( 0− ) = VC1 ( 0+ ) = = V
VS 1.5 3
= –0.5 × 10 × –0.51 The voltage across capacitor is
4 ×1 8
t = 0.255 ms VC2 ( 0− ) = VC2 ( 0+ ) = = V
t ≃ 0.26 ms 1.5 3
Network Theory 170 YCT
Thus, at t = 0+ Ans. (c) : Given that-
v(t) = 2u(t – θ)
Taking laplace both side
V(s) = e−θs
∴I1 = 1A 2Ω
4/3 1
I2 = = A, I3 = 0A (As KVL violates)
4 3 I(s)
204. A unit step current is applied to a network
consisting of only passive elements. The voltage
across the current source observed is
V(t) = (1 + e–t/τ). The simplest possible network V (s)
I(s) =
will consist of the elements 1
(a) 1 resistor and 2 capacitors 2+
(b) 1 resistor and 2 inductors
(c) 2 resistors and 1 capacitor 2 −θs
(d) 2 resistors and 1 inductor =s
IES-2001 1
Ans. (d) : Current I(t) = u(t) s
I (s) = e −θs
s I(s) =
Voltage V(t) = (1 + e − t / τ ) s+
1 1 taking inverse Laplace both side.
V (s) = +
s s+1 i(t) = u(t–θ) e–0.5(t–θ)
τ 206. The following series RLC circuit with zero
τs + 1 + sτ
V (s) = initial conditions is excited by a unit impulse
s ( sτ + 1) function δ(t).
2sτ + 1
s ( sτ + 1)
V (s)
Impedance Z(s) =
I (s)
2sτ + 1
s ( sτ + 1) 2sτ + 1
Z (s) = = For t>0, the output voltage Vc(t) is
1 sτ + 1
s 2 − 32 t −
t 2 − 12 t
(a) e − e 2 (b) te
Admittance Y(s)
τs +
1 sτ + 1 2 + 1 2 − 12 t 3 2 − 12 t 3
= = = (c) e sin t (d) e cos t
Z ( s ) 2sτ + 1 2τs + 1 2 ( 2τs + 1) 3 2 3 2
1 1
Y (s) = + Punjab PSC Poly. Lect. 20.08.2017
2 4sτ + 2 Ans. (c) : Apply Laplace transform
This equation show that the network will consist of
resistance and inductor.
205. A unit step voltage 2u(t – θ) is applied in a
series RC circuit with R = 2Ω, C=1F.
Assuming zero initial conditions, find i(t).
(a) i(t) = u(t)e –0.5(t ) A
(b) i(t) = u(t – 2θ)e –0.5( t –2 θ) A
(c) i(t) = u(t – θ)e –0.5(t – θ ) A 1/ s 1
Vc ( s ) = =
(d) i(t) = u(t – θ)e –(t – θ ) A 1 s2 + s + 1
s +1+
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2016 s
s + 2 × s + +
2 2 2
2 3/2
= × 2
3 1 32
(a) 2.5 – 2.5e–2t
s + +
2 2 (b) 2.5 – 1.25e–2t
By taking inverse Laplace transform- (c) 1.25 – 1.25e–2t
2 − 12 t 3 (d) None of the above options
e sin
Vc(t) = tV NIELIT Scientists- 2017
3 2
Ans. (b) : At t = 0 − switch open
207. In the circuit shown in figure, the switch closes
at t = 0. Assuming steady state condition for t = i ( 0 ) = 0
i ( t ) = 2.5 − 2.5e .5
I L ( ∞ ) = 0 Amp 40 − t 80 −4t
(a) i = 40e −2t − e − e
3 3
Time constant τ
40 80
L 0.4 (b) i = 40e 2t + e t + e−4t
τ= = = 0.2 sec 3 3
R 2
40 80
i ( t ) = I t ( ∞ ) + I L 0+ − I L ( ∞ ) e τ (c) i = −40e −2t − e − t − e−4t
( ) 3 3
−.15 40 80
= 1.6 × e .2 (d) i = 40e −2t + e − t + e−4t
3 3
= 0.76 Amp
TNTRB AE– 2017
Network Theory 172 YCT
Ans. (a) : Apply Laplace transform 211. Consider the following given figure and
calculate steady-state value of v(t) is a unit step
Vc (∞) = 40V
217. If the value of E = 100 V, R = 10kΩ and C = 10 τ = RC
mF in the circuit shown in the figure, then the = 200 × 1000 ×10–6
capacitor current (iC) at t = 150 ms is = 0.2 sec
Vc(t) = Vc(∞) + [Vc(0) –Vc(∞)] e–t/τ
Vc(t) = 40 + [25 – 40] e–t/.2
Vc(t) = 40 –15e–5t volt
219. A dc voltage V is applied at time t = 0 to a
series RC circuit. The steady state current is
(a) (b)
(a) 100 e–1.5 mA (b) 50e–1.5 mA R C
(c) 10e–1.5 mA (d) 20 e–1.5 mA V
ESE-2022 (c) (d) Zero
Ans. (c) : Given that R 2 + C2
E = 100V ISRO Scientist Engg.-2006
R = 10kΩ Ans. (d) : In steady state condition capacitor acts as
c = 10mf open circuit:-
ic = ?
t = 150ms
i(t) = e − t / RC
100 −150 ×10−3
= e
10 × 103 10 × 103 ×10 × 10−3
i ( t ) = 10e 100
mA Steddy state condition
i ( t ) = 10 e
Vc = Vm (1-e-t/RC)
Vc = Vm 1 − e RC
Vc = Vm
then Capacitor is behave open circuit
So, that Ic = 0
220. A coil with a certain number of turns has a
specified time constant. If the no. of turns is
doubled, the time constant will be
(a) halved (b) doubled
(c) become four fold (d) unaffected
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO 2012-Paper-I
Network Theory 175 YCT
L Ans. (b) : Output of a differentiator circuit
Ans. (c) : Since time constant ( τ ) =
R dV ( t )
( R e ) = Vo ( t ) = RC
µN A2
We know that = L =
ℓ = 5 ×10 × 4 × 10 × (100t )
3 −6
L ∝ N2 dt
= 2 Volt.
Therefore, τ1 = KN1 2
Leq = L1 +L2
L eq L1 + L 2 1 L1 L 2
τ= = = +
R eq 2R 2 R R I (s) =
s +1 s + 5
τ +τ
τ= 1 2 2 ( s + 5 ) − 1( s + 1)
2 I (s) =
223. A ramp voltage, v(t) =100t Volts, is applied to a ( s + 1) ( s + 5 )
RC differentiating circuit with R=5kΩ and s+9
I (s) =
C=4µF. The maximum output voltage is ( s + 1)( s + 5 )
(a) 0.2 volts (b) 2.0 volts
(c) 10.0 volts (d) 50.0 volts Poles: s = −1, −5
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I Zeroes : s = −9
Network Theory 176 YCT
3. If VA–VB = 6V, then VC –VD is
(iii) Network Theorems
1. For the circuit shown in figure, the Thevenin's
voltage and resistance at terminals A and B,
respectively, are
(a) –5V (b) –2V
(c) 2 V (d) 6 V
BPSC Asst. Prof. - 12.04.2022
Ans. (a) : VA –VB = 6 V
I = = 3A
(a) 8 V and 5 kΩ (b) 8 V and 10 kΩ
(c) 4 V and 5 kΩ (d) 4 V and 10 kΩ
UPPSC Poly. Tech. Lect.-22.03.2022, Paper -I
Ans. (b) : For Vth
Apply KCL at node VD
3 + 2 = 5A
VC –VD = –5×1 = –5 V
(a) 5j (b) –4 j
(c) – 5j (d) 4j 12 2
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022 I1 = = A
18 3
Ans. (b) : Given that – When voltage source is short circuited-
Zth = 3+4j
Z2 = ?
Z2 has only imaginary part
Z2 = 0 + jx
For maximum power transfer
dPL 2 × 12
Z2 = Z*th =0 I2 =
dX L 18
So, XL + Xth = 0 4
I2 = A
XL = –Xth = –j4 3
Network Theory 177 YCT
I = I1 + I 2 Ans. (b) : Find RCD
4 2
I= −
3 3
I= A
Apply KCL- R CD = ( 4 || 6 ) + 8
2 4×6
VA − 2 × 0 − 3 × 2 − 6 × − 12 − VB = 0 = + 8 = 10.4Ω
3 10
VA − 22 − VB = 0 R CD = 10.4Ω
VAB = Vth = 22V
8. What is Thevenin's equivalent resistance for
( V )2 ( 22 )2 circuit shown in the given figure?
Pmax = th =
4R 2 4×9
Pmax = 13.44 watt
(a) 3 Ω (b) 2 Ω
(c) 9 Ω (d) 6 Ω
Calculate the value of RL so that the power UPRVUNL AE -19.07.2021, Shift-II
transfer in the given circuit will be maximum. Ans. (b) :
(a) 6 Ω (b) 4 Ω
(c) 8 Ω (d) 2 Ω
LMRC AM- 16.07.2021
Ans. (a) :
V1 30 300
= × 1000 = = 75Ω
I1 400 4
Vth = I1Rth+V1.....................(i)
∴ I N = 5.56A R N = 9Ω
10. What is maximum power delivered to the load?
V2 27 9 × 10
= ×1000 = = 45Ω
I2 600 2
Vth = I 2 Rth + V2...........................(ii)
from equation (i) and (ii)
I1Rth+V1 = I 2 Rth + V2
(400-600)×10–3 Rth= 27-30
−3 × 1000
(a) 273.07 W (b) 27.30 W Rth = = 15Ω
(c) 2730.7 W (d) 2730 W −200
UPRVUNL AE -19.07.2021, Shift-II Rth= 15Ω
2 From equation (ii)
Ans. (a) : Pmax = th Vth = 600 × 10- 3×15+ 27
4R th = 9 + 27
For Vth Remove load RL, find open circuit voltage- Vth = 36V
12. Which one of the following theorems becomes
important if the circuit has sources operating
at different frequencies?
(a) Norton theorem
(b) Thevenin theorem
For Rth (c) Superposition theorem
(d) Maximum power transfer theorem
Current source → Open circuit, Voltage source → Short
Ans.(c) : Superposition theorem becomes important if
the circuit has sources operating at different
Thevenin's and Norton's theorem are applicable only for
single frequency source.
13. What is the value of Zth at terminal a-b of the
V2 given Thevenin circuit?
Pmax = th
4R th
( −128 )
= W
4 × 15
Pmax = 273.07W
Network Theory 179 YCT
(a) Zth = ( 8.4 − j1.2 ) Ω Ans.(d): According to maximum power transfer
theorem maximum power transfer occurs when load R
(b) Zth = (10.3 − j2.3) Ω is equal to the R of network looking back at if from load
(c) Zth = (11.3 − j2.9 ) Ω terminals with all sources being replaced by their
respective internal resistance.
(d) Zth = (12.4 − j3.2 ) Ω 16. For the current shown in the figure, the
ESE-2021 Thevenin's equivalent voltage (in Volts) across
Ans.(d) : terminals a-b is ______.
Zth = 10 + (–j4 || 6+j2)
= 10 +
( 6 + j2 ) × ( − j4 ) = 10 + ( − j24 + 8 )
6 + j2 − j4 6 − j2
= 10 +
( 4 − j12 ) = 10 + ( 4 − j12 )( 3 + j)
(a) 8 (b) 10
( 3 − j) ( 3 − j)( 3 + j) (c) 12 (d) 11
12 − j36 + j4 + 12 24 − j32 APPSC Poly. Lect. 15.03.2020
= 10 + = 10 + APGENCO AE- 23.04.2017
10 10
100 + 24 − j32 124 − j32
= = Ans. (b):
10 10
= (12.4 − j3.2 ) Ω
14. Superposition theorem is not applicable to
networks containing
(a) non-linear elements (b) transformers
(c) dependent source (d) linear elements Apply KCL at Nodes in network-
DMRC AM S&T-2020 12 − Vth V
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade -2018, Paper-I + 1 = th
3 6
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I 12 − V V
− th = −1
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-I 3 6
UJVNL AE-2016 24 − V − 2V = −6
th th
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
TSPSC Manager (Engg.) - 2015 30 = 3V th
BPSC Polytechnic Lecturer-2014 Vth= 10V
MPPSC Forest Service Exam.-2014 V = V = 10V
ab th
KVS TGT (WE)-2014
UPPCL AE-16.11.2013 17. The internal impedance of a power source is
TRB Poly. Lect. -2012 ( 3 + 4i ) Ω. Maximum power transfer occurs
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-II
when the load impedance ZL is equal to:
Ans. (a) : Super-position theorem applicable only when (a) ( 3 + 4i ) Ω (b) ( 3 − 4i ) Ω
all the components of the circuit contain linear network. (c) 0 Ω (d) ∞
The superposition theorem states that a circuit with APPSC Poly. Lect.-14.03.2020
multiple voltage and current sources is equal to the sum UPPCL AE-05.11.2019
of simplified circuits using just one of the sources. GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
15. According to maximum power transfer Ans. (b) : For AC circuit, maximum power transferred
from source to load when
theorem, maximum power transfer occurs
when ZL = Z*S ∵ ZS = 3 + 4i
(a) Load R is equal to the half the R of network ZL = (3 – 4i)Ω
(b) Load R is equal to twice the R of network 18. Norton’s equivalent circuit consists of
(c) Load R is equal to the R of network looking (a) Voltage source in parallel with impedance
back at it from voltage terminal (b) Voltage source in series with impedance
(d) Load R is equal to the R of network looking (c) Current source in series with impedance
back at it from load terminals with all sources (d) Current source in parallel with impedance
being replaced by their respective internal RPSC VP/Suptd. ITI 05.11.2019
resistance APGENCO AE - 23.04.2017
UPMRC -AM-2020 GPSC Asstt. Prof. - 11.04.2017
Nagaland PSC CTSC(Dgree)-2018, Paper I Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2016, Paper-I
TRB Poly. Lect.-2018 GATE-2014
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2016 Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-II
IES-2015 Ans. (d) : According to Norton equivalent circuit any
RRB SSC-03.09.2015, Shift - II circuit can be converted into a current source and
Mizoram PSC IOLM - 2010, Paper - II
GATE-1994 equivalent resistor in parallel with it.
Network Theory 180 YCT
19. Which one of the following is applicable to any 22. Determine the values of Rt and Isc that cause
network linear or non-linear, active or passive, the given circuit to be the Norton equivalent
time-varying or invariant-as long as circuit.
Kirchhoff's laws are not violated?
(a) Tellegen's theorem
(b) Reciprocity theorem
(c) Maximum power transfer theorem
(d) Superposition theorem
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2018, Paper - I
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper – I (a) Rt = 6 Ω, Isc = 0.25 A
UJVNL AE-2016 (b) Rt = 8 Ω, Isc = 0.5 A
ISRO Scientist Engg. -2014
IES-2009, 2006 (c) Rt = 8 Ω, Isc = 0.25 A
Ans. (a) : Tellegen's theorem-It is applicable for any (d) Rt = 6 Ω, Isc = 0.5 A
lumped network which are linear or non-linear, active NLC GET -24.11.2020
or passive, time varying or time-invariant and may Ans. (c) :
contain independent or dependent sources. This theorem
is valid for any type of network untill Kirchhoff's law
are not violated.
∑v i
n =1
n n =0
b = No of branch.
vn = voltage drop in nth branch. Applying KCL at node A-
in = current in nth branch. VA − 3 VA VA
+ + =0
20. Find the Thevenin equivalent circuit parameter 3 6 6
for the given network. VA − 3 VA
+ =0
3 3
2VA = 3
VA = 1.5V
V 1.5
ISC = A = = 0.25A
(a) Vth = 20 V, Rth = 50 Ω R 6
(b) Vth = 30 V, Rth = 40 Ω Rth = 3 || 6 + 6
(c) Vth = 20 V, Rth = 40 Ω = 8Ω
(d) Vth = 30 V, Rth = 30 Ω 23. Consider the following statements:
NLC GET -24.11.2020 Superposition theorem is applicable to a linear
Ans. (c) : Apply KCL at node A network in determining
1. the current responses
2. the voltage responses
3. the power responses
Which of the statements given above are
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 3
VA − 125 V
+2+ A = 0 RRB JE- 31.08.2019, 10 AM-12 PM
50 200 LMRC AM (S &T)-13.05.2018
4VA – 500 + 400 + VA = 0 IES-2005, 2001
5VA = 100 Ans. (a) : Superposition theorem - According to this
VA = 20V = Vth theorem the response in any element of linear, bilateral
50 × 200 network containing more than one sources is the sum of
Rth = = 40Ω the responses produced by the source each acting
21. Which of the following theorems/laws states independently. The superposition theorem does not
that "the average power in a periodic apply to the power responses. The power is proportional
waveform x(t) is the sum of powers in its to square of the current. Which is not a linear function.
harmonics"? 24. A linear element satisfies the property of :
(a) Kirchhoff's Law (a) Superposition and Homogeneity
(b) Paraseval's Theorem (b) Multiplicity and Superposition
(c) Maxwell's Theorem (c) Superposition
(d) Fourier's transform (d) Homogeneity
NLC GET -24.11.2020 RRB JE- 31.08.2019, 10 AM-12 PM
RPSC VP/Suptd. ITI 05.11.2019
Ans. (b) : Paraseval's relation for a periodic signal KVS TGT (WE)- 2017
relates total average power in the signal. AAI-2015
Network Theory 181 YCT
Ans. (a) : An element is said to be linear if it satisfies 29. A network contains linear resistors and ideal
homogeneity (scaling) properties and additive voltage sources. If values of all the resistors are
(superposition) property. doubled, then the voltage across each resistor is
It is linear element because its voltage current relation (a) halved (b) doubled
satisfies both homogeneity and additivity (super (c) increased four times (d) not changed
position) properties. GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
25. A source of angular frequency 1 rad/sec has a Ans. (d) : A network contains linear resistors and ideal
source impedance consisting of 1 Ω resistors in voltage sources. If values of all the resistors are
series with 1 H inductance. The load that will doubled, then the voltage across each resistor is not
obtain the maximum power transfer is changed. i.e remain constant.
(a) 1 Ω resistance 30. Thevenin resistance can be found by taking the
(b) 1 Ω resistance in parallel with 1 H inductance ratio (o.c = open circuit, s.c = short circuit, Vs =
(c) 1 Ω resistance in series with 1 F capacitor supply voltage, VL = load voltage)
(d) 1 Ω resistance in parallel with 1 F capacitor (a) Voc/Isc (b) Vsc/Ioc
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade -2018, Paper-I (c) Vs/Is (d) VL/IL
TANGEDCO AE- 2018 GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
Punjab PSC Poly. Lect. 20.08.2017 Ans. (a) : Vs = Supply voltage
VL = load voltage
Ans. (c) : Given, ω = 1rad/sec, R = 1Ω , L = 1H Thevenin resistance (Rth) can be found by-
ZS = R + jωL R=1
ZS = 1 + j1 L=1 Rth = oc
For maximum power condition Isc
ZL = Z* 31. When a source is delivering maximum power
Z* = 1 – j1 to a load, the efficiency of the circuit
ZL = 1 – j1 (a) is always 50%
1 Ω resistance in series with 1F capacitor. (b) is always 75%
26. If the load connected to the source is inductive (c) depends on the circuit parameters
for maximum transfer of power from source to (d) none of these parameters
the load, the source impedance should be Mizoram PSC CTSE(Diploma)-2018, Paper-I
(a) Inductive (b) Capacitive TSPSC Manager (Engg.) - 2015
(c) Resistive (d) None of these Mizoram PSC AE/SDO -2012, Paper-I
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I Load power
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2015, Paper-II Ans. (a) : Power transfer efficiency =
Input power
Ans. (b) : For maximum power transfer load impedance
is a complex conjugate of a source impedance. Vth
Since I L =
th + R L
Zs = R + jX L And PL = load power = I2L .R L
ZL = R − jX L Vth
(a) 1 (b) 1+s+ Above Norton's equivalent circuit
Shown, we have-
1 s2 + s + 1 Voltage across AB = 2×3 = 6V
(c) 2+s+ (d) 2
s s + 2s + 1 Now the value of R = ?
NIELIT Scientists- 2017 6
GATE-2008 R= = 3Ω
Ans. (a) : ZPQ = (1+ s) 1 + 52. Which one of the following theorems is a
s manifestation of law of Conservation of
ZPQ = 2
( s + 1)( s + 1) energy?
( s + 2s + 1) (a) Tellegen's theorem
(b) Reciprocity theorem
( s + 1) (c) Thevenin's theorem
(a) 4Ω, 2V (b) 2Ω, 4V Norton's equivalent circuit consist a current source in
(c) 4Ω, 4V (d) 2Ω, 2V parallel with impedance .
NPCIL-2015 56. The Thevenin's equivalent circuit of the
GATE-2007 network shown in figure is across ab is
2i − V V V
Ans. (b) : +2 = +
1 1 2
2i – V + 2 =
+V – 2i = 2
3V (a) 1Ω (b) 2Ω
+ V– 2V = 2 ∵ V = i×1, V= i (c) 3Ω (d) 4Ω
ISRO Scientist- May, 2017
–V=2 Ans. (b) : For thevenin equivalent resistance short
2 circuit the independent voltage source and connect 1V
V = 4Volt (This is the open circuit voltage) source across terminal a-b
Now to find Rth Then-
Rth = th
from fig ISC = 2A
So, Rth = = 2Ω
2 1
55. Norton equivalent of the following circuit is I2 = A
⇒ 2I 2 = A
1 1 1 1
Thus I1 = I2 + = + = A
3 6 3 2
R= = 2Ω
(a) I
77. Which of the following statements are correct replaced by combination of different circuit element but
association with the superposition theorem? the current & voltage across the branch remains
1. It is applicable to networks having more unchanged.
than one source.
2. It is used to determine the current in a
branch or voltage across branch.
3. It is applicable to direct current circuits
only. 80.
4. It is applicable to networks having linear
and bilateral elements.
Select the correct answer using the code given
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 2 and 4
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4 Thevenin equivalent circuit of a network N is
KVS TGT (WE)- 2018 shown above (at terminals 1-1').
IES-2014, 2002 To determine the value of R
Ans. (b) : Superposition theorem- 1. all initial conditions are set to zero
♦ It is applicable to Network having linear and bilateral 2. all independent sources are turned off
element. 3. all controlled sources are turned off
♦ It is applicable to A.C and D.C Network Both. 4. small load connected to terminals 1-1'
♦ It is used to determine the current in a branch or (outside network N) is removed
voltage across branch. Which are correct statements:
♦ It is applicable to Network having more than one (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1, 2 and 4
source. (c) 3 and 4 only (d) 3 only
78. Tellegen's theorem {as applicable to any
lumped d.c. network, regardless of the elements Ans. (b) : (1) Temporarily remove the resistance
being linear or non-linear, time-varying or (Called load resistance RL) Whose current is required
time-invariant} implies that (2) Find the Open-circuit voltage which appears across
(a) sum of the voltage drops across each network the two terminals from where resistance has been
element is equal to the total voltage applied to removed. It is also called thevenin's voltage (Vth)
the network (3) Compute the resistance of the whole network as we
(b) sum of the powers taken by all elements, in looked into from these two terminals after all voltage
the network, with in the constraints imposed sources have been removed leaving behind their internal
by KCL and KVL is zero resistance. (if any) and current sources have been
(c) sum of the currents meeting at any node is not replaced by open circuit i.e. infinite resistance. It is also
the same as the current in that mesh called thevenin's resistance Rth.
(d) it is applicable to a branch which is not (4) Replace the entire Network by a single thevenin's
coupled to other branches of the network source, whose voltage is Vth or Voc and Whose internal
UPRVUNL AE– 11.06.2014 resistance is Rth or Ri.
IES-2014 81.
Ans. (b) : Tellegen's theorem - It is applicable for any
lumped network have element which are linear or non-
linear, active or passive, time varying or time-invariant
and may contain independent or dependent sources.
According to this theorem sum of the power taken by all
elements in the network, within the constrains imposed In the above circuit, the value of the load
by KCL and KVL is zero resistance R to absorb the maximum power is
(a) 14.14 Ω (b) 10 Ω
∑V i
n =1
n n =0
(c) 200 Ω (d) 28.28 Ω
b = No of branch. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)- 2018, Paper - I
Vn = Voltage drop in nth branch GATE-2013, 2001
In = Current in nth branch IES-2013, 2010
Network Theory 191 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ans. (d) :
For Rth-
As given that-
E = E m cos10t .....(i)
E = E m cos ωt .....(ii)
From eq. (i) and (ii)
ω = 10
XL = ωL = 1×10 = 10 Ω Rth = 80 +20
Z = R +jXL Rth = 100 Ω
Z = 10 +j10 For Vth-
For maximum power transfer-
R L = R 2 + X L2
R L = 100 + 100
R L = 10 2 = 10 ×1.414
RL = 14.14Ω
82. In the circuit, the value of the resistance RS
required for maximum power transfer from
the 10 V source to the 10Ω load is given by
Apply KVL-
Vth -20 ×2 −60 = 0
Vth = 100V
84. The maximum power that a 12 V DC source
with an internal resistance of 2 Ω can supply to
(a) 5 Ω (b) 10 Ω a resistive load is
(c) 0 Ω (d) 30 Ω (a) 72 W (b) 48 W (c) 24 W (d) 18 W
IES-2012 IES-2012, 2002
Ans. (c) : Ans. (d) : For maximum power
= th (∵ RL = Rin = 2)
4R L
(12 )
= = 18W=
4×2 8
85. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
answer using the code given below the lists:
List-I List-II
If there is a variable resistance other than the load A. Superposition 1. Impedance
resistance, then the maximum power transfer theorem theorem matching in
cannot be applied and hence the resistance Rs should have audio circuits
minimum value i.e. zero for maximum power transfer. B. Thevenin's 2. Linear
83. In the circuit, Thevenin's voltage and theorem bilateral
resistance across the terminals XY will be networks
C. Kirchhoff's voltage 3. Large network
and current laws in which
currents in
few elements
to be
D. Maximum power 4. Currents and
(a) 20 V and 100 Ω (b) 40 V and 93.33 Ω transfer theorem voltages in all
(c) 60 V and 93.33 Ω (d) 100 V and 100 Ω branches of a
IES-2012 network
Network Theory 192 YCT
Code: V
A B C D I= −2
(a) 1 4 3 2 5
(b) 2 4 3 1 V − 10
I= .....(i)
(c) 1 3 4 2 5
(d) 2 3 4 1 Apply KVL in equivalent circuit
IES-2011 V − Vth
Ans. (d) : I= ....(2)
Super position theorem - Linear bilateral network. R th
Thevenin's theorem - Large network in which Compare the equation (i) & (2)
current in few elements to be Vth = 10 , R th = 5Ω
determined 88. Which of the following statements are
Kirchhoff's voltage - Current and voltage in all associated with Thevenin's theorem?
and current laws branches of a network. 1. Impedance through which current is
Maximum power - Impedance matching in audio required is removed and open-circuit
transfer theorem circuit voltage is found.
86. A voltage source of 240 V having an internal 2. It is applicable to only d.c. circuits.
impedance of (3 – j4) Ω is supplying power to a 3. The network is replaced by a voltage
complex load impedance ZL. What will be the source and a series impedance remains
maximum power transferred to the load? after removing the load impedance.
(a) 2.4 kW (b) 3.6 kW Select the correct answer using the codes given
(c) 4.8 kW (d) 6.0 kW below:
LMRC AM (S&T)-13.05.2018 (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only
IES-2010 (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Ans. (c) : As given that, IES-2008
V = 240V Ans. (b) : Thevenin's theorem: For any linear
Zs = (3–4j) electrical network containing voltage source, current
For maximum power transfer to load the condition is- source and resistance can be replaced at terminal by an
ZL = Z*s equivalent combination of a voltage source Vth in a
series connection with a resistance Rth.
Vth2 This theorem is not applicable for non-linear and
Pmax =
4R L unilateral element
Thevenin theorem is applicable for both A.C and D.C.
( 240 )2
= 4800W = 4.8kW
87. For the network shown below; I = (0.2 V – 2) A,
(I = the current delivered by the voltage source
V). The Thevenin voltage Vth and resistance Rth
for the network N across the terminals AB are
respectively 89. What are the source voltage and source
resistance, respectively for the Thevenin's
equivalent circuit as seen from the terminals
indicated in the circuit given below?
(a) 2 Ω (b) 4 Ω
(c) 8 Ω (d) 12 Ω
Ans. (a) : (a) 2 Ω (b) 4 Ω
(c) 8 Ω (d) 16 Ω
GATE -2012
Ans. (c) : As given that,
FOR Rth -
(a) ,
(a) – 1 A (b) 9 A
(c) 10 A (d) 11 A RT + RL
IES-2006 V
Ans. (d) : As given that- (b) T , R N = R T
(c) , RN = RL
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b) :
12 −6
2 − I1′
I′1 = 1A VT
IN =
I = I1 + I′1 RT
= 10 + 1 = 11A RN = RT
∑V i
n =1
n n =0
b = No of branch
96. In the circuit given below, viewed from AB, the
circuit can be reduced to an equivalent circuit
14 56
I′ = 4 × = A
19 19
When 5A current source is considered-
Then 4A current source is open circuit
(a) Thevenin's theorem
(b) Maximum power transfer theorem
(c) Millman's theorem
(d) Superposition theorem
Network Theory 197 YCT
Ans. (d) : When two voltage sources are given in the Ans. (d) :
circuit then, according to super position theorem the
response in any element of a linear, bilateral RLC
network containing more than one independent voltage
or current source is the algebraic sum of responses
produces by the independent source when each of them
acting alone then all other independent voltage source
are short circuit and all other independent current source
are open circuit. In this circuit resistor 30Ω dissipates maximum power
101. The resistance 'R' looking into the terminals when variable resistance R is minimum or zero
AB in the circuit shown in the figure will be 103. If a resistance 'R' of 1Ω is connected across the
terminals AB as shown in the given figure, then
the current flowing through R will be
Vi = Apply voltage source at A and B terminal
Vth = 5(R th + 1)
Vth = 5 R th + 5 ....(i)
The Thevenin's equivalent of the network at
terminals a – b.
(a) will be
Vth – 7Rth–2 = 0
Vth = 7R th + 2
Vth value is put in equation (i)
(b) will be
7R th + 2 = 5R th + 5
2R th = 3
R th = 1.5Ω
From equation (i)
Vth = 7.5 + 5
(c) will be Vth = 12.5V
106. The Thevenin equivalent of the network shown
in Fig. I is 10 V is in series with resistance of
2Ω. If now, a resistance of 3Ω is connected
across AB as shown in Fig. II, the Thevenin
equivalent of the modified network across AB
will be:
(d) is NOT feasible
Ans. (d) :
for iSC :-
107. Substitution Theorem applies to i = -1A
(a) linear networks iSC = –1A
(b) nonlinear networks V 4
(c) linear time-invariant networks R th = th = = 4Ω
iSC 1
(d) any networks
IES-1996 109. The value of the resistance R in the circuit
Ans. (c) : Substitution theorem- According to this shown in the given figure is varied in such a
theorem any branch of a DC bilateral circuit can be manner that the power dissipated in the 3 ohm
replaced by combination of different circuit element but resistor is maximum. Under this condition, the
the current & voltage across the branch remain value of R will be
(a) 3 Ω (b) 9 Ω
108. In the network shown in the given figure (c) 12 Ω (d) 6 Ω
current i = 0 when E = 4V, I = 2A and i = 1A IES-1996
when E = 8V, I = 2A. The Thevenin voltage and
the resistance looking into the terminals AB are Ans. (a) :
(a) 4 V, 2 Ω (b) 4 V, 4 Ω
(c) 8 V, 2Ω (d) 8V, 4 Ω When current through 3Ω register is maximum then
IES-1996 maximum power will be dissipated in resistance.
Ans. (b) : V
I m ax =
R eq
Req = (6 || R+3) Ω
for maximum current Req should be minimum
R should be as low as possible
According to the option (a) is correct.
∴ [R =3Ω]
Vth 1
R th = =
(a) (2 + j2) Ω (b) (2 – j2) Ω I2 I2
(c) –j2 Ω (d) 2 Ω I2 = –I1 ………………………..(i)
IES-1995 Apply KVL in outer loop
Ans. (d) : For maximum power transfer the load −1 − 10 ×1.8I1 − 6I1 = 0
impedance (ZL)should be complex conjugate of the
equivalent thevenin resistance (Zth) across the load −24I1 = 1
terminal. 1
I1 = −
ZL = Z*th 24
From equation (i)-
∴ I2 =
1 1
R th = = = 24Ω
I 2 1/ 24
For Vth-
Zth = ( 2 + j2 ) ( − j2 ) + j2 I1 = 0 for open circuit-
− j2 ( 2 + 2 j)
Zth = + j2
2 + j2 − j2
⇒ Zth = −2 j + 2 + j2
Zth = (2 +0j)Ω
ZL = Z*th = 2Ω (for maximum power transfer) equivalent circuit Vth = 40V
111. Thevenin's equivalent circuit of the network
shown in the given figure, between terminals T1
and T2 is
112. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
using the codes given below the list:
List-I List-II
(Properties of (Relevant theorems)
A. Linearity 1. Superposition
B. Structure 2. Norton's
C. Equivalent 3. Tellegen's
(a) circuit
D. Bilateral 4. Reciprocity
5. Millman's
(b) Codes:
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 1 3 2 4
(c) (c) 2 3 4 5
(d) 1 3 5 2
(d) Ans. (b) :
Superposition theorem is used for linear element
IES-1994 circuit. It can not calculate power because power is
Ans. (a) : nonlinear.
Reciprocity theorem used for linear, passive and
bilateral network.
Thevenin's and Nortons's theorem are applicable to
find equivalent circuit.
Tellegen's theorem used for structure. It is linear,
nonlinear theorem.
Network Theory 201 YCT
113. "In any network of linear impedances, the 115. If the networks shown in figures I and II are
current flowing at any point is equal to the equivalent at terminals A-B, then the value of
algebraic sum of the currents caused to flow at V (in volts) and Z (in ohms) will be
that point by each of the sources of emf taken
separately with all other emf's reduced to zero.
This statements represents.
(a) Kirchhoff's law
(b) Norton's theorem
(c) Thevenin's theorem
(d) Superposition theorem
Ans. (d) : Superposition theorem-According to this
theorem the response in any element of linear, bilateral
network containing more than one source is the sum of the
responses produced by the source each acting
independently. The superposition theorem does not apply
to the power responses because power is non linear. V Z
114. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct (a) 100 12
answer using the codes given below the lists: (b) 61 12
List-I (Network List-II (Most (c) 100 30
Theorems) distinguished property (d) 60 30
of networks) IES-1993
A. Reciprocity 1. Impedance Ans. (c) :
B. Tellegen's 2. Bilateral
C. Superposition 3. b
∑ v jk (t1 )i jk (t 2 ) = 0
k =0
D. Maximum 4. Linear
5. Non-linear
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 1 2 3 5
(c) 2 3 4 1
(d) 2 3 5 1
IES-1993 for Rth-
Ans. (c) : Reciprocity- In any linear network consisting
of linear and bilateral impedance and active sources, the
ratio of voltage V introduced in one loop to the current I
in the other loop is same as the ratio obtained if the
position of V and I are interchanged in the network.
Rth = 30Ω
For Vth
= constant
I2 I
= 1 , Z12 = Z21
V1 V2
Superposition theorem→ It is applicable to the response
in any element of linear, bilateral RLC network.
Tellegen's Theorem- According to this theorem the
No current is flowing through 30Ω due to circuit is
algebraic sum of power at any instant in circuit is zero.
b open.
k =0
JK (t1 ) i JK (t 2 ) = 0 VA − 30 × 0 − 100 − VB = 0
VA − VB = 100V
Maximum power theorem → This theorem is used for
impedance matching. VAB = 100V
R AB = R N = ( 3 || 2 ) +
R N = 2Ω (a) 33.4 K (b) 17.6 K
(c) 10 K (d) 5 K
Voltage divider rule is applied in network- TNTRB AE– 2017
2× 2 IES-1992
Vth =
5 Ans. (c) :
Vth = V
Thevenin network-
4 2
ISC = = A
5× 2 5
117. A Wheatstone bridge is shown with resistance
thermometer connected in one arm at 20ºC. At
20º, resistance of thermometer = 1020Ω. the
output voltage will be
(a) 5 (b) 6.5
(c) 8 (d) 9
Ans. (b) :
+ +
V1 = R R R
1 1 1
+ +
Network Theory 204 YCT
1 1 1 Ans. (b) : The power transfer from source to load and
V + + rate of heat dissipation is maximum when power
V1 =
R R R transfer is maximum.
1 1 1 So,
+ + For maximum power transfer
V1 = V Load resistance = Thevenin resistance
Req = R||R||R RL = r
Req = R/3 RL = 4Ω
Equivalent circuit-
V 24
∴ I= = = 3A
RL + r 4 + 4
When current to be I/2 then RL-
I′ =
r + RL
122. In the fig, shown, if we connected a source of 3 24 ′ I
2V, with internal resistance of 1Ω at A'A with 2 = r + R ∵ I = 2
positive terminal at A', then the current
through R will be 3r + 3R L = 48
3R L = 48 − 12
RL =
R L = 12Ω
124. The value of R which will enable the circuit to
deliver maximum power to the terminals a and
(a) 2 A (b) 1.66 A b in the following circuit diagram is
(c) 1 A (d) 0.625 A
Ans. (d) : As given that,
5 5
(a) ohms (b) ohms
9 8
5 5
(c) ohms (d) ohms
6 3
Apply nodal in network IES-1991
1− V 2 − V V Ans. (c) :
+ =
2 1 2
5 = 4V
V= V
Current flows in R
All current source is open circuit and all voltage source
V 5 5
I= = = A is short circuit.
2 4× 2 8
I= 0.625A
123. A 24 V battery of internal resistance r = 4 ohm
is connected to a variable resistance R. The
rate of heat dissipation in the resistor is 5
R th = 5 ||1 = Ω
maximum when the current drawn from the 6
battery is I. Current drawn from the battery For maximum power transfer-
will be (I/2), when R is equal to R=Rth
(a) 8 ohms (b) 12 ohms 5
(c) 16 ohms (d) 20 ohms R= Ω
IES-1992 6
Network Theory 205 YCT
125. Obtain potential of node B with respect to node For Zth-
G in the network shown in the figure.
5 × 20
Rth = ( 5 20 ) + 4 ⇒ +4
= 4 + 4 = 8Ω
Rth = 8Ω
For maximum power transfer condition-
R = Rth
3× 6 4 × 4
R AB = ( 3 6 ) + ( 4 4 ) ⇒ + R = 8Ω
9 8 131. Use the data of the figure (a). The current I in
RAB = 2 + 2 the circuit of the figure (b)
RAB = 4kΩ
Rth = RAB = 4kΩ
For maximum power transfer
RAB = Rth
∴ RAB = 4kΩ
129. The Thevenin equivalent voltage VTH
appearing between the terminals A and B of
the network shown in the figure is given by (a) –2 A (b) 2 A
(c) –4 A (d) +4 A
Ans. (c) : According to reciprocity theorem
(a) 16 Ω (b) Ω
(a) 2 (b) 4 3
(c) 8 (d) 16 (c) 60 Ω (d) 20 Ω
GATE-1999 GATE-2002
Network Theory 207 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ans. (c) :
Rth = 100Ω
For maximum power transfer condition-
RL = Rth
RL = 100Ω
( V ) 10 ×10
Pmax = th =
4R L 4 × 100
Pmax = 0.25 W
134. For the circuit shown in the figure, Thevenin's
Let V = 1V is connected across terminal AB voltage and Thevenin's equivalent resistance at
terminals a-b is
Vx is change in 4Ω Resistance
For Rth
Independent voltage get short-circuited and dependent
source are unaffected.
Zth = R
So, modified circuit is
1 1
Ib = − ; R th =
10000 I
On applying KCL at Node we get
1 −1 1 Current in the circuit is-
− + 99 × +I =
10000 10000 100 10 − 3
+I =
1 2+R
10000 10000 100 So,
100 1 Power delivered to circuit B by circuit A
− +I= P = (I)2 R + 3I
10000 100 2
1 1 10 − 3 10 − 3
+ = R + 3
2 + R
100 100 2+R
2 (7) 2 3× 7
I= A P= ×R +
100 (2 + R)2 2+R
1 49R + 21(2 + R)
I= A =
50 (2 + R) 2
Rth = = 50Ω 49R + 42 + 21R
1/ 50 =
(2 + R)2
138. Assuming both the voltage sources are in
phase, the value of R for which maximum 42 + 70R
power is transferred from circuit A to circuit B (2 + R)2
is dP
P is maximum when =0
dP 70(2 + R)2 − 2(R + 2)(42 + 70R)
dR (2 + R)2
= (2+R) [140 + 70R – 84 – 140R] = 0
56 – 70R = 0
R= = 0.8Ω
(a) 0.8 Ω (b) 1.4 Ω 70
(c) 2 Ω (d) 2.8 Ω 139. In the circuit shown below, if the source voltage
GATE-2012 Vs = 100∠53.13ºV then the Thevenin's
Ans. (a) : As given that, equivalent voltage in Volts seen by the load
resistance RL is
VA − 10
Apply KCL at node A :- = 2i x − I N
By using source transformation- 5
⇒ = 2i x − i N ( VA = 0 )
10 −10 10
But i x = A ⇒ = 2 × − iN
4 5 4
20 10 i N = 7A
iN = + = 5 + 2 = 7A
4 5 R N = 5Ω
Apply KVL -
−25 + 5 × 1 +VZ = 0
VZ = 20V
When 25V → 20V
and 5Ω → 0Ω then equivalent circuit
(ii) For RN -
Rth = RN
then equivalent circuit
Pmax = = 0.377W
4 × 6.684
3+ 2
V = 3V
176. (i) Isc = 6A
1kΩ Vth
= 6A
R th
6kΩ 3kΩ VOC Vth = 6 Rth
(ii) I=
R th + 2
The thevenin voltage and the Thevenin resistor
in the given circuit is ______and 6R th
_____respectively. R th + 2
(a) 43.2V, 2.1 kΩ (b) 20.57V, 2.1 kΩ Rth = 2
(c) 20.57V, 20.57 kΩ (d) 43.2V, 20.57 kΩ ∴ Vth = 6×2 = 12V
UPMRC AM - 2020
Ans. (a) : For equivalent resistance current source (iii) I=
replaced by his internal resistance (∞) - R th + R L
12 12
= =4
2 +1 3
I = 4A
178. Determine the voltage vm in the given network.
7 × 3 21
∴ Rth = = = 2.1kΩ
7 + 3 10
R th = 2.1kΩ
When convert in voltage source
(a) 12 V (b) 24 V
(c) –16 V (d) –36 V
NLC GET -24.11.2020
From Nodal analysis at point A- Ans. (d) : Apply KVL in loop-
−3i a + 4i a + 12 = 0
Vth − 144 Vth
+ =0 i a = −12
7 3
Vm = –36V
3Vth − 432 + 7Vth
=0 179. For the circuit shown in figure, the following is
21 true in general
10 Vth = 432
Vth = 43.2V
177. The Black Box as shown in Fig. 10 contains
resistors and independent sources. For R = 0
ohms and R = 2 ohms, the value of current I is
6 Amps and 3 Amps respectively. The value of
current I for R = 1 ohms is :
Network Theory 219 YCT
(a) The current I through R is 0 (a) 2.5 V (b) 5 V
(b) the voltages across the two current sources (c) 8 V (d) 10 V
are equal BSNL(JTO)-2009
(c) The voltage across R will tend to increase
Ans. (c) :
without limit as R increases
(d) The superposition theorem is valid in the
present case
BSNL (JTO)-2001
Ans. (d) : The superposition theorem is valid in the
present case Apply nodal analysis
The superposition theorem is applicable to linear Vx − 10 Vx Vx − V2
network. + + =0
2 2 2
180. In figure show the voltage source : Vx –10 +Vx +Vx–V2 = 0
3Vx = V2 + 10
3×2×3 = V2 + 10 [∵ Vx = 3×2 = 6 ]
18 = V2 + 10
V2 = 8V
182. In the circuit shown in figure (a), the current
200 I1 = 2A. The current I2 in figure (b) is
(a) delivers W (b) absorbs 100 W
(c) delivers 100 W (d) absorbs W
Ans. (b) :
(a) –6 A (b) –4 A
(c) 4 A (d) 6 A
Ans. (d) : Using reciprocity theorem.
V1 V
= 2
Apply Nodal analysis at point VX I1 I2
Vx − 20 Vx
+ − 0.3Vx = 0 10 30
1 10 =
2 I2
Vx − 20 Vx
+ = 0.3Vx I 2 = 6A
1 10
10Vx − 200 + Vx 183. Bartlett's bisection theorem holds for which
= 0.3Vx
10 one of the following terminal networks?
10Vx + Vx − 200 = 3Vx (a) Reciprocal network
8Vx = 200 (b) Balanced network
Vx = 25 (c) Symmetric network
25 − 20 (d) Non-linear network
∴ Current (I) = = 5A IES-2003
power absorbed by voltage source because current is Ans. (c) : Bartlett's bisection theorem hold for
entering the voltage source. symmetric network.
P = VI According to this theorem the Z - Parameter are-
= 20×5 1
Z11 = Z22 = ( ZOC + ZSC )
P = 100 W 2
181. For the circuit shown in figure, if the current I 1
= 3 A, then the voltage V2 is Z12 = Z21 = (ZOC − ZSC )
ZOC - Open circuited impedance across half part of
symmetrical network.
ZSC - Short circuit impedance across half part of the
symmetrical network.
This theorem is applicable in symmetric network.
Network Theory 220 YCT
4. If Z1, Z2 be the Z-parameter matrix of two
(iv) Two Port Network networks connected in series, then the Z-
parameter matrix of the resultant matrix will
1. If a two-port network is reciprocal as well as be:
symmetrical, which one of the following (a) Z1 + Z2 (b) Z1Z2
relationships is correct? Z
(a) Z12 = Z21 and Z11 = Z22 (c) Z1–Z2 (d) 1
(b) Y12 = Y21 and Y11 = Y22 Z2
(c) AD – BC = 1 and A = D UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
(d) All of the above Ans. (a) : Series network-
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
IES-2019, 2012, 2009
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
Mizoram PSC Jr.Grade-2015, Paper-I
UPRVUNL AE-11.06.2014
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012, Paper-I
Ans. (d) : Condition for reciprocity and symmetry in
different parameters can be given as
Parameter Symmetry Reciprocity
Z Z11 = Z22 Z12 = Z21 [Z] = [Z1] +[Z2]
Y Y11 = Y22 Y12 = Y21 Z11 Z12 Z11 + Z11 Z12 + Z12
' '' ' ''
T A=D AD – BC = 1 =
Z21 Z22 Z21 + Z21 Z22 + Z2
' '' ' ''
h h11h22 – h12h21 = 1 h12 = – h21
2. With respect to inverse transmission 5. The ideal transformer CANNOT be described
parameter, which of the following options is
by :
(a) (V1,V2) = f (I1,I2) (b) (V1,I1) = f (V2,I2) (a) Z-parameters (b) g-parameters
(c) (I1,I2) = f (V1,V2) (d) (V2,I2) = f (V1,I1) (c) ABCD parameters (d) h-parameters
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022 UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
Ans. (d) : Inverse transmission parameter T’ Ans. (a) : Ideal transformer can not be represented by
Z-parameter because self inductance and mutual
inductance of an ideal transformer is infinite.
The transmission parameter and the inverse
transmission parameter are dual of each other. Instead
of V1 and I1 quantities V2 and I2 are expressed in term
of V1 and I1 the resulting parameter ( A 'B'C 'D' ) are
called inverse transmission parameter
V2 = A 'V1 + B' ( −I1 )
6. Short circuit parameter for the network shown
I 2 = C'V1 + D' ( −I1 ) is :
f ( V2 , I 2 ) = f ( V1 ,I1 )
3. For the given linear time-invariant two-part
network, the admittance matrix [Y] will be :
Y 0
(a) (b) indeterminate (c)
0 Y
Y –Y UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
(c) (d) a null matrix
Y Y Ans. (a) : Y-parameter of π network-
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
Ans. (B) : For Y-parameter
I1 = Y11V1 + Y12 V2
I 2 = Y21V1 + Y22 V2
Since V1 = V2
Y-parameter will be inderminate.
Network Theory 221 YCT
ya + y b − yb V1 −AI2 R L − BI2 AR L + B
[Y] = = =
I1 −CI2R L − DI2 CR L + D
− yb yc + yb
0.6 + 0.3 − 0.3 0.9 −0.3 By definition, input impedance is Z1 =
= = I1
− 0.3 0.3 + 0.4 −0.3 0.7
Hence input impedance is
Y11 = 0.9, Y12 = −0.3, Y21 = 0.3, Y22 = 0.7
B + AR L
7. Find Z parameter Z11, Z22 in given network- Z1 =
D + CR L
V 2V
I1 = 1 = 1
3 3
Y + YC −YC 2
Y= A
− YC YB + YC I V
IA= 1 = 1
Given network. 2 3
I 1 I 2V1 V1
IB = 1 × = 1 = =
2 2 4 3× 4 6
–I2= IA+IB= 1 + 1 = 1
3 6 2
Comparing the network I2 −1
YA =YB = YC = 1mA/V =
V1 V2 =0
2 −1
Y= 18. For a two port network to be reciprocal, its
−1 2 Scattering parameters must satisfy the
16. Which two-port parameters are best suited for following condition, for i = 1, 2; j = 1, 2
analyzing a series-shunt feedback circuit? (a) Sij = Sji (i ≠ j) (b) Sij = Sji (i = j)
(a) Z-Parameters (b) H-Parameters
(c) Sij = 1/Sji (i ≠ j) (d) Sij = S*ji (i = j)
(c) Y-Parameters (d) S-Parameters
ISRO Scientist Engg. 2009 ISRO Scientist Engg.-2014
Ans. (b) : H-parameter of two port network are best Ans. (a) : Condition for a two port network to be
option for analyzing a series-shunt feedback circuit. reciprocal is:-
Every linear circuit having input and output terminal Sij = S ji ( i ≠ j)
can be analyzed by 4-parameter called h-parameter. The
h-parameter were initially called series -shunt 19. Y-parameter for following network is given as
(a) 1/3 ∠0° (b) 1/2 ∠180°
(c) 1/3 ∠180° (d) 1/2 ∠0°
ISRO Scientist Engg. -2015
A & B connected in series and C& D also connected in
Ans. (c) :
series then-
Y– parameter of T network
2 +1
Y11 = 3 3 =9 b1 = S11 a1 + S12 a2
4 +2 +2 8 b2 = S21 a1 + S22 a2
9 9 9
1 S11 =
3 a1 a =0
Y12 = − 3 = − 2
8 8 Since b1 is reflected waveform and a, is incident
9 waveform
−1 1
Y21 = 3 = −3 S11 = ∠180°
8 8 3
9 21. The transmission parameters of the network
2 +1 given below is represented in the matrix form
Y22 = 3 3 =9 as calculate of transmission parameter B of [T]
8 8 matrix:
9 −3 [T] =
Y1 =
8 8 C D
−3 9
8 8
For 2nd -
Y 2=
3 +3 s
8 16 ) ( − 316) s When V2 = 0
− 16 s ) ( 316 + 3 8 ) s B=
I2 V2 =0
9s −3s
16 16
Y2 =
−3s 9s
16 16 4Ω
9 −3 9s −3s
8 8 16 16
Y= Y1+Y2 = + Apply KVL
−3 9 −3s 9s –V1–j2I2=0
8 8 16 16 –V1=j2I2
9 (s + 2) −3 ( s + 2 ) V1
= − j2
16 16
−3 ( s + 2 ) 9(s + 2) V
B = 1 = − j2Ω
16 16
Network Theory 225 YCT
22. For the following network, Z22 = and Ans. (d) : According to given options from question
Z12 = . only option (d) hybrid parameter (V1,I2) and (I1,V2) are
related with each other.
25. With usual notation a two port resistive
network satisfied the condition A = D = (3/2) B
= (4/3)C
(a) 2 Ω, 1 Ω (b) 2 Ω, 2 Ω The Z11 of the network is
(c) 1 Ω, 2 Ω (d) 1 Ω, 1 Ω (a) (5/3) Ω (b) (4/3) Ω
UPRVUNL AE -19.07.2021, Shift-II (c) (2/3) Ω (d) (1/3) Ω
Ans. (a) : Given circuit diagram LMRC AM (S&T)-13.05.2018
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO 2012-Paper-I
Ans. (b) : We know that
Z11 =
I1 I2 = 0
For T - parameter
Z11 = Za + Zc = 1+1 = 2Ω
V1 = A V2 − B I 2
Z12 = Zc = 1Ω
Z22 = Zb + Zc = 1+1=2Ω I1 = CV2 − D I2
23. The 2-port network of Fig A has open circuit ∵ A = D = 3 B = 4 C
impedance parameters given by matrix 2 3
∵ I2 = 0
V1 A
= = Z11
I1 C
R R R 0 Z11 = = 4/3
(a) (b) C
R R 0 R 4
∞ R R ∞ Z11 = Ω
(c) (d) 3
R ∞ ∞ R 26. A 2-port network is represented by the
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2008 following equation
IES-1991 I1 = 5V1 + 3V2
Ans. (a) : I2 = 2V1 –7V2
The value of Z12 is
(a) 3 (b) –3
(c) 3/41 (d) 2/31
Mizoram PSC IOLM -2018, Paper I
Ans. (c) : From above equation admittance matrix
V1 = R(I1 + I2) 5 3 −Y
Y= Now Z12 = 12
V 1 = I 1R + I 2R ...(i) 2 −7 ∆Y
V2 = R(I1 + I2)
V 2 = I 1R + I 2R ...(ii) Z12 =
From equation (i) & (ii) –35 – 6
V1 R Zn = 3 / 41Ω
R I1
= 27. h-parameters are defined by
V2 R R I2
V1 = h11I1 + h12V2, I2 = h21I1 + h22V2
So, open circuit impedance = The parameter h21 for the circuit shown below is
24. Which one of the following pairs is correctly
(a) Symmetrical two-port network : AD – BC = 1
(b) Reciprocal two-part network : Z11 = Z12
(c) Inverse hybrid parameter : A, B, C, D
(d) Hybrid parameter : (V1, I2), (I1, V2) (a) 5.0 (b) –0.4
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO 2012-Paper-I (c) –0.5 (d) 4.0
IES-1995 UPPCL AE- 31.12.2018
Network Theory 226 YCT
I2 1 + j 1.5 + 0.5j 1 + 0.5j 1.5 + 0.5j
TA = , TB =
Ans. (b) : h – parameter h21 =
I1 j 1 + 0.5j j 1 + j
V2 = 0
1 + j 1.5 + 0.5 j 1 + 0.5j 1.5 + 0.5j
j 1 + 0.5 j j 1 + j
(1 + j)(1 + 0.5j) + j (1.5 + 0.5j) (1 + j)(1.5 + 0.5j) + (1.5 + 0.5j) (1 + j)
j (1 + 0.5j) + j (1 + 0.5j) j (1.5 + 0.5j) + (1 + j) (1 + 0.5j)
1 + 0.5j + j − 0.5 + 1.5j − 0.5 1.5 + 0.5j + 1.5j − 0.5 + 1.5 + 0.5j + 1.5j − 0.5
Current through the 5Ω resistor = I2 + 0.1V1 j − 0.5 + j − 0.5 j1.5 − 0.5 + 1 + 0.5j + j − 0.5
from figure V1 = 4I 3j 2 + 4 j
–V1 + 4I1 – 5 (I2 + 0.1 V1) = 0
−1 + 2 j 3j
–4I1 + 4I1 –5 (I2 + 0.1 V1) = 0
I2 = –0.1 V1 29. The z-parameters of a network are:
I2 = –0.1 × 4 I1 z11 = 10, z21 = z12 = 5; z22 = 5. If a load of 5 Ω is
connected across 2-2 terminals, the input
I2 impedance across 1-1 terminals is
= h 21 = −0.4
I1 (a) 12.5 Ω (b) 10.0 Ω
(c) 7.5 Ω (d) 5.0 Ω
28. The transmission (T) parameters for the
network below is - UPSC JWM-2016
Ans. (c) :
n2 n2 V
I1 = 0 Z12 = 1 = 4Ω
0 − 1 − I2
n1 n1
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-I Port-2
IES-2012 V2 = 2(I1 + I2) + KI1
Ans. (b) : As per given data from question transformer V2
= 2 = Z22
turns ratio → n1 : n2 I2
We know that for an ideal transformer 50. A two port network is described by the relation
V1 n1 n1 V1 = 2I1 + 3V2
= ⇒ V1 = V2 …(i) I2 = –I1 + 2V2
V2 n 2 n2 Then Z-parameter of such network is
and current ratio –1
2 3 3.5 1.5
I 2 n1 n (a) (b) 0.5 0.5
= ⇒ I1 = 2 I2 …(ii) –1 2
I1 n 2 n
1 –1
Then transmission parameter matrix (T) from equation 2 3 3.5 1.5
(c) (d)
(i) & (ii) –1 2 0.5 0.5
V n / n 0 V NIELIT Scientists- 2017
[T] = 1 = 1 0 2 n / n 2 Ans. (d) : V = 2I + 3V
I1 1 −I 2
1 1 2
I2 = –I1 + 2V2
49. For the circuit shown below, choose the correct I1 + I2 = 2V2
statement. I +I
V2 = 1 2
I +I
V1 = 2I1 + 3 1 2
3I 3I
V1 = 2I1 + 1 + 2
2 2
7 3
V1 = I1 + I 2
2 2
Network Theory 231 YCT
V2 = 0.5 I1 + 0.5 I2 (a) –20 (b) –1/4
3.5 1.5 (c) –25 (d) –1/20
Z= Ω AAI-2015
0.5 0.5 Ans. (d) : For π − network
51. For the two-port shown, the short circuit
natural frequency at port (2) is given by
1 1 1
y11 y12 10 + 20 −
y =
(a) s + 4 = 0 (b) s + 2 = 0 21 y 22 −1 1 1
(c) s + 1/4 = 0 (d) s + 1 = 0 20 20 5
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-I So that,
Ans. (a) : Given circuit diagram- −1
y12 =
54. In a two-port network when 2-networks are
parallel then which of the following parameter
gets added.
(a) Z-parameter (b) Y-parameter
(c) H-parameter (d) All
From figure at port (2) AAI-2015
s 2 Ans. (b) : In a two port network Y-parameter are also
2 + × known as parallel-parallel connection two port network.
Zeq = 2 s
s 2 Therefore when 2, two port network connected in
2+ + parallel then Y-parameter get added.
2 s
55. Find Z-parameter of a shunt element Z
( )
4 + s .
2s = 2 ( 4 + s )
= 2
s + 4s + 4 s 2 + 4s + 4
For short circuit natural frequency- Z Z − Z Z
Zeq = 0 (a) (b)
Z Z − Z Z
2 ( 4 + s)
2 =0 − Z −Z
s + 4s + 4 (c) (d) None
− Z −Z
52. For a 2 port network, the output short circuit Ans. (a) : Given circuit diagram
current was measured with a 1 V source at the
input. The value of the current gives
(a) h12 (b) Y12
(c) h21 (d) Y21
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-I
Ans. (d) : As we know that short circuit parameter
I1 = Y11V1+Y12V2 ..........(i)
I2 = Y21V1+Y22V2 ............(ii) V1 = ZI1 + ZI2 .........(i)
for output port short circuited V2 = 0 V2 = ZI1 + ZI2 ............(ii)
By equation (ii) BY open circuited the port '2'
I2 = Y21V1 V
Given, Z11 = 1 =Z
I1 I =0
V1 = 1V 2
I2 = Y21×1 V
I2 = Y21 Z21 = 2 =Z
I1 I =0
53. The value of Y12 is 2
By open circuited the port '1'
Z12 = =Z
I2 I1 =0
same network is V 40
1 1 Z22 = 2 ⇒ Z22 = = 13.33 Ω
(a) Ω (b) Ω I 2 I =0 3
2 2 1
(c) 1 Ω (d) 2 Ω The value of Z11, Z12, Z21 and Z22 respectively are 10Ω,
DRDO-2008 10Ω, 6Ω, and 13.33Ω.
We know that,
Admittance parameter is-
I1 = Y11V1 + Y12 V2
I 2 = Y21V1 + Y22 V2 A B
(a) Ω (b) Ω
Y11 = 1 ; WhenV2 = 0
V1 D A
(c) Ω (d) Ω
Y21 = 2 , When V2 = 0 IES-2016
Ans. (a) : For A, B, C, D Transmission line equations
Z11 = Za + Zb = 5 + 10 = 15Ω can be given as
Z22 = Zb + Zc = 10 + 5 = 15Ω V1 = AV2 − BI 2 ......(i)
Z12 = Z21 = Zb = 10Ω I1 = CV2 − DI 2 ......(ii)
Admittance matrix- (Inverse of impedance) for open circuit input impedance
Y11 Y12 1 Z22 − Z12 Let
Y = I2 = 0
21 Y22 Z11 Z22 − Z12 Z21 − Z21 Z11 then from (i) & (ii)
Network Theory 236 YCT
V1 72.
For a symmetric lattice network, the value of
A= the series impedance is 3Ω and that of the
diagonal impedance is 5Ω, then the Z.
I parameters of the network are
C= 1
V2 (a) Z11 = Z22 = 2Ω and Z12 = Z21 = 1/2Ω
dividing A & C (b) Z11 = Z22 = 4Ω and Z12 = Z21 = 1Ω
A V1 (c) Z11 = Z22 = 8Ω and Z12 = Z21 = 2Ω
= = ( Zin )OC (d) Z11 = Z22 = 16Ω and Z12 = Z21 = 4Ω
C I1
71. A 2-port Network is shown in figure. The Ans. (b) : According to question from given data
parameter h21 for this network can be given by symmetrical lattice network can be drawn as-
+ +
− −
(a) –1/2 (b) +1/2
Let series impedances are
(c) –3/2 (d) +3/2
Za = Zd = 3Ω
BEL-2015 and diagonal impedances
GATE-1999 Zb = Zc = 5Ω
Ans. (a) : h or hybrid parameter equation can be given then
as Z + Zb 3 + 5
Z11 = a = = 4Ω = Z22
V1 = h11I1 + h12 V2 ......(i) 2 2
Z − Za 5 − 3
I 2 = h 21I1 + h 22 V2 ......(ii) and Z12 = b = = 1Ω = Z21
2 2
for h21, Let V2 = 0
73. Z-Parameters for the network shown in the
I figure are
then h 21 = 2
now from given network
R 0 Zb
Za R 0
∴ R 02 = Za Zb
84. In the 2-port network shown in the figure, the
value of Y12 is
(a) YC (b) YC + YB
(c) YA + YC (d) – YC
Ans. (d) : As given diagram is
1 1
(a) − mho (b) + mho
3 3
(c) –3 mho (d) +3 mho
from given network Ans. (a) : We know that
I1 = V1YA + (V1 − V2 )YC I1 Y11 Y12 V1
I = Y
I1 = V1YA + V1YC − V2 YC 2 21 Y22 V2
I1 = V1 ( YA + YC ) − V2 YC ∴ I1 = Y11V1 + Y12V2
and I1
Y12 =
I2 = V2YB + (V2 –V1)YC V2 V1 = 0
= V2 YB + V2 YC − V1YC then shorting V1 terminal of given figure
= – V1YC + (YB + YC )V2
V1 = 0
And Admittance (Y) matrix can be given as
I1 YA + YC −YC V1
I = −Y YB + YC V2
2 C
− −
3 1
(a) mho and − mho
50 30
(a) –50 (b) +50 (c) +20 (d) –20 3 1
(b) mho and mho
IES-2011 50 30
Ans. (b) : From given data & figure 3 1
(c) − mho and − mho
V1 = 103 I1 + 10I2 ...........(i) 50 30
V2 = −106 I1 + 104 I2 ...........(ii) 3 1
(d) − mho and mho
From given network 50 30
V2 = −10 × 103 I 2 = −10 4 I 2 IES-2011
then Ans. (a) :
−104 I2 = −106 I1 + 104 I2 + −
−2 × 10 4 I 2 = −106 I1
I2 106 100
∴ = = = 50
I1 2 × 104 2
86. A two-port network satisfies the following
let voltage at node is VA
4I1 + 8I2 = 2V1 then
8I1 + 16I2 = V2
VA − V1 VA VA − 8I1 − V2
+ + =0
10 5 4
+ +
VA V1 VA VA 8I1 V2
− + + − − =0
10 10 5 4 4 4
− −
11 V V
VA − 1 − 2 = 2I1 ........(i)
20 10 4
Network Theory 241 YCT
V1 − VA 2Ia = VA − 2V1 − V2 ..........(i)
Also I1 =
10 and Ia = V1 –VA
VA = V1 − 10I1 ..........(ii) ∴ VA = V1 –Ia .........(ii)
put the value of VA from equation (ii) into equation (i) also V2 = 2Ia ×1
11 V V V
( V1 − 10I1 ) − 1 − 2 = 2I1 ∴ Ia = 2 ...........(iii)
20 10 4 2
Putting value of VA from equation (ii) into equation (i)
3V1 V2
− = I1 ..........(iii) 2Ia = V1 –Ia –2V1–V2
50 30 3Ia = –V1–V2
also Now putting the value of Ia from equation (iii)
V + 8I1 − VA
I2 = 2 V
3 × 2 = − V1 − V2
4 2
4I 2 = V2 + 8I1 − VA
(putting the value of VA) + V2 = −V1
4I 2 = V2 − V1 + 18I1 ..........(iv)
= −V1
Now putting the value of I1 from equation (iii) 2
V2 −2
3V V or = = G12
4I 2 = V2 − V1 + 18 1 − 2 V1 5
50 30
89. Match List-I (Excitation) with List-II (Two-
1 I
∴ I2 =
V1 + V2 ........(v) port parameters) and select the correct answer
50 10 using the code given below the lists:
Now from equation (iii) & (v) List-I List-II
3 −1 A. I1, I2 1. Z
Y11 = mho , Y12 = mho
50 30 B. V1, V2 2. Y
1 1 C. V1, I2 3. g
Y21 = mho , Y22 = mho D. I1, V2 4. h
50 10
88. The network below contains resistors and Codes:
controlled sources. G12 = V2/V1 is A B C D
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 4 2 3 1
(c) 1 3 2 4
(d) 4 3 2 1
Ans. (a) : We know that Z-parameter
V1 Z11 Z12 I1
V = Z
(a) −
(b) −
3 2 21 Z22 I 2
5 5 Y- parameter
2 1 I1 Y11 Y12 V1
(c) − (d) −
5 5 I = Y
2 21 Y22 V2
h- parameter
Ans. (c) :
V1 h11 h12 I1
I = h
2 21 h 22 V2
I1 g11 g12 V1
V = g
2 21 g 22 I2
90. Consider the following statements for a
symmetrical T section
Applying KCL at point A 1. Z11 and Z22 are equal
2. Z12 and Z21 are equal
V − 2V1 − V2
I a + Ia = A 3. Z11 and Z12 are equal
1 4. Z21 and Z22 are equal
Network Theory 242 YCT
Which of these statements are correct? 92. With reference to the below network the value
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only of Z11 will be
(c) 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Ans. (a) : The condition in the symmetrical T networks
is that the total series arm impedance and shunt arm
impedance must be Zx and Zy respectively.
(a) –3 (b) 3
(c) –1 (d) –5
Ans. (d) : Given circuit diagram
C. C 3.
I1 I2 = 0
D. Z22 4.
V2 I2 = 0
when I2 = 0
V1 = V2
and I1=I2 = 0 Apply KVL in loop (1)
ABCD - parameter V1 = (re + rb )I1 + µ bc V2 ....(i)
V1 = AV2 – BI2 Apply KCL at Node x
I1 = CV2 –DI2
V I 2 = α ab I1 + V2 ....(ii)
A = 1 =1
V2 re + rd
From equation (i) & equation (ii) comparison with
I1 h-parameter
C= =0
V2 V1 = h11I1+h12V2
I2 = h21I1 +h22V2
h11 = re + rb , h12 = µbc
h21= αeb , h 22 =
rc + rd
V1 = I1Z = –ZI2 99. Which of the following is/are correct? The
−V1 circuit shown in the figure below.
I2 +
then B=Z
also =1= D
A B 1 Z
then C D = 0 1 − −
98. Consider the two port transistor circuit as 1. is reciprocal
given below: 2. has Z11 = 2, Z22 = 2
Match List-I (Hybrid Parameter) with List-II 3. has Z11 = 4, Z22 = 2
(Circuit Element) and select the correct answer 4. has Z11 = 0, Z22 = 2
using the code given below the lists: Select the correct answer using the code given
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
c (c) 1 and 4 (d) 3 only
Ans. (a) :
List-I List-II
A. h11 1.
rc + rd
B. h12 2. rb + rc
C. h21 3. µbc
D. h22 4. αeb
Network Theory 245 YCT
Applying KVL in loop-1 101. Two 2-port networks with transmission
V1–2I1 –I1 – (I1+I2) = 0 matrices
V1 –3I1–I1–I2 = 0 1 2 2 4
V1 = 4I1 + I2 .........(i) TA = and TB =
0.1 4 0.5 3
KVL in loop-2 are connected in cascade. Which is the
V2–I2 – (I1+I2) = 0 transmission matrix of the combination?
V2–I2 –I1–I2 = 0
3 10 3 6
V2 = 2I2 + I1 (a) (b)
or V2 = I1 +2I2 ........(ii) 2.2 12.4 0.2 12.4
equation (i) & (ii) comparison with Z parameter 1 10 3 10
V1 = Z11I1 + Z12 I2 (c) (d)
2.0 12.0 12.4 2.2
V2 = Z21I1 + Z22 I2 IES-2006
Ans. (a) : From question
Z11 = 4 , Z12 =1
Z21 = 1, Z22 = 2 1 2 2 4
TA = and TB = 0.5 3
then Z12 = Z21 → Reciprocal 0.1 4
100. Which one of the following is correct? When cascaded, combination matrix will be
= [ TA ] × [ TB ]
+ +
1 2 2 4
= ×
0.1 4 0.5 3
2 +1 4+6 3 10
= =
− − 0.2 + 2 0.4 + 12 2.2 12.4
102. Which one of the following is the transmission
(a) is reciprocal but not symmetrical
matrix for the network shown in the figure
(b) is not reciprocal but symmetrical given below?
(c) is both reciprocal and symmetrical
(d) is neither reciprocal nor symmetrical
Ans. (a) :
1 1 + YZ 1 + YZ Z
(a) (b)
Y Z Y 1
1 Z 1 1 + YZ
(c) (d)
Y 1 + YZ Z Y
Applying KVL in loop-1 Ans. (c) :
V1+3I1–RI1 –R (I1+I2) = 0
V1 + 3I1 – RI1–RI1–RI2 = 0
V1 + 3I1 –2RI1–RI2 = 0
V1 = –(3–2R) I1 + RI2 ...........(i)
KVL in loop –2
V2 –RI2 –R(I1+I2) = 0
V2 –RI2 –RI1 –RI2 =0
V2 –2RI2 –RI1 = 0 Transmission parameters can be given as
V2 = RI1 + 2RI2 .........(ii) V1 = AV2 – BI2
Equation (i) & (ii) comparison with Z parameter I1 = CV2 – DI2
V1 = Z11I1 + Z12I2 V1
V2 = Z21 I1 + Z22I2 A=
V2 I2 = 0
Z11 = –(3–2R) , Z12 = R
Z21 = R , Z22 = 2R When I2 = 0 then V1 = V2 from figure
Here, ∴ A=1
Z12 = Z21 ⇒ Reciprocal I1
Z11 ≠ Z22 ⇒ Not symmetrical V2 I2 = 0
+ + I1 = 5V1 – V2
I2 = –V1 + V2
Which one of the following gives the
E1 E2 parameters of an equivalent π network shown
− −
(a) Y1 = 4℧, Y2 = 0, Y3 = 1℧
(a) 0.125Ω (b) 0.167Ω (b) Y1 = 4℧, Y2 = 4℧, Y3 = 1℧
(c) 0.250Ω (d) 0.625Ω (c) Y1 = 1℧, Y2 = 1℧, Y3 = 1℧
(d) Y1 = 4℧, Y2 = 0, Y3 = 2℧
Ans. (c) : According to given figure
+ + Ans. (a) : Given,
I1 = 5V1 – V2
I2 = –V1+V2
− −
Converting π to Y
4× 4
Ra = =1
By comparison
4×8 Y11 = 5 , Y12 = –1
Rb = =2
16 Y21 = –1, Y22 = 1
Z2 − Z1 Z1 + Z2
(a) (b)
Z1 + Z2 Z2 − Z1
4 Z1 + Z2 Z1 − Z2
(a) 10 + 2s (b) 10 − (c) (d)
s Z1 − Z2 Z1 + Z2
4 IES-2005
(c) 10 + (d) 10 – 2s
s Ans. (a) :
Ans. (c) : Given circuit diagram- + +
− −
2. (a) Z1 = R, Z2 = L and << T
(b) Z1 = L, Z2 = R and << T
3. (c) Z1 = R, Z2 = C and RC >> T
(d) Z1 = C, Z2 = R and RC >>T
Ans. (c) :
(a) 2 4 3 1 When input wave is square wave and output wave is
(b) 4 2 3 1 triangular wave, then it will be an integrator circuit for
(c) 4 2 1 3 integrator
(d) 2 4 1 3 Z1 = R, Z2 = C
IES-1998 and RC >> T
Ans. (d) : From the given networks option 'd' will 118. The two-port network shown in the fig. is
correctly match the network diagrams. characterized by the impedance parameters
Z11, Z12, Z21 and Z22. For the equivalent
116. In respect of the 2-port network shown in the Thevenin's source looking to the left of port 2,
figure, the admittance parameters are: VT and ZT will be respectively
Y11=8 mho, Y12=Y21= –6 mho and Y22=6mho.
The values of YA, YB and YC (in units of mho)
will be respectively.
From figure
V1 = Vg –ZgI1
Zth = ZT =
I2 Vg = 0
V1 = –ZgI1 .........(i)
We know that apply voltage divider in above circuit
V1=Z11I1+Z12I2 ........(ii) 1× V13 V13
V2=Z21I1+Z22I2 ........(iii) V24 = =
Putting the value of V1 from equation (i) into 1+1+1 3
Equation (ii) V 1
or 24 =
–ZgI1 = Z11I1 + Z12 I2 V13 3
I1(–Zg–Z11) = Z12I2 120. The network shown in the given figure is a
Z I gyrator which satisfies the equations V1 = R0I2
∴ I1 = − 12 2 and V2 = –R0I1. A bridging resistor R is
Zg + Z11
connected as shown. The y-parameters of the
Then putting the value of I1 in equation (iii) entire two-port network will be
Z ×Z I
V2 = − 21 12 2 + Z22 I2
Zg + Z11
V2 − Z21 Z12
Then = ZT = + Z22
I2 Z11 + Zg
From above equations
V1 = Vg − Zg I1
and V1= Z11I1 (for I2 = 0) IES-1996
then Y11 Y22 Y12 Y21
Z11I1 = V g − Zg I1 (a) 1 1 1 1 1 1
R R − + −
Vg R R0 R0 R
∴ I1 =
Z11 + Zg (b) 1 1 1 1
and VT = Z21I1 (for I 2 = 0) R R R0 R0
Vg (c) 1 1 1 1
put I1 = −
Z11 + Zg R R R0 R0
Z21Vg (d) 1 1 1 1
VT =
Z11 + Zg R R R0 R0
−1 1 1
C. h21 3.
I1 = V2 + 0 and I 2 = V1 + 0 rc + rb
0 R0
Y-parameter D. h22 4.
rc + rb
I1 = Y11V1 + Y12 V2
I 2 = Y21V1 + Y22 V2
I1 = ( 0 ) V1 + − V2 …………..(iii)
I 2 = 1 + ( 0 ) V2 …………………..(iv)
From equation (iii) and (iv) A B C D
I = Y1V (a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 1 3 2 4
0 − (c) 1 4 2 3
I1 R V1
I = 1 (d) 2 3 4 1
2 0 2
V IES-1996
R 0
Ans. (c) :
When bridging resistor R is connected between 2-port
then Y matrix is-
( I = Y2 V )
1 −1
I1 R R V1
I 2 −1 1 V2
Two network connected in parallel equivalent Y From figure in loop–1 applying KVL
parameter Vb = reI1 + rb (I1+I2)
Y = [ Y1 ] + [ Y2 ] = r e I 1 + r bI 1 + r bI 2
= (re + rb) I1 + rbI2 .......(i)
−1 1 −1 Applying KVL in loop-2
0 R Vc = rc (I2+αI1) + rb(I1+I2)
+ R R
1 −1 1 = rcI2 + rcαI1 + rbI1+ rbI2
R 0 R R Vc = I2 (rc + rb) +I1(rb+rcα)
Vc –I1 (rb+ αrc) = I2(rc + rb)
1 1 1 Vc (r + αrc )
− + ∴ I2 = − b I1......(ii)
R R 0 R rc + rb rc + rb
1 − 1 1 Putting the value of I2 from equation (ii) into equation
R 0 R R
( r + αrc ) r + V rb
Vb = I1 re + rb − b
So, no option is match. b
rb + rc rb + rc
121. With reference to the equivalent circuit of a
Comparing with h-parameter of transistor model
transistor shown in the given figure match List-
I with List-II and select the correct answer h = h = (r + r ) − ( rb + αrc ) r
11 i e b b
using codes given below the lists: rb + rc
5 1 4 3
(a) (b)
0 2 2 2
Then transmission matrix is-
3 2 4 2
A B 2 0 (c) (d)
= = 1 2 1 1
C D 0 0.5 IES-1994
Network Theory 254 YCT
Ans. (a) : Given circuit diagram- P2
– log10 = 0.6
P2 1 1
∴ = =
P1 3.98 4
Breaking the above diagram in two parts ∴ P2 = P1
127. For the lattice type attenuator shown in the
given figure, the characteristic impedance R0 is
V2 (s) 1
G12 = =
V1 (s) 16s + 12s 2 + 1
(a) Z11 + Z12 + Z21 + Z22 + R
129. If the transmission parameters of network A (b) Z12 + Z21 + R
(c) Z12 + Z21 + R
1 R
are and those of network B are (d) Z11 + R
0 1 IES-1991
1 0 Ans. (d) :
1/R 1 , then the transmission parameters of
network C are
s2 s
(c) (d)
(s3 + s 2 + s + 1) (s + 1)
Ans. (b) :
1 2
(a) (b)
13 13
3 4
(c) (d)
13 13
IES-1991 circuit converted into S domain,
Ans. (b) : According to the question so,
apply Nodal on Vx
Vx − V1 Vx Vx − V2
+ + =0
V + V2 Apply current divider rule
Vx = 1 ....(i)
3 s / ( s + 1)
I 2 (s) = I1 (s)
apply Nodal on V2 1 s
V2 − Vx V2 V2 s s +1
+ + = 0 ...(ii)
R R 2R I 2 (s) s2
= 2
V + V2 I1 (s) s + s + 1
put Vx = 1 in equation (ii)
I 2 (s)
V + V2 133. The transfer function y12 = for the
V2 − 1 V1 (s)
3 + V2 + V2 = 0 network shown in the fig. is
R R 2R
2V2 V2 V2 V
+ + = 1
3R R 2R 3R
13 V
V2 = 1
6 3
V2 2
V1 13 s2 s
(a) (b)
s2 + s + 1 s +1
I 2 (s)
132. The current transfer ratio for the circuit 1 s +1
I1 (s) (c) (d) 2
shown in the fig. is s +1 s +1
Ans. (a) : According to question converting the given
diagram in s-domain
( −Z + Z ) I
b a 2 2 0.1 0.1 10 −1
I2 (a) (b)
−0.1 0.3 1 0.05
−2 + 2 j 30 20 10 1
= = −1 + j
2 (c) (d)
Z Z12 1 + j − 1 + j 20 20 −1 0.05
Z = 11 = Punjab PSC Poly. Lect.20.08.2017
Z21 Z22 −1 + j 1 + j
Network Theory 259 YCT
Ans. (d) : Standard equation for h-parameter 142. For the two-port network shown below, the
V1 = h11I1 + h12V2 short-circuit admittance parameter matrix is
I2=h21 I1+h22V2
h11 = 1
I1 V =0
= 1
I1 V =0 4 −2 1 −0.5
(a) S (b) S
h11 = 10Ω −2 4 −0.5 1
h12 =
20I2 1 0.5 4 2
20I2 I =0 (c) S (d) S
1 0.5 1 2 4
h12 = 1 GATE-2010
I Ans. (a) : Standard equation for Y-parameter
h 21 = 2
I1 V =0 I1 = Y11 V1 + Y12 V2 (i)
I2 = Y21 V1 + Y22V2 (ii)
= Y11 =
I1 V =0 V1
V2 = 0
h21= –1
I1 I I
= = 4 ∵ V1 = 1 × 0.5 = 1
I I1 1 2 4
h 22 = 2 ×
V2 I =0 2 2
I Y12 =
= 2 V2 V1 =0
20I2 I =0
V / 0.5
h22 = 0.05 =− 2 = −2
h h12 10 1
h = 11 = I2 −V1 / 0.5
Y21 = = = −2
h 21 h 22 −1 0.05 V1 V2 =0
141. In the two port network shown in the figure Similarly,
below, Z12 and Z21 are, respectively I2
Y22 = =4
V2 V1 =0
Y Y12
∵ [ Y ] = 11 S
21 Y22
4 − 2
= S
−2 4
(a) re and βro (b) 0 and –βro 143. Consider the building block called 'Network N'
(c) 0 and βro (d) re and –βro shown in the figure.
GATE-2008 Let C = 100 µF and R = 10 kΩ
Ans. (b) : For Z-parameter, we can follow given
V1=Z11 I1 + Z12 I2
V2= Z21 I1+Z22 I2
Z21 = 2
I1 I =0
{∵ V2 = βI1r0}
Two such blocks are connected in cascade, as
Z21= –βro shown in the figure.
Z12 = 1
I2 I =0
= {∵ V1 = 0,when I1 = 0}
∴ Z12 = 0 and Z21 = −βr0
Z 2 Z4
And Zc = V2 I ×10 × 60
Z 2 + Z3 + Z 4 Z21= = 1
I1 I =0 I1 ×100 I =0
Finally circuit can be reduces to- 2 2
Z21 = 6
V2 I2
Z22 = = 5
I2 I =0 I2
1 I1=0
Applying voltage division rule we get- Z22 = 24
V3 ( s ) Z2 Z 4 Z11 Z12 9 6
= Z = Z =
V1 ( s ) Z1 ( Z2 + Z3 + Z4 ) + Z2 ( Z3 + Z4 ) 21 Z22 6 24
Substitute the value of Z1, Z2, Z3 and Z4 respectively we Z11 Z 12
145. The Z-parameter matrix for the
Z 21 Z 22
V3 ( s ) R.R two-port network shown is
V1 ( s ) 1 1 1
R + R + + R +R
1 1 1
2R + + R +R
( RCS)
( RCS) + 3RCS + 1
2 −2 2 2
(a) (b)
Here RC = 10×103×100×10–6 second −2 2 2 2
= 1 second
9 −3 9 3
V (s) s2 (c) (d)
∴ 3 = 2 6 9 6 9
V1 ( s ) s + 3s + 1
Network Theory 261 YCT
Ans. (a) : Given network is Ans. (d) : Given that :
I1 = 2V1 + V2 , I2 = 2V1 + 3V2
For Z Parameter
V1 = Z11I1 + Z12I2 …(i)
V2 = Z21I1 + Z22I2 …(ii)
∵ I1 = 2V1 + V2 ,
For Z- parameter I − 2V1
I2 = 2V1 + 3V2 ∵ V2 = 2
I2 − 2V1
I1 = 2V1 +
3I1 = 6V1 + I2 – 2V1
3 I
V1 = I1 − 2 …(iii)
4 4
Equation (iii) comparing with equation (i)
V1 = Z11I1 + Z12 I2 −1
V2= Z21 I1 +Z22 I2 Z12 = = −0.25Ω
I1 × 3
V1 ×6 148. In hybrid parameter representation, the
Z11 = = 9 voltage of the input port and the current of the
I1 I =0 I1
2 output port are expressed in terms of the:
Z11 = 2Ω (a) Voltage of input port and current of output
I2 × 3 port
×6 (b) Current of input port and voltage of output
V1 9
Z12 = = − port
I2 I =0 I2
1 (c) Voltage of input port and current of input port
Z12 = −2Ω (d) Current of output port and voltage of output
V port
Z21 = 2 UPSC Poly.Lect.10.03. 2019
I1 I =0
2 Ans. (b) : In hybrid parameter representation
I ×3 V1 = h11 I1 + h12 V2
− 1 × 6
= 9 I2 = h21 I1 + h22 V2
I1 149. Find the value of h11 if :
Z21 = –2 18 6
I2 × 3 Z=
V ×6 6 9
Z22 = 2 = 9 (a) 14 (b) 2/3
I2 I =0 I2
1 (c) –2/3 (d) 1/9
Z22 = 2 APPSC Poly. Lect. 15.03.2020
Z12 2 − 2 18 6
Z = 11 Ans. (a) : Z =
Z22 −2
Z21 2
6 9
146. The transformation of Y22/∆y into one of the z-
parameters is V1 = h11I1 + h12 V2
I = h I + h V
(a) Z11 (b) Z12 2 21 1 22 2
(c) Z21 (d) Z22 V1 = 18I1 + 6I 2 .....(1)
V2 = 6I1 + 9I 2 .....(2)
Y11 Y12
Ans. (a) : [Z] = [Y] ⇒ [Z] =
V − 6I1 V2 6
⇒ I2 = 2 ⇒ V1 = 18I1 + 6 − I1
Y21 Y22 9 9 9
Z11 = 22 36 6
∆Y V1 = 18 − I1 + V2
9 9
147. A two-port network is defined by the relations
I1 = 2V1 + V2 and I2 = 2V1 + 3V2. Then Z12 is : V
h11 = 1 = 18 − 4
(a) – 2. 0Ω (b) 1.0Ω I1 V =0
(c) 0.25Ω
(d) – 0.25Ω
APPSC POLY. LECT. 14.03.2020 h 11 = 14 Ω
Z21 = =3
Z21 = 3
152. For determining the network functions of a
−8 two-port network, it is required to consider
I1 = × I2
32 that
I 2 = −4I1 ……………(i) (a) all initial conditions remain same
From KVL (b) all initial conditions are zero
(c) part of initial conditions are equal to zero
V2 = 8I 2 + 8 ( I1 + I2 ) [ put I2 = −4I1 ] (d) initial conditions vary depending on nature of
V2 = 8 ( −4I1 ) + 8 ( I1 − 4I1 ) network
= −32I1 + 8I1 − 32I1 IES-2009
Ans. (b) : A network function of a two port network is
V2 = −56I1 the ratio of Laplace transform of output network to
I1 −1 input network by assuming all the initial conditions are
= zero.
V2 56
153. What is the open circuit impedance Z'11(s) of
−1 the network shown in the figure given below?
Y12 = S
151. For the given 2-port network, the value of
transfer impedance in ohms is Z21.
(a) 10 + 2s (b) 10 −
(a) 1 (b) 2 s
(c) 3 (d) 4 4
(c) 10 + (d) 10 – 2s
OPSC Poly. Lect. (Instrumentation)-2018, Paper-I s
Ans. (c) : IES-2006
V1 = Z11 I1 + Z12 I2 Ans. (c) : Circuit converted into s-domain-
V2 = Z21 I1 + Z22 I2
Transfer Impedance Z21 =
I1 I 2 =0
At I2 = 0
0.7 0.1
[z] =
0.1 0.6 If the network is symmetrical
z = 0.7 × 0.6 − 0.1× 0.1 = 0.42 − 0.01 = 0.41 V1 V2
= , Zsc1 = Zsc2
0.6 −0.1 I1 I2
adj z =
−0.1 0.7 158. What are the open-circuit reverse voltage gain
adj[ z ] and the short – circuit forward current gain
1 0.6 −0.1
[ y] = = respectively for the two-port networks shown
z 0.41 −0.1 0.7 in the figure?
– 0.1
y12 = = −0.243
y 22 = = 1.703
Network Theory 264 YCT
1 1 1 1 42
(a) and − (b) − and − I3 = I1 ×
3 3 3 3 42 + 10.5 + 21
2 2 2 2 I1 1
(c) and − (d) − and = S → Open circuit transfer admittance.
3 3 3 3 V2 6
Ans. (c) :
Negative short circuit current ratio
V1 I2
h12 = D=
V2 I2 V2 = 0
I1 = 0
I2 I 2 = I1 ×
h 21 = 42 + 21
I1 V2 = 0
−I1 3
So, =
I2 2
V1 − 12I1 − 6 ( I1 + I2 ) = 0
V1 − 12I1 − 6I1 − 6I2 = 0
V1 = 18I1 + 6I 2 …………………(i)
By KVL in loop (2)
V2 − 3I2 − 6 ( I1 + I 2 ) = 0
V2 = 3I 2 + 6I1 + 6I 2 160. For the two port network shown in the figure
V2 = 9I2 + 6I1 …………….(ii)
V1 6I 2 2
h12 = = =
V2 I1 = 0
9I 2 3
The value of [h] parameter matrix is
I −6 −2 1 0 0 1
h 21 = 2 = = (a) (b)
I1 V2 = 0
9 3 −1 1 −1 1
159. What are the open-circuit transfer admittance 0 1 0 1
and the negative short-circuit current ratio (c) (d)
respectively for the two-port network shown in 1 −1 1 1
the figure? RPSC VP/Suptd. ITI 05.11.2019
Ans. (b) :
V1 = I 1 + I 2
V2 = I 1 + I 2
2 2 1 3
(a) Sand S and
(b) 1 1
3 3 3 2 Z=
1 2 2 2 1 1
(c) Sand (d) Sand 0 1
6 3 3 3 h=
ESE-2022 −1 1
Ans. (b) : Open circuit transfer admittance parameter 161. Find Zin, Z0 in the following figure.
will be calculated by ABCD parameter.
I1 = CV2 − DI2
V2 I2 = 0
Resultant impedance (Z) = Z1 + Z2 So that the very best Γ that can be achieved is Γ = 0.1
3 2 15 5 18 7
2 3 + 5 25 = 7 28 (v) Magnetic Coupled Circuit
169. In a two-port network containing linear 1. The equivalent inductance across ‘ab’ for the
bidirectional passive circuit elements, which diagram shown below is :
one of the following conditions for [z]
parameters will hold?
(a) z11=z22 (b) z11z22 = z12 z21
(c) z11z12 = z22 z21 (d) z12 = z21
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2016, Paper-II
Ans. (b) : In a two-port network containing linear
bidirectional passive circuit elements follows as -
z11z22 = z12 z21 (a) 0.5 H (b) 0.15 H
170. For a parallel RC circuit shown in figure, (c) 0.3 H (d) 1 H
R = 20 Ω & C = 0.9 pF, which is to be matched UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
to 50 Ω over a bandwidth, Ans. (b) : Bridge is in balanced condition
So, CD branch open circuited.
1 π 0.3
∫ ℓ n | Γ | dω
Lab =
= 0.15H
(a) 46 (b) 38
(c) 12 (d) 10 N 2 φ1
ISRO Scientist Engg. -2020 M= ....(i)
Ans. (d) : Where, N2 = No. of turns of coils (2)
φ1 = Flux produced in coil (1)
I1 = Current flowing in coil (1)
φ1 = 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 1
S 1 ℓ1 ℓ1
L = 6 + 8 + 10 − 2 × 5 − 2 × 4 + 2 × 2
L eq = 24 − 10 − 8 + 4 Put φ1 values in equation (i)
L eq = 10H N N I µA N 2 N1µA
M= 2 11 =
3. A current of 5 A in primary coil of a circuit is ℓ1I1 ℓ1
reduced to zero at a uniform rate in 10–3
seconds. If coefficient of mutual inductance is Where, A = Cross- section Area of core ( πr )
2H, then the induced emf in the secondary coil Thus, Mutual inductance
is (1) Proportional to N1, N2
(a) 10 −4 V (b) 10 4 V (2) Proportional to µ
(c) 10 −6 V (d) 106 V (3) Inversely proportional to ℓ1
ESE-2021 (4) Directly proportional to r2
Ans.(b) : M = 2H 5. Impedance Z as shown in the given figure is
e= M
e = 2 × −3
e= 104V
4. Two coils N1 and N2 turns are would
concentrically on a straight cylindrical core of
radius r and permeability µ. The windings have
length l1 and l2 respectively as shown in figure.
The mutual inductance will be (a) j29 Ω (b) j9 Ω
(c) j19 Ω (d) j39 Ω
OPSC Poly. Lect. (Instrumentation)-2018, Paper-I
Ans. (b) :
1. Proportional to N1, N2
2. Proportional to µ
3. Inversely proportional to l1.
4. Inversely proportional to r2.
Which of these statements are correct? Z = X L1 + X L2 + X L3 + 2X M23 − 2X M13
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 2, 3, and 4 only
Z = j5 + j2 + j2 + 2 × j10 − 2 × j10
(c) 1, 2, and 3 only (d) 1, 3 and 4 only
IES-2011 Z = j9Ω
Network Theory 269 YCT
6. The equivalent inductance measured between 8. Two coils have self-inductances of 0.09 H and
the terminals 1 and 2 for the circuit shown in 0.01 H and a mutual inductance of 0.015 H.
the figure is The coefficient of coupling between the coils is
(a) 0.06 (b) 0.5
(c) 1.0 (d) 0.05
RPSC Vice Principal ITI-2016
Ans. (b) : As given that,
L1 = 0.09H
(a) L1 + L2 + M (b) L1 + L2 – M L2 = 0.01H
(c) L1 + L2 + 2M (d) L1 + L2 – 2M M = 0.015H
Punjab PSC Poly. Lect. 20.08.2017 We know that, the coefficient of coupling–
GATE-2004 M
Ans. (d) : L1L 2
0.09 × 0.01
According to figure, the current entering in coil is
opposite, in nature. K = 0.5
In this figure, the direction of current in this coil will be When terminal 3 and 4 are open then inductance across
same. terminal 1 and 2 = 4H
So, the mutual coupling is associative in nature. When terminal 3 and 4 are short circuit inductance
L L − M2 across terminal 1 and 2 = 3H
Leq = 1 2 Terminal 3 and 4 are open then
L1 + L 2 − 2M
V1 = ωL p I1
3 ( s 2 + 6s + 8 )
s 2 + 4s + 3
(a) poles: – 0.683 and – 7.317 The value of C and R are, respectively
zeros : – 1 and –3 (a) 1/ 6 F and 4Ω (b) 2/9 F and 9/2Ω
(b) poles : – 0.483 and – 5.317 (c) 2/3 F and 1/2Ω (d) 1/2 F and 1Ω
zeros : – 3 and – 4 Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) - 2017, Paper-I
(c) poles : – 0.383 and – 4.317 IES-2000
zeros : – 2 and – 3
3s 2 + 18s + 24
(d) poles : – 0.583 and – 6.317 Ans. (a) : Z ( s ) =
zeros : – 1 and – 4 s 2 + 4s + 3
ESE-2021 Applying continued fraction expansion
Ans.(a) : Conversion into s domain
I1 ( s )
V0 ( s )
1 1
Y= +
6 + 2s 10 + 10 / s
s ( s + 3 ) + 5 ( s + 1)
10 ( s + 1)( s + 3 ) Therefore, the final synthesized network is shown in
10 ( s + 1)( s + 3) 10 ( s + 1)( s + 3 ) below.
Z= =
s ( s + 3) + s ( s + 1) s 2 + 8s + 5
Poles: - s2 + 8s + 5 = 0
s = – 0.683 and – 7.317
zeros: - (s + 1)(s + 3) = 0
so, s = –3, –1 (i)
Network Theory 277 YCT
According to the question- Ans. (b) :
s 2 + 2s + 6
Z (s) =
s ( s + 3)
Note that we have a pole at s = 0, Lets remove it,
A Bs + C
Z(s) = +
(ii) s s+3
Comparison with circuit (i) and circuit (ii)- A = 2, B = 1, C = 0
C = F, R = 4Ω Z(s) = +
2 s
6 s s+3
5. The driving point impedance of the network Note that 2/s is a capacitor; while s/(s+3) is a parallel
shown in figure is connection of a resistor and an inductor.
Hence there are two storage elements.
8. Of the network, N1, N2, N3 and N4 of figure, the
network having identical driving point function
(a) 10 + 2s (b) 10 + 2s +
(c) 10 (d)
UPRVUNL AE - 11.06.2014
Ans. (b) : s-domain representation of the circuit
diagram -
∴ Z(s) = 10 + + 2s
6. The circuit represents a
(a) Foster I form (b) Foster II form (a) N1 and N2 (b) N2 and N4
(c) Couer I form (d) Couer II form (c) N1 and N3 (d) N1 and N4
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2016, Paper-I GATE-1992
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2015, Paper-I Ans. (c) : for network 1-(N1)
Ans. (c) : From the given network first element is an 1 1
Y1 (s) = s + +
inductor and next element is should capacitor so this ( 2s + 1) 1
network synthesis by couer - I form. s +2
7. The driving-point impedance of a network is
given by Z(s) = (s2 + 2s + 6)/s(s + 3). Then the 2s 2 + 2s + 1
Y1 =
number of energy storage elements present in 2s + 1
the network is For, Network –2 (N2)
(a) 1 (b) 2 1 1 1+ s
(c) 3 (d) 4 Y2 (s) = + =
1 ( 2s + 1) ( 2s + 1)
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2015, Paper-I 2+ s
IES - 1996
Network Theory 278 YCT
For Network –3 (N3) (a) 3Ω, 6Ω (b) 6Ω, 3Ω
1 1+ s (c) 1Ω, 9Ω (d) 5Ω, 4Ω
Y3 (s) = s + =s+
1 (s + 1 + s) BARC Scientific Officer-2016
1 1
1 + s V (s)
RL +
Ans. (b) : 0 = Cs
2s 2 + 2s + 1 Vi (s) R + R + 1
Y3 (s) = 1 L
2s + 1
for Network – 4 (N4) R L Cs + 1
1 2s 2 + s + 1 R1Cs + R L Cs + 1
Y4(s) = s + =
2s + 1 2s + 1 R L Cs + 1
= …(i)
Hence, N1 and N3 network having identical driving Cs ( R1 + R L ) + 1
point function.
3s + 1
9. For the circuit given below, what is the = (Given) …(ii)
expression for the voltage V? 9s +1
Comparing we have
RLC = 3 …(iii)
(R1+RL)C = 9 …(iv)
C= 1 farad
From equation (iii) C = 1farad
So, R L = 3Ω
Put RLC = 3 in equation (iv), we have
(a) V1 + VC (b) VC R1C+3 = 9
dVC dVC R1 = 6Ω
(c) RC − VC (d) RC + VC
dt dt v (s) s + 3
IES-2005 11. For the network function = the v(t)
I ( s ) 2s + 3
Ans. (d) : Apply voltage division rule in the network-
at t = 0 for the relaxed circuit with unit step
i(t), is
(a) 0.5 V (b) 1.0 V
(c) 1.5 V (d) 2.0 V
s s Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-I
s s s+3 1
Ans. (a) : V ( s ) = .I ( s ) I (s) =
2s + 3 s
1 +
V ( 0+ ) = lims.
s 3 1
VS = I1R + I1 × ×
sC s →∞ 2s + 3 s
RsC + 1 1 + 3/ s
= I1 V ( 0+ ) = lim
s →∞ 2 + 3/ s
VC ( s ) 1+ 0 1
I1 = = sCVC (s) = = 0.5
1/ sC 2+0 2
RsC + 1 12. A resistor and a capacitor are connected in
V( s ) = × VC (s) × sC series with a sine wave generator having
sC frequency such that the resistance and the
= VC (s) + VC (s) RsC capacitive reactance are same i.e. Voltage
dV (t) across capacitance, VC is equal to Voltage
V ( t ) = VC ( t ) + RC C across Resistance, VR. If the frequency of the
sine wave generator is doubled, then
1 + 3s (a) VR < VC (b) VR = VC
10. If TF given as , C = 1F find R1, RL
1 + 9s (c) V R > V C (d) None of the above
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2014
Ans. (c) : Given,
R = XC
So, VR = VC
XC =
Network Theory 279 YCT
If frequency increases, Then XC decreases but resistance (a) R (b) R
value not change. 4 2
So, VC decreases but VR remain same. (c) R (d) 2 R
∴ VR > VC MPSC HOD Govt. Poly. -2013
13. Find the driving point impedance of the circuit Ans. (b) :
given below
s3 + 2s 2 + s + 1 RL ×
(a) s3 + 2s 2 + s + 1 (b) CS RL
Z= =
s2 + 1 1 1 + R L .CS
RL +
s3 + 2s 2 + s + 1 s2 + 1 CS
(c) (d)
2s 2 + 1 s2 + s + 1 RL
UJVNL AE-2016 V0 Z 1 + R L .CS
= =
UPRVUNL - 11.06.2014 Vin Z + R RL
Ans. (c) : Given circuit is Laplace domain 1 + R L CS
V0 RL 1
= =
Vin ( R L + R ) + RR L CS R
1 + + RCS
Now driving point impedance is impact impedance, so RL
calculating input impedance from input side we have V0 1
= …(i)
1 Vin R
and s are in series 1 +
s L
1 1 + s2 V2 (s)
Given in question =
Z1 = +s=
s s V1 (s) 3 + SCR
Now Z1 and s are in parallel Now comparing equation (i) and (ii)
1 + s2 R
×s 1 + = 3
Z2 = s RL
1 + s2 R = 2RL
s R
s3 + s RL =
= 2 2
2s + 1 15. As the poles of a network shift away from the
Finally Z2 and 1Ω are in series axis the response becomes
s3 + s (a) Less oscillatory (b) More oscillatory
Zin (s)= 2 +1 (c) Constant (d) Does not change
2s + 1
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
s3 + 2s 2 + s + 1
Zin(s) = Ans. (a) : As the poles of a network shift away from the
2s 2 + 1 axis the response becomes less oscillatory.
V (S) 16. The poles and zeros of all–network are located
14. Transfer function 2 of network shown in
V1 ( S ) in which part of the s-plane?
(a) Poles and zeroes are in the right half s-plane
V2 ( S ) 1
Fig. 16 is given by = then value (b) Poles and zeroes are in the left half s-plane
V1 ( S ) 3 + SCR (c) Poles in the right half and zeroes in the left
of resistance RL is : half s-plane
(d) Poles in the left half and zeroes in the right
half s-plane
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-I
L Ans. (d) : For all pass system pole must lie on the left
and zeros on the mirror image of the pole can be on the
right side.
2s 2 + 2s + 1 2s ( s + 2 )
Ans. (b) : Y(s) = 2
s + 2s + 2 (
2 s 2 + 2s + 1 )
s (s + 2)
s2+2s+2 2s +2s+1 2
2s +4s+4 = 2
− − − s + 2s + 1
∵ −2s−3 29. Which one of the following has all the poles of
the function lie on the j ω axis?
2s + 3
Y (s) = 2 − 2 (a) L-C function (b) R-L function
s + 2s + 2 (c) R-C function (d) Y function
since there is premature termination (P.T), it is not a
positive real function. ESE-2021
27. The real parts of all poles and zeros in a Ans.(a) : L-C function has all the poles of the function
driving point function must be: lie on the jω axis
(a) Zero (b) Negative 30. Which one of the following is an LC
(c) Zero or negative (d) Positive immittance function?
UPSC Poly.Lect.10.03. 2019 Ks ( s 2 + 4 )
Ans. (c) : The real part of all poles and zeros in a (a) Z ( s ) = 2
driving point function must be zero or negative. ( s + 1)( s2 + 3)
Because in practical all circuit should be disable and
s 5 + 4s3 + 5s
circuit element will store some finite amount of energy (b) Z ( s ) =
such that when equivalent transfer function is found the 3s 4 + 6s 2
system act as causal. K ( s 2 + 1)( s 2 + 9 )
I (ω ) (c) Z ()s =
28. The current gain o for the given circuit is ( s2 + 2 )( s2 + 10 )
Ii (ω )
2 ( s 2 + 1)( s 2 + 9 )
(d) Z ( s ) =
s (s2 + 4)
2 ( s + 1)( s + 9 )
2 2
Ans.(d) : Z ( s ) =
s (s2 + 4)
The properties of LC immittance function are :
s (s + 2) (a) The poles and zeroes are alternate on jω axis.
(a) , where s = jω
s 2 + 2s + 1 (b) The poles & zeroes are located on jω axis only.
s ( s + 1) (c) LC immittance function is always the ratio of odd
(b) , where s = jω to even or even to odd polynomial.
s2 + s + 1
(d) The highest power of numerator & denominator
s (s + 2) must differ by unity.
(c) , where s = jω
s + 2s + 2
(e) The lowest power of numerator or denominator
s (s + 2) must differ by unity.
(d) , where s = jω (f) There must be either a pole or zero at the origin and
s2 + s + 2
ESE-2021 infinity as the function is a ratio of even to odd
Ans.(a) : (g) Residues at the imaginary axis poles are real and
Io(s) positive.
31. The driving point impedance with poles at
Ii(s)s 2/s
ω = 0(zero) and ω = ∞ (infinity) must have the
(a) s term in the denominator and an excess term
in the numerator
Network Theory 282 YCT
(b) s term in the numerator and an excess term in Comparing equation (i) and (ii)
the denominator 1
(c) s term in the numerator and equal number of = 0.5, R = 2Ω
terms in the numerator and denominator R
(d) s term in the denominator and equal number 1
= 10, L = 0.1H
of terms in the numerator and denominator L
BSNL (JTO)-2006 C = 5, C = 5F
Ans. (a) : The driving point impedance with pole at ω = 34. Consider the following driving point
∞, there will be an excess term in the numerator and impedances which are to be realized using
with pole at ω = 0, there will be s term in the passive elements:
denominator. s+3 s2 + 3
32. The lowest and the highest critical frequencies 1. 2 2. 2 2
of RC driving point admittance are, s (s + 5) s (s + 5)
respectively: Which of the above is/are realizable?
(a) a zero and a pole (b) a pole and a zero (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) a zero and a zero (d) a pole and a pole (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
IES-2016 IES-2016
Ans. (a) : In R-C network - s+3
RCs + 1 Ans. (d) : Let Z1 ( s ) = 2
Driving point impedance Z (s) = s ( s + 5)
Cs Poles P1 = 0, 0 P2 = –5
∴ Driving point admittance Y (s) = Zeros, Z = –3
s2 + 3
1 Z2 ( s ) =
= s2 ( s2 + 5)
RCs + 1/ Cs
Cs Poles P1 = 0, 0
1 + RCs P2 = ± j 5
Y (0) = 0, zeros of driving point admittance. Zeros Z = ± j 3
Y(ω) = − , poles of driving point admittance. A driving point impedance has following properties-
RC (i) All the poles and zeros are on left half of s-plane.
33. The driving point impedance of the circuit (ii) It may have simple pole on origin or imaginary axis;
0.2s but it cannot have pair of poles on origin. Hence both
shown is given by Z(s) = 2
s + 0.1s + 2 the driving point function are not realizable.
35. A reactance function in the first Foster form
has poles at ω = 0 and ω = ∞. The black-box
(B.B) in the network contains:
s + −
2 2
s +1
Z(s) = …(ii)
s + s +1
160 (d)
1 1 3
∴ C0 = = = F IES-2010
A0 49 49
3 2s + 1
Ans. (c) : Given, Z(s) =
L∞ = 3H = L0 s(s + 1)
By using partial fraction of Foster-I form
1 1 3
C1 = = = A B
2A2 2 × 160 320 Z (s ) = +
s s +1
3 After solution
2A 2 × 160 320
L2 = 2 2 = = A = 1, B = 1
ωn 3(3)2 27 1 1
Hence, So, Z ( s ) = +
s s +1
L0 = L∞ = 3H
1 1× 1/ s
and 3 = +
C0 = F s 1+ 1
49 ( )
49. Consider the following statements:
1. Poles and zeros are simple and interlace
2. Residues at the poles on the imaginary axis
are real.
3. ZRC (0) > ZRC (∞) Hence circuit can be drawn as.
4. The slopes of the reactance curves are
Which of these properties are correct for an
RC driving point impedance ZRC (s)?
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 4 only
(c) 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Network Theory 287 YCT
51. Consider the following statements: Ans. (a, c) :
There are given as necessary conditions for (a)
driving point functions with common factors in
p(s) and q(s) cancelled:
s(s + 3)
1. The coefficients of the polynomial in p(s) Z(s) =
(s 2 + 1)(s 2 + 9)
and q(s) must be real.
2. Poles and zeros must be conjugate pairs if
imaginary of complex.
3. The terms of lowest degree in p(s) and q(s)
may differ in degree by one at most
Which of the above statements is/are correct? (s 2 + 25)
Z(s) =
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 only s(s 2 + 36)
(c) 1 and 2 only (d) 2 and 3 only
p(s) (c)
Ans. (a) : A driving point function Z(s) = must
have - (s 2 + 1)(s 2 + 36)
Z(s) =
(i) There coefficient must be real s(s 2 + 4)(s 2 + 25)
(ii) Poles and zeros must have complex conjugate
pairs on imaginary axis.
(iii) The degree of p(s) – q(s) ≤ 1 (d)
52. Consider the following statements:
1. The coefficients in the polynomials p(s) and s(s 2 + 16)
q(s) must be real and positive. Z(s) =
(s 2 + 25)
2. Poles and zeros of Z(s) must be conjugate if
imaginary or complex.
Which of these statements are associated with According to the option (b) and (d) are LC network
p(s) because poles and zero are jω axis only and placed
the driving point function Z(s) = ?
q(s) alternatively.
(a) Both 1 and 2 Option (a) and (c) are not LC network because poles and
(b) 1 only zero are jω axis but not placed alternatively.
(c) 2 only 54. Consider the below network. Impedance of this
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 network as a function of the complex frequency
s consists of a certain number of zeros and
IES-2010 poles. What is the location of poles?
Ans. (a) : For a driving point impedance function -
(i) Coefficient of numerator and denominator must be
parts on pole-zero diagram.
(ii) For L-C functions simple poles and zeros lies on
imaginary axis.
53. Which one of the following driving point (a) –2 (b) –2,∞
functions does not represent an LC network? (c) 2 (d) 2, ∞
s(s + 3) IES-2009
(a) Z(s) = 2 Ans. (b) : Driving point impedance of the circuit is -
(s + 1)(s + 9)
Z(s) = 1 || (1 + s) + 2s
(s 2 + 25) 1+ s
(b) Z(s) = 2 = + 2s
s(s + 36) 2+s
(s 2 + 1)(s 2 + 36) 1 + s + 4s + 2s2
(c) Z(s) = 2 =
s(s + 4)(s + 25)
s(s 2 + 16) 2s2 + 5s + 1
(d) Z(s) = Z(s) =
(s 2 + 25) s+2
IES-2009 For proper transfer function poles are at s= –2 and s =∞.
Network Theory 288 YCT
55. All poles and zeros of a driving point 59. A reactive network has poles at ω = 0,
immittance function of an L-C network 4000 rad/s, and infinity and zeros at ω = 2000
(a) should lie on the jω axis and 6000 rad/s. The impedance of the network
(b) should lie on the +ve real axis is –j 700 Ohm at 1000 rad/s. What is the
(c) should lie on the –ve real axis correct expression for the driving point
(d) can lie anywhere in s-plane impedance?
s(s + 3)(s + 4)
(s + 3)(s + 4)
(ω 2
− 4 × 106 )( ω2 − 36 ×106 )
(s + 1)(s + 2) (s + 1)(s + 2) (c)
ω2 ( ω2 − 16 ×106 )
(s + 3)(s + 4) (s + 2)(s + 4)
s(s + 1)(s + 2)
(s + 1)(s + 3) ω2 ( ω2 − 16 × 106 )
(d) − j(0.1ω) Ω
IES-2007 (ω 2
− 4 × 106 )( ω2 − 36 × 106 )
Ans. (d) : Main properties of ZRC networks are -
Sikkim PSC SI (Mains)-2018
All poles and zeros are on negative real axis including origin
with first singularly is the pole and they are interlaced. IES-2007
57. Consider the following statements for a driving Ans. (c) : Given,
point function F(j ω) ωp1 = 0rad / sec , ωp 2 = 4000rad / sec
1. Re F(jω) is an even function of ω and is 0 ωz1 = 2000rad / sec , ωz 2 = 6000rad / sec
or positive for all values of ω.
2. Im F(j ω) is an even function of ω and is 0
∴ Z(s) =
k s2 + ω2z l )( s 2
+ ω2z 2 )
or positive for all values of ω.
3. Re F(j ω) is an odd function of ω and is 0 or (
s s +ω
2 2
p2 )
negative for all values of ω.
k s2 + ( 2000 ) s2 + ( 6000 )
2 2
4. Re F(s) = 0 for Re s = 0. =
s s2 + ( 4000 )
Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 4 Put s = jω
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 4 only k(−ω2 + 4 × 106 ) ( −ω2 + 36 × 106 )
IES-2007 Z( jω) =
Ans. (a) : A driving point function F(jω) has Re F(jω) jω ( −ω2 + 16 × 106 )
is an even function of ω and is zero or positive for all ∵ at ω = 1000 rad/sec.
values of ω.
Z(j1000) = –j 700 (given)
58. Consider the following expression for the
driving point impedance: k ( 3 ×106 )( 35 × 106 )
∴ − j700 =
2 ( s 2 + 1)( s 2 + 9 ) ( j1000 ) (15 × 106 )
Z(s) = 2
s(s + 4) 700 = k × 7 × 103
1. It represents an LC circuit ∴ k = 0.1
2. It represents an RLC circuit
3. It has a pole lying on the jω axis. ( 0.1) ( −ω2 + 4 × 106 )( −ω2 + 36 × 106 )
∴ Z( j ω ) =
4. It has a pole at infinite frequency and a jω ( −ω2 + 16 ×106 )
zero and zero frequency.
Which of the following given above are j ( 0.1ω ) ( ω2 − 4 × 106 )( ω2 − 36 × 106 )
correct? =
(a) 2 and 4 (b) 1 and 3 ω2 ( ω2 − 16 ×106 )
(c) 1 and 4 (d) 2 and 3
60. What is the minimum number of elements
IES-2007 required to realize a given driving point
Ans. (b) : The given driving point function can not be susceptance function?
represented either RC, R-L function. So it can be treated (a) One greater than the total number of internal
as R-L-C network. poles and zeros
The poles of proper function is the infinite point at
(b) Equal to the total number of internal poles
s = ∞ and zeros are given by a value zero at s = 0. and zeros
Network Theory 289 YCT
(c) One less than the total number of internal Ans. (a) : Given,
poles and zeros ωp1 = 0 rad / sec, ωp2 = 40 rad / sec, ωp3 = ∞
(d) None of the above
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-I ωz1 = 20rad / sec, ωz 2 = 60 rad / sec
IES-2007 Z(s) can be written as-
Ans. (a) : The minimum number of elements required k ( s 2 + ωz1 2
)( s2 + ωz22 )
to realize a given driving point susceptance function is Z ( s ) =
one greater than the total number of internal poles and s ( s 2 + ωp2 2 )
Put s = jω
61. For the network shown in the figure given
below, what is the value of Z(s)? k ( −ω2 + 400 )( −ω2 + 3600 )
Z ( jω ) =
jω ( −ω2 + 1600 )
According to the question
At ω = 10 rad / sec, z ( j10 ) = −70
k ( 300 )( 3500 )
− j70 =
j10 × 1500
s 2 + 2s + 2 s+2
(a) (b) k=1
s +1 ( s + 1)
Hence driving point impedance-
( s + 1) 1( s 2 + 400 )( s 2 + 3600 )
s +1
(c) (d) Z (s) =
s + 2s + 2 (s + 2) s ( s 2 + 1600 )
Ans. (a) : Z ( s ) =
s (s2 + b )
2 ( s 4 + s 2 c + as 2 + ac )
or Z(s) =
s 3 + sb
The continued fraction expansion is
The values of the components are :
(a) R = 3 Ω, L = 1 H and C = 2 F
(b) R = 3 Ω, L = 2 H and C = 1 F
(c) R = 3 Ω, L = 0.5 H and C = 4 F Let c+a–2b=x, ac = y
(d) R = 3 Ω, L = 4 H and C = 0.5 H So,
DRDO - 2 0 0 9
Ans. (a) : Given, Z ( s ) = ... (i)
2s + 6s + 1
( sL + R )
Z (s ) = sc
+ sL + R
sc y
Similarly let b − = Z
( sL + R ) x
Z (s) = 2 …(ii)
s LC + sRC + 1 So,
Now comparing equation (i) and (ii)
R = 3Ω, C = 2F and L = 1H
65. Which one of the following statements is not a
property of R-L driving point impedance?
(a) The first critical frequency at the origin is a
zero Therefore, the synthesized network is shown in below.
(b) The last critical frequency is a pole
(c) The impedance at s = ∞ is always less than
the impedance at s = zero
(d) The slope of the impedance curve is positive
at all points
Network Theory 291 YCT
s ( s 2 + 1) 70.
Voltage transfer function of a simple RC
67. Driving point impedance Z(s) = is not
integrator has
s2 + 4 (a) a finite zero and a pole at infinity
realizable because the
(b) a finite zero and a pole at the origin
(a) number of zeros is more than the number of
poles (c) a zero at the origin and a finite pole
(b) poles and zeros lie on the imaginary axis (d) a zero at infinity and a finite pole
(c) poles and zeros do not alternate on imaginary IES-1999
axis Ans. (d) : R-C integrator circuit
(d) poles and zeros are not located on the real
Ans. (c) : Pole - Zero diagram of driving point
s(s2 + 1)
Z(s) = is -
s2 + 4
Voltage transfer function
V0 RCs
Vi 1 + RCs
Since poles and zeros are not interlace, Hence they are
not realizable.
68. The function s +2 + can be realized
(a) both as a driving point impedance and as a
driving point admittance
(b) as an impedance, but not as an admittance
(c) as an admittance, but not as an impedance
(d) neither as an impedance nor as an admittance Hence it has zero at ∞ and a finite pole at sP = − 1
IES-2001 RC
3 71. Driving-point impedance of the network shown
Ans. (a) : Z(s) = s + 2 + in the figure is
s + 2s + 3
and Y(s) =
s + 2s + 3
s s3
Driving point impedance ( Z11 ) = 1 + + From the above poles zero plot we can say poles and
2s + 1 2s 2 + 1
zero alternate on the negative real axis.
Put s =0, in Y(s)
2s 2 + 1 + s + s 3
Z11 = ( 0 + 2 )( 0 + 0.5 )
2s 2 + 1 Y (s) =
72. Match the List-I (Network) with List-II (Poles ( 0 + 3)( 0 + 1)
of driving-point impedance) and select the Y 0 = 1
( )
correct answer using the codes given below the 3
lists: 74. An R-L-C circuit for the driving-point
List-I List-II
A. LC 1. Negative real 1/RLs
admittance function + Cs is
B. RC 2. Imaginary 1 + 1
C. RLC 3. Either real or complex R Ls
Codes: (a)
(a) 1 2 3 1
(b) 1 2 1 3
(c) 2 1 1 3
(d) 2 1 3 1
Ans. (d) : LC impedance network → Conjugate roots
on imaginary axis.
R-C & R-L network → negative real roots.
R-L-C network → Either real or complex roots.
73. Consider the following statements regarding
the driving point admittance function
s 2 + 2.5s + 1
Y(s) = (d)
s 2 + 4s + 3
1. It is an admittance of RL network
2. Poles and zeros alternate on the negative real
UPRVUNL AE - 11.06.2017
axis of the s-plane IES-1999
3. The lowest critical frequency is a pole
4. Y(0) = 1/3 1/RLs
Which of these statements are correct? Ans. (b) : Y(s) = + Cs
1 1
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 4 R Ls ↓
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 Y1 + Y2 Y3
IES-1999 i.e.
Ans. (b) : Given,
Y (s) =
( s + 2 )( s + 0.5 )
( s + 3)( s + 1)
Poles P1 = –1, P2 = –3
Zeroes Z1 = –0.5, Z2 = –2
Network Theory 293 YCT
75. Match List-I (Form) with List-II (Networks) Ans. (b) : An R-C driving point impedance function has
and select the correct answer using the codes all the poles and zeros lie on negative real axis and they
given below the lists: alternate. At the origin or nearest must be a pole where
List-I List-II as the nearest at ∞ must be a zero.
A. Couer I 1. L in series arms and C in
shunt arms of a ladder
B. Couer II 2. C in series arms and L in
shunt arms of a ladder
C. Foster I 3. Series combination of L and
C in parallel
D. Foster II 4. Parallel combination of L Since poles and zeros are interlace to each other thus
and C in series admissible poles are at s = –1 and s = –3.
Codes: 79. The driving-point impedance function of a
A B C D reactive network is:
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 1 2 4 3 Z(s) = ( s + 4 )
2 ( s + 16 )
(c) 2 1 4 3 s (s + 9)
(d) 2 1 3 4
Consider the following circuit in this regard:
UPRVUNL AE - 11.06.2014
Ans. (a) : Foster - I → Series combination of L & C in
Foster - II → Parallel combination of L & C in series.
Couer - I → L in series and C in shunt arms.
Couer - II → C in series and L in shunt arms. Figure I
76. Poles and zeroes of a driving-point function of
a network are simple and interlace on the j ω
axis. The network consists of elements.
(a) R and C (b) L and C
(c) R and L (d) R, L and C
Ans. (b) : For L-C impedance network, poles and
zeroes of a driving point function of a network are
simple and interlace on the jω axis. Figure II
77. Consider the following from the point of view
of possible realization as driving point
impedances using passive elements:
1 s+3
1. 2. 2
s (s + 5) s (s + 5)
s2 + 3 s+5
3. 4.
s (s2 + 5)
s (s + 3)
Among these Figure III
(a) 1, 2 and 4 realizable
(b) 1, 2 and 3 are realizable
(c) 3 and 4 are realizable
(d) none is realizable
Ans. (d) : In option (1) and (4) poles and zeroes are not
Similarly in option (2) and (3) poles are not simple poles. Figure IV
Hence non is realizable. The first and second Foster forms will be as in
78. An RC driving-point impedance function has
zeros at s = –2 and s = –5. The admissible poles (a) I and III respectively
for the function would be (b) II and IV respectively
(a) s = 0; s = –6 (b) s = –1; s = –3 (c) I and II respectively
(c) s = 0; s = –1 (d) s = –3; s = –4 (d) III and IV respectively
IES-1998 IES-1997
Network Theory 294 YCT
Ans. (c) : By Foster's -I form we have - 1 1
= +
Z(s) =
(s 2
+ 4 s + 16 )( 2
) 12
1 12
s s +9 2
) 48
s 2 + 4 s 2 + 16 )( ) 1 12 1
L1 = H
= s+
( )
Y1 =
s s2 s2 + 9 Z1 5 5
s C1 = 5 F
2 48 48
replacing s = x on R.H.S. we get :-
Z(s) ( x + 4 )( x + 16 ) L 2 = 7 H
= 1 12 1
s x ( x + 9) Y2 = = s+
Z2 7 7 C = 7 F
11x + 64 192 2 192
= 1+
x(x + 9) Hence, figure -II satisfies foster's -II form
by using partial fraction expression we get 80. Which of the following pairs are correctly
Z(s) 64 35 matched?
=1+ +
s 9 + x 9 ( x + 9) 1. Brune's realization ... Realization with ideal
Z(s) 1 1
= 1+ + 2. Couer realization ... Ladder realization
s 9 2 9 2
s +9 ( ) 3. Bott-Duffin realization ... Realization with
non-ideal transformer.
1 1 Select the correct answer using the codes given
= 1+ +
9 2 9 2 81 below:
s s +
64 35 35 Codes:
1 1 (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 3
or Z(s) = s + + (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1 and 2
9 9 1
s s+ IES-1997
64 35 35s
81 Ans. (d) : Correctly matched circuits are -
1 9 (i) Couer realization → Ladder Network.
Z2 = , C= F (ii) Brune's realization → Realization with ideal
9 64
s transformer.
81. The polynomial P(s) = (s – 1) (s2 + 1) (s + 2)
1 9 1 9 35
Z3 = = s+ , L = H,C = F (s + 3) is
Y3 35 35 35 81
s (a) Hurwitz, but not strict Hurwitz
81 (b) not Hurwitz
Z1 = 1H (c) strict Hurwitz
Hence figure I satisfies foster's -I form (d) anti-Hurwitz
Foster's synthesisis gives - IES-1997
Y(s) =
= 2
s s2 + 9 ( ) 2
Ans. (b) : P(s) = (s – 1) (s + 1) (s + 2) (s + 3)
Since all the coefficient of the above polynomial of s
Z(s) s + 4 s 2 + 16 ( )( ) are not positive, So it is not Hurwitz.
Y(s) x+9 82. The poles and zeros of a driving -point function
= (assuming s2 = x) of a network are simple and on the negative
s ( x + 4 )( x + 16 ) real axis with a pole closest to the origin. It can
5 7 be realized
= +
12 ( x + 4 ) 12 ( x + 16 ) (a) by an LC network
(b) as an RC driving-point impedance
y(s) 1 7
= + (c) as an RC driving-point admittance
S 12 2
s +4 ( 12 2
s + 16 ) ( ) (d) only by an RLC network
1 7
Y(s) = + Ans. (b) : It pole is closest to origin, it must be R-C
12 48 12 192 driving point impedance and for zero closest to origin it
s+ s+
5 5s 7 7s must be R-L driving point admittance.
point reactance
function of LC
(a) network.
B. Canonic LC 2. a zero
network contains
C. The number of 3. maximum number
canonic of elements
(b) networks for a
given driving
point reactance
function is
D. The first critical 4. Four
frequency nearest
the origin of the
frequency plan
for an RL
Driving point
(d) impedance will be
5. Minimum number
of elements
IES-1996 6. alternate
7. either a pole or
2 s2 + s + zero
Ans. (a) : Z(s) = 2 8. Three
s2 + s + 1 Codes:
Put s = 0 A B C D
1 (a) 1 5 8 7
2 0 + 0 +
Z (s ) = 2
= 2× =1
1 (b) 6 5 3 2
( 0 + 0 + 1) 2 (c) 6 5 4 2
(d) 1 3 4 7
1 1 IES-1996
2 1 + + 2
Z (s ) = s 2s Ans. (c) : (A) Poles and zeros of the driving point
1 1 reactance function of LC network→alternate to each other.
1+ + 2
s s (B) Canonic L-C network contains → minimum
2 (1 + 0 + 0 ) number of elements.
Now put s = ∞ , Z ( ∞ ) = =2 (C) The number of canonic networks for a given
1+ 0 + 0
From option (a) the circuit diagram for Z(0) is - driving point reactance function is → Four.
O.C. (D) The first critical frequency nearest to origin of a
complex frequency plain for an R-L driving point
impedance will be → a zero.
85. A transfer function having open zero at right
half plane is a/an
(a) minimum phase function
i.e. Z(0) = 1Ω
(b) non-minimum phase function
The circuit diagram at Z(∞) at s = ∞
S.C. (c) unstable function
(d) constant phase function
O.C. IES-1996
Ans. (b) : If all the poles and zeros lies on left half in s-
plane called minimum phase function.
Z(∞) = 2Ω If one of the zeros lies on right half of s-plane. It is
Hence option (a) is correct. called non-minimum phase function.
(a) a zero at the origin (b) a zero at ∞
Ans. (c) : Given that,
(c) no zero (d) a zero j1
IES-1994 3s ( s 2 + 4 )
Z (s) = 2
Ans. (a, b) : ( s + 1)( s2 + 9 )
Put s = jω
3jω ( −ω2 + 4 )
+ − Z ( jω ) =
( −ω + 1)( −ω2 + 9 )
V2 V2 2
answer using the codes given below the lists s 2 + 6s + 8
List-I List-II Poles : s +6s+8 =0
s -s +1 ( s + 4 )( s + 2 ) = 0
A. 2 1. RL admittance
s +s +1 P1 = −2, P2 = −4
s2 + s + 1 Zeros : s 2 + 4s + 3 = 0
B. 2. RL impedance
s2 – s + 1 ( s + 3)( s + 1) = 0
s 2 + 4s + 3 Z1 = –1, Z2 = –3
C. 2 3. Unstable
s + 6s + 8 Pole-Zero plot
4. Non- minimum phase
(a) 1 2 3
(b) 1 4 2
(c) 4 3 2
(d) 4 3 1
From the above Pole-Zero plot, here Zero nearer to
s − s +1
Ans. (c) : Let F1 ( s ) = origin so, F3(s) is R-L impedance function.
s2 + s + 1 91. For a network transfer function
Poles : s2+s+1= 0 P (s)
H (s) = , where P(s) and Q(s) are
s p = −0.5 ± j
3 Q (s)
2 polynomials in s.
Zeros : s2 – s + 1=0 (i) the degree of P(s) and Q(s) are the same
3 (ii) the degree of P(s) is always greater than the
s z = 0.5 ± j degree of Q(s)
(iii) the degree of P(s) is independent of the
degree of Q (s).
(iv) the maximum degree of P(s) and Q(s) differ
at the most by one.
Which of these statements are correct -
(a) i, ii, iii and iv (b) i, ii and iii only
(c) i, ii and iv only (d) i, iii and iv only
IES-1994, 2011
Here zeros are lying on the right half of s-plane so,
Ans. (d) : In a driving point function the highest or
F1 ( s ) is a non-minimum phase system.
lowest power of numerator and denominator must differ
s2 + s + 1 by unity.
Let F2(s) = 2 92. For an RC driving-point impedance function,
s − s +1
Poles : s − s + 1 = 0
2 the poles and zeros.
(a) should alternate on real axis.
3 (b) should alternate only on the negative real axis
s p = 0.5 ± j
2 (c) should alternate on the imaginary axis
Zeros : s 2 + s + 1 = 0 (d) can lie anywhere on the left half plane
Network Theory 298 YCT
Ans. (b) : The various properties of R-C driving point 1 15
functions can be started as - ∴ s= ±j
(1) Poles and zeros are simple. There are no multiple 2 2
poles and zeros. (location of zeros)
(2) The poles and zeros are located on negative real 2
1 15
axis and they are interlaced. If D(s) = 0 = s + + = 0
(3) Poles and zeros are interlaced to each other. 2 4
93. If an impedance has the pole-zero pattern 1 15
shown in the given fig., it must be composed of ∴ s=− ±j
2 2
(location of poles)
Hence it is a non-minimum phase function.
s+4 s+4
(B) : F(s) = 2 =
s + 3s − 4 (s + 4)(s + 1)
Here zeros = –4
Poles = –4, –1
Since one pole lies on the right half of jω axis, It is an
(a) RC elements only (b) RL elements only unstable system.
(c) LC elements only (d) RLC elements s+4 s+4
(C) : F(s) = 2 =
IES-1993 s + 6s + 5 (s + 1)(s + 5)
Ans. (d) : In R-C or R-L network poles and zero must Poles = –1 , –5
lie on negative real axis. Zeros = –4
In L-C network simple poles and zeros on the imaginary
Since the given impedance has poles and zeros on the
complex plane, it must contain all the three types of
element i.e. R, L and C.
94. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
answer using the codes given below the lists:
List-I List-II Here poles nearer to origin so this is RC impedance
[F(s)] [Type of F(s)] function-
s2 + 3s s ( s + 3)
s2 − s + 4 (D) : F(s) = = 2
A. 2 1. Non-positive real s4
+ 2s 2
+ 1 (s + 1)2
s +s+4
Poles = 0, –3
(s + 4)
B. 2 2. Non-minimum phase Zeros = ± j
s + 3s – 4
Pole - zero plot is given as –
(s + 4)
C. 2 3. RC-impedance
s + 6s + 5
s 2 + 3s
D. 4 4. Unstable
s + 2s 2 + 1
5. RL-impedance
A B C D From pole-zero plot is satisfies only non-positive real
(a) 1 2 3 4 function.
(b) 1 2 4 5 95. The driving-point impedance function of a
(c) 2 4 3 1 reactive network is:
(d) 2 4 1 5 2 ( s 2 + 1)( s 2 + 3 )
IES-1993 Z D (s) =
Ans. (c) : s ( s2 + 2)
2 Which one of the following diagrams realizes
1 15
s− + the Couer network for the above ZD(s)?
s −s+ 4 2
4 N(s)
(A) : F(s) = 2 = =
s + s + 4 1 2 15 D(s)
s + + (a)
2 4
1 15
If N(s) = 0 = s − + = 0
2 4
Network Theory 299 YCT
Ans. (b) : The circuit transform into s-domain
1 1
Y(s) = + + sC
R sL
s2 LCR + sL + R
For proper transfer function, there is one pole at origin
and one pole at infinite.
97. The driving point impedance function
Z (s) =
( s + 3 ) behaves as-
(s + 4)
a resistance of 0.75Ω at low frequencies
IES-1993 (b)
a resistance of 1Ω at high frequencies
2 ( s 2 +1)( s 2 + 3) (c)
a resistance of 0.75Ω at high frequencies
Ans. (d) : ZD (s) = (d)
both (a) and (b) above
s ( s2 + 2 ) IES-1991
2s4 + 8s2 + 6 N(s) s+3
= = Ans. (d) : Z(s) =
s2 + 2s D(s) s+4
Couer - I form, we have to find first and last element. 0+3
∴ Z(0) = = 0.75Ω (for low frequency)
Z(∞) = s = 1Ω (for high frequency)
98. The driving point impedance function can
be realized by
(b) Here Z ( ∞ ) = ∞
Hence a pole at ∞ and a zero at 0.
101. The necessary and sufficient conditions for a
rational function of s, T(s) to be a driving point
impedance of an RC network is that all poles
(c) and zeros should be
(a) Simple and lie on the negative real axis of the
(b) Complex and lie in the left half of the s-plane
(c) Complex and lie in the right half of the s-
(d) Simple and lie on the positive real axis of the
IES-1991 Ans. (a) : (i) Simple and lie on the negative real axis of
Ans. (a) : According to the option (a) the s-plane.
Circuit transform into s-domain- (ii) The poles and zeros of the ZRC(s) should be simple
and alternate on the negative real axis of the s-plane.
102. The driving-point impedance Z(s) of a network
has the pole-zero locations as shown in the
figure. If Z(0) = 3, then Z(s) is
1 1
Z (s) = 1 + s = 1+ jω
2π 2π
= 1+ j (∵ ω = 2πf , f = 1Hz )
= 1+ j
| Z ( s ) |= 12 + 12 = 2
2(s + 3) 0.2s
So, Z(s) = is given by Z ( s ) = 2 . The component
s2 + 2s + 2 s + 0.1s + 2
103. The first and the last critical frequencies values are
(singularizes) of a driving point impedance (a) L = 5 H, R = 0.5 Ω, C = 0.1 F
function of a passive network having two kinds
of elements, are a pole and a zero respectively. (b) L = 0.1 H, R = 0.5 Ω, C = 5 F
The above property will be satisfied by (c) L = 5 H, R = 2 Ω, C = 0.1 F
(a) RL network only (d) L = 0.1 H, R = 2 Ω, C = 5 F
(b) RC network only GATE-2008
(c) LC network only Ans. (d) : Given,
(d) RC as well as RL network 0.2s
GATE-2006 Z(s) = 2
s + 0.1s + 2
Ans. (b) : Properties of RC driving point impedance-
We know that the poles and zeros are called critical s2 + 0.1s + 2
Y(s) =
frequencies, the critical frequency nearest to the 0.2s
origin is always a pole. s2
0.1s 2
The critical frequency at a greatest distance away Y(s) = + +
from the origin is always a zero, which may be 0.2s 0.2s 0.2s
located at ∞ also. 10
= 5s + 0.5 + ………………….(i)
104. A negative resistance Rneg is connected to a s
passive network N having driving point 1 1
impedance as shown below. For Z2(s) to be Y(s) = Cs + + ………….(ii)
positive real R Ls
Comparing with equation (i) and (ii)-
C = 5F, R = = 2Ω
L = = 0.1H
Ans. (a) : F ( s ) =
( s + 1)( s + 3) parallel foster form that the poles of an RC admittance
function are also on the axis.
s (s + 2)
114. The driving point impedance function for the
Poles = 0, –2 network shown in the fig. has
Zeros = –1, –3
The singularly nearest to origin is a zero. So it may be
RL admittance or RC impedance function.
1. Regular graph
2. Connected graph (a) 4 and 2 (b) 6 and 2
3. Complete graph (c) 4 and 6 (d) 2 and 6
4. Non-regular graph IES-2016, GATE-2008
Network Theory 310 YCT
Ans. (c) : Tree 'P' - Total no. of 4 trees shown below Ans. (d) : For a passive circuit all the three conditions
figure. are correct. This can be verified.
Example :
Z11 Z12 Z13 2 −1 −2
Z21 Z22 Z23 = −1 3 −3
Z31 Z32 Z33 −2 −3 4
∆ Z = –25 < 0
• An impedance matrix is symmetric.
• All the diagonal elements are non zero.
• The determinant of impedance matrix is less then
45. In a tree number of branch b=10, number of
node n=5. No. of fundamental loop is
Total no. of tree 'P' = 4
(a) 14 (b) 4
Cut set 'Q' -:
(c) 6 (d) 16
Ans. (c) : ℓ = b – n + 1
ℓ = 10 – 5 + 1
C1 = (1, 3)
C2 = (1, 2) 46.
In a single connected network, if there are b
C3 = (5, 4) number of branches and n number of nodes,
C4 = (4, 6) then the number of independent meshes M and
independent nodes N are respectively.
C5 = (1, 2, 4, 6)
(a) n and b
C6 = (1, 3, 5, 4)
(b) b – n + 1 and n – 1
Total Cut set 'Q' = 6
(c) b – n and b
43. According to network graphs, the network (d) b + n – 1 and n + 1
1. Only two odd vertices is traversable
2. No odd vertices is traversable Ans. (b) : Given,
3. Two or more than two odd vertices are Number of branches = b
traversable Number of nodes = n
Which of the above statements is/are correct? As we know that-
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only Number of independent nodes = (n – 1)
(c) 3 only (d) 1 and 2 Number of independent meshes = b – n + 1
47. A graph is which at least one path
Ans. (d) : A network graph is transversable only if the (disregarding orientation) exists between any
number of vertices with odd degree in graph is exactly 2 two nodes of the graph is a
or 0. (a) connected graph (b) directed graph
If the network has more than two odd vertices then the (c) sub-graph (d) fundamental graph
network is not transversable. IES-2014
44. Loop-voltage equations of a passive circuit are Ans. (a) : When at least one path along branches
given by: between any pair of nodes of a graph exists, it is called
Z11 Z12 Z13 I1 V1 connected graph.
48. If Qt and Ql be the sub-matrices of Qf
Z 21 Z 22 Z 23 I 2 = V2 (fundamental cut-set matrix) corresponding to
Z 31 Z 32 Z 33 I 3 V3 twigs and links of a connected graph
respectively, then
1. Zij = Zji, i, j = 1, 2, 3 1. Qt is an identity matrix
2. Zii > 0, i = 1, 2, 3 2. Ql is a rectangular matrix
3. ∆Z ≤ 0 3. Qf is of rank (n – 1)
Which of the above relations are correct? Which of the above are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
IES-2016 IES-2014
Network Theory 311 YCT
Ans. (d) : The submatrix corresponding to twigs (Qt) is Ans. (d) : Number of independent current equation can
an identity matrix. be obtained by total number of nodes from their reduced
The submatrix corresponding to link (Ql) is a incidence matrix which contain of (n–1) nodes.
rectangular matrix. Reduced incidence matrix can be obtained by reducing
The rank of a cut-set matrix is (n – 1). their datum (reference) node.
49. ∴ Total number of independent current equation = (n–1)
51. Number of fundamental cut-sets of any graph
will be
(a) Same as the number of twigs
(b) Same as the number of tree branches
(c) Same as the number of nodes
For the oriented graph as given above, taking (d) Equal to one
4, 5, 6 as tree branches the tie set matrix is IES-2009
Ans. (a) : A twig has (n–1) branches.
−1 0 0 −1 1 0
Total number of fundamental cut-set loop = total
(a) 0 −1 0 0 −1 1 number of twigs = n – 1
0 0 −1 1 0 −1 Each fundamental cut-set will contain only one twig and
other will be links.
1 0 0 1 −1 0 Hence fundamental cut-set is same as total number of
(b) 0 1 0 0 1 −1 twigs in a tree.
0 0 1 −1 0 1 52. In a network with twelve circuit elements and
five nodes, what is the minimum number of
1 −1 0 −1 1 0 mesh equations?
(c) 1 0 0 0 −1 1 (a) 24 (b) 12
(c) 10 (d) 8
0 0 1 1 0 −1
−1 0 0 −1 0 0 IES-2009
(d) 0 −1 0 0 0 1
Ans. (d) : Number of mesh equation = Total number of
0 0 0 1 0 −1 loops ℓ = b – n + 1
IES-2013 = 12 – 5 + 1
Ans. (b) :
53. What is the number of chords of a connected
graph G of n vertices and e edges?
(a) n (n – 1)/2 (b) n – 1
(c) e – n – 1 (d) e – n + 1
Ans. (d) : Links:- Branches of co-tree are known as
links. Links are also called chord.
L3 Links/chord = e – n + 1
54. Consider the following statements with regard
Each individual link contain a loop current I1, I2, I3 to a complete incidence matrix:
respectively. 1. The sum of the entries in any column is
2. The rank of matrix is n – 1 where n is the
number of nodes.
3. The determinant of the matrix of a closed
loop is zero.
Which of the statements given above are
Current along the link is positive and against the link is (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
taken as negative respectively. (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
50. The number of branches in a network is b, the
number of nodes is n and number of dependent Ans. (d) : (i) In any incidence matrix summation of
loop is l. The number of independent current entries of any column is always equal to zero.
equations will be (ii) For a tree having 'n' node, rank of matrix = n–1.
(a) n – l –1 (b) b – l It is given by –1 or +1
(c) b – n (d) n – 1 (iii) For any closed path determinant of the incidence
IES-2013 matrix is always equal to zero.
Ans. (d) : A tree has all the nodes as given in the graph
but it does not contain any close loop. Hence option (d)
is correct.
(a) (b)
Here, Twigs = 4, 5, 6, 7
Links = 1, 2, 3, 8
Fundamental loop = 6, 7, 8 with respect to link '8' Fundamental cut-set is (a, b, c) with respect to branch 'b'
Fundamental cut-set = 1, 2, 3, 4 with respect to twig '4'Fundamental cut-set is (c, d, e) with respect to branch 'd'
66. Which one of the following is a cut set of the Fundamental cut-set is (a, f, e) with respect to branch 'f'
graph shown in the figure below? 69. The graph of a network has six branches with
three tree branches. The minimum number of
equations required for the solution of the
network is
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 5
Ans. (b) : Minimum number of equations = minimum
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 2, 3, 4 and 6 number of twigs or number of links
(c) 1, 4, 5 and 6 (d) 1, 3, 4 and 5 As given,
IES-2000 Number of twigs = 3
Ans. (d) : ∴ Number of links = 6 – 3 = 3
∴ Number of equation required = No. of links = 3
70. In graph shown in the figure, for the tree with
branches b, d and f, the fundamental loop
would include
For node A;
Set : 1, 2, 3 is only required.
For node C;
Set : 3, 4, 6 is only required.
For node D : 1, 5, 6 is only required.
For node B : 1, 3, 4, 5 are required.
Network Theory 315 YCT
(a) abc, def, bdea (b) cea, bdea, abc 72. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
(c) cdb, def, bfa (d) abde, def, cdb answer using the codes given below the list to
IES-1996 indicate topological variables for the circuit
Ans. (c) : given in the figure to write loop equations:
List-I List-II
A. Number of branches 1. 3
B. Number of independent loops 2. 3
C. Order of B matrix 3. 3 × 6
D. Number of twigs 4. 4 × 7
5. 6
−1 −1 0 1 1 − 1
(a) 0 1 1 (b) 1 1 0
−1 0 −1 0 −1 1
Considering the given source are voltage source, the
−1 −1 0 1 0 1 graph will look like
(c) 0 1 1 (d) −1 1 0
1 0 −1 0 − 1 1
Ans. (c) :
Number of nodes = 4
n ( n − 1) 4 × 3
Number of Branch (b) = = =6
2 2
Total number of twigs = n –1 = 4 – 1 = 3
Number of independent loops (L) = B – N + 1
Nodes = A, B, C =6–4+1
Branches = 1, 2 , 3 =3
Order of Matrix 'B' =
Number of links × Number of branch = 3 × 6
73. Which one of the following represents the total
number of trees in the graph given in the
If aij = 1 then branch j leaves away node i
(a) 4 (b) 6
aij = 0 then branch j is not incident at node i (c) 5 (d) 8
Network Theory 316 YCT
Ans. (d) :
1 0
Reduce matrix-
Total number of tree = det [ A ][ A ]
1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 1 −1
[ A ][ A ]
= 0 −1 1 −1 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 −1 1
0 0 1
2 −1 0
= −1 3 −1
Hence figure (1) and figure (2) have same fundamental
loop matrix.
0 −1 2 75. Relative to a given fixed tree of a network,
= 2 ( 6 − 1) + 1( −2 + 0 ) + 0 (a) Link currents form an independent set
(b) Branch currents form an independent set
= 2 (5) − 2 (c) Link voltages form an independent set
= 10–2 =8 (d) Branch voltages form an independent
74. Which of the following oriented graphs have Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-I
the same fundamental loop matrix? GATE-1992
Ans. (a) : Link currents from an independent set, as
each link with other tree branches from a unique loop or
fundamental loop. This gives rise to loop method of
1. 2. network analysis using KVL to each loop.
76. Indentify which of the following is NOT a tree
of the graph shown in the figure
3. 4.
by two node
By three node
153 → i1
542 → i 2
346 → i3
The fundamental loop are (1,5,3) (5,4,2) and (3,4,6)
80. In an RC network having 3 loops, the size of with respect to the link ‘1’, ‘2’ and ‘6’ respectively.
the plant matrix A is: 83. A path is a particular subgraph consisting of an
(a) 3×3 (b) 4×4 ordered sequence of branches having which of
(c) 6×6 (d) 5×5 the following properties?
UPPCL AE-05.11.2019 1. At all but two of its nodes, called internal
Ans. (a) : An RC between having 3 loops in shown nodes, there are incident exactly two
below figure - branches of the subgraph.
2. At each of the remaining two nodes, called
terminal nodes, there is incident exactly
one branch of the subgraph.
Select the correct answer using the code given
(a) 1only (b) 2 only
(c) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) Both 1 and 2
Therefore the size of plant matrix A is 3×3. ESE-2022
Network Theory 318 YCT
Ans. (d) : A path is a particular subgraph consisting of If the resistance is remain independent of frequency
an ordered sequence of branches having properties are- .i.e. to have the same value of resistance at medium
At all but two of its nodes, called internal nodes, there frequency as with d.c.
are incident exactly two branches of the subgraph. We have, CR2 = 2L.
At each of the remaining two nodes, called terminal nodes, 2. Calculate the time period of a signal given as
there is incident exactly one branch of the subgraph. I = 34 sin (314t).
84. The planer graph has 4 nodes and 5 branches. (a) 40 msec (b) 30 msec
The number of meshes in the dual graph is (c) 20 msec (d) 10msec
(a) 5 (b) 4 LMRC AM- 16.07.2021
(c) 3 (d) 2 Ans. (c) : I = 34sin ( 314t )
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-I
∵ I = Im sin ωt
Ans. (c) : Given that,
ℓ = b − n +1 ∴ ω = 2πf = 314
ℓ = 5 − 4 +1 314
ℓ= 2 2 × 3.14
Since node pair and meshes are interchange in dual so f = 50Hz
in dual the number of meshes =3 1 1
85. The number of tree branches for a network T= = = 20 msec
f 50
with the graph shown in figure.
3. Which of the following relations is correct?
(a) Ripple factor = RMS value AC component of load voltage
of converter RMS value DC component of load voltage
(b) Ripple factor Average value AC component of load voltage
of converter = Average value DC component of load voltage
depends on the choice of tree
is less than 8 (c) Ripple factor = RMS value DC component of load voltage
of converter RMS value AC component of load voltage
is exactly 8
(d) Ripple factor Average value DC component of load voltage
is exactly 9 of converter = Average value AC component of load voltage
LMRC AM- 16.07.2021
Ans. (b) : Given that, n = 8
Ans. (a) :
number of tree = n–1 Ripple factor RMS value AC component of load voltage
= 8–1= 7 =
of converter RMS value DC component of load voltage
(viii) AC Supply 4.
(d) φ = 00
Phase angle between V and I is zero Hence, load will be
DMRC AM S&T-2020 purely resistive circuit.
Ans. (d) : 8. The current, i(t), through a 10Ω resistor in
series with an inductance, is given by
i(t) =3 + 4 sin(100t + 450) + 4 sin(300 t + 600)
amperes the RMS value of the current and the
power dissipated in the circuit are :
After changing in frequency domain - (a) 41A 410 W, respectively
1 1 (b) 35A , 350 W, respectively
XC = =
jωC j50 × 1000 × 10−6 (c) 5A, 250 W, respectively
20 (d) 11A, 1210W, respectively
XC = = −20 j Ω Mizoram PSC Jr.Grade-2018, Paper-I
TSPSC Manager (Engg.)-2015
XL = jωL = j50 × 500 × 10−3 Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
XL= j25 Ω GATE-1995
Ans. (c) :
i(t) =3 + 4 sin (100t + 450) + 4 sin (300 t + 600)
RMS value of the current,
Power factor(cosφ) =
As given that-
Power absorbed = 168W
P = I2R (Power is real)
168 = I2 ×10
I2 = 16.8A
3 4 16 16 I = 4.09A
(a) and (b) and Xeq = X1 +X2 − 2Xm
5 5 3 5
= 13j − 2jXm
(c) 4 and 3 (d) 3 and 4
Zeq = R + Xeq
= 10 + 13j − 2jXm
Ans. (d) : Given that,
= 10 + j (13 − 2Xm)
Vs = 5 cos t, Z = R +jωL
Vm = 5 I=
| Zeq |
Vm 5 50
Vrms = = 4.09 =
2 2 (13 − 2X m )
+ 100
Vs = Vm cos ωt .....(i)
(13 − 2X m )
Vs = 5cos t ......(ii) + 100 = = 12.22
Network Theory 322 YCT
(13 − 2X m ) + 100 = 149.32 (a) 3kW (b) 2kW
At ω = 0, X C = = ∞ ( open − circuited )
Vrms = 20∠53.13°V From figure (i) Z(0) = R1+R2
(a) 100 W (b) 110 W From graph, it is clear that-
(c) 120 W (d) 160 W Z ( 0 ) = R 1 + R 2 = 5kΩ ……………..(i)
ISRO Scientist- May, 2017
Ans. (c) : Average power consumed- Similarly at ω = ∞, X C = = 0 ( S.C.)
ω C
V From figure (2) Z ( ∞ ) = R 1 = 2kΩ ………..(ii)
P = rms
From relations (i) and (ii) we have-
( 20 )
= 120W R1 = 2kΩ
3.33 3.33 R 2 = 3kΩ
22. Power absorbed by branch A is 5kVAR, then
power deliver in branch A is ______kW. 24. A parallel RLC circuit has R = 10000 ohms,
L = 10 mH and C = 1 µF. The resonant
frequency ωo (rad/sec) and Q are respectively
given by
(a) 104 and 200 (b) 102 and 1
(c) 10 and 100 (d) 102 and 100
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-I
Network Theory 323 YCT
1 Ans. (a) : Given that-
Ans. (c) : Resonant frequency(ω) = IAC =5A , IDC = 5A
1 I
= Irms = ( IDC ) 2
+ AC
10 × 10−3 × 1× 10−6 2
1 2
= = 104 rad/sec 5 3
−8 52 +
Irms = =5 2
10 2
C so, Ammeter will read less than 10A but more than 5A.
Q for Parallel circuit = R
L 28. When a voltage V0 sin( ω0t) is applied to the
pure inductor, the ammeter shown in the figure
1× 10−6 reads I0. If the voltage applied is: –V0 sin( ω0t) +
= 104
10 × 10−3 2V0 sin (2 ω0t) + 3V0 sin(3 ω0t) + 4V0 sin(4 ω0t),
= 10 ×10–2
the ammeter reading would be
= 102
25. A series RC circuit has R = 5 Ω and C = 10 µF.
The current in the circuit is 5 sin 20000t. The
applied voltage is
(a) 25 2 sin ( 20000t + 45º )
(a) 0 (b) 10 I0
(b) 25 2 sin ( 20000t − 45º ) (c) 1 (d) 2 I0
(c) 25 2 sin 20000t
Ans. (d) : Given that
(d) 25 2 sin ( 20000t − 90º ) V = −Vº sin ( ωº t ) + 2Vº sin ( 2ωº t ) +
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I
3Vº sin ( 3ωº t ) + 4Vº sin ( 4ωº t )
Ans. (b) : i(t) = 5 sin 20000t
ω = 20000 Rad/sec Current through by inductor -
θ = tan −1
= tan
5 × 10 ×10 × 2 × 10
θ = 45º So, I =
L ∫
Vº sin ωº t
V(t) = 25 2 sin ( 20000t − 45º )
26. RMS value of f(t) = 10 (1 + sin ωt) is Im = º
ωº L
(a) 10 (b) Vº
2 I rms =
2ωº L
(c) 150 (d) Now Ammeter will read-
IES-1996 I = − 1 V Sinω t + 1 2V Sin2ω t + 1 3V Sin3ω t
Ans. (c) : f(t) = 10(1 + sinωt)
L º ∫ º
º ∫ º
º ∫ º
f(t) = 10 +10sinωt
L ∫
4Vº Sinωº t
rms value = (10 ) + V
I = º Cos ωº t − º Cos 2ωº t − º Cos3ωº t
2 ωL ωL ωL
rms value = 100 + 50 Vº
− Cos 4 ωº t
= 150 ωL
27. An ac current of 5A and dc current of 5 A flow =
[Cos ωt–Cos 2ωº t − Cos3ωº t − Cos4ωº t ]
simultaneously through a circuit. Which of the
2 2 2 2
following statements is true? 1 1 1 1
(a) An ac ammeter will read less than 10 A but I rms = 2 I º 2 + 2 + 2 + 2
more than 5A.
(b) An ac ammeter will read only 5A 4
= 2 Iº = 2 Iº 2
(c) A dc ammeter will read 10A 2
(d) A dc ammeter will read zero. Irms = 2I º
Network Theory 324 YCT
29. In the circuit shown, VS = 250 sin 400t; (a)
current lags the applied voltage
V2 = 200. If R = 100, value of L is (b)
current lead the applied voltage
current is in phase with the applied voltage
voltage across L and C are equal
Ans. (b) : Given that,
LC < 2
ωL <
1 1 ωC
(a) (b) So, X L < XC
3 4
2 3 then the circuit is capacitive, so current lead the applied
(c) (d) voltage.
3 4
32. An alternating current source having voltage
Ans. (a) : Given that | VL |= 200V, R = 100Ω e = 110 sin ωt + is connected in an a.c.
Vs = 250V, ω = 400 circuit. If the current drawn from the circuit
So, Vs2 = VR2 + VL2 π
varies as i = 5sin ωt – , impedance of the
( 250 )2 = ( VR )2 + ( 200 )2 3
circuit will be
VR = 150 V (a) 22 ohms (b) 16 ohms
Current through circuit- (c) 30.8 ohms (d) none of the above
150 IES-1992
I= = 1.5A Ans. (a) :
Voltage across inductor (L)- e = 110sin ( ωt + π 3 ) Comparison with e = Vm sin ( ωt + φ )
VL = IX L = IωL Vm = 110 Volt
200 1 110
L= = H Vrms = V
1.5 × 400 3 2
30. Voltage on R, L, C in series circuit are shown π
below. Value of voltage sources is i = 5sin ωt − comparison with i =Im sin ( ωt+φ )
Im = 5 A
I rms = A
Vrms 110 2
Z= =
Irms 5 2
(a) 10 V (b) 15 V
(c) 27 V (d) 5 V Z = 22Ω
ISRO Scientist Engg.2007 33. Two impedance are connected in series. The
IES-1992 3 voltmeters, one connected across each
Ans. (d) : given that impedance and one across the combination,
VR = 3 Volt, VL = 14 Volt, VC = 10Volt read equal value. The phase angle between the
voltages across the two impedances is
as we know that (a) 30º (b) 60º
Vs = VR + ( VL − VC ) (c) 90º (d) 120º
2 2
= ( 3 ) + (14 − 10 )
2 2 Ans. (d) : According to the question -
= 9 + 16
Vs = 5 Volt
31. In a series R – L – C circuit excited by a
voltage, e =Esin ωt, where LC < 2
(d) 1Ω resistance in parallel with 1F capacitor 36. The circuit shown in the figure below, will act
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I as an ideal current source with respect to
Ans. (c) : Source impedance Zs = (1 + j) ohm, to terminals A and B, when frequency is
transfer the maximum power to load
ZL = Z*S = (1 − j) ohm. As angular frequency = 1 rad/sec.
ie C = 1 farad, so load will be a 1 ohm resistance in
series with 1 farad capacitor.
35. In the series RC circuit shown in the given
figure, the rms value of the voltage E is 1V. If (a) zero (b) 1 rad/s
the average power dissipated is equal to 500 (c) 4 rad/s (d) 16 rad/s
mW, then the phase angle between the voltage IES-2000
and current will be
Ans. (c) : given that
L = H, C = 1F
resonance frequency ( ωr ) =
(a) 90º (b) 60º =
(c) 45º (d) 30º 1 16 × 1
IES-1996 ωr = 4 rad/sec
Ans. (c) :
37. For the circuit shown, if the power consumed
by 5Ω resistor is 10 W, then:
2πf = 377
15 377
= (15 ) +
Frequency f = = 60 Hz
3 2π
Z = 300 Z = 17.32Ω time period ( T ) =
R 15 T = 0.0167sec
cos φ = = = 0.866
Z 17.32 40. A series R-L circuit {R = 4Ω and L = 0.01 H} is
cos φ = 0.866 excited by a voltage (in volt)
v(t) = 283 sin(300t + 90º). The current in the
Statement 1 and 3 is correct circuit will be
Option (a) is correct. (a) 40 sin {300t + 53.1º} A
38. When the frequency of the applied voltage (sine (b) 40 sin 53.1ºA
wave) across an inductor is increased then the
current will (c) 40 2 sin (300t + 53.1º) A
(a) Decrease (b) Increase (d) 40 2 sin 53.1ºA
(c) Remain same (d) Be zero IES-2014
Z = R + jX L
Z = 4 + j3
I= = Current through in the circuit
X L ωL
V I=
283sin 300t + 900 )
∠ − tan −1 ( 3/ 4 )
2πfL Z ∠θ 5
1 = 56.6sin(300t + 90º )∠ − 36.86º
f↑ I = 40 2 sin {300t + ( 90° − 36.86° )}
From above relation if the supply frequency is increases
so the current will decreases. = 40 2 sin ( 300t + 53.1° ) A
( 4) + ( 3)
2 2
Veq =
(a) 0.8 (b) 0.6 = 5 Volt
(c) 0.4 (d) 0.2 ∠θ = ∠ tan −1 3/ 4
IES-2016, 2014
Ans. (b) : Power consumed by the 5Ω Resistor ∠θ = ∠36.87
P = I2 R (
Veq = 5sin 314t + 36.87 )
10 = I2 × 5 Veq = 5cos {90 − ( 314t + 36.87° )}
I = 2 Amp
= 5cos ( 53.2 − 314t )
Current flow through in series circuit is same
So, we can draw the circuit = 5cos ( 314t − 53.2° )
comparing with V cos ( 314t + θ )
V = 5Volt
θ = −53.2°
43. In a series R-L circuit, R is 10Ω and L is 20mH,
50 if the circuit current is 10 sin 314t A, the phase
VS = = 25 2V angle θ between v and i will be
(a) tan–1 (0.2 π) (b) tan–1 (0.4 π)
(c) tan (0.6 π)
(d) tan–1 (0.8 π)
= 2 ×15 IES-2020
VR = 15 2 V Ans. (a) : Given that
R = 10Ω, L = 20mH
cos φ = 10sin 314t comparision with I msinωt
ω = 314 rad/sec
15 2 30 X L = ωL
cos φ = =
50 50
= 314 × 20 × 10−3
XL = 2πΩ
cos φ = 0.6
42. In a two-element series network, the As we know that- tan θ =
instantaneous voltages across the elements are
sin 314 t and 3 2sin(314t + 45º )
The resultant voltage across the combination is
expressed as Vcos(314t + θ). Then the values of
V and θ are
(a) 5 and 36.8º (b) 3.5 and 36.8º
(c) 5 and – 53.2º (d) 3.5 and – 53.2º 2πfL
tan θ =
IES-2018 10
Ans. (c) : Let V1 = sin314t = 1∠0 θ = tan −1 ( 0.2π )
( )
V2 = 3 2 sin 314t + 45 = 3 2 ∠45 44. A 4Ω resistor is connected in series with a
10 mH inductor, across a 100V, 50 Hz voltage
source. The impedance of the circuit will be
(a) 5 – j 3.14 (b) 5 + j 3.14
(c) 4 – j 3.14 (d) 4 + j 3.14
Network Theory 328 YCT
Ans. (d) : According to the question Ans. (c) : Given
R = 10Ω, C = 25nF , VC = 1.76V
= 25 ×10−9 F
Maximum voltage across capacitor ( Vm ) = 2.5V
rms voltage across capacitor
X L = ωL Vrms = = 1.768 V
= 2πfL
= 2π× 50 × 10 × 10−3
X L = 3.14Ω
So, impedance ( Z ) = R + jX L
= ( 4 + j3.14 ) Ω XC =
45. A 100V, 50 Hz a.c. supply is applied across a
series RLC circuit having R = 10Ω, L = 100 mH X C =
and C = 1000 µF The current through the 2 π× 50 × 10 6
× 25 × 10−9
circuit will be X C = 0.127 Ω
(a) 4.33∠ – 70.5ºA (b) 3.33∠ – 70.5ºA Total current through circuit
(c) 2.33∠ – 50.5ºA (d) 1.33∠ – 50.5ºA VC = I XC
IES-2020 V 1.76
I= C =
Ans. (b) : Given that, XC 0.127
f = 50Hz, V = 100 volt, I = 13.858Amp
R = 10Ω, L = 100mH , C = 1000µF rms voltage across Resistor
−3 −6
= 100 ×10 H C = 1000 × 10 F VR = IR
C = 10−3 F = 13.85 ×10 = 138.58 Volt
Total rms Voltage across series combination
X L = 2πfL
V = VR 2 + VC 2
= 2 × 3.14 × 50 ×100 × 10−3
= 31.4Ω (138.58) + (1.768)
2 2
1 1 V = 138.6 Volt
XC = =
2πfC 2 × 3.14 × 50 × 10−3 Total maximum voltage across series combination
X C = 3.184Ω Vm = 2 ×138.6
As we know that,
Vm = 196 Volt
Impedance ( Z ) = R + j( X L − XC ) ∵ X L > XC
Vm ≈ 196.3 Volt
Z = 10 + j ( 31.4 − 3.18 )
47. A sinusoidal voltage waveform has frequency
= 10 + j28.216
50Hz and RMS voltage 30V. The equation
Z ∠θ = 30.61∠70.48° ≃ 30.61∠70.5 representing the waveform is
(a) V = 30 sin 50t (b) V = 60 sin 20t
The current through circuit
(c) V = 42.42 sin 314t (d) V = 84.84 sin 314t
V 100
I= = IES-2018
Z∠θ 30.61∠70.5 Ans. (c) : Given
I = 3.3421∠ − 70.5°A f = 50Hz, Vrms = 30V
46. In a series RC circuit, the values of R = 10Ω
and C = 25 nF. A sinusoidal voltage of 50 MHz ω = 2πf Vm = 2 × 30
is applied and the maximum voltage across the = 2π× 50 = 42.42 Volt
capacitance is 2.5V. The maximum voltage = 314 rad/sec
across the series combination will be nearly Sinusoidal voltage equation-
(a) 172.7 V (b) 184.5 V V = Vmsinωt
(c) 196.3 V (d) 208.1 V
V = 42.42sin 314t V
Network Theory 329 YCT
48. The voltage (Vc) across the capacitor (in Volts) 51. In the circuit shown in the figure, the value of
in the network shown is node voltage V2 is-
(100 ) = ( 80 ) + ( VC − 40 )
2 2 2
10000 = 6400 + ( VC − 40 )
3600 = ( VC − 40 )
1/ LC
R 1
s2 + s +
1/10 × 10−3 ×100 ×10−6
2 −1 =
(a) A (b) A 10 × 103 1
1+ j 1+ j s2 + s+
10 × 10−3 10 × 10−3 × 100 × 10−6
(c) A (d) 0 A 106
1+ j = 2 V
OPSC Poly. Lect. (Instrumentation)-2018, Paper-I s + 106 s + 106
GATE-2012 55. The average value of the periodic function v(t)
of the given figure is
Ans. (c) :
1∠0−I1 I1
Vcosφ V sin φ
(a) (b)
π π
2V sin φ V
Let's assume current in inductive branch is I1 (c) (d)
Applying KVL in Loop ABCDA π π
1(1∠0°–I1) – jI1 + 1∠0 –1∠0 = 0 IES-1999
1 – I1 – jI1 = 0 Ans. (a) : As given that,
1 V(t) = V sin (t + φ)
I 1= A ∵ Average value of signal–
1+ j π
v ( t ) dt
T −∫π
54. For the circuit shown in the figure, the initial Vavg =
conditions are zero. Its transfer function
V (S ) 1 π
H (s ) = C V sin ( t + φ ) dt
2π ∫0
is Vavg =
Vi ( S )
C Zeq = 6 +
4 + ( − j1)
1= − j4
C Zeq = 6 +
C = 8F 4 − j1
63. The rms value of current i(t) = I1sin ωt − j4 ( 4 + j1)
Zeq = 6 + ×
+I2sin2 ωt is:
4 − j1 ( 4 + j1)
2 2 1/2 2 2 1/2
(a) (I1 + I2 ) (b) (I1 /2 + I2 /2)
(c) (I12/2 + 2I22)1/2 (d) (I12 + 4I22)1/2 −16 j − j2 4
Zeq = 6 + 2 2 2
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2013 4 −j 1
Ans. (b) : i(t) = I1sinωt +I2sin2ωt −16 j + 4
2 2 Zeq = 6 +
I I 17
rms value = 1 + 2
2 2 4 16 j
Zeq = 6 + − , R eq = 6.235
1 17 17
I2 I2 2 Zeq = ( 6.235 − j0.941)
= 1 + 2
2 2
| Zeq |= ( 6.235 ) + ( −0.941)
2 2
V 2 dt
1 2
= V T1 + V 2 ( T1 + T2 ) − V 2 T1
= × V 2 × ( T1 + T2 ) = V
T1 + T2
(a) 1 A (b) 5 A
(c) 7 A (d) None of the above (b)
Ans. (b) : Reading of source current (A1)
I1 (c)
( I 2 ) 2 + ( I3 )
I1 = = ( 3)2 + ( 4 )2
I1 = 5A
139. In the circuit of figure, assume that the diodes
are ideal and the meter is an average indicating
ammeter. The ammeter will read
10 5 Cos ( 2t+10º ) 1 10 × 3
I2 = = 10 × + j − 5 ×1 − 0
1 + j2 ω= 2rad / sec.
2 2
10 3 10 3
10 2 cos ( t+10º ) 10 5 cos ( 2t+10º ) i1 = + j = ∠900
∴ i(t) = + 2 2
2 ∠45º 5 ∠tan -1 ( 2 )
144. In the AC network shown in the figure, the
= 10cos ( t + 10º −45º ) + 10 cos ( 2t + 10º − tan −1 ) ( 2 ) phasor voltage VAB (in Volts) in
= 10cos ( t − 35º ) + 10cos ( 2t + 10º − tan −1 ( 2 ) )
142. The circuit shown in the figure, with
1 1
R = Ω,L = H,C = 3F has input voltage
3 4
V(t) = sin 2t. The resulting current i(t) is
Network Theory 345 YCT
(a) 0 (b) 5∠30º Ans. (b) : Given that –
(c) 12.5 ∠30º (d) 17∠30º Vi ( t ) = 2Cos ( 200t ) + 4sin ( 500t )
GATE-2007 As there are two different voltage source with different
Ans. (d) : Let potential at node A is VA. Applying node frequencies, applying superposition theorem.
analysis at node A. Case-I
+ A = 5∠30º When ω = 200 rad/sec.
5 − j3 5 + j3
VA ( 5 + j3 + 5 − j3)
= 5∠30º
25 + 9
= 5∠30º
VA = 17∠30º Volts
145. The current I in the circuit shown is X L = jωL = j200 × 0.25 = 50 jΩ
1 1
XC = = = −50 jΩ
jωC 200 × 100 × 10−6
From series resonance this particular branch is short
(a) –j1 A (b) j1 A circuited.
(c) 0A (d) 20 A Then,
Ans. (a) : We have –
X L = jωL = j × 103 × 20 × 10−3 Ω
= j20 Ω
Case - II
XC =
Ω = − j20 Ω For ω = 500 rad / sec
jωC j(103 × 50 × 10−6 ) X L = j0.4 × 500 = 200jΩ
Now node analysis at V will gives – 1 1000
V − 20∠0º V V XC = × 106 = = −200 jΩ
+ + =0 j500 × 10 5
j20 1 − j20 XL = XC
i.e. − + = − j1 From parallel resonance this particular branch is open
j20 j20 1 circuited
or V = − j1
V − j1
∴ I= =
R 1
I = − j1 A V0 ( t ) = Vi ( t )
146. In the RLC circuit shown in the figure, the Thus output V (t) = 2cos ( 200t ) + 4sin ( 500t )
input voltage is given by
Vi(t) = 2 cos (200 t) + 4 sin (500 t) 147. For the circuit given in the figure, the voltage
The output voltage V0(t) is V C (in volts) across the capacitor is
(a) 2A (b) 8A
(c) 5A (d) 7A
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
Ans. (c) : For resonance condition (a) 50 (b) 40
VL = VC = 200 V (c) 25 (d) 20
That’s why circuit behave resistive circuit LMRC AM- 16.07.2021
100 Ans. (b) : At resonance condition XL = XC
I= = 5A
20 So, X C = 40Ω
R jωL +
Zeq = ( R + jX L ) || ( R − jX C ) R + jωL +
Zeq =
( R + jX L ) ( R − jX C ) R 1
jωLR + jR ωL −
R + R + j( X L − XC ) jωC ωC
= =
( R + jX L ) ( R − jX C ) R + jωL +
R + j ωL −
2R + j( X L − X C ) jωC ωC
1 1
R 2 + X L .X C + jR ( X L − X C ) × 2R − j ( X L − X C )
jR ωL − R − j ωL −
Zeq = Z= ωC × ωC
4R + ( X L − X C )
2 2
1 1
R + j ωL − R − j ωL −
For unity power factor imaginary part must be zero ωC ωC
So, 2
1 2 1
R 2 ( X L − X C ) + ( X L − X C ) X L X C − 2R 2 ( X L − X C ) = 0 jR 2 ωL − − j R ωL −
= ωC ωC
−R 2 ( X L − XC ) + ( X L − X C ) X L XC = 0 1
R 2 + ωL −
after solving. ωC
2 L 1
1 1
R − ωL – = 0 jR 2 ωL − + R ωL −
C ωc ωC ωC
L 2
R2 = 1
C R 2 + ωL −
L As we know V0 is independent of R
R= Ω So,
19. What is the locus of the tip of the voltage ωL − =0
phasor across R in a series R-L-C circuit? ω C
(a) A parabola (b) An ellipse 1
ω2 =
(c) A circle (d) A rectangular hyperbola LC
Ans. (c) : the locus of the tip of the voltage phasor ω= rad/sec
across R in a series R-L-C will be circle LC
resonant frequency of 8 kHz? The bandwidth
is 800 Hz and winding resistance of the coil is C = 500 × 10−12
10 ohms. C = 500 pF
Networking Theory 363 YCT
31. Consider the following statements respect to a 33. The maximum current in a series R-L-C
parallel R-L-C circuit. network with variable frequency excitation is
1. The bandwidth of the circuit decreases if R 1A, when the applied voltage is 10V. The
is increased. inductance has a value of 0.1 H. The Q-factor
2. The bandwidth of the circuit remain same at the maximum current is 10. Then the value
if L is increased. of C is
3. At resonance, input impedance is a real (a) 0.01 µF (b) 0.1 µF
quantity. (c) 1.0 µF (d) 10 µF
4. At resonance, the magnitude of the input IES-2018
impedance attains its minimum value. Ans. (d) : At resonance condition, circuit will be
Which of the above statements are correct? Purely resistive,
(a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 1, 3 and 4 so Resistance at resonance condition
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 3
V 10
IES-2017 R= =
Ans. (d) : Band width of Parallel RLC circuit I 1
R = 10Ω
↑ BW = --------(i)
↓ RC ωL QR
Q= 0 ⇒ ω0 =
→ From the above equation (i) If Resistance is R L
increases then Bandwidth of the circuit is decreases. 10 × 10
ω0 =
→ From the equation (i) Bandwidth is not depend on 0.1
inductance so, Bandwidth of the circuit remain same if ω0 = 1000 rad/sec
inductance is increased.
→ At resonance input impedance is maximum as we know series resonance frequency ( ω0 ) =
1 LC
E = L.I2 1
2 1000 = ⇒ C = 10µF
32. The values of capacitance and inductance used 0.1C
in the series LCR circuit are 160 pF and 160 34. What will be the value of XC so that the circuit
µH with the inherent tolerance –10% in each. is non inductive?
Then, the resonance frequency of the circuit is
in the range of
(a) 0.8 MHz to 1.2 MHz
(b) 0.9 MHz to 1.0 MHz
(c) 0.8 MHz to 1.0 MHz
(d) 0.9 MHz to 1.2 MHz (a) 2.5 (b) 5.0
IES-2016 (c) 10.0 (d) 20.0
Ans. (b) : Given IES-1991
C = 160 × 10−12 F Ans. (a) :
L = 160 × 10−6 H
Tolerance = 10%
C = (160 ± 10% ) pF
Cmin = 160 − 16 = 144pF
Cmax = 160 + 16 = 176pF
L = (160 ± 10% ) µH
j5 × ( − jX c )
L min = 160 − 16 = 144 µH Z = 2 + j5 +
L max = 160 + 16 = 176 µH j5 − jX c
Resonance frequency 5X c
Z = 2 + j5 +
f max =
1 j ( 5 − X c )
2π L min Cmin 2π 144 × 10 × 144 × 10−12
For Non- inductive circuit, imaginary (Z) = 0
= 1.1 MHz 5X c
∴ 5– =0
f min =
1 (5 − Xc )
2π L max Cmax 2π 176 × 10 × 176 × 10−12
25 – 5Xc – 5Xc = 0
= 0.9 MHz 25 = 10Xc
For resonance frequency range = 0.9 MHz to 1.1 MHz. X c = 2.5Ω
1 L 4ω3 – ω = 0
Q= 4ω2 – 1 = 0
fr ω = rad / sec
B.W. ↑ 2
ω = 0.5 rad/sec
67. In a parallel RLC circuit the dynamic
resistance Rdyn = _____ 70. Find the resonant frequency in the below
(a) 2R (b)
(c) R (d) None
Ans. (c) : In a parallel RLC circuit the dynamic (a) 229.72Hz (b) 195.54Hz
resistance Rdyn = R . (c) 405.07Hz (d) 296.54Hz
68. Q-factor is 4 in a series resonance circuit. What BEL-2015
is the nature of the circuit ? Ans. (a) : Since we know that -
(a) Over damped (b) Under damped 1
fr =
(c) Critical damped (d) Undamped 2π LC
NPCIL-2015 Leq = L1+L2+2M
Ans. (b) : For series resonant circuit - = 4+4+2×2
1 = 12mH
2Q 1
fr =
1 2π 12 × 10 3 × 40 ×10−6
2× 4 8 104
Which is less than 1 So it Under damped. =
2π 48
69. For the circuit shown in the figure, find the
frequency at which this circuit will be at 104
resonance. 8π 3
= = 229.88 Hz
71. Find Q-factor for the following RLC circuit
Zin =
j 4ω3 − ω )+ 1 1 7 ×10−3
4ω2 + 1 4ω2 + 1 3 5 ×10−6
At resonance, circuit is pure resistive 1
= 1400
Hence, the imaginary part will be zero. 3
Zeq =
( 20 + j6.28 ) × ( − jXC ) =
RL 5 4
+ + j − 2
20 + j6.28 − jX C R + 64 41 41 R L + 64
Zeq = ( 4.24 + j8 ) || ( 5 − j4 )
( 4.24 + j8 )( 5 − j4 ) × ( 9.24 − j4 ) (d)
( 9.24 + j4 ) ( 9.24 − j4 )
= 5.7579 + 0.000883824 j
Dynamic impedance = Real part of Zeq.
= 5.7579 Ω IES-1998
83. A series resonant circuit has an inductive Ans. (a) : Voltage phasor (VR) across the resistance (R)
reactance of 1000Ω, a capacitive reactance of in a series RLC resonance circuit.
1000Ω and a resistance of 0.1Ω. If the resonant
frequency is 10 MHz, then the bandwidth of
the circuit will be
(a) 1 kHz (b) 10 kHz
(c) 1 MHz (d) 0.1 kHz
Ans. (a) : Given that,
X L = 1000Ω, X C = 1000Ω, R = 0.1Ω
f r = 10MHz = 10×106 Hz VS
VR = I.R = R.
R + jωL − ωC
X 1000
Quality factor ( Q ) = L =
R 0.1
ω VR
Q = 10,000
0 j0
Bandwidth ( BW ) = 1
10 ×10 ∞ − j0
10,000 VS
= 1000 Hz The locus is a circle with radius and center
BW = 1kHz VS
,0 .
84. The locus of the tip of the voltage phasor (VR) 2
across the resistance (R) in a series RLC Where VS → Source voltage.
resonant circuit is given by 85. The circuit shown in the Fig., is to be scaled to
an impedance level of 5 kΩ and a resonant
frequency of 5M rad/s. Which one of the
following is a correct set element values for the
scaled circuit?
Z = R 2 + ( X L − XC )
T (s ) =
( s + j2 )( s − j2 )
( s + j1)( s − j1)
s2 + 4 input reaches output
T (s ) = o When ω = ∞, then equivalent circuit can be drawn.
s2 + 1
Put s = jω
T(s) =
( jω ) + 4
( jω)2 + 1
−ω2 + 4 4 − ω2
= = Input do not reach at the output and output occurs at
−ω2 + 1 1 − ω2 only low frequency.
at ω = 0, T ( 0 ) = 4 So, circuit behaves as a low pass filter.
at ω = 1, T (1) = ∞ 13. The pole-zero pattern shown in the given figure
at ω = 2, T ( 2 ) = 0 is for
at ω = ∞, T ( ∞ ) = 1
that means we can draw wave form.
at ω → 0 ( low frequency)
capacitor acts as an open circuit and inductor acts as an
short circuit.
Apply KVL in above circuit-
Vi ( s ) = I ( s ) R +
V0 ( s ) = I ( s )
Cs At ω → ∞ (high frequency)
1 Capacitor → Short
V0 ( s ) Inductor → Open
T.F. = = Cs
Vi ( s ) R + 1
V0 ( s ) 1
Vi ( s ) RCs + 1
16. For Butterworth & Chebyshev filters, the Here, the given circuit allows only signal with higher
correct statement is : frequencies.
(a) Butterworth response has a sharp cut-off Hence, it is a high pass filter.
V0 (s)
H(s) =
Vi (s)
RCs + 1
1 22. A low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 300
H(jω) =
1 + jωRC Hz is cascaded with a high-pass filter with a
Thus , τ = RC = time constant cut-off frequency of 200 Hz. The resultant
system of filters will function as
1 (a) an all-pass filter (b) a band-stop filter
H( jω) =
1 + jωτ (c) a low pass filter (d) a band-pass filter
1 GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
= Ans. (d) :
1+ ω2 τ2
19. If τ is the time constant and ω is the applied
frequency, a low pass RC filter acts a pure
integrator when:
(a) ωτ = 0 (b) ωτ >> 1 fc fc
(c) ωτ = 1 (d) ωτ << 1
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2013
Ans. (b) : The gain for low pass filter is -
V (s) 1
Gain = 0 =
Vi (s) 1 + RCs
Gain =
1 + jωRCs 23.
Ideal digital filter is always a/an
(a) IIR filter
(b) FIR filter
(c) Causal filter
(d) Linear phase filter
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
For pure integrator, Ans. (a) : An ideal digital filter will have a constant
ωτ >> 1 gain of at least unity in the pass band and a constant
1 gain of zero in the stop band. Ideal digital filter is
∴ ω >> always an IIR filter.
1 24. FIR Digital filters are
ω >> (a) Always stable
RC(timeconstant )
(b) Conditionally stable
20. Which of the following filter has the fastest (c) Having nonlinear phase
roll-off? (d) Having ideal frequency response
(a) R-C (b) Bessel GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
(c) Butterworth (d) Chebyshev Ans. (a) : In digital signal processing, an FIR is a filter
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2008 whose impulse response is of finite period as a result of
Ans. (d) : Chebyshev filter have some pass band ripple it settles to zero in finite time. FIR digital filter are
and fastest roll-off. Always stable.
Networking Theory 386 YCT
25. Differentiator circuit is also works as- (a) Low pass filter (b) High pass filter
(a) All pass filter (b) Band pass filter (c) De-emphasis circuit (d) Integrator
(c) High pass filter (d) Low pass filter TNPSC AE-2014
UPPCL AE-16.11.2013 Ans. (b) : Low pass filter
Ans. (c) : A differentiator circuit is essentially a high
pass filter. It can generate square wave from triangular
wave input.
26. A linear phase filter has a phase function e–j2ω.
What is the order of the filter?
(a) 5 (b) 7 A low-pass filter is a filter that passes signals with a
(c) 3 (d) 9 frequency lower than a selected cut-off frequency and
UPPCL AE-16.11.2013 attenuates signals with frequencies higher than the cut-
off frequency.
Ans. (c) : Given phase function = e–j2ω = e–jNω
31. The function of bleeder resistance in filter
order = N + 1 ∵N=2
circuits is
order = 2 + 1 1. to maintain minimum current necessary for
order = 3 optimum inductor filter operation.
27. Identify the type of filter of the network shown 2. to work as voltage divider in order to provide
in the figure below– variable output from the supply.
3. to provide discharge path to capacitors so that
output becomes zero when the circuit has
been de-energized.
(a) All the correct (b) 1 alone is correct
(c) 1 and 2 are correct (d) 2 and 3 are correct
(a) Low pass filter Ans. (a) : In electronic, A bleeder resistor is a resistor
(b) All pass filter connected in parallel with the output of a high voltage
(c) Band elimination filter power supply circuit for the purpose of discharging the
(d) Band pass filter electric charge stored in power supply's filter capacitor
UPPCL AE-16.11.2013 with equipment is turned off.
Ans. (d) : When only L and C elements are connected 32. A constant k low-pass filter has a cut-off
in parallel form. It is known as Band pass filter. frequency of 1000 Hz. At a frequency of 50 Hz,
28. An active filter uses the phase shift is
(a) Resistors and inductors (a) 0 (b) π
(b) Resistors and capacitors (c) less than π (d) more than π
(c) Inductors only TNPSC AE-2008
(d) Capacitors only
Ans. (a) : When operating frequency is less than the
UPSC JWM-2016 cutoff frequency phase shift will be zero.
Ans. (b) : An active filter is a type of analog circuit
implementing an electronic filter using resistor and 33. The poles of an RC function
capacitors, typically an amplifier. (a) are simple and lie on negative real axis
29. The ripple factor of a inductor filter is (b) are simple and lie on the jw-axis
(c) must be complex conjugate
(a) (b) (d) may be anywhere on the s-plane
2 3L 2 3L TNPSC AE-2008
RL RL Ans. (a) : For RC driving point function
(c) (d)
3 2ωL 32ωL (i) Poles and zeros are simple.
TNPSC AE-2014 (ii) Poles and zeros alternate each other on the negative
Ans. (c) : Inductor filter– real axis.
RL (iii) The slope of the graph z(s) against s is always
Ripple factor (γ) = negative.
3 2ωL
34. In a series resonance type BPF, C = 1.8 pF,
30. Which statement is not correct? The given
circuit is L = 25 mH, RF = 52Ω and RL = 9 kΩ. The
resonance frequency will be
(a) 751 Hz (b) 751 kHz
(c) 751 MHz (d) 826 MHz
Networking Theory 387 YCT
Ans. (b) : Given, C = 1.8 pF, L = 25 mH 38. Among the filters, Bessel, Butterworth and
RF = 52 Ω, RL= 9kΩ Chebychev, the filter with maximally flat
response is
We know that,
(a) Bessel
1 1
fr = = (b) Butterworth
2π LC 2π 1.8 × 10−12 × 25 × 10−3
(c) Butterworth, Chebychev
108 (d) All of the above
fr =
2π × 5 18 Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-I
Ans. (b) : Among the above filter Bessel, Butterworth
fr ≃ 751 kHz
and Chebychev, butterworth filter has maximum flat
35. The use of notch filter in signal conditioning response.
system is to 39. In a distortion factor meter, the fitter at the
(a) filter R.F. noise front end is used to suppress
(b) filter 50 Hz noise from mains (a) Odd harmonics
(b) Even harmonics
(c) filter the signal from various noises
(c) Fundamental component
(d) attenuate the evolved response potentials
(d) DC component
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-I
Ans. (b) : Notch type filter is commonly used in Ans. (c) : In order to measure the higher-order
biological recording instruments. This is a special types harmonics correctly the filter at the front end is used to
of filter designed to eliminate fundamental frequency suppress fundamental component. The distortion factor
i.e. either 50Hz or 60 Hz. meter is an electronic measuring Instrument which
36. The ideal dc output voltage of a comparator displays the amount of distortion added to original
filter is equal to signal by an electronic circuit. It can also correctly
measure the fundamental frequency component of
(a) Peak value of rectified voltage
waveform and its higher order harmonics.
(b) RMS value of rectified voltage
40. The series element of a band stop filter is
(c) Average value of rectified voltage
(a) Capacitive
(d) None of these
(b) Inductive
MPPSC Forest Service Exam.-2014 (c) Series combination of inductance and
Ans. (c) : A comparator circuit is used to mark the capacitance
instant when an arbitrary wave form attains some (d) Parallel combination of inductance and
reference level. The ideal dc output voltage of capacitance
comparator circuit is equal to average value of rectifier RRB SSE 01.09.2015 Shit-I
voltage. Ans. (d) : The series element of a band-stop filter is
37. A low-pass filter having a frequency Response parallel combination of inductance and capacitance.
H(jω) = A(ω)ejϕ(ω) does not produce any phase 41. In a series resonant band-pass filter, a lower
distortion if value of Q results in
(a) A higher resonant frequency
(a) A(ω) =Cω2, ϕ (ω) = kω3
(b) A larger bandwidth
(b) A(ω)=Cω2, ϕ (ω) =kω
(c) A higher impedance
(c) A(ω) =Cω, ϕ(ω) =kω2 (d) A smaller bandwidth
(d) A(ω) = C, ϕ(ω) =kω–1 RRB SSE 01.09.2015, Shift-II
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I Ans. (b) : In a series resonant band-pass filter, a lower
Ans. (b) : To avoid the phase distortion of a filter the value of Q results in a larger bandwidth that is -
phase of the signal should be a linear function of ω. 1 L f
Q= = r
From the given option (b) satisfies the condition. R C B.W.
H ( jω ) =
( jω)2 − 5 jω + 100 (a) The same sign
( )
W = ∫ 3 ( 2t ) ɵi + ( 2.2t.3t − t ) ɵj + 3tkɵ . 2iɵ + ɵj + 3kɵ dt
(a) 0 (b) 1
(c) x (d) x + z 1
BPSC Asst. Prof. - 12.04.2022
= ∫ 12t 2 ɵi + (12t 2 − t ) ɵj + 3tkɵ . 2iɵ + ɵj + 3kɵ dt )
Ans. (a) : Given r = xi + yj + zkˆ
ˆ ˆ 0
i j k = ∫ ( 24t 2 + 12t 2 − t + 9t ) dt
∂ ∂ ∂ 0
∴ curl r = 1
∂x ∂y ∂z
= ∫ ( 36t 2 + 8t ) dt
x y z 0
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
= 12 t 3 + 4 t 2
= ˆi ( z ) − ( y ) − ˆj ( z ) − ( x ) + 0 0
∂y ∂z ∂x ∂z
= 12 + 4
∂ ∂
k̂ ( y ) − ( x ) = 16 unit
∂x ∂y 4. If a is a constant vector and
r = xiˆ + yjˆ + zk,
ˆ then div ( a × r ) and curl
2. If S is a closed surface, n is the outward drawn
normal to S and V is the volume enclosed by S, ( a × r ) are given by
then ∫
r.n dS is equal to (a) ( 2a, 0 ) (b) ( a, 0 )
(a) V (b) 3V (c) ( 0, 2a ) (d) ( 0, a )
(c) nV (d) 0 BPSC Asst. Prof. - 12.04.2022
BPSC Asst. Prof. - 12.04.2022
Ans. (c) : Let a = a 1i + a 2 j + a 3 kˆ
ˆ ˆ
Ans. (b) : From divergence theorem
r = xiˆ + yjˆ + zkˆ
∫∫∫ ∇.AdV = ∫ A.n.ds
( ) (
(d) ∇ × ∇ × A = ∇ ∇ ⋅ A – ∇ 2 A ) (d) Rotational
TSPSC Manager (Engg.) - 2015
GATE – 2020
Ans. (a) : If ∇×A = 0 then field is a conservative
Ans. (c) :
aˆ x aˆ y aˆ z
If a field is scalar A then ∇ 2 A = 0
∂ ∂ ∂
A is irrotational if ∇ × A = 0 ∇×A =
∂x ∂y ∂z
7. Given the vector field A = 5x 2sin aˆ x , find
3x 2 yz x 3z ( x y − 2z )
div(A) at x = 1.
∂ 3 ∂ 3 ∂ 3
(a) π
(b) 20
= aˆ x
(x y − 2z −
( )
x z − aˆ y
x y − 2z ( )
∂ ∂ 3 ∂
(c) π
(d) 10 −
3x 2 yz + aˆ z
( )
x z −
3x 2 yz
( )
NLC GET -24.11.2020
Ans. (d) : Given– = aˆ x x 3 − x 3 − aˆ y 3x 2 y − 3x 2 y + aˆ z 3x 2 z − 3x 2 z
πx =0
A = 5x 2sin aˆ x
2 ∴ field A is conservative.
Now divergence of A is-
10. The divergence of vector
δ 2 πx
∆. A = 5x sin + 0 + 0 A = yz aˆ x + zx aˆ y + xy aˆ z is
δx 2
(a) rotational (b) irrotational
At x = 1
(c) solenoidal (d) both b & c
∆.A = 10 TSPSC Manager (Engg.) - 2015
Electromagnetic Field Theory 393 YCT
Ans. (d) : Given vector is - C = 3 ⋅ u x + 2 ⋅ u y + 1⋅ u z
∴ A = yz aˆ x + zx aˆ y + xy aˆ z uɵ x uɵ y uɵ z
∂ (yz) ∂ ( zx ) ∂ ( xy ) A×B = 1 2 3
∴ ∇.A = aˆ x + aˆ y + aˆ z
∂x ∂y ∂z 1 1 1
∇.A = 0
A × B = −uɵ x + 2uɵ y − uɵ z )
Then, ( )
∇.A = 0 → (Solenoidal)
( A × B ) .C = ( −uɵ x + 2uɵ y − uɵ z ) ( 3uɵ x + 2uɵ y +1× uɵ z )
∇ × A = 0 → (irrotational) =–3+4–1
11. For vectors, A = –4ax + 2ay + 3az and B = 3ax + (A × B). C = 0
4ay – az, The magnitude of 5A – 2B will be:
14. P = 2i - 3j,Q = −3i + 4j - 2k,and R are in
(a) 969 (b) 699
equilibrium, if R is
(c) 696 (d) 669
(a) −i − j + 2k (b) i − j + 2k
UPSC Poly.Lect.10.03. 2019
(c) i + j + 2k (d) i − j − 2k
Ans. (a) : 5A − 2B = ( −20aˆ x + 10aˆ y + 15aˆ z )
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2006
− ( 6aˆ x + 8aˆ y − 2aˆ z ) Ans. (b) : Given that,
= – 26aˆ x + 2aˆ y + 17aˆ z P = 2i − 3j
Q = −3i + 4j − 2k
( 26 ) + ( 2 ) + (17 )
2 2 2
Magnitude of 5A − 2B =
For equilibrium -
= 969
P+Q+R = 0
12. Find the work done when a force
2i − 3j − 3i + 4 j − 2k + R = 0
( )
F = i + 2j + 3k N acting on a particle takes it
R = i − j + 2k
from the point r1 = i + j + k m to the point )
15. A rigid body is rotating with constant angular
r2 = i − j + 2k m ) velocity ω about a fixed axis, if v is the velocity
(a) –3 J (b) –1 J of a point of the body, then curl v =
(c) Zero (d) 2 J (a) ω (b) ω2
RRB SSE 21.12.2014, (Red) (c) 2 ω (d) 2 ω2
Ans. (b) : Work done (W) = F.r ISRO Scientist Engg.-2006
Ans. (c) :
= F.( r2 − r1 )
( ) ( ) (
W = ˆi + 2jˆ + 3kˆ . ˆi − ˆj + 2kˆ − ˆi + ˆj + kˆ
W = ( ˆi + 2ˆj + 3kˆ ) .( −2ˆj + kˆ )
v = linear velocity
W = –4+3
ω = angular velocity
W = –1J
r = position vector
13. If A,B & C are vectors and A= 1.ux + 2.uy +3.uz
B= 1.ux + 1.uy + 1.uz and C= 3.ux + 2.uy + 1.uz, Hence v = ω× r
then (A × B). C is : Given r = xiˆ + yjˆ + zkˆ
(a) 2 (b) 1
(c) 0 (d) –1 ω = ωkɵ
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2012 ˆi ˆj kˆ
Ans. (c) : Given, A = 1 ⋅ u x + 2 ⋅ u y + 3 ⋅ u z v = ω× r = 0 0 ω = −ωyiˆ + ωxjˆ
B = 1⋅ u x + 1⋅ u y + 1⋅ u z x y z
cosθ 0 sinθ a = i + cj
determinant = 0 1 0 b = i+j
-sinθ 0 cosθ and, θ = 45º
= cos θ ( cos θ − 0 ) − 0 + sin θ ( 0 + sin θ ) a.b = a . b cos θ
(c) ∇2(V) = –ρ (d) None of these 29. Let a = i + j − k and b = 2i + 2j + k be the two
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-I
sides of the triangle. Then the area of the
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-I
triangle is
Ans. (d) : Poisson’s equation for inhomogeneous
medium (a) 7 (b) 13
−ρv 13 13
∇2V = (c) (d)
ε 2 4
25. The operator 'del; (∇) is a
(a) Vector space function Ans. (*): Area of triangle ∆ABC
(b) Vector time function 1
= |a×b|
(c) Scalar space function 2
(d) Scalar time function
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, 2017, Paper-I
Ans. (a) : A operator ‘del’ ( ∇ ) or nabla is a vector
space function. It is used in mathematics as a vector
differential operator. 1
= i (1 + 2 ) − j (1 + 2 ) + k ( 2 − 2 )
26. Curl grad φ may also be written as 2
(a) ∇.∇φ (b) ∇ × ∇φ 1 ˆ ˆ
= 3i − 3j
(c) ∇ 2 φ (d) ( ∇φ) ∇ 2
( 3) + ( 3)
2 3
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2016, Paper-I =
Ans. (b) : Curl of any gradient is equal to zero
3 2 3
( )
∇ × ∇.φ = 0 =
Electromagnetic Field Theory 396 YCT
30. The vector function F(r) = –xiˆ + yjˆ is defines x = y = z = k
over a circular arc C shown in the figure. = ∫ ( k − 3k 2 + k ) dk
= ∫ ( 2k − 3k 2 )dk
= ( k 2 − k3 )
32. The gradient of the function f(x,y) = x+y at the
point (0,0) is
The line integral ∫ C
F(r).dr is (a) 0 (b) i+j
(c) 1 (d) i+2j
1 1 BPSC Polytechnic Lecturer-2014
(a) (b)
4 3 Ans. (b) : F = x + y
1 1 ∂F ˆ ∂F ˆ
(c) (d) ∇F = i+ j
2 6 ∂x ∂y
∂ ∂
Ans. (c) : = ( x + y)i + ( x + y) j
∂x dy
∇.F = ˆi + j
33. The value of ∫
F.dr , where
F ( x, y,z ) = zi + xyj − y k 2
along the curve C
given by r ( t ) = t 2 ˆi + tjˆ + t kˆ ( 0 ≤ t ≤ 1) is
1 17
(a) (b)
In polar form x = cosθ 6 20
y = sinθ (c) 2 (d) 3
BPSC Polytechnic Lecturer-2014
dx = –sinθ dθ
dy = cosθ dθ Ans. (b) : F = ziˆ + xyjˆ − y 2 .kˆ
∫ F ( r ) dr = ∫ [-x
dx + y dy ] r ( t ) = t 2ˆi + t.jˆ + tkˆ
c 0
− ( cosθ )( −sinθ dθ ) + ( sinθ )( cosθ dθ ) r ( t ) = xiˆ + yjˆ + zkˆ
x = t2 , y = t, z = t
= ∫ 2 sin θ cos θ 1 ˆ
dr = 2tiˆ + ˆj + k
= ∫ sin 2θ dθ
45 2 t
− cos 2θ
45 F.dr = ( )
tiˆ + t 3ˆj − t 2 kˆ 2tiˆ + ˆj +
2 t
2 0
−1 1 F.dr = 2.t 3/ 2 + t 3 − .t 3/ 2
= [ 0 − 1] = 2
2 2
F.dr = t 3/ 2 + t 3
∫ ( x − 3y + z ) ds over the line
31. The value of 2
segment C joining the point (0,0,0) to the point 1 3 3/ 2 3
(1,1,1) is ∫0 F.dr = ∫ 2 t + t dt
(a) 0 (b) 1 1
(c) 2 (d) 3
3 1 5/ 2 1 4
BPSC Polytechnic Lecturer-2014 = × t + t
Ans. (a) : ∫ F.dr = ∫ ( x − 3y 2 + z ) ds 2 3 +1 4
2 0
x −0 y−0 z−0 3 1 12 + 5 17
= = =k = + = =
1− 0 1− 0 1− 0 5 4 20 20
∇⋅F =1
point (5, 4, 5). φ= 0
â Q =
2aɵ x − aɵ y + 2aɵ z )
(b) ∇.F π = ∇.F Q 3
( )
4 φ= 0
(d) ∇.F
π = 2∇.F =
( 2aˆ x − aˆ y + 2aˆ z )
4 φ= 0
= 0.444aˆ x − 0.222aˆ y + 0.444aˆ z
Electromagnetic Field Theory 398 YCT
39. If A = ρcosφaˆ ρ + sinφaˆ φ , then the surface Ans. (c) : A Null vectors is a vectors that has magnitude
equal to zero and directionless
integration of curl of
A×B = A×C
A ( for 30º ≤ φ ≤ 60º and 2 ≤ ρ ≤ 5 )
A× B − C = 0 )
(a) 6.750 (b) 4.941
(c) 0.732 (d) 1.765 A is not a Null vector
ESE-2021 B=C
42. If V is a scalar, then the given equation (in
Ans.(b) : given A = ρ cos φ aɵ ρ + sin φ aɵ φ spherical coordinate system)
aɵ ρ ρaɵ φ aɵ z 1 ∂ 2 ∂V 1 ∂ ∂V 1 ∂ 2V ρ
r + 2 sinθ + 2 2 =−
r ∂r ∂r r sinθ ∂θ
∂θ r sin θ ∂φ2 ε
1 ∂ ∂ ∂
∇×A = Is referred to as
ρ ∂ρ ∂φ ∂z (a) Laplace’s equation (b) Poisson’s equation
ρ cos φ ρ sin φ 0 (c) gradient of V (d) divergence of V
= aɵ ρ ( 0 ) − ρaɵ φ ( 0 ) + aɵ z ( sinφ + ρsinφ ) Ans. (b) : Given equation represents poisson's equation
in spherical coordinate system.
1 Poisson's equation –
∇ × A = sin φ (1 + ρ ) aɵ z
ρ ρ
∇2 V = −
d s = ρ d φ d ρ aɵ Z
43. If a = 2i - 2j - k and b = 3i + 2j + k , then the
( ∇ × A ) ⋅ ds = ∫ ∫ (ρ ) aɵ z ⋅ρ d ρ dφ aɵ z
sin φ 1 + ρ
ρ φ
projection of b on a is
= 4 ⋅ 941 (a) (b) 1
40. For the vectors A = xaˆ x + yaˆ y and B = zaˆ z'∇. (c)
14 3
( A × B ) is TANGEDCO- 2015
(a) 0 (b) 1 Ans. (a) : Given a = 2i − 2 j − k and b = 3i + 2 j + k
(c) xz (d) yz
TSPSC Manager (Engg.) 2015 | a |= 22 + ( −2 ) 2 + (1)2 = 3
DRDO-2008 and a.b = ( 2i − 2 j − k ) . ( 3i + 2 j + k )
Ans. (a) : Given, A = xaɵ x + yaɵ y , B = zaɵ z = (6 – 4 – 1) = 1
a.b 1
then, ∇. A × B = ? ) Then, projection of b on a = =
|a| 3
aˆ x aˆ y aˆ z 44. Equation of the plane passing through the
( A × B) = x y 0 point 3i − j + k and perpendicular to the vector
0 0 z 4i + 2j − k is
(a) 2x + 4y + z = 9 (b) 2x + 4y – z + 9 = 0
= aɵ x ( yz − 0 ) − aɵ y ( xz − 0 ) + aɵ z ( 0 − 0 )
(c) 4x + 2y + z = 9 (d) 4x + 2y – z = 9
= yz aˆ x − xz aˆ y TANGEDCO- 2015
Ans. (d) : Given, P(x, y, z) = (3, –1, 1)
∂ ∂
then, (
∇. A × B = ) ∂x
( yz ) − ( xz )
and vector V = 4i + 2 j − k
41. If AB = A.C and A × B = A × C, where A is
( ( x − x ) i + ( y − y ) j + ( z − z ) k ) . ( 4i + 2 j − k ) = 0
1 1 1
∫ ( ∇ × f ) .ds = ∫
s L
f .dℓ ˆ = PQ
Now unit vector (PQ)
So, Stokes's theorem is related to a line integral and a
2aˆ x − 2aˆ y − aˆ z
surface integral. =
52. Laplace equation in cylindrical coordinates is
given by: 2aˆ x 2aˆ y
= − − z
3 3 3
(a) 54. The vector RAB extends from A (1, 2, 3) to B. If
the length of RAB is 10 units and its direction is
∂2V ∂2V ∂2V given by:
(b) ∇2 V = + +
∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2 a = 0.6ax + 0.64ay + 0.48az
ρ (a) 7ax + 4.8ay + 4.8az (b) 6ax + 6.4ay + 4.8az
(c) ∇ 2 V = − (c) 7ax + 8.4ay + 7.8az (d) 6ax + 8.4ay + 7.8az
1 ∂ r 2 ∂V 1 ∂ ∂V
(d) ∇ 2 V = + sin θ Ans. (c) : Given -
r ∂r ∂r r 2 sin θ ∂θ ∂θ
∴ let R B = xaˆ x + yaˆ y + zaˆ z
1 ∂2V
+ =0 R AB = (x-1) â x + (y–2) â y + (z–3) â z
r 2 sin 2 θ ∂φ2
IES-2001 R AB = 10
Ans. (a) : Laplace equation in cylindrical co-ordinate R AB = a = 0.6aˆ x + 0.64aˆ y + 0.48aˆ z
( )
Unit Vector R AB =
In spherical co-ordinate system
(x −1)aɵ x + (y − 2)aɵ y + (z − 3)aɵ z
1 ∂ r 2 ∂V 1 ∂ ∂V 0.6aɵ x + 0.64aɵ y + 0.48aɵ z =
∇2V = + 10
sin θ
r ∂r ∂r r 2 sin θ ∂θ ∂θ ɵ ɵ ɵ
⇒ (x − 1)a x + (y − 2)a y + (z − 3)a z = 6a x + 6.4aɵ y + 4.8aɵ z
compare both side ––
1 ∂2V
+ 2 2 =0
r sin θ ∂φ2 x − 1 = 6 y − 2 = 6.4 z − 3 = 4.8
53. The unit vector extending from origin towards x=7 y = 8.4 z = 7.8
the point G (2, – 2, – 1) is:
Hence R B = xaɵ x + yaɵ y + zaɵ z
2 2 1
(a) a x + a y + a z
3 3 3 then R B = 7aɵ x + 8.4aɵ y + 7.8aɵ z
2 2 1 55. The angle θAB between the vectors A = 3ax + 4ay
(b) − a x + a y + a z
3 3 3 + az and B = 2ay – 5az is nearly:
2 2 1 (a) 83.70° (b) 73.7°
(c) a x − a y − a z
3 3 3 (c) 63.7° (d) 53.7°
2 2 1 IES-2018
(d) − a x − a y − a z
3 3 3 Ans. (a) : A = 3a x + 4a y + a z
Ans. (c) : If origin and point G (2, –2, –1) be two points A = (3) 2 + (4)2 + (1)2
∇. A = 3y + 0 + xy. IES-2009
at point (2,–2, 2)→ Ans. (b) : ∇ V = 0 from Laplace equation
∂2 ∂2 ∂2
(∇. A )(2,–2,2) = 3 × –2 + 2 × –2
= –6 –4
∂x ∂ y ∂z
2 + 2 + 2 . sinh x.cos ky.e = 0 )
= –10
⇒ sinhx.cosky.e – sinhx cosky.k2 × epz + sinhx.
(i + j + k ) (d) (i + j + k) = ( 6x 2 y ) aˆ x + ( 2x 3 − 6yz ) aˆ y − ( 3y 2 ) aˆ z
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2007 (
∇.V P =(1,2,−1) = 6 × (1) × 2 aˆ x +
Ans. (c) : Given,
a = 2iˆ − 3jˆ + kˆ
( 2 × (1) − 6 ( 2)( −1)) aˆ − (3( 2) ) aˆ
1 1 −2 35
36 − 14 − 60 −38
= =
2 2 2
| A×B| = 5 +5 +5 35 35
∫∫ ( ∇ × A ) ⋅ dS
GATE – 2011
(a) over the closed surface
Ans. (d) : ∫∫ 5r.nds
ˆ = ∫∫∫ ∇.5rdv
bounded by the loop
3 2 ∫ A.dℓ = ∫∫ ( ∇ × A ).ds
= ×r = 3 …(ii) c s
71. The divergence of the vector field
So from equation (i) and (ii)
A = xaˆ x + yaˆ y + zaˆ z is
∫∫ 5r.nds
ˆ = 5 × 3∫∫∫ dv
(a) 0 (b) 1/3
(c) 1 (d) 3
= 5 × 3V
GATE – 2013
= 15V TRB Poly. Lect. 2012
Electromagnetic Field Theory 404 YCT
Ans. (d) : 2 11
(c) u = – e1 + 3e 2 + e3
∂ ∂ ∂ 5 5
∇.A = aˆ x + aˆ y + aˆ z . ( xaˆ x + yaˆ y + zaˆ z )
∂ x ∂ y ∂z 2 11
(d) u = – e1 + 3e 2 – e3
∂ ∂ ∂ 5 5
= x+ y+ z = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 GATE – 2016
∂x ∂y ∂z
Ans. (d) : Given vectors
72. A vector P is given by e1 = 1iˆ + 2kˆ
P = x 3 ya x – x 2 y 2a y – x 2 yza z Which of the
e 2 = 1jˆ ; u = 4iˆ + 3ˆj − 3kˆ
following statements is TRUE ?
e 3 = − 2iˆ + 1kˆ
(a) P is solenoidal, but not irrotational
Thus, linear combination of (e1,e2,e3)-
(b) P is irrotational, but not solenoidal
u = ae1 + be2 + ce3
(c) P is neither solenoidal nor irrotational
(d) P is both solenoidal and irrotational ( ) ( ) (
= a 1iˆ + 2kˆ + b 1jˆ + c −2iˆ + 1kˆ )
GATE – 2015 = ˆi ( a − 2c ) + bjˆ + kˆ ( 2a + c )
Ans. (a) : Given
4iˆ + 3jˆ − 3kˆ = ˆi ( a − 2c ) + bjˆ + kˆ ( 2a + c )
P = x 3 ya x − x 2 y 2 a y − x 2 yza z
a – 2c = 4
For solenoidal, ∇.P = 0 b=3
∂ ∂ ∂ –3 = 2a + c
∇.P = a x + a y + a z .
∂x ∂y ∂z a = –2/5
x 3 ya x − x 2 y 2 a y − x 2 yza z ) b=3
∂ 3 ∂ ∂ c=−
= x y − x 2 y 2 − x 2 yz 5
∂x ∂y ∂z 2 11
u = − e1 + 3e2 − e3
= 3x y − 2x y − x y 0
2 2 2
= 5 5
So vector P is solenoidal 74. If the vector function
for irrotational, ∇ × P = 0 F = aˆ x ( 3y – k 1 z ) + aˆ y ( k 2 x – 2z ) – aˆ z ( k 3 y + z )
ax ay az is irrotational, then the values of the constants
k1, k2 and k3, respectively, are
∂ ∂ ∂ (a) 0.3, –2.5, 0.5 (b) 0.0, 3.0, 2.0
∇×P =
∂x ∂y ∂z (c) 0.3, 0.33, 0.5 (d) 4.0, 3.0, 2.0
x3 y −x 2 y2 − x 2 yz GATE – 2017
∂ ∂ Ans. (b) : Given, Vector function
= a x ( − x 2 yz ) − ( − x 2 y 2 ) F = aˆ x ( 3y − k1z ) + aˆ y ( k 2 x − 2z ) − aˆ z ( k 3 y + z )
∂y ∂z
∂ ∂ 3 ∇ × F = 0 (irrotational)
−a y
− x 2 yz −
) xy ( ) aˆ x aˆ y aˆ z
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
+a z ( −x 2 y2 ) − x3 y ∇×F =
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂z
aˆ ( ) (
− x z + aˆ y ( 2xyz ) + aˆ z −2xy 2 − x 3
) 3y − k1z k 2 x − 2z − ( k 3 y + z )
= x
∇×P ≠ 0 −∂ ( k 3 y + z ) ∂ ( k 2 x − 2z )
= â x − −
So vector P is not irrotational. ∂y ∂z
73. If the vectors e1 = (1, 0, 2), e2 = (0, 1, 0) and −∂ ( k 3 y + z ) ∂ ( 3y − k1z )
e3 = (–2,0,1) form and orthogonal basis of the â y − +
three-dimensional real space R3, then the ∂x ∂z
vector u = (4, 3, –3) ∈ R3 can be expressed as ∂ ( k 2 x − 2z ) ∂ ( 3y − k1z )
2 11 â z −
(a) u = – e1 – 3e 2 – e3 ∂x ∂y
5 5
2 11 = aˆ x [ − k 3 + 2 ] − aˆ y [ k 1 ] + aˆ z [ k 2 − 3 ] = 0
(b) u = – e1 – 3e 2 + e3
5 5 k1 = 0, k2 = 3, k3 = 2
( −1,1 − 2 ) = 6
r − r2 = (1,0,1) − ( 0, 4, −2 )
= (1,–4,3)
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 1
= 26
(c) 1 : 4 (d) 2 : 1
IES-1992 V( r ) = 9 ×109 × 10−6 −4 + 5
Ans. (a) : 6 26
= 9×109×10–6[–1.63 + 0.98]
= –5.84 kV
12. Magnetic flux can be measured by:
(a) capacitive pick-up (b) inductive pick-up
(c) resistive pick-up (d) hall-effect pick-up
Current I = Charge×revolution frequency
Electromagnetic Field Theory 407 YCT
Ans. (d) : Magnetic flux can be measured by half effect 15. If E is the electric field intensity, ∇.(∇ × Ε) is
pick-up. equal to
• The SI unit of magnetic flux is Weber [Wb].
(a) E (b) E
• The CGS unit of magnetic flux is Maxwell.
(c) Null vector (d) Zero
• The fundamental of magnetic flux is Volt-second.
Mizoram PSC IOLM -2018, Paper II
13. Two concentric square loops A and B carry TNTRB AE -2017
equal currents in the same direction, the Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
magnetic field at O due to the two loops A and BEL -2015
B will be in the ratio: Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
Ans. (d) : The divergence of the curl of any vector field
is zero.
( )
∇. ∇ × E = 0
1 ∂ 10 1
+ 2 sin θ cos φ aˆ φ ∴ = 9 × 109
r sin θ ∂φ r 4π ∈0
E= – − 3 sin θ cos φaɵ r + 3 cos θ cos φaɵ θ + 2 ( − sin φ)aɵ φ
20 10 10 4 × 10−9
r r r
Fab = 5 × 10–3 ×
( )
−aɵ y
2× 9
π 4π × 9 × 10
at point (2, , 0)→
Fab = –0.36 π aɵ y N.
(E) (2, π = 20 aɵ = 20 aɵ
, 0) r r
2 (2)3 8
Electric flux density (D) = ε 0 E
20 ɵ
= 8.85× 10–12× ar
D = 22.1 aɵ r 2 22. Consider the following statements:
1. Fleming’s rule is used where induced e.m.f.
20. Consider the following statements: is due to flux cutting.
1. For an isotropic medium, ε is a scalar 2. Lenz’s law is used when the induced e.m.f.
constant. is due to change in flux linkages.
2. For a homogeneous medium, ε, µ and σ are 3. Lenz’s law is a direct consequence of the
constant throughout the region. law of conservation of energy.
Electromagnetic Field Theory 409 YCT
Which of the above statements are correct? at ε = ε 0
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only ρ r
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 then E 0 = V
3ε 0
ρV r
Ans. (d): • Fleming rule is used where induced emf is for ε ≥ 1 E =
due to flux cutting . 3ε 0 ε
• Lenz's law is used when the induced emf is due to when ε ↑ thenE ↓
change in flux linkages. So, E < E 0 always.
• Lenz's law is direct consequence of the law of 25. What is the value of work required to move a +
conservation of energy. 8 nC charge from infinity to a point P which is
23. Consider the following statements regarding a at 2 m distance from a point charge Q = +
conductor and free space boundary: 5µC?
(a) No charge and no electric field can exist at (a) 180µJ (b) 180 nJ
any point within the interior of a conductor (c) 18µJ (d) 18 nJ
(b) Charge may appear on the surface of a Ans. (a) : given Q1 = 8nC Q2 = 5µC r = 2m
conductor 1 Q2
Which of the above statements are correct? ∵ potential at point P (V) = .
4π ∈0 r
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 ∴ Work required to move a charge from infinity to a
point P (W) = Q1.V
1 Q2
Ans. (c) : Regarding a conductor and free space = Q 1. .
4π ∈0 r
No charge and no electric field can exist at any point 5 × 10 −6
= 8 × 10–9× 9×109×
within the interior of a conductor. 2
Charge may appear on the surface of a conductor. W = 180 µJ
Just outside a conductor the electric field lines are 26. An electrostatic force between two point
perpendicular to its surface. charges increase when they are:
24. A shape of homogeneous linear dielectric (a) More apart and dielectric constant of the
material of dielectric constant ≥ 1 is placed in a medium between them decreases
uniform electric field E0, then the electric field (b) Less apart and dielectric constant of the
E that exists inside the sphere is: medium between them decreases
(a) Uniform and E ≤ E0 (c) More apart and dielectric constant of the
medium between them increases
(b) Uniform and E ≥ E0
(d) Less apart and dielectric constant of the
(c) Varies but E < E0 always
medium between them increases
(d) Varies but E > E0 always
Sikkim PSC SI (Mains)-2018
Ans. (b) : An electrostatic force between two point two
IES-2016 Q1Q 2
Ans. (c) : charges (F) =
4π ∈0∈r R 2
1 1
F∝ ∝ 2
∈r R
F↑,∈r↓, R↓
An electrostatic force between two point charge
Q enclosed = ∫ D ⋅ ds = ∫ ρ V dV increases when they are less apart and dielectric
constant of medium between them decreases.
D × 4πr 2 = ρV × πr 3 27. A plane Y = 2 carries infinite sheet of charge 6
3 nC/m2. If medium is free space then force on a
ρ r point charge of 10 mC located at the origin is:
D= V
3 (a) −1080πa y N (b) −1080πa y N
ρV r (c) −10.8πa y N (d) −1.08πa y N
Electromagnetic Field Theory 410 YCT
Ans. (d) : Electric field due to infinite sheet 29. Poisson’s equation is derived with the following
ρ ρ assumption about the medium. The medium is:
( )
E = s aɵ n = s −aɵ y
2 ∈0 2 ∈0
( ) (a) Non-homogeneous and isotropic
(b) Non-homogeneous and non-isotropic
Force at origin on 10 mC
(c) Homogeneous and non-isotropic
F= Q E (d) Homogeneous and isotropic
Fab = 10×10–3×
2 ∈0
( )
−aɵ y IES-2016
Ans. (d) : Electric field (E) = –∇V
1 Taking divergence both side.
∴ = 9 × 109
4 π ∈0 ∇. E = ∇.(–∇V)
= –∇2V ––––(1)
6 ×10−9
Fab = 10×10–3×
1 ( )
−aɵ y If material is homogeneous and isotropic then ∈ does
2× not vary with space
4π× 9 × 109
From Maxwell first equation -
Fab = –1.08π aɵ y N ∇. D = ρv
∇.(∈E) = ρv
∇. E = v –––––(2)
from equation (1) and equation (2)
∇2V =
28. The potential at the centroid of an equilateral The equation is poisson equation for isotropic and
triangle of side r 3 due to three equal positive homogeneous medium.
point charges each of value q and placed at the 30. A charge Q is enclosed by a Gaussian spherical
vertices of the triangle would be: surface of radius R. If R is doubled then the
q 3q outward flux is:
(a) (b)
2π∈0 r 8π∈0 r (a) Doubled
3q (b) Increased four times
(c) (d) Zero
4π∈0 r (c) Reduced to a quarter
IES-2016 (d) Remains unaltered
Ans. (c) : IES-2016
Ans. (d) : A charge Q is enclosed by a Gaussian
spherical surface of Radius R. If R is doubled then
outward flux is remains unaltered. Because according to
Gauss's law -
φE = enclosed
3 ∈0
Height of equilateral triangle = × side
2 The electric flux depend only on the charge enclosed by
3 surface and electric flux not depend on radius of
∴ AP = BR = CQ = × 3r Gaussian surface.
3 31. Consider the following:
= r 1. Electric current flowing in a conducting wire
2 3 2. A moving charged belt
Hence distance (OA = OB = OC) = × ×r 3. An electron beam is a cathode ray tube
3 2
=r 4. Electron movement in a vacuum tube
q q q Which of the above are examples of convection
Then potential at point O = + + current?
4πε0 r 4πε0 r 4πε0 r
(a) 2, 3 and 4 only (b) 1, 2 and 4 only
= . (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
4πε0 r
Electromagnetic Field Theory 411 YCT
Ans. (a) : Example of convection current. K.q1
E1 = E eff cos θ =
A moving charge belt a2
An electron beam is a cathode ray tube 2.K × 10−6
Electron movement in a vacuum tube. = ……………(i)
Convectional current does not require conducting wire ( 2 ×10 ) −2 2
(a) E1 . E2 = 0
From equation (i) and (ii)
(b) |E1 ×E2| = 0
(c) Both E1.E2 = 0 and |E1 × E3| = 0 E2
= tan θ = 2
(d) Neither E1.E2 = 0 nor |E1 × E3| = 0 E1
IES-2015 34. A charge ‘Q’ is divided between two point
Ans. (c) : charges. What should be the values of this
charge on the objects so that the force between
them is maximum?
(a) (b)
3 2
(c) (Q – 2) (d) 2Q
E1.E 2 = E1 E 2 cos θ1
Ans. (b) : Charge Q divided between two charge are q
θ1 angle between E1 and E 2 is 90° and Q – q
D= ε
1 q
. ∴ VPQ = VQ – VP
4πε r 2 =6–5=1V
q 48. If the potential difference between points A
D= (1,0, 0) and B (2, 0, 0) is 10V, determine d for
4πr 2
point C (d, 0, 0), when VBC is 6 V in a uniform
45. Two charges are placed at a small distance field.
apart. If a glass slab is placed between them, (a) 1 m (b) 2 m
the force between the charges will: (c) 6 m (d) 5 m
(a) not change (b) increase IES-2012
(c) decrease (d) reduce to zero Ans. (d) :
1 q1q 2
Ans. (c) : Force between two charge F1 =
4πε 0 r 2 1 1
Potential difference (VAB) = 10 = KQ −
(without glass slab) 2 1
1 q1q 2 1 1
Force between two charge; F2 = and potential difference (VBC) = 6 = KQ −
4πε 0ε r r 2 d 2
∴ F2 =
× F1 1 1
⇒ 6 = –20 −
εr d 2
two charge are placed at small distance apart. If a glass −20
⇒6= + 10
slab is placed between them, the force between the d
charge will decrease. ⇒d=5
1. 2.
According to Ampere's law
∫ H.d ℓ = ∫ J.ds
H.2πr = J.πr2
3. 4.
H.2πr = 2
πr 2 ∴ J =
πR πR 2
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1 and 3 only Ir
(c) 2 and 4 only (d) 3 and 4 only 2πR 2
IES-2011 58. What is the magnetic dipole moment in A.m2
Ans. (b) : From right hand screw rule :- Put the for a square current loop having the vertices at
thumb in the direction of field and observe the fingers the points A (10, 0, 0), B (0, 10, 0), C (– 10, 0, 0)
rotation. and D (0, – 10, 0) and with current 0.01A
For increasing field, the current direction should be flowing in the sense ABCDA?
clockwise. ∧ ∧
(a) 2 a z (b) −2a z
For decreasing field, the current direction should be
∧ ∧ ∧
anticlock wise. (c) 4 a z (d) 4(a x + a y )
56. The flux and potential functions due to a line IES-2004
charge and due to two concentric circular Ans. (a) :
conductors are of the following form:
(a) Concentric circular equipotential lines and
straight radial flux lines
(b) Concentric circular flux lines and straight
equipotential lines
(c) Equipotential due to line charge are
concentric cylinders and equipotential due to
two conductors are straight lines Magnetic dipole moment
(d) Equipoential due to line charge are straight m = I A aɵ n
flat surfaces and those due to two conductors
1 ∧
are concentric cylinders. = 0.01× 4 × × 10 × 10 a z
Ans. (a) : The flux and potential function due to a line m = 2a z
charge and due to concentric circular conductor
59. In the field of a charge Q at the origin, the
are concentric circular equipotential lines and straight potential at A (2, 0, 0) and B (1/2, 0, 0) are VA =
radial flux lines. 15 volt and VB = 30 volt respectively. What will
57. A solid cylindrical conductor of radius ‘R’ has be the potential at C (1, 0, 0)?
a uniform current density. The magnetic field (a) 25 volt (b) 22.5 volt
‘H’ inside the conductor at a distance ‘r’ from (c) 20 volt (d) 17.5 volt
the axis of the conductor is: IES-2009
Electromagnetic Field Theory 416 YCT
Q Ans. (d) : Given :-
Ans. (c) : VB = + c = 30 –––––(1)
1 A = 5m2
4π ∈0
2 dB
Q dt
VC = + c ––––––(2) N=1
4π ∈0 ×1
and ∴ emf (e) = –N
VA = + c = 15 ––––––(3) d ( BA )
4π ∈0 .2 e = –1 ×
where c is initial reference voltage from equation (1)
and equation(3) = −A × = –5 × 2
= 10 –––––(4) e = – 10 V
4π ∈0
63. Method of images is applicable to which fields?
from equation (1) and equation (4) (a) Electro static field only
3c = 30 (b) Electro dynamic field only
c = 10 (c) Neither electrostatic fields nor electro dynamic
value c put in equation (2) fields
Vc = 10 + 10 = 20 volt (d) Both electrostatic fields and electro dynamic
60. What will be the equipotential surfaces for a fields
pair of equal and opposite line charges? IES-2009
(a) Spheres Ans. (a) : The method of images is used in
(b) Concentric cylinders electrostatics to simplify calculation or visualize the
distribution of the electric field of a charge in the
(c) Non-concentric cylinder
vicinity of a conducting surface. It is based on the fact
(d) None of the above
that the tangential component of electrical field on the
IES-2009 surface of a conductor is zero and that electric field E in
Ans. (c) : Non- concentric cylinder will be the some region is uniquely defined by its normal
equipotential surfaces for a pair of equal and opposite component over the surface that confines this region.
line charge. 64. Which one of the following is the correct
61. If the potential functions V1 and V2 satisfy expression for torque on a loop in magnetic
Laplace’s equation within a closed region and field B ? (here M is the loop moment)?
assume the same values on its surfaces, then
(a) T = ∇.B (b) T = M.B
which of the following is correct?
(a) V1 and V2 are identical (c) T = M × B (d) T = B× M
(b) V1 is inversely proportional to V2 IES-2006
(c) V1 has the same direction to V2 Ans. (c) : The torque exerted on a current-carrying coil
(d) V1 has the same magnitude as V2 but has placed in a magnetic field can be given by the vector
different direction product of the magnetic moment and magnetic field.
IES-2009 Torque equation T = M × B
Ans. (a) : If the potential function V1 and V2 satisfy 65. What is the electric flux density (in µC/m2) at a
laplace's equation within a closed region and assume the point (6, 4, – 5) caused by a uniform surface
same values on its surface then V1 and V2 are identical. charge density of 60 µC/m2 at a plane x = 8?
62. A single turn loop is situated in air, with a (a) −30a x (b) −60a x
uniform magnetic field normal to its plane. The (c) 30a x (d) 60a x
area of the loop is 5 m2 and the rate of change IES-2008
of flux density is 2 Wb/m2/s. What is the emf Ans. (a) : Electric flux intensity due to uniform surface,
appearing at the terminals of the loop? σ
(a) – 5 V (b) – 2V (E) =
2ε 0
(c) – 0.4V (d) –10 V
IES-2009 D = ε0E
N (d) 4πε0
Ans. (c) : Ienc =
∫∫ J.ds = ∫ H.dℓ
r 2π
∫∫ a
.rdθdr = H.2πr
Ans. (c) :
C a 0
J0 r3 − a3
. .2π = H.2πr
a2 3
J0 r3 − a 3 )
Force between two point charge 3a r 2
C = 4π∈0R
= 4µC
82. Which one of the following concepts is used to
find the expression of radiated E and H field 84. An infinitely long uniform charge of density 30
due to a magnetic current element? nC/m is located at y = 3, z = 5. The field
(a) Concept of vector magnetic potential intensity at (0, 6, 1) is E = 64.7 ay – 86.3az V/m.
(b) Concept of scalar electric potential What is the field intensity at (5, 6, 1)?
(c) Concept of scalar magnetic potential 62 + 12
(a) E (b) 2 E
(d) Concept of vector electric potential 5 + 62 + 12
IES-2005 1 1
Ans. (a) : Concept of vector magnetic potential is used 62 + 12 2 52 + 62 + 12 2
(c) 2 E (d) E
to find the expression of radiated E and H field due to a 5 + 62 + 12 62 + 12
magnetic current element . IES-2004
B = µH , B = ∇×A
Ans. (a) :
E = –∇V
83. A point charge of + 10µC placed at a distance
of 5 cm from the centre of a conducting
grounded sphere of radius 2 cm is shown in the
diagram given below:
E = E1 + E 2
1 q1
4π∈0 R 3( )
R +
1 q2
4π ∈0 R 3
R ( )
According to direction of loop and current– Q 4aɵ x − 3aˆ z Q 4aɵ x + 3aˆ z
= −
4π ∈0 125 4π∈0 125
∫ H ⋅ dℓ = 3I + 2I − I
= 5I − I Q −6aɵ z
= 4I 4π ∈0 125
92. What is the value of the magnetic vector
potential due to an infinitesimally small current
element, evaluated at infinite distance from it?
4 π ∈
0 × 125
( )
−aɵ z
4. E =
CV 2 e = 100 ×
d 3
( )
t − 2t × 10−3
E ∝ C ∝ εr (
e = 100 3t 2 − 2 × 10−3)
E2 = 2E1
e t = 4s = 100 × 3 × 42 − 2 ×10−3 )
98. Gauss law relates the electric field intensity E
e t = 4s = 100 × ( 46 ) × 10−3
with the volume charge density ρ at a point as:
(a) ∇ × E = ε0ρ (b) ∇.E = ε0ρ e t = 4s = 4.6V
101. The dimension of flux density is:
(c) ∇ × E = ρ / ε 0 (d) ∇.E = ρ / ε0
(a) MT–1Q–1 (b) MT–2Q–2
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2012 (c) MT1Q1 (d) MT–1Q–2
IES-2001 IES-2000
Electromagnetic Field Theory 424 YCT
Ans. (a) : Magnetic force (F) = qvB (c) due to two point charges Q1 and Q2 located at
any two points ‘r’ (= R1 and R2)
∵ q → charge
(d) in a single spherical shell of charges Q
v → velocity uniformly distributed, Q = Q1 + Q2
B→ magnetic flux density IES-1999
F Ans. (b) : Due to two concentric shells of charges Q1
magnetic flux density(B) = and Q2 uniformly distributed over spheres of radii R1
and R2
MLT −2 104. The region between two concentric cylinder
Dimension of B =
[ AT ] × LT
−1 with radii of 2 and 5 cm contains a volume
charge distribution of –10–8 (1+ 10r) C/m3. If Er
Dimension of B = MT −2 A −1 = MT –1Q –1 and V both are zero at the inner cylinder and
ε = ε0, the potential V at the outer cylinder will
102. Charge needed within a unit sphere centered at be:
the origin for producing a potential field, (a) 0.506 V (b) 5.06 V
-6r 5 (c) 50.6 V (d) 506 V
V= , for r ≤ 1 is: IES-1999
Ans. (a) : Given that–
(a) 12πC (b) 60πC
ρv = −10−8 (1 + 10r ) C m3
(c) 120πC (d) 180πC
According to poisson's equation–
Ans. (c) : E = –∇V ∇2V = v
∂ɵ 1 ∂ ɵ 1 ∂ ɵ −6r 5
E = − ir + iθ + iφ −ρ
∂r r ∂θ r sin θ ∂φ ε0 ∇ ⋅ ( ∇V ) = v
∂ 6r 5 ˆ ∇ ( −E ) = −ρv ε0
⇒ E=− ir
∂r ε0
1 d 10
(1 + 10r ) ……… (i)
⋅ rE =
30r ɵ r dr ε0
E=− ir ––––––(i)
ε0 dv
E= ………….. (ii)
1 q dr
E = . ––––––––(ii) In equation (i) and (ii) only â r component considered-
4π∈0 r 2
d dV
= 10 ( r + 10R ) × 36π× 10
from equation (i) and (ii) - r −8 2 9
dr dr
1 q 30r 4 ˆ
= . = ir
4πε 0 r 2 ε0 dV r 2 10r 3
r = 360π + + C1
⇒ q = 120 π×r4 (r= 1m) dr 2 3
q = 120 πC dV r 10r 2 C1
= 360π ⋅ + + …….. (iii)
103. The given figure represents the variation of dr 2 3 r
electric field ‘E’ At r = 0.02m E= 0
∴ for r = 0.024m
0.02 10 ( 0.02 ) 2 C
0 = 360π + + 1
2 3
C1 = 0.256
Integration of equation (iii)
r2 r3
(a) due to a spherical volume charge Q = Q1 + Q2 V = 360π + 10 + C1ℓnr + C 2 ………. (iv)
4 9
(b) due to two concentric shells of charges Q1
At r = 0.02m V=0
and Q2 uniformly distributed over spheres of
C 2 = −1.1246
radii R1 and R2
Electromagnetic Field Theory 425 YCT
For r = 0.05m then potential- 108. The torque (in N – m) acting on a circular
( 0.05 ) 10
current loop of radius 1 mm in the xy-plane,
+ ( 0.05 ) − 0.256ℓn ( 0.05 ) − 1.1246
V r =0.05 = 360π connected at the origin and with current 0.1A
4 9
flowing in the sense of increasing φ in a magnetic
V = 0.506V field B = 10–5
105. Two small diameter 5g dielectric balls can slide (2aˆ x − 2aˆ y + aˆ z ) Wb/m2 is:
freely on a vertical non-conducting thread.
Each ball carries a negative charge of 2µC. If (a) −2 × 10−12 (2aˆ x − 2aˆ y + aˆ z )
the lower ball is restrained from moving, then (b) 2 × 10−12 π(aˆ y + aˆ x )
the separation between the two balls will be:
(a) 8570 mm (b) 857 mm (c) 10 −12 π
(c) 85.7 mm (d) 8.57 mm (d) −10 −12 π
1 q1q 2
Ans. (b) : F = Ans. (b) : Torque = m × B
4π ∈0 r 2
= IA × B
( )
9 × 109 × 2 × 10−6
( ) ( )
= 0.1 π 10−3 aɵ z × 10−5 2aɵ x − 2aɵ y + aɵ z
⇒ = 5 × 10 × 9.8
⇒ r2 =
9 × 10 × 4 × 10
( )
= π × 10−7 aɵ z × 10−5 2aɵ x − 2aɵ y + aɵ z
5 ×10 × 9.8
After solving-
⇒ r = 0.857 r = 857 mm
106. An isolated sphere in air has a radius equal to = 2π × 10 (
−12 ɵ
a y + aɵ x
1/4π∈0 meter, its capacitance will be:
109. The given figure shown the surface charge
(a) πF (b) 1F
distribution of q coulombs/m2. What is the
(c) 4πF (d) F force on a unit charge placed at the centre of
4π circle?
IES-1998, 1997
Ans. (b) : Given isolated sphere radius =
Isolated sphere capacitance
C = 4π∈0R
1 q
C = 4π∈0× (a) Zero (b) N
4πε 4 π R2
C = 1F q2 q2
(c) N (d) N
107. The displacement flux density at a point on the 4 πR 2 4 πR
surface of a perfect conductor is IES-1998
D = 2 ( aˆ x - 3aˆ z ) 2 = and is pointing away
C Ans. (a) : Force on the charge-
m F = qE
from the surface. The surface charge density at
the point (C/m2) will be: At the centre E = 0
(a) 2 (b) –2 the F = q × 0
(c) 4 (d) – 4 F = 0N
IES-1998 110. Consider an arbitrary distribution of
Ans. (c) : If surface of a perfect conductor then conducting bodies in a charge-free space.
Et = 0 According to the uniqueness theorem, which of
Dn = ρs following are required to be specified in order
ρs = 2 aɵ x − 3aɵ z C / m 2 ) that the field is uniquely determined every
( 2 )2 1 + ( )
ρs = 3 1. Total charge on each conductor.
2. Potential at each conductor surface
= 2×2 3. Potential at some of the conductors and
ρs = 4 C/m2 total charge on the remainder.
Electromagnetic Field Theory 426 YCT
4. Total charge as well as potential gradient 2
I2 f 2
on each conductor surface. ⇒ =
I1 f1
Select the correct answer using the codes given
I2 2
below: f
Codes : ⇒ =
I1 f
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 4
(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 I1
⇒ I2 =
IES-1998 4
Ans. (b) : Correct statements are- 113. An infinite plane Z = 10 m carries a uniformly
Potential at each conductor surface same. distributed charge of density 2n C/m2. The
electric field intensity at the origin is:
Total charge as well as potential gradient on each
(a) 0.2aˆ z nV / m (b) 2 / aˆ z nV / m
conductor surface.
(c) −2aˆ z nV / m (d) −36πaˆ z V / m
111. Consider a conducting cylinder along the z-axis
in a uniform field E = xE ˆ x as shown in the
Ans. (d) : Electric field due to infinite sheet for external
given figure. The ρ-component of electric field ρs
strength in the region outside the cylinder is =
2ε 0
( )
−aɵ n
given by (a = radius of cylinder surface)
2 × 10−9
( −aˆ z )
36π ×109
E = –36π aɵ z V
114. An electric charge of 100 coulombs is enclosed
a2 in a sphere of radius 100m. The electric
(a) E p = 2 + 1 E x cos φ displacement density (in coulomb/m2) D is:
(a) 0.79 mC/m2 (b) 0.833 mC/m2
a 2
(c) 1.666 mC/m 2
(d) 10 mC/m2
(b) E p = 2 + 1 E x sin φ
ρ IES-1997
1 q
(c) E p = ρ2 + a 2 E x sin φ Ans. (a) : Electric field intensity (E) =
4π ∈0 r 2
ρ2 + a 2
(d) E p = 2 2 E x sin φ 1 (100 )
ρa E= .
4π ∈0 (100 )2
electric displacement density (D) = ε 0 E
Ans. (a) : Ep will not have any component in the Y-
direction. Ep will have only in the X-direction. 1 1
= ε0 ×
So, the applied electric field is in X-direction only for 4π ∈0 100
( φ = 0º ) . =
112. The intensity of radiation of a dipole depends
strongly on frequency. If at a frequency f, the = 0.79 mC 2
intensity of radiation is ‘I’ then at a frequency
of f/2, the intensity will be: 115. Poisson’s equation for a non homogeneous
(a) I/2 (b) I/4 medium is:
(c) I/8 (d) I/16 (a) ε∇2 V = – ρ (b) ∇. (ε∇V) = – ρ
IES-1998 (c) ∇2 (εV) = – ρ (d) ∇2 (∇εV) = – ρ
Ans. (b) : Intensity of radiation ∝ Power intensity IES-1997
1 Ans. (b) : Poission's equation for non-homogeneous
∝ E H ∝ 2 ∝f2 medium is ∇.(ε∇V) = – ρ and Poission's equation for a
I∝f2 homogeneous medium is ∇2V =
Electromagnetic Field Theory 427 YCT
116. A small current carrying circular loop lies on a 118. P is a point at a large distance from the centre
vertical plane. P is a point of observation on the O of a short dipole formed by two point
orthogonal vertical plane passing through the charges all lying on a horizontal plane. If θ is
centre of the loop and θ is the angle between O the angle between OP and the dipole axis, then
and OP as shown in the given figure. The θ θ , component of the E-field at P is:
component of the H-field will vary as:
(a) given by sin θ (b) given by cos θ
(c) given by tan θ (d) independent of θ
ρ cos θ
Ans. (a) : We know that, V =
4π ∈0 r 2
(a) cos θ (b) cot θ Electric field (E) = –∇V
(c) cos2 θ (d) sin θ
1 ∂ ρ cos θ ∂ ρ cos θ
= +
Ans. (a) : r ∂θ 4π ∈0 r ∂r 4π ∈0 r
ρ sin θ ɵ ρ sin θ ɵ
= − a −
3 θ
4π ∈0 r 4π ∈0 r 3
Eθ ∝ sinθ
119. Two equal positive point charges are placed
along X-axis at + X1 and – X1 respectively. The
electric field vector at a point P on the positive
Magnetic field at high 'h' from the centre Y-axis will be directed.
Iρ2 (a) in the +X direction (b) in the – X direction
H= az
2 ρ2 + h 2
32 (c) in the +Y direction (d) in the – Y direction
H = H cos θ
Ans. (c) :
therefore the field will vary as cos θ along θ varies.
117. An infinitely long straight conductor located
along z-axis carries a current I in the + ve z-
direction. The magnetic field at any point P in
the x-y plane is in which direction?
(a) In the positive z-direction
(b) In the negative z-direction
(c) In the direction perpendicular to the radial Q
line OP (in x-y plane) joining the origin O to E1 = K. E2
the point P.
E1x and E2x are equal and opposite hence they cancel
(d) Along the radial line OP
each other.
and Ey = E1y + E2y
Ans. (c) :
so if two equal positive point charge are placed along x-
axis at + x1 and –x2 respectively. The electric field
vector at a point P on the positive y-axis will directed in
+y direction.
120. A conductor having surface density σ is
embedded in a dielectric medium of
An infinitely long straight conductor located along z- permittivity ε. The electric field in the medium
axis carries a current I in positive z-direction. The is E. If it is known that the pressure p on the
magnetic field at any point P in the direction conductor surface is equal to the electric
perpendicular to the radial line OP joining the origin O energy density in the medium, then p (in SI
to the point P. units) is given by:
Q Potential at point P–
(a) zero (b)
12πε0 Q Q
V= −
Q Q 4πε 0 r1 4πε 0 r2
(c) (d)
8πε0 6πε0 Q r2 − r1
IES-1992 4πε 0 r1r2
Ans. (d) : Potential at the centre if r >> L
1 Q1 Q 2 Q3 r1 − r2 ≃ Lcos θ
(V) = + + + .......
4πε 0 R1 R 2 R 3 r1r2 ≃ r 2
1 Q Q Q Q Q QL cos θ
(V) = − + − + ....... ∴V =
4πε 0 1 2 4 8 16 4πε 0 r 2
Q 1 1 1 1 When length 'L' is doubled then potential V is doubled.
4π ∈0 1 − 2 + 4 − 8 + 16 − ....... 128. A force with which the plates of a parallel plate
capacitor having charge Q and area of each
a plate A, attract each other is:
In G.P S∞ =
1− r 1. directly proportional to Q
2. directly proportional to Q2
Q 1 3. inversely proportional to A
V= Of these statements which are correct?
4π ∈0 −1
1− 2 (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Q 2 IES-1992
4π ∈0 3 Ans. (b) : F = QE ∵ D = Eε
V= ∴ F=
6π ∈0 ε
Q ρs ρ
126. The electric field lines and equipotential lines: = × D= s
ε 2 2
(a) are parallel to each other
(b) are one and the same Q×Q Q
= ∵ ρs = A
(c) cut each other orthogonally 2ε A
(d) can be inclined to each other at any angle 1
∴ F ∝ Q2 ∝
IES-1992 A
Ans. (c) : The electric field lines and equipotential lines So, F is directly proportional to Q2 and inversely
cut each other orthogonally. proportional to A.
Now F=
Q1Q 2
4πε 0 | R |3
R1 − R 2 ) Ans. (d) : Given,
∇×E = −
4π ×10 × 8.85 × 10 −9
= â y
4π × 8.85 ×10−12 × (1)
The above equation expresses that the time variation in
magnetic field produces electric field. This is
F = aˆ y N discovered by Faraday which is called as Faraday's law
from where this Maxwell's equation obtained.
137. For an isotropic radiator, electric field intensity
at a distance R is measured as 3V/m. What will 140. Which of the following statement is correct?
be the electric field intensity at a distance 3R? (a) In semiconductors, electron and holes move
1 in an electric field and in the same direction
(a) 1 V/m (b) V/m
3 (b) Electric field density is exactly equal to the
1 sum of electric field intensity and polarization
(c) V/m (d) 3 V/m
9 (c) Ampere's circuital law states that the line
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2013 integral of H about any closed path is exactly
Ans. (a) : Relation between electric field intensity and equal to the direct current enclosed by the
1 path
distance E ∝
R (d) None of the above
E1 R 2 ISRO Scientist Engg.-2016
E 2 R1 Ans.(c): Ampere's circuital law - The line integral of
3 3R the magnetic field around any closed loop is equal to the
E2 R algebraic sum of the currents which pass through the
E = 1V m loop.
∇×H = J
138. The electric field intensity E and magnetic field
intensity H are coupled and propagating in free ∫ H.dℓ = ∫∫ J.ds
space in x and y direction respectively, the
Poynting vector is given by. ∫ H.dℓ = I enclosed
186. A spherical rubber balloon with uniform 189. The time averaged Poynting vector, in W/m2,
for a wave with E = 24e j(
distribution of charge on its surface is blown ωt +β z )
a y V/m in free
up. E for a point inside, on the surface and
outside respectively is : space is :
(a) min., max., intermediate 2.4 2.4
(a) − az (b) az
(b) 0, max, 1/r 2 π π
(c) Max, 0, 0 4.8 4.8
(c) az (d) − az
(d) 1/r , max, 18r 2 π π
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
Electromagnetic Field Theory 439 YCT
Ans. (a) : Given Electric field E = 24e (
j ωt +βz ) 194. Hall effect is observed in a specimen when it
xaˆ y V / m.
(metal or a semiconductor) is carrying current
the wave is propagating in free space then time average and is placed in a magnetic field. The resultant
pointing vector will be :
electric field inside the specimen will be in
E2 242 2.4
x ( −aˆ z ) = ×− â z = − × â z (a) a direction normal to both current and
2η0 2x120π π
magnetic field
190. With which of the following the impedance (b) the direction of current
inversion may be obtained? (c) a direction anti parallel to the magnetic field
(a) A half wave line (d) an arbitrary direction depending upon the
(b) A quarter wave line conductivity of the specimen
(c) A short-circuited stub Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I
(d) An open-circuited stub
Ans. (a) : Hall effect:- If a specimen carrying a current
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
I is placed in a transverse magnetic field of flux density
Ans. (b) : A quarter wave line is used as impendence B, an electric field is developed along a direction
inversion. perpendicular to both B and I. This phenomenon is
191. Relaxation time of a capacitor is a function : known as Hall effect.
(a) The dielectric medium between the plates
195. The surface integral of the electric field
(b) The distance between the plates intensity is the
(c) The area of the plates
(a) Net flux emanating from the surface
(d) All the above factors
(b) Electric charge
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
(c) Charge density
Ans. (a) : Relaxation time of a capacitor in a function of
the dielectric medium between the plates. (d) Flux density
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-I
192. The magneto-motive force is
(a) The voltage across the two ends of exciting Ans. (a) : The surface integral of the electric field
coil intensity is the net flux emanating from the surface.
(b) The flow of an electric current ψ = ∫ E.ds
(c) The sum of all currents embraced by one line
of magnetic field 196. An infinite number of charges, each equal to
(d) The passage of magnetic field through an 'Q' are placed along the axis at x = 1, x = 3….
exciting coil and so on. The electric field at the point x = 0
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I due to these charges will be
Ans. (c) : Magnetomotive force (m.m.f) (a) Q (b) 2Q/3
M.M.F is equal to the work done in joules in carrying a (c) 4Q/3 (d) 4Q/5
unit magnetic pole once through the entire magnetic Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-I
circuit. It measured in ampere-turns. Ans. (*) : Electric field is given by
E = E1 + E 2 + E 3 + ...........E.
The m.m.f. is the sum of all currents embraced by one
line of magnetic field. 1 Q 1 Q
E= + + .........
193. Electric field intensity at a point is numerically 4πε 0 r1 4πε 0 r22
( 2µC )
1 QQ
= =
4πε (10cm ) 4πε (10cm )
2 2
Ans. (b) : The relationship between electric field For a spherical hollow metallic sphere has a charge of
+Q on it. Zero is the value of the electric field E inside
strength and the potential difference (v) at any
the sphere.
point is given 254. The relationship between electric field strength
E = – ∇V (E) and the potential difference (V) at any
250. At the higher frequencies, which one of the point is given by :
following becomes more confined to the region (a) E = Va r (b) E = – ∇Vr
between the micro-strip and ground plane?
(c) V = – ∇.E (d) E = ∇ × ∇V
(a) Electric field (b) Magnetic field
(c) Dispersion (d) Skin effect
ESE-2021 Ans. (b) : E = – ∇Vr
∫ B.ds = 0
I I ∇.B = 0 Magnetic
(a) J = (b) J = monopole
ab bc
∫ E.dℓ = 0
I I ∇×E = 0 Conservation of
(c) J = (d) J = Electrostatic field
ac abc
Ampere's law
BARC Scientific Officer-2016
Ans. (b) : Current density is always perpendicular to
∇×H = J
∫ H.d ℓ = ∫ J.ds
I I 283. The average value of the electrostatic field over
surface area. Therefore J = = .
A bc the volume V of a sphere due to a point charge
281 A region 1 is defined by x < 0 is free space, q somewhere within the sphere, where r0 is the
while the region 2, defined by x > 0 is a position of the charge, is
dielectric material for which εr = 3.6. Given qr qr0
E1 = 3iˆ + 5jˆ − 3kˆ V/m . Value of the angle (a) E av = − 0 (b) E av = −
3ε0 V 3πε0 V
θ2 that the electric field in dielectric makes with
qr0 qr0
x = 0 plane is (c) E av = (d) E av =
3ε0 V 3πε0 V
(a) 54.4º (b) 8.13º
(c) 27.2º (d) 16.26º ESE-2022
UPPCL AE- 31.12.2018 qr0
Ans. (c) : E av =
Ans. (b) : From boundary Condition we have 3ε0 V
E1t = E2t
284. Magnetic flux density is given by :
and D1n = D2n = E1n ε1 = E2n ε2
Given that- (a) B = εH (b) B = µH
(c) B = µE (d) B = µD
E = 3iˆ + 5jˆ - 3kˆ V/m
tan θ = 2n Ans. (b) : Magnetic flux density is related to magnetic
E 2t
field (H) by B = µH. It is measured in Weber/square
D1n = D2n meter equivalent to Tesla (T).
E1n εo = E2n εr εo
285. Two infinitely long wires carrying current are
E1n = 3iˆ and E1t = 5jˆ - 3kˆ as shown in the figure below. One wire is in the
E1n y-z plane and parallel to the y-axis. The other
tan θ =
εr ( E1t ) wire is in the x-y plane and parallel to the x-
axis. Which components of the resulting
E1n = 3 magnetic field are non-zero at the origin?
E 2t = 5jˆ − 3kˆ = 34
tanθ = = 0.1429
3.6 34
θ = tan–1 (0.1429) = 8.133o
282. The transformation between differential and
integral form requires
(a) Stokes theorem (b) Gauss theorem (a) x, y, z components (b) x, y components
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these (c) y, z components (d) x, z components
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2018, Paper-II GATE-2009
Electromagnetic Field Theory 453 YCT
Ans. (d) : Current circulation due to y-z plane The charge is at rest at t = 0, when a voltage +V
= aˆ y × aˆ z is applied to the plate at –d and voltage –V is
applied to the plate at x = + d. Assume that the
= â x quantity of the charge q is small enough that it
Similarly current circulation due to x-y plane- does not perturb the field set up by the metal
= aˆ x × aˆ y plates. The time that the charge q takes to
reach the right plate is proportional to
= â z
(a) d/V (b) d /V
Thus resulting component of current at origin will be
x,z components of plan i.e. x-z plane. (c) d / V (d) d/V
286. The force on a point charge +q kept at a GATE-2016
distance d from the surface of an infinite Ans. (c) : Force on moving charge particle in the
grounded metal plate in a medium of magnetic field
permittivity ∈ is F = Q (V × B)
(a) 0
= Q (Vx aˆ x + Vz aˆ z ) × Baˆ z
(b) away from the plate = QVx (– â y )
16π∈ d 2
q2 This results in a circular path in the X-Y Plane with
(c) towards the plate Vz aˆ z component causing a linear path , therefore
16π∈ d 2
at d2 = 2d1 , C2 =
290. What is the electric flux ( ∫ E.daˆ ) through a
quarter-cylinder of height H (as shown in the
if plates are electrically isolated then-
figure) due to an infinitely long line charge
Q2 =Q1 along the axis of the cylinder with a charge
Q 22 Q12 density of Q?
thus E 2 = =
2C2 C
2 1
2Q 2
= 1
E 2 = 2E1 = 2E
Hence energy becomes twice the previous energy.
289. Two conducting spheres S1 and S2 of radii a
and b (b > a) respectively, are placed far apart 4H Hε0
(a) (b)
and connected by a long, thin conducting wire, Qε0 4Q
as shown in the figure. HQ HQ
(c) (d)
ε0 4ε0
Ans. (d) : Electric field intensity is given by-
E= aˆ ρ ( radially outword)
For some charge placed on this structure, the
∴ ∫ E dφ = ∫∫ 2πε ρ aˆ
ρ (ρdφdz)
potential and surface electric field on S1 and Va π/ 2 H
and Ea, and that on S2 are Vb and Eb =
2πε0 ∫ dφ ∫ dz
z =0
respectively. Then, which of the following is 0
correct? Q π
= H
(a) Va = Vb and Ea < Eb (b) Va > Vb and Ea > Eb 2πε0 2
(c) Va = Vb and Ea > Eb (d) Va > Vb and Ea = Eb HQ
GATE-2017 4ε 0
Ans. (c) :The charge becomes in equilibrium position
291. The average drift velocity Vd of electrons in a
when both sphere are in equal potential. metal is related to electric field E and collision
i.e. Va = Vb time T as
Qa Qb Q ET
Now as Va = Vb , = (a) Vd = e (b) Vd =meQeT
4πε0 a 4πε0 b me
(a) 07 1iˆ + 2ˆj + 3kˆ ) (
(b) 5 ˆi + kˆ ) We know that, E = −∇ ⋅ V
(c) 5.625 2 j + 2k ˆ( ) ˆ ˆ(ˆ
(d) 25 i + j + k ) E = −
dV ɵ
ax +
dV ɵ
ay +
dV ɵ
UPSC JWM-2016 dx dy dz
Ans. (*) : r = ˆi − ˆi + 2ˆj − 0ˆj + 3kˆ − kˆ (
E = − 4xyaɵ x + 2x 2 aɵ y + 2zaɵ z )
= 0 + 2ˆj + 2kˆ
E (1,1,0) = − 4aɵ x + 2aɵ y + 0 )
r = 2jˆ + 2kˆ ) E (1,1,0) = − 4aɵ x − 2aɵ y .
and | r |= 4 + 4
4r 5
| r |= 8 301. A unit sphere having potential of . Then
1 q the field developed in the sphere is given by
E= ⋅ r
4πεo r 3 4 −20 4
(a) + r 5 aˆ r (b) r aˆ r
9 × 109 × 5 × 10−9 ˆ ε0 ε0
8 8
2 j + 2kˆ ) 20 4 +5 4
(c) r aˆ r (d) r aˆ r
ε0 ε0
E = 3.97 ˆj + kˆ ) BARC Scientific Officer-2016
298. A charged particle of mass 2Kg and charge 3C Ans. (b) : Given sphere potential -
starts at point (1, –2, 0) with velocity 4r 5
4a x + 3a z m/s in and electric field V =
12a x + 10a y V/m. At time t = 1 ms what will be
E = −∇ ⋅ V
the acceleration of the particle? ∂V
=− â r
(a) 18a x + 15a y m / s ∂r
(b) 18a x + 15a z m / s 2 ∂ 4r 5
=− â r
(c) 18a x + 15a y m / s 2 ∂r ε0
Ans. (b) : Given, x(1,2,3) and y(1,2,4) and q = 15 nc = − ∫ (xuˆ x + yuˆ y + zuˆ z ).(uˆ x dx + uˆ y dy + uˆ z dz)
Then, potential difference -
= − ∫ (xdx + ydy + zdz)
q 1 − 1
Vxy =
4πε0 rx ry
x 2 2 y 2 0 z 2 0
= − + +
rx = 12 + 22 + 32 = 14 2 1 2 2 2 3
ry = 12 + 22 + 42 = 21 1
= – (22 − 12 ) + (0 − 22 ) + (0 − 32 )
1 1
So, Vxy = 9 × 109 × 15 × 10−9 −
14 = − [3 − 4 − 9]
= 135 × 0.049 = 6.62V
1 9
= − [ −10]
4πε = 9 × 10 2
0 = 5Volt
304. Consider the following statements regarding an 306. The ratio σ/ ωε is called
electrostatic field: 1. Intrinsic ratio
1. It is irrotational 2. Loss tangent
2. It is solenoidal 3. Conduction ratio
3. It is static only from a macroscopic view 4. Dissipation factor
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
4. Work done in moving a charge in the field (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
from one point to another is independent of
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 2 and 3
the path of movement.
IES – 2015, 2014
Which of these statements are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 2 and 4 σ
Ans. (c) : The ratio of is called loss tangent or
(c) Only 2 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4 ωε
IES-2006 dissipation factor . It may be defined as
Ans. (d) : For electrostatic field– σ JC
Loss tangent = =
(1) It is irrotational ωε JD
∇ × E = 0 where E is irrotational 307. Given that the electric flux density
(2) It is not solenoidal D = zρ(cos 2 φ)az C/m 2 . The charge density (in
∇⋅E ≠ 0
C/m3) at point (1, π/4, 3) is
(3) It is static only from a macroscopic view point.
(4) Work done in moving a charge in the field from one (a) 3 (b) 1
point to another is independent of the path of (c) 0.5 (d) 0.5a z
movement. IES - 2011
Electromagnetic Field Theory 458 YCT
Ans. (c) : Given D = zρ (cos2φ) aɵ z Ans. (a) : As per question electric flux density (D)
can be given as
Gauss law in differential from gives
Charge density ∇.D = ρ v D= ˆ
4πd 2
where ρv = volume charge density. the net electric flux can be given as
∴ ρv = ∇.D =
zρ cos 2 φ
φ= ∫ D.ds
from (i)
= ρ cos2 φ Q
φ= ∫ s 4πd 2
â. 4πd 2
∴ ( ρ v )1, π ,3 = 1. cos
4 φ=Q
1 311. The electric field strength at distant point, P,
= due to a point charge, +q located at the origin,
is 100µ V/m. If the point charge is now enclosed
= 0.5 C/m3.
by a perfectly conducting metal sheet sphere
308. When a dielectric is placed in an electric field, whose center is at the origin, then the electric
the electric flux density D, electric field field strength at the point, P, outside the sphere
intensity E and polarization P are related as becomes
(a) D = ε 0 Ε × P (b) D = ε 0 E − P (a) zero (b) 100 µV/m
(c) –100 µV/m (d) 50 µV/m
(c) D = ε0 ( E × P ) (d) D = ε 0 E + P GATE-1995
IES - 1995 Ans. (b) :
Ans. (d) : for a dielectric material we have-
D = ε0 E + P
Where, P = polarisation of E wave.
309. Which of the following is the correct
statement? The radially outward field is normal to conductor and
no induction effect so, E is same.
Equipotential lines and field lines
(a) Are parallel 312. The electric field on the surface of a perfect
conductor is 2 V/m. The conductor is immersed
(b) Are anti-parallel
in water with ∈ = 80 ∈0. The surface charge
(c) Are orthogonal
(d) Bear no definite relationship density on the conductor is ∈ = F/m
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-I 36π
(a) 0 C/m2 (b) 2 C/m2
Ans. (c) : Equipotential lines and field lines are
orthogonal. (c) 1.8 × 10–11 C/m2(d) 1.41 × 10–9 C/m2
Equipotential line are the connecting point of the same
electrical potential, all electric field lines cross all Ans. (d) : Electric field strength is given by -
equipotential lines perpendicularly. ρ
E= s
310. If the flux density through a spherical surface ε
with radius 'd' enclosing a point charge Q, and ρs= E × ε
Q = E.(80ε0 )
a is the radial unit vector is aˆ then the
4πd 2
total flux coming out of the sphere is: = 2×80× ×10−9
Q = 1.41×10–9 C/m2
(a) Q (b)
4πd 2 313. When the electric field is at its maximum value,
Q the magnetic energy of a cavity is
(c) 4πd 2 Q (d) a
4πd 2 (a) At its maximum value
UPMRC AM - 2020 (b) At 2 of its maximum value
Electromagnetic Field Theory 459 YCT
(c) At 1/2 of its maximum value 317. The plane y = 0 carries a uniform current
(d) Zero density of –20 k̂ mA/m. The magnetic field
TSPSC Manager (Engg.) - 2015 intensity at x = 1, y = 10 and z = –2 is
Ans. (d) : When electric field at it's peak, at that time
(a) –10 î mA/m (b) 10 î mA/m
zero magnetic field present in the system.
314. Which of these statements is not characteristic (c) –20 î mA/m (d) 20 î mA/m
of a static magnetic field ? ISRO Scientist Engg. -2020
(a) It is solenoidal Ans. (b) : Given, Plane y = 0 which implies that xz
(b) It is Conservative
(c) It has no sinks or sources
plane is normal at y axis Jˆ = aˆ N )
(d) Magnetic flux lines are always closed ∵ J = −20 kˆ mA / m
TNPSC AE- 2019
Magnetic field intensity -
MPSC HOD Govt. Poly.2013 1
∵H = J aˆ N
Ans. (b) : Characteristic of static magnetic field 2
(1) It is solenoidal
(2) It has no sinks or sources
= −20kˆ × 10−3 × Jˆ
(3) Magnetic flux lines are always closed
Maxwell’s equation for static electromagnetic ( )
= −10 ×10−3 kˆ × Jˆ
Differential Integral form Remarks
= −10 ×10−3 ( −ˆi ) A/m
= 10iˆ mA / m
∇.D =ρ v ∫ ∫
D.ds = ρ dv
Gauss’s law
318. The magnetic equivalent of Ohm's Law is
∇.B = 0 ∫ B.ds = 0 Non-existence
of magnetic
(a) Lenz's Law (b) Faraday's Law
(c) Rowland's Law (d) Maxwell's Law
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2010
∇×E = 0 ∫ E.dℓ = 0 Conservative of
electrostatic Ans. (c) : In electrical circuit, ohm's law
field V = IR
where, R is the electrical resistance of that material.
∇×H = J ∫ H.dℓ = ∫ s J.dsAmpere’s law
Hopkinson's law (or) Rowland's law is a counterpart to
315. What is the value of magnetic flux in Weber, if ohm's law used in magnetic circuits.
it is 2000 in Maxwell?
F = φS
(a) 2 × 10 –5 (b) 2 × 10 –3
Where, F is the magneto motive force (mmf) across
(c) 2 × 105 (d) 2 × 103 the magnetic circuit element.
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2018 φ is the magnetic flux through the magnetic element.
Ans.(a): 1 Maxwell = 10–8 Weber S is the reluctance of that material.
∴ 2000 Maxwell = 2 × 10–5 Weber
319. According to Biot-Savart law, the magnetic
316. Magnetic field intensity (H), within a magnetic field intensity is
material where, M = 150 A/m, (a) Proportional to the distance
µ = 1.5 ×10 –5 H/m, µ r = 30; (b) Proportional to square of the distance
(a) 14.921 A/m (b) 14.138 A/m (c) Inversely proportional to the distance
(c) 1.82 A/m (d) 13.715 A/m (d) Inversely proportional to square of the
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2016 distance
Ans.(*): We know that - TNPSC AE - 2018
µ r = (1 + χ ) Ans. (d) : According to Biot-Savart law
M µ0 Idℓ sin θ
and χ = dB =
H 4πr 2
So that 30 = 1 + As B ∝ H (Field Intensity)
H = 5.17 A / m so, H ∝ 2
Electromagnetic Field Theory 460 YCT
320. The inductance and energy stored in joules in (c) has no effect on current decay
the magnetic field of the solenoid having length (d) any of the above
30 cm and diameter 3 cm and wound with 1000 Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
turns of wire when carrying a current of Ans. (a) : A collapsing magnetic field around a coil
10 Amp. tends to oppose the decay of current in the coil.
(a) 0.003 mH and 0.15 joules 324. A conductor 4m long lies along x-axis with a
(b) 3 mH and 0.15 joules current of 10.0 A in the î direction. The force
(c) 8 mH and 0.15 joules on this conductor due to a magnetic field
(d) 0.003 mH and 0.015 joules B = 0.05 k̂ T is
TNPSC AE - 2018 ˆ
(a) 2.0jN ˆ
(b) 0.2jN
Ans. (b) : We know – (c) −0.2ˆjN (d) −2.0ˆjN
b 3
r = = = 1.5cm UPPCL AE- 31.12.2018
2 2 Ans. (d) :
A = πr 2
F = i ℓ×B )
= π × (1.5)2×10–4
F = 10 ( 4aˆ x × 0.05aˆ z )
µ N2A
L= 0 F = 2 ( aˆ x × aˆ z )
4π× 10−7 × 106 × π×1.52 × 10−4 F = −2aˆ y or F = −2ˆjN
30 ×10−2
325. If the electric field strength of a plane wave is
L = 0.00295 H 1 V/m, what is the strength of a
L ≃ 3 mH magnetic field ‘H’ in free space?
(a) 2.6 mA (b) 2.6 µA
Energy stored ( E ) = LI2 (c) 26 mA (d) 26 µA
2 TNPSC AE-2014
= × 2.295 × 10−3 ×102 E
2 = η0
Ans. (a) :
= 0.114 η0 = Intrinsic impedance of free space
E ≃ 0.15 Joule η0 = 377 Ω
321. An air gap is usually inserted in magnetic H = E = 1 = 2.6mA
circuits to η0 377
(a) increase flux (b) decrease flux 326. If the critical magnetic field for aluminum is
(c) increase mmf (d) prevent saturation 7.9 × 103 amp/turn, then the current flowing
through a long thin wire of aluminum of
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
diameter 10–3 m will be
Ans. (d) : An air gap is usually inserted in magnetic (a) 25 amp (b) 50 amp
circuits to prevent saturation. (c) 100 amp (d) 1000 amp
322. In a stationary conductor, an emf can be Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-I
induced by Ans. (a) :As per question
(a) changing magnetic field critical magnetic field
(b) electrons Hc= 7.9×103A/T
(c) steady magnetic field diameter d= 10–3 m
(d) all of the above 10 –3
So radius r= m
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III 2
current Ic=?
Ans. (a) : In a stationary conductor an emf can be
we know that
induced by changing magnetic field.
Ic = 2πrH c
323. A collapsing magnetic field around a coil –3
(a) tends to oppose the decay of current in the = 2 × 3.14 × 10 × 7.9 × 103
coil 2
(b) helps decay of current in the coil = 24.806 ≃ 25Amp
A m2 ∫ D.ds = q
∫ F.dr = ∫∫ (∇ × F ).ds
(c) 12 V (d) 10 V
c s BSNL (JTO)-2006
induced e.m.f
− dφ
2. ∫ E ⋅ dℓ = –jωB
s s
E ind =
dt 3. ∫ B ⋅ ds = 0
−d ( 2t − 20t + 40 )
4. ∫ H ⋅ ds = ∫ ( J + jωD ) ⋅ dℓ
s s s
dt Which of the above Time-Harmonic Maxwell’s
= −4t + 20 equations are correct?
At, t = 2sec (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only
E ind = −4 × 2 + 20 (c) 1, 2 and 3 only (d) 3 and 4 only
= 12V
Ans.(b) : Time harmonic Maxwell's equations for time
11. In the infinite plane y = 6m, there exists a
factor ejωt can be given as -
uniform surface charge density of
(1/6000π) µC/m2. The associated electric field 1. ∫ Ds ⋅ dS = ∫ ρ vs dv
strength is
2. ∫ Bs ⋅ ds = 0
ˆ /m
(a) 30iV ˆ /m
(b) 3jV
ˆ /m 3. ∫ E s .dl = –jω∫ Bs .ds
(c) 30kV (d) 60ˆjV / m
GATE-1995 4. ∫ H s .dl = ∫ ( J s + jωDs ) .ds
Ans. (b) : For an infinite plane- 14. A metal sphere with 1 m radius and a surface
ρ charge density of 10 Coulomb/m2 is enclosed in
E = s aˆ N a cube of 10 m side. The total outward electric
displacement flux normal to the surface of the
1 cube is
ρs = ×10 −6 aˆ y C / m 2 ∵ aˆ N = aˆ y
6000π (a) 40 π Coulombs (b) 10 π Coulombs
1×10−6 aˆ y (c) 5 π Coulombs (d) None of the above
∴ E=
6000π× 2 × 8.854 ×10−12 GATE-1996
= 2.99 â y Ans. (a) : Net outward flux is given by Gauss's Law.
→ ∂D →
or V2 = ––––(2)
(b) ∫ H.dl = I + ∫ ∂t .ds
r2 C s
Adding equation (1) and (2)
k1 k2
(c) ∫ B.ds = 0
V = V1 + V2 = +
r r2 →
↓ ↓
(d) ∫ D.ds = 0
= −27a x − 3a y − 9a z ∂D
17. The relation between electric polarization and
∫ H.dℓ = ∫∫ J + ∂t .ds
(b) ∫ C
A.dl = ∫∫ V.dS
(a) (b) = × 0.13
(0.8) 2 + 4
400 × 0.64
= × 0.13
= 7.172 Amp.
(c) (d)
Area of portion of spherical surface
2π π4
Jds = ∫ ∫ π
r 2 sin θ ⋅ dθ dφ
GATE-2015 φ= 0 θ=
Ans. (c): We know that-
Where r = 0.8m
∫ Hdℓ = I = ( 0.64 ) [ φ]0
[ -cosθ]π 12
or H(2πr) = I
= 0.64 × 2π × 0.26
or H = â φ ∵ aˆ z × aˆ ρ = aˆ φ S = 1.04 m2
∴ Average current density ( J avg ) =
Hence H ∝ 1.04
27. The current density in a medium is given by = 6.89 A m 2
400sinθ 28. A uniform and constant magnetic field
J= aˆ r , Am -2
2π ( r 2 + 4 ) B = ẑB exists in the z direction in vacuum. A
particle of mass m with a small charge q is
The total current and the average current
introduced into this region with an initial
density flowing through the portion of a
ˆ x + zv
velocity v = xv ˆ Z . Given that B, m, q, vx
spherical surface
π π and vz are all non-zero. which one of the
r = 0.8m, ≤ θ ≤ ,0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π are given, following describes the eventual trajectory of
12 4
the particle?
respectively, by
(a) Helical motion in the ẑ direction
(a) 15.09 A, 12.86 Am–2
(b) Circular motion in the xy plane.
(b) 18.73 A, 13.65 Am–2
(c) Linear motion in the ẑ direction
(c) 12.86 A, 9.23 Am–2
(d) 10.28 A, 7.56 Am–2 (d) Linear motion in the xɵ direction
GATE-2016 GATE-2016
Electromagnetic Field Theory 471 YCT
Ans. (a) : Given, B = zˆ B =Baz , v z = xv
ˆ x + zv
ˆ z= Ans. (d) : From poisson’s equation
vxax+vzaz ∂ 2 V −ρv
∇2 V = = =K
From Lorentz’s law ∂x 2 ε
F = Q ( v × b) Constant charge density
= Q ( v x a x + v z a z ) × Ba z ∂V
= − Kx + K '
Fy = Qv x .B ( −a y )
−Kx 2
This results in a circular path in the xy plane with vzaz V= + K 'x + K ''
component causing a linear path so, both result in a
helical motion along z axis. Due to symmetry of + and– charges K '' = 0 with V = 0
29. Consider the charge profile shown in the at centre and graph passing through origin.
figure. The resultant potential distribution is When x>a or x<b, E = 0 due to capacitive nature of +
best described by and – charges
Now V = − ∫ 0.dℓ = constant
30. The inconsistency of continuity equation for
time varying field was corrected by Maxwell
and the correction was applied to
(a) Ampere’s law by adding term
(b) Gauss’s Law by adding term J
(c) Faraday’s law by addition of term
(a) (d) Ampere’s law by adding term
TNPSC AE- 2019
Ans. (a) : The inconsistency of continuity equation for
time varying field was corrected by Maxwell and the
correction was applied to Ampere’s law by adding term
Ampere’s circuit Law, ∇×H = J +
∫ H.d ℓ = ∫ J +
s d s → Integral form
31. At the interface of perfect conductor and
(c) perfect dielectric, there can exist
(a) Surface current (b) Surface charge
(c) Surface voltage (d) None of these
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade -2018, Paper-II
Ans. (a) : At the interface of perfect conductor and
perfect dielectric, there can exist Surface current.
32. Electromagnetic waves are produced by
(d) (a) A static charge
(b) A moving charge
(c) An accelerating charge
(d) Chargeless particle
GATE-2016 Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2016, Paper-I
Electromagnetic Field Theory 472 YCT
Ans. (c) : An accelerating charge produces a changing 36. Which of the following is not Maxwell’s
electric field which in turn produce a magnetic field. equation for static electromagnetic field in
These alternatively change to magnetic and electric isotropic and homogenous medium?
field which gives rise to electromagnetic wave.
33. An electromagnetic wave going through (a) ∇ 2 A = µJ (b) ∇B = 0
vaccum is described by E=E0 sin (Kx–ωt) and (c) ∇ × D = 0 (d) ∇ × H = J
B=B0 sin (Kx –ωt). Then UPRVUNL AE-2016
(a) E0k =B0ω (b) E0B0=ωk
(c) E0ω=B0k (d) None of these Ans. (a) : ∇ A = µJ
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2016, Paper-I ∇ 2 A = −µ J is vector Poisson’s equation while rest of
Ans. (a) : Given,
the expression are part of Maxwell’s equation.
E = E0. sin ( Kx − ωt ) and B = B0. sin (Kx – ωt).
37. Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetic are not
We know that-
applicable to
ω = 2πf = λ
(a) Isotropic media
=C ∵ (b) Non homogenous media
B0 K = 2π , C = ω (c) Medium moving with respect to system of
λ K co-ordinates
(d) Non linear media
E ω
C= 0 = , E 0 K = B0 ω TANGEDCO AE- 2018
B0 K
Ans. (c) : Maxwell’s equation is applicable to isotropic
34. The total energy stored in electromagnetic media, non-homogenous media and non-linear media.
fields is
So, it is not applicable to medium moving with respect
(a) 0 ∫ E 2 dv to system of coordinates.
38. "Time-varying magnetic field will always
2µ 0 ∫
(b) B dv produce an electric field".
The given statement is true for:
(c) ∫ ∈0 E + (1/ µ 0 ) B dv
2 2 (a) Maxwell's third equation
2 (b) Maxwell's first equation
∈0 µ 0
2 ∫
2 2
(d) E B dv (c) Maxwell's second equation
(d) Maxwell's fourth equation
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2016, Paper-I
DFCCIL Executive S&T 29.09.2021, 12:30 to 2:30PM
Ans. (c) : The total energy stored in electromagnetic
Ans. (a) : From third equation of Maxwell a time
field is equal to the sum of energy stored in electric and
magnetic field. varying magnetic field always produces a electric field.
1 1 ∂B
Total energy E = ∫ [∈0 E 2 + .B2 ]dv ∇×E = −
2 µ0 ∂t
35. Which of the following field equation indicate The negative sign indicate that the induced emf always
that the free magnetic charge do not exist? opposes the time-varying magnetic flux.
1 39. Maxwell's third equation is derived
(a) H = ∇ × A (b) ∇ × H = 0
µ from_______.
Idl × R (a) Gauss's law of magnetostatics
(c) H = ∫ 4πR 2
(d) ∇ × H = J
(b) Gauss's law of electrostatic
UPPSC Poly.Tech. Lecturer-22.03.2022, Paper-II (c) Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction
Ans. (b) : From the Maxwell equation- (d) Ampere's circuital law
∇.B = 0 DFCCIL Executive S&T 29.09.2021, 12:30 to 2:30PM
57. Match List-I (Maxwell equation) with List-II
(Description) and select the correct answer: The total electric displacement through the surface
enclosing a volume (ρv) is equal to the point charge
List - I List - II
with in the volume.
∫ B.da = 0 1 The
a ∫ E.dl = − ∫ B.da Faraday's law
closed path is i.e. the e.m.f around a closed path is equal to the time
equal to the
derivative of the magnetic displacement through any
surface bounded by the path.
current plus the
time derivative ∫ H.d l = ∫ ( D + J ) da Ampere's law
of the electric s
→ E 2t = ?
E1n = −3a x + 4a y − 2a z E 2n = ?
ɵ ɵ ɵ
So, tangential and normal component of the electric
field to the plane z = 0 are given as ––
E = −3aɵ x + 4aɵ y
Above two relation follows that –
(1) Time varying electric field will produce a space
E1n = −2aɵ z
varying orthogonal magnetic field.
From the boundary condition, the tangential component (2) Electric field varying with time in free space gives
of electric field will be uniform, i.e. rise to a current i.e. conducting current and
E2t = E1t = −3aɵ x + 4aɵ y displacement current.
and the normal component of electric field is non 61. Consider the following statements regarding
uniform and is given as – Maxwell's equation in differential form:
D n1 − D n 2 = 0 1. For free space ∇ × H = (σ + jωε) E
or D n1 = D n 2 2. For free space ∇.D = ρ
3. For steady current, ∇ × H = J
ε r1E1n = ε r 2 E 2n
4. For static electric field, ∇.D = ρ
ε r1 Which of the above statements are correct?
or E 2n = E1n
εr 2 (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 4 and 1
( )
−2aɵ z IES - 2014
Ans. (c) : The Maxwell corrected equation for time
−4 ɵ
∴ E 2n = az varying field in differential form is given by –
∇× H = JC + JD
Thus E 2 = E 2t + E 2n
4 ɵ Where J C = σE = Conduction current density
E 2 = −3aɵ x + 4aɵ y − a z V/m ∂D
6.5 and JD = = Displacement current density
60. Maxwell's major contribution to EM theory ∂t
was to assert ∂
∴ ∇× H = σE + D
(a) that an electric field varying with time in free ∂t
space gives rise to a current ∂
(b) that a magnetic field varying with time gives = σE + ( εE )
rise to an electric field
(c) that a magnetic field varying with space gives = σE + jωεE
rise to an electric field = ( σ + jωε ) E
(d) that energy density due to an electric field is
1 2 But for free space σ = 0, then –
εΕ ∇× H = jωεE
IES - 2014 Hence statement (1) is incorrect
Ans. (a) : Maxwell laws for static field in closed Maxwell equation for static electric field–
surface may be defined as – ∇ × D = ρv
∫ D.ds = ∫ ρdv
But for free space ρv = 0 ⇒ ∇× D = 0
∇.D = ρ Hence statement (2) is also incorrect
∫ B.ds = 0
∇.B = 0 In statement (3) Applying Maxwell's static magnetic
Integral form differentialform
∫ E.dl = 0 ∇× E = 0
∇× H = J
C ∫ H.dl = I ⇒ ∇ × H = JC
∫ H.dl = ∫ J .ds
S Hence statement (3) is correct
Electromagnetic Field Theory 477 YCT
Now for statement (4) applying Maxwell's equation for 64. Lorentz’s force law for a point charge q is
static electric field given by:
∫ D.ds = 0 ⇒ ∇.D = ρ v (a) F = q ( E + v.B ) (b) F = q ( E + v × B )
(c) F = q ( B + v × E ) (d) F = q ( B + v.E )
E jωµ β = ω LC
η= =
H σ + jωε 10 The characteristics impedance of a two-wire
For free space, σ = 0 lossy transmission line is equal to:
µ = µ0µr, where µr = 1 L R + jωC
(a) (b)
and ε = ε0εr, where εr = 1 for free space C L
µ0 R + j ωL R + jωL
∴ η = η0 = (c) (d)
ε0 G + j ωC G
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
4π × 10 −7
8.854 × 10 −12 R + j ωL
Ans. (c) : Z0 =
= 120 π or 377 Ω G + jωC
L C Z +0
Zin ( λ 2 ) = Z0 L
propagation constant Z0 + 0
γ = (R + jωL)(G + jωC) Zin ( λ 2 ) = ZL
γ = α + jβ
Attenuation constant α = RG
and phase shift constant,
β = ω LC
L × LG 100 × 50 100
= ω R eq = = = 33.33 Ω
R 100 + 50 3
G Zin ( λ / 2 ) = Z0 = R eq = 33.33 Ω
= ωL.
R 14. Two coaxial cables 1 and 2 are filled with
12. The characteristics impedance of quarter wave different dielectric constants ∈r1 and ∈r2,
transformer with load and input impedances respectively. The ratio of the wavelengths in the
given by 30 and 75 respectively is-
(a) 47.43 (b) 37.34 two cables, 1 , is equal to :
(c) 73.23 (d) 67.45 λ2
UPPSC Poly.Tech. Lecturer-22.03.2022, Paper-II ε r1 εr 2
(a) (b)
Ans. (a) : Given that, εr 2 ε r1
Zin = 75Ω, ZL= 30 Ω
εr 2 ε r1
∴ Characteristic impedance (c) (d)
ε r1 εr 2
Z0 = Zin × ZL
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
Z0 = 75 × 30 Ans. (c) : Ratio of the wavelength in the two cables-
Z0 = 47.43Ω λ1 V1
13. The input impedance (in Ω) for the λ 2 V2
transmission line cable shown in the given
circuit is equal to : λ1 1/ µ1ε1
λ 2 1/ µ 2 ε 2
λ1 µ 0 ε 0 ε r2
λ2 µ 0 ε 0 ε r1
(a) 66.66 (b) 33.33 λ1 ε r2
(c) 100 (d) 50 =
λ2 ε r1
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
Electromagnetic Field Theory 482 YCT
15. For a two-wire transmission line, the load 2π
impedance is 100 Ohm and the characteristics Ans. (a) : Phase difference β ℓ = .path difference
impedance is 50 Ohm. The reflection coefficient
π 2π
at the load is equal to :
4 λ
(1×10−3 )
(a) 3 (b)
2 λ = 8×10–3
1 f = 5GHz (given)
(c) 2 (d)
3 The phase velocity of the wave,
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022 VP = fλ
Ans. (d) : Given that, = 5×109×8×10–3
ZL = 100Ω = 40 ×106 m/sec
Z0 = 50Ω 19. What is the input impedance (in Ω) for the
Reflection coefficient at the load following transmission line with parallel load ?
Z − Z0 100 − 50
ΓL = L =
ZL + Z0 100 + 50
ΓL = 1/ 3
16. S parameters of a transmission line are S11, S12,
S21 and S22. If the transmission line is
symmetrical, what is the condition ?
(a) S21 = –S12 (b) S21 = S12
(c) S11 = S12 (d) S11 = S22
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022 (a) 50 (b) 200
DRDO-2009 (c) 25 (d) 100
Ans. (d) : S parameter of a transmission line are S11, UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
S12, S21, S22 Z02 (100 )
constant for a lossless transmission line are Z L2 50
equal to ______ and _______, respectively.
ZL = Z1 || Z2 = 100Ω
(a) RG, ω (b) 0, ω Z2 ( 50 )
R R Zi = 0 = = 25Ω
ZL 100
(c) 0, ω LC (d) ω LC,0
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022 20. A lossy transmission line has resistance per
Ans. (c) : For a loss less line attenuation constant α = 0 unit length-R = 0.01Ω/m. The line is distortion
∵γ = α + β less and has characteristic impedance of 100 Ω.
The attenuation constant (in NP/m, correct to
γ = 0 + jβ
three decimal places) of the line is
| γ |= β (a) 0.0001 (b) 0.001
β = ω LC (c) 0.01 (d) 0.1
18. A transmission line has the characteristics BPSC Asst. Prof. - 12.04.2022
impedance and the load impedance of 100 Ans. (a) : For distortion less transmission line
Ohm. The line is excited by a source of
sinusoidal voltage of 5 GHz. The phase = ⇒ =
difference between two points spaced 1-mm R G C G
long is equal to π/4 radians. The phase velocity L R
of the wave along the line is equal to : Z0 = =
(a) 40 × 106 m/sec. (b) 40 × 109 m/sec.
(c) 3 × 10 m/sec.
(d) 4 × 106 m/sec. G= 2 ....(i)
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
Electromagnetic Field Theory 483 YCT
We known that for distortion less transmission line,
( 2n + 1) π
∵ α = RG 2π
Put the value from equation (i) λ
For first minima (n = 0)
α = R× x = λ/4
3 × 1010
R x= = 7.5cm
α= 109 × 4
Z0 23. If the maximum magnetic field strength is 8 ×
0.01 109 tesla, calculate intensity of electromagnetic
100 wave.
α = 0.0001 Np/m (a) 4 × 10 25 W / m 2 (b) 5 × 10 25 W / m 2
(c) 2.54 × 10 25 W / m 2 (d) 3.54 × 10 25 W / m 2
21. It is required to match a 200Ω load to a 300Ω
transmission line to reduce the SWR along the UPRVUNL AE -19.07.2021, Shift-II
line to 1. What must be the characteristic Ans. (c) : Given that,
impedance of the quarter-wave transformer B0 = 8 ×109
used for this purpose, if it is connected directly
1 B02 1 ( 8 × 10 )
9 2
to the load? I= =
(a) 225Ω (b) 300Ω 2 µ 0 2 4π × 10−7
(c) 72Ω (d) 245Ω = 2.54 × 10 25 W / m 2
UPPSC Poly.Tech. Lecturer-22.03.2022, Paper-II 24. Poynting vector P = E × H has the unit
NPCIL-2015 (a) Watts/metre2 (b) Watts/meter
Ans. (d) : Given that, (c) Watts-metre (d) Watts-metre2
ZL= 200Ω, Zin = 300Ω RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021
Z0 = ZL .Zin ISRO Scientist Engg.-2007
Ans. (a) : Poynting Vector P = E × H
Z0 = 200 × 300 V A Volt.Amp
Units: × =
Z0 = 60000 m m m2
Z0 = 244.94 Watt
Z0 ≃ 245Ω m2
22. A lossless transmission line of characteristic 25. ______of a wave is the velocity with which
impedance Z0 = 50Ω is terminated to ZL = 75Ω. variations in the shape of modulation or
If the operating frequency is 1 GHz, the envelope of the wave propagate through space.
location of the voltage minimum from the load (a) The phase velocity
is- (b) The elliptical velocity
(a) 7.5 cm (b) 10 cm (c) The group velocity
(c) 12.5 cm (d) 15 cm (d) The circular velocity
DFCCIL Executive S&T 29.09.2021, 12:30 to 2:30PM
UPPSC Poly.Tech. Lecturer-22.03.2022, Paper-II
Ans. (c) : The group velocity of a wave is the velocity
Ans. (a) : Given,
with the overall envelope shape of the wave's
Z0 = 50Ω, ZL = 75Ω amplitudes through space.
f = 109 Hz Group velocity
2β x − θv = ( 2n + 1) π dω
Vg =
∵ θ v = 0 because ZL > Z0 dβ
( 2n + 1) π
vp =
( 3 ×10 )
8 2
ε1 sin θi = ε 2 sin θ t
vg 2 ×108
1.sin 450 = ε r 2 sin 300
v p = 4.5 ×108 m / s 2
= εr 2
34. Two coaxial cables 1 and 2 are filled with
different dielectric constants εr1 and εr2 εr 2 = 2
respectively. The ratio of the wavelengths in the 36. A transmission line is distortionless if
two cables (a) RL = 1/GC (b) RL = GC
1/2 1/2 (c) LG = RC (d) RG = LC
εr εr
(a) 1 (b) 2 APPSC POLY. LECT. 14.03.2020
εr εr
2 1 Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2016, Paper-I
εr εr Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade- 2015, Paper-I
(c) 1 (d) 2 Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012, Paper-I
ε r2 ε r1
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-I
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-I GATE-2001
Ans. (b) : Ratio of their wavelength will be- Ans. (c) : A transmission line is said to be distortionless
v1 and v2 = wave velocity when attenuation constant 'α' is frequency independent
1 and the phase shift constant β is linearly dependent on
the frequency.
λ1 v1 µ1 ∈1
= = For a distortionless transmission line, the primary
λ2 v2 1
constants are related by R/L = G/C.
µ 2 ∈2
µ 2 ∈2 µ 0 ∈0∈r2 ∈r2 37. ZL = 200Ω and it is desired that Zi = 50Ω. The
= =
µ1 ∈1 µ 0 ∈0∈r1 ∈r1 quarter wave transformer should have a
characteristic impedance of
35. A uniform plane wave in air impinge at (a) 100Ω (b) 40Ω
45ο angle on a lossless dielectric material with (c) 10,000Ω (d) 4Ω
dielectric constant εr . The transmitted wave Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-I
propagates in a 30ο direction with respect to IES - 2018
the normal. The value of εr is TNPSC AE – 2018
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
(a) 1.5 (b) 1.5 Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-I
(c) 2 (d) 2 IES - 2016
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2015, Paper-II
APPSC POLY. LECT. 14.03.2020
BPSC Polytechnic Lect.-2014
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-I Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012, Paper-III
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2016 Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-I
GATE-2000 IES – 2003, 2002, 1997
Electromagnetic Field Theory 486 YCT
Ans. (a) : Given that, Zi = 50Ω, ZL=200 Ω (b) Double stub
Z 20 (c) Single stub with adjustable position
Zi = (d) Quarter wave transformer
Nagaland PSC (Degree) 2018, Paper-II
⇒ Z0 = Zi .Z L Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-I
= 50 × 200
IES – 2010, 1996
= 100Ω Ans. (b) : The best system used for transmission line
38. The depth of penetration of a wave in a lossy load matching is double stub. Stub matching is an
dielectric increases with increasing impedance matching technique when open circuited and
(a) conductivity (b) permeability short circuited transmission line is connected to main
(c) wavelength (d) permittivity transmission line. In double stub matching two stubs are
Mizoram PSC IOLM -2018, Paper II shunted to main transmission line on fixed distance.
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017 41. The characteristic impedance of an 80 cm long
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-I lossless transmission line having L = 0.25 µH/m
RPSC Vice Principal ITI-2016 and C = 100 pF/m will be
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I (a) 25Ω (b) 40Ω
GATE-1998 (c) 50Ω (d) 80Ω
IES - 2019
Ans. (d) : Depth of penetration or skin depth (δ) may be
defined as - Ans. (c) :Characteristics impedance of transmission line
is given by ––
1 2 ε
δ= = Z R + jωL
α σ µ Zc = =
Y G + jωC
σ µ
Where, α = = attenuation constant in a lossy for loss less and free space R= 0, G= 0
2 ε
dielectric. ∴Zs =
Hence, depth of penetration of a wave in a lossy C
dielectric increases with increasing permittivity. 0.25 × 10−6
39. The characteristic impedance of free space is: 100 × 10−12
(a) 477 Ω (b) 377 Ω = 2500
(c) 277 Ω (d) 120 Ω = 50 Ω
UPPCL AE-05.11.2019 42. For a lossless line terminated in a short circuit,
Nagaland PSC (Degree)-2018, Paper-II the stationary voltage minima and maxima are
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2016, Paper-I separated by
TN PSC AE-2014 λ λ
(a) (b)
UPPCL AE-16.11.2013 8 2
Ans. (b) : For free space λ λ
(c) (d)
Characteristic impedance = intrinsic impedance 3 4
= 120 π IES - 2019
So, Zin = 0 5
62. Consider the following statements regarding a
transmission line :
64. Consider the following statements:
1. Its attenuation is constant and is
For a 10 m long common power line connecting
independent of frequency
a switch to a light bulb
2. Its attenuation varies linearly with
1. It is distributed circuit
2. Time delay for propagation through it is
3. Its phase shift varies linearly with
3. It is in the form of a shielded coaxial cable
4. Its phase shift is constant and is
of circular cross-section
independent of frequency
4. As the intensity of the lamp varies, input
Which of the above statements are correct for impedance of this line also changes
distortionless line? Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 2 and 3 only (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 3 and 4 only (c) 2 and 3 (d) 2 and 4
IES - 2010 IES - 2009
Electromagnetic Field Theory 492 YCT
Ans. (d) : For a 10 m long common power line Ans. (a) : We have
connecting a switch to a light bulb time delay for Z02
propagation through it is negligible and as the intensity Zin =
of the lamp varies, input impedance of this line also
changes. It is given that ZL = ∞ (o.c.)
65. With regard to a transmission line, which of ∴ Zin = 0
the following statements is correct? Input impedance of the transformer is zero.
(a) Any impedance repeats itself every λ/4 on the 68. What is the minimum value of VSWR that may
Smith chart exist on a transmission line?
(b) The S.W.R. = 2 circle and the magnitude of (a) Less than zero (b) Zero
reflection coefficient = 0.5 circle coincide on (c) One (d) 10
the Smith chart UPPSC Poly.Tech. Lecturer-22.03.2022, Paper-II
(c) At any point on a transmission line, the IES - 2009
current reflection coefficient is the reciprocal Ans. (c) : As value of reflection coefficient (reflected
of the voltage reflection coefficient. power line ) exists between –1 to +1 therefore
(d) Matching eliminates the reflected wave
1+ Γ
between the source and the matching device VSWR =
1− Γ
⇒ 1< VSWR < ∞
IES - 2009
hence minimum value of VSWR =1
Ans. (c) : With regard to a transmission line, at any
point on a transmission line, the current reflection 69. For plane wave propagating in free space or
coefficient is the reciprocal of the voltage reflection two conductor transmission line, what must be
coefficient. the relationship between the phase velocity vp,
the group velocity vg and speed of light c?
66. It is required to match a 200Ω load to a 450Ω
(a) vp > c > vg (b) vp < c < vg
transmission line. To reduce the SWR along the
line to 1, what must be the characteristic (c) vp = c = vg (d) vp < vg < c
impedance of the quarter wave transformer IES - 2009
used for this purpose, if it is connected directly Ans. (a) : Phase velocity is always greater than speed of
to the load? light in free space and group velocity.
(a) 90 kΩ (b) 300 Ω vp > c > vg
9 3 70. Consider the transmission line of length 37.5
(c) Ω (d) Ω
4 2 cm. Which is terminated into zero resistance.
IES - 2009 This line is being excited by a source of 1 GHz
Ans. (b) : Given, Zin = 450Ω, ZL = 200Ω which has an internal impedance of 50 Ω. What
is the input impedance of the line as seen by the
Zin = 0 source?
(a) 50 Ω (b) zero Ω
⇒ Z0 = Zin .Z L (c) 100 Ω (d) Infinite Ω
i.e. Z0 = 200 × 450 IES - 2009
= 300Ω Ans. (d) : We have input impedance
67. The load end of a quarter wave transformer Z2
Zin = 0
gets disconnected thereby causing an open ZL
circuited load. What will be the input
It is given that load resistance is zero i.e. ZL = 0
impedance of the transformer?
(a) Zero ∴ Zin = ∞
(b) Infinite 71. Which one of the following statements for a
(c) Finite and Positive short circuited loss free line is not correct?
(d) Finite and Negative (a) The line appears as a pure reactance when
IES - 2009 viewed from the sending end
Electromagnetic Field Theory 493 YCT
(b) It can be either inductive or capacitive 1+ Γ
(c) There are no reflections in the line Ans. (d) : We have VSWR =
1− Γ
(d) Standing waves of voltage and current are set
up along length of the lines 1+1
IES - 2007 1 −1
Ans. (c) : For a short circuited line the reflection Co- = ∞
Z − Z0 74. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
efficient is Γ = L answer:
ZL + Z0
List - I List - II
Γ = –1 (∵ ZL= 0 )
(Transmission Line) (Characteristic
Hence reflection will occur in transmission line. Impedance
72. Match List-I (Load impedance) with List-II A. 1. ηb
R0 = ,a >> b
(Value of Reflection Coefficient) and select the a
correct answer using the codes given below the
lists :
List – I List - II Coaxial line
B. 2. η 4b
A. Short circuit 1. 0 R0 = ln , b >> a
π a
B. Open Circuit 2. –1
C. Line characteristic impedance 3. +1
D. 2× line characteristic 4. +1/3 Two wire line
impedance C. 3. η
R0 = ln ( b / a )
Codes : 2π
(a) 2 1 3 4
(b) 4 3 1 2
Parallel plate line
(c) 2 3 1 4
D. 4. η 2b
(d) 4 1 3 2 R0 = ln , b >> a
π a
IES - 2007
Collinear plate
Ans. (c) : As we know that-
Codes :
Z − Z0
Γ= L A B C D
Z L + Z0
(a) 3 4 1 2
(i) for short circuited line ZL = 0
(b) 2 1 4 3
∴ Γ = –1
(c) 3 1 4 2
(ii) for open circuited line ZL = ∞
(d) 2 4 1 3
∴ Γ=1
IES - 2007
(iii) for matched network ZL = Z0
Ans. (a) : Correct matching of List-I with List-II are
∴ Γ=0
given below-
(iv) when ZL = 2Z0
2Z0 − Z0 1 A - 3. R 0 = ln ( b / a )
⇒ Γ= = 2π
2Z0 + Z0 3
η 2b
B - 4. R 0 = ln , b >> a
73. When the reflection coefficient equals 1∠0º, π a
what is the VSWR? ηb
(a) Zero (b) 1 C - 1. R 0 = ,a >> b
(c) 3 (d) Infinite
η 4b
TANGEDCO- 2015 D - 2. R 0 = ln , b >> a
π a
IES - 2007
Electromagnetic Field Theory 494 YCT
75. Why is delay distortion in coaxial cables 78. Match List-I (Quantity) with List-II (Range of
caused? Values) and select the correct answer using the
(a) The dielectric constant (εr) of the dielectric code given below the lists :
filling the coaxial cable varies with frequency List - I List - II
(b) The amplitude of the signal on the cable
A. Input Impedance 1. –1 to +1
varies with frequency
(c) The velocity of electromagnetic waves B. Reflection coefficient 2. 1 to ∞
propagating on the cable varies with C. VSWR 3. 0 to ∞
frequency Codes :
(d) Because of both the factors given at (a) and A B C
(c) above
(a) 2 3 1
IES - 2007
(b) 3 2 1
Ans. (d) : The phase velocity of electromagnetic wave
(c) 3 1 2
varies with frequency
(d) 2 1 3
c εr
∵ V p= AAI-2015
f IES - 2006, 1996
1− c
f GATE-2002
Hence dielectric constant and velocity of co-axial cable Ans. (c) : • Input impedance lies in the range of → 0 to
varies with frequency. ∞
76. If the reflection coefficient is 1/5, what is the • Reflection coefficient lies in the range of → –1 to +1
corresponding VSWR?
• Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) lies in the range
(a) 3/2 (b) 2/3
of → 1 to ∞.
(c) 5/2 (d) 2/5
IES - 2007 79. Which one of the following expresses the phase
velocity in microstrip lines?
Ans. (a) : Given Γ = c c
5 (a) (b)
1+ Γ εe εe
∵ VSWR =
1− Γ (c) c.εe (d) ε e .c
1+ c = Velocity of light in free space
∴ VSWR = 5
1 εe = Effective dielectric constant
5 IES - 2006
6 3 Ans. (b) : The phase velocity for any medium whose
= =
4 2 effective dielectric constant is εe is given by -
77. Which one of the following is the characteristic c
impedance of lossless transmission line? VP =
(a) R /G (b) L/G
80. In general attenuation per unit length in a
(c) L/C (d) R / C coaxial cable:
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022 (a) increases with frequency
IES – 2016, 2006
(b) decreases with frequency
Ans. (c) : Characteristic impedance expressed as
(c) remains constant with frequency
R + jωL (d) depends upon the type of coaxial cable. It can
Z0 =
G + jωC either increase or decrease
for lossless transmission line R =0, G = 0 IES - 2006
L Ans. (a) : In general attenuation per unit length of
∴ Z0 =
C coaxial cable increases with increase in frequency.
92. Match List-I (Parameters) with List-II (Values) Ans. (d) : We have –
for a transmission line with a series impedance Propagation constant ( γ ) = ( R + jωL )( G + jωC )
Z = R + j ωLΩ/m and a shunt admittance Y = G = α + jβ––––(1)
+ j ωC mho/m, and select the correct answer : and characteristic impedance
List - I List - II R + jω L
Z0 = ––––(2)
A. Characteristic impedance Z0 1. ZY G + jωC
= sin (109 t − 6z ) u p ⇒
H0 = 0
ρ c
sin (109 t − 6z ) u p A/m2
≃ =
ρ 3 × 108
129. Consider the following properties of = 3.33×10–7
electromagnetic waves: 132. Polarization is characteristic of EM wave that
1. These waves do not require any material gives the direction of
medium to propagate (a) Electrical component of a wave with respect
to ground
2. Both electric and magnetic field vectors are
(b) Magnetic component of EM wave with
parallel to each other and perpendicular to
respect to ground
the direction of propagation of waves
(c) Both electrical and magnetic components
3. The energy in electromagnetic wave is
with respect to ground
divided equally between electric and
(d) None of the above
magnetic vectors
IES - 2014
4. Both electric and magnetic field vectors
Ans.(a): Polarization is characteristic of EM wave that
attain the maxima and minima at the same
gives the direction of Electrical component of a wave
place and same time with respect to ground. These are always transverse in
Which of the above properties of nature. It may be linear Horizontal, linear vertical,
electromagnetic waves are correct? circular or elliptical polarization respectively.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 1, 3 and 4 only 133. The ratio σ/ ωε is called
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 1. Intrinsic ratio
IES - 2015 2. Loss tangent
Ans. (b) : As E ⊥ H ⊥ P 3. Conduction ratio
4. Dissipation factor
i.e. E and H are perpendicular to each other and they
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
both are perpendicular to direction of propagation also
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
E.M. wave can travel in vacuum. Hence option (1), (3)
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 2 and 3
& (4) are correct.
IES – 2015, 2014
Electromagnetic Field Theory 507 YCT
σ jωµ
Ans. (c) : The ratio is called loss tangent or Ans. (c) : Intrinsic impedance (η) =
ωε σ + jωε
dissipation factor . It may be defined as for conducting medium, we have -
σ JC σ >> 1 ⇒ σ >> jωε
Loss tangent = =
ωε JD
jωµ ωµ
∴η = = ∠450
134. Which of the following are electromagnetic in σ σ
nature? Here µ = µ0 µr = µ0
1. Alpha rays = 4π×10–7
2. X-rays
ω = 2πf = 100MHz
3. Gamma rays
σ = 58 Ms/m = 58×106 s/m
4. Cathode rays
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 ∴ η= ∠45°
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4 σ
IES - 2013 2π × 100 × 106 × 4π × 10 −7
= ∠45°
Ans. (b) : X– rays and Gamma rays pairs of rays is 58 × 106
electromagnetic in nature.
2 × 3.14 × 4 × 3.14 × 100 × 10−7
Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy that is all = ∠ 45°
around us and takes many forms, such as Radio waves,
= 3.69 × 10−3 ∠450 Ω
microwaves, X–rays and γ–rays.
Sunlight is also a form of EM energy, but visible light is 137. A uniform plane wave with an intensity of
only a small portion of EM spectrum which contains a electric field 1 V/m is travelling in free space.
broad range of electromagnetic wavelengths. The magnitude of associated magnetic field is
(a) 2.65 mA/m (b) 2.65 A/m
135. The field strength of a plane wave is 2 V/m.
(c) 2.65 µA/m (d) 26.5 A/m
The strength of the magnetic field (H) in free
space is IES - 2013
(a) 5.2 mA/m (b) 2.25 mA/m Ans. (a) : Given, E = 1 V / m
(c) 250 mA/m (d) 520 mA/m intrinsic impedance for free space = 377Ω
IES - 2013 E
as η0 =
Ans. (a) : For free space, we have – H
E E 1
η0 = ⇒H = =
H η0 377
E = 2.65×10–3 A/m
⇒ H=
η0 = 2.65 mA/m.
Where η0 = 120π or 377Ω 138. A plain wave is travelling in the positive X-
and E = 2V/m (given) direction in a lossless unbounded medium
2 having permeability same as the free space and
∴ H= = 5.30×10–3 A/m a permittivity 9 times that of the free space, the
phase velocity of the wave will be
≃ 5.20 mA/m
(a) 3 × 108 m/s (b) 108 m/s
136. The intrinsic impedance η of a conducting
medium for which σ = 58 Ms/m, µr = 1 at a (c) × 108 m / s (d) 3 × 108 m / s
frequency of 100 MHz is
(a) 2.14 × 105 ∠45ºΩ
IES – 2013, 2000
(b) 1.84 × 10–3 ∠45ºΩ
Ans. (b) : Phase velocity for the medium
(c) 3.69 × 10–3 ∠45ºΩ
c 3 × 108
(d) 3.69 × 10–3 ∠–45ºΩ vp = = = 108 m/s
εr 9
IES - 2013
Electromagnetic Field Theory 508 YCT
139. A plane wave travelling in a medium εr = 1, µr ε2
= 1 (free space) has an electric field intensity of ∴ tan θi = ε
100 πV/m . Determine the total energy density
of this magnetic field. 9
(a) 13.9 nJ/m 3
(b) 27.8 nJ/m 3 4
(c) 139 nJ/m3 (d) 278 nJ/m3 3
IES - 2012 2
Ans. (c) : Given εr = 1, µr = 1 3
⇒ θi = tan −1
1 2
∴ Total magnetic energy density = µ0 H 2
2 142. An electromagnetic wave of frequency 3 MHz
∵E = 100 π V / m passes from vacuum into a dielectric medium
with permittivity ε = 4.0. Then
Then intrinsic impedance is given as –
(a) Wavelength is doubled and the frequency
E0 E
η0 = ⇒H= remains unchanged
H0 η (b) Wavelength is doubled and the frequency
100 π becomes half
= (c) Wavelength is halved and the frequency
⇒ H = 0.470 A/m remains unchanged
(d) Both the wavelength and frequency remain
∴ Energy density = µ0 H 2 unchanged
IES - 2011
= ( 4π× 10−7 ) × ( 0.470 )
1 2
Ans. (c) : If a wave is traveled from one medium to
another medium, frequency remains constant during
= 139 nJ/m3
140. For a plane wave propagating in an unbounded
medium (say, free space), the minimum angle Now Vmedium =
µ0µ r ε0 ε r
between electric field and magnetic field
vectors is 1
= ∵ µr = 1
(a) 0º (b) 60º µ 0 ε0 ε r
(c) 90º (d) 180º 1
IES - 2012 =
µε . ε0 0 r
Ans. (c) : Electric fields and magnetic fields
c c
propagation is always perpendicular to each other. = =
Hence angle between them is 90° 4 2
141. For no reflection condition a vertically λ medium Vmed 2= 1
polarized wave should be incident at the ∴ = =
λ air Vair c 2
interface between two dielectrics having ε1 = 4
∴ wave length becomes half and frequency remains
and ε2 = 9, with an incident angle of
unchanged .
9 3
(a) tan −1 (b) tan −1 143. A plane wave is generated under water (ε = 81
4 2
ε0 and µ = µ0). The wave is parallel polarized.
−1 2 −1 4 At the interface between water and air, the
(c) tan (d) tan
3 9 angle α for which there is no reflection is
IES - 2011
Ans. (b) : Applying boundary condition to polarized
wave. For no reflection incident wave should be
completely transmitted to another medium at Brewster's
Given ε1 = 4 and ε2 = 9
Electromagnetic Field Theory 509 YCT
(a) 83.88º (b) 83.66º ∴ P = ε0(εr–1) E
(c) 84.86º (d) 84.08º P = ε0 χe E
IES - 2011
where χe = εr–1 = susceptibility
Ans. (b) : As tanθi = Given ε = ε0εr = 3ε0 ⇒ εr = 3
∴ P = ε0 ( 3 − 1) E
ε0 1
= = = ε 0 ( 2 ) .6aɵ x
81ε 0 9
1 P = 12ε 0 aɵ x
⇒ θi = tan–1 = 6.34°
9 146. Consider the following statements :
∴ α = 90°– θi 1. (Electric or magnetic) field must have two
= 90° – 6.34 orthogonal linear components
= 83.66° 2. The two components must have the same
144. An elliptically polarized wave travelling in the magnitude
positive Z-direction in air has x and y 3. The two components must have a time-phase
components difference of odd multiples of 90º
Ex = 3sin ( ωt – βz)V/m Which of these are the necessary and sufficient
Ey = 6sin ( ωt – βz + 75º) V/m conditions for a time-harmonic wave to be
(a) 8 W/m 2
(b) 4 W/m 2 circularly polarized at a given point in space?
(c) 62.5 mW/m2 (d) 125 mW/m2 (a) 1 and 2 only
IES - 2010 (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1, 2 and 3
Ans. (c) : for free space η = 377 Ω or 120π Ω
(d) 1 and 3 only
Given Ex = 3sin (ωt – βz) aɵ x V/m IES - 2010
Ey = 6sin (ωt – βz + 75°) a x V/m Ans. (c) : The necessary and sufficient condition for a
∴ E0 = E 2x + E 2y time-harmonic wave to be circularly polarized at a
given point in a space are-
= (3) 2 + (6) 2 (i) Electric or magnetic field must have two
orthogonal linear components.
= 45
(ii) The two components must have the same
∴ Power density = Avg. power = Pavg
1 E 02 (iii) The two components must have a time-phase
2 η difference of odd multiples of 90º.
45 147. Consider the following statements regarding
= =59.68 mw/m2 ≃ 62.5 mW/m2
2 × 377 depth of penetration or skin depth in a
145. A long 1 meter thick dielectric (ε = 3ε0) slab conductor :
occupying the region 0 < x < 5 is placed 1. It increases as frequency increases.
perpendicularly in a uniform electric field 2. It is inversely proportional to square root
E0 = 6ax . The polarization Pi inside the of µ and σ.
dielectric is 3. It is inversely proportional to square root
(a) 4ε 0 a x (b) 8ε 0 a x of f.
(c) 36ε 0 a x (d) 12ε 0 a x 4. It is directly proportional to square root of
µ and σ.
IES - 2010
Which of the above statements are correct?
Ans. (d) : We know that –
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 and 4 only
D = ε0 E + P
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
and D = ε 0ε r E IES - 2010
Electromagnetic Field Theory 510 YCT
Ans. (c) : skin depth or depth of penetration is given by Ans. (c) : From boundary condition of plane wave -
1 E t1 = E t 2
i.e. tangential components are continuous of E field
Hence δ ∝ Also D n1 − D n 2 = ρ v
If ρv = 0 ⇒ D n1 = D n 2
δ∝ Hence normal component of D may or may not be
continuous depends on volume.
Hence only options (2) and (3) are correct.
151. According to Poynting theorem, the vector
148. Which of the following equations results from
product E× H is a measure of which one of the
the circuital form of Ampere's law?
(a) ∇ × E = − (b) ∇.B = 0 (a) Stored energy density of the electric field
(b) Stored energy density of the magnetic field
(c) ∇.D = ρ (d) ∇ × H = J + (c) Power dissipated per unit volume
(d) Rate of energy flow per unit area
IES - 2009
IES - 2008
−∂ B
Ans. (d) : ∇ × E = ( Faraday 's law ) Ans. (d) : Poynting's theorem ( P = E × H ) state that the
rate of energy transfer per unit volume from a region of
∇ × B = 0 (mono pole does not exist)
space equals the rate of work done on the charge
∇.D = ρ v (Gauss's law) distribution in the region.
∂D 152. What is the magnetic field intensity vector
∇×H = J + (Ampere's circuital law)
∂t H between two parallel sheets with separation
149. In which direction is the plane wave 'd' along z-axis both sheets carrying surface
E = 50sin(108 t + 2z)aˆ y V/m , (where aˆ y is the current k = k y ay ?
unit vector in y-direction), travelling? (a) − k y a y (b) + k y a y
(a) along y direction (b) along –y direction
(c) − k y a x (d) Zero
(c) along z direction (d) along –z direction
IES - 2009 IES - 2007
Ans. (d) : The given wave equation 1
Ans. (d) : We have H = k × aˆ x
E = 50sin (108 t + 2z ) aˆ y V / m
comparing above equation with following general = k y aˆ y × ( −aˆ z ) + k y aˆ y × aˆ z
equation. =0
E = E 0 sin ( ωt − βz ) aˆ y 153. Magnetic current is composed of which of the
It is clear that E-wave travel in −â z direction. following?
(a) Only conduction component
150. Consider the following statements associated
with boundary conditions between two media : (b) Only displacement component
1. Normal component of E is continuous at (c) Both conduction and displacement
the surface of discontinuity components
2. Normal component of D may or may not (d) Neither conduction component nor
be continuous displacement component
Which of the statement (s) given above is/are IES - 2007
correct? Ans. (c) : Magnetic current is composed by both
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only conduction current and displacement current
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 respectively
IES - 2008 I = Ic + Iα
Electromagnetic Field Theory 511 YCT
( )
154. If E = xˆ + ˆjy e -jβz , then the wave is said to be ∴ λ=
2π 2π
β k
which one of the following?
2 × 3.14
(a) Right circularly polarized =
(b) Right elliptically polarized
= 188.5 m
(c) Left circularly polarized
(c) wave number k = 0.033 rad/m
(d) Left elliptically polarized
(d) there is no attenuation.
IES - 2007
Hence only option (b) is correct.
Ans. (c) : E0 = x + jy, then-
157. A uniform plane electromagnetic wave is
E = E0 e–jβz
normally incident upon a thick magnetic
= E0cosβz – jE0 sin βz material such that its complex permittivity is
Here E1 = E2 = E0 equal to its complex permeability i.e., µ* = ε*.
Hence the given wave is a left hand circular Which one of the following is the correct
polarization. statement?
155. In a dielectric medium of εr, (given n = ε r ) , (a) There will not be any reflection from the
what is the expression for the wavelength (λ) of
a microwave signal? (b) A part of the wave will be reflected such that
reflection coefficient would be close be 0.5
c nc
(a) 2 (b) (c) Reflection coefficient would be close to 1
n f f
(d) Transmission coefficient would be 0.9
(c) (d) None of the above IES - 2006
IES - 2007 Ans. (c) : Given µ* = ε*
η − η2
Ans. (c) : For a dielectric medium we have - we have Reflection coefficient (Γ)= 1
η1 + η2
c c
vp = = ––––(1)
εr n here η1 = 120π or 377Ω (for free space) ……….(i)
Also vp = fλ –––––(2) µ*
η2 = ( µ* = ε * given )
from relation (1) and (2) ε*
c c ∴ η2 = 1 ………….(ii)
fλ = ⇒λ=
n fn From (i) & (ii)
156. The electric field component of a wave in free 377 − 1 376
Γ= = = 0.994 ≃ 1
space is given by E = 50 sin (10 t + kz) ĵ V/m. 377 + 1 378
Which one of the following is the correct Hence there will be reflection coefficient close to 1.
inference that can be drawn from this 158. The x-directed electric field Ex having
expression? sinusoidal time variation ejωt and space
(a) The wave propagates along y-axis variation in z-direction satisfies the equation
(b) The wavelength is 188.5m ∇2Ex + k2Ex = 0 under source free condition in
(c) The wave number k = 0.33 rad/m a lossless medium. What is the solution
(d) The wave attenuates as it travels representing propagation in positive z-
IES - 2011, 2006 direction?
(a) Ex = E0e–kz (b) Ex = E0e+jkz
Ans. (b) : (a) E wave propagate along −aɵ z direction. (c) Ex = E0e –jkz
(d) Ex = E0e+kz
ω ω ω IES - 2005
C= = ⇒k=
β k C Ans. (c) : The given differential equation is -
107 ∇2 Ex+ k2 Ex = 0
3 ×108 The solution of above equation can be written as -
= 0.0333 rad / m Ex = A1e–jkz + A2ejkz
Ans. (b) : According to Faraday’s law emf is induced BARC Scientific Officer-2016
in both the metal rings but metal ring has no current IES - 2004
established as it has a thin air-gap. Ans. (a) : Attenuation constant and phase constant for
165. The electric field of a wave propagating good dielectric is given by respectively -
through a lossless medium ( µ0, 81ε0) is µε
8 α= ω 1+ − 1 ––––(1)
E = 100cos(6π×10 t - βx)ay 2 ωε
What is the phase constant β of the wave?
(a) 2π rad/m (b) 9π rad/m σ
and β=ω 1+ + 1 …………(2)
(c) 18π rad/m (d) 81π rad/m 2 ωε
IES - 2004
>> 1 for (good conductor)
Ans. (c) : Comparing the given E wave with standard ωε
equation Then equation (1) and (2) can be reduced.
E = E0 cos (ωt–βx) â y ––––(1) from equation (1)
we get - µε 1 σ
α= ω . ∵(σ<<ωε) for good dielectric
E0 = 100 2 2 ωε
ω = 6π×108
σ µ
µ=µ =
given 2 ε
ε = 81ε 0
From equation (2)
∴ Phase velocity (Vp) = µε 1 σ
µε β=ω 1 + + 1
2 2 ωε
µ0ε0 .ε r µε
= ω ×2 ∵ ( σ << ωε )
εr = ω µε
∂2F ω
(c) tan θp = ∈2 / ∈1 (d) tan h θ p = ∈2 / ∈1 = α 2e−αz sin ( x − vt )
∂z 2 v
IES - 1999
Hence from equation (2)
Ans. (c) : Zero reflection for parallel polarization-
ω2 ω ω F
η1 sin θi = η2 sin θt − 2 e−αz sin ( x − vt ) + α 2e−αz sin ( x − vt ) = 2
v v v C
or ε1 sin θi = ε 2 sin θ t ω −ω 2
or e −αz sin ( x − vt ) 2 + α 2 = 2
or ε1 sin θp = ε 2 sin 90° − θp ( ) v v C
n2 ε2
or sinθc = =
v = ωc
or n1 ε1
2 2 1
α c −1 ) 2
1 1
No answer match. = =
2 2
190. For an elliptically polarized wave incident on ∴ θc = 45°
the interface of a dielectric at the Brewster
193. A region shown below contains a perfect
angle, the reflected wave will be
conducting half-space and air. The surface
(a) elliptically polarized
current K s on the surface of perfect conductor
(b) linearly polarized
(c) right circularly polarized is K s = xɵ 2 amperes per meter. The tangential
(d) left circularly polarized H field in the air just above the perfect
IES - 1999 conductor is -
Ans. (a) : For an elliptically polarized wave incident on
the interface of a dielectric at the Brewster angle, the
reflected wave will be elliptically polarized.
Brewster angle, tan φp =
191. For electromagnetic wave propagation in free
space, the free space is defined as (a) ( xˆ + zˆ ) amperes per meter
(a) σ = 0,∈= 1, µ ≠ 1,p ≠ 0, j = 0 (b) x̂2 amperes per meter
(b) σ = 0,∈= 1, µ = 1,p = 0, j = 0 (c) – ẑ2 amperes per meter
(d) ẑ2 amperes per meter
(c) σ ≠ 0,∈> 1, µ < 1,p ≠ 0, j = 0
(d) σ = 0,∈= 1, µ = 1,p ≠ 0, j ≠ 0 Ans. (d) : For tangential magnetic field
IES - 1999 H t − H t = K s × aɵ n
1 2
Ans. (b) : For free space - magnetic field inside a perfect conductor is zero
σ = 0, εr = 1, µr = 1 H t1 = 0
also J = σ E = 0
H t 2 = K s × aɵ n
Polarisation P = X m ε 0 E
ˆ × yˆ
= x2
Where, Xm = (εr–1)
H t 2 = z2
ˆ A/m
Hence P = ( ε r − 1) ε 0 E
194. A uniform plane wave is incident from free
= (1 − 1) ε0 E
space (z < 0) normally on an isotropic perfect
= 0. dielectric medium (z > 0), characterized by the
192. A TEM wave impinges obliquely on a 4 0 0
dielectric-dielectric boundary with ∈r1 = 2 and permittivity matrix [ε ] = ε0 0 9 0 and
∈r2 = 1 . The angle of incidence for total 0 0 4
reflection is : µ=µ0, The electric field of the incident wave is
(a) 30º (b) 60º E1 = E0 cos( ωt – β z) aˆ y where ω = 3 × 109 π and
(c) 45º (d) 90º β = 10π. The electric field of the transmitted
IES – 2003, 1999 wave Et is given by
Electromagnetic Field Theory 520 YCT
2 195. The depth of penetration or skin depth for an
(a) E 0 cos ( ωt − βz ) aˆ x
3 electromagnetic field of frequency 'f ' in a
2E 0 conductor of resistivity ρ and permeability µ is
(b) cos ( ωt − 2βz ) aˆ x
3 (a) Inversely proportional to ρ and f and directly
(c) E 0 cos ( ωt − βz ) aˆ y proportional to µ.
2 (b) Directly proportional to ρ and inversely
(d) E 0 cos ( ωt − 3βz ) aˆ y proportional to f and µ.
2 (c) Directly proportional to f and inversely
IES - 1998
proportional to ρ and µ.
Ans. (*) : It is given that
(d) Inversely proportional to ρ and µ and directly
4 0 0
proportional to f.
[ ε] = 0 9 0 ε0 and µ = µ0 IES - 1998
0 0 4
Ans. (b) : For conductor -
comparing with -
ε xx ε xy ε xz skin depth (δ) =
[ ε] = ε yx ε yy ε yz ε0 2 2ρ
δ= =
ε zx ε zy ε zz fµσ fµ
as the wave is travelling in Z- direction, so that Z-
Hence δ∝ ρ
component of permittivity is considered.
∴ ε 2 = ε zz = 4 1 1
δ∝ &δ ∝
f µ
196. For a transmission of wave from a dielectric
medium of permittivity ε1 into a dielectric
medium of lower permittivity ε2 and (ε1 > ε2)
2η2 2 ε1 the critical angle of incidence θc (relative to the
∴ τ= =
η1 + η2 ε1 + ε 2 interface) is given by
∴ Where, ε1 = 1 & ε2 = 4 ε2 ε2
(a) sin −1 (b) cos −1
2 1 2 ε1 ε1
∴ τ =
1+ 4 3 ε2 ε1
(c) tan −1 (d) sin −1
E ε1 ε2
also τ = t ⇒ E t = τEi
Ei IES - 1998
2 Ans. (a) : Here θi = θc (critical angle)
= Ei
θr = 90°
= E 0 cos(ωt − β 'z)aɵ y sin θc ε
3 ∴ = 2
also we have sin 90° ε1
vp = ω = 1 ε
β µε or θc = sin −1 2
⇒ β∝ ∝ µε ∝ ε 197. For incidence from dielectric medium 1(ε1) on
to dielectric medium 2(ε2), the Brewster angle
β' ε θB and the corresponding angle of transmission
∴ = 2 =2 θt for ε1/ε2 = 3 will be respectively.
β ε1
(a) 30º and 30º (b) 30º and 60º
E t = E 0 cos ( ωt − 2βz ) aɵ y (c) 60º and 30º (d) 60º and 60º
3 IES - 1998
Electromagnetic Field Theory 521 YCT
ε1 199. The sum of two oppositely rotating circularly
Ans. (b) : Given =3
ε2 polarized, waves of equal amplitude will be
(a) A circularly polarized wave
∴ Brewster's angle-
(b) A linearly polarized wave
ε2 1
tan θB = = (c) An elliptically polarized wave
ε1 3 (d) An unpolarized wave
⇒ θB = 30° IES - 1998
Hence by snell's law- Ans. (b) : Equation of two opposite circular polarized
sin θB ε wave has 90° phase difference and follows the left hand
= 2
sin θt ε1 and right hand circulation. Their wave equation can be
written as -
3 E = E0 sin ( ωt − βz ) aɵ x + E 0 cos ( ωt − βz ) aɵ y ––––(1)
( )
(b) ∇ 2 E + ∇ε εΕ + k 2 E = 0
(c) Single magnetic pole, cannot exist
∇ε (d) B is solenoidal
(c) ∇ 2 E + ∇ E + +k E = 0
ε IES - 1997
(d) ∇ E + E ×
+k E=0
Ans. (b) : ∇.B = 0 states that divergence of magnetic
flux density (B) is zero.
IES - 1998
So, ∇.B = 0 options a,c and d are correct except
Ans. (*) : At steady state in s domain
option b.
∇ × E = − jωµH ––––––(1)
201. If H = 0.2cos(ωt - βx)az A/m is the magnetic
Taking curl on both side -
field of a wave in free space, then the average
∇ × ( ∇ × E ) = − jωµ ( ∇ × H )
power passing through a circle of radius 5 cm
⇒ ∇ ( ∇.E ) − ∇ E = − jωµ ( ∇ × H )
2 in the x = 1 plane will be approximately.
(a) 30 mW (b) 60 mW
⇒ ∇ ( ∇.E ) − ∇2 E = − jωµ ( jωεE ) (c) 120 mW (d) 150 mW
∵ ∇ × H = jωεE IES - 1997
Ans. (b) : Given H = 0.2cos( ωt–βx) aɵ z
⇒ ∇2 E − ∇ ( ∇.E ) + ω2µεE = 0
Here H0 = 0.2 A/m
⇒ ∇ 2E − ∇ ( ∇.E ) + k 2 E = 0 η0 = 120π Ω for free space
= 377 Ω
where k = ω µε 1
η0 ( H 0 ) × A
∴ Power density =
⇒ No option match 2
IES - 1993 =∞
L ∵ ZL = 0 Ω
Z0 =
C ⇒ Zin = ∞
Distortionless line Vs 1
Hence source current (Is) = = =0
L Zin ∞
C 216. The capacitance per unit length and the
A transmission line must be distortionless and not be a characteristic impedance of a lossless
lossless line for real characteristic impedance. transmission line are C and Z0 respectively.
The velocity of a travelling wave on the
214. Consider a transmission line of characteristic transmission line is
impedance 50 ohm. Let it be terminated at one (a) Z0 C (b) 1/(Z0 C)
end by (+j50) ohm. The VSWR produced by it (c) Z0/C (d) C/Z0
in the transmission line will be GATE-1996
(a) +1 (b) 0
(c) ∞ (d) +j Ans. (b) : Given Z0 = ⇒ L = Z0 C
Ans. (c) : Given Z0 = 50 Ω ∴ Phase velocity (Vp) =
ZL = j50 Ω 1
Z − Z0 C.Z0 C
∴ Γ = L
Z L + Z0
= 1
Z0 C
j50 − 50
= 217. All transmission line section in Figure have a
j50 + 50
characteristic impedance R0 + j0. The input
j −1 impedance Zin equals
j +1
1+ Γ
∴ VSWR =
1− Γ
= =∞
1 −1
215. A lossless transmission line having 50 Ω
characteristic impedance and length λ/4 is
short circuited at one end and connected to an
ideal voltage source of 1 V at the other end. 2
(a) R0 (b) R 0
The current drawn from the voltage sources is 3
(a) 0 (b) 0.02 A 3
(c) R 0 (d) 2 R0
(c) ∞ (d) none of the these 2
GATE-1996 GATE-1998
Electromagnetic Field Theory 526 YCT
Ans. (b) : For λ / 4 section transmission line- ∴ Electrical path = β ℓ =
Z201 R2
Zin1 = = 0 = 2R 0 2π
ZL1 R / 2 = × 50 × 10−2
For λ / 2 section transmission line-
ZinL = 2R 0 βℓ = radian
For λ / 8 section transmission line- 219. The magnitudes of the open-circuit and short-
ZL = Zin1 || Zin12 circuit input impedances of a transmission line
are 100 Ω and 25 Ω respectively. The
= 2R 0 || 2R 0
characteristic impedance of the line is,
ZL = R 0 (a) 25 Ω (b) 50 Ω
For λ / 8 section transmission line- (c) 75 Ω (d) 100 Ω
Z + jZ0 GATE-2000
Zin = Z0 L
Z0 + jZL Ans. (b) : Given, ZOC= 100Ω, ΖSC = 25Ω
We have characteristic impedance
R + jR 0
= R0 0 Z0 = ZOC × ZSC
R 0 + jR 0
= 2500
Zin = R0
= 50 Ω
218. In air, a lossless transmission line of length 50
cm with L = 10 µH/m, C = 40 pF/m is operated 220. A uniform plane electromagnetic wave incident
at 25 MHz. Its electrical path length is normally on a plane surface of a dielectric
material is reflected with a VSWR of 3. What is
(a) 0.5 meters (b) λ meters
the percentage of incident power that is
(c) π/2 radians (d) 180 degree reflected?
UPPSC Poly.Tech. Lecturer-22.03.2022, Paper-II (a) 10% (b) 25%
GATE-1999 (c) 50% (d) 75%
Ans. (c) : Given – ℓ = 50 cm = 50×10–2 m GATE-2001
f = 25 MHz Ans. (b) : Given, VSWR = 3
L = 10µH/m 1+ Γ
∵ VSWR =
= 10×10–6 H/m 1− Γ
C = 40 pF/m 1+ Γ
⇒ =3
= 40 ×10–12 F/m 1− Γ
∵ Phase velocity (Vp) = ⇒ 1+ Γ = 3(1− Γ )
Vp ⇒ Γ + 3 Γ = 3 −1
Also Vp = fλ ⇒ λ =
f 2 1
⇒ Γ= =
1 4 2
λ = 2
f LC ∴ % reflected power = Γ × 100
1 2
∴ λ= 1
( 25 ×10 ) 6 −6
10 × 10 × 40 × 10 −12 = × 100
1 = 25 %
25 × 10 6
400 × 10−18 221. In an impedance Smith chart, a clockwise
3 movement along a constant resistance circle
= gives rise to
25 × 20
(a) a decrease in the value of reactance
λ = 2 meter.
(b) an increase in the value of reactance
Electromagnetic Field Theory 527 YCT
(c) no change in the reactance value = jZ0
(d) no charge in the impedance value = j 50 Ω
GATE-2002 1
∴ Yin(2) = mho.
Ans. (b) : In an impedance smith chart a clockwise j50
movement along a constant resistance circle gives
= – j 0.02 mho.
increase in the of value of reactance.
∴ Yin = Yin(1) + Yin(2)
222. A short-circuited stub is shunt connected to a
= (0.01 – j0.02) mho.
transmission line as shown in the figure. If Z0 =
50Ω, the admittance Y seen at the junction of 223. Consider a 300Ω, quarter-wave long (at 1 GHz)
the stub and the transmission line is transmission line as shown in the figure. It is
connected to a 10V, 50Ω source at one end and
is left open circuited at the other end. The
magnitude of the voltage at the open circuit end
of the line is
(a) 10 V (b) 5 V
(a) (0.01–j0.02) mho (b) (0.02–j0.01) mho (c) 60 V (d) 60/7 V
(c) (0.04–j0.02) mho (d) (0.02+j0) mho
Ans. (c) : Given, Z0 = 300Ω, Zin = 50Ω, Vin = 10V
Ans. (a) : case (i) for ℓ = length, we have - λ
2 For ℓ = distributed transformer, we have -
2π λ
βℓ = . =π Z 20
λ 2 Zin =
Z + jZ0 tan β ℓ
∴ Zin(i) = Z0 L
Z0 + jZL tan β ℓ Z 20 300 × 300
⇒ ZL = =
Zin 50
Z + jZ0 tan ( π )
= Z0 L = 1800 Ω
Z0 + jZ L tan ( π )
If ZL > Z0, then -
= ZL
= 100 Ω VSWR =
1 –1
∴ Yin(i) = Ω 1800
100 =
= 0.01 mho. 300
λ 2π λ π =6
Case - (ii) for ℓ = ⇒ β ℓ = . =
8 λ 8 4 ∴ Magnitude of voltage at open circuited load line
λ = Vin×(VSWR)
at ℓ = , ZL is short circuit, i.e. ZL = 0
8 = 10×6
Z + jZ0 tan ( βℓ ) = 60V
∴ Zin(2) = Z0 L
Z0 + jZL tan ( βℓ ) 224. Consider an impedance Z = R +jX marked
with point P in an impedance Smith chart as
jZ0 tan 4 shown in figure. The movement from point P
= Z0
along a constant resistance circle in the
clockwise direction by an angle 450 is
equivalent to-
Electromagnetic Field Theory 528 YCT
2 120π − η2
⇒ =
3 120π + η2
⇒ 240π + 2η2 = 360π − 3η2
⇒ 5η2 = 120π
⇒ η2 = 24π.
226. A lossless transmission line is terminated in a
(a) adding an inductance in series with Z load which reflects a part of the incident
(b) adding a capacitance in series with Z power. The measured VSWR is 2. The
(c) adding an inductance in shunt across Z percentage of the power that is reflected back is
(d) adding a capacitance in shunt across Z (a) 57.73 (b) 33.33
GATE-2004 (c) 0.11 (d) 11.11
Ans. (a) : As per given Smith chart point of intersection BPSC Polytechnic Lecturer-2014
at point P GATE-2004
Constant resistance circle r = 0.5
Ans. (d) : Given , VSWR = 2
Constant reactance circle X = –1
VSWR − 1
∴ impedance Z = 0.5 +j (1) ∴ Γ =
VSWR + 1
When reactance circle moves from point P at 45º along
2 −1 1
resistance circle, only reactance increases in positive = =
direction, resistance remains constant. 2 +1 3
This shows only inductance is added in series with Z. ∴ % Reflected power = Γ × 100
225. A plane electromagnetic wave propagating in 2
free space is incident normally on large slab of = × 100
loss-less, non-magnetic, dielectric material with
∈ > ∈0. Maxima and minima are observed = 11.11 %
when the electric field is measured in front of 227. Characteristic impedance of a transmission line
the slab. The maximum electric field is found to is 50Ω. Input impedance of the open-circuited
be 5 times the minimum field. The intrinsic line is ZOC = 100 + j150 Ω. When the
impedance of the medium should be transmission line is short-circuited, then value
(a) 120 πΩ (b) 60 πΩ of the input impedance will be
(c) 600 πΩ (d) 24 πΩ (a) 50Ω (b) 100 + j150Ω
GATE-2004 (c) 7.69 + j11.54Ω (d) 7.69–j11.54 Ω
Ans. (d) : We have - GATE-2005
E Ans. (d) : we have
VSWR = max = 5
E min
Zin2 =
1+ | Γ | Zoc
1− | Γ |
50 × 50
1+ | Γ | =
5= 100 + j150
1− | Γ |
5 − 5 | Γ |= 1+ | Γ | =
2 + j3
So that reflection coefficient (Γ) =
2 50 ( 2 − j3)
3 =
Now reflection coefficient for magnetic field 100 150
= −j
η1 − η2 13 13
η1 + η2 = (7.69 – j11.54)Ω
Z 0 = 15.91Ω 2
Total power crossing through 10 cm plate on plane
237. A transmission line with a characteristic x + 2y = 1.0
impedance of 100 Ω is used to match a 50 Ω 1
( )
section to a 200 Ω section. If the matching is to ST = 2 × 0.01× 377aˆ x × 10 ×10
−2 2
R= = Lt
G 0.04 Z0 <
= 100 Ω/m ε0ε r w
1 24 × 24
Thus intrinsic impedance of copper has only +j
component i.e. complex in nature. +j component
= ×
2 120π
−a z ( )
indicates inductive in nature.
254. The wavelength of a wave with propagation
−a z ( )
constant (0.1π + j0.2π) m–1 is
Pavg =
−a z ( )
(a) m (b) 10 m
0.05 257. A loop is rotating about the y-axis in a
(c) 20 m (d) 30 m magnetic field B = B 0cos ( ωt + φ ) aˆ x T .The
GATE-1998 voltage in the loop is
Ans. (b) : Given propagation constant (a) zero
γ = α + jβ = ( 0.1π + j0.2π ) m −1 (b) due to rotation only
(c) due to transformer action only
α = 0.1π and β = 0.2 π
(d) due to both rotation and transformer
2π GATE-1998
∴ Wavelength(λ) =
β Ans. (d) : Faraday's law for time varying
2π electromagnetic field states that
= 10 meter.
255. The polarization of a wave with electric field i.e.there is a voltage induced in a stationary loop due to
vector E = E0e ( ) ( a x + a y ) is time changing magnetic field.
j ωt-βz
π 3 π
jωt − x − y
λ λ
= ŷE o e
277. A uniform plane wave in the free space is
(a) 2 (b) 3 normally incident on an infinitely thick
(c) 2 (d) 3 dielectric slab (dielectric constant εr = 9). The
GATE-2007 magnitude of the reflection coefficient is
Electromagnetic Field Theory 542 YCT
(a) 0 (b) 0.3 η2 − η1 ε − ε2
(c) 0.5 (d) 0.8 ∵ Γr = = 1
η1 + η2 ε1 + ε 2
3 −1 1
Ans. (c) : Magnitude of reflection coefficient = =
3 +1 2
ε1 − ε 2 1 1 1
Γ= ∴ Hr = × =
ε1 + ε 2 2 5π 10π
1− 9 1
= ∴ H= cos(3 × 108 − βy)aɵ x
1+ 9
279. The electric and magnetic fields for a TEM
= wave of frequency 14 GHz in a homogeneous
medium of relative permittivity εr and relative
1 permeability µr = 1 are given by
= = 0.5
E = E p e j( ωt −280 π ) uˆ z V / m
278. A plane wave having the electric field
component Ei = 24cos ( 3×108 t - βy ) aˆ z V/m and H = 3e j( ωt − 280 πy ) uɵ x A / m
Assuming the speed of light in free space to be
traveling in free space is incident normally on a
3 × 108 m/s, intrinsic impedance of free space to
lossless medium with µ = µ0 and ∈ = 9∈0 which
be 120π, the relative permittivity εr of the
occupies the region y≥0. The reflected magnetic
medium and the electric field amplitude Ep are
field component is given by
(a) εr = 3, Ep = 120π (b) εr = 3, Ep = 360π
cos ( 3 × 108 t + βy ) aˆ x A / m
(a) (c) εr = 9, Ep = 360π (d) εr = 9, Ep = 120π
cos ( 3 ×108 t + βy ) aˆ x A / m
(b) Ans. (d) : Given
E = E p e j( ωt − 280 πy ) uɵ z V / m ––––(1)
cos ( 3 × 108 t + βy ) aˆ x A / m
(c) −
H = 3e j( ωt − 280 πy ) uɵ x A / m –––––(2)
cos ( 3 × 10 t + βy ) aˆ x A / m
(d) − 8
we have phase velocity (Vp)
ω 2πf
GATE-2010 Vp = =
β β
Ans. (a) : Given
( )
E = 24cos 3 × 108 t − βy aɵ z –––(1) =
2π × 14 × 109
Direction of propagation of wave = aɵ y = 108m/sec
Direction of E wave propagation = aɵ z Also Vp = for a medium
∵ E×H = p
⇒ Ez × Hx = py =
Hence H wave propagation in a y direction. c c
∴ = 108 ⇒ ε r = 8
Also intrinsic impedance for free space is given by - εr 10
E0 3 × 108
η0 = = =3
E0 24 1 ⇒ εr = 9
⇒ H0 = = =
η0 120π 5π Also Ep = H p η
Reflected magnetic field component is given by -
Hpη 3 × 120π
H L = cos ( 3 × 108 t − βy ) a x
1 ∧ = = = 120 π
5π εr 9
interface from region-I. The electric field E 2 in (d) H 2 = 3uˆ x + 30uˆ y + 10uˆ z A / m
region-II at the interface is GATE-2011
Ans. (a) : The magnetic field boundary relations are
given as follow
(1) Bn 1 = Bn 2
(2) H t 1 − H t 2 = J n × aˆ n = – J n × aˆ n
Bn 1 = Bn 2
(a) E 2 = E1 µ1 H1 = µ2 H 2
1×3 û x = 2H 2
(b) 4aˆ x + 0.75aˆ y − 1.25aˆ z
H 2 = 1.5 û x
(c) 3aˆ x + 3aˆ y + 5aˆ z
Now from identity (2)
(d) −3aˆ x + 3aˆ y + 5aˆ z
( Ht 1
) ( ) ( )
− H t 2 = − 10uˆ Y × uˆ X
= 10uˆ z
Ans. (c) : By applying boundary conditions we have-
H t 2 = H t1 − 10uˆ z = 30uˆ y − 10uˆ z
E t 1 = E t 2 = 3aˆ y + 5aˆ z
H t 2 = 30uˆ y − 10uˆ z
Also D n 1 = D n 2
H 2 = 1.5uˆ x + 30uˆ y − 10uˆ z A/m
or ε1 E n 1 = ε 2 E n 2
286. The electric field of a plane wave propagating
ε in a lossless non-magnetic medium is given by
∴ En 2 = 1 E n1
ε2 the following expression
3 E ( z,t ) = aˆ x 5cos ( 2π ×109 t + βz )
= 4aˆ x
4 π
+aɵ y 3cos 2π ×109 t + βz -
= 3aˆ x 2
(a) Right Hand Circular
Thus E 2 = E t 2 + E n 2
(b) Left Hand Elliptical
= 3aˆ y + 5aˆ z + 3aˆ x (c) Right Hand Elliptical
E 2 = 3aˆ x + 3aˆ y + 5aˆ z (d) Linear
285. A current sheet J = 10uˆ y A/m lies on the ISRO Scientist - May, 2017
dielectric interface x = 0 between two dielectric Ans. (b) : Given
media with εr1 =1, µr1 = 1 in Region-1 (x < 0) E(z,t)=
and εr2 = 2, µr2 = 2 in Region-2 (x > 0), If the
magnetic field in reason 1 at x = 0– is
H1 = 3uˆ x + 30uˆ y A / m the magnetic fields in Here E x = 5 & E y = 3
Region-2 at x = 0+ is Ex ≠ Ey
Phase difference =
Wave propagation in -ve z-direction. So left hand
Electromagnetic Field Theory 545 YCT
287. Let the electric field vector of a plane (c) represents an elliptically polarized plane wave
electromagnetic wave propagating in a propagating along the x – y plane
homogeneous medium by expressed as (d) represents a linearly polarized plane wave
ˆ -j(ωt-βz ) , where the propagation constant β
E = xe
Ans. (c) : : Given
is a function of the angular frequency ω.
∧ ∧ ∧ − j ωt − kx + ky )
Assume that β(ω) and Ex are known and real. E = E 0 x + y + j2 z e (
From the information available, which one of
∂ E
the following cannot be determined? Here = Ex = 1
(a) The type of polarization of the wave ∂x
(b) The group velocity of the wave = Ey = 1
(c) The phase velocity of the wave
∂ y
(d) The power flux through the z = 0 plane. = Ez = 2
GATE-2016 ∂z
keeping z = constant, wave propagate in
Ans. (d) : The E wave equation given as - − kaɵ x + kaɵ y direction
E = x e− j( ωt −βz ) –––––(1)
∴ E = E 2x + E 2y = (1)2 + (1)2
Since polarization is the component of E wave during
= 2
transmission, hence polarization of E wave can be
determined by given equation.
From equation (1) group velocity
Vg =
dω ∵ E1⊥P ⇒ E1P = 0 ⇒ phase difference φ =90°
ω Hence it is elliptically polarized wave.
The phase velocity from equation (1) is given by Vg =
β 290. The distance (in meters) a wave has to
propagate in a medium having a skin depth of
1 E 02 0.1 m so that the amplitude of the wave
Power density (p) =
2 η0 attenuates by 20 dB, is
where η0 = 120πΩ intrinsic impedance of free space. (a) 0.12 (b) 0.23
(c) 0.46 (d) 2.3
The power flux cannot be determined through the
z = 0 plane
288. If a right-handed circularly polarized wave is Ans. (b) : As skin depth ( δ ) =
incident normally on plane perfect conductor,
then the reflected wave will be Attenuation constant- α = = 10 Np / m
(a) right-handed circularly polarized δ
(b) left-handed circularly polarized E
or 20 log10 o = 20dB
(c) elliptically polarized with a tilt angle of 45º Ex
(d) horizontally polarized Eo
GATE-2016 E = 10
Ans. (b) Since after reflection, due to direction change
from conductor it must be left circularly polarized E x = o
wave. 10
289. The expression for an electric field in free space ∴ E x = E o e
is E = E 0 ( xˆ + yˆ + j2zˆ ) e -j(ωt-kx+ky ) , where x, y, z E
= E o e −10x = o
represent the spatial coordinates, t represents 10
time, and ω, k are constants. This electric field e −10x =
(a) does not represent a plane wave 10
(b) represent a circularly polarized plane wave 1
x = log (10 ) = 0.231 m
propagating normal to the z-axis. 10
Electromagnetic Field Theory 546 YCT
291. Medium 1 has the electrical permittivity η1 µ1ε 2
ε1 = 1.5ε0 farad/m and occupies the region to = =2
η2 µ 2ε1
the left of x = 0 plane. Medium 2 has the
electrical permittivity ε2 = 2.5 ε0 farad/m and Et 2
occupies the region to the right of x = 0 plane. Ei 3
If E1 in medium 1 is E1 = (2ux – 3uy + 1uz)
E i2
volt/m, then E2 in medium 2 is Pi (Incident power) =
(a) (2.0ux – 7.5uy + 2.5uz) volt/m
(b) (2.0ux – 2.0uy + 0.6uz) volt/m E 2t
Pt (transmitted power) =
(c) (1.2ux – 3.0uy + 1.0uz) volt/m η2
(d) (1.2ux – 2.0uy + 0.6uz) volt/m Pt E 2t η1
= ×
GATE-2003 Pi E i2 η2
Ans. (c) : As per question
Pt 8
E1 = 2u x − 3u y + 1u z =
Pi 9
at x = 0 plane
293. A plane wave propagates in water (εr = 81). If
E 2t = E1t = −3u y + u z the peak electric field is 20π v/m, then the Peak
magnetic field intensity will be
and E1n = 2u x
(a) 1.5 A/m (b) 5.0 A/m
Also, (c) 10 π A/m (d) 20 A/m
D1n = D 2n = ε1E1n = ε 2Ε 2 n TSPSC Manager (Engg.) - 2015
∴ ε1Ε1n = ε 2Ε 2 n Ans. (a) : Given, E = 20π V/m, εr = 81
E µ 120π
given ∴ =η= =
H εr 9
1.5ε 0 2u x = 2.5ε 0 E 2n ε1 = 1.5ε0
&ε = 2.5ε 20π 120π
2 0 =
H 9
Then, E 2n = u x = 1.2u x H = 1.5A / m
E 2 = E 2t + E 2n 294. Wave propagating in +Z direction, E is given
Ex = 2cost Ey = 2 cos (t + 90º) The wave is
E 2 = ( −3u y + u z + 1.2u x ) V / m (a) Linear polarized
(b) right circular polarized
292. When a plane wave traveling in free space is
(c) left circular polarized
incident normally on a medium having εr = 4.0,
(d) elliptically polarized
the fraction of power transmitted into the
TSPSC Manager (Engg.) - 2015
medium is given by
Ans. (c) : Ex = 2 cos t
(a) 8/9 (b) 1/2
Ey = 2 cos (t + 90º) = -2 sin t
(c) 1/3 (d) 5/6
At t =0 : At t = π/4
Punjab PSC Poly. Lect. 20.08.2017
Ex = 2 : Ex = 2
Ans. (a) :
Ey = 0 : Ey = − 2
Et 2η2 2
= = Left circular
E i η2 + η1 1 + η1 ∴
η2 Polarized wave
3 × 108 L = ZC 2 C
= = 1× 108
2 × 4.5 = 50 × 50 × 40 × 10−12
296. A 50 Ω loss less transmission line is terminated = 100,000 ×10 −12 = 0.1 µ H m
in 100 Ω load and is exited by a 30 MHz source
298. The path of a light ray going from a high index
of internal resistance of 50 Ω. What should be material to a low index material is given by
the length of transmission line for maximum Snell's law as following:
power transfer .............. n1 n
(a) 5.0m (b) 1.25m (a) n1 sinα = n2 sinβ (b) = 2
sin α sin β
(c) 2.5m (d) 10.0m sin α sin β
(c) n12 sinα = n22 sinβ (d) =
TSPSC Manager (Engg.) - 2015 n1 n2
Ans. (b) : For maximum power transfer, APPSC POLY. LECT. 14.03.2020
Z0 = Zin Ans. (a) :
Z0 = 50
LT dB = ( 0.20 ) ×10 + 0.41 + ( 0.10 )(15) β = ω LC = 2π ( 600 × 106 ) 0.25 × 10−6 (100 ×10−12 )
V(x) = Vf e jβx + Vf Γ e
− j(βx −θ )
……….. (i) Ans. (b) : Given,
Zsc = 5Ω
For maxima both terms should be in phase.
Zoc = 20Ω
i.e. β x − ( −βx + θ ) = 2nπ, n = 0,1, 2.....
Characteristics impedance (Z0) = Zsc Zoc
Voltage maxima/current minima
= 5 × 20
2β x max = 2nπ + θ …….(ii)
= 100
Similarly for minima, both terms should be out of
= 10Ω
phase. i.e. for voltage minima/current maxima-
333. The input impedance of short circuited line of
β x − ( −βx + θ ) = ( 2n + 1) π
length ℓ where λ/4<ℓ<λ/2, is
⇒ 2β x min = ( 2n + 1) π + θ ……. (iii) (a) Capacitive (b) Inductive
Now Z0 = 50Ω, ZL = j50Ω (c) Resistive (d) None of these
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2006
ZL − Z0 j50 − 50 j − 1
Γ= = = Ans. (a) : The input impedance of short circuited line of
ZL + Z0 j50 + 50 j + 1
length ℓ where λ / 4 < ℓ < λ / 2, is capacitive.
( j − 1)( j − 1) = j = 1 ∠90º
−2 334. The highest frequency for which a circular
coaxial transmission line having outer diameter
Hence at n = 0
= 3.1 mm and inner diameter = 1.3 mm can be
(i) For voltage maxima from equation
operated in pure TEM mode (assuming free
(ii) 2β x max = 2 ( 0 ) π + space medium between the two conductors)
2 should be less than:
2π π (a) 12.2 GHz (b) 18.6 GHz
⇒ 2⋅ −2
× x max =
8 ×10 2 (c) 26.5 GHz (d) 43.4 GHz
π 1 ISRO Scientist Engg. -2015
x max = × 8cm × = 1cm
2 4π Ans. (d) : Given:
(ii) Current minima from equation (iii) D = 3.1 mm
2π π
2× × x min = ( 2 ( 0 ) + 1) π + d = 1.3 mm
8cm 2 µr = εr = 1
3 1 c
⇒ x min = × 8cm × = 3cm f=
2 4 λ
Electromagnetic Field Theory 555 YCT
c Ans. (a) : VSWR = 1.5
D+d 1+ Γ
π µr εr 1.5 =
2 1− Γ
3 × 108 1.5 − 1.5Γ = 1 + Γ
3.1 + 1.3 0.5 = 2.5Γ
π 1
2 Γ = 0.2
3 × 108 Return loss = –20 log10 ( Γ )
3.14 × 4.4 × 10−3
Return loss = –20 log (0.2) = 13.97 dB
2 11
= 0.434 × 10 = 43.4 GHz Return loss ≃ 14 dB
337. A plane wave E = 100 sin (ωt – 10x) V/m in a
335. If E = Em sin ( ωt - βz ) aˆ y free space, then B is
loss less medium with µ = 4µ0, ε = ε0, strikes
given by another medium with 900 angle of incidence
− E mβ having µ = 9µ 0 , ε = ε 0 the reflection co-efficient
(a) sin(ωt − βz)aˆ z
is :
− E mβ
(b) cos ( ωt − βz ) aˆ x (a) 0.5 (b) 0.25
(c) 0.1 (d) 0.2
E mβ
(c) sin(ωt − βz)aˆ y ISRO Scientist Engg. -2015
Ans. (d) : Reflection coefficient
E β
(d) m cos(ωt − βz)aˆ y
ω ε r1 / µ r1 − ε r2 / µ r2
IES - 2013 ε r1 / µ r1 + ε r2 / µ r2
Ans. (b) : Given
1/ 4 − 1/ 9
E = E m sin ( ωt − βz ) aˆ y =
1/ 4 + 1/ 9
Ex −E y 1 1
∵ =η= −
Hy Hx 1
= 2 3 = = 0.2
1/ 2 + 1/ 3 5
−E y
∴ Hx = sin ( ωt − βz ) 338. A lossless transmission line has the distributed
circuit parameters of inductance and
−µE y capacitance per meter as 625 nH/m and 64
∴ B = µH = sin ( ωt − βz ) aˆ x
µ pF/m respectively, the phase constant of the
ε line at 100 MHz is:
(a) 3.97 rad/m (b) 18.42 rad/m
H x = −E y µε sin ( ωt − β z ) aˆ x
(c) 1.56 rad/m (d) 9.21 rad/m
or H x = −E m µε sin ( ωt − β z ) aˆ x ISRO Scientist Engg. -2015
Ans. (a) :
As β = ω µε ⇒ µε = L = 625 nH/m
C = 64 F/m
− E mβ
∴ Hx = sin ( ωt − βz ) aˆ x f = 100 MHz
β = ω LC = 2πf LC
336. The VSWR of a microwave unit is 1.5, the
return loss is: = 2 π × 100 × 106 625 × 10 −9 × 64 × 10 −12
(a) 14 dB (b) 16 dB
= 2π× 25 × 8 ×108 ×10−10 10−1
(c) 18 dB (d) 11 dB
ISRO Scientist Engg. -2015 = 3.97 rad/m
Zin = = =0
Reflection coefficient Γ = ZL − Z0 ZL ∞
Z L + Z0
Zin = 0
jZ − Z0
= 0
jZ0 + Z0 347. VSWR of a transmission line is always
Z0 ( j − 1) (a) Less than unity (b) Greater than unity
Z0 ( j + 1) (c) Zero (d) Infinity
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2007
j −1
Γ= Ans. (b) : VSWR (voltage standing wave ratio)
j +1
VSWR = 1
Γ =1
It maximum reflection occurs on the line,
1+ Γ 1+1 |Γ|=1
Hence VSWR = =
1− Γ 1−1
Then VSWR = ∞
VSWR = ∞ 1≤ VSWR ≤ ∞
344. A transmission line having characteristic So, VSWR of a transmission line is always greater than
impedance 'Zt' of varying length in series with unity.
a load impedance 'ZL' appears in a Smith 348. The wave length of a 100 MHz electromagnetic
Chart on : wave propagating through a perfect non
(a) Constant Resistance Circle magnetic dielectric with relative permittivity
(b) Constant VSWR Circle εr = 9 is
(c) Constant Reactance Circle (a) 3 m (b) 3 cm
(d) All of the above (c) 100 cm (d) 10 cm
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2013 ISRO Scientist Engg.-2007
Ans. (b) : A transmission line having characteristic Ans. (c) : Given,
impedance 'Zt' of varying length in series with a load
f = 100 MHz
impedance "ZL" appears in a smith chart on constant
εr = 9
VSWR circle.
345. Impedance characteristics on a Smith Chart c 3 × 108
v= = ⇒ v = 108
repeat after a distance of : εr 9
(a) λ (b) λ/4
v 108
(c) λ/2 (d) None of the above λ= = ⇒ λ = 1m = 100cm
f 100 × 106
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2013
349. When VSWR is 3, reflection coefficient is:
Ans. (c) : Impedance characteristics on a Smith chart
repeat after a distance of λ/2. (a) (b) 1
346. A very lossy, long, 50 ohm transmission line 1
4 (c) 0 (d)
is open circuited at the load end. The input
impedance measured at the other end of the ISRO Scientist Engg.-2007
VSWR − 1
line is approximately.
(a) 0 (b) ∞
Ans. (a) : Reflection coefficient Γ = ( )
VSWR + 1
(c) 50 ohm (d) none of the above 3 −1 2 1
= = =
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2011 3 +1 4 2
Ans. (a) : Given that Z0 = 50 Ω 1
Γ =
For open circuit transmission line ZL = ∞ 2
Electromagnetic Field Theory 558 YCT
350. Which transmission line is ideal for handling 0 − 50
high power? 0 + 50
(a) Coaxial line Γ = −1
(b) Microstrip 1+ Γ
(c) Strip line Now, VSWR =
1− Γ
(d) Rectangular waveguide
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2007 =
Ans. (d) : In transmission line, rectangular waveguide is
ideal for handling high power. VSWR = ∞
351. The transmission line of characteristic 352. When compared with stripline, the major
impedance 50 Ω and feeding a purely resistive disadvantage of microstrip line is
load of 200 Ω uses single quarter wavelength (a) Not amenable for printed circuit technique.
long short circuit stub which placed at a (b) More expensive and complex to manufacture.
distance d from the load. The VSWR on the (c) Bulkier and voluminous.
transmission line section of length d and (d) More likely to radiate.
VSWR on the stub respectively are
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2010
Ans. (d) : When compared with stripline, the major
disadvantage of microstrip line is more likely to radiate.
Due to low dielectric constant micro strip line is more
likely to radiate.
353. The disadvantage of single-stub matching as
compared to double-stub matching, is that
(a) 0 and 0 respectively (a) The stub position has to be adjustable
(b) 1 and 1 respectively (b) Only shunt stub can be used
(c) 4 and 1 respectively (c) Only resistive load can be matched
(d) 4 and ∞ respectively (d) Useful only in two wire transmission line
ISRO Scientist Engg. -2020 ISRO Scientist Engg.-2010
Ans. (d) : Zo = 50Ω Ans. (a) : The disadvantage of single-stub matching as
compared to double-stub matching, is that the stub
ZL = 200Ω
position has to be adjustable.
Z − Zo 354. A unit step voltage travels from left to right
reflection coefficient Γ = L
Z L + Zo along an infinite transmission line. It hits an
200 − 50 inductive discontinuity at t = 0. What will be
Γ= the waveform immediately to the left of the
200 + 50
150 3 discontinuity?
Γ= = (a) Positive spike on a unit step
250 5
(b) Unit step with reduced rise time
1+ Γ
Now, VSWR = (c) Attenuated unit step
1− Γ
(d) Magnified unit step
1+ 3 5 ISRO Scientist Engg.-2010
1− 3 5 Ans. (b) : A unit step voltage travelling from left to
VSWR = 4 right along an infinite transmission line and if its an
inductive discontinuity at t = 0, we will get a unit step
Now for short circuit stub Zo = 50Ω wave form with reduced rise time.
due to short circuit ZL = 0 355. A lossy open stub having a length of 1/32
wavelength, is approximately equivalent to
Z L − Zo
reflection factor Γ = (a) A small capacitor in shunt with a small
Z L + Zo
Electromagnetic Field Theory 559 YCT
(b) A small capacitor in shunt with a large 358. What is the characteristic impedance of a
resistor coaxial transmission line having inner
(c) A small inductor in shunt with a small resistor conductor radius of 1mm, outer conductor
(d) A large inductor in shunt with a large resistor radius of 2mm and dielectric constant of 4.0?
(a) 50 ohm (b) 60 ohm
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2010, 2009
(c) 20.62 ohm (d) None of these
Ans. (b) : A lossy open stub having a length of 1/32
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2010
wave length, is approximately equivalent to a small
Ans. (c) : Characteristic impedance of a coaxial
capacitor in shunt with a large resistor.
transmission line-
356. The continuity of the tangential field
138 D
component at the interface of two media for Z0 = log
K d
normal incidence of a plane wave requires
(a) T = 1– Γ (b) T = 1+ Γ Where,
(c) T = Γ (d) T ≠ Γ K → Relative permittivity of insulation
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2010 D → Outer radius of a coaxial line
d → Inner radius of a coaxial line
Ans. (b) : T = 1 + Γ
Given, conductor radius (D) = 2mm
Inner conductor radius (d) = 1 mm
T = Transformation coefficient.
Dielectric constant (k) = 4
Γ = reflection coefficient.
138 2
357. Estimate the magnitude and phase of the Z0 = 4 log 1 = 20.77 Ω
element S11 of the S-matrix of the circuit shown
Z0 = 20.77 Ω
below. Assume an operating frequency of 25
MHz. 359. An impedance of -10 – j2 ohms is connected to
another impedance of 45 + j5 ohms through a
transmission line having a characteristic
impedance of 50 ohms. Assess the stability of
this circuit.
(a) Highly stable
(b) Stability cannot be determined from the given
(a) 25 ∠ 180º (b) 25 ∠ 0º (c) Highly unstable
(c) 0.33∠ 180º (d) 0.33 ∠ 0º (d) Marginally unstable
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2010 ISRO Scientist Engg.-2010
Ans. (d) : We know that S matrix can be given as- Ans. (b) : Stability cannot be determined from the given
information because data is insufficient to find stability.
b1 s11 s12 a1
b = s s a 360. A transmission line of characteristic impedance
2 21 22 2
75 ohms is terminated with an impedance of 50
from this matrix we can say that ohms. The line length is increased from zero.
V1 + Zo I1 V − Zo I 2 What will be the locus of the input impedance
a1 = , a2 = 2
2 Zo 2 Zo at the other end of the line? (N.B. : Reference
impedance of Smith Chart = 50 Ohms)
V1 − Zo I1 V + Zo I 2
b1 = ,b 2 = 2
2 Zo 2 Zo
after putting the value of variables in above equations
from the given figure
We will get the value of s11
s11 = 0.33∠0º
ωµ0 Z0 ≃ 40Ω
∴ η= ∠45°
σ 379. For attenuation of high frequencies we should
2π × 100 × 106 × 4π × 10 −7
= ∠45° (a) shunt capacitance (b) series capacitance
58 × 106
(c) shunt inductance (d) series inductance
2 × 3.14 × 4 × 3.14 × 100 × 10−7 Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
= ∠45°
58 Ans. (a) : For attenuation of high frequencies we should
= 3.68 × 10−3 ∠45° Ω use shunt capacitance. It passes low frequency and
attenuates high frequency.
376. The input impedance of a short circuited line of
length less than quarter wave length is purely 380. To couple a co-axial line to a parallel line wire
it is best to use
(a) resistive (b) inductive
(a) slotted line (b) balun
(c) capacitive (d) complex
(c) directional coupler (d) λ/4 transformer
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
RPCS Lect.-2011
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2008 Ans. (b) : To couple a co-axial line to a parallel line
wire it is best to use balun (balanced to unbalanced)
Ans. (b) : Input impudence of a short circuited line of
381. Each kilometer of travel of electromagnetic
length less than, If l < ; the nature of the input wave means a time delay of
(a) 330µsec (b) 33µsec
impedance inductive
(c) 3.3µsec (d) 0.33µsec
377. In an ideal transmission line with matched
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
load, the VSWR and reflection co-efficient are
Ans. (c) : Time delay in each kilometer of travelling of
distance 103 × 1
(a) 1 and 1 (b) 0 and 1 EM wave = = = 3.3µ sec.
(c) infinity (d) 1 and 0 velocity 3 ×108
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III 382. The primary constants of a transmission line
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2007 are
(a) R and L (b) R,L and C
Ans. (d) : For an ideal transmission line with match
(c) R and C (d) R,L,G and C
ZL – Z0
load, reflection co-efficient = =0 Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
ZL + Z0
Ans. (d) : The primary constants of a transmission line
For perfectly matched line ZL = Z0 are R, L, G and C.
1+ Γ 383. If a line with Z0 = 300 ∠00 Ω is open circuited
VSWR= =1
1− Γ at far end, then VSWR is
378. An air filled co-axial line has the outer radius (a) 0 (b) 1
equal to twice the inner radius. Its (c) infinity (d) 2
characteristic impedance is about Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
Electromagnetic Field Theory 563 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ans. (b) : Given that–
ε r1 = 1, ε r2 = 3,
Z L − Z0
Reflection co-efficient =
Z L + Z0
Γ = –1
1+ Γ
VSWR= =∞ For boundary condition–
1− Γ
E t1 = E t 2
384. When a line short circuited at far end, the
E1 sin θ1 = E 2 sin θ2
minimum voltage occurs at
(a) far end E 2 sin θ2 = E sin 45º = ........... (i)
(b) Source end
For normal component–
(c) midway between source and load
D N1 = D N2
(d) None of these
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III ε1 E N1 = ε 2 E N2
Ans. (a) : When a line short circuited at far end, the
1.E1 cos θ1 = 3 ⋅ E 2 cos θ2
minimum voltage across at exactly far end. At short
circuit point current is maximum and voltage is E cos 45º = 3 E 2 cosθ2
minimum. E
E 2 cos θ2 = ..........(ii)
385. The manufacturing technique used to 3× 2
manufacture strip type transmission line is Solve equation (i) & (ii)
(a) photo-etching technique tan θ2 = 3
(b) oxidation technique
θ2 = 60º
(c) cladding
∴θ = θ2 − θ1
(d) epitaxial
= 60 − 45º
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
Ans. (a) : The manufacturing technique used to
[θ = 15º ]
manufacture strip type transmission line is photo- 387. A transmission line of 50 Ω characteristic
etching technique impedance is terminated with a 100 Ω
386. The electric field between two parallel plates resistance. The minimum impedance measured
placed in vacuum is 'E'. If a slab of dielectric on the line is equal to
(a) 0 Ω (b) 25 Ω
constant 3 is inserted in between the plate
(c) 50 Ω (d) 100 Ω
such that the normal to the boundary makes an
Mizoram PSC IOLM -2018, Paper II
angle 45° with the lines of electric force in
Ans. (b) : Z0 = 50Ω ZL = 100Ω
between the plates. Find the angle (θ) between
the electric lines in the medium between the Here Z > Z so Z = Z 0
L 0 min
plates (vacuum) and dielectric slab. ZL
(a) 60° (b) 15° 50 × 50
Zmin =
(c) 30° (d) 25° 100
ISRO Scientist Engg. -2020 Zmin = 25Ω
Ans. (b) : The wave which 'Lie down and dies' is called 1
ground wave. 3
413. A balun is virtually 1 − η 1 − 1/ 3 2 / 3
Γ= = =
(a) Flying resistor 1 + η 1 + 1/ 3 4 / 3
(b) Frequency compensator Γ =0.5
(c) An impedance transformer 416. An electromagnetic wave having frequency f0
(d) None of the above gets attenuated by a factor of e–2 after
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I propagating a distance d in a good conductor.
Ans. (c) : A balun virtually acts as an impedance If the signal frequency is now reduced to 0.5 f0,
transformer. after travelling the same distance d in the same
414. An antenna having a gain of 10 dB radiates 1.5 conductor, the signal will get attenuated by a
W power in free space. The electric field factor of :
intensity ( E ) at a distance of 1 km from the (a) e–4 (b) e –2 2
(a) =
and wavelength decreases ∂ t2 µ ε ∂ x2
(b) Speed decreases, frequency and wavelength ∂2Ey 1 ∂2 E
remains the same (b) =
∂x 2
µ ε ∂ t2
(c) Speed increases, frequency and wavelength
remains the same ∂2Ey µ ∂2 E
(c) =
(d) Speed increases, frequency increases and ∂ t2 ε ∂ x2
wavelength remains the same ∂2 Ey ε ∂2 E
(d) =
RRB SSE 03.09.2015 Shift-II ∂ t2 µ ∂ x2
Ans. (a) : When a ray of light enters for air into glass its TRB Poly. Lect. -2012
speed decrease, frequency remains the same and
Ans. (a) : In one dimension, the scalar equation takes
wavelength decreases. the form
476. Following equations represent four travelling ∂2Ey 1 ∂ Ey
0.5 ×10 –6
72 = 1600 + 900
C =
0.5 × 10−6
C= = 9.645 × 10−6 × 10−5 2500 50
72 × 72 SWR = =
Z0 Z0
= 96 pF / m
for minimum possible SWR = 1
Z L − Z0
Γ= 50
Z L + Z0 1=
60 − 72 −12
= = Z0 = 50Ω
60 + 72 132
Γ 2 = 0.25 20 × 10−3
G= = 333.33 µS/ m
Γ = 0.5
495. Consider the following statements regarding
1 + Γ 1 + 0.5
VSWR = = =3 the Smith’s chart:
1 − Γ 1 − 0.5
1. Smith’s chart is a graphical indication of
494. A distortionless transmission line has the the impedance of a transmission line and
following parameters: of the corresponding reflection coefficient
Characteristic impedance = 60Ω, wave velocity as one moves along the line.
= 0.6 c, where c is the speed of light in a 2. λ distance on the line corresponds to a
vacuum, α = 20mNp/m. The values of 720º movement on the Smith’s chart.
transmission line parameters R, L, G and C at 3. The admittance chart can be obtained by
100 MHz are respectively, shifting each and every point on the
(a) 1.2 Ω m, 333 nH m, 333µS m, 92.59 pF m impedance chart by 90º.
4. Counter-clockwise movement on the chart
(b) 1.2 Ω m,111 H m, 333 µS m, 92.59 F m
corresponds to moving towards the
(c) 2.4 Ω m, 333 nH m, 333µS m, 92.59 F m generator.
Electromagnetic Field Theory 582 YCT
Which of the above statements are correct? Ans. (a) : In a linear phase system the group delay (τg)
(a) 1 and 2 only and the phase delay (τp) are constant and equal to each
(b) 1 and 3 only other.
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only
498. The skin depth of a non-magnetic conducting
(d) 2,3 and 4 only
material at 100 MHz is 0.15 mm. The distance
which a plane wave of frequency 10 GHz
Ans.(a) : In the given statements regarding smiths
travels in this material before its amplitude
chart two statements are correct.
1. Smith’s chart is a graphical indication of the reduces by a factor of e–1 is
impedance of a transmission line and of the (a) 0.0015 mm (b) 0.015 mm
corresponding reflection coefficient as one moves (c) 0.15 mm (d) 1.5 mm
along the line. DRDO-2008
2. λ distance on the line corresponds to a 720º
Ans. (b) : We know that-
movement on the Smith’s chart.
496. Consider the following statements regarding δ ∝
the load matching and impedance
measurements: Given , δ1 = 0.15mm, f1 = 100 MHz, f 2 = 10 GHz
1. A mismatched load can be properly Then,
matched to a line by inserting prior to the
δ2 f
load a transmission line λ 4 long. = 1
δ1 f2
2. For matching of 120 Ω load to a 75 Ω line,
the quarter-wave transformer must have a δ2 100 × 106
characteristic impedance of 190 Ω . =
0.15 10 × 109
3. The main disadvantage of single-stub
matching is that it is a narrow-band or δ 2 = 0.015mm
frequency-sensitive device. 499. A lossless transmission line has a characteristic
Which of the above statements are not correct? impedance of 100Ω and inductance per unit
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
length of 1µH/m. If the line is operated at
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
1GHz, the propagation constant β is
Ans.(b) : According to question incorrect statement (a) 2π rad/m (b) rad / m
are given below-
For matching of 120 Ω load to a 75 Ω line, the (c) 20π rad/m (d) 2π × 105 rad/m
quarter-wave transformer must have a characteristic DRDO-2008
impedance of 190Ω. Ans. (c) : Given that,
Characteristic impedance- Z'0 = 75 × 120 f = 1× 109 Hz
= 94.8Ω Z0 = 100
The main disadvantage of single-stub matching is that
it is a narrow-band or frequency-sensitive device. L
∴ Z0 =
Hence statement (2) and statement (3) both are C
incorrect. L 10−6
On Squaring of both side - Z20 = = 104 =
497. In a linear phase system, the group delay (τg) C C
and the phase delay (τp) are C = 10 −10
(a) constant and equal to each other
∴β = ω LC
(b) τg is a constant and τp ∝ ω
(c) a constant and τg ∝ ω = 2π × 109 10−6 × 10−10
(d) τg ∝ ω and τp ∝ ω
β = 20π rad/m
Electromagnetic Field Theory 583 YCT
500. When a load resistance RL is connected to a Ans. (a) : Given that,
lossless transmission line of characteristic Z = 300
impedance 75Ω. It results in a VSWR of 2. The
ZL = 200
load resistance is
Z 300
(a) 100Ω (b) 75 2Ω ∴ SWR = 0 = = 1.5
ZL 200
(c) 120Ω (d) 150Ω
DRDO-2008 SWR = 1.5
Ans. (d) : Given that, 504. A transmission line is terminated at its
Z0 = 75Ω , VSWR = 2 characteristic impedance The reflection
coefficient is
VSWR − 1 2 − 1 1 Z − Z0
ρ= = = and δ = L (a) 1 (b) -1
VSWR + 1 2 + 1 3 Z L + Z0
(c) 0 (d) ∞
1 Z L − Z0 BSNL (JTO)-2006
3 Z L + Z0 Ans. (c) : Given that,
1 ZL − 75 Z L = Z0
3 ZL + 75 Reflection coefficient
ZL + 75 = 3ZL − 225 Z L − Z0
Γ= =0
Z L + Z0
2ZL = 300 ZL = 150
505. A lossless transmission line with characteristic
501. A two-port characterized by the S-parameter impedance 500 Ohms is excited by a signal of
matrix. voltage 10 ∠ 0º volts an 1.2 MHz If the line is
( s ) = 0.3∠0
terminated by ZL at a distance 1 Km, the input
is impedance of the line for ZL= ∞ (infinity) and
0.9∠90o 0.2∠0o
ZL = 0(zero) in Ohm, respectively are
(a) both reciprocal and lossless
(b) reciprocal, but not lossless (a) + j ∞, 0 (b) − j∞, 0
(c) lossless, but not reciprocal (c) 0, − j∞ (d) 0, + j∞,
(d) neither reciprocal nor lossless BSNL (JTO)-2006
DRDO-2008 Ans. (b) : We know that,
Ans. (b) : For reciprocal - s = s Z + jZ0 tan βℓ
Zin = Z0 L
For lossless- s s + s s = 1
11 11
12 12 Z0 + jZL tan βℓ
( 0.3)( 0.3) + ( 0.9 )( 0.9 ) ≠ 1 For ZL = 0
So given matrix is reciprocal and not lossless. Zin = 0
For ZL = ∞
502. The concept of electromagnetic propagation
was first introduced by : Zin = – j ∞
(a) Faraday (b) Ampere 506. A 50 Ohm lossless line connects a signal of 200
(c) Coulomb (d) Maxwell KHz to load of 200 Ohm, If the load power in
100 mW, the value for voltage minimum Vmin is
Ans. (d) : The concept of electromagnetic propagation (a) ( 20) / 4 (b) ( 10) / 4
was first introduced by Maxwell. (c) ( 20) / 2 (d) ( 10) / 2
503. The lossless line of characteristics impedance BSNL (JTO)-2006
300 Ohm is terminated in a pure resistance of
200 Ohm. The value of the standing wave ratio Ans. (a) : P = ( Vmax )
is R
Vmax = (100 × 10 × 200 )
−3 12
(a) 1.5 (b) 0.67
(c) 1.0 (d) 1.25
= 20V
BSNL (JTO)-2006
Electromagnetic Field Theory 584 YCT
ZL 200 2η
VSWR = = =4 (b) ZZ (TE) =
Z0 50 ωC2
1 − 2
Vmax ω
Vmin η
(c) ZZ (TE) =
20 ωC2
4= 1 − 2
Vmin ω
20 2η
Vmin = (d) ZZ (TE) =
4 ω2C
1 + 2
507. Which one of the following is an angle at which 2ω
there is no reflected wave when the incident
wave is parallel (or vertically) polarized?
Ans. (c) : The characteristic wave impedance
(a) Critical angle (b) Reference angle
E β
(c) Relative angle (d) Brewster angle Z(z) (TM) = x =
H y ωε
Ans. (d) : The direction of polarization is parallel to the µ f
= × 1− c
plane of the interface. ε f
The special angle of incidence that produces a 90 ∵ ω∝ f
degrees angle between the reflected and refracted ray is 2
called the Brewster angle. Z(z) ( TM ) = η 1 − C
508. Consider the following statements regarding ω
impedance matching: The wave impedance of TE wave in the z- direction is,
(a) When the line is terminated in an impedance η
Zz (TE) =
other than its characteristic impedance, ω2
1 − c2
reflection will occur and there will be ω
standing waves of voltage and current along 510. Wave analyzer is also known as
the line which may be very large if there is (a) selective level meter
considerable mismatch. (b) precision receiver
(b) The single-stub device has the advantage that (c) modulation analyzer
it will match any load. (d) audio analyzer
(c) The double stub has the disadvantage that ESE-2022
the line length needs to be adjustable. Ans. (a) : Wave analyzer is also known as selective
Which of the above statements are correct? level meter.
(a) 2 and 3 only (b) 1 and 2 only 511. A quarter wave transformer is used for
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 matching a load of 225 Ω connected to a
ESE-2022 transmission line of 256 Ω in order to reduce
the SWR along the line to 1. The characteristic
Ans. (d) : (i) The single-stub device has the advantage
impedance of the transformer is
that it will match any load.
(a) 225 Ω (b) 256 Ω
(ii) The double stub has the disadvantage that the line (c) 240 Ω (d) 273 Ω
length needs to be adjustable. TANGEDCO- 2015
509. The wave impedance in z direction for TE Ans. (c) : Given that,
wave is Z = 225 Ω, Z = 256
in L
η Characteristic impedance,
(a) ZZ (TE) =
ωC2 Z0 = 225 × 256
1 + 2
ω = 240Ω
aˆ ρ ρaˆφ ˆ
az 543. A transmission line is having a reflection co-
efficient of 0.33 when terminated in a certain
1 ∂ ∂ ∂
∇×E = load, Its SWR is
ρ ∂P ∂φ ∂Z
(a) 2 (b) 3
0 0 (c) 1/2 (d) none of these
Nagaland PSC- 2018, Diploma Paper-II
∇×E = 0
1+ | Γ |
curl of is zero everywhere in the cross section Ans. (a) : SWR =
1− | Γ |
of co-axial cable.
540. Insertion loss is defined by | Γ |= 0.33
(a) –20 Log10 (1–r 2) (b) –10 Log10 r 1 + 0.33
(c) –10 Log10 (1–r 2) (d) –10 Log10 (1+r 2) 1 − 0.33
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2016, Paper-II 1.33
SWR = = 1.98
Ans. (c) : Insertion Loss is defined by 0.67
–10 Log10 (1–r 2) where r is a reflection co-efficient. SWR ≃ 2
1.5 × 10 −6 18 = 0.225 × 10 −3 m
δ3 2 559. The normal components of electric flux density
across a dielectric-dielectric boundary
1.5 × 10−6
δ3 = = 0.50µm (a) Are discontinuous
(b) Are continuous
557. A Gold cavity resonator resonating at 10 GHz (c) Depend on the magnitude of the surface
is fully coated using 2 µ m YBCO (Yttrium charge density
Barium Copper Oxide) material and operating (d) Depend on electric field intensity
at boiling temperature of liquid nitrogen. What Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-I
is the Skin Depth of RF at this frequency?
Ans. (c) : The normal component of electric flux
Assume σ Au = 4 ×107 Siemens/meter at cavity
density across a dielectric boundary depends on the
operating temperature. magnitude of the surface charge density.
(a) 2 µ m 560. The characteristic impedance of a lossless
(b) (2.5 / π) µ m transmission line is given by
(c) 0 µm (a) Z = ZC (b) Z = C / L
(d) None of the above (c) Z = LC (d) Z = L / C
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2018 ISRO Scientist Engg.-2006
Electromagnetic Field Theory 593 YCT
Ans. (d) : Characteristics impedance of transmission ∈r1
line is :- Sinθ =
( R + jωL ) π
Z0 =
( G + jωC ) θ=
For lossless transmission line R = 0, G = 0 P′Q
tan θ = =1
0 + jωL PP′
Z0 = P'Q = PP'
0 + jωC
Area = π (P'Q)2 = πm2
Z0 = ∈r1 1
C θ = sin −1 , θ = sin −1 = 45º
∈r2 2
561. A lossless line of 50 ohms is terminated in a
load of 100 ohms resistive. The VSWR is 563. When EM waves are reflected from a wall, the
(a) 1:2 (b) 2:1 relation between wavelength along the wall
(c) 4:1 (d) 1:4 than in actual direction of propagation
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2006 (a) Same (b) Less
Z − Z0 (c) Greater (d) Equal or Greater
Ans. (b) : Reflection coefficient ( Γ ) = L Nagaland PSC- 2018, Diploma Paper-II
Z +Z
L 0
Ans. (c) : When electromagnetic waves are reflected at
an angle from a wall, their wavelength along is greater
ZL = 100 Ω
than in the actual direction of propagation.
Z0 = 50 Ω 564. If over the course of a day, the maximum
100 − 50 electron density in the ionosphere varies from
100 + 50 1011 to 1012 m–3; the critical frequency changes
50 1 approximately from:
Γ= = (a) 2.2 MHz to 7 MHz (b) 2.5 MHz to 8 MHz
150 3
(c) 2.8 MHz to 9 MHz (d) 3.2 MHz to 10 MHz
1+ | Γ | 1 + 1/ 3
VSWR = = ISRO Scientist Engg.-2018
1− | Γ | 1 − 1/ 3
Ans.(c): Given,
VSWR = 2 : 1
N1 = 1011 , and N2 = 1012
562. A medium of relative permittivity εr2 =2 forms
We know that the critical frequency ( f c ) = 9 N max
an interface with free space. A point source of
electromagnetic energy is located in the When N1 = 1011
medium at a depth of 1 m from the interface. Then
Due to the total internal reflection, the f c1 = 9 1011 = 9 × 105 10 Hz
transmitted beam has a circular cross section
over the interface. The area of the beam cross = 2.8 ×106 Hz = 2.8 MHz
section at the interface is given by When N 2 = 1012
(a) 2πm2 (b) π2 m2
Then f c2 = 9 1012
(c) (π/2)m2 (d) πm2
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-I = 9 × 106 Hz
Ans. (d) : = 9 MHz
So the critical frequency changes approximately from
2.8 MHz to 9 MHz.
565. The plane wave propagating through the
di-electric has the magnetic field component as
H = 20 e–ax cos(ωt – 0.25x) ay A/m (ax, ay, az are
unit vectors along x, y and z axis respectively)
Determine the Polarization of the wave
Electromagnetic Field Theory 594 YCT
(a) â x (b) −â z (a) 3×108 m/sec (b) 2×108 m/sec
(c) 6.28×107 m/sec (d) 2×107 m/sec
(c) (ax + ay) 2 (d) â y
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-I
ISRO Scientist Engg. -2020
Ans. (b) : Given,
Ans. (b) : Given,
E ( z, t ) = 10cos ( 2π107 − 0.1πz ) Volt/m
H = 20e − ax
cos ( ωt − 0.25x ) aˆ y A / m
P = E×H f = 107 Hz β = 0.1 π β=
aˆ x = E × aˆ y 2π
λ= = 20
aˆ x = ( −aˆ z ) × aˆ y
v = fλ = 20 × 107 = 2 × 108 m / sec
So, the polarization of the wave is same as electric field
570. If only the position of the port of a network is
direction that is −â z .
changed, then its scattering parameter
566. The ratio of voltage reflected from the load to undergoes a
the voltage applied to the load is called (a) Change in magnitude
(a) reflection loss (b) VSWR (b) Change in the phase
(c) return loss (d) none of these (c) Change in both magnitude and phase
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III (d) No change
Ans. (b) : Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2016, Paper-II
defined as the ratio between transmitted and reflected Ans. (b) : When the wave undergoes reflection against
voltage standing waves in a radio frequency (RF) a rigid body it result into change of phase so as to
electrical transmission system. It is a measure of how maintain the boundary condition at wall.
efficiently RF power is transmitted from the power 571. When used as a mixer, the E-plane arm of an
source, through a transmission line, and into the load. E-H plane function is terminated in
567. Propagation constant is expressed as (a) A null detector
(a) ZY (b) ZY (b) a local oscillator
1.5 (c) A matched load
(c) (ZY) (d) none of these
where Z and Y are impedance and admittance (d) An antenna
respectively. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2016, Paper-II
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III Ans. (c) : When used as mixer, the E-plane arm of an E-
H plane function is terminated in a matched load.
Ans. (b) : Propagation constant is expressed as ZY
572. A very reliable service has to be established
568. If a transmission line terminated with a load
between two points on earth separated by
equal to be characteristic impedance the
1000 km. The band that will be used is
reflection co-efficient is
(a) HF (b) EHF
(a) +1 (b) –1
(c) UHF (d) VLF
(c) 0 (d) infinity
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2016, Paper-II
Ans. (c) : A very reliable service has to be established
Z L − Z0 between two points on earth separated by 1000 km. The
Ans. (c) : Reflection coefficient =
Z L + Z0 band that will be used is UHF.
When ZL = Z0 573. The magnitude of open-circuit and short-
Reflection coefficient = 0 circuit input impedances of a transmission line
569. If the electric field intensity associated with a are 100Ω and 25Ω respectively the
uniform plane electromagnetic wave travelling characteristic impedance of the line is
in a perfect dielectric medium is given by (a) 25Ω (b) 50Ω
E(z,t) =10cos(2π107 − 0.1πz) volt/m, the velocity (c) 75Ω (d) 100Ω
of the travelling wave is Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
Electromagnetic Field Theory 595 YCT
Ans. (b) : Given, Ans. (c) : Reflection coefficient-
Z oc = 100Ω. n 2 − n1
n 2 + n1
Zsc = 25 Ω.
While transmission coefficient -
So, characteristics impedance,
n 2 − n1 2n 2
Z0 = Z oc × Z sc = 2500 = 50Ω. τ = 1+ Γ = 1+ =
n 2 + n1 n1 + n 2
574. A plane wave propagation through the medium
577. The propagation constant of transmission line
εr = 8, µr = 2 and σ = 0 has electric field given
by E = 0.5e–(z/3) sin(108t–βz) V/m. The wave
(a) (R+jωL)/(G+jωL)
impedance, in ohms is
(a) 377 (b) 198.5∠180º (b) ( R + jωL )( G + jωC )
(c) 182.9∠14º (d) 188.3 (c) (R+jωL)/(G+jωe)
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-I 1
jωµ Lc
Ans. (d) : as η =
σ + jωε Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2016, Paper-I
µ µ 0µ r γ = G + jωC
Thus, η = =
ε ε0ε r
γ = ( R + jωL )( G + jωC )
4π×10−7 × 2
= 578. Neper is a
8.854 × 10−12 × 8
(a) Unit of power (b) Unit of voltage
= 1.883 × 10 2 Ω (c) Unit of current (d) Ratio of powers
= 188.3Ω Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2016, Paper-I
575. The VSWR can have any value between Ans. (d) : The Neper is a logarithmic unit for ratios of
(a) 0 and 1 (b) –1 and +1 measurements of physical field and power quantities.
(c) 0 and ∞ (d) 1 and ∞ such as gain and loss of electronic signal.
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-I 579. The attenuation constant of a medium is
Ans. (d) : Voltage standing wave ratio 400/cm. Find the skin depth in the medium.
1+ | Γ | (a) 2.00 mm (b) 1.55 mm
1− | Γ | (c) 3.50 mm (d) 2.50 mm
The range of values for VSWR is from 1 to ∞. UPPCL AE-05.11.2019
A VSWR value under 2 is considered suitable for most Ans. (*) : Given,
antenna applications. α = 400 / cm
576. When a plane electromagnetic wave is incident ∵ Skin depth is inversely proportional to square root of
normally on the boundary between two lossless frequency
dielectric media, the transmission coefficient
α = πfµσ
for magnetic field intensity H is
1 1
n − n2 n − n1 δ= =
(a) 1 (b) 2 πf µσ α
n +n 1 2 n +n 1 2
2n 2 2n1 1
(c) (d) δ= = 0.0025 cm
n1 + n 2 n1 + n 2 400
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2016, Paper-I = 0.025 mm
(a) ρ =
v max
(b) ρ =
( VSWR − 1) that it gives impedance of jΩ at the input end.
v min ( VSWR + 1) What is the length of line?
(a) λ/2 (b) λ/4
(c) ρ =
( VSWR + 1) (d) ρ =
(c) λ/8 (d) λ
( VSWR − 1) vr
UPPCL AE-05.11.2019
Ans. (c) : We know that,
Ans. (b) : The VSWR voltage standing wave ratio is
Z + jZ0 tan βℓ
V I Zin = Z0 L
defined as VSWR = max = max Z0 + jZL tan βℓ
Vmin I min
It is also given as Given Zin = jZ0
1+ ρ ZL = 0
1− ρ
∴ jZ0 = Z0 ZL + jZ0 tan βℓ
VSWR − ρ × VSWR = 1 + ρ Z0 + jZL tan βℓ
VSWR − 1 = ρ (1 + VSWR ) 0 + jZ0 tan βℓ
jZ0 = Z0
VSWR − 1 Z0
VSWR + 1 jZ0 = jZ0 tan β ℓ
581. If a lossless line is terminated with a load ∴tan β ℓ = 1
impedance 40 +j30 Ω, then the characteristic tan βℓ = tan π / 4
impedance of the line for minimum possible
standing wave ratio (SWR) will be : βℓ = π / 4
(a) 70 Ω (b) 25 Ω 2π
ℓ = π/ 4
(c) 50 Ω (d) 100 Ω λ
BSNL(JTO)-2002 λ
Ans. (c) : Given ZL = 40+j30Ω 8
| ZL |= 50Ω 584. For a perfectly matched line the reflection
1+ | Γ | coefficient has value of:
SWR = where ρ = reflection coefficient
1− | Γ | (a) 0 (b) +1
The minimum possible value of SWR is 1 when ρ = 0 (c) –1 (d) Infinity
Z − Z0
and ρ = L when ZL = Z0, Γ =0 Ans. (a) : For perfectly matched line-
ZL + Z0
Z L = Z0
So, characteristics impedance (Z0) = 50Ω
582. The disadvantage of single stub matching is Γ = ZL − Z0
that Z L + Z0
(a) Every load needs a new stub position Z − Z0
(b) Only shunt stub should be used = 0 =0
Z0 + Z0
(c) Only resistive load can be matched
(d) Useful only in two wire transmission line 585. A quarter wavelength transformer is used as
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2013 matching unit between two transmission lines
Ans. (a) : Single stub matching - Single stub matching of characteristics impedances 200Ω and 50Ω
are widely used to match any complex load to a respectively. Find the characteristic impedance
transmission line, They consists of shorted or opened of transformer.
segments of the live connected in parallel or in series (a) 150Ω (b) 50Ω
with the line at a appropriate distance from the load. (c) 200Ω (d) 100Ω
It require every load needs a new stub position. UPRVUNL AE-2016
Electromagnetic Field Theory 597 YCT
Ans. (d) : As per given data- σ
Ans. (c) : Loss tangent tan θ =
Characteristic impedance- ωε
Z0 = 200 × 50 For lossless dielectric tan θ ≤ 1
586. Impedance matching over a wide frequency 590. In loop coupling the plane of the loop is
range can be obtained by using (a) Parallel to the flux lines
(a) Double stub (b) Normal to the flux lines
(b) Single stub (c) Inverse to the flux lines
(c) Quarter wave transformer (d) Vertical to the flux lines
(d) None of the above Nagaland PSC CTSE- 2015, Paper-II
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2016, Paper-I Ans. (b) : When a conductor is inserted into the
Ans. (a) : Impedance matching over a wide frequency waveguide and is bent like a loop this is known as loop
range can be obtained by using double stub. coupling.
587. If a plane electromagnetic wave satisfies the When current flows into the loop, it produces magnetic
∂ 2Ex ∂ 2Ex
equation = c2 the wave propagates in field which couples with the waveguide loop.
∂z 2
∂t 2 In loop coupling the plane of the loop is normal to the
the flux lines.
(a) x-direction
591. To couple a coaxial line to a parallel wire, it is
(b) z-direction
best to use a
(c) y-direction
(a) Balun
(d) xz plane at an angle of 450 between the x and
z direction (b) Slotted line
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-I (c) Directional coupler
GATE-2001 (d) Quarter wave transformer
Ans. (b) : If a plane electromagnetic wave satisfies the Nagaland PSC (Degree) 2018, Paper-II
∂2Ex 2 ∂ Ex
2 Ans. (a) : Baluns are used both to sort out the flow of
equation = c the wave propagates in the z-
AC signals and make the necessary impedance
∂z 2 ∂t 2
direction. transformation between coaxial cable which has a low
588. In a medium if ε, µ, and σ are constant through impedance, and balanced loads, which have higher
out the medium, then it is known as : impedances.
(a) Distributed medium 592. A line comprised of two copper wires of
(b) Dielectric medium diameter 1.2 mm that have 3.2 mm center to
(c) Perfect vacuum center spacing. If the wires are separated by a
(d) Homogeneous medium dielectric material with εr = 3.5, the value of
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I characteristic impedance Z0
Ans. (d) : In a medium if εr, µr & σ are constant (a) 96 W (b) 150 W
throughout the medium, then the medium called as (c) 74 W (d) 105 W
homogeneous medium. Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-II
589. What is the major factor of determining Ans. (*) : Characteristic impedance-
whether a medium is free space, lossless
30πb ε r
dielectric, lossy dielectric, or good conductor Z0 =
(a) Attenuation constant
(1 + Wc + 0.41b )
(b) Constitutive parameters (σ, ε, µ) 30π× 3 ⋅ 5 × 1 ⋅ 2
Z0 =
(c) Loss tangent 1 + 3 ⋅ 2 + 0 ⋅ 41× 1 ⋅ 2
(d) Reflection coefficient
Z0 = 142Ω
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I
Electromagnetic Field Theory 598 YCT
593. In the case of dielectric subjected to an 596. With wavelength λ in increasing order, which
alternating electric field of frequency f, the one of the following combination is correct?
dielectric loss is proportional to (a) EHF, SHF, UHF, VHF
(a) f (b) f2 (b) SHF, UHF, VHF, EHF
1 1 (c) UHF, VHF, EHF, SHF
(c) (d) 2
f f (d) VHF, EHF, SHF, UHF,
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-I UPPSC ITI Principal/Asstt. Director-09.01.2022
Ans. (a) : P = 2πfCV2tanδ Ans. (a) : EHF < SHF < UHF < VHF
P = dielectric loss 597. The skip distance is
f = frequency (a) Same for each layer
C = capacitor (b) Independent of frequency
V = voltage (c) Independent of the state of ionization
δ = Loss angle (d) Independent of transmitted power
• As per the above formula we can increases in Nagaland PSC CTSE(Degree) 2018, Paper-II
frequency the loss increases.
• The increases in voltage the value of dielectric loss Nagaland PSC CTSE(Degree) 2017, Paper-II
increases. Nagaland PSC CTSE(Degree) 2015, Paper-I
• The increases in temperature the dielectric loss Ans. (d) : The skip distance is independent of
increases. transmitted power but it is dependent upon a variety of
594. A uniform sinusoidal plane wave in air has the factors frequency. The minimum distance at which the
following phasor expression for electric field: wave return back at the critical angle is called skip
E(x, z) = ay 10ei(6x+8z) V/m distance.
The frequency of operation will be : 598. For a given ionospheric layer, the highest
(a) 4.78 × 108 Hz (b) 2 × 108 Hz frequency that will be reflected back for
(c) 109 Hz (d) 3.82 × 108 Hz vertical meidence is given by
BSNL(JTO)-2002 (a) fc = 81 Nmax (b) fc = 81 N2 max
Ans. (a) : Given that- (c) fc = 81N max (d) fc = 81 N max
i ( 6x +8z )
E ( x, z ) = a y10e V/m Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-II
After compare the standard equation Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2016, Paper-II
UPPCL AE - 16.11.2013
( 6 ) + (8)
2 2
Ans. (c) : For a given ionospheric layer, the highest
β = 10 frequency that will be reflected back for vertical
2π 2π meidence is given by-
λ= =
β 10 f c = 81 N max
c 3 × 10 ×10
f c = 9 N max
f= =
λ 2π
599. For a short wave radio link between two
f = 4.780 × 108 Hz stations via the ionosphere, the ratio of the
595. Frequencies in the UHF range normally maximum usable frequency to the critical
propagate by means of - frequency
(a) ground waves (b) space waves (a) Is always less than 1
(c) surface waves (d) sky waves (b) May be ≤ 1 depending on the distance
UPPSC Poly.Tech. Lecturer-22.03.2022, Paper-II between the two stations
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2016, Paper-II (c) Is always greater than 1
UKPSC Assistant Radio Officer Screening Exam-2011 (d) Does not depend on the distance between the
Ans. (b) : UHF (Ultra high frequency) cannot propagate two stations
through sky waves or ground waves. The signals having Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) - 2018, Paper-II
UHF are propagated through line of sight Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) - 2017, Paper-II
communication which is space wave propagation. ISRO Scientist Engg.-2008
Electromagnetic Field Theory 599 YCT
Ans. (c) : Maximum usable frequency Ans. (c) : The RF wave can propagate long distance
fMUF = fc secθ parallel to earth surface via duct.
fc Ground- wave propagation is effective from 300 miles it
f MUF = = f c sec θ
cos θ can span the world depending on atmospheric
f MUF conditions and the frequency used.
fc 604. The phase velocity of a plane wave given by Ex
The ratio of the maximum usable frequency to the = E0 cos (ωt – βz) with a frequency of 5.0 GHz
critical frequency is always greater than 1. and a wavelength in the material medium of 3.0
cm is:
600. Which one of the following is caused by
reflection from stratified atmosphere or from (a) 3.0 × 108 m/sec (b) 1.5 × 108 m/sec
the surface or land conditions along the path? (c) 5 × 108 m/sec (d) None
(a) Multipath fading (b) Selective fading ISRO Scientist Engg. -2015
(c) Duo fading (d) Reflection fading Ans. (b) : Given:
IES - 1997 f = 5 GHz , λ = 3cm
Ans. (a) : The Multipath signal are received in Phase velocity (v )= λf
terrestrial environment where different from of
= 3×10–2×5×109 m/s
propagation are present and the signals arrive and the
receiver from transmitter via a variety of paths. = 1.5×108 m/s
therefore there would be multipath interference causing 605. Ratio of skin depths of an electromagnetic
multipath fading. wave inside the conductor for the
601. Consider the following parameters: corresponding frequencies at 4 GHz and 9
1. Loss is the media GHz, considering the same material properties
2. Permeability of the media for both the frequencies is:
3. Frequency of the wave (a) 9:4 (b) 4:9
4. Velocity of the wave (c) 3:2 (d) 2:3
Which of the these parameters are responsible ISRO Scientist Engg. -2015
for the change of phase of a propagating Ans. (c) : Given:
electromagnetic wave? f1 = 4 GHz , f2 = 9 GHz
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4 1
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4 Skin depth δ =
IES - 2000
Ans.(a): The change of phase propagation of a δ∝
electromagnetic wave parameters- Loss is the media,
permeability of the media and frequency of the wave. δ1 f
= 2
602. Space wave propagation takes place within a δ2 f1
frequency range of
δ1 9
(a) 0.03 GHz to 0.3 GHz (b) 3 GHz to 30 GHz =
δ2 4
(c) 0.3 GHz to 3 GHz (d) 3 GHz to 12 GHz
δ1 3
Nagaland PSC (Degree) 2018, Paper-II =
δ2 2
Ans. (a) : Space wave propagation takes place within a
frequency range of 0.03 GHz to 0.3 GHz. 606. For non dispersive medium
603. The RF wave can propagate long distance (a) Phase velocity > Group velocity
parallel to earth surface via (b) Phase velocity < Group velocity
(a) Ground wave (b) Sky wave (c) Phase velocity = Group velocity
(c) Duct (d) Surface wave (d) None of the above
TNPSC AE- 2019 ISRO Scientist Engg.-2013
Electromagnetic Field Theory 600 YCT
Ans. (c) : In non-dispersive medium, the speed of wave 610. The relative permittivity of ionosphere at radio
is independent of frequency. Here the carrier wave frequencies is
propagates at the phase speed, the modulation envelope (a) = 0 (b) < 1
propagates at the group speed. (c) > 1 (d) = 1
Thus the non-dispersive has both the phase velocity and TNPSC AE-2014
group velocity are same. Ans. (b) : Ionospheric propagation, where radio waves
607. If range of a radar is to be doubled, the peak are refracted by ionized layers in the atmosphere.
transmit power of the radar has to be : The relative permittivity of ionosphere at radio
(a) Increased by a factor of 2 frequencies is < 1.
(b) Increased by a factor of 4 611. A radar pulse sent to the target returns after 20
(c) Decreased by a factor of 4 µ sec. What is the distance of the target from
(d) Increased by a factor of 16 the radar?
(a) 30 km (b) 3 km
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2013
© 300 km (d) 3000 km
Ans. (d) : We know that -
Range of radar
Ans. (b) : Given, tr = 20 µs
P G 2 σA 4
c0 .t r
R= t 2 e Distance of the target from radar ( R ) =
( 4π ) Smin 2
G = Antenna gain 3 × 108 × 20 ×10−6
R= = 3km
σ = Radar cross section 2
Ae = Effective area of the antenna 612. High range resolution is obtained with
(a) High attenuation (b) Low attenuation
R max ∝ ( Pt ) ⇒ Pt ∝ ( R max )
1/ 4 4
(a) Wave without attenuation VSWR − 1
(b) No wave motion VSWR + 1
(c) Wave with attenuation 3 −1 2 1
Γ= = =
(d) Wave with increasing attenuation 3 +1 4 2
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade -2018, Paper-II 1
PR = Pi
Ans. (a) : The propagation constant pure imaginary 2
means wave without attenuation. So, Percentage reflected power
634. The group velocity vg is given by PR 1
× 100 = × 100 = 25%
c2 Pi 4
(a) vg =
vp 637. The ground state energy of a particle in an
infinite square-well potential of width L is E. If
mλ the width of the wall is reduced to L/2, then the
(b) vg = c 1 −
2a ground state energy becomes
(a) 2E (b) E/2
mλ (c) 4E (d) E/4
(c) vg = c 1 +
2a Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-I
Electromagnetic Field Theory 604 YCT
n2h2 641. When an electromagnetic wave is propagated
Ans. (c) : We know that - E a = in good dielectric the phase constant β is reduce
8m L2
When L2 =
2 εµσ σ µ
(a) (b)
2 2 2 ε
2 L
E a1 L E a1 1 2
= 2 , = σ 1 σ2
E a2 (c) ω µε 1 + 2 2 (d) 1 − 2 2
L1 E a 2 L1 8ω ε µε 8ω ε
E a 2 = 4E a1 Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2016, Paper-I
Ans. (d) : When an electromagnetic wave is propagated
638. For a given guided mode, the normalized in good dielectric the phase constant β is reduced to
propagation lies between
1 σ2
(a) − ∝ and + ∝ (b) 0 and + ∝ β= 1 − 2 2
µε 8ω ε
(c) 0 and 1 (d) –1 and +1
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-II 642. Two spheres of radii r1 and r2 are connected by
a conducting wire. Each of the spheres has
Ans. (c) : Propagation constant depends on optical
given a charge Q. Now
frequency of the light for guided wave propagation
(a) Larger sphere will have greater potential
constant lies between 0 and 1
(b) Larger sphere will have smaller potential
639. Normally dispersive media are those in which
(c) Both of the spheres will have same potential
the change in phase velocity with wavelength is
(d) Smaller sphere will have zero potential
(a) Positive
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-I
(b) Negative
(c) Both positive and negative Ans. (c) : Two spheres of radii r1 and r2 are connected
by a conducting wire. Each of the spheres has given a
(d) None of the above
charge Q. So both of the spheres will have same
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2016, Paper-I
Ans. (b) : In a dispersive medium, the group velocity is
1 Q
less than phase velocity. Hence in dispersive medium Potential V1= ×
4πε0 r1
change velocity worth frequency will be negative
because 1 Q
V2 = ×
4πε0 r2
c ∇v P
vP = <0 r1 =r2
f ∇f
1− c So V1=V2
643. In an impedance smith chart, a clockwise
640. The depth of penetration is the depth in which
movement along a constant resistance circle
electromagnetic wave has been attenuated to
gives rise to
(a) e of the original value
(a) A decrease in the value of reactance
1 (b) An increase in the value reactance
(b) of the original value
e (c) No change in the reactance value
(c) 50% of the original value (d) No change in the impedance value
(d) 100% of the original value Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-I
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2016, Paper-I Ans. (b) : Moving clockwise in a constant resistance
Ans. (b) : Penetration depth is a measure of how deep circle gives increase in the value of reactance.
light or any electromagnetic radiation can penetrate into 644. Blue colour of sky look due to
material. It is defined as the depth at which the intensity
(a) Reflection (b) Retraction
of radiation inside material falls to 1/e of its original
(c) Scattering (d) Diffraction
Electromagnetic Field Theory 605 YCT
Ans. (c) : The sky is blue due to a phenomenon called 649. When the load impedance Z L = Z 0 , the VSWR
Raleigh scattering. The blue colour is scattered more is:
because the wavelength is more than other light. (a) 0 (b) ∞
645. Which velocity greater than velocity of light in (c) 1 (d) 10
free space ____. UPPCL AE-05.11.2019
(a) Phase velocity (b) Group velocity
1+ Γ
(c) Both (d) None Ans. (c) : VSWR =
1− Γ
Ans. (d) : According to string theory Tachyon is the Γ = ZL − Z0
only particle faster that light as it has a strange feature Z L + Z0
that when they loose energy they gain speed and when When, Z = Z , Γ = 0
L 0
they gain energy, they loose speed.
No other particle can travel faster than light because for VSWR = 1
this the rest mass of a particle should be 0. It is quite 650. For a radar if transmitted power increases 16
difficult to find a massless particle rather than light. times then what happens to Radar range
646. What is the advantages of FWBR over center (a) Half (b) Doubles
tap transformer FWR _____. (c) 16 times (d) 4 times
(a) Efficiency (b) PIV BEL-2015
(c) Power handing (d) Ripple factor
Ans. (b) : Maximum range of radar is -
NPCIL-2015 1
transformer FWR.
( 4π ) 2 S
= 360π× 3
ωε µ =1
Since the given medium is good conductor. In a good From Snell’s law
conductor the value of α and β sin i
sin r
ωµσ 108 × 20 × 4π× 10−7 × 3
α =β= = sin i= sin r
2 2
r = 300
= 61.4
654. Name the ionization layer that exists during
α = 61.4 Np / m and β = 61.4 rad / m
day time and usually vanishes at night due to
652. If R = Earth’s radius, h = orbit height, highest recombination rate
β = coverage angle, and θ = minimum elevation (a) Appleton region (b) D Region
angle, then which one of the following relations (c) Normal E region (d) Sporadic E region
is correct? TANGEDCO AE- 2018
R cos ( β + θ ) Ans. (b) : D- region is the ionization layer that exists
(a) =
R+h cos ( θ ) during day time and usually vanishes at night due to
highest recombination rate.
R cos ( β )
(b) = 655. The highest frequency that is returned to the
h cos ( θ )
earth at a given distance is called
h cos ( β + θ ) (a) maximum available frequency
(c) =
R cos ( β ) (b) maximum communication frequency
R+h (c) maximum bandwidth frequency
(d) = cos ( β + θ ) − cos ( θ ) (d) maximum usable frequency
ESE-2021 ESE-2022
Ans.(a) : Given, R = Earth's radius, h = Orbit height, Ans. (d) : The highest frequency that is returned to the
earth at a given distance is called maximum usable
β = Coverage angle, θ = Minimum elevation angle
frequency. The maximum usable frequency is the
R cos ( β + θ )
Then, = highest radio frequency that can be used to transmission
R+h cos θ between two point via reflection from the ionosphere at
653. If a sky wave with a frequency of 50 MHz is a specific time, independent of transmitter power.
incident on the D-region at an angle of 30º, then 656. The signal propagation time between two
the angle of refraction is: ground stations in a synchronous satellite link
(a) 15º (b) 60º is about
(c) 30º (d) 5.5º (a) 50ms (b) 135ms
UPRVUNL AE– 11.06.2014 (c) 270ms (d) none of these
Ans. (c) : Given that angle of incidence (i) = 300 Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
f = 50 MHz Ans. (c) : The signal propagation time between two
we know that for a D- region ground stations in a synchronous satellite link is about
refractive index (µ) 270ms.
IES - 1998
Where, Pr(d) = Power at receiving antenna
Ans. (d) : If the electromagnetic waves transmitted by
Pt = Output power of transmitting antenna
the transmitter glide over the surface of the earth to
Gt = Gain of the transmitting antenna
reach the receiver, then the propagation is called ground
Gr = Gain of the receiving antenna
wave propagation. During transmission the electrical
signals are attenuated over a distance there are same λ = Wavelength
reason for that- L = Distance between the antennas
• Increasing distance 678. Ground waves progress along the surface of the
• Absorption of energy of the earth earth and must be polarized
(a) Horizontally (b) Circularly
• Tilting of the wave.
(c) Elliptically (d) Vertically
So the ground wave gradually disappears as one waves
always from the transmitter because of finite IES - 2019
conductivity of the earth's surface. Ans. (d) : Ground wave propagation is a method of
wave propagation that uses the area between surface of
675. The MUF for an angle of incidence is 60º and a
the earth and ionosphere for transmission. the type of
critical frequency of 60 MHz will be
antenna and it's polarization has a major effect on
(a) 45.9 MHz (b) 111.7 MHz
ground wave propagation.
(c) 120 MHz (d) 150 MHz
Vertical polarization is subject to considerably less
IES - 1996
attenuation then horizontally polarized signals.
Ans. (c) : For maximum useable frequency fMUF = fc × The surface wave is also very dependent upon the
sec θ nature of ground over which the signal travels.
given θ = 60º fc = 60 MHz At lower frequency, ground penetration becomes
so from the formula greater and high frequency is not important.
fMUF = 60 × sec 60º = 60 × 2 679. Unattenuated radiation field at the surface of
= 120 MHz the earth of a quarter-wave monopole will exist
676. The dominant mode in a waveguide is if the earth surface is
characterized by (a) Lossy dielectric (b) Perfect insulator
(a) longest cutoff wavelength (c) Perfectly conducting (d) None of these
(b) shortest frequency ISRO Scientist Engg. 2009
Electromagnetic Field Theory 610 YCT
Ans. (a) : For lossy dielectric earth surface, 1+ | Γ |
The VSWR =
unattenuated radiation field at the surface of the earth of 1− | Γ |
a quarter-wave monopole will exist.
∂ H2
680. ∇ 2 H = µ0ε0 is a
∂t 2 VSWR = 1.5
(a) Subsidiary equation (b) Wave equation
684. A plane wave is incident normally on a perfect
(c) Poission's equation (d) Continuity equation
conductor as shown in figure. Here Eix ,Hiy and
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
1 ∂ 2H Pi are electric field, magnetic field and
Ans. (b) : ∇2 H = 2 × 2 if H propagating in three state Poynting vector, respectively, for the incident
C ∂t
then it should always satisfy the wave equation. Where wave. The reflected waver should have
H = magnetic field intensity.
681. Assuming perfect conductors of a transmission
line, pure TEM propagation is not possible in
(a) Coaxial cable
(b) Air-filled cylindrical waveguide
(c) Parallel twin wire line in air
(d) Semi-infinite parallel plate waveguide
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-I
Ans. (d) : TEM wave is a special type of transverse
electromagnetic wave in which on electric field E along (a) E rx = −Eix (b) H ry = −H iy
the direction of propagation is also zero. The TEM (c) P r = −Pi (d) E rx = E ix
waves are waves in which both electric and magnetic
fields are transverse entirely but have no components of GATE-1993
Ez and Hz. Ans. (a&c) : For the incident wave the reflection
682. Which of the following does not exist in coefficient for electric fields-
waveguides jωµ / σ − 120π
ΓE = = −1 for conductor
(a) TE waves jωµ / σ + 120π
(b) TM waves
We have electric field ( E ix ) , magnetic field ( H iy ) and
(c) TE waves and TM waves
(d) TEM waves poynting vector P .
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2006
E rx = −E ix
Ans. (d) : Rectangular waveguide and circular
waveguide does not support TEM wave they will H x = H x
r i
683. A dual directional coupler is connected in a H reflects in phase because E reflect completely out of
microwave reflectometer measurement setup. phase.
The reading of the power meter in the forward
685. For a lossy transmission line, the characteristic
direction is 100 mw and in the reverse direction
impedance does not depend on
4mw. The VSWR is
(a) The operating frequency of the line
(a) 4 (b) 0.4
(b) The length of the line
(c) 1.5 (d) 10
(c) The load terminating the line
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2006
(d) both b and c
4 mW TSPSC Manager (Engg.) - 2015
Ans. (c) : | Γ | =
100 mW
Ans. (d) : For lossy transmission line characteristic
2 impedance does not depend on length and load
| Γ | = = 0.2
10 terminating the line.
GATE-2007 ∴ Mean = ∫ x ( 6x − 6x ) dx
Ans. (b) : Power spectral density is always a positive 1
quantity. 6x 3 6x 4
= −
S(f ) ≥ 0 3 4 0
3x 4
2. If the probability density function of a random = 2x 3 −
1 2 0
sin x;0 ≤ x ≤ π
variable x is f(x) = 2 3
= 2−
0 : otherwise 2
Then mode of the distribution is : 1
π π 2
(a) (b)
Now variance = E ( x 2 ) − E ( x )
4 2
π 1
E ( x 2 ) = ∫ ( 6x 3 − 6x 4 ) dx
(c) 0 (d)
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
Ans. (b) : Given that - 6x 4
6x 5
= −
1 4 5 0
sin x;0 ≤ x ≤ π
f(x) = 2 3 6 3
0 : otherwise = − =
2 5 10
Mode of the distribution 3 1
∴ Variance = −
1 10 2
f(x) = sin x
2 3 1
= −
1 10 4
f '(x) = cos x
2 1
f '(x) = 0 20
4. Mean of two batsmen A and B are
1 π
cos x = 0, x = X A = 48 and X B = 46 . Their coefficient of
2 2
variation are 0.37 and 0.26 respectively. Then
−1 which of the following is correct?
f ''(x) = sin x
2 (a) A is better scorer and more consistent than B
π −1 (b) B is better scorer and more consistent than A
at x = , f "(x) = (c) B is better scorer and less consistent than A
2 2
(d) A is better scorer and B is more consistent
π than A
Function f(x) is maximum at x = ,
2 BPSC Asst. Prof. - 12.04.2022
Communication System 612 YCT
Ans. (a) : Given, σ A = 0.37, X A = 48 9. If the coefficient of variation of two
distributions are 30% and 40%, and their
σ B = 0.26, X B = 46 arithmetic means are 70 and 60, respectively,
then the difference between their standard
We have deviations is:
σ (a) 1 (b) 2
V A = A × 100
XA (c) 3 (d) 0
0.37 UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
= × 100 S.D.
48 Ans. (c) : We have coefficient of variation = ×100
= 0.77 X
σ 0.26 σ
VB = B ×100 = × 100 = 0.56 = × 100
XB 46 X
∵ VA > VB (Hence A is more consistent than B) σ
∴ 30 = 1 × 100 …………..(i)
Also X A > X B (A is better scorer than B) σ
5. Which one of the following noises arises in And 40 = 2 × 100 …………(ii)
electronic devices such as diodes and From equation (i) and (ii)
transistors because of the discrete nature 30 × 70
nature of current flow? σ1 = = 21
(a) Shot noise (b) Thermal noise 100
40 × 60
(c) Gaussian noise (d) Random noise σ2 = = 24
ESE-2022 100
Ans. (a) : Shot noise - It arises in electronic devices ∴ ( σ 2 − σ1 ) = 24 − 21 = 3
(Such as diode and transistor) because of the discrete 10. The power spectral density of deterministic
nature of current flow in the devices. signal is given by [sin(f)/f]2, where ‘f’ is
6. White noise is characterized by- frequency. The auto correlation function of the
(a) Gaussian probability density function signal in the time domain is-
(a) a since pulse
η (b) a delta function
(b) Power spectral density δ (f )
2 (c) a triangular pulse
(c) Autocorrelation function depends (d) a rectangular pulse
η UPPSC Poly.Tech. Lecturer-22.03.2022, Paper-II
(d) Autocorrelation δ (τ) Ans. (c) : The power spectral density of deterministic
( )
signal is given by sin f ,The auto correlation function
UPPSC Poly.Tech. Lecturer-22.03.2022, Paper-II
Ans. (a) : White noise is characterized by Gaussian f
probability density function. of the signal in the time domain is a triangular pulse.
7. The noise at the input to an ideal frequency 11. An amplifier having output SNR of 16 dB and
detector is white. The power spectral density of input SNR of 21.4 dB. Its noise figure is
the noise at the output is- .
(a) Raised cosine (b) Flat (a) 5.4 dB (b) +37.4 dB
(c) Parabolic (d) Gaussian (c) 37.4 dB (d) – 5.4 dB
UPPSC Poly.Tech. Lecturer-22.03.2022, Paper-II UPRVUNL AE -19.07.2021, Shift-II
Ans. (d) : The noise at the input to an ideal frequency (S / N ) Input
detector is white. The power spectral density of the Ans. (a) : Noise figure, F = S / N Ouput
noise at the output is Gaussian.
( )
8. Consider a WSS random process X(t), whose Noise figure in dB, F = .dB − .dB
amplitudes are normally distributed with N N
E(x(t)) = 0 and Rx(τ) = e–2[τ]. F = 21.4dB – 16dB
Then P(X(t)) ≤ 2) = ? F = 5.4dB
(Q(α) = e –x /2dx) 12. In a communication system, the signal power is
2π α 13 dBm and noise power is –1 dBm. The SNR
(a) Q(1) (b) 1 –Q(2) will be:
(a) 14 dB (b) –13 dB
(c) 1 – Q(1) (d) Q(2)
(c) 12 dBm (d) 12 dB
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
UPRVUNL AE -19.07.2021, Shift-II
Ans. (b) : 1 –Q(2) APPSC POLY. LECT. 14.03.2020
Communication System 613 YCT
Ans. (a) : Signal power = 13 dB (d) exp (– | τ |) with usual notation
noise power = –1 dB TNPSC AE – 2018
SNR = (Signal power – Noise power) dB Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-II
SNR = (13 + 1) dB = 14 dB Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) – 2015, Paper-I
13. Cross correlation function provides: MPPSC HOD Govt. Poly. - 2013
(a) information about the structure of only one IES - 1995
signal Ans. (a) : The auto correlation function of white noise
(b) information about the behavior of only one is an impulse at log 0. since the power spectral density
signal in time domain is the Fourier transform of the auto correlation function,
(c) measure of dissimilarities between two the PSD of white noise is a constant. The auto
signals correlation function of white noise is a delta function.
(d) measure of similarities between two signals. 18. For an FM receiver with an input signal-to-
UPMRC AM - 2020 noise ratio for 29 dB, a noise figure of 4 dB and
Ans. (d) : Cross correlation function provides to an FM improvement factor of 16 dB, the pre-
measure of similarities between two signal. detection and post-detection signal-to-noise
Mathematically- ratios are
∞ (a) 25 dB and 41 dB (b) 30 dB and 49 dB
R xy ( τ ) = ∫ x(t)y(t − τ)dτ (c) 25 dB and 49 dB (d) 30 dB and 41 dB
IES - 2019
14. The spectral density of white noise is
(a) Exponential (b) Uniform Ans. (a) :
(c) Poisson (d) Gaussian
UPRVUNL AE -19.07.2021, Shift-II
OPSC Poly. Lect. (Instrumentation)-2018, Paper-II
Given that -
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2018, Paper-III
(SNR)input = 29dB
IES – 2012, 1995
N.F = 4dB, FM improve factor = 16dB
Ans. (b) : White noise consists of signals of all We know that-
frequency. Random signals are considered as white if
they are observed to have a flat spectrum its spectral S S
density remains constant or uniform. = − N.F.
N pre N i
15. The variance σ 2 of a random variable X is = 29dB – 4dB
given by = 25dB
(a) E[X2] (b) {E[X]}2 So pre detection SNR = 25dB
(c) E [X ] −{E[X]}
2 2
(d) E [X2]+{E[X]}2 Post detection SNR = pre detection SNR +FM improve
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-II factor
GATE-2017 = 25 dB +16dB
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2015, Paper I Postdetection SNR = 41dB
TSPSC Manager (Engg.) – 2015
UJVUNL AE-2016 19. A random process X(t) is defined as
2 X(t) = 2cos(2πt + Y)
Ans. (c) : The variance σ of a random variable X is
where Y is a discrete random variable with
given by E [X ] −{E[X]} .
2 2
1 π 1
16. Noise factor of a system is defined as P ( Y = 0) = and P Y = = . The mean
(a) Output signal to noise ratio 2 2 2
(b) Ratio of output S/N ratio to input S/N ratio µx(1) is
(c) Ratio of input S/N ratio to output S/N ratio 1 1
(a) (b)
(d) Ratio of input signal to output noise ratio 4 3
RRB JE-01.09.2019, 3PM-5PM 1
Nagaland PSC (Degree) 2018, Paper-II (c) (d) 1
Nagaland PSC CTSE- 2015, Paper-II IES - 2019
Ans. (c) : Ans. (d) : Given that -
(S / N )input X(t) = 2cos (2πt +Y)
N.F = Where 'Y' is a discrete random variable
( S / n ) output
1 π 1
17. The autocorrelation function of white noise is P(Y = 0) = & P Y = =
(a) A delta function 2 2 2
(b) A constant X(t) = 2cos (2πt +Y) = 2cos 2πt. cosY –2sin2πt.sinY
(c) Gaussian µ x (t) = E[X(t)] = E[2cos2πt cosY]– E[2sin2πt.sinY]
Communication System 614 YCT
since Y is a discrete random variable and 2cos2πt
and 2 sin 2πt will be taken as a constant i.e.
µ x (t) = 2cos 2πt. E[cos Y] − 2sin 2πt E[sin Y]
1 π 1 1
E[cos X] = cos 0 × + cos × = The inverse Fourier transform of the power spectrum of
2 2 2 2 white noise will be an impulse as shown.
1 π 1 1 N
E[sin X] = cos 0 × + sin × = R x (τ) = δ (τ)
2 2 2 2 2
µ x (t) = cos 2πt − sin 2πt
23. For a random variable x having the PDF shown
so, in the figure given below
µ x (1) = cos 2π − sin 2π
µ x (1) = 1
20. The power spectral density of the stationary
noise process N(t) having auto correlation
Ruu(τ) = Ke–3|τ| is the mean and the variance are, respectively
3K 3K (a) 0.5 and 0.66 (b) 2.0 and 1.33
(a) (b) (c) 1.0 and 0.66 (d) 1.0 and 1.33
3 + ω2 3 − ω2
6K 6K IES - 2017
(c) (d) Ans. (d) :
9+ω 2
9 − ω2
IES - 2018
Ans. (c) :
e −|a|t ←→
a 2 + ω2
2×3 Let, a = –1
Ke ( ) ←→
−3 τ FT
K 2 b=3
From the uniform density function we know that two
R uu ( ω) = limits 'a' and b
9 + ω2 mean is defined as;
21. The cumulative distribution function of a a+b
random variable x is the probability that X m=
takes the value −1 + 3
(a) less than or equal to x (b) equal to x =
(c) greater than x (d) zero =1
IES - 2017 Variance is defined as-
Ans. (a) : If probability distribution function [F(x)] and
(b − a)
−∞ =
than or equal to x.
22. A random process X(t) is called 'white noise' if =
the power spectral density is equal to
= 1.33
N0 N0 24. The probability density function F(x) = ae–b|x|,
(a) (b)
8 2 where x is a random variable whose allowable
3N 0 value range is from x = –∞ to x = +∞. The CDF
(c) (d) N0 for this function for x ≥ 0 is
(b) ( 2 − e − bx )
a a
IES - 2017 (a) e bx
Ans. (b) : The power spectral density of white noise is- b b
(d) − ( 2 + e − bx )
a bx a
N (c) − e
s x (f ) = 0 for all frequency 'f' b b
2 IES - 2017
Communication System 615 YCT
Ans. (b) : Given probability density function (PDF) is- Codes :
F (x) = a.e–b|x| A B C D
CDF is given by - (a) 2 4 3 1
∞ (b) 3 1 2 4
CDF = ∫ ae− b|x| dx (c) 2 1 3 4
For x ≥ 0 the CDF is defined as- (d) 3 4 2 1
x IES - 2008
CDF = ∫ ae − b|u|du
−∞ Ans. (b) : Shot noise – Shot noise is a form of noise
0 x
that is encountered in RF and other electronic circuits as
CDF = ∫−∞
a ebu du + ∫ d e− bu du
0 a result of the granular nature of current. Shot noise is a
0 x
a a −a temperature limited diode
= e bu + − e − bu = (1 − 0 ) + ( e − bx − 1
b −∞ b 0 b b Thermal noise – Noise generated in a resistor
White noise – Power spectral density is independent of
( 2 − e− bx ) frequency
Narrow band noise– Noise at the output of a filter.
27. Which one of the following is the correct
25. If the variance σ d2 of d(n) = X(n) – X(n – 1) is statement?
one-tenth the variance σ 2x of a stationary zero- If the value of resistor creating thermal noise is
mean discrete-time signal X(n), then the doubled, the noise generated is
normalized autocorrelation function (a) halved (b) doubled
R xx (K)/σ 2x at K = 1 is (c) unchanged (d) slightly changed
(a) 0.95 (b) 0.90 IES - 2008
(c) 0.10 (d) 0.05 Ans. (c) : The noise power is given by expression
IES - 2015 Pn = 4 KTB
Ans. (a) : Given that -
K = Boltzmann's constant
d(n) = X(n)–X (n–1)
T = Temperature
σd2 = σ 2x = 0.1σ 2x B = Bandwidth
10 it means thermal noise is independent from the resistor,
K = 1 E(X) =0 Hence noise power generated by a resistor is unchange.
σd2 = E d 2 (n) = E {X(n) − X(n − 1)}
2 28. The outputs of two noise sources each
producing uniformly distributed noise over the
So, E X 2 [ n ] = E X 2 ( n − 1) = σ2x range –a to +a are added. What is the p.d.f. of
the added noise?
σd2 = E X 2 (n) + E X 2 ( n − 1) − 2E [ X(n)X(n − 1)] (a) Uniformly distributed over the range –2a to
σd2 = σ 2x + σ 2x − 2R xx (1)
(b) Triangular over the range –2a to 2a
∵ E[X(n)X(n – 1)] = R xx (1) (c) Gaussian over the range –∞ to ∞
0.1σ 2x = 2σ 2x − 2R xx (1) {∵ σ 2
d = 0.1σ 2x } (d) None of the above
IES - 2008
R xx (K = 1) 1.9
= = 0.95 Ans. (b) : Let m1 and m2 be two random variables from
σ x2 2 the individual noise source.
26. Match List-I (Type of Noise) with List-II (Its 1
property) and select the correct answer using f (m1 ) = , for − a ≤ n1 ≤ a
the code given below the list : = 0, elsewhere
List-I List-II
A. Shot noise 1. Noise f (m 2 ) = , for − a ≤ n 2 ≤ a
generated in a 2a
resistor = 0, else where
B. Thermal noise 2. Power spectral fm = f(m1) * f(m2)
density is Then the convolution of two rectangular pulse is a
independent of triangular pulse.
Frequency 29. Match List-I (Type) with List-II (Application)
C. White noise 3. Temperature- and select the correct answer using the codes
limited diode given below the lists :
D. Narrow band 4. Noise at the List-I
noise output of a A. Speech signal
filter B. Non-stationary
Communication System 616 YCT
C. Random signal 31. Thermal noise is passed through an ideal low-
D. Chaotic signal pass filter having cut-off at fc = ωHz. The auto
List-II correlation value of the noise at the output of
1. The received signal of a radar system the filter is given as
monitoring variation in prevalent weather (a) A delta function at t = 0
condition. (b) Gaussian over the range –∞ ≤ t ≤ ∞
2. One dimensional signal where amplitude (c) Sinc function over the range –∞ ≤ t ≤ ∞
varies with time.
(d) Triangular function over the range
3. Signals of coupled system of nonlinear
difference. –1/2ω ≤ t ≤ 1/2ω.
4. Ensemble of unpredictable waveforms. IES - 2003
Codes : Ans. (c) : The average auto correlation function is-
A B C D 1 T/2
(a) 2 1 4 3 R x (τ) = lim ∫ x(t) x(t + τ)
T →∞ T − T / 2
(b) 4 3 2 1 ω
∫ K.e
j2 πfτ
(c) 2 3 4 1 R(τ) = df
(d) 4 1 2 3 −ω
IES - 2006 ω
e j2 πfτ
Ans. (a) : (1) Speech signal- one dimensional signal = K
where amplitude varies with time. j2πτ – ω
(2) Non-Stationary- The received signal of a radar K ω
system monitoring variation in prevalent weather condition. = e j2 π
j2πτ –ω
(3) Random Signal- Ensemble of unpredictable waveforms
(4) Chaotic Signal- This signal of coupled system of K
= e 2 jπωτ − e −2 jπωτ
non-linear difference. j2πτ
30. Match List-I (Type of Random Process) with 2πωτ
List-II (Property of the Random Process) and = K sin
select the correct answer using the code given πτ
below the list : = 2ωK sin C(2ωτ)
List-I ∴ R(τ) is a sinc function
A. Stationary process
32. A random process obeys Poisson's distribution.
B. Ergodic process
It is given that the mean of the process is 5.
C. Wide sense stationary process
Then the variance of the process is
D. Cyclostationary process
(a) 5 (b) 0.5
(c) 25 (d) 0
1. Statistical average are periodic in time
2. Statistical average are independent of time IES - 2003
3. Mean and auto correlation are independent of Ans. (a) : Given that -
time mean value = 5
4. Time average equal corresponding ensemble Variance = (mean)
average variance = 5
Codes :
A B C D 33. Consider a noisy binary channel with bit error
(a) 3 1 2 4 probability Pe = 5 × 10–5. Assume 10000 bits are
(b) 2 4 3 1 being transmitted over such a channel. The
(c) 3 4 2 1 probability that there will be 2 or less number
of bits in error is
(d) 2 1 3 4
IES - 2005 (a) 10–4 (b) ∼0.5
Ans. (b) : (c) ∼1 (d) 104
• Stationary process- Its statistical average are IES - 2003
independent of time. Ans. (c) : Given that -
• Wide sense stationary- Wide-sense stationary or Probability (Pe) = 5×10–5
weak sense stationary. its correlation function does n = 10000 bits r ≤ 2
not change by shift in time.
Pe = n cr (1 − P )
n −r
• Cyclostationary processes- Some practical random .P r
processes have a periodic structure and statistical Pe = Pe (0) + Pe (1) + Pe (2)
average are periodic in time.
• Ergodic process- Time average is equal to ensemble
n c0 (1 − P)n .pº + n c1 (1 − P) n −1 .P1 + n c2 (1 − P) n − 2 P 2
Communication System 617 YCT
P is very small so (1 − p ) ≃ 1 Ans. (b) : Given that -
∴ Pe = 1 + n c1 P + n c2 P 2 Req = 50Ω
Rs = 50Ω
10000 × 9999
× ( 5 × 10−5 )
= 1+10000 ×5×10–5+ R eq
2 Noise figure (NF) = 1 +
Pe ≃ 1
( S/N )WBFM = 1+
34. The ratio for 100% amplitude 50
( S/N )AM NF = 2
modulation with identical total transmitted 37. The Noise figure of an amplifier is 3dB at 17ºC
power (mf is modulation index of FM) is equivalent. It's noise temperature will be about
(a) 9 / 2mf2 (b) 3/ 2m f2 (a) 145 K (b) 290 K
(c) 3/ 2m3f (d) 9 / 2m3f (c) 580 K (d) 870 K
IES - 2001 BEL-2015
Ans. (a) : Modulation index (m) =1 IES - 1998
3 Ans. (b) : Noise Figure = 3dB
(S / N) WBFM = m f2 (NF) dB = 10log(NF)
m2 3 = 10 log(NF)
Signal to noise ratio of AM (S/N)AM = 2 NF = 100.3
m +2
NF ≃ 2
1 1
= = Noise temperature (T0) = Teq (F–1)
1+ 2 3 Teq = 273+17 =290 K
3 2 T0 = 290 K (2–1)
( S/ N )WBFM 2 mf T0 = 290K
( S/ N )AM 1/ 3
38. The noise figure of a receiver is 1.6 at 17ºC. Its
9 2 equivalent noise temperature is
= mf
2 (a) 464.00 K (b) 174.00 K
35. 13 dBm is equivalent to (c) 108.75 K (d) 181.25 K
(a) 2 mW (b) 20 W IES - 1997
(c) 20 mW (d) 2 MW
Ans. (b) : Noise figure (NF) = 1.6
IES - 1999
T = 17ºC
Ans. (c) : Let (A) dBm = 13dBm
Teq = 17+273 = 290K
10 log −3 = 13 equivalent noise temperature (T0) = Teq (F–1)
10 = 290 (1.6–1)
P 13 = 290 × 0.6
log −3 =
10 10 = 174.0K
P = 174K
log −3 = 1.3
10 39. The Fourier transform of a Gaussian pulse is
P (a) Uniform (b) A pair of impulses
= 101.3 (c) Gaussian (d) Rayleigh
P = 19.95×10 –3 IES - 1995
P = 19.95mW Ans. (c) : The Fourier transform of a Gaussian pulse is
P ≃ 20 mW
40. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
36. A system has a receiver noise resistance of 50Ω. answer using the code given below the lists
It is connected to an antenna with an input
List - I List - II
resistance of 50Ω. The noise figure of the
system is (A) Resistance 1. Current Noise
(a) 1 (b) 2 (B) Diode 2. Partition Noise
(c) 50 (d) 101 (C) Triode 3. Shot Noise
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-II
(D) p-n junction Noise 4. Atmospheric
UPRVUNL AE-11.06.2014
IES – 1999 5. Johnson Noise
σd2 = E [ x(n)] + E[x(n − 1)]2 − 2E[x(n) x(n − 1)]
Comparing equation ....(i) and (ii)
1 σ2x
K= = σ 2x + σ 2x − 2R xx (1)
2π 10
53. The amplitude spectrum of a Gaussian pulse is Auto correlation-
(a) uniform at k=1
(b) a sine function 19
(c) Gaussian 2R xx (1) = σ x2
(d) an impulse function
R xx (1) 19
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2018, Paper-I =
GATE – 1998 σ 2x 20
IES - 1995 = 0.95
Communication System 621 YCT
57. The noise at the input to an ideal frequency 60. A 1 mW video signal having a bandwidth of
detector is white. The power spectral density of 100 MHz is transmitted to a receiver through a
the noise at the output is cable that has 40 dB loss. If the effective one-
(a) raised-cosine (b) flat sided noise spectral density at the receiver is
(c) parabolic (d) Gaussian 10–20 Watt/Hz, then the signal-to-noise ratio at
GATE - 2003 the receiver is
Ans. (c) : When the detector is operating above the (a) 50 dB (b) 30 dB
threshold then PSD of the noise at the output of ideal (c) 40 dB (d) 60 dB
frequency detector is parabolic. GATE - 2004
58. Let X and Y be two statistically independent Ans. (a) : Given that -
random variables uniformly distributed in the Ps = 1mW = 10–3W
ranges (–1, 1) and (–2, 1) respectively. Let Z = N0 = 10–20 Watt/Hz
X + Y. Then the probability that (Z ≤ –2) is Cable loss = 40 dB
1 Bandwidth (B) = 100 MHz
(a) zero (b)
6 P
1 1 SNR = s
(c) (d) N0B
3 12
GATE – 2003 10−3
Ans. (d) : Given Range- 10−20 × 100 × 106
(–1, 1) and (–2, 1) = 109
area under curve (SNR)dB = 90dB
fx(x) = 1 SNR at receiver = 90dB – 40dB
2×k = 1 ⇒ k = 1/2 = 50dB
2×k"= 1/3 61. A random variable X with uniform density in
k" = 1/6 the interval 0 to 1 is quantized as follows:
If 0 ≤ X ≤ 0.3, xq = 0
If 0.3 < X ≤ 1, xq = 0.7
where, xq is the quantized value of X.
The root-mean square value of the quantization
noise is
(a) 0.573 (b) 0.198
(c) 2.205 (d) 0.266
GATE - 2004
Ans. (b) : Mean square value of quantization noise-
Since lie-
= E ( x − x q )
P(Z ≤ −2) = Area of graph
∫ ( x − x ) f (x)dx
1 =
1 2
= 1/2 ×1/6 ×1 = 0 q X
∫ ( x − x ) .1dx
59. The distribution function FX(x) of a random = q
variable X is shown in the figure. The 0
0.3 1
∫ ( x − 0 ) dx + ∫ ( x − 0.7 )
probability that X = 1 is =
2 2
0 0.3
x2 1
= + ∫ ( x − 0.7 ) dx
2 0 0.3
= 0.039
Root mean square value of quantization noise
0.039 = 0.198
62. Noise with uniform power spectral density of
(a) zero (b) 0.25 N0W/Hz is passed through a filter H(ω) = 2exp
(c) 0.55 (d) 0.30 (–jωtd) followed by an ideal low pass filter of
GATE - 2004 bandwidth B Hz. The output noise power in
Ans. (d) : Probability that x =1, is - watts is
(a) 2 N0B (b) 4 N0B
P ( x = 1) = Fx (x = 1 ) − Fx (x = 1 )
+ −
(c) 8 N0B (d) 16 N0B
= 0.55 – 0.25 = 0.30 GATE - 2005
Communication System 622 YCT
Ans. (b) : Given that - (d) f Y ( y ) = 0.25δ ( y + 2.5 ) + 0.25δ ( y − 2.5 )
Uniform power spectral density = N0W|Hz 1
When passed through a filter H(ω) = 2exp (–jωtd) +
( u ( y + 2.5) − u ( y − 2.5) )
PSD out =| H(ω) |2 PSDin = 4 N 0 GATE-2006
PN = BW × SN out = 4 N 0 B Ans. (b) : Given function-
63. An output of a communication channel is a 1
f X (X) = ( u(x + 5) − u(x − 5) )
random variable v with the probability density 10
function as shown in the figure. The mean
square value of v is
(a) f Y ( y ) =
( u ( y + 2.5) − u ( y − 2.5) )
(b) f Y ( y ) = 0.5δ ( y ) + 0.5δ ( y − 1)
(c) f Y ( y ) = 0.25δ ( y + 2.5 ) + 0.25δ
( y − 2.5 ) + 0.5δ ( y ) GATE-2008
Communication System 623 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ans. (c) : Given that -
Probability density function [fX(X)] = (t+1)u(t+1) – All frequencies is passed through a RC low
2tu(t)+ (t–1)u(t–1) pass filter with 3dB cut-off frequency of fc-
Cumulative density function [fX(X)] = ∫
−∞ X
f (X)dx Filter transfer function is given by-
1 1
The integral of increasing ramp signal is increasing H(f ) = =
parabola and integral of decreasing ramp signal is 1 + j2πfRC 1 + j( f / f c )
decreasing parabola. output PSD = |H(f)|2
f c2
input PSD = .K
f + f c2
output noise power = ∫ (output PSD)df
f c2
=K∫ df
f2 +f2
−∞ c
= Kπf c
67. Px(x) = M exp(–2|x|) + N exp(–3|x|) is the
probability density function for the real 69. A white noise process x(t) with two-sided power
random variable X, over the entire x axis. M spectral density 1 × 10–10 W/Hz is input to a
and N are both positive real numbers. The filter whose magnitude squared response is
equation relating M and N is shown below.
2 1
(a) M + N = 1 (b) 2M + N = 1
3 3
(c) M + N = 1 (d) M + N = 3
Ans. (a) : Given that -
Px (x) = M exp(−2 | x |) + N exp(−3 | x |)
M and N → both positive real number the equation M The power of the output process y (t) is given
and N is- by
Px (x) = M exp (−2 | x |) + N exp(−3 | x |) (a) 5 × 10–7 W (b) 1 × 10–6 W
∞ (c) 2 × 10–6 W (d) 1 × 10–5 W
∫ P (x) dx = 1
Ans. (b) : Given that -
Two-sided power spectral density = 1×10–10W/Hz
∫ {Me + Ne −3|x| }dx = 1
Power output = Area under |H(f)|2
∞ y(t) = x(t)×10kHz
∫ {Me + Ne −3x }dx =
−2x 1
= 1×10–10 ×10×103
= 1× 10−6 W
+ = 1/ 2 Frequency on the negative side is just a replica of
2 3
positive frequency.
2M 2N
= + =1 70. If the power spectral density of stationary
2 3 random process is a sinc-squared function of
2N frequency, the shape of its auto-correlation is
M+ =1
the equation relating M and N is-
M+ =1
68. Noise with double-sided power spectral density
of K over all frequencies is passed through a
RC low pass filter with 3 dB cut-off frequency GATE-2009
of fc. The noise power at the filter output is
Ans. (b) : If the power spectral density of stationary
(a) K (b) Kfc
random process is a sinc-squared function of frequency
(c) Kπfc (d) ∞
the shape of its auto-correlation is triangular function.
Communication System 624 YCT
71. A discrete random variable X takes values H(f ) = H1 (f ) H 2 (f ) = ( j2πf ) (1 + e − jπf 10 )
from 1 to 5 with probabilities as shown in the
table. A student calculates the mean X as 3.5 | H(f ) |2 = 4π2 f 2 (2 + 2cos(πf ×10−3 )
and her teacher calculates the variance of X as
1.5 which of the following statements is true? | H(f ) |2 = 4π2 f 2 (2 + 2 cos(πf + 10−3 )
∵ Gaussian function
→ Gaussian function
| X(ω) |ω= 0 = 0
76. Let U and V be two independent zero mean
P {max(x, y) < Y2 } 1
Gaussian random variables of variances and
Since x and y are independent 4
P {max (x, y) < Y2 } = P(x < Y2 )P(y < Y2 ) 1
respectively. The probability P(3 V ≥ 2U) is
P(X < Y) = Shaded Area = 3 / 4 (a) 4/9 (b) 1/2
Similary for y → P (Y< Y2) =Y3 (c) 2/3 (d) 5/9
P {max(x, y) < Y2 } GATE-2013
Ans. (b) : U and V are two independent zero mean and
9 9 Gaussian-
= 3/ 4×3/ 4 = =
16 16 P(3V ≥ 2V) ⇒ P(3V − 2U ≥ 0)
75. A power spectral density of a real process X(t) Let Z = 3V–2U
for positive frequencies is shown below. The U and V are Gaussian then their linear transformation Z
values of E[X2(t)] and |E[X(t)]|, respectively are is also Gaussian then
E [ Z] = E [3V − 2U ] = 3E [ V ] − 2E [ U ] = 0
P(3V − 2U > 0) → P (Z ≥ 0)
if Z is gaussian and zero mean then its probability for
greater than zero is 0.5
P(3V − 2U ≥ 0)
= 0.5 or 1/ 2
(a) 6000/π, 0 77. Consider two identically zero-mean random
(b) 6400/π, 0 variables U and V. Let the cumulative
distribution functions of U and 2 V be F(x) and
(c) 6400/π , 20/( π 2)
G (x) respectively. Then, for all values of x
(d) 6000/π , 20/(π 2) (a) F ( x ) − G ( x ) ≤ 0
GATE-2012 (b) F ( x ) − G ( x ) ≥ 0
Ans. (b) : The mean square value of a stationary
process equals the total area under the graph of power (c) (F ( x ) − G ( x )).x ≤ 0
spectral density that is- (d) (F ( x ) − G ( x )).x ≥ 0
E X 2 (t) = ∫ Sx (f ) df GATE-2013
∧ 2
X is Q(a) = 1× 10−8 ≃ e − a / 2
∧ +1, Y > τ a=6
−1 Y ≤ τ When β = − 0.3 mean = 6 × ( – 0.3)
To achieve a minimum probability of error = – 1.8
∧ So,
P {X ≠ X} , the threshold τ should be
E(Y) = E[X] + E(Z) = 6 − 1.8
(a) strictly positive = 4.2
(b) zero – a2 / 2
(c) strictly negative BER = Q (4. 2) ≃ e
(d) strictly positive, zero, or strictly negative ≅ 0.0001
depending on the nonzero value of σ2
Communication System 627 YCT
{Xn }n=∞−∞ is an independent and identically Because-
1 1
distributed (i.i.d.) random process Xn equally [ EX(n)] = 1×
− 1× = 0
2 2
likely to be + 1 or –1. {Yn }n= −∞ is another ∴ R (0) = 1.25R (0) + 0.5R (−1) + 0.5R (1) = 1.25
n= ∞
y x x x
random process obtained as Yn = Xn + 0.5 Xn–1. Similarly-
The autocorrelation function of Ry(1) = 0.5
{Yn }n= −∞ denoted by Ry[k], is
n= ∞
Ry (–1) =0.5
Ans. (b) : 3 2 3 2
(a) A N0 (b) A N0
Ry(k) = Ry (n, n + k) 2 4
= E[Y [n] Y[n + k].] 1
Given that - (c) A 2 N 0 (d) A 2 N 0
1 GATE-2015
P [ x(n) = 1] =
2 Ans. (a) : Given that -
1 N0
P [ x(n) = −1] = Power spectral density
2 2
y[n] = X[n] +0.5X(n) Let h(t) be the input white noise with zero mean and
∴ R y (K) = E [ X(n) + 0.5x(n − 1)][ (x(n + K) + 0.5x[n + K − 1] N0
power spectral density.
E [ X[n].x(n + K)] + 0.5E[X(n)X(n + K − 1)] 2
= Variance of a process = Rx(0)
+ 0.5E[X[n − 1]x[n + K]] Variance (output) = Ry(0)
+ 0.25E [[X(n–1) × x[n+K–1]] ∵ It is a zero mean-
= Rx(K) +0.5Rx(K–1)+0.5Rx (K+1)+0.25Rx(K) ∴ R y ( τ ) = h ( τ ) * h ( −τ ) * R N ( τ )
= 1.25 Rx(K) + 0.5Rx(K–1)+ 0.5Rx(R+1) h(τ) → filter response
= 1.25Rx(K)+0.5Rx(K–1) +0.5Rx(K+1)
Now- RN(τ)→ input noise
if K =0 N
RN (τ) = 0 δ(τ)
1 1 2
R x (0) = E X 2 (n) = 1× + 1× = 1
2 2 N0
∴ RY (τ) = [h(τ)×h (–τ)] ×
K≠0 2
Rx(k) = E [X(n)X (n–K)] N0 ∞
(a) Te = 169.36 K and Pa0 = 3.37 × 10–10 W response 0.5e-t /2 (where t is in seconds)
resulting in output Y(t). The power in Y(t) in
(b) Te = 170.8 K and Pa0 = 4.56 × 10–10 W
watts is
(c) Te = 182.5 K and Pa0 = 3.85 × 10–10 W (a) 0.11 (b) 0.22
(d) Te = 160.62 K and Pa0 = 4.6 × 10–10 W (c) 0.33 (d) 0.44
GATE-2016 GATE-2018
Ans. (a) : Given that - Ans. (b) : Given that -
TA = 50ºK SN(f) = 0.5W/Hz
NF = 2dB N0
= 0.5W / Hz
G = 40dB 2
10 log10 NF = 2dB Impulse response-
log10 NF = 0.2 h(t) = 0.5e-t /2
NF = 100.2 ∞
Noise Temperature = (F–1) T0 Py = ∫ SN (t) | H(f ) |2 df
= (100.2–1) 290 ∞
= 0.50∫ | H(f ) |2 df
= 169.36K −∞
µ XY
= 4E X 2 + 12E [ X ] + 9 – ( 2E [ X ] + 3) Ans. (d) :
σX σ Y
= 4E x 2 + 12E [ X ] + 9 – ( 4E 2 [ X ] + 9 + 12E [ X ]) 121. If the auto-correlation function of a random
process X ( t ) is R ( τ ) its power spectral density
= 4E X 2 + 12E [ X ] + 9 – 4E 2 [ X ] – 9 – 12E [ X ]
= 4E X 2 – 4E 2 [ X ]
(a) S ( f ) = ℓn R ( τ )
= 4 E X 2 – E 2 [ X ] (b) S ( f ) = exp ( R ( τ ) )
= 4 [ Variance of X ] (c) S ( f ) = R ( τ ) * R ( τ )
Variance of Y = 4 times ∞
(d) S ( f ) = ∫ R ( τ ) exp {− ( j × 2π × f × τ )} dτ
σ 2y = 4σ 2x −∞
(b) R ( τ ) = B × N 0 × τ × sin ( 2B ) 3 ∫0
e du ∫ e− v dv = 1
(c) R ( τ ) = B × N 0 log ( 2Bτ ) −1( e − u )∞0 −1( e − v )∞0 = 1
(d) R ( τ ) = B × N 0 sin c ( 2Bτ ) C
[ −1× −1][ −1× −1] = 1
UPPCL AE-05.11.2019 3
Ans. (d) : R ( τ ) = B × N 0 sin c ( 2Bτ ) C
125. Equivalent temperature is 300K, find noise 3
figure consider room temperature 290K. C=3
(a) 1.03 (b) 2.03 129. The two random variables X and Y are
(c) 3.03 (d) 0.03 uncorrelated if an only if their covariance is
BEL-2015 (a) 0 (b) 1
Ans. (b) : We know that - (c) –1 (d) infinity
To = Teq(F – 1) ESE-2021
300 = 290(F – 1) Ans. (a) : The two random variables X and Y are
290 F = 300 + 290 uncorrelated if an only if their covariance is 0.
590 130. Consider the following statements for baseband
F= transmission model:
290 1. Channel signal-to-noise ratio is defined as
F = 2.03 the ratio of the average power of the
126. The auto-correlation of signal x(t) = Vsin ωt is modulated signal to the average power of
given as : noise in the message bandwidth, both
1 measured at the receiver input.
(a) V 2 cos ωτ (b) V 2 cos ωτ 2. Channel signal-to-noise ratio is defined as
2 the ratio of the average power of the
(c) V 2 cos 2 ωτ (d) 2V 2 cos 2 ωτ modulated signal to the average power of
OPSC Poly. Lect. (Instrumentation)-2018, Paper-II noise in the message bandwidth, both
1 2 measured at the receiver output.
Ans. (a) : V cos ωτ ( SNR )o
2 3. Figure of merit = , where o stands
127. What do we call the relation between auto- ( SNR )c
correlation and power spectral density? for output and c stands for channel.
(a) Einstein Theorem
(b) Weiner Theorem ( SNR )c
4. Figure of merit = , where o stands
(c) Weiner - Khintchin Theorem ( SNR )o
(d) No relation exist for output and c stands for channel.
LMRC AM (S&T)-13.05.2018 Which of the above statements are correct?
Ans. (c) : The relation between auto-correlation and (a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only
power spectral density is called Weiner-Khintchin (c) 1 and 4 only (d) 2 and 4 only
Theorem. ESE-2021
Communication System 634 YCT
Ans. (a) : 134. The nth moment of a continuous random
Channel signal-to-noise ratio is defined as the ratio of variable X is defined by:
the average power of the modulated signal to
the average power of noise in the message
n ∞ n
(a) E X = ∫0 x (x)dx )
bandwidth, both measured at the receiver input. n 0
(b) E X = ∫−∞ x f x (x)dx
(SNR )o
Figure of merit =
(SNR )c
, where o stands for output n ∞
(c) E X = ∫−∞ x f x (x)dx
and c stands for channel.
131. If E denotes the expectation operator, then
∞ n −1
(d) E X = ∫0 x f x (x)dx)
E [X – E(X)]3 of a random variable X is TNTRB AE– 2017
(a) E X − E [ X ]
3 3 n ∞
( )
Ans. (c) : E X = ∫−∞ x f x (x)dx
(b) E X + 2E [ X ] − 3E [ X ] E X
3 3 2 135. Industrial noise exists in a frequency range of
(a) 10-700 MHz (b) 1-800 MHz
(c) 3E X 3 − E 3 [ X ] (c) 1-600 MHz (d) 20-50 MHz
UPRVUNL AE– 11.06.2014
(d) 2E X 3 + E 3 [ X ] − 3E [ X ] E X 2
Ans. (c) : Industrial noise exists in a frequency range of
DRDO-2008 (1-600) MHz.
Ans. (b) : E X − E ( X )
3 136. Which of the following is not true?
(a) Random noise power is proportional to the
= E X 3 − 3X 2 E ( X ) + 3E 2 ( X ) X − E3 ( X ) bandwidth, over which it is measured.
(b) Thermal agitation noise is also known as shot
= E X 3 − 3E ( X ) E ( X 2 ) + 3E 2 ( X ) E ( X ) − E 3 ( X ) noise.
(c) Shot noise is caused by random variations of
= E X 3 − 3E [ X ] E X 2 + 2E 3 [ X ] electrons and holes at output electrode.
132. Consider the following statements regarding (d) Thermal noise will be present whenever
signals: molecules are heated above absolute zero
1. Deterministic signal is a signal about which
there is no uncertainty with respect to its UPRVUNL AE– 11.06.2014
value at any time. Ans. (b) : Shot noise or poisson noise is a type of noise
2. Each signal within the ensemble has a which can be modeled by a poisson process.
certain probability of occurrence and the 137. Only harmonics of the same frequency interact
ensemble of signals is referred to as a to produce:
random process. (a) Average power (b) Total power
3. EEG signal is an example of random (c) dc power (d) ac power
signal. UPMRC AM - 2020
Which of the above statements are correct? Ans. (a) : Only identical frequencies or harmonics with
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only the same frequencies interact to produce average power.
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 138. In practice, power spectral density is used to:
ESE-2022 (a) quantify harmonics generated by engines
Ans. (d) : Deterministic Signal - A signal is said to be (b) quantify harmonics generated by pumps and
deterministic. If there is no uncertainty with respect to gears
its value at any instant of time. (c) quantify sinusoidal data
Each signal within the ensemble has a certain (d) quantify random vibration fatique
DFCCIL Executive S&T 29.09.2021, 12:30 to 2:30PM
probability of occurrence and the ensemble of signals
is referred to as a random process. Ans. (d) : Power spectral densities (PSD) is used to
EEG Signal is an example of random signal. quantity random vibration fatique.
139. An energy signal has S(f) = 19. What will be the
133. For any discrete distribution standard
energy density spectrum?
deviation is:
(a) 361 (b) 38
(a) Equal to mean deviation from mean (c) 81 (d) 19
(b) Square of the mean deviation from mean DFCCIL Executive S&T-17.04.2016, Shift-II
(c) Not less than mean deviation from mean 2
(d) Less than mean deviation from mean Ans. (a) : Energy density spectrum = S(f )
TNTRB AE– 2017 2
= 19
Ans. (c) : For any discrete distribution standard
deviation is not less than mean deviation from mean. = 361
η 20
E b = ∫ x12 (t).dt
R ( τ) = δ ( τ) 0
2 10 20
E b = ∫ (1mV ) dt + ∫ ( 2mV ) .dt
2 2
( )
R τ = Delta function 0 10
E b = (10 )
−3 2
× (10µs) + 4 × (10−3 ) × 10µs
143. In a matched filter, probability of error
depends on:
(a) Signal energy E b = 10−6 × 10 −6 × 10 + 4 ×10 −6 × 10 ×10 −6
(b) Signal wave shape Eb = 50×10–12W
Communication System 636 YCT
Eb 50 × 10−12 151. The amplitude spectrum of a Gaussian pulse is
= 10 log10 −11 (a) Gaussian (b) Uniform
N 0 dB 10 (c) Sine function (d) Impulse function
Eb Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2015, Paper-I
= 10log10 5 BPSC Polytechnic Lecturer-2014
N 0 dB
Ans. (a) : The amplitude spectrum of a Gaussian pulse
Eb is Gaussian because when area under Gaussian pulse
= 10 × 0.6989 and central ordinate of the pulse is unity. It is said to be
N 0 dB normalized Gaussian pulse. Such pulse is its own
Eb Fourier transform.
≃ 7dB 152. If X is a zero mean Gaussian random variable,
N 0 dB then P(X < 0) is
146. Probability density function defines (a) 0 (b) 0.25
(a) Amplitudes of random noise (c) 0.5 (d) 1
(b) Density of signal DRDO-2008
(c) Probability of error 0 1
(d) Constellation diagram Ans. (c) : P ( X ≤ 0 ) = ∫ Px ( x ) dx =
−∞ 2
Nagaland PSC (CTSE) Diploma-2017, Paper II
Ans. (a) : Probability density function defines
amplitudes of random noise.
147. The noise which assumes great importance at
high frequencies is
(a) flicker noise (b) transit time noise
(c) Johnson noise (d) shot noise 153. S/N ratio will be least at
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III (a) Input (b) Output
Ans. (b) :The noise which assume great importance at (c) Filter (d) Rejector
high frequency is known as transit time noise. UPRVUNL AE– 11.06.2014
148. Power spectral density of white noise ..............
with frequency. Ans. (b) : S/N ratio will be least at output.
(a) is constant (b) decreases 154. Noise figure for an ideal receiver is ______ .
(c) increases (d) none of above (a) 0 (b) 0.1
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III (c) 1 (d) 10
Ans. (a) : Power spectral density (PSD) of white Noise UPRVUNL AE– 11.06.2014
is constant with frequency. Ans. (c) : Noise figure for an ideal receiver is 1.
149. In a receiver, the maximum contribution to 155. If x and y are two random signals with zero
noise is made by mean Gaussian distribution having identical
(a) power supply (b) power amplifier standard deviation, the phase angle between
(c) mixer stage (d) oscillator them is
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III (a) Zero mean Gaussian distributed
Nagaland PSC CTSE- 2015, Paper-II (b) Uniform between –π and π
Ans. (b) : In a receiver maximum contribution to noise (c) Uniform between –π/2 and π/2
is made by power amplifier. (d) Non-zero mean Gaussian distributed
150. Find overall noise figure, if two blocks are ISRO Scientist Engg.-2013
cascaded having Noise Figure (F) = 10 dB, Gain Ans. (b) : Two normal curve with different means µ
= 10dB _____.
and µ2 but the same standard deviation.
(a) 10.9 (b) 11.1
(c) 10 (d) 20
Ans. (a) : Given that,
Two blocks are cascaded having Noise Figure.
F1 = F2 = 10 dB
(G) Gain = 10 dB but for the same mean and deviation the phase angle
F2 − 1 varies uniformly between – π to π.
F = F1 +
10 − 1
F = 10 +
F = 10 + 0.9 F = 10.9
E[X] = X = 0 .....(i) 1 x2 2
∆ 2
σ 2x = E X 2 − E ( X )
1 ∆
1 = E X 2 − 0 = x 2 ∆2
2∆ −
E X 2 = 1 .....(ii) 1 ∆2 ∆2
= − = 0 ............... (i)
Given, 2π 4 4
Y = 2X +1 E[x 2 ] = ∫ x 2 p (x) dx
Y = E [ Y ] = E [ 2X + 1]
E [ Y ] = 2E ( X ) + E (1) = ∫ 2
× x 2 dx
∆ ∆
Y = 2 (0) + 1
1 ∆2 2
∆ ∫− ∆ 2
Y =1 = x dx
σ 2y = E ( Y 2 ) − E ( Y )
2 2 1 x3 2
= E [(2X+1) ] –1 =
∆ 3
= E 4X 2 + 1 + 4X − 1 −∆
1 ∆
= 4E X + E (1) + E [ X ].4 − 1
= x 3 ∆2
3∆ −
= 4 (1) + 1 + 4 ( 0 ) − 1 1 ∆3 ∆3
+ =
σ =4 2
y 3∆ 8 8
157. Find the variance of the distribution shown in 2∆ 3
the figure. =
3∆ × 8
= ......................... (ii)
From equation (i) & (ii)
σ 2 = E[x 2 ] − ( E[x])
∆2 ∆2 12
(a) (b) 158. A PAM source generates four symbols 3V, 1V,
2 4
–1V and –3V with probability of p(3) = 0.2,
∆2 ∆ 2
p(1)=0.3, p(–1)=0.3, p(–3) =0.2 respectively.
(c) (d)
8 12 The variance for this source will be
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2018 (a) 4.2 V (b) 3.2 V
Ans.(d): (c) 3.6 V (d) 4.6 V
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2016
Ans.(a): Given that,
X is represent to generated symbols
X −3 −1 1 3
P(x) 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2
We know that variance is
σ 2x = E[x 2 ] − [E(x)]2
= 4.2 σ 2y = ∫ | H(f ) |
Sx (f )df
Then, −∞
σ 2x = E[x 2 ] − E ( x )
2 ∞
= σ 2x ∫ | H(f ) |2 df
= 4.2 – 0 −∞
= 4.2 ∞
( 0.25)
69. Amplitude modulation is used for broadcasting = + (0.50) 2 + (0.75) 2
= 0.0625 + 0.2500 + 0.5625
(a) It is more noise immune than other
modulation systems µ Total = 0.93
(b) Compared with other systems it requires less 72. Boosting of higher frequency at the transmitter
transmitting power is done by using
(c) Its use avoids receiver complexity (a) De-emphasis (b) AGC circuit
(d) No other modulation system can provide the (c) Pre-emphasis (d) Armstrong method
necessary BW for high fidelity IES – 2014
IES - 2014
Ans. (c) : AM is used for broadcasting because its use Ans. (c) : Boosting of higher frequency at the
avoids receiver complexity, only a diode and a capacitor transmitter is done by pre-emphasis.
are sufficient to separate the audio signal from the AM The pre-emphasis circuit only amplifies/boosts the high-
wave. frequency component without changing the low-
frequency amplitude and by doing this it provides an
70. In superheterodyne receiver, if the extra noise immunity to the FM signal and signal to
intermediate frequency is 450 kHz and the noise ratio of the FM signal gets improved.
signal frequency is 1000 kHz, then the local
73. The power contained in single sideband in
oscillator frequency and image frequency
amplitude modulation is
respectively are
(a) 1450 kHz and 100 kHz m 2 Pc
(a) (b) 2 m2 Pc
(b) 550 kHz and 1900 kHz 2
(c) 1450 kHz and 1900 kHz m 2 Pc
(d) 550 kHz and 1450 kHz (c) (d) 4 m2 Pc
IES - 2014 IES - 2014
Communication System 651 YCT
Ans. (c) : Total power - Ans. (b) : Given,
Modulation index (β)
m 2
PT = PC 1 + β = 2.4
2 Bandwidth (BW) = 2(β +1) fm
PC m 2 = 2(2.4+1)fm = 2 ×3.4 ×fm
PT = PC +
2 B.W = 6.8f m
Total power contained in a single side band is given by- 77.
An AM signal with a carrier of 1kW has 200W
Pm in each side band. The percentage of
P single sideband = C modulation is:
4 (a) 20% (b) 89.4%
74. What is the ratio of modulating power to the (c) 49.7% (d) 40%
total power at 100% AM modulation? IES - 2013
(a) 1 : 3 (b) 1 : 2 Ans. (b) : Power in each sideband
(c) 2 : 3 (d) 1 : 4 P µ2
UPRVUNL AE 11.06.2014 PLSB = PUSB = C
IES - 2013
PC = 1000 Watt, PUSB = 200Watt
Ans. (a) : Given,
P × µ2
Total modulation index (µ) = 100% PUSB = C
µ =1
1000 × µ 2
Ratio of modulation power (η) = ? 200 =
η= 200 × 4
2 + µ2 µ2 =
(modulation index (µ) % = 89.44%
2 + (1) 2 78. An audio signal, 15sin(2π × 1500t) amplitude
modulates 60sin(2 π103t). The modulation index
η = 1/ 3 will be.
= 1:3 (a) 20% (b) 50%
(c) 25% (d) 100%
75. A bandwidth of 10 kHz is required for AM
IES - 2013
system. If the lowest frequency component in
Ans. (c) : Given,
the modulated signal is 555 kHz, carrier
Audio signal-
frequency in kHz is:
(a) 525 (b) 550 = 15sin ( 2π ×1500t )
(c) 560 (d) 565 Amplitude modulates-
IES - 2013 = 60sin(2π 103 t)
Ans. (c) : Given, Modulation index (µ) = ?
Bandwidth = 10kHz A 15
Lowest frequency component = 555 kHz µ= m , µ=
Ac 60
Bandwidth = (fc + fm) – (fc–fm) Hz = 2fm
2f m = 10kHz µ = ×100
fm = 5 kHz
(f c − f m ) = 555 ×103 Hz µ = 25%
Ans. (d) : A bandlimited signal is sampled at the ∆φ = 2π 900 + 1600
Nyquist rate. The signal can be recovered by passing the
samples through an ideal low-pass filter with the ∆φ = 100π
appropriate bandwidth.
165. A 1 MHz sinusoidal carrier is amplitude 167. In the figure m(t) = ,s ( t ) = cos 200πt
modulated by a symmetrical square wave of
period 100 µsec. Which of the following and n ( t ) = . The output y(t) will be
frequencies will NOT be present in the t
modulated signal?
(a) 990 kHz (b) 1010 kHz
(c) 1020 kHz (d) 1030 kHz
Communication System 666 YCT
sin2πt (a) 1.0 (b) 0.333
(a) (c) 0.5 (d) 3.0
sin2πt sinπt
(b) + cos3πt Ans. (c) : The output of the Non-linear device obtained
2t t as-
sin2πt sin0.5πt V0 = a 0 Vi + a1Vi3
(c) + cos1.5πt
2t t given Vi = A ic cos(2πf ci t) + m(t)
sin2πt sinπt 3
(d) + cos0.75πt V0= a0 Aic cos(2πfci t) + m(t) + a1 Aci cos(2πfci t) + m(t)
2t t
GATE-2002 = a 0 A ic cos 2πf ci t + a 0 m(t) + a1A 3ic cos3 2πf ci t +
Ans. (c) : From given question-
y1 ( t ) = m ( t ) s ( t ) a1m3 (t) + 3a1m 2 (t)A ic cos 2πf ci t + 3a1A ic cos 2 2πf ci t m(t).
2sin ( 2πt ) cos ( 2πt ) After passing Band pass filter, we find the DSB –SC
y1 ( t ) =
t signal as-
y 2 ( t ) = y1 ( t ) + n ( t ) A ic
x(t) = 3a1 cos(4πf ci t)m(t) ….(i)
sin 202πt − sin198πt sin198πt 2
= +
t t Given the carrier frequency fc = 1MHz
Now y ( t ) = y 2 ( t ) .s ( t ) So, we have the DSB–SC signal as-
[sin 202πt − sin198πt + sin199πt ] cos 200πt x(t) = C(t). M(t)
= AC cos (ωct). m(t)
1 = AC cos (2π×106t) m(t) ….(ii)
y ( t ) = [sin ( 402πt ) + sin ( 2πt ) − {sin ( 389πt ) Compare the equation (i) & (ii)
− sin 2πt} + sin ( 399πt ) − sin ( πt )] ………. (i) 4πf ci t = 2π × 106 × t
After filtering equation (i) through LPF with cut-off 2π× 106
f ci = = 0.5 MHz
frequency 1Hz we get- 4π
sin ( 2πt ) + sin ( 2πt ) − sin ( πt ) 170. Choose the correct one from among the
y(t) =
2t alternative a, b, c, d after matching an item in
Group 1 with the most appropriate item in
sin ( 2πt ) + 2sin ( 0.5t ) cos (1.5πt )
y(t) = Group 2.
2t Group 1
sin ( 2πt ) sin 0.5t P. Ring Modulator
y(t) = + cos1.5πt Q. VCO
2t t
168. The input a coherent detector is DSB-SC signal R. Foster-Seeley discriminator
plus noise. The noise at the detector output is S. Mixer
(a) the in-phase component Group 2
(b) the quadrature-component 1. Clock recovery
(c) zero 2. Demodulation of FM
(d) the envelope 3. Frequency conversion
4. Summing the two inputs
5. Generation of FM
Ans. (a) : The coherent detector rejects the quadrature 6. Generation of DSB-SC
component of noise therefore noise at the output has in
(a) P – 1; Q – 3; R – 2; S – 4
phase component only.
(b) P – 6; Q – 5; R – 2; S – 3
169. A DSB-SC signal is to be generated with a (c) P – 6; Q – 1; R – 3; S – 2
carrier frequency fc = 1 MHz using a non- (d) P – 5; Q – 6; R – 1; S – 3
linear device with the input-output
characteristic GATE-2003
3 Ans. (b) :
V 0 = a 0v i + a 1 v i
Group –1 Group – 2
where, a0 and a1 are constants. The output of
non-linear device can be filtered by an P Ring Modulator Generation of DSB -SC
appropriate band-pass filter. Q VCO Generation of FM
( )
Let, Vi = = A c cos 2πfc t + m ( t ) where m(t) is
i R Foster-seeley
Demodulation of FM
message signal. Then the value of fci (in MHz) is S Mixer Frequency conversion
Communication System 667 YCT
171. A superheterodyne receiver is to operate in the
frequency range 550 kHz – 1650 kHz, with the
intermediate frequency of 450 kHz. Let,
R = max denote the required capacitance
ratio of the local oscillator and I denote the (a) constant
image frequency (in kHz) of the incoming
signal. If the receiver is tuned to 700 kHz, then
(b) 1+ sin 2π ×106 t ( )
(a) R = 4.41, I = 1600 (b) R = 2.10, I = 1150
(c) R = 3.0, I = 1600 (d) R = 9.0, I = 1150
(c) 5 / 4 – sin 2π×106 t ( )
GATE-2003 (d) 5 / 4 + cos 2π× 106 t ( )
Ans. (a) : Given,
IF = 450kHz.
Frequency range (550 to 1650) kHz, where 1650 kHz is Ans. (c) :
maximum and 550 kHz minimum value. When the local
oscillator frequency is kept higher, the maximum to
minimum capacitance ratio required is-
2 2
C f 1650 + 450
R = max = max =
C min f min 550 + 450 Given,
2 Output y(t)-
= = 4.41
( ) (
= cos 2π× 101×106 t + sin 2π×100 ×106 t
fsi = fs +2IF
= [cos ( 2π × 100 × 106 t ) cos 2π106 t − sin ( 2π × 100 × 106 t )
fsi = 700 + 2 ×450
f si = 1600 kHz
sin 2π × 106 t] + sin 2π ×100 ×106 t
172. An AM signal and a narrow-band FM signal
with identical carriers, modulating signals and = cos ( 2π× 100 × 106 t )( cos 2π× 106 t )
modulation indices of 0.1 are added together. 2
− sin ( 2π× 100 × 106 t ) sin 2π× 106 t + sin ( 2π × 100 × 106 t )
The resultant signal can be closely 1
approximated by 2
(a) broadband FM (b) SSB with carrier
(c) DSB-SC (d) SSB without carrier
GATE-2004 = cos ( 2π× 10 t ) cos ( 2π× 100 × 10 t )
1 6 6
Ans. (b) : General equation of NBFM is-
A Cβ + 1 − sin ( 2π× 106 t ) sin ( 2π× 100 × 106 t )
SNBFM(t) = Ac cos 2πfct – cos 2π(f c − f m )t + 2
2 The signal is in form
AC β = A cos 2π × 108 t + Bsin 2π × 108 t
cos 2π(f c + f m )t
2 Envelop of the signal is
General equation of Am signal-
= A 2 + B2
2 2
Aµ Aµ 1 1
=Accos2πfct+ c cos 2π(f c + f m ) + c cos 2π(f c − f m )t = cos 2π×106 t + 1 − sin 2π× 106 t
2 2 2 2
SNBFM(t) + SAM = SSB with carrier 5
So, The resultant signal can be closely approximated by = − sin 2π×106 t
SSB with carrier. 4
174. Two sinusoidal signals of same amplitude and
173. A 100 MHz carrier of 1 V amplitude and a 1 frequencies 10 kHz and 10.1 kHz are added
MHz modulating signal of 1 V amplitude are together. The combined signal is given to an
fed to a balanced modulator. The output of the ideal frequency detector. The output of the
modulator is passed through and ideal high- detector is
pass filter with cut-off frequency of 100 MHz. (a) 0.1 kHz sinusoid
The output of the filter is added with 100 MHz (b) 20.1 kHz sinusoid
signal of 1 V amplitude and 90º phase shift as (c) a linear function of time
shown in the figure. The envelope of the (d) a constant
resultant signal is GATE-2004
Communication System 668 YCT
Ans. (a) : The bandwidth of the output would be
S ( t ) = A cos 2π10 × 103 t + A cos 2π10.1× 103 t (a) 4×10 4 Hz (b) 2×106 Hz
1 (c) 2×109 Hz (d) 2×1010 Hz
Here, T1 = = 100µ sec GATE-2006
10 ×103
1 Ans. (b) : Lower sideband spectrum of SSB.
T2 = = 99 µ sec
Period of added signal will be LCM[T1 ,T2 ]
Thus T = LCM[100,99] = 9900 µ sec
So, frequency f = = 0.1kHz
f m = 106 Hz
175. A device with input x(t) and output y(t) is
characterized by : y(t) = x 2 ( t ) . (As 10 kHz is small in comparison to 106 Hz)
BW = 2fmax
An FM signal with frequency deviation of 90 BW = 2×106 Hz
kHz and modulating signal bandwidth of 5kHz
is applied to this device. The bandwidth of the 178. In the following scheme, if the spectrum M(f) of
output signal is m(t) is as shown, then the spectrum Y(f) of y(t)
(a) 370 kHz (b) 190 kHz will be
(c) 380 kHz (d) 9 kHz
Ans. (a) : Given data,
Total frequency deviation (∆f) = 90kHz
signal bandwidth (fm) = 5kHz
B.W = 2 (∆f+fm)
= 2 (180+5)
B.W = 370kHz
When FM signal is applied to doubler frequency
deviation doubles but fm remains the same.
176. The diagonal clipping in Amplitude
Demodulation (using envelope detector) can be
avoided if RC time-constant of the envelope
detector satisfies the following condition, (here
W is message bandwidth and ω is carrier
frequency both in rad/sec)
1 1
(a) RC < (b) RC >
1 1
(c) RC < (d) RC >
ω ω
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-II
Ans. (a) : To Avoid Negative peak clipping also said
diagonal clipping.
So time constant of detector circuit will
RC < Ans. (a) : The spectrum y(f) of y(t) will be-
Here fm is maximum modulating frequency i.e. the
bandwidth (W)
so RC <
179. Consider the amplitude modulated (AM) signal
177. A message signal with bandwidth 10 kHz is A ccosωc t + 2 cosωm t cosωc t. For demodulating
Lower Side Band SSB modulated with carrier
the signal using envelope detector, the
frequency fc1 = 106 Hz. The resulting signal is
minimum vlaue of Ac should be
then passes through a Narrow-Band Frequency (a) 2 (b) 1
Modulator with carrier frequency of (c) 0.5 (d) 0
fc2 = 109 Hz. GATE-2008
Communication System 669 YCT
Ans. (a) : : Given AM signal- Ans. (c) : cos 2π ( f c + f m ) t represents upper side
SAM(t) = AC cos ωct + 2cos ωmt . cos ωct
band. It represents a single side-band (SSB) signal.
2 182. A message signal given by
XAM(t) = Ac 1 + cos ωm t cos ωc t
Ac 1 1
m ( t ) = cosω1t – sinω 2t
SAM ( t ) = A c [1 + µ cos ωm t ] cos ωc t 2 2
Compare the both signal. SAM(t) & XAM (t). is amplitude-modulated with a carrier of
2 frequency ωc to generate
µ= s(t) = [1 + m(t)] cos ωct
Condition for envelope detector of AM signal- What is the power efficiency achieved by this
µ ≤1 modulation scheme?
(a) 8.33% (b) 11.11%
2 (c) 20% (d) 25%
Ac GATE-2009
Ac ≥ 2 Ans. (c) : Given signal-
s(t) = [1 + m(t)] cosωct ….(i)
Hence, minimum value of Ac should be 2. SAM (t) = AC [1+kam (t)] cosωct ….(ii)
180. Consider the frequency modulated signal compare both equation (i) & (ii)
10cos[2π×105 t +5sin( 2π+1500t ) +7.5sin(2π×1000t)] Ac = 1 Ka = 1
with carrier frequency of 105 Hz. The modulation 1 1
index is given → m(t) = cos ω1 (t) − sin ω2 (t)
2 2
(a) 12.5 (b) 10 1 1
(c) 7.5 (d) 5 A m1 = A m2 =
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-II 2 2
GATE-2008 A m1 1
µ1 = =
Ans. (b) : Given FM signal- AC 2
SFM (t) = 10 cos [2π ×105t + 5sin (2π ×1500t) A m2
+7.5 sin (2π×1000t)] µ2 = = 1/ 2
∆φ = 5 sin (2π×1500t)+7.5sin (2π 1000t)
∆φ µ t = µ12 + µ 22
= 5×2π×1500 cos(2π ×1500t)+7.5×2π ×1000 cos
1 1 1
(2π × 1000t) µt = + =
4 4 2
= 2π× 7500 + 2π× 7500 1
dt max
µ 2t
= 2π (15000) η= × 100% = 2 × 100%
2 + µ 2t 2+
= ( ∆ω)max
∵ 2
dt max 1
η = × 100%
∆ω 2π×15000 5
∆f = =
2π 2π η = 20%
∆f = 15000Hz
183. Suppose that the modulating signal is m(t) =
∆f 15000 2cos(2πfmt) and the carrier signal is xC(t) =
Modulation index (β) = =
f m 1500 ACcos(2πfct). Which one of the following is a
conventional AM signal without over-
β = 10
181. For a message signal m(t) = cos(2πfmt) and (a) x(t) = ACm(t)cos(2πfct)
carrier of frequency fc, which of the following
(b) x ( t ) = A C 1 + m ( t ) cos ( 2πf c t )
represents a single side-band (SSB) signal?
(a) cos(2πfmt) cos(2πfct) A
(c) x(t) = A C cos ( 2πf c t ) + C m(t)cos ( 2πf c t )
(b) cos(2πfct) 4
(c) cos 2π ( f c + f m ) t
(d) x(t) = A C cos ( 2πf m t ) cos ( 2πf c t )
(d) 1 + cos ( 2πf m t ) cos ( 2πf c t ) + A C sin ( 2πf m t ) sin ( 2πf c t )
GATE-2009 GATE-2010
Communication System 670 YCT
Ans. (c) : In option (c) Ans. (b) : From envelop detector to get proper signal,
AC condition should be-
x(t) = AC cos 2πfct + m(t) cos2πfct
4 1 1
< < RC <
1 fc fm
= A C 1 + m(t) cos 2πf c t , (m(t) = 2cos2πfmt)
4 given,
1 fc = 1MHz
= A C 1 + cos 2π f m t cos 2π f c t
2 fm = 2000 Hz = 2KHz
Here µ = 0.5 1 1
We know- << RC <
1MHz 2 KHz
• Under modulation (µ < 1)
• Critical modulation (µ = 1) 1µsec << RC < 0.5msec
• Over modulation (µ > 1) 186. Consider an FM signal
therefore, option (c) is conventional AM signal without
over modulation. f ( t ) = cos [ 2πfc t + β1sin2πf1t + β 2sin2πf 2 t ]
184. The List-I (lists the attributes) and the list- The maximum deviation of the instantaneous
II(lists of the modulation systems). Match the frequency from the carrier frequency fc is
attribute to the modulation system that best (a) β1f1 + β2f2 (b) β1f2 + β2f1
meets it.
List – I (c) β1 + β2 (d) f1 + f2
A. Power efficient transmission of signals UPPSC ITI Principal /Asstt. Director 09.01.2022
B. Most bandwidth efficient transmission of GATE-2014
voice signals Ans. (a) : Maximum frequency deviation = rate of
C. Simplest receiver structure charge of phase
D. Bandwidth efficient transmission of signals 1 dφ
with significant dc component =
List-II 2π dt max
1. Conventions AM Where φ = phase deviation
2. FM Given FM signal-
3. VSB
4. SSB-SC f ( t ) = cos [ 2πf c t + β1 sin 2πf1t + β2 sin 2πf 2 t ]
A B C D 1
(a) 4 2 1 3 = ( β1 2πf1 cos 2πf1t + β2 2πf 2 cos 2πf 2 t )max
(b) 2 4 1 3
(c) 3 2 1 4 = ( 2πβ1f1 + 2πβ2f 2 ) = β1f1 + β2f 2
(d) 2 4 3 1 2π
GATE-2011 187. Consider the signal
Ans. (b) : s ( t ) = m ( t ) cos ( 2πfc t ) + m
ˆ ( t ) sin ( 2πfc t )
• Convention AM is simplest receiver structure.
• FM has power efficient of transmission of signal. where, m̂ ( t ) denotes the Hilbert transform of
• VSB is bandwidth efficient transmission of signal m(t) and the bandwidth of m(t) is very small
with significant dc component. compared to fc. The signal s(t) is a
• SSB-SC is most efficient transmission of voice (a) high-pass signal
signal. (b) low-pass signal
185. A message signal (c) band-pass signal
m ( t ) = cos 2000πt + 4 cos 4000 πt (d) double sideband suppressed carrier signal
modulates the carrier c(t) = cos 2 π fct where fc GATE-2015
= 1 MHz to produce an AM signal. For Ans. (c) : Given signal
demodulating the generated AM signal using s(t) = m(t)cos ( 2πf c t ) + m
ˆ ( t ) sin ( 2πf c t ) . This is the
an envelope detector, the time constant RC of
the detector circuit should satisfy equation of SSB-SC. So, the signal s(t) is band-pass
(a) 0.5 ms < RC < 1 ms signal.
(b) 1 µs << RC < 0.5 ms 188. A message signal m(t) = Am sin(2πfmt) is used to
(c) RC << 1µs modulate the phase of carrier Ac cos(2πfct) to
(d) RC >> 0.5 ms get the modulated signal y(t) = Ac cos(2πfct +
GATE-2011 m(t)). The bandwidth of y(t)
Communication System 671 YCT
(a) depends of Am but not on fm
(b) depends of fm but not on Am
(c) depends of Am and fm
(d) does not depends on Am or fm
Ans. (c) : According to Carson rule, the practical
Bandwidth of a phase-modulated signal is-
(B.W) = 2(∆f + fm)
for single tone phase modulation
∆f = Am Kp fm
B.W. = 2(Kp Am fm + fm)
B.W = (K p A m + 1) 2f m
The corresponding frequency synthesized are :
So, Bandwidth of y(t) is depend of Am & fm. (a) 10 kHz, 20 kHz, 40 kHz, 80 kHz
189. The complex envelope of the bandpass signal (b) 20 kHz, 40 kHz, 80 kHz, 160 kHz
sin ( πt/5 ) π (c) 80 kHz, 40 kHz, 20 kHz, 10 kHz
x ( t ) = – 2 sin πt – , centered (d) 160 kHz, 80 kHz, 40 kHz, 20 kHz
πt/5 4
about f = Hz, is Ans. (a) :
sin ( πt / 5 ) j π4
(a) e
πt / 5
sin ( πt / 5 ) – j π4
(b) e
πt / 5
fin Divide by N VCO output
sin ( πt / 5 ) j π4 (Nfin)
(c) 2 e
πt / 5 5kHz 2 10 kHz
sin ( πt / 5) – j π4 5 kHz 4 20 kHz
(d) 2 e 5 kHz 8 140 kHz
πt / 5
5 kHz 16 80 kHz
191. For the modulated signal x(t) = m(t)
Ans. (c) : Given the band pass signal x(t)
cos ( 2πfc t ) , the message signal m(t) =
sin 5 4cos(1000πt) and the carrier frequency fc is 1
=− 2 sin πt − π
MHz. The signal x(t) is passed through a
π 4
demodulator, as shown in the figure below. The
output y(t) of the demodulator is
x ( t ) = R e x ( t ) e j2 πfc t
sin ( πt / 5 ) j π4
= 2 e
πt / 5 (a) cos(1000πt) (b) cos(540πt)
190. The block diagram of frequency synthesizer (c) cos(920πt) (d) cos(460πt)
consisting of a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) and GATE-2020
divide-by-N counter (comparing ÷ 2, ÷ 4, ÷ 8, ÷ Ans. (c) : : Given,
16, outputs) is sketched below. The synthesizer x(t) = m(t) cos(2πfct)
is excited with 5 kHz signal (Input 1). The free-
m(t) = 4 cos (1000πt)
running frequency of the PLL is set to 20 kHz.
Assume that the commutator switch makes (multiplier) output = x(t). cos 2π(fc+40)t
P= frequency of 10 kHz?
4 (a) 120 kHz (b) 75 kHz
P = 19.84W (c) 130 kHz (d) 55 kHz
273. Noise figure of merit in SSB modulated signal UPRVUNL AE -19.07.2021, Shift-II
is Ans. (c) : B.W = 2 (∆f + fm)
(a) 1 (b) Less than 1 = 2 (55+10) = 2(65) = 130 kHz
(c) Greater than 1 (d) Zero 278. The power of an angle modulated wave (PM or
Nagaland PSC (CTSE) Diploma-2017, Paper II FM) with amplitude A is
Ans. (a) : Figure of merit is the ratio of output signal to (a) A2
noise ratio to input signal to noise ratio of a receiver (b) Decided by the time varying massage signal
system. It is used to describe the performance of a (c) Depends on the value of kp and kf
system. Figure of merit for SSB modulation is always 1. (d) A2/2
274. The antenna current of the transmitter is 10 A. TNPSC AE - 2018
Find the percentage of modulation when the Ans. (d) : The power of angle modulated wave
antenna current increases to 10.4 A. A c2
(a) 32% (b) 28.5% P =
(c) 64% (d) 40%
Ac = amplitude of carrier signal.
Nagaland PSC (CTSE) Diploma-2017, Paper II
Communication System 683 YCT
279. y(t) = m(t)c(t), (where m(t) is message signal 0.36
and c(t) is the spreading signal) represents the Pt = 200 1 +
signal of 2
(a) FH spread spectrum Pt = 200 ×1.18
(b) TH spread spectrum Pt = 236 W
(c) DS spread spectrum
(d) PN sequence 283. This technique is involving frequency
TNPSC AE - 2018 translation. Identify it
(a) Amplification (b) Clamping
Ans. (c) : In communication system, Discrete sequence (c) Modulation (d) Filtering
(DS) spread spectrum is a spectrum modulation
technique primarily used to reduce overall signal TNPSC AE - 2018
interference. It is write as Ans. (c) : Modulation technique is involve frequency
translation. There are two types of modulation- analog
y ( t ) = m ( t ) .c ( t ) modulation and digital modulation. In which the
information is sent with increasing its quantity with the
280. AM signal represented as help of carrier signal.
(a) SAM (t) = Ac [1 + m(t)] cos (2π fct)
284. A carrier of 10 kW is amplitude modulated to a
(b) SAM (t) = Ac [1 + m(t)] sin (2π fct) depth of 100% by a sinusoid. Then the power
(c) SAM (t) = Ac [m(t)] cos (2π fct) of the transmitted AM wave is
(d) SAM (t) = Ac [m(t)] sin (2π fct) (a) 10 kW (b) 5 kW
TNPSC AE - 2018 (c) 15 kW (d) 11 kW
Ans. (a) : SAM (t) = Ac [1 + m(t)] . cos (2πfct) TNPSC AE - 2018
Where, Ans. (c) Given that,
Ac = Amplitude of carrier signal. Pc = 10kW
m(t) = message signal µ=1
fc = carrier signal µ2
281. A 400 W carrier is amplitude modulated to a P t = P c 1 +
depth of 100%. How much power saving is
achieved for SSB-SC compared to AM DSB-FC 1
Pt = 10 1 +
and AM DSB–SC respectively? 2
(a) 600 W and 100 W respectively Pt = 10×1.5
(b) 500 W and 100 W respectively
Pt = 15kW
(c) 100 W and 500 W respectively
(d) 100 W and 600 W respectively 285. An FM wave represented by the voltage
TNPSC AE - 2018 equation v = 12 sin (6 × 108 t + 6 cos 1250 t).
Ans. (b) : Given, The modulating signal frequency and
frequency deviation are
Carrier power (Pc) = 400W (a) 1250 Hz and 1194 Hz
Modulation index (µ) = 100% = 1 (b) 199 Hz and 1194 Hz
µ2 3 (c) 95.5 Hz and 995 Hz
total power (Pt) = Pc 1 + = 400 ×
2 2 (d) 199 Hz and 995 Hz
TNPSC AE - 2018
= Pt = 600W Ans. (b) : V = 12 sin (6 × 108 t + 6 cos 1250 t)
Power saving in SSB-SC as compared to DSB-FC ω 1250
Saving Power = (600 –100)W modulation frequency (fm) = m =
2π 2π
= 500W
Power saving in SSB-SC as a compared to DSB-SC f m = 199 Hz
Saving power = (200–100)W frequency deviation (∆f) = β × fm
= 100W (∆f) = 6 × 199
282. A 200 W carrier is modulated to a depth of
60%. The total power in the modulated wave is ∆f = 1194 Hz
(a) 200 W (b) 236 W 286. The midband frequency of IF section and IF
(c) 36 W (d) 72 W bandwidth of AM and FM radio are _______.
TNPSC AE - 2018 (a) 10.7 MHz, 0.455 MHz, 10 kHz and 200 kHz
Ans. (b) : Given that, (b) 10.7 MHz, 0.455 MHz, 200 kHz and 10 kHz
Pc = 200W , µ = 0.6 (c) 0.455 MHz, 10.7 MHz, 10 kHz and 200 kHz
µ 2 (d) 0.455 MHz, 10.7 MHz, 200 kHz and 10 kHz
Pt = Pc 1 + TNPSC AE – 2018
2 Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2018, Paper-I
Communication System 684 YCT
Ans. (c) : The midband frequency of IF section and IF Am
bandwidth of amplitude modulation and frequency µ=
modulation are 0.455 MHz, 10.7 MHz and 10 kHz and Ac
200 kHz respectively. The modulation index is independent of frequency.
287. As the modulation index of an FM signal with • In PM, the modulation index ( β ) is given by
sinusoidal modulation is increased from zero to
two, the power in the carrier component will β = k p Am
(a) Decrease continuously 291. Bandwidth of an amplitude modulated signal
(b) Increase continuously depends upon
(c) First increase, becomes zero and then (a) amplitude of modulating signal
decrease (b) carrier frequency
(d) First decrease, become zero and then increase (c) modulating signal frequency
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2008 (d) carrier power
Ans. (a) : As the modulation index of an FM signal GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
with sinusoidal modulation is increased from zero to Ans. (c) : If message is mixed with carrier signal then
two, the power in the carrier component will decrease the combined signal is modulated signal. Band width of
continuously. an amplitude modulated signal depend upon modulating
288. A carrier voltage is simultaneously modulated signal frequency
by two sine waves causing modulation indices 292. In a FM demodulator,
of 0.4 and 0.3. The overall modulation index is (a) capacitors are charged to amplitude of FM
(a) 0.35 wave
(b) 0.7 (b) frequency deviations are converted into
(c) 0.5 voltage variations
(d) Can not be calculated unless the phase (c) simple diode is employed
relations are known (d) carrier frequency is doubled
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012, Paper-III GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2008 Ans. (b) : In a FM demodulator it converts the
frequency variation of FM wave into the corresponding
Ans. (c) : The overall modulation index (µt) = voltage (amplitude) variations of AM wave.
µ12 + µ 22 293. An AM signal and a narrow band FM signals
with identical carriers, modulating signals and
(µt) = ( 0.4 )2 + ( 0.3)2 modulation indices of 0.1 are added together.
The resultant signal can be closely
(µt) = 0.16 + 0.09 approximated by
(a) Broadband (b) SSB with carrier
(µt) = 0.25
(c) DSB-SC (d) SSB without carrier
(µt) = 0.5 GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
289. De-emphasis circuit is used Ans. (b) : General expression of AM.
(a) To attenuate high frequencies Aµ
(b) To attenuated low frequencies S ( t ) AM = A c cos 2πf c t + c [cos 2π ( f c + f m ) t
(c) To attenuated midband frequencies
(d) None of the above + cos 2π ( f c − f m ) t] .....(i)
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2008 General expression of NBFM.
Ans. (a) : De-emphasis circuit is used to attenuate high Aβ
S ( t ) NBFM = A c cos 2πf c t + c [cos 2π ( f c + f m ) t
frequencies. 2
290. In which modulation system, when modulating − cos 2π ( f c − f m ) t] .... (ii)
frequency is doubled, the modulation index Given,
also becomes double.
(a) AM (b) FM µ = β = 0.1
(c) PM (d) None of the above Both equation (i) + (ii) -
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2008 S ( t ) + S ( t ) = carrier + USB
Ans. (d) : In FM the modulation index (β) is defined as = SSB with carriers
the ratio of frequency deviation (∆f) to the message 294. Frequency modulated signal ideally requires
signal (fm).
(a) infinite bandwidth
∆f (b) small bandwidth
fm (c) constant bandwidth
(d) constant frequency
• In AM, the modulation index (µ) is given by GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
Communication System 685 YCT
Ans. (a) : Frequency modulated signal ideally requires Ans. (b) : Armstrong transmitter used crystal oscillator.
infinite bandwidth. In order to multiplex more number It is an indirect method to generate FM Signal.
of signals the bandwidth of the signal should be as 300. In radio receiver the output from local
minimum as possible. oscillator is fed to
In order to reduce the bandwidth in FM, the significant (a) RF amplifier (b) Mixer
spectral component should be eliminated. (c) IF amplifier (d) Detector
295. Number of sidebands of an FM signal for fixed Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
modulating voltage .............. with decrease in
Ans. (b) : In radio receiver the output from local
modulating frequency.
oscillator is fed to mixer.
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) does not change (d) none of these 301. The simplest method of suppression of
unwanted side band in AM is
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
(a) Filter method (b) Phase shift method
Ans. (b) : Number of side bands of an FM signal for (c) Third method (d) Both (a) or (b)
fixed modulating voltage decrease with decreasing
modulating frequency. Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
Ans. (a) : The Methodes with unwanted side band can
296. The output of a transmitter is 100kW with
carrier unmodulated and 132kW when carrier be suppressed in AM is filter method.
is modulated by a sinusoidal wave. Then the 302. Modulation is primarily accomplished to
depth of modulation is (a) Produce sidebands
(a) 32% (b) 64% (b) Mix two waves of different frequencies
(c) 80% (d) 100% (c) Transmit audio-frequency signals over long
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III distances
Ans. (c) : Given that, (d) Improve transmission efficiency
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2018, Paper-III
Pt = 132 kW, Pc = 100kW
Ans. (c) : Modulation is primarily accomplished to
µ=? transmitted in audio frequency signal over long
µ2 distance, there are two type of modulation–
Pt = Pc 1 + 1. Frequency modulation
2. Amplitude modulation
µ2 303. In AM, the modulation index lies between
132kW = 100kW 1 + (a) -1 and 1 (b) 0 and 1
(c) 1 and ∞ (d) −∞ and ∞
2 + µ2 Mizoram PSC IOLM-2018, Paper-III
1.32 =
2 Ans. (b) : The modulation index lies between 0 and 1
for amplitude modulation.
2.64 = 2+µ2
304. What is the assigned bandwidth of each of the
µ2 = 0.64 channels in the AM broadcast band?
µ = 0.8 = 80% (a) 5 kHz (b) 15 kHz
297. Information content of a message has the (c) 10 kHz (d) 200 kHz
characteristic that Mizoram PSC IOLM-2018, Paper-III
(a) it is additive Ans. (c) : In the AM band, each AM station has a
(b) Increases linearly with time maximum bandwidth of 10 kHz, extending 5 kHz above
(c) It increases monotonically and 5 kHz below the assigned centre frequency.
(d) All of the above 305. Consider the AM signal Ac[1 + µ cos( ωm t) cos
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III ( ωct)]. The efficiency η of the AM signal for
Ans. (d) : Information content of a message has the 75% modulation approximately
characteristics that it is additive, increase, linearly with (a) 33% (b) 15%
time, and it increase monotonically. (c) 22% (d) 50%
298. Homodyne detection means UPPCL AE- 31.12.2018
(a) coherent detection Ans. (c) : We know that modulation efficiency
(b) non-coherent detection
(c) asynchronous detection µ2
(d) none of the above µ +2
2 = 1 + 19321 = 19322
α ≃ 138
1.24 = 1 + 399. Which type of pre-Amplifier plays a crucial
2 role in reducing the effect of thermal noise?
µ = 0.70 (a) Low Impedance Pre-Amplifier
% µ = 70% (b) High Impedance Pre-Amplifier
396. An amplitude modulated signal is given by: (c) Trans impedance Pre-Amplifier
S(t) = 10 cos(2π×106 t) + 5 cos (2π×106 t) cos (2π (d) Trans conductance Pre-Amplifier
× 103 t) + 2 cos (2π × 106 t) cos (4π × 103 t) Nagaland PSC (CTSE) Diploma-2017, Paper II
The effective modulation index is: Ans. (b) : High impedance pre-Amplifier ⇒ The
(a) 0.538 (b) 0.5 second configuration consist of a high input impedance
(c) 0.2 (d) 0.7 amplifier together with a large detector bias resistor
LMRC AM (S&T)-13.05.2018 (Ra) in order to reduce the effect of thermal noise.
Communication System 698 YCT
400. Hilbert transform of Acos ( 2πf0 t + θ ) is Ans. (c) : Given signal-
cm(t) = (Ac+ Am cos ωmt) cosωct.
(a) − Asin ( 2πf 0 t + θ ) (b) A cos ( 2πf 0 t + θ )
(c) − A cos ( 2πf 0 t + θ ) (d) A sin ( 2πf 0 t + θ ) A c 1 + m cos ωm t cos ωc t
BSNL (JTO)-2001 Ac
Compare with standard AM signal.
Ans. (d) : M(t) = A cos (2π f0t+θ)
→ m̂(t) = A sin
SAM(t) = Ac [1+µ cos ωmt] cosωct
(2πf0t + θ).
401. Carson's bandwidth for an angle modulated µ= m
carrier Ac
s ( t ) = A cos 20π ×106 t + 0.5sin (1000πt ) is given Ac = 2Am
given by 1
(a) 2 MHz (b) 500 Hz µ=
(c) 1000 Hz (d) 1500 Hz
BSNL (JTO)-2001 Side band power (P ) = A c .µ = 4A m
2 2 2
Ans. (d) : Given signal- 4 4× 4
s(t) = Acos [20π ×106 + 0.5 sin (1000πt)] A 2
= 2 − 1
= 2 {(1.11) 2 − 1}
= 2 {1.232 − 1}
= 2 × 0.232
= 0.464 So,
µ = 0.681 = 68.1% Upper side band =fc + fm
µ ≃ 70.1% Lower side band = fc - fm
438. A broadcast radio transmitter radiates 5 KW 441. For a multiplier with one signal input having a
when the modulation percentage is 80. How peak voltage of 5 mV and a frequency 1200
much of this is carrier power? kHz and the other input having a peak voltage
(a) 4 KW (b) 3.8 KW of 10 mV and a frequency of 1655 kHz, the
(c) 3.6 KW (d) 6.25 KW output expression for this multiplier is :
TNTRB AE– 2017 (a) 15 mV cos2π (455 kHz) t + 15 mV cos2π
Ans. (b) : Transmitted power (Pt) = 5KW (2855 kHz)t
Modulation index (µ) = 80% = 0.8 (b) 25µV cos2π(455 kHz) t + 50mV cos2π (455
PC = ? kHz)t
µ2 (c) 25µV cos2π(455 kHz) t – 25µV cos2π (2855
PT = PC 1 +
2 kHz)t
(d) 50mV cos2π (2855 kHz) t + 50 mV cos2π
( 0.8 ) 2
5KW = PC 1 + (455 kHz)t
2 KVS TGT (WE)- 2017
2.64 Ans. (a) : Given, V1 = 5 mV, V2 = 10 mV
5KW = PC f1 = 1200kHz, f2= 1655 kHz
Total voltage (V) = V1 + V2 = (5 + 10) = 15 mV
PC = ∆f = f2 ± f1 = 1655kHz ± 1200 kHz.
2.64 Lower cut off frequency = 455 kHz
PC = 3.8 KW Upper cut off frequency = 1655 kHz + 1200 kHz
439. The distortion due to aperture effect can be = 2855 kHz
corrected by: The equation is
(a) Equalizer (b) Clipper = 15 mV cos2π (455 kHz)t + 15 mV cos2π (2855 kHz)t
(c) Low pass filter (d) Capacitor 442. The function of padders in radio receivers is to
TNTRB AE– 2017 (a) improve sensitivity
Ans. (a) : Aperture effect can be eliminated by using (b) reduce image frequency rejection
"Equalizer" in cascade with a reconstruction filter at the (c) reduce noise
receiver to cancel the effect produced by the filter (d) improve tracking
IES - 1991
Ans. (d) : Padder are used in a receiver to discard the
440. If fc is the carrier wave frequency and fm is the carrier facilitate track and improve tracking.
modulation frequency, then in the resulting 443. If G(t) is Hilbert transform of g(t), then G(t) is:
amplitude modulated waveform the upperside ∞ ∞
1 −g( τ) 1 g( τ)
band consists of : (a) − ∫ dτ (b) − ∫ dτ
π −∞ t − τ π −∞ t − τ
(a) fc + 2fm (b) c − 2f m ∞
1 −g( τ) 1 g( τ)
(c) fc + fm (d) fc – fm
(c) − ∫ t − τ dτ
π −∞
(d) −
π ∫0 t − τ
( )
t (a) 22 kW (b) 25 kW
V(t) = A c cos ωc t + 2πK f ∫ m(t)dt (c) 15 kW (d) 17 kW
UPRVUNL AE– 11.06.2014
↓ Ans. (a) : Given,
frequency modulated signal PC = 20kW
452. An AM broadcast station operates at its µ1 = 20% = 0.2
maximum allowed total of 100 kW with 90% µ2 = 40% = 0.4
modulation. The power in the intelligence part
is µ = µ12 + µ 22
(a) 28.8 kW (b) 71.2 kW
µ = (0.2) 2 + (0.4) 2
(c) 35.6 kW (d) 36.5 kW
KVS TGT (WE)- 2014 µ = 0.2
Ans. (a) : Given,
0.2 )
Pt = 100kW µ2
PT = PC 1 + = 20 1 +
µ = 0.9 2 2
µ 2
= 20 (1+0.1)
∵ Pt = Pc 1 +
2 PT = 22kW
0.9 2
456. Decoding, storage and interpretation are the
100 = Pc 1 +
2 process steps of ______ .
Pc = 71.2 kW (a) Transmission (b) Reception
(c) Filtration (d) Modulation
Now Pt = Pc + side band power UPRVUNL AE– 11.06.2014
100 = 71.2 + side band power Ans. (b) : Decoding, storage and interpretation are the
∴ side band power = 100 − 71.2 process steps of Reception.
Step are used in the reception side are-
=28.8 kW
(i) Inverse transducer
453. A FM Signal with a deviation δ is passed (ii) Demultiplexer
through a mixer and has its frequency reduced (iii) Decoder
five fold. The deviation in output of mixer is (iv) Storage device
(a) 5δ (b) Indeterminate 457. For which of the following reasons, amplitude
(c) δ/5 (d) δ modulation is used for broadcasting ?
KVS TGT (WE)- 2014 (a) It is more immune to noise
Ans. (d) : Deviation of mixer output is not depend on (b) Its use avoids receiver complexity.
frequency, so the deviation in output of mixer (c) It requires less transmitting power.
will be δ. (d) Only the positive peak of the carrier wave
Frequency deviation ∆f = kf.Am varies with the modulating signal.
454. If transmitted power = Pt, modulation index = UPRVUNL AE– 11.06.2014
m, carrier power = PC, then the total Ans. (b) : Amplitude modulation is used for
transmitted power in a conventional A.M. broadcasting because of its use avoids receiver
system, is given as complexity.
% of power saving =
( ) ×100
Pc 1 + µ 2 / 4 upper sideband (USB) transmitted is given as
(a) m ( t ) cos ( ωc t ) − m
ˆ ( t ) sin ( ωc t )
P (1 + µ / 2 )
(b) m̂ ( t ) sin ( ωc t )
%Ps = ( µ = 0.5 ) (c) m(t) cos (ωct)
4 + 2µ 2 (d) m(t) cos(ωct) + m̂ (t) sin (ωct)
4.25 UPPCL AE- 31.12.2018
%Ps = × 100 = 94.44% Ans. (a) : Upper side band of SSB-
518. Suppose that the modulating signal is m(t)= cos (ωc+ ωm)t = cosωct. cosωmt– sinωct sinωmt
2cos (2πfmt) and the carrier signal is Xc(t)= Ac ∵ sinωmt → Hilbert transform of the original message
cos (2πfct). Which one of the following is a signal
conventional AM signal without over- m(t) = cosωmt
modulation? = m(t). cosωct – m̂(t) sin ωc t
(a) A c m ( t ) cos ( 2πf c t ) 521. Limiter is not essential in the following detector
(a) Foster sealey (b) Balanced slope
(b) 1 + m ( t ) cos ( 2πf c t )
(c) Ratio (d) None of these
(c) A c cos ( 2πf c t ) + 0.25A c cos ( 2πf m t ) MPPSC Forest Service Exam.-2014
cos ( 2πf c t ) Ans. (c) : Limiter is not essential in ratio detector. A
limiter are often used to remove noise present in peaks
(d) A c cos ( 2πf m t ) cos ( 2πf c t ) + of received signal and used for wave shaping.
A c sin ( 2πf m t ) sin ( 2πf c t ) 522. The bandwidth of DSB suppressed carrier
modulation system when the modulating
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2018, Paper-III frequency varies between 500 Hz and 5 kHz is
Ans. (c) : m(t) = 2cos(2πfmt) (a) 555 kHz (b) 505 kHz
Xc(t) = Ac cos(2πfct) (c) 500 kHz (d) 9 kHz
For the given problem 0 < m < 1 Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2015, Paper-III
AM wave equation Ans. (d) : Bandwidth of modulating freq = (5–0.5)KHz
cm(t) = Ac cos ωct + Amcosωmt cos ωct = 4.5 KHz
Bandwidth in DSBSC signal
cm(t) = A c 1 + m cos 2πf m t cos 2πf c (t) = (2×message signal BW)
Ac = 9 KHz
cm(t) = Ac(1+m cos 2πfmt) cos 2πfc(t)] 523. The image channel selectivity of a
superheterodyne communication receiver is
m = 0.25 (undermodulation) determined by
cm(t) = Ac(1+0.25 cos 2πfmt) cos 2πfc(t)] (a) Antenna and preselector
519. The maximum transmission power efficiency of (b) The preselector and RF amplifier
DSB-SC Amplitude modulation is : (c) The preselector and IF amplifier
(a) 25% (b) 33.33% (d) The RF and IF amplifier
(c) 50% (d) 100% Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade -2018, Paper-III
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2012 Nagaland PSC CTSE- 2015, Paper-II
Ans. (d) : Power efficiency of DSB-SC Ans. (b) : The image channel selectivity of a super
heterodyne communication receiver is determined by
% η = SB × 100 the preselector and RF amplifier. The selectivity of a
pt receiver is evaluated by the relative intensity of a signal
∵ Total power Pt = PSB+ Pc received from external source.
∴ Carrier is suppressed 524. The RF amplifier A is having 3 dB NF & 5 dB
then Pc = 0 of gain, amplifier B is having 3.5 dB NF & 15
Pt = PSB dB. For overall noise figure of the cascaded
P system, the correct statement is :
η = t × 100 % = 100% (a) A as first stage & B as second stage offers
minimum over all NF
Communication System 715 YCT
(b) B as first stage & A as second stage minimum 526. Match the following List-I (modulation
over all NF scheme) with List-II (Bandwidth)
(c) Both the combination will offer same overall List-I List-II
NF A. VSB 1. >fm
(d) Over all NF will be less than 3 dB B. FM 2. 2(β+1)fm
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2012 C. DSB-SC 3. 2 fm
Ans. (b) : Given, D. SSB 4. fm
For RF amplifier A –
Noise figure ( FA ) = 3dB = 100.3 = 2 A B C D
G A = 5dB = 3.162 (a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 2 3 1 4
For RF amplifier B –
(c) 4 3 1 2
Noise figure (FB ) = 3.5dB = 2.2387 (d) 1 4 2 3
G B = 15dB = 31.6277 NPCIL-2015
When RF amplifier A considered as I stage Ans. (a) :
FB − 1 List-1 List-II (Bandwidth)
F = FA + (a) Vestigial sideband (VSB) – >fm
(b) Frequency modulation – 2 (β+1)fm
2.23 − 1 (FM)
= 2+ = 2.39
3.162 (c) Double sideband- – 2 fm
When RF amplifier B considered as I stage suppressed carrier
F −1 (d) Single sideband (SSB) – fm
F = FB + A 527. In frequency modulation, the instantaneous
(a) amplitude of the carrier signal is varied with
2 −1 the instantaneous amplitude of the message
= 2.23 + = 2.2616
31.62 signal
If amplifier B as 1st stage and amplifier A as 2nd stage (b) amplitude of the carrier signal is varied with
offers minimum overall noise figure. the instantaneous frequency of the message
525. For this RF Circuit, the correct statement is : signal
(c) frequency of the carrier signal is varied with
the instantaneous amplitude of the message
(d) frequency of the carrier signal is varied with
the instantaneous frequency of the message
(a) IF Spectrum is inverted and image is at 2.780 Ans. (c) : In frequency modulation, the instantaneous
GHz frequency of the carrier signal is varied with the
(b) IF Spectrum is not inverted and image is at instantaneous amplitude of the message signal.
2.780 GHz 528. 4(1+2cos200πt) cos400πt. for demodulation we
(c) IF spectrum is inverted and image is at 2.360 are using which technique _____.
GHz (a) Envelope detector
(d) IF spectrum is not inverted and image is (b) Square law demodulator
2.220 GHz (c) Synchronous detector
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2012 (d) All
Ans. (b) : From the figure we know that NPCIL-2015
f LO = 2.64 GHz Ans. (c) : X(t) = 4 (1+2 cos200πt) cos 400πt …(i)
f s = 2.5GHz Standard equation of AM signal
XAM(t) = AC (1+m cos 2πfmt) cos 2πfct
We can say that f LO > f s
Here, m =2 (over modulation)
f si = fs + 2IF So, the demodulation can be achieved by synchronous
= 2.5 ×109 + 2 (140 ×106 ) = 2.78 GHz detector.
529. An FM signal with a modulation index 9 is
If spectrum is not inverted than the image will be applied to a frequency Tripler. The modulation
formed at 2.780 GHz index in the output signal will be
Communication System 716 YCT
(a) 0 (b) 3 (b) Synchronous detector but not by envelope
(c) 9 (d) 27 detector
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-II (c) Neither by Synchronous detector nor by
envelope detector
Ans. (d) : In a frequency multiplier circuit, the
(d) Any asynchronous detector
modulation index is multiplied by n.
So, modulation index β 'FM = n.βFM
Ans. (b) : The DSB - SC signal can be demodulated by
= 3×9 synchronous detector but not by envelops detector. For
β 'FM = 27 DSB-SC, Coherent demodulation is done by
multiplying the DSB-SC signal with carrier signal.
530. An SSB transmitter produces a peak-to-peak 535. Which filter is commonly used in SSB
voltage of 200 V across a 100 Ω antenna load. generation?
What is the Peak Envelope Power? (a) RC filter (b) LC filter
(a) 49.98 W (b) 79.98 W (c) Mechanical filter (d) LP filter
(c) 99.96 W (d) 199.93 Mizoram PSC IOLM-2018, Paper-III
RPSC LECTURER-10.01.2016 Ans. (c) : The most commonly used filter in SSB
Ans. (a) : Given, generation are mechanical filters. The filter acts on
Peak to peak voltage = 200V mechanical vibrations which are the analogue of
electrical signal.
∴ Vm = 100
536. A 4 GHz carrier is DSB-SC modulated by a low
V 100
∴ Vrms = m = = 70.7V pass message signal with maximum frequency
2 2 of 2 MHz. The resultant signal can be ideally
Peak envelope power (PEP) sampled by sampling impulse train with
frequency of
Vrms 70.7 × 70.7 (a) 4 MHz (b) 8 MHz
= = = 49.98W
R 100 (c) 8 MHz (d) 8.004 MHz
531. Which waves are demodulated by Costas loop? GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
(a) VSB (b) SSB Ans. (d) : Carrier frequency (fc) = 4GHz
(c) MSK (d) DSBSC Maximum frequency (fm) = 2MHz
RPSC LECTURER-10.01.2016 Sampled impulse train with
Ans. (d) : DSBSC waves are demodulated by Costas Frequency = 2 ( f c + f m )
loop. = 2(4+0.002)
A Costas loop is a phase - locked loop (PLL) based = 8.004 GHz
circuit which is used for carrier recovery and signal
537. The input to a coherent detector is DSB-SC
signal plus noise. The noise at the detector
532. A product modulator yields output is
(a) A full AM signal (b) A DSB-SC signal (a) The in-phase component
(c) A VSB signal (d) An SSB signal (b) The quadrature component
MPPSC Forest Service Exam.-2014 (c) Zero
Ans. (b) : DSBSC modulator are also called as product (d) The envelope
modulator as they produce the output, which is product GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
of two signal. Ans. (a) : The input to a coherent detector in DSB-SC
533. The pilot carrier in SSB is used for signal plus noise. The noise at the detector output is the
(a) Providing better noise immunity in-phase component.
(b) Frequency stability purpose 538. The effect of phase error of local oscillator on
(c) Lower power consumption spectral components in coherent detection of
SSB Amplitude modulated signal is :
(d) None of the above (a) The frequency of demodulated signals varies
TNPSC AE-2014 with fixed amplitude
Ans. (b) : Pilot carrier is a small carrier transmitted (b) Amplitude of demodulated signals varies with
with modulated signal from the transmitter. It is fixed frequency
separated at the receiver and used to phase lock the (c) Both amplitude & frequency vary
locally generated carrier signal generated at the (d) The recovered signal has phase offset with
receiver. fixed amplitude
The pilot carrier in SSB is used for frequency stability ISRO Scientist Engg.-2012
purpose. Ans. (b) : The effect of phase error of local oscillator
534. The DSB-SC signal can be demodulated by on spectral component in coherent detection of SSB
(a) Synchronous detector as well as by envelope amplitude modulated is amplitude of demodulated
detector signals varies with fixed frequency.
Communication System 717 YCT
Ans. (c) :
(iii) Information Theory and Coding
1. The entropy for a fair coin toss is exactly
(a) 2 (b)
1 y = − x + 1 ………………(i)
(c) (d) 1
3 5
y = ×x
UPPSC ITI Principal/Asstt. Director-09.01.2022 2
Ans. (d) : Entropy for a fair coin toss is exactly x
y = ………………….(ii)
n 4
H= ∑ i =1
pi log 2 (1/ pi ) Solving (i) and (ii)
x x 5x 4
−x + 1 = ⇒ 1 = + x = ⇒x=
1 1 4 4 4 5
= log 2 ( 2 ) + log 2 ( 2 )
2 2 1
H =1 5
2. The probabilities of the five possible outcomes So optimum ratio to achieve minimum bit rate (BER) 4
of an experiment are given as : 5
1 1 1 1 1
, , , , . If the source produces 16
2 4 8 16 16
symbols per second, then the rate of
information would be equal to
(a) 25 bits per second (b) 30 bits per second
(c) 35 bits per second (d) 40 bits per second
1 1 1
UPPSC ITI Principal/Asstt. Director-09.01.2022 Bit error rate = × 1× =
2 4 8
Ans. (b) : Probability at the five possible
4. The channel capacity of an ideal AWGN
P1 = 1/2, P2 = 1/4, P3 = 1/8, P4 = 1/16, P5 = 1/16, Rate of channel with infinite bandwidth is
outcome(r) = 16 approximated as (where S is average signal
H = entropy η
n power and is the double sided power
H= pi log 2 spectral density of white Gaussian noise)
i =1
1 1 1 1 1 (a) 1.44 b / s (b) b/s
H = ×1 + ( 2 ) + × 3 + × 4 + × 4 η 1.44η
2 4 8 16 16
η S
1 1 3 1 1 (c) 1.44 b / s (d) 2.88 b / s
= + + + + S η
2 2 8 4 4 UPPSC ITI Principal/Asstt. Director-09.01.2022
3 1 3 3 15 RPSC VP/Suptd. ITI 05.11.2019
= 1+ + = + =
8 2 2 8 8 Ans. (a) : The channel capacity of an ideal AWGN
Rate of information (R) = r × H channel with infinite band width is approximates as-
R = 16×15/8 = 30 bits per second S
1.44 b / s
3. Bits 1 and 0 are transmitted with equal η
probability. At the receiver, the pdf of the 5. The input to a channel is a band-pass signal. It
respective received signals for both bits are as is obtained by linearly modulating a sinusoidal
shown below: carrier with a single-tone signal. The output of
the channel due to this input is given by
1 -6 6
Y(t) = cos(100t - 10 )cos(10 t - 1.56)
The group delay (tg) and the phase delay (tp) in
seconds, of the channel are
(a) tg = 1.56, tp = 10–6
If the detection threshold is 1, the BER will be
(b) tg = 1.56 (108), tp=10–6
(a) 1/2 (b) 1/4 (c) tg = 10–8, tp = 1.56(10–6)
(c) 1/8 (d) 1/16 (d) tg = 10–6, tp = 1.56
BPSC Asst. Prof. - 12.04.2022 BPSC Asst. Prof. - 12.04.2022
Communication System 718 YCT
Ans. (c) : Given, Ans. (d) : Average code length of a source is-
1 L = ∑ n i pi
y(t) = cos (100t − 10 ) cos (10 t − 1.56 )
−6 6
Option (b) is not uniquely decodable ‘1’ is a prefix to
Now comparing with ‘11’
y ( t ) = cos ( t − t 0 ) cos ωc ( t − t P ) For uniquely decodable code, a code word should not be
a prefix to another code word.
t p = 1.56 × 10−6 Hz
Option (a) codes→00,01,10,11
t g = 10−8 Hz Average code length
6. An event has two possible outcomes with L = 2 × 0.5 + 2 × 0.25 + 2 × 0.125 + 2 × 0.125 = 2
1 1 Option (c) codes→ 110,111,100
probability P1 = , P2 = . The rate of L = 3 × 0.5 + 3 × 0.25 + 2 × 0.125 + 1× 0.125 = 2.625
2 64
information with 16 outcomes per second is: Option (d) codes→0,10,110,111
38 38 L = 1× 0.5 + 2 × 0.25 + 3 × 0.125 + 3 × 0.125 = 1.75
(a) bits / sec (b) bits / sec So, option (d) has the minimum average code length
4 64
and it is uniquely decodable also.
38 38
(c) bits / sec (d) bits / sec 8. Consider a binary transmission of bits 0 and 1
2 32 with equal probability. Bits are transmitted in a
UPPSC Poly.Tech. Lecturer-22.03.2022, Paper-II
noisy channel and channel noise is additive in
IES - 2013 nature. The received signal is random in nature
1 1 with conditional probability density function for
Ans. (a) : Given, Probability P1 = , P2 = each transmitted bit 0 and 1, respectively, as
2 64
1 fr/0 ( x ) = 1- | x || x |< 1
Entropy (H) = ∑ P log
i =1
i 2
bits / symbol
fr/0 ( x ) = 1− | x − 1 | 0 < x < 2
1 1 What is the average probability of error if
H = P1 log 2 + P2 log 2 threshold in the decision device at the receiving
P1 P2 end is 1?
1 1 1 1
H= log 2 2 + log 2 64 (a) (b)
2 64 3 2
1 6 1 1
H = log 2 2 + log 2 2 (c) (d)
2 64 8 4
1 6 UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
H= + Ans. (d) 1/4
2 64
9. Consider a source with four symbols. The
1 3
H= + entropy of the source will be maximum when
2 32 probabilities of occurrence of symbols are :
19 1 1 1 1
H= (a) {1, 0, 0, 0} (b) , , ,
32 4 4 4 4
Information Rate (R) = rs ×H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
19 (c) , , , (d) , , ,0
R = 16 × 2 4 8 8 3 3 3
32 UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
19 Ans. (b) : A given source will have maximum entropy
R= or
2 if the message produced are equiprobable.
38 10. Which of the following statements is correct?
(R) = bits / sec S1: Channel capacity is the same for two
binary symmetric channels with transition
7. A source generates four messages m1, m2, m3
probabilities as 0.1 and 0.9.
and m4, with probabilities 0.5, 0.25, 0.125 and
0.125 respectively. The messages are generated S2: For a binary symmetric channel with
independently of each other. A source coder transition probability 0.5, the channel capacity
assigns binary code to each message. Which of is 1.
the following codes has minimum average S3: For AWGN channel with infinite
length and is also uniquely decodable (sequence bandwidth, channel capacity is also infinite.
as per m1, m2, m3, m4)? S4: If Y = g(X), then H(Y) > H(X).
(a) 00,01,10,11 (b) 0,1,10,11 (a) S1, S2, S3 and S4 (b) Only S1
(c) 110,111,10,0 (d) 0,10,110,111 (c) Only S2 and S3 (d) S1, S2 and S3
ISRO Scientist Engg. -2020 UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
Communication System 719 YCT
Ans. (b) : Only S1 is correct- 1 1
(c) 1 bits/symbol (d) 1 bits/symbol
Channel capacity is the same for two binary symmetric 4 2
channels with transition probabilities as 0.1 and 0.9. IES - 2019
11. In Huffman coding, data in a tree always occur 1 1
at- Ans. (d) : Given, Probabilities P(A) = , P (B) =
(a) roots (b) leaves 2 4
(c) Left sub trees (d) right sub trees 1
P (C) =
UPPSC Poly.Tech. Lecturer-22.03.2022, Paper-II 4
Ans. (b) : In Huffman coding, data is always stored at 1
the leaves of the tree in ordered to complete codeword
Entropy (H) = ∑ P log
i =1
i 2
bits / symbol
12. What is the capacity of an additive white 1 1 1
Gaussian noise channel with bandwidth of = P(A)log 2 + P(B)log 2 + P(C)log 2
1MHz, power of 10W and noise power spectral P(A) P(B) P(C)
density of No/2 = 10(-9) W/Hz? 1 1 1 1 1 1
= log 2 + log 2 + log 2
(a) 17.4 Mbit/s (b) 13.28 Mbit/s 2 1/ 2 4 1/ 4 4 1/ 4
(c) 26.56 Mbit/s (d) 6.64 Mbit/s 1 1 1
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022 = log 2 2 + log 2 4 + log 2 4
2 4 4
Ans. (b) : 13.28 Mbit/s
1 1 1
13. Consider the entropy of a random variable X is = log 2 2 + log 2 2 + log 2 2
16 bits and for each value of X, a deterministic 2 2 2
function Y(X) produces a diverse value. Then 1 1 1
the entropy of Y is _____bits.
= + + {∵ log 2 2 = 1}
2 2 2
(a) 0 1
(b) 16 = 1 bits / symbol
(c) 8
17. A communication channel with additive white
(d) Cannot be determined from the given data Gaussian noise, has a bandwidth of 4kHz and
BPSC Asst. Prof. - 12.04.2022 an SNR of 15, its channel capacity is
Ans. (b) : The entropy of Y is H(Y) = 16. (a) 1.6 kbps (b) 16 kbps
14. The channel capacity is measured in terms of: (c) 32 kbps (d) 256 kbps
(a) bits per channel Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2018, Paper-III
(b) number of input channels connected TNPSC AE-2014, 2008
(c) calls per channel RPSC Lect.-2011
(d) number of output channels connected ISRO Scientist Engg.2006
DMRC AM S&T-2020 IES – 1998, 1993
Ans. (b) : Given that-
Ans. (a) : Channel capacity is measured in terms of bit
per channel. BW = 4kHz
15. Information is SNR = 15
(a) the synonym of probability S
Channel capacity (C) = BW log2 1 +
(b) not related to the probability of information N
(c) inversely proportional to the probability of (C) = 4 ×103 log2 (1+15)
information (C) = 4×103 log2(2)4
(d) directly proportional to the probability of (C) = 16 ×103 ×1
information (C) = 16 kbps
DMRC AM S&T-2020 18. A memoryless source emits n symbols each
UPSC Poly. Lect.10.03.2019 with a probability p. The entropy of the source
Ans. (c) : Information is inversely proportional to the as a function of n
probability of information. (a) increases as log n
(b) decreases as log (1/n)
I(xi) = log b where b = base (c) increases as n
P(xi) (d) increases as n logn
Nagaland PSC (Degree)-2018, Paper-III
16. A source produces three symbols A, B and C Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-II
with probabilities P(A) = 1/2 P(B) = 1/4 and GATE - 2008
P(C) = 1/4. The source entropy is Ans. (a) : A memoryless source emits n symbols each
1 with a probability P. The entropy of the source as a
(a) bit/symbol (b) 1 bit/symbol
2 function n increases as log n.
∵ lim x log 2 1 + = log 2 e
x →∞
x The channel is
P (a) lossless (b) noiseless
C∞ = 2 log 2 e
σ (c) useless (d) deterministic
P GATE - 2017
C ∞ = 1.44
σ2 Ans. (c) : From given figure-
45. Which one of the following graphs shows the
Shannon capacity (Channel capacity) in bits of
a memoryless binary symmetric Channel with
crossover probability p?
GATE-2005 f s = 6 × 103 Hz
Ans. (c) : Let g(t) be input signal- 174. The minimum step – size required for a Delta-
Modulator operating at 32 k samples/sec to
signal (here u(t) is the unit-step function)
x( t ) =125t ( u( t ) -u( t -1) ) + ( 250-125t ) ( u( t -1) -u( t - 2) )
so that slope-overload is avoided, would be
(a) 2–10 (b) 2–8
(c) 2–6 (d) 2–4
Ans. (b) : Given,
The impulse response of matched filter- Sampling frequency fs = 32k samples/ sec
h(t)= g(T-t) |x(t)|max = 125
Where, T is the pulse duration is equal to 2. condition for avoided slope-overload distortion
h(t) = g(2–t) d
∆f s ≥ m(t)
dt max
| m(t) |max
Hence, minimum step size ∆min =
125 1
= =
32k 25 × 23
= 8
The output of matched filter- 2
y(t) = g(t)*h(t) ∆ min = 2−8
is GATE-2014
2E E Ans. (c) : Given that,
(a) Q (b) Q α = 4mV
0 0 1 1
R b = 500kbps, Tb = = bps
E E R b 500 ×103
(c) Q (d) Q
2N 4N N0
0 0
= 0.5 × 10−12 W / Hz
GATE-2012 2
Communication System 769 YCT
For FSK 1
−1 ≤ x ≤ 5
α Tb f R /1 ( r ) = 6
Bit error probability = Q
2N 0 0 otherwise
So error region will be -
1 1
=Q ( 4 ×10 )
−3 2
× ×
500 × 103 2 × N 0 PR / 0 ( r1 ) = ∫
−1 1
dx =
for function (i)
−3 4 2
16 × 10−6 −1 1 1
=Q PR /1 ( r1 ) = ∫ dx =
500 × 103 × 2 ×10−12 −1 4 2
= Q( 4) 51 2
188. A sinusoidal signal of 2 kHz frequency is PR /1 ( r2 ) = ∫ dx = for function (ii)
1 6 3
applied to a delta modulator are 20,000
1 1 1
samples per second and 0.1 V, respectively. To PR / 0 ( r2 ) = ∫ dx =
−1 6 3
prevent slope overload, the maximum
amplitude of the sinusoidal signal (in Volts) is So minimum decision error probability
1 1 1 1 1
(a) (b) PR /1 ( r1 ) .PR / 0 ( r2 ) = × =
2π π 2 3 6
2 190. An analog pulse s(t) is transmitted over an
(c) (d) π
π additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN)
GATE-2015 channel. The received signal is r(t) = s(t) + n(t)
Ans. (a) : In DM to prevent slope overload - where n(t) is additive white Gaussian noise
∆ ∂m ( t ) N
≥ with power spectral density 0 . The received
Ts dt max 2
∆ signal is passed through a filter with impulse
≥ A m ωm response h(t). Let Es and Eh denote the energies
of the pulse s(t) and the filter h(t), respectively.
Am × 2π × 2 × 103 = 0.1 × 20,000
When the signal to noise ratio (SNR) is
∴ Am = maximized at the output of the filter (SNRmax),
2π which of the following holds?
1 2E
189. A source emits bit 0 with probability and bit (a) E s = E h ; SNR max = s
3 N0
1 with probability . The emitted bits are Es
3 (b) E s = E h ; SNR max =
communicated to the receiver. The receiver 2N 0
decides for either 0 or 1 based on the received
value R. It is given that the conditional density 2E s
(c) E s > E h ; SNR max =
functions of R as N0
1 2E h
, −3≤r ≤1 (d) E s < E h ; SNR max =
f R/0 (r) = 4 and N0
0, otherwise
1 Ans. (a) : The impulse response of the filter is same on
, −1 ≤ r ≤ 5
f R/1 (r) = 6 the signal so Es = Eh
0, otherwise
2E 2E
The minimum decision error probability is SNR = s = h
N0 N0
(a) 0 (b) 191. A binary baseband digital communication
1 1 system employs the signal
(c) (d) 1
9 6 ,0 ≤ t ≤ Ts
GATE-2015 p ( t ) = Ts
Ans. (d) : The conditional density function for - 0, otherwise
−3 ≤ x ≤ 1 for transmission of bits. The graphical
fR / 0 ( r ) = 4 representation of the matched filter output y(t)
0 otherwise for this signal will be
Communication System 770 YCT
Ans. (b) : For a pulse which is free from inter symbol
interference (ISI), if P(t) is having spectrum P(f)
Then, ∑ P ( f − kR ) = constant
k =−∞
GATE-2016 Rs = 2 k sps
Ans. (c) : So, only option (b) satisfied this condition for given Rs.
193. Which one of the following statements about
differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) is
(a) The sum of message signal sample with its
prediction is quantized.
(b) The message signal sample is directly
quantized, and its prediction is not used.
(c) The difference of message signal sample and
a random signal is quantized.
• Convolution of two pulse with equal width = (d) The difference of message signal sample with
triangular. Since the convolution of two rectangle pulse its prediction is quantized.
is always triangular with width equal 2Ts equal to the GATE-2017
sum of the duration of two rectangle pulse. Ans. (d) : The difference of message signal sample with
its prediction is quantized in differential pulse code
192. In a digital communication system, the overall
modulation (DPCM) System.
pulse shape p(t) at the receiver before the
sampler has the Fourier transform P(f). If the
symbols are transmitted at the rate of 2000
symbols per second, for which of the following
cases is the inter symbol interference zero?
Communication System 771 YCT
194. In binary frequency shift keying (FSK), the E=3
given signal waveforms are
u 0 ( t ) = 5cos ( 20000πt ) ;0 ≤ t ≤ T and
u1 ( t ) = 5cos ( 22000πt ) ;0 ≤ t ≤ T,
Where T is the bit-duration interval and t is in
seconds, Both u0(t) and u1(t) are zero outside
the interval 0 ≤ t ≤ T. With a marched filter
(correlator) based receiver, the smallest
positive value of T (in milliseconds) required to
have u0(t) and u1(t) uncorrelated is
(a) 0.25 ms (b) 0.5 ms
(c) 0.75 ms (d) 1.0 ms
Ans. (b) : Given,
u0(t) = 5 cos (20000πt)
196. A PCM system uses Nyquist sampler, a
u1(t) = 5 cos (22000πt) uniform quantizer followed by a 5 bit binary
f m2 = 11000 Hz encoder. The bit rate is 50 Mbps. The
maximum message bandwidth for which the
2π f m1 = 20000 πt system operates satisfactorily is
f m1 = 10000 Hz (a) 5 kHz (b) 5 MHz
Uncorrelation condition for FSK (c) 10 kHz (d) 10 MHz
f m2 − f m1 = n b Ans. (b) : Given,
2 n = 5, Rb = 50 Mbps
Rb As we know Bit rate Rb = nfs
11000 – 1000 = n
2 50
f s = ×106
R b (max) = 2000 bits/sec (∵ n = 1) 5
Minimum bit duration interval fs = 10MHz
1 f
Tb(min) = Bandwidth (BW) = s
R b(max) 2
1 = ×106
= 2
BW = 5MHz
Tb (min) = 0.5 ms
197. Which of the following has same probability of
195. A single bit, equally likely to be 0 and 1, is to be error?
sent across an additive white Gaussian noise (a) BPSK and QAM (b) BPSK and ASK
(AWGN) channel with power spectral density (c) BPSK and QPSK (d) BPSK and PAM
No/2. Binary signaling, with 0 → p(t) and 1 → Kerala PSC Lecturer (NCA) 04.07.2017
q(t), is used for the transmission, along with an Ans. (d) : BPSK and PAM has same probability of
optimal receiver that minimizes the bit-error error. BPSK represent binary number while pulse
probability. modulation represent in analog form.
Let ϕ1(t), ϕ2(t), form an orthonormal signal set. 198. A speech signal occupying the bandwidth of
If we choose p(t) = ϕ1(t) and q(t) = –ϕ1(t), we 300 Hz to 3 kHz is converted into PCM format
would obtain a certain bit-error probability Pb. for use in digital communication. If the
If we keep p(t) = ϕ1(t), but take sampling frequency is 8 kHz and each sample
q(t) = E ϕ 2 (t), for what value of E would we quantized into 256 levels, then the output bit
obtain the same bit-error probability Pb? rate will be
(a) 0 (b) 3 (a) 3 kb/s (b) 8 kb/s
(c) 1 (d) 2 (c) 256 kb/s (d) 64 kb/s
GATE-2019 Kerala PSC Lecturer (NCA) 04.07.2017
1 Ans. (d) : Given,
Ans. (b) : P(0) = P (1) = fs = 8 kHz, 2n = 256
2 2n = 28
for probability of error to be same
d1 = d2 n=8
Bit rate Rb = nfs= 8 × 8×103
2 = E +1
4=E+1 Rb = 64 kbps
Communication System 772 YCT
199. An analog signal m(t) is confined to range (–mp, Ans. (b) : Given,
mp) this range is divided in L zones, on fm = 4kHz , n = 8
quantizing the analog signal, the mean square fs = 2fm = 8kHz
quantizing error is
Bit rate (Rb) = n.fs = 8×8
m 2p m 2p = 64kbps
(a) (b)
3L2 3L ∴The minimum transmission bandwidth
mp mp Rb
(c) 2
(d) BW = = 32kHz
3L 3L 2
RPSC VP/Suptd. ITI 05.11.2019 204. One of the following bandpass digital
Ans. (a) : An analog signal m(t) is confined to range modulation schemes is not suitable for
(–mp, mp) this range is divided in L zone, on quantizing transmission over nonlinear bandpass
the analog signal, the mean square quantizing error is channels:
m 2p (a) FSK (b) ASK
. (c) PSK (d) QFSK
200. The Hartley – Shannon theorem sets a limit on TSPSC Manager (Engg.) - 2015
the Ans. (b) : ASK (Amplitude shift keying) is not suitable
(a) highest frequency that may be sent over a for transmission over non-linear band pass channels.
given channel 205. For M-ary PSK systems, the best trade-off
(b) maximum capacity of a channel with a given between bandwidth efficiency and transmitted
noise level power is given for a value of M equal to
(c) maximum number of coding levels in a (a) 2 (b) 4
channel with a given noise level (c) 8 (d) 16
(d) maximum number of quantizing levels in a TSPSC Manager (Engg.) - 2015
channel of a given bandwidth
Ans. (b) : For M-ary PSK systems, the best trade-off
RPSC VP/Suptd. ITI 05.11.2019 between bandwidth efficiency and transmitted power is
Ans. (b) : The Hartley - shannon theorem sets a limits on given for a value of M equal to 4.
maximum capacity of channel with a given noise level.
206. In a linear DM system,
201. Which of the following is worst affected by (a) only granular noise will be present
(b) only slope overload noise will be present
(a) PPM (b) PCM
(c) both granular noise and slope overload noise
(c) PWM (d) PAM
can be eliminated
RPSC VP/Suptd. ITI 05.11.2019
(d) granular noise will be present but slope
Ans. (d) : Pulse amplitude modulation, is a form of overload noise can be avoided by proper
signal modulation where the message information is design.
encoded in the amplitude of a series of signal pulses.
TSPSC Manager (Engg.) - 2015
PAM is worst affected by Noise.
Ans. (d) : In linear DM (Delta modulation) system
202. Which of the following statement is true?
(a) Probability of error for M-ary FSK decreases granular noise present we cannot eliminate it proper
as M increases completely. While the slope overload noise present but
(b) Probability of error for M-ary PSK decreases it can be eliminated by proper design of the system.
as M increases 207. In PCM, the signal-to-quantisation noise ratio
(c) M-ary FSK requires considerably lesser for a sinusoidal signal quantized using 10-bit
bandwidth in comparison with M-ary PSK PCM is:
(d) Probability of error for M-ary FSK is (a) 62 dB (b) 10 dB
independent of increase in M (c) 60 dB (d) 32 dB
RPSC VP/Suptd. ITI 05.11.2019 APPSC POLY. LECT. 14.03.2020
Ans. (a) : Probability of error for M-ary FSK decreases Ans. (c) : the Signal to Noise Ratio for
as M increases. PCM system
203. A speech signal band-limited to 4 kHz and peak SNR1 in dB = (1.8 + 6n) dB
voltage varying between +5V and –5V, is For n = 10
sampled at the Nyquist rate. Each sample is SNR2 in dB = 1.8+ 6 (n + 10)
quantized and represented by 8 bits. If the bits SNR2 dB – SNR1 dB = 60 dB
0 and 1 are transmitted using bipolar pulses,
the minimum bandwidth required for 208. The quantization noise power Nq (Mean
distortion free transmission is squared value) of the quantization error, with
(a) 64 kHz (b) 32 kHz usual notation will be:
(c) 8 kHz (d) 4 kHz Vp2 Vp2
(a) (b)
Punjab PSC Poly. Lect. 20.08.2017 2 3M 2
Communication System 773 YCT
3 2 δ2 Ans. (b) : CDPD technology features-
(c) M (d) It utilizes or seizes 30 kHz. Channel from existing
2 12
UPSC Poly.Lect.10.03. 2019 AMPS/GSM networks for transmitting data at 19.2
kbps. The net data rate is 9.2 kbps due to large amount
Ans. (d) : The quantization noise power of the of overhead.
δ2 213. Obtain the phase states of the carrier when the
quantization error (Nq) = , where δ = step size.
12 bit stream 1001101100 is applied to a QPSK
209. For a BPSK modulator with a carrier modulator
frequency of 70 MHz and an input bit rate of (a) 00, 900, 1800, 1800, 2700
10 Mbps, the minimum Nyquist bandwidth will (b) 900, 900, 1800, 00, 2700
be: (c) 2700, 900, 00, 1800, 900
(a) 05 MHz (b) 10 MHz (d) 1800, 900, 1800, 2700,00
(c) 30 MHz (d) 60 MHz TNPSC AE- 2019
UPSC Poly.Lect.10.03. 2019 Ans. (d) : In addition to the low probability of error,
Ans. (b) : Given fc = 70MHz, Rb = 10Mbps another important goal is the efficient utilization of the
R bandwidth of the channel. So bandwidth conserving
fLSB= fc – b modulation scheme is used called as Quadric phase shift
= 70 – 5
In particular, phase of carrier takes on one of four equally
= 65 MHz
R spaced values, such as π , 3π 5π and 7π .
4 4' 4' 4
fUSB = fc + b
2 214. Twenty four different message signals each
= 70 + 5 = 75MHz band limited to 4 kHz are to be multiplexed
Bandwidth BW = fUSB –fLSB with FDM-SSB modulation. The minimum
= 75 –65 band width required is,
BW= 10MHz (a) 48 kHz (b) 192 kHz
210. To overcome slope overload problem which (c) 96 kHz (d) 120 kHz
type of integrator is used in delta modulation? TNPSC AE- 2019
(a) Fixed slope integrator Ans. (c) : Total signal B.W. = 24 × 4 × 103 = 96 kHz
(b) Variable slope integrator FDM system is used for continuous signals such as AM
(c) Linear slope integrator and FM signals.
(d) Bipolar integrator 215. The transmission bandwidth required for a
Nagaland PSC (Degree) 2018, Paper-II PCM signal (with 4 kHz maximum) input
Ans. (b) : A solution to this slope overload issue is an signal and 8 bit encoding) is
adaptive delta modulator (ADM). In this (a) 32 kHz (b) 64 kHz
implementation of an ADM slope overload is (c) 4 kHz (d) 8 kHz
eliminated by using digital logic to adjust the step size TNPSC AE- 2019
of the integrator used to construct the reference voltage Ans. (a) : Bandwidth of PCM signal depends on the bit
signal. rate and the pulse shape.
211. MSK (Minimum Shift Keying) is an orthogonal The PCM signal is transmitted through a transmission
FSK scheme that gets its name from the fact line or co-axial cable and therefore the range
that transmission is limited .
(a) The phase shift is minimum 2nf m
BW = = nf m
(b) The error probability is minimum 2
(c) The transmission power required is minimum = 8 × 4 × 103
(d) The transmission bandwidth required is = 32 kHz
minimum 216. The PSD of the Manchester line code
Nagaland PSC (Degree) 2018, Paper-II
(a) may or may not have zero null depending on
Nagaland PSC, CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-II
choice of pulse
MPPSC, Forest Service Exam. -2014
(b) has the factor P(w)
Ans. (a) : Minimum shift keying is sometimes also
(c) does not have dc null
referred as fast FSK. It is so called because frequency
spacing used only half as much as that used in (d) has a dc null
conventional non-coherent frequency shift keying. TNPSC AE- 2019
212. For cellular Digital Packet Data systems, Ans. (d): In telecommunication and data storage,
channel Data Rate is manchester code is a line code in which the encoding of
(a) 18,300 bps (b) 19,200 bps each data bit is either low then high, or high then low,
(c) 17,500 bps (d) 20,100 bps for equal time. It is a self-clocking signal with no DC
TNPSC AE- 2019 component.
(ii) Power line pick up Noise power (N) = = = 0.20 × 10−5 Vi2
(iii) Power supply (EPC) switching noise 12 12
(iv) 1/f noise S
C = BW log 2 1 +
(a) i ii iii iv
(b) ii i iv iii = 5 ×106 log 2 1 +
(c) iv ii iii i 4
(d) iii iv ii i = 5 × 106 × 17.95
ISRO Scientist December, 2017
C ≃ 90 M bits / sec
Ans. (c) :
1 336. In a uniform quantizer, the quantization noise
Section A – Flicker noise or
noise is
f (a) independent of the number of levels of the
Section B – Power line pick up
Section C – Power supply (EPC)
switching noise (b) proportional to square of the peak-to-peak
Section D – Thermal noise. voltage range of the quantizer
(c) independent of the peak-to-peak voltage
334. The figure of merit (F) and output of supressed
carrier receiver contains: range of the quantizer
(a) F = 1, quadrature phase component of (d) proportional to square of the number of levels
narrowband noise of the quantizer
(b) F = 0.5, quadrature phase component of BSNL(JTO)-2009
narrowband noise Ans. (b) : The quantization noise
(c) F = 0.5, in-phase component of narrowband
δ2 Vp2−p Vp − p
noise = = ∵ δ = n
(d) F = 1, in-phase component of narrowband 12 12 × 2 2n 2
noise Hence, In a uniform quantizer, the quantization noise
LMRC AM (S&T)-13.05.2018
proportional to square of the peak-to-peak voltage range
Ans. (d) : The channel to noise ratio of the DSB-SC
of the quantizer and inversely proportional to number of
modulation system is- quantization levels.
C 2 A c2 P 337. A 2000 bps binary information data signal is
2WN 0 required to be transmitted in half-duplex mode
The output of signal to noise ratio for DSB-SC using BFSK digital modulation technique. If
modulation system- the separation between two carrier frequencies
2 2 is 4000 Hz, then the minimum bandwidth of the
C Ac P
(SNR )O DSB = BFSK signal is
2WN 0 (a) 4 kHz (b) 6 kHz
We obtain the figure of merit of DSB-SC (c) 8 kHz (d) 12 kHz
( SNR )0 ESE-2021
( SNR )c DSB −SC
Ans. (b) : Given,
335. In a binary PCM system, the maximum ( )
Separation frequency f C1 − f C2 = 4000Hz
tolerable error in sample amplitudes is 0.25% Binary information data signal Rb = 2000
of the peak input signal amplitude. The input
Minimum bandwidth of BFSK signal
signal bandwidth is 5 MHz. The minimum rate
of transmission of the PCM coded bits is (
BWBFSK = f C1 − f C2 + R b )
(a) 70 Mbits/sec. (b) 80 Mbits/sec.
= 4000 + 2000
(c) 90 Mbits/sec. (d) 100 Mbits/sec.
BSNL (JTO)-2001 BWBFSK = 6kHz
Ans. (c) : Given that – 338. A data message of 10 ms duration having 4800
Bandwidth (BW) = 5 MHz bits crosses 9 nodes (10 hops) to reach its
δ 0.25 destination. The data rate and total delay for
= Vi
2 100 circuit switched connection (assuming node
δ = 0.005 Vi delays as 1 ms) are respectively,
(a) 240 kbps, 20 ms (b) 240 kbps, 21 ms
Input signal power (s) = i (c) 120 Kbps, 21 ms (d) 480 kbps, 20 ms
2 ESE-2021
Communication System 788 YCT
Ans.(d) : Given, data = 4800 bits, Node delay = 1ms 343. QPSK system is superior to BPSK system
Data duration = 10ms = 10 ×10–3sec because
(a) its bandwidth is higher than that of BPSK
No. of hops = 10
Total Data (b) interchannel interference in QPSK system is
Data rate =
Data duration less than that in BPSK system
(c) bandwidth of QPSK system is half of the
4800 bandwidth of BPSK system
= = 480kbps
10 ×10−3 (d) in QPSK system inter-symbol interference is
Total delay = Number of hops × Node delay +Data improved
duration BSNL (JTO)-2006
= 10×1+10 = 20ms Ans. (c) : QPSK system is superior to BPSK system
339. Which one of the following can be used for the because bandwidth of QPSK system is half of the
detection of the non coherent BFSK signal? bandwidth of BPSK system.
(a) Matched filter BWBPSK
(b) Phase-locked loop 2
(c) Envelope detector
344. If analog sampling frequency of a band limited
(d) Product demodulator signal is doubled, then the corresponding
DRDO-2008 digital sampling frequency will be
Ans. (b) : Phase locked loop can be used for the (a) π (b) 2π
detection for the non coherent BFSK signal. (c) π/2 (d) None of these
340. Bits of duration Tb are to be transmitted using ISRO Scientist- May, 2017
a BPSK modulation with a carrier of frequency Ans. (a) : The digital frequency (fd) is related to analog
fcHz. The power spectral density of the frequency (f) through the sampling frequency (fs)
transmitted signal has the first null at the 2πf
normalized frequency digital frequency (fd) =
(a) f − f c Tb = 0 (b) f − f c Tb = 1 When analog sampling is doubled.
(c) f − f c Tb = 2 (d) f − f c Tb = 4 f s = 2f
Ans. (c) : Bandwidth of BPSK (BW) = 2fb digital frequency (fd) =
1 digital frequency (fd) = π
f – fc= 2 ×
Tb 345. Which signaling scheme is most affected by
f − f c Tb = 2 noise?
(a) ASK (b) FSK
341. In a QPSK digital signalling scheme : (c) PSK (d) QAM
(a) 4 data bits are transmitted per channel Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2015, Paper-III
symbol. Ans. (a) : ASK signaling scheme is most affected by noise
(b) 4 different carrier frequencies are used. as minimum distance between two signaling most is r in
(c) the signals are either orthogonal or antipodal ASK with compare to other modulation technique.
(d) abrupt phase discontinuities between 346. The number of levels required to represent a 6
consecutive symbols are avoided bit quantized output is
BSNL(JTO)-2002 (a) 32 (b) 64
Ans. (d) : Abrupt phase discontinuities between (c) 18 (d) 128
consecutive symbols are avoided in a quadrature phase TANGEDCO AE- 2018
shift keying (QPSK) digital signaling system. Ans. (b) : Given,
Number of bit n = 6
342. For the modulated carrier in a quadrature
amplitude shift keying (QASK) digital system : Number of Quantization levels L = 2n
(a) The transmitted power is independent of data = 26
(b) Every signal is orthogonal to every other L = 64
signal 347. Match the following:
(c) No signal is orthogonal to any other signal Column A Column B
(d) Some signals are orthogonal to some others a. FSK modem 1.2400bps
BSNL(JTO)-2002 b. 4-DPSK modem 2. 9600bps
Ans. (c) : For the modulated carrier in a QASK digital c. 8-DPSK modem 3. 1200bps
system, no signal is orthogonal to any other signal. d. 16 QAM modem 4. 4800bps
Communication System 789 YCT
(a) a-3; b-1, c-4, d-2 (b) a-1; b-3, c-4, d-2 Ans. (b) : Given, Step size ∆ = Z
(c) a-2; b-4, c-1, d-3 (d) a-3; b-2, c-4, d-1 ∆2
UPRVUNL AE-2016 then quantization error (Qe) =
Ans. (a) :
Column A Column B Qe =
a. FSK modem 1200bps 12
b. 4-DPSK modem 2400bps 352. In PCM, if number of bits are changed from n
c. 8-DPSK modem 4800bps to (n+8) then SNR changes by:
(a) 8dB (b) 48dB
d.16 QAM modem 9600bps (c) 16 dB (d) 10 dB
348. The spectral efficiency and bandwidth of BPSK UPRVUNL AE-2016
are ____ and _____ respectively. Ans. (b) : SQNR1 = (1.8 + 6n) dB
(a) 0.5 b/s/Hz, 2fb (b) 1 b/s/Hz, fb
(c) 2 b/s/Hz, fb (d) 1 b/s/Hz, 2fb SQNR2 = [1.8+6(n+8)] n → ( n + 8 )
UPRVUNL AE-2016 = 1.8 + 6n +48
Ans. (a) : For BPSK (2-array PSK), SQNR2 – SQNR1 = 48dB
2f b 2f b 353. Modulation technique used in low speed
BW = = modems is _______.
log 2 M log 2 2 (a) FSK (b) DPSK
BW = 2fb (c) PWM (d) PCM
Spectral efficiency (S.E.) = b
BW Ans. (a) : FSK modulation technique is used in low
speed modems.
= b 354. Which type of encoding is used in USB?
2f b (a) NRZ
S.E. = 0.5 bit/sec-Hz (b) RZ
349. The bandwidth of BFSK is _________ BPSK. (c) Manchester Encoding
(a) Higher than (d) NRZI with bit stuffing
(b) The same as UPRVUNL AE-2016
(c) Lower than Ans. (d) : NRZI with bit stuffing in coding is used in
(d) None of the other options USB.
355. 8 Channel multiplex system has 5 KHz BW
Ans. (a) : The bandwidth of BFSK is higher than speech channels of analog voltage range 0 to –
BPSK. 2V. For 5 mV resolution the minimum number
of bits per sample in each channel and total
350. For a coherent FSK with 32 levels, the BW of system are _______ and ________
probability of bit error is______ the probability
of symbol error. (a) 9 and 360 KHz (b) 9 and 720 KHz
(a) 31 times (b) 1/31 time (c) 9 and 40 KHz (d) 10 and 40 KHz
(c) 2 times (d) 0.5 times UPRVUNL AE-2016
Ans. (b) : Given, Number of channels (N) = 8
Ans. (d) : Given Number of Levels M=32 Resolution = 5mV
As we know, Modulating frequency (fm) = 5kHz
Probability of bit error (Pbe) Range = 0 to +2V
M/2 Range
= × Probability of symbol error ( Pse ) Resolution =
M -1 2n
32 / 2 2
( Pbe ) = × Pse 5mV = n
32 − 1 2
32 / 2 1
Pbe = × Pse 2n −1 =
31 5mV
Pbe ≃ 0.5Pse 2n–1 = 200 ≃ 28
351. In a PCM system, if N is the number of levels n–1=8
and Z is the step size, then mean square n=9
quantization error is given by: Total Bandwidth (BW) = N.n.fs =N.n. 2fm
(a) NZ/12 (b) Z2/12 = 8 ×9 ×2×5
(c) Z2/12N (d) NZ2/12
BW = 720kHz
Communication System 790 YCT
356. OFDM technology is a combination of: 360. What is the sampling rate of a signal when it is
(a) Multicarrier, Multirate Modulation with sampled at every 0.001 sec?
Multiplexing (a) 1 samples/sec (b) 100 samples/sec
(b) Multicarrier, Multisymbol, Multirate (c) 10 samples/sec (d) 1000 samples/ sec
Modulation with Multiplexing TANGEDCO AE- 2018
(c) Multicarrier, Multisymbol Modulation with Ans. (d) : Given, sampling period (Ts) = 0.001Sec
1 1
(d) Multisymbol, Multirate Modulation with So, sampling frequency ( fs ) = = Samples / sec
FDM Ts 0.001
TNTRB AE– 2017 f s = 1000 Samples / sec
Ans. (b) : OFDM technology is a combination of
Multicarrier, Multisymbol, Multirate Modulation with 361. Which one of the following represents the
Multiplexing output signal-to-noise ratio of a uniform
quantizer? (where P denotes average power of
357. In flat-top sampling, a hold circuit is sometimes the message signal m(t) and R denotes number
required. This hold circuit can be designed as a of bits per sample)
sampler followed by
(a) A shunt capacitor 3P 2R 2P 3R
(b) An envelope detector
(a) 2 2 (b) 3 2
m max m max
(c) Parallel RC circuit
(d) A series resistance along with parallel RC 3P R 3P
circuit in shunt
(c) 2 2 (d) 2
m max m max
IES - 2014 ESE-2022
Ans. (a) : This hold circuit can be designed as a sampler
followed by a shunt capacitor. Signal Power
Ans. (a) : Signal to noise ratio =
In flat-top sampling due to the lengthening of the Noise Power
sample, amplitude distortion and delay are introduced P
this distortion is reformed to as the a farther effect and =
occurs during the reconstruction of g(t) from x(t). ( ∆ /12 )
9 ×106 × 9 × 106
30. Microwave links are used for TV transmission
81 81
because :
81× 1012 (a) they have small S/N ratio
= = 1012
81 (b) they produce less phase distortion
(c) they are relatively cheaper
N max = 1012 (d) they are free from impulse noise
26. In microwave relay communication, the IES - 2013
repeater is usually an amplifier for the Ans. (b) : microwave links used for TV transmission
amplification of because links produce less phase distortion during
(a) Carrier signal transmission. Microwave links used point–to–point
(b) Baseband signal communication.
Advance Communication System 819 YCT
31. Usually, microwave signals are not used for Ans. (c) : In ship to ship communication problem of
ionospheric propagation. The reason is : fading can be overcome by using frequency diversity.
(a) Ionospheric layers absorb microwaves Frequency diversity- It is a phenomenon when we
tremendously transmit same message signal at different carrier
(b) Drastic dispersion takes place for microwave frequency.
signals in ionosphere
(c) Scattering prevents propagation of 36.
microwaves through ionosphere
(d) Microwaves penetrate through ionosphere
IES - 2011
Ans. (d) : Microwave signals are not used for
ionospheric propagation because microwaves penetrate
through ionosphere layers. The microwave frequency
lies between 1GHz to 300 GHz. What must be the angle θ of a corner reflector,
32. Microwave frequencies are used for such that an incident wave is reflected in the
communication with deep space probes same direction?
primarily because they do not suffer : (a) 30º (b) 45º
(a) Refraction by ionosphere (c) 60º (d) 90º
(b) Attenuation in space IES - 2007
(c) Velocity distortion and phase distortion Ans. (d) : The angle θ of a corner reflector must be 90º,
(d) Fading such that an incident wave is reflected in the same
IES - 2011 direction.
Ans. (a) : Microwave frequencies are used for
communication with deep space probes primarily
because they do not suffer refraction by ionosphere.
33. In microwave communication systems,
sometimes, the same frequency is used by
separation of signals through vertical and
horizontal polarizations. This technique is 37. Two microwave signals, travelling in the free
generally called space have a path length difference of 3 cm
(a) Steady frequency multiplexing when operating 10 GHz. What is the relative
(b) Variable frequency modulation technique phase difference of the signals?
(c) Frequency reconditioning technique (a) 2π (b) π
(d) Frequency re-uses technique (c) 3π (d) 4π
IES - 2011 IES - 2007
Ans. (d) : In microwave communication system, Ans. (a) : Given,
sometimes, the source frequency is used by the Length difference ∆ = 3cm = 0.03 m
separation of signals through vertical and horizontal
Operating frequency f = 10GHz
polarization this technique is generally called frequency
re-uses technique. 2π
Relative phase difference θ = .∆
34. The main disadvantage of using coaxial cable λ
for microwave signals is its: Where,
(a) Low selectivity (b) Low distrotion
c 3 × 108
(c) High attenuation (d) High sensitivity λ= =
IES - 2010 f 10 × 109
Ans. (c) : The main disadvantage of using coaxial cable λ = 0.03 m
for microwave signal is High attenuation. 2π
At High Frequency (Microwave frequency) Losses θ= × 0.03
(attenuation) will be high. So, coaxial cable is not
suitable for high frequency. θ = 2π
35. A ship to ship communication system is 38. In a dielectric medium of ε1, (given n = ε )
affected by fading. A useful solution which can
what is the expression for the wavelength (λ) of
be used is: a microwave signal ?
(a) A more directional antenna
c nc
(b) A brodband antenna (a) 2 (b)
(c) Use of frequency diversity n f f
(d) Use of space diversity c
(c) (d) None of the above
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-II nf
IES - 2010, 2011 IES - 2007
Advance Communication System 820 YCT
Ans. (c) : Given- Ans. (b) :
Dielectric medium - ε1 List-I List-II
n = ε1 (A) Surface waves – Vertical polarization.
(B) Duct formation – Super refraction.
c (C) Ionospheric – Reflection.
n Propagation
c (D) VLF Propagation – Waveguide mode.
ε1 42. Consider the following statements:
For space communications, the carrier
n frequencies are generally greater than 108
V= = λf
T MHz, because it is desirable
c 1. to avoid interference due to FM band
= λf 2. to penetrate the ionosphere without any
n reflection
c 3. to increase the coverage area
nf 4. to have less skip distance
39. In the terrestrial paths of a microwave Which of the above statements are correct?
communication system, which technique is (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 4
usually adopted to overcome signal loss due to (c) 2 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
earth's curvature? IES - 2002
(a) Link repeaters are arranged with 50 km apart Ans. (a) : The space communications, carrier frequency
(b) Link repeaters are arranged with 500 km are generally greater than 108 MHz.
apart Because-
(c) Signal amplifiers are arranged in every 5 km • To avoid Interference due to FM band
apart • To Penetrate the Ionosphere without any reflection.
(d) Phase correctors are located in every 2 km • To Increase the coverage Area.
IES - 2007 43. A radio station works at 800 kHz and uses
AM. If this is a public broadcast system, it
Ans. (a) : The link repeaters are arranged with 50km should transmit using
apart this technique is usually adopted to overcome
(a) Parabolic reflector to transmit all round
signal loss due to earth curvature.
(b) Turnstile antenna for the required band
40. A duplexer is used for which one of the (c) Half-wave long horizontal wire
(d) A vertical antenna less than quarter for
(a) To couple two antenna in a transmitter with
practical reasons
(b) To isolate the antenna from local oscillator IES - 2001
(c) To prevent interference between two Ans. (a) : Radio station should transmit using parabolic
antennas connected to a receiver reflector to transmit in all around.
(d) To use same antenna for reception or Radio station broadcast with several different types of
transmission interference modulation-
IES - 2007 AM radio station transmit in AM (Amplitude
Ans. (d) : A duplexer is used to allow the same antenna modulation) FM radio station transmit in FM
to be used for reception or transmission without mutual (Frequency Modulation)
interference. 44. Consider the following features:
41. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct 1. Wider bandwidth due to higher frequencies
answer : 2. Smaller component size leading to smaller
List - I List - II systems
3. Existence of low signal losses
A. Surface waves 1. Super refraction 4. Lower interference due to lower signal
B. Duct formation 2. Waveguide mode crowding
C. Ionospheric 3. Vertical Use of RF/microwaves in system application
propagation polarization results in which of these advantages?
D. VLF 4. Reflection (a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 1, 3 and 4
propagation (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 3
Codes : IES - 2000
A B C D Ans. (a) : The advantages of RF/microwaves is system
(a) 3 1 2 4 application-
(b) 3 1 4 2 • Smaller component size leading to smaller system.
(c) 1 3 4 2 • Wider bandwidth due to higher frequencies.
(d) 1 3 2 4
IES – 2002, 1997 • Lower Interference due to lower signal crowding.
Advance Communication System 821 YCT
45. In microwave communication links, the rain- Ans. (d) : A duplexer is used in a radar system to be
drop attenuation experience is mainly due to enable the use of a common antenna for transmission
(a) absorption of microwave energy by water and reception.
(b) resonance absorption of atomic vibration in
water molecules
(c) Scattering of microwaves by collection of
(d) refraction of microwaves through liquid- It is also used to avoid noise interference in the radar
drops lenses formed by rain
49. Which of the following antenna is independent
IES - 1999
of frequency
Ans. (a) : Microwave communication the rain-drop (a) Folded dipole (b) Log periodic
attenuation is caused by absorption of microwave (c) Either of the above (d) All of the above
energy by water vapour. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
46. In an LOS communication system, the ground Ans.(b):Log periodic Antenna is a frequency independent.
below the direct path is the first Fresnel zone 50. For reliable "beyond-the-horizon" microwave
and is smooth reflecting. The phase difference communication, without using repeaters, the
between the direct and receiving waves at the frequency of choice would be:
receiving antenna will be: (a) 1 MHz (b) 30 MHz
(a) 180º (b) 360º (c) 2000 MHz (d) 30,000 MHz
(c) 270º (d) 450º IES - 1997
IES - 1999 Ans. (b) : For reliable "beyond-the-horizon" microwave
communication, without using repeaters, the frequency
Ans. (a) : Phase difference between direct and reflected of choice would be 30 MHz.
wave 180º if direct wave has strength = E and then
51. Transmission of signals in a terrestrial
reflected wave has strength = –E
microwave system is achieved through:
−E = E(180º ) (a) Reflection from the ionosphere
(b) line-of-sight mode
47. In microwave communication, sometimes, (c) Reflection from the ground
microwave signals reach large distance by (d) Diffraction from the stratosphere
following the Earth's curvature. This IES - 1996
phenomenon is called
Ans. (b) : Terrestrial microwave transmission uses
(a) Troposphere scatter highly directional antenna for line-of-sight propagation
(b) Faraday effect paths using frequency in the 4 to 12 GHz range.
(c) Lonosphere reflection 52. Diversity reception is used to :
(d) Ducting (a) Increase receiver sensitivity
Mizoram PSC AE/ SDO-2012, Paper-III (b) Improve receiver selectivity
IES - 1998 (c) Overcome degrading effect of fading
Ans. (d) : In microwave communication, sometimes, (d) Overcome degrading effect of receiver deturning
microwave signals reach large distance by following the IES - 1996
Earth's curvature. This phenomenon is called ducting. Ans. (a) : Diversity reception is used to increase
48. Consider the following statements : receiver sensitivity.
A wireless microphone or sound system using diversity
A duplexer is used in a radar system to reception will switch to the other antenna within
1. Protect the receiver when high power signal microsecond if one antenna experiences noise,
is transmitted providing an improved quality signal with fewer
2. Enable the use of a common antenna for dropouts and noise.
transmission and reception 53. Which one of the following is referred to as
3. Allow the antenna to only receive when the 'night-effect' in radio direction finding.
signals is arriving (a) Error due to additional propagation paths
4. Avoid noise interference in the radar system (b) Site errors due to reflection of energy from
Of these statements nearly objects
(a) 1 and 3 are correct (c) Errors due to bats flying
(b) 3 and 4 are correct (d) Errors due to fog
(c) 1 and 4 are correct IES - 1996
(d) 2 and 4 are correct Ans. (b) : Night-effect in radio direction finding to side
IES - 1998 errors due to reflection of energy from nearly objects.
Advance Communication System 822 YCT
54. In a homogeneous non-magnetic dielectric 56. A communication link operating at 3 GHz has
medium of dielectric constant 9.0, the a 22.5 W transmitter connected to an antenna
propagation delay per unit length is: of 2.5 m2 effective aperture. The receiving
(a) 5 ps/mm (b) 10 ps/mm antenna has effective aperture of 0.5 m2 and is
(c) 1 ns/mm (d) 5 ns/mm located at 15 km line-of-sight distance from the
IES - 1996 transmitting antenna (assume lossless,
matched antennas). The power delivered to the
Ans. (b) : Given,
receiver is
Dielectric constant εr = 9.0 (a) 12.5 µW (b) 125 µW
c = 3×108m/s (c) 12.5 mW (d) 125 mW
c 3 ×108 3 × 108 IES - 2018
V= = = = 108 m / s
εr 9 3 Ans. (a) : Given, f = 3GHz, Pt = 22.5W
Propagation delay per unit- Aet = 2.5m2, Aer = 0.5m2, d = 15km
1 1 PG
= = 8 Power density at receiver = t dt2
V 10 mm / s 4πd
= 10–11s/mm= 10ps/mm 4π
where, Gdt = 2 × A et
55. Consider the following statements with λ
reference to dipole arrays: c 3 × 108
1. In broadside array, all the dipoles are fed in λ= = = 0.1m
the same phase from the same source f 3 × 109
2. In end-fire array, the magnitude of the 4π
current in each element is same and there is Gdt = × 2.5 = 1000π
( )
no phase difference between these currents 0.1
Which of the above statements is/are correct? 22.5 × 1000π
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only Power density =
4π (15 ×103 )2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
IES - 2019 = 2.5 ×10–5
Ans. (a) : The power delivered to the receiver = Power density
×effective area (Aer).
mψ = 2.5 ×10–5×0.5
Array factor (AF) = 2 = 12.5×10–6W
ψ = 12.5µW
2 57. For a 4-element broadside antenna array, ψ
for 2 element array- equals
ψ (a) sinϕ (b) πcosϕ
AF = 2 cos
2 cot φ
(c) (d) πsinϕ
Maximum radiation - ψ = 0 2π
IES - 2018
δ + β cos φmax = 0 Ans. (b) : Given,
If δ = 0 4-element broadside antenna array-
Maximum radiation Achieved-
Phase different between two antenna is zero,
When -
cosφmax = 0
φmax = ± π / 2 Array phase function
Hence maximum radiation is normal to the array axis, ψ = βd cos φ
so the array is called as brand side array .
δ = ± βd 2π λ
ψ= × cos φ
± βd + βd cos φ = 0 λ 2
cosφmax = ± 1 ψ = π cos φ
φmax = 0, π 58. In a certain material medium, a propagating
Maximum radiation is tangential to the array axis so the electromagnetic wave attains 60% of the
array is called end fire array. velocity of light. The distance at which the
Therefore- electromagnetic wave (f = 10 MHz) will have
the same magnitude for the induction as well
for the broad side array all the dipoles are fed
as the radiation fields is nearly
in the same phase (δ = 0) for end line array the phase
(a) 57.4 m (b) 29.0 m
different the dipoles.
(c) 5.8 m (d) 2.9 m
δ = ± βd
IES - 2018
Advance Communication System 823 YCT
Ans. (d) : Given- Ans. (c) : Given,
Electromagnetic wave = 60% Antenna distance (d) = 28km.
f = 10MHz Transmitter radiation power Prad = 0.1kW
electric field at radial distance is function- full wave dipole. Rrad = 73Ω
I0 dlsin θe jωt Jβ2 β 1 P 0.1×103
Eθ = + 2 − 3 I 2rms = r ad = = 1.369
4πE ωr ωr ωr R rad 73
Radiation field has- I 2rms = 1.369
1 Irms = 1.170A
Eθ ∝
r Imax = 2 × I rms
Induction field-
1 = 2 × 1.170
Eθ ∝ 2 = 1.414 ×1.170
= 1.655A
Electrostatics field-
The electric field strength-
Eθ ∝ 3 60 × Imax 60 × 1.655
r E max = =
Magnitude of induction as well as radiation d 28
E = 3.54mV / m
jωt − jβ r jωt −jωr
I0 dℓ sin θ e e jβ
I dℓ sin θ e e β 61. If an antenna has a main beam with both half
× = 0 × power beam widths equal to 20º, its directivity
4πε ωr 4πε ωr 2
(D) is nearly :
β2 β (a) 90.6 (b) 102.5
ωr ωr 2 (c) 205 (d) 226
1 IES - 2016
r= Ans. (b) : Given,
Both half power beam width-
r= θE = 20
θH = 20
λ= Since half power beam width small
f Directivity-
0.6 × 3 ×108 41257 41257
λ= D= =
10 × 106 θE × θH 20 × 20
λ = 18m
D = 103.14
r= 62. For the microwave antenna
(a) Shape only depends on the frequency range
r ≃ 2.9 m used
59. The maximum radiation for an endfire array (b) Size only depends on the frequency range
occurs at used
(c) Neither shape nor size depend on the
(a) ϕ0 = 0 (b) φ0 = frequency range used
2 (d) Both shape and size depend on the frequency
π 3π range used
(c) φ0 = − (d) φ0 =
2 2 IES - 2015
IES - 2017 Ans. (d) : A microwave antenna is designed to receive
Ans. (a) : In an end-fire array the maximum radiation and transmit electromagnetic radiation with
occurs at 0º or 180º (along the axis of the array). wavelengths between Infrared (IR) radiation and radio
In broad side array the maximum radiation is waves. A microwave antenna both size are shape
perpendicular to the axis of array ( or 90º). depend on the frequency range used.
60. The field strength at the receiving antenna 63. The antenna efficiency of a λ / 8 long dipole
location at a distance of 28 km from a half antenna is 89.159%. The equivalent loss
wave dipole transmitter radiating 0.1 kW is: resistance of the antenna is
(a) 1.5 mV/m (b) 2.5 mV/m (a) 1.5 Ω (b) 15 Ω
(c) 3.5 mV/m (d) 4.5 mV/m (c) 12.33 Ω (d) 125 Ω
IES - 2017 IES - 2015, 1999
Advance Communication System 824 YCT
Ans. (a) : Given, Distance(R) = 1km.= 103m
λ c 3 × 108
Antenna dipole length ( dℓ ) = λ= = = 1m
8 f 300 ×106
Antenna efficiency (η) = 89.159% λ
2 Pr = G t G r × Pt
dℓ 4πR
Radiation resistance (Rrad) = 80π
λ 1
2 = 1 × 1 3
× 2000
λ 4π× 10
= 80π
8× λ Pr = 12.7µW
Rrad = π2 66. The ideal gain of a parabolic antenna of
4 diameter 10 m for a wavelength of 316 cm is
Rrad = 12.33Ω (a) 20 dB (b) 30 dB
R rad (c) 40 dB (d) 60 dB
Antenna efficiency (η) = × 100 IES - 2015
R rad + R Loss
Ans. (a) : Given,
89.159 12.33 Diameter (d) = 10 m
100 12.33 + R Loss wavelength (λ) = 316 cm.
RLoss = 13.83 –12.33 r = 5m
R Loss = 1.5Ω η4πA e
64. A small elemental wire antenna is excited with
η = 1(ideal)
a sinusoidal current of frequency 1 MHz. The
induction field and radiation field are at equal
distance d from the antenna. The value of d 4π× π(5)2 9.86 × 100
will be nearly G = = ≃ 100
(3.16)2 9.98
(a) 300 m (b) 50 m
G(dB) = 10 log10 100
(c) 150 m (d) 20 m
IES - 2015 G = 20 dB
Ans. (b) : Given, 67. Current required to radiate 100W of power at
f = 1MHz = 1×106Hz 100 MHz from 0.01 m dipole will be
c (a) 131 A (b) 141 A
λ= (c) 151 A (d) 161 A
IES - 2015
3 × 108 BEL - 2015
1×106 Ans. (c) : Given,
λ = 300m P = 100W, I = 0.01m, f = 100MHz
λ c 3 ×10 8
d= λ= =
2π f 100 × 106
300 λ = 3m
2 × 3.14 Prad I
I 2rms = ∵ Irms = 0
80π ( I / λ )
= 47.74 2
d ≃ 50m 100
I 2rms =
65. A transmitting antenna with a 300 MHz 0.01
above 30MHz (VHF rang). A discone antenna consists Maximum received power PR = PT × DT ×DR
of three main part- 4πR
the disc, the cone and the insulator. 3
= 1×103 × 1.64 × 1.64 3
4π ×100 ×10
PR = 1.53 ×10–8W
80. An antenna located on the surface of a flat
earth transmits an average power of 200 kW.
Assuming that all the power is radiated
A discone is a wide band antenna because it is a uniformly over the surface of a hemisphere
constant angle antenna. with the antenna at the center, the time
A discone is a omni-directional antenna but has a low average Poynting vector at 50 km is
gain it is used mostly as a VHF and UHF receiving and 2
transmitting antenna at airport. (a) zero (b) ar , W / m2
76. For an antenna, Radiation Intensity is defined 40 40
as (c) µW / m 2 (d) a r , µW / m 2
(a) the time-averaged power per unit solid angle π π
(b) the peak radiated power per unit solid angle IES - 2011
(c) the peak radiated power per unit area Ans. (d) : Given,
(d) the time-averaged radiated power per unit area Transmit power (Pt) = 200 kW
IES - 2013 Poynting vector at = 50km
Ans. (a) : Radiation intensity is defined as the time- Pt
Pavg =
averaged power per unit solid angle. Area
77. The waveguide modes are usually excited from Pt 200 × 103 2 × 105
a signal source through: = = =
(a) an antenna (b) an aperture 2πr 2
2π(50 ×10 )
3 2
2π × 25 ×108
(c) a coaxial cable (d) free space coupling 40
IES - 2013 Pavg = a r µW / m 2
Ans. (c) : The waveguide modes are usually excited
from a signal source through a coaxial cable. Poynting vector will be directed .
78. An elliptically (arbitrarily) polarized wave can 81. The characteristic impedance of a TV
be broken up into receiving antenna cable is 300Ω. If the
(a) Two circularly polarized components conductors are made of copper separated by
rotating in same direction air and are 1 mm thick, what is the phase
(b) Two circularly polarized components velocity and phase constant when receiving
rotating in opposite directions VHF channel 3(63 MHz) and VHF 69(803
(c) Two stationary circularly polarized components
(a) 1.32 rad/m and 17.82 rad/m
(d) None of these
(b) 1.52 rad/m and 16.82 rad/m
IES - 2012 (c) 1.52 rad/m and 17.82 rad/m
Ans. (b) : The elliptically (arbitrarily) polarized Wave (d) 1.32 rad/m and 16.82 rad/m
can be broken up into two circularly polarized
IES - 2011
components rotating in opposite directions.
Ans. (d) : Given,
79. A communication link is to be set up between
two stations 100km as part using λ/2 antenna Impedance of TV receiving Antenna cable = 300Ω
to transmit 1 kW power. The operating f1 = 63 MHz
frequency is 100 MHz and the directivity of the f2 = 803MHz
two antenna is 1.64. The maximum received 3 × 10 8
B. d 2.
= 0.5, α = 0º
λ 92. In a three elements Yagi antenna.
(a) All the three elements are of equal length
C. d 3. (b) The driven element and the director are of
= 0.5, α = 180º equal length but the reflector is longer than
λ both of them
(c) The reflector is longer than the driven
D. d 4. element which in turn is longer than the
= 1.0, α = 180º director
λ (d) The reflector is longer than the driven
element which in turn is longer than the
Codes : reflector
A B C D IES - 2010
(a) 4 3 1 2 Ans. (c) : In the Yagi-Uda antenna, there are mainly
(b) 2 1 3 4 three element reflector, directors, Drive element.
(c) 4 1 3 2 Length of different element is -
(d) 2 3 1 4 Reflector >driven element > director
IES - 2010 It is the most popular and easy to use type of antenna
Ans. (d) : Given, with better performance which is famous for it high
gain and directivity.
(A) = 0.25 93. A half-wave dipole working at 100 MHz in free
λ space radiates a power of 1000 Watts. The
α = 90º field strength at a distance of 10 km in the
ψ = βd cos θ + α direction of maximum radiation is
Put the value- (a) 1.73 mV/m (b) 2.12 mV/m
ψ = 2π×0.25cosθ +π/2 (c) 2.22 mV/m (d) 22.2 mV/m
ψ = (cos θ +1)π/2 IES - 2010
Array factor |AF| = cos [π/4 cos θ+1] Ans. (d) : Given-
Radiated power Prad = 1000W
Distance R = 10 km = 104m
Directive gain for dipole antenna GD = 1.64
η = 377 Ω = 120π
(B) Given- Average Power Density of dipole antenna
d 2
= 0.5 , α = 0º 1 E0 Prad × G D
λ = 2
2 η 4 πR
ψ = βd cos θ + α
ψ = π/2 cos + 0º 2 2 × η × Prad × G D
E0 = 2
|AF| = cos [π/4 cosθ]
4 πR
2 × 120π × 1000 × 1.64
4π 10 ( )
4 2
2 −4
E 0 = 9.84 × 10
(C) Given-
d/λ = 0.5, α = 180º E = 0.0313V / m
ψ = βd cos + α = α/2 cosθ + π 0
ε r2 = 81
2 1 ε r1 = 1
= 80 × (3.14) ≃ 0.877
P1 ε r1
Rrad ≈ 0.88Ω =
P2 ε r2
Radiated Power (Pr) = I2 × Rrad= 1 × 0.88
Pr = 0.88W P1 1
128. A Yagi antenna has a driven antenna P2 81
(a) only
(b) with a reflector P2 = (81)P1
(c) with one or more directors The radiation power is increased 81 times therefore the
(d) with a reflector and one or more directors power will increase with the dielectric constant with the
IES - 2000 same excitation.
Advance Communication System 836 YCT
132. For identifying a radar target in a non-lossy d
medium, if the range of the target is to be DBroad side = 2 (1 + L / d )
doubled; the RF power radiated must be λ
increased by = 2(L/d).d/λ ∵ (L >>d)
(a) 2 times (b) 4 times = 2(L/λ)
(c) 8 times (d) 16 times gain (G) = 6 (D/λ)2
IES - 1999 G/6 = D/λ
Ans. (d) : A radar target in a non-Lossy medium-
R ∝ (Prad)1/4 25.119 × 103
D/λ = = 64.703
R2 = 2R1 6
1/ 4 Bandwidth = 140×λ/D
R 1 Prad1
= = 140 ×
R 2 Prad2 64.703
4 Bandwidth = 2.163
R1 Prad1
= 135. A system has receiver noise resistance of 50Ω.
R2 Prad2 It is connected to an antenna with an input
Prad1 resistance of 50Ω. The noise figure of the
= system is
2R1 Prad2 (a) 1 (b) 2
Prad1 (c) 20 (d) 101
= IES - 1999
2 Prad 2 Ans. (b) : Given-
Prad2 = 16 Prad 1 Ri = 50Ω
R0 = 50Ω
133. A broadside array operating at 100 cm
( SNR )i R
wavelength consists of 4 half-wave dipoles F= = 1+ i
spaced 50 cm apart. Each element carries (SNR) 0 R 0
radio frequency current in the same phase and
50 100
of magnitude 0.5A. The radiated power will be F = 1+ =
(a) 146 W (b) 73 W 50 50
(c) 36.5 W (d) 18.25 W F=2
IES - 1999
136. Two LOS antennas having power gains of G1
Ans. (c) : Given, and G2 are separated by a distance 'L' λ is the
d = 50 cm, λ = 100 cm, I = 0.5A operating wavelength if Pt is the transmitted
Radiation resistance (Rrad) = 73Ω (for half wave dipole) power and Pr is the power received, then the
Prad = 4I 2rms R rad ratio Pt/Pr will be proportional to
2 2
2 L G1 L
(a) G1G 2 (b)
= 4× × R rad λ G2 λ
2 2
.25 G2 L λ
= 4× × 73 (c) (d) G1G 2
2 G1 λ L
Prad = 2×0.25×73 IES - 1998
Prad = 36.5W Ans. (d) :
134. An antenna has a gain of 44 dB. Assuming that
the main beam of the antenna is circular in
cross-section, the beam width will be
(a) 0.4456º (b) 1.4456º
Given- GT = G1 , GR= G2
(c) 2.4456º (d) 3.4456º
Receiving power-
IES - 1999
Ans. (c) : Given- PR = T T 2 R .A e
gain (G)dB = 44dB. = 25.119×103 4πL
d λ2
Dbroad side = 2N Ae =
λ 4λ
When - PT G T G R λ 2
N = (1 + L / d ) PR =
(a) I0 (b) I 20
9 × 10−3
(c) I30 (d) I1/0 2 =
IES - 1997 9 × 10−3
Ans. (b) : Given- =
Carrying current- I0ejωt ( 3 ×10 )−2 2
I0 = 10.0.6A
Gr = η D r (η =1) I0 ≃ 10A
Ans. (c) : Given-
A distance of λ/4 in the H-plane-
Both dipoles are horizontally Isotropic in the H-plane
2πs 2πs ψ = βd cos θ + α
(a) 2cos (b) 2sin
λ λ 2π λ π
= . cos θ +
πs πs λ 4 2
(c) 2 cos (d) 2sin π π
λ λ ψ = cos θ +
GATE-2003 2 2
Ans. (d) : Given-
θ= between x & y plane- cosθ = –1 , θmax = 180º
2 ψ =π
α = 180º
cosθ = 1 , θNP = 0
d = 2s ψ = π/ 2
ψ = β d cos θ + 2 cosθ = 0 , θNP = 90º/270º
= 20π2
50 × 600 × 103
(c) ∫∫ ( )
Re P .ndS ˆ remains constant at any radial
2 S
= 20π2 ×
×2 (d)
∫∫ ( )
Re P .ndS ˆ decreases with increasing
η = 70% π/ 2
Prad = ∫ cos 4 θ sin θd θ
9 0
f = 20GHz = 20 ×10 Hz π/ 2
C = 3 ×10 m/s8
Prad = 2π∫ cos 4 θ sin θ dθ
D = 1m π/ 2
cos 5 θ
3 × 108 Prad = −2π
λ= = 1.5 cm 5 0
20 ×109
2 Prad = 2π/5
D Formula-
G = ηπ2
λ 4πVmax
9 2
1× 20 × 10 Prad
G = 0.7π2
3 × 10 4πVmax
G = 30674.31 2π
G(dB) = 10log10 (30705.43) 5
= 45dB = 10Vmax = 10
179. Consider the following statements regarding In dB directivity = 10 log1010
the complex Pointing vector P for the power = 10 dB
radiated by a point source in an infinite
181. Match Column A with Column B.
homogenous and lossless medium. Re P ( ) Column-A Column-B
denotes the real part of P , S denotes a 1. Point P. Highly
spherical surface whose centre is at the point electromagnetic directional
source, and n̂ denotes the unit surface normal source
on S. Which of the following statements is 2. Dish antenna Q. End fire
TRUE? 3. Yagi-Uda antenna R. Isotropic
Advance Communication System 846 YCT
P Q R 184. The far-zone power density radiated by a
(a) 1 2 3 helical antenna is approximated as :
(b) 2 3 1 1
(c) 2 1 3 Wrad = Waverage = aˆ r C0 2 cos 4 θ
(d) 3 2 1 r
Ans. (b) : The radiated power density is symmetrical
Point electromagnetic source – Isotropic with respect to φ and exists only in the upper
Dish Antenna – Highly directional π
hemisphere 0 ≤ θ ≤ ;0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π; C0 is a
Yagi-Uda Antenna – End fire. 2
182. The directivity of an antenna array can be constant. The power radiated by the antenna
increased by adding more antenna elements, as (in watts) and the maximum directivity of
a larger number of elements
antenna respectively are
(a) improves the radiation efficiency
(b) increases the effective area of the antenna (a) 1.5 C0, 10 dB (b) 1.256 C0, 10 dB
(c) results in a better impedance matching (c) 1.256 C 0 , 12 dB (d) 1.5 C0, 12 dB
(d) allows more power to be transmitted by the GATE-2016
antenna Ans. (b) : Given,
Ans. (b) : As a larger number of elements increases the Wrad= Waverage = â r C0 2 cos 4 θ
effective area of the antenna, the directivity of an antenna r
array increases by adding more antenna elements. Power radiated= ∫ Wrad .dS
Effective area (Ae) = D dS = r 2 sin θdθdφ.aˆ r
Where D = Directivity π / 2 2π 1
Power radiated = ∫ ∫ cos 4 θ.C 0 .r 2 sin θdθdφ
D ↑ then A e ↑ θ= 0 φ= 0 r 2
1/ 2
∫ ∫
φ=−π / 2 θ= −π / 2
G(θ, φ) dφ dθ ≤ 4π
R max1 Ae Hence the correct option (c)
= 1
R max 2 Ae 224. A broadside array operating at 100 cm
2 wavelength consist of 4 half wave dipoles
1/ 2 spaced 50 cm apart. Each element carries
R max1 A
= e radio frequency current in the same phase and
R max 2 2A e of magnitude 0.5A. The radiated power will be
_______ if the radiation resistance is 146 ohm
R max 2 = 2R max1 (a) 146 W (b) 73 W
(c) 36.5 W (d) 18.25 W
221. A certain antenna with an efficiency of 95% ISRO Scientist Engg.-2011
has maximum radiation intensity of 0.5 W/sr.
Ans. (b) : Given-
The directivity of the antenna fed by input
power of 0.4 W Radiation resistance (Rrad) = 146Ω
(a) 16.53 (b) 12.2 0.5
I rms =
(c) 10.36 (d) 11.31 2
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2013 Prad = 4I 2rms R rad
Ans. (a) : Given- 2
η = 95%, Pin = 0.4W, Umax = 0.5 W/sr 0.5
= 4 × 146
4πU max 4π× 0.5 2
Gain = = = 5π
Pin 0.4 4 × 0.25 × 146
gain 5π 2
Directive antenna (D) = = = 16.53
η 0.95 Prad = 73W
with predetermined frequency and phase which is 241. Directive gain of an antenna is
generated using extra circuitry. Synchronous detection (a) Inversely proportional to the beam width
helps in extracting weak signals from noise. (b) Directly proportional to the beam width
Advance Communication System 856 YCT
(c) independent of the beamwidth Ans. (c) : Beam width of parabolic antenna-
(d) always constant 2 ( 70λ ) c
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017 = ∵ λ =
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2015 d f
Ans. (a) : Directivity is the measure of the 2 × 70 × 3 × 108
concentration of an antenna radiation pattern in a 1×109
particular direction. = 42º
Directive gain of an antenna is Inversely proportional to 50º is the nearest value in option.
the beam width. 249. Which of the following is not used as a
242. Impedance of a half wave folded dipole microwave mixer or detector?
antenna is (a) PIN diode (b) crystal diode
(a) 75 ohms (b) 150ohms (c) Schottky diode (d) backward diode
(c) 300ohms (d) none of these Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III Ans. (a) : PIN diode is used in handling microwave
Ans. (c) : The dipole has approximately 73Ω power as a duplexer in designing of transmit receive
impedance where as the folded dipole consists of switch.
4 times that impedance or approximately 300Ω. 250. If antenna diameter is increased four times,
243. The length of the directors of a Yagi antenna the maximum range is increased by a factor of
should be .............. that of the driven element . (a) 2 (b) 2
(a) greater than (b) less then (c) 4 (d) 8
(c) equal to (d) independent to Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III Ans. (c) : R ∝ D
Ans. (b) : The length of the directors of a Yagi antenna If Diameter is increase 4 times then maximum range of
should be less then that of the driven element radar increase by factor of 4 times.
244. Which of the following antennas are not 251. Microwave resonators are used in
frequency independent? (a) microwave oscillators
(a) folded dipole (b) half wave dipole (b) microwave narrow band amplifiers
(c) parabolic reflector (d) helical antenna (c) microwave frequency meters
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III (d) All of the above
Ans. (a) : Folded dipole antennas are not frequency Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
independent Ans. (d) : microwave resonant are used in microwave
245. The main advantage of using microwaves for oscillator, microwave narrow band width amplifiers and
communication is microwave frequency meters.
(a) Large bandwidth (b) Small bandwidth 252. Most commonly used antenna with television
(c) Low power (d) High power receivers
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III (a) Loop antenna (b) Rhombic antenna
(c) V-antenna (d) Yagi-antenna
Ans. (a) : The main advantage of using microwave for
communication is large bandwidth. Mizoram PSC IOLM-2018, Paper-III
246. Microwave are used for Ans. (d) : The antenna widely used with receivers for
locations within 40 km to 60 km from the transmitter is
(a) Telephony (b) Radio broadcast the folded dipole with one reflector and one director,
(c) TV systems (d) All of the above this is commonly known as Yagi-Uda antenna.
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III 253. The effective length of an antenna is measure of
Ans. (d) : Microwave are used for telephony, Ratio (a) Length of antenna neglecting fringing effect
broadcast and TV system. (b) Effectiveness of the antenna as a radiator/
247. As wavelength decreases, the size of the high collector of electromagnetic energy
directivity antenna (c) Power consumed by the antenna
(a) decreases (b) increases (d) Range of the antenna
(c) not affected (d) either (b) or (c) Mizoram PSC IOLM-2018, Paper-III
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III Ans. (b) : The effective length of an antenna is measure
Ans. (b) : Beam area of an antenna and the directivity of Effectiveness of the antenna as a radiator/ collector
of the antenna are inversely proportional, As the beam of electromagnetic energy.
of area is reduced the directivity increase. Current distribution Effective length
248. The width of a radio beam from a 1m diameter Sinusoidal 2lphy
parabolic antenna at 1GHz is about leff =
(a) 100° (b) 50° π
(c) 10° (d) 2° Triangular leff = lphy/2
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III Hertzian dipole leff = lphy
Advance Communication System 857 YCT
254. For a dipole antenna Ans. (c) : With VOC = Open circuit voltage at the
(a) The radiation intensity is maximum along the terminals of an antenna produced by a uniform exciting
normal to the dipole axis
(b) The current distribution along its length is field (E) the relation - OC corresponds to effective
uniform irrespective of the length E
(c) The effective length is equal to its physical length of antenna.
length 259. The 20 m antenna gives a certain uplink gain
(d) The input impedance is independent of the at frequency of 4/6 GHz band for getting same
location of the feed point gain in the 20/30 GHz band, the required size
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2018, Paper-III of antenna is
Ans. (a) : A dipole antenna is a linear antenna usually (a) 8 m (b) 4 m
fed in the centre and producing maximum of radiation (c) 2 m (d) 1 m
in the plane normal to the axis. Radiation intensity is UPSC JWM-2016
maximum along to the normal to the dipole axis.
Ans. (b) : Given as- d= 20m
255. Microwave antenna is of ______.
Uplink frequency (fu) = 4GHz
(a) Pattern type (b) Aperture type
Downlink frequency (fd) = 6GHz
(c) Metallic type (d) None of these
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2018, Paper-III ∵ Antenna diameter (d) inversely proportional to
operating frequency
Ans. (b) : Microwave antenna is used for radiating
microwave signal into space and receiving microwave ∴ d = K. 1 ( K = constant )
antenna is a aperture type antenna. f
256. The maximum effective aperture of an antenna d = K × , d = K × 11
which has directivity of 800- 4 6
(a) 36.36 λ2 (b) 63.6 λ2 ∵ Frequency exceeded by 5 times, so diameter divided
(c) 66.33 λ2 (d) 36.63 λ2 by 5
UPPCL AE-16.11.2013 d 1 K
= K× = …………..(i)
EA × 4A 5 4 × 5 20
Ans. (b) : Directivity A =
λ2 d 1 K
And = K × = ……….. (ii)
EA =
800 2
λ 5 6 × 5 30
4π From equation (i) & (ii)
EA = 63.6λ 2
Size of antenna = =
d 20
= 4m
257. Radiation resistance of a 1/8 wire dipole in free 5 5
space is- 260. In a microwave communication system, if the
(a) 100 Ω (b) 31.84 Ω minimum carrier to noise (C/N) requirements
(c) 17.3252 Ω (d) 12.32 Ω for a receiver with a 10 MHz bandwidth is 22
UPPCL AE-16.11.2013 dB, the minimum receiver carrier power is
2 (a) – 64 dBm (b) – 70 dBm
dℓ (c) – 76 dBm (d) – 82 dBm
Ans. (d) : Rrad = 789.5
λ UPSC JWM-2016
λ Ans. (d) : Carrier to noise (C/N) = 22 dB
Rrad = 789.5 f = 10 MHz, (f ) = 60dB
8λ m m dB
Received power = 22 dB + 60 dB
Rrad = = 82 dBm
261. The directivity of an isotropic antenna is
R rad = 12.33Ω (a) 1 dB (b) 0 dB
258. With VOC = open circuit voltage at the (c) 4π dB (d) π/2 dB
terminals of an antenna produced by a UJVNL AE-2016
uniform exciting field (E), what does the Ans. (b) : The directivity of an isotropic antenna is 0 dB
V 262. Which antenna is used in mobile handsets?
relation - OC correspond to?
E (a) Dish (b) Microstrip
(a) Physical length of antenna (c) Yagi (d) None of above
(b) Radiation range of antenna UKPSC Assistant Radio Officer Screening Exam.-2011
(c) Effective length of antenna Ans. (b) : Microstrip antenna with used in mobile
(d) Distance at which first null occurs handset. In microstrip antenna standard characteristic
UPSC JWM-2016 impedance is around 50 ohm.
Advance Communication System 858 YCT
263. In parametric amplifier used in microwave Ans. (b) : P = I2R watt
communication systems, the gain is mainly
P 5 × 103
restricted by R= 2Ω = = 50 Ω
(a) Ambient temperature (b) Pump frequency I 100
(c) Pump bandwidth (d) Pump energy 267. What is the directivity of the isotropic
UKPSC Assistant Radio Officer Screening Exam.-2011 antenna?
Ans. (d) : In parametric amplifier used in microwave (a) 1 (b) 2
communication system, the gain is mainly restricted by (c) 3 (d) 4
Pump energy. TNPSC AE-2014
264. A parabolic antenna having a circular mouth Ans. (a) : The directivity of an antenna is defined as the
is to have a power gain of 600 at λ = 10 cm. power density of the antenna in its direction of
What is its half power beam width? maximum radiation in three-dimensional space divided
by its average power density. The directivity of the
(a) 60 (b) 70 hypothetical isotropic radiator is 1 or 0 dB.
(c) 10 (d) 6
268. An isotropic antenna radiating 100 W of
TNPSC AE-2014 power, the power density at 2000 m from the
Ans. (d) : Parabolic Disk Antenna: source is
2 (a) 7.96 µW/m2 (b) 1.99 mW/m2
Gain = 6 (c) 2.99 µW/m 2
(d) 1.99 µW/m2
D Ans. (d) : An isotropic radiator is an hypothetical
600 = 6
10 antenna that generates a uniform field, i.e. energy flows
with equal strength in all directions.
D = 100
The power density on a sphere of radius r is
Half Power Beam width = 60 Pt
D Sr = , W / m2
4πr 2
10 100
hence, beam width = 60 =6
100 = = 1.99 µW / m 2
4π× 4 ×106
265. A high frequency radio link has to be 269. The impedance of 3– element Yagi receiving
established between two points on the earth antenna is around
200 Km away. The reflection region of the (a) 75 ohms (b) 300 ohms
ionosphere is at height of 200 Km and has a (c) 50 ohms (d) 750 ohms
critical frequency of 6 MHz. What is the MUF TNPSC AE-2014
for the given path?
Ans. (b) : Yagi-Uda antenna is the most commonly
(a) 1.25 MHz (b) 6.7 MHz used type of antenna for TV reception.
(c) 2 MHz (d) 13.4 MHz In a three element Yagi antenna the reflector is longer
TNPSC AE-2014 than the driven element which in turn is longer than the
Ans. (b) : The maximum frequency returned at a 0 take director. The impedance of 3-element Yagi receiving
off angle is called the maximum usable frequency antenna is around 300 ohms.
(MUF). The critical frequency and the MUF are related 270. The maximum usable frequency is _______ for
by the angle of incidence of θ
fe (a) Critical frequency × sin θ
MUF = (b) Critical frequency × tan θ
R (c) Critical frequency × cos θ
R+h (d) Critical frequency × sec θ
Where, R = earth's radius TNPSC AE-2014
h = height of the ionosphere Critical frequency
Ans. (d) : MUF =
6 cos θ
MUF = = 6.92MHz
2 MUF = Critical frequency × secθ
1− where, MUF = Maximum Usable Frequency
200 + 200 θ = Angle of Incidence
266. What is the radiation resistance of an antenna 271. Frequency range of microwave is given by
which is drawing 10 amps current and (a) 30 cm - 1 mm
radiating 5 KW? (b) 0.1 GHZ - 30 GHZ
(a) 75 Ω (b) 50 Ω (c) 1 GHZ - 300 GHZ
(c) 377 Ω (d) 60 Ω (d) More than 300 GHZ
Advance Communication System 859 YCT
Ans. (c) : Frequencies range for microwaves is given by 278. In microwave frequencies, a cavity may be
1 GHz to 300 GHz and wave length of about 30 cm to considered as a
1 mm. (a) Low-pass filter (b) High-pass filter
272. An antenna is synonymous to a (c) Band-pass filter (d) Band-stop filter
(a) generator (b) reflector Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2016, Paper-II
(c) transducer (d) regulator Ans. (b) : A microwave cavity is known as radio wave
TNPSC AE-2013 frequency. Hence it is a high pass filter. It consist of a
Ans. (c) : An antennas convert electrical parameters closed metal structure that confines electromagnetic
into electromagnetic parameters and vice versa. Hence fields in microwave region of the spectrum.
an antenna can be regarded as transducer or sensors. 279. Troposcatters antenna generally used is
273. The rectangular metal box can be used as (a) Horn antenna (b) Parabolic antenna
resonator at (c) Yagi antenna (d) Hellical antenna
(a) Radio frequency Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2016, Paper-II
(b) Microwave frequency Ans. (b) : Troposcatters antenna generally used is
(c) Power frequency parabolic Antenna.
(d) Low frequency 280. For which of the following reasons top-loading
TNPSC AE-2013 is sometimes used with an antenna
Ans. (b) : A rectangular metal box can be used as (a) To increase its effective height
resonator at microwave frequency. A cavity resonator is (b) To increase its bandwidth
a useful microwave device. (c) to decrease it s radiation resistance
274. In an end fire array with antenna spacing of (d) To decrease its input impedance
λ/4, the elements are fed Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
(a) in phase (b) 90º out of phase Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012, Paper-III
(c) 180º out of phase (d) at random Ans. (a) : Top loading is sometime used with an
TNPSC AE-2013 antenna to increase its effective height.
Ans. (b) : In the end fire array with antenna spacing of 281. A loop antenna is commonly used for which of
λ/4, the element are fed 90º out of phase. For end fire the following
array phase excitation difference (β = ± kd) (a) Satellite communication
275. A typical radar antenna has beam width of (b) Radar
about (c) Direction finding
(a) 1º (b) 2º (c) 3º (d) 5º (d) None of the above
TNPSC AE-2013 Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
Ans. (b) : A typical radar antenna has beam width is Ans. (c) : A loop Antenna is commonly used for
about to 2º. Beam width of a radar is the area where direction finding.
most of power is radiated, which is weak power. 282. An antenna above critical frequency is
276. The nominal uplink and downlink frequency (a) Resistive (b) Capacitive
of earth station's antenna in the C band are (c) Inductive (d) Any of the above
(a) 6 GHz, 4 GHz (b) 4 GHz, 6 GHz Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
(c) 14 GHz, 12 GHz (d) 12 GHz, 14 GHz Ans. (c) : An Antenna above critical frequency is act as
TNPSC AE-2013 a inductive.
Ans. (a) : The nominal uplink and downlink 283. Which of the following is not a reason for the
frequencies of earth stations antenna in the C band are 6 use of antenna coupler
GHz and 4 GHz. (a) To discriminate against harmonics
• Uplink frequency = transmission of signal from (b) To make the antenna link resistive
station to satellite. (c) To prevent reradiation of the local oscillator
• Downlink frequency = transmission of signal from (d) To provide the output amplifier with the
satellite to station. current load impedances
277. A microphone which has extremely high Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
impedance, low distortion and excellent Ans. (d) : To provide the output amplifier with the
frequency and dynamic response is current load impedance is not a reason for the us of
(a) Moving coil microphone antenna coupler.
(b) Capacitor microphone 284. Zoning is used with a dielectric antenna for
(c) Ribbon microphone which of the following purpose?
(d) Crystal microphone (a) To increase the bandwidth of the lens
MPPSC Forest Service Exam.-2014 (b) To permit pin-point focusing
Ans. (b) : The condenser microphones is favoured for (c) To correct the curvature of the wave front
vehicle noise investigation because of its frequency from a horn that is to short
response. A capacitor microphones has high impedance low (d) To reduce the bulk of the lens
distortion and excellent frequency and dynamic response. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
Advance Communication System 860 YCT
Ans. (b) : Zoning is used with a dielectric Antenna to Ans. (b) : Magnetrons are capable of generating
permit pin-point focusing. extremely high frequencies they are an important source
285. A duplexer is used to of power in radar system and in microwave ovens.
(a) Couple two antennas to a transmitter 291. A parabolic dish antenna has a conial beam 2º,
(b) Isolate the antenna from the local oscillator wide, the directivity of the antenna is
(c) Prevent interference between two antennas approximately
connected to receiver (a) 20 dB (b) 30 dB (c) 40 dB (d) 50 dB
(d) Use an antenna for reception or transmission Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-II
without interference 41253
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2015, Paper-III Ans. (c) : Directivity =
Bandwidth(θ) × Bandwidth(φ)
Ans. (d) : A duplexer is used to use an antenna for
reception or transmission without interference. Where-
286. Which of the following is taken as reference BW (θ) = BW (φ) = 2º
antenna for directive gain? 41253
D= = 10,313 ≃ 10000
( 2)
(a) ½ wave dipole (b) elementary doublet
(c) isotropic antenna (d) infinitesimal dipole
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2015, Paper-III D(dB) = 10 log(10) 4
Ans. (c) : Isotopic antenna is taken as reference antenna D = 40 dB
for directive gain directivity of isotopic antenna is
always 1. 292. The approximate dimensions for a square path
287. Microwave device used as an oscillator within antenna, for a frequency of 2 GHz on a
the frequency range 10–1000 GHz is substrate with a relative permittivity of 2 are :
(a) Step recovery diode (b) Gunn diode (a) 50 mm × 50 mm (b) 100 mm × 100 mm
(c) Schottky diode (d) IMPATT diode (c) 75 mm × 75 mm (d) 25 mm × 25 mm
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)- 2016, Paper-I MPSC HOD Govt. Poly. -2013
Ans. (b) : Gunn diode are used to built oscillator in the C
10GHz to 1000 GHz frequency range. Ans. (c) : f =
288. For an earth station, transmitter with an 3 × 108 3
antenna output power of 40 dBW (10,000W), a λ = , λ = × 10−1
back-off loss 3 dB, a total branching and 2 × 10 × 2
feeder loss of 3 dB and transmit antenna gain λ = 0.75 × 10−1 m
of 4 dB, the effective isotropic radiated power λ = 75mm
(EIRP) will be
(a) 38 dBW (b) 40 dBW λ ×λ = 75mm × 75mm
(c) 36 dBW (d) 47 dBW 293. In a telecommunication trans-receive system,
Sikkim PSC SI (Mains)-2018 the transmitting antenna with antenna
aperture of 1 m is fed with 1 W of power at 10
Ans. (a) : Given- GHz. The receive antenna with antenna
Pt = 40 dBW back off loss = 3dB aperture 0.5 m located at 1 km away receives x
Feeder loss = 3dB Gt = 4dB mW of power. If the transmitting frequency
ERIP = Pt + Gt – Cable loss changes to 20 GHz, what will happen to
= 40 + 4 – (3+3) receive power ?
= 38dBW (a) Increase by 3 dB (b) Increase by 6 dB
289. A transverse electromagnetic wave with (c) Decrease by 3 dB (d) Decrease by 6 dB
circular polarization is received by a dipole ISRO Scientist December, 2017
antenna. Due to polarization mismatch, the Ans. (b) : Given,
power transfer efficiency from the wave to the f1 = 10GHz, f2 = 20GHz, dt = 1M, Dr = 0.5m, Dt = 1W
antenna is reduced to about
(a) 50% (b) 35.3% PRe = t 2t × A e
(c) 25% (d) 0% 4πd
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-II Received power is
Ans. (d) : Polarization mismatch means that if the P1 f12
wave is left circular polarized & the antenna is right = 2
circular polarized resulting in zero power transfer P 2 f2
efficiency. P1 10
4π× 36500 (a) far-field (b) near-field
3 (c) close-field (d) Out of reach
Pr = 2.1877 ×10−9 × 55 × 35
140 × 4π× 36500 BSNL (JTO)-2006
Pr = 1×103W Ans. (a) : Given-
D = 3m
Pr = 1kW
c = 3×108
307. A parabolic dish antenna with an efficiency of c 3 × 108
55% and an operating frequency of 10 GHz λ= = ⇒λ=3
f 100 × 106
has a gain of 43.82 dB. Its diameter is :
Put value-
(a) 1 m (b) 2 m
2D2 2 × ( 3)
(c) 4 m (d) 8 m
= = 6m
BSNL(JTO)-2002, 2001 λ 3
Ans. (b) : Given- d = 1/2 km = 500m
η = 55% , f = 10GHz The aircraft is in the far-field region.
gain (10log G) = 43.82dB ⇒G=(10) 43.82/10 310. For an antenna to be frequency-independent,
it should expand or contract in proportion to
3 ×108 3 the
λ= =
10 ×109 100 (a) gain (b) directivity
Gain parabolic dish antenna (c) wavelength (d) impedance
2 BSNL (JTO)-2006
G = 6 Ans. (d) : For an antenna to be frequency- Independent, it
λ should expand or contract in proportion the impedance.
Advance Communication System 864 YCT
311. A 1 km long microwave link uses two 315. An antenna is fed with 200 π W power. The
antennas, each having 30 dB of gain. If the efficiency of the antenna is 75%. If the
power transmitted by one antenna is 1 W at radiation pattern of the antenna is
3GHz, the power received by the other
antenna is approximately equal to: sin 2θ × sin 2 φ for 0 ≤ θ ≤ π ( azimuth angle )
(a) 15.85 µW (b) 63.4 µW P ( θ, φ ) = and 0 ≤ φ ≤ π ( elevation angle )
(c) 0.5 µW (d) 31.7 µW 0 elsewhere
UPPCL AE-30.03.2022
TNTRB (EC) 2012 Find the radiation intensity in the direction of
Ans. (b) : Given- maximum radiation.
d = 1km = 1000m PT = 1 watt (a) 225 W/steradian (b) 150 π W/steradian
GT = 30dB = 1000 (c) 200 π W/steradian (d) 250 π W/steradian
c 3 × 10 8 ISRO Scientist Engg.-2018
λ= = = 0.1 Ans.(a): Given as,
f 3 × 109
We know- Pin = 200πω
2 2
λ 0.1 P
P R = P T GT GR = 1 ×1000×1000 η = rad
4πd 4π× 1000 Pin
= 6.34 ×10–5 watt, Prad = 0.75 ( 200π )
PR = 63.4 µ watt
312. Which one of the following statements is not Prad = 150πW
correct regarding SONET networks? Pr ad P
Radiation intensity U ( θ, φ ) = = r ad
(a) A point-to-point network is normally made solid angle Ω A
of an STS multiplexer. π π
(b) A linear synchronous optical network can be Ω A = ∫ ∫ P ( θ, φ ) sin θdθdφ
θ= 0 φ= 0
point-to-point or multipoint.
π π
(c) The signal flow can be unidirectional or =
∫ ∫0 sin sin φ sin θdθdφ
bidirectional. 0
(d) A multipoint network uses STS multiplexers Ω = π sin 3 θdθ π sin φdφ
to allow the communications between several A ∫0 ∫0
terminals. 2π
ESE-2022 Ω A = 3 Strd.
Ans. (d) : A multipont network uses Add and Drop
P 150π
multipliers to allow the communications between Now, U ( θ, φ ) = r ad =
several terminals. Ω A 2 / 3π
313. Load factor is defined as the ratio of_______ U ( θ, φ ) = 225 W / Steradian
(a) Average Load/Max. Demand
(b) Max. Demand/ Average Demand 316. Regarding end-fire array which of the
(c) Average Demand/ Connected load following statements is incorrect?
(d) Connected load/Max. Demand (a) It is called a linear resonant dipole array
RRB SSE 01.09.2015, Shift-II (b) It has narrow bandwidth
Ans. (a) : Load factor define at the ratio of average load (c) There is no radiation at right angles to the
to the maximum demand- plane of the array
average load (d) It has a dipole spacing of λ/2
Load factor =
max. demand Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) -2015, Paper I
Ans. (b) : The end fire array has sufficient high band
314. A dipole carries RMS current of about 300 A
across the radiation resistance 2Ω. What width & there is no radiation at right angle to the plane
would be the power radiated by an antenna? of the array.
(a) 135 kW (b) 200 kW 317. In a microwave test bench, why is the microwave
(c) 90 kWs (d) 180 kW signal amplitude modulated at 1 kHz?
RRB JE-01.09.2019, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM (a) To increases the sensitivity of measurement
Ans. (d) : Given , (b) To transmit the signal to a far-off place
Irms = 300 A (c) To study amplitude modulation
Radiated resistance (Rr) = 2Ω (d) Because crystal detector fails at microwave
Rediated power (Prad) = ? frequency
Prad = I2rms × Rr Ans. (d) : Because crystal detector fails at microwave
= (300)2 × 2 = 90000 × 2 frequency, microwave signal amplitude is modulated at
Prad = 180 kW 1kHz.
Advance Communication System 865 YCT
318. The gain G of an antenna of effective area A is 322. A Yagi antenna is a directional antenna
given by consisting of parasitic elements−
4πλ 4πA (a) Only director
(a) G = 2 (b) G = (b) With one or more directors
A λ
(c) With a reflector and one or more directors
(c) G = 2 (d) None (d) With a reflector
λ RRB JE-01.09.2019, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2006 Ans. (c) : A Yagi antenna is a directional antenna
Ans. (c) : The gain G of an antenna of effective area A consisting of a driven element such as dipole or folded
is given by:- dipole and additional parasitic elements, typically a
4πA e reflector and one or more directors. It radiates in only
G= one direction and is most commonly used in point to
λ 2
point communication.
319. The Marconi antenna has a physical length of: 323. Which of the following antennas is the
λ λ standard reference antenna for the directive
(a) (b) gain is the?
2 4
(a) Half wave dipole (b) Isotropic antenna
(c) λ (d) (c) Rhombic antenna (d) Elementary doublet
8 RRB JE- 31.08.2019, 10 AM-12 PM
UPPCL AE-05.11.2019
Ans. (b) : Isotropic source- It radiates equally in all
Ans. (b) : A Marconi antenna is also known as quarter direction.
wave antenna or the grounded antenna. A Marconi
antenna operates as a Hertz Antenna, but physically it is
only a quarter wave length ( λ 4 ) long.
320. The percent bandwidth of an antenna with an
optimum frequency of operation of 500MHz Gain G = ηe D
and –3dB frequencies of 475MHz and 525MHz
is: Where ηe = Antennas efficiency
(a) 25% (b) 50% D = directivity of the antenna
(c) 20% (d) 10% The gain of an antenna is the ratio of the radiation
UPPCL AE-05.11.2019 intensity in a given direction to the radiation intensity
Ans. (d) : Given, that would be obtained if the power. Here radiated
f0 = 500 MHz, f1 = 475 MHz, isotropically.
f2 = 525 MHz 324. For a dipole antenna
Percentage bandwidth of antenna is given by- (a) Effective length equals its physical length
(b) Radiation intensity is maximum along the
%BW = o × 100 normal to the dipole axis
f 2 − f1 (c) Current distribution along its length is uniform
500 (d) Input impedance is independent of the
%BW = ×100 location of feed point
525 − 475
%B.W = 10%
Ans. (b) : For a dipole antenna radiation intensity is
321. Find the effective area of a half-wave dipole at maximum along the normal to the dipole axis.
1GHz. 325. Radiation resistance of a Hertzian dipole of
(a) 0.0118m 2 (b) 0.0414m 2 length dl is
(c) 0.0318m 2 (d) 0.0218m 2 dl dl
(a) 80π2 ohms (b) 80π ohms
UPPCL AE-05.11.2019 λ λ
Ans. (a) : Given, f = 1GHz 2
dl π dl
(c) 80 ohms (d) 80π ohms
c 3 × 10 8
λ λ
λ= = = 0.3m
f 109 TRB Poly. Lect. -2012
λ2 Ans. (a) : Radiation resistance of a Hertzian dipole of
Effective area ( A e ) = ×D length dl is -
For half wave dipole ( D ) = 1.64
Rrad = 80π2 Ω
( 0.3)
h R max =
∵ sin θ = F ( 4π ) ×1× 10
2 −9
= ( 5.0458 ×1015 )
sin 35º =
L R max = 8428.17m
L= ≅ 8.42 km
sin 35º
L = 5.23km 14. A receiving antenna with a gain of 40 dB looks
at a sky with a noise temperature of 15 K. The
12. A satellite is orbiting in the equatorial plane loss between the antenna and LNA input due to
with a period from perigee to perigee of 12h. If the feed horn is 0.4 dB, and the LNA has a
the eccentricity = 0.002, i = 0º, K1 = 66063.17 noise temperature of 40 K. The G/T value is
km2, µ = 3.99×1014 m3/s2 and the earth's (a) 11.2 dB/K (b) 13.4 dB/K
equatorial radius = 6378.14 km, the semi-major
(c) 20.6 dB/K (d) 39.0 dB/K
axis will be
(a) 34232 km (b) 30424 km IES - 2018
(c) 26612 km (d) 22804 km Ans. (c) : Given that-
IES - 2019 LNA noise temperature = 40K
Ans. (c) : Given that- Antenna noise temperature = 15K
Time (T) = 12h = 12×60×60 = 43200 sec. Loss between antenna and LNA input = 0.4 dB
Eccentricity (E) = 0.002 Receiving antenna gain = 40 dB
I = 0º T = T ant +TLNA
8 × 10 −12
= correct answer as per the codes:
( 4 × 3.14 ) × ( 4 ) × ( 5 )
3 2 2
× 106 × 106 List - I List – II
Prad = 1.038kW A. The point farthest 1. Retrograde orbit
from earth
83. The type of radar that is used to eliminate B. Direct orbit 2. Mean anomaly
clutter in navigational applications is C. The inclination of 3. Apogee
(a) Pulse radar (b) Tracking radar this orbit always lies
(c) MTI radar (d) Monopulse radar between 90º and 180º
IES - 1998 D. Average value of the 4. Prograde orbit
Ans. (c) : In navigation application clutter mainly arries angular position of
from stationary object to remove the clutter moving the satellite with
target indication (MTI). Radar is used. MTI radar reference to the
employs Doppler Effect in its operation to deduct perigee
moving targets while leaving out stationary target. A B C D
4 (a) 2 3 4 1
84. A satellite link frequency is expressed as (b) 3 4 1 2
GHz. It means that (c) 3 2 1 4
(a) 4 GHz is the downlink frequency and 6 GHz (d) 1 2 3 4
is the uplink frequency TNPSC AE-2014
Advance Communication 879 YCT
Ans. (b) : 91. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
A. The point farthest from earth – Apogee answer as per the codes:
B. Direct orbit – Prograde orbit List - I List - II
C. The inclination of this orbit – Retrograde orbit A. To ensure all 1. Loop back
always lies between 90º and 180º bursts arrive the
D. Average value of the angular – Mean anomaly satellite in their
position of the satellite with correct time slots
reference to the perigee B. Initial portion of 2. Network
a traffic burst synchronization
89. Perigee means that carries
(a) Smallest radius of the elliptical orbit information
(b) Largest radius of the elliptical orbit similar to that
(c) Line of sight distance from a particular point carried in the
on earth to satellite reference burst
(d) The distance of the satellite from the sub- C. In refers to the 3. Burst code word
satellite point fact that an earth
station receives
TNPSC AE-2014 its own
Ans. (a) : Perigee means smallest radius of the elliptical transmission,
orbit. Apogee means largest radius of the elliptical from which it
orbit. can determine
90. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct range
answer as per the codes: D. It is used to 4. Preamble
List - I List - II establish burst
A. The path followed by 1. True Anomaly timing in TDMA
a satellite around the A B C D
primary will be an (a) 3 2 4 1
ellipse (b) 2 3 4 1
B. The angle from the 2. Keplerian element (c) 2 4 1 3
perigee to the set (d) 1 2 3 4
satellite position, TNPSC AE-2014
measured at the Ans. (c) :
earth’s centre
C. Earth–Orbiting 3. Perigee A. To ensure all bursts – Network
artificial satellites are arrive the satellite in synchronization
defined by six orbital their correct time
elements slots
D. The point of closest 4. Kepler's first law B. Initial portion of a – Preamble
traffic burst that
approach to earth
carries information in
A B C D the reference burst
(a) 4 2 3 1 C. In refers to the fact – Loop back
(b) 3 2 4 1 that an earth station
(c) 2 3 1 4 receives its own
(d) 4 1 2 3 transmission, from
TNPSC AE-2014 which it can
Ans. (d) : determine range
A. The path followed by – Kepler's first law D. It is used to establish – Burst code word
a satellite around the burst timing in
primary will be an TDMA
ellipse 92. Long distance communication system via
B. The angle from the – True Anomaly satellite uses frequency range.
perigee to the (a) 10 to 100 GHz (b) 1 to 2.5 MHz
satellite position, (c) 50 to 100 GHz (d) 3 to 6 GHz
measured at the Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2015, Paper-III
earth's centre TNPSC AE-2013
C. Earth–Orbiting – Keplerian element Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
artificial satellites are set Ans. (d) : Long distance communication system via
defined by six orbital satellite uses frequency range of 3 GHz to 6 GHz . In
elements this communication satellite locate at certain height
D. The point of closest – Perigee above earth, the communication takes place between
approach to earth any two earth station easily via satellite.
Advance Communication 880 YCT
93. In Satellite antennas, the available noise from a (b) many transmitting stations and one receiving
thermal noise is given by station
(a) Pn = KTpBn2 (b) Pn = KTp2Bn (c) one transmitting station and many receiving
(c) Pn = KTpBn (d) Nothing station
TNPSC AE-2013 (d) one transmitting station and one receiving
Ans. (c) : Pn = KTp Bn TNPSC AE-2013
K = Boltzmann's constant Ans. (a) : In satellite communication, a repeater is
Tp = Temperature placed between many transmitting station and many
receiving station. In communication satellite Multiple
Bn = Bandwidth
repeaters are known as transponders.
94. Energy required for satellite is generally
99. A satellite earth station antenna having a
derived from maximum gain of 60 dB at the operational
(a) Solar cells and Nickel-cadmium cells frequency is fed from a power amplifier
(b) Solar cells generating 10 kW. If the feed system has a loss
(c) Nickel-Cadmium cells of 2 dB earth station EIRP is
(d) Nuclear generators (a) 98 dBW (b) 72 dBW
RRB JE- 31.08.2019, 10 AM-12 PM (c) 102 dBW (d) 68 dBW
Ans. (b) : Energy required for satellite is generally Ans. (a) : Given that-
derived from solar cells. There is some solar pannel Gt = 60 dB
placed at the upper surface of satellite. Pt = 10kW = 40 dB
95. Geostationary satellites are generally placed in Feed system loss (Lt) = 2 dB
EIRP = Pt. Gt
(a) equatorial orbit (b) polar orbit
(EIRP)dB = 10 log10 Pt +10log10Gt – 10log10 Lt
(c) inclined orbit (d) circular orbit
= 60 + 40 –2
TNPSC AE-2013 (EIRP)dB = 100 –2 = 98 dBW
Ans. (a) : A geostationary satellite is an earth orbiting 100. The signal is sent back to earth by satellite by
satellite, placed at an altitude of approximately means of
36000km directly over the equator, that revolves in the (a) Chicken mesh Antenna
same direction the earth rotates. (b) Horn Antenna
96. One of the following satellite system being used (c) Yagi Antenna
for weather forecast application : (d) Duplexer
(a) TIROS - N (b) COMSAT TNPSC AE-2013
(c) GORIZONT (d) SPOT Ans. (b) : A signal is sent back to earth by satellite
TNPSC AE-2013 means of horn antenna. A horn antenna is a type of
Ans. (a) : TIROS - N is a satellite which provide the aperture antenna which is specially designed for
weather forecasting. TIROS-N was lunched on 13 oct microwave frequencies.
1978. TIROS-N stands for Television Infrared 101. If it takes a transmitted signal 1m sec to go up
Observation Satellite-N. to the target and come back after reflection,
how far is the transmitter from the target?
97. The spread spectrum communication
techniques are used in one of the following (a) 150 Km (b) 150 m
multiple access methods in satellite (c) 15 Km (d) 1500 m
communication : RPSC LECTURER-10.01.2016
(a) Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) Ans. (a) : Given that-
(b) Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) T = 1 m sec (to go up to the target and comeback after
(c) Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) reflection)
(d) Random Access 1
TNPSC AE-2013 Go up time = m sec
Ans. (c) : The spread spectrum communication Distance
technique are used in code division multiple access Speed =
(CDMA) method in satellite communication. Spread Time
spectrum is a technique by which a signal is generated Distance
3 × 108 =
with particular bandwidth. 1
× 10−3
98. In Satellite communication, a repeater is placed 2
between Distance = 15 ×104
(a) many transmitting stations and many
Distance = 150 Km
receiving station
Advance Communication 881 YCT
102. Linear velocity of a satellite equals 107. A low earth orbit satellite can provide large
signal strength at an earth station because
GM GM (a) Path loss is low
(a) m/s (b) m/s
r r (b) These orbits are immune to noise
(c) Large solar power can be generated at these
G GM orbits
(c) m/s (d) s/m (d) Lower microwave frequencies in S-band can
Mr r be used
Where G(Gravity constant)
Sikkim PSC SI (Mains)-2018
= 6.67×10–11m3/kg-sec, M=mass of earth,
Ans. (a) : A low earth orbit satellite can provide large
r = radius of circular orbit signal strength at an earth station because path loss is
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2016, Paper-II 2
Ans. (b) : Gravitational force = Centripetal force 4πR
low free space path loss =
GMm mv 2 λ
⇒ = 108. The usable bandwidth of a microwave because
r2 r transponder for 6/4 satellite communication is
GM generally
Linear velocity of satellite ( v ) = m/s (a) 360 MHz (b) 40 MHz
(c) 36 MHz (d) 1 MHz
103. INTELSAT stands for
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2017, Paper-II
(a) International Telecommunications Satellite
IES - 1997
(b) India Telecommunications Satellite
Ans. (c) : The usable bandwidth of a microwave
(c) Inter Telecommunications Satellite
because transponder for 6/4 satellite communication is
(d) None of these generally 36MHz.
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2015, Paper-III
109. Tropospheric microwave communication is
Ans. (a) : INTELSAT Stands for International called what propagation
Telecommunication Satellite. (a) LOS propagation (b) Troposcatter
104. The INSAT operates in (c) Duct propagation (d) Spacewave
(a) Q band (b) S band AAI-2015
(c) C band (d) Ku band Ans. (b) : Tropospheric propagation is also known as
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade -2018, Paper-III troposcatter propagation, occur at a frequency above 30
Ans. (c) : The Indian National Satellite System MHz.
(INSAT) is a multipurpose geostationary satellite 110. Which technique is not preferable to track
launched by ISRO. INSAT operates in C band. automatic geostationary satellite?
105. Linear velocity of a satellite in a circular orbit (a) Mono pulse (b) Conical scanning
is (c) Lobe Switching (d) Step tracking
(a) Independent of its mass AAI-2015
(b) Directly proportional to its mass Ans. (d) : Step tracking technique is not preferable to
(c) Directly proportional to square of its mass track automatic geostationary satellite.
(d) Directly proportional to square root of its 111. Same Amplitude, 90° phase difference indicate
mass which polarization?
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade -2018, Paper-III (a) Linear (b) Circular
Nagaland PSC CTSC - 2015, Paper-II (c) Elliptical (d) All
IES - 2018 NPCIL-2015
Ans. (a) : we know that - Ans. (b) : Circular polarization indicates same
amplitudes with 90º phase shift and Elliptical
GMm mv2 polarization indicates different amplitude with 90º
R2 R phase shift.
GM 112. Identify the disadvantage of satellite
v= communication from the following.
R (a) No tracking is required in geostationary
Hence linear velocity is independent of its mass (m). satellite
106. The angle of inclination of a satellite whose (b) Multiple access points are available in the
orbit is over the equator is satellite communciaion
(a) 0º (b) 90º (c) Due to ageing effect the efficiency of the
(c) 100º (d) 135º satellite component decreases
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade -2018, Paper-III (d) Low transmitting power and low receiving
sensitivity are required by the satellite in
Ans. (a) : The angle of inclination of a satellite whose close elliptical orbits.
orbit is over the equator is 0º.
DMRC AM S&T-2020
Advance Communication 882 YCT
Ans. (c) : Disadvantage of satellite communication is (c) 20log ( λ ) − 173.07
due to ageing effect the efficiency of the satellite
component decreases. (d) −20log ( λ ) + 21.98
Other disadvantages of satellite communication- ESE-2021
(a) Time delay. Ans.(b) :
(b) Cost is high of satellite communication. 2
(c) Satellite communication requires high power. 4πd
Free space loss =
113. For an orbiting satellite, in magnitude λ
(a) The kinetic energy is equal to the potential 4πd
energy Free space loss (In dB) = 10log10
(b) the kinetic energy is twice the potential λ
energy Where d = 36000 km
(c) the kinetic energy is half the potential energy Put value
(d) The kinetic energy is one- fourth the potential 4 × 3.14 × 36000 ×103
energy = 10log10
RRB SSE 01.09.2015, Shift-III
Ans. (c) : For an orbiting satellite, in magnitude the = −20log10 λ + 20 log10 452.389 ×106
kinetic energy is half the potential energy. = −20log10 λ + (173.07 )
114. Relationship between Doppler frequency shifts
of two radars A and B having 0.1 foot and 0.05 116. The mean sun does at a uniform speed but
foot wave-lengths, approaching the target at otherwise requires the same time as the real
1000 feet per second and 2000 feet per second sun to complete one orbit of the earth, this time
rate, respectively, will be being
(a) Doppler frequency shift of radar A will be (a) the tropical year
one-fourth of Doppler frequency shift of radar (b) the leap year
B (c) the Julian calendar year
(b) Doppler frequency shift of radar A will be (d) the Grgorian calendar year
one-half of Doppler frequency shift of radar B ESE-2022
(c) Doppler frequency shift of radar A will be Ans. (a) : The mean sun does at a uniform speed but
double of Doppler frequency shift of radar B
otherwise requires the same time as the real sun to
(d) Doppler frequency shifts of radar A and radar
complete one orbit of the earth, this time being the
B will be same. tropical year.
ISRO Scientist December, 2017 117. The maximum range of pulsed radar depends
Ans. (a) : Given that, on
∆λ A = 0.1λfoot, ∆λ B = 0.05λfoot (a) Pulse peak power (b) Pulse duration
(c) Pulse energy (d) Pulse repetition rate
VA = 1000FS−1 and VB = 2000FS−1
Frequency are -
Ans. (c) : Radar systems radiate each pulse at the
2VA 2 × 1000 2 × 104 carrier frequency during transmit time, wait for
∆f A = = = returning echoes during listening or rest time, and then
λA 0.1λ λ
radiate a second pulse.
2VB 2 × 2000 8 × 10 4
The number of pulses radiated in one second is called
∆f B = = =
λA 0.05λ λ the pulse repetition frequency.
Therefore, The maximum range of pulsed radar depends on pulse
peak power.
2 ×104 118. Transponders are:
∆f A λ 1 (a) Only the transmitter in a satellite
= = (b) Only the receiver in a satellite
∆f B 8 × 10 4
IES - 2019
Ans. (d) : The maximum angle in which external light NA = 0.486
rays may strike the air/glass interface and still propagate 2π × core radius
λC = × NA
down the fiber it is the figure of merit used measure the 2.4
magnitude of the acceptance angle. 2π × 2.5 ×10−6 × 0.486
λC = 3.18µm
λC ≃ 3µm
16. The noise factor of an attenuator pad that has
an insertion loss of 6 dB is
Where, α = Acceptance angle.
(a) 0.25 (b) 0.5
Numerical Apperture = NA = sinα = n12 − n 22 (c) 2 (d) 4
IES - 2017
13. Which one of the following specifications does
not fit for a single-mode fiber? Ans. (d) : Given data -
(a) The bandwidth is 1 GHz/km Insertion loss = 6dB
(b) The digital communication rate is excess of P
2000 Mbytes/s 6 = 10log T
(c) More than 100000 voice channels are
available Where PT = Transmitted power
PR = Received power
(d) The mode field diameter (MFD; spot size) is
larger than the core diameter PT
IES - 2019 = Noise factor
Ans. (a) : Single-mode fiber, the BW ranges from 50 to
100GHz/km P 6
log T =
Therefore statement, does not fit for a single fiber. PR 10
14. What is/are the advantage(s) of step-index P
monomode fibre optical cable? log10 T = 0.6
1. Manufacturing process is simple PR
2. Bandwidth of several GHz-km is possible PT
3. Splicing is easier = 100.6
Select the correct answer using the code given
below: Where -
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only =4 100.6 = 22 = 4
(c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 PR
100.9 = 23 = 8
IES - 2018 17. In graded index multimode optical fiber the
Ans. (b) : Advantage of step-index mono-mode refractive index of the core is
optical fiber- (a) uniform across its radial distance except for
Higher transmission bandwidth (up to GHz-km) is the cladding
possible. (b) maximum at the fiber axis and decreased
Used for long-distance communication purpose. stepwise towards the cladding
Loss is very low i.e. 0.1 dB/km (c) maximum at the fiber axis and decreases
Splicing is relatively less easier. gradually towards the cladding
Advance Communication 892 YCT
(d) maximum at the fiber axis and increases n2
stepwise towards the cladding (a) tan −1 (b) sin −1 n 22 − n12
UPPSC Poly. Tech. Lect.22.03.2022, Paper-II
Sikkim PSC SI (Mains)-2018 n
IES - 2017 (c) sin −1 n12 − n 22 (d) tan −1 1
Ans. (c) : Fibers that carry more than one mode are
IES - 2015
called multimode fibers. There are two type of
multimode fibers Ans. (c) : Maximum acceptance angle
(i) Step index ( θ ) = sin n1 − n 2
− 1 2 2
20 × 103 interference
3. Laser and LED modulation methods lend
25. The cladding which surrounds the fibre core themselves ideally to digital operation.
(a) is used to protect the fibre Which of these advantages are correct?
(b) is used to reduce optical interference (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) helps to guide the light in the core (c) 3 and 1 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
(d) ensures that refractive index remains IES - 2011
unaltered Ans. (d) : The most important advantage of fiber
IES - 2014 optics communication-
Ans. (c) : The cladding increases the critical angle Faster speed
within the core fibre and also prevents adjacent fibers Smaller diameter
from touching each other. Less signal attenuation.
Cladding is made of less dense material than core with Laser and LED modulation methods themselves
such a combination that helps the light to reflect back to ideally to digital operation.
the inner surface of core. Increased capacity and bandwidth.
Immunity to cross talk and electromagnetic
26. Optical fibers are preferred as communication
links for Lasers because they:
29. A single mode fiber does not suffer from which
(a) prevent interference by other Lasers
type of dispersion?
(b) ensure that the beam does not spread (a) Waveguide dispersion
(c) prevent atmospheric interference (b) Material dispersion
(d) ensure amplification of the signal (c) Intermodal dispersion
Nagaland PSC CTSE-2015, Paper-II (d) Polarization mode dispersion
IES - 2013 IES - 2009
Advance Communication 894 YCT
Ans. (c) : Single mode fiber doesn't have inter model 34. Which one of the following is the correct
dispersion since there is only one mode propagation in statement?
the fiber. Single mode fiber's bandwidth is mainly The graded index optical fiber cables can be
limited by material dispersion, waveguide dispersion considered to have
and polarization mode dispersion. (a) smaller numerical aperture than step index
30. Which of the following introduces mode cable
partition noise? (b) several layers of clad and each layer having a
(a) Coaxial line smaller index number relative to its distance
(b) Wave guide from the core
(c) Fibre transmission line (c) several layers of clad and each layer having a
(d) Both coaxial line and wave guide higher index number relative to its distance
IES - 2009 from the core
Ans. (c) : Mode partition noise occurs due to present of (d) large beam spread
fiber transmission in the multimode fiber. IES - 2007
31. On which bands, do the optical fibers operate? Ans. (b) : The graded index optical fiber cables can be
1. Ultra violet band considered to have several layers of clad and each layer
having a smaller index number relative to its distance
2. Ultra high frequency band
from the core.
3. Visible light band
4. Infrared band 35. Match List-I (Different Fibre Generation) with
List-II (Optical Components Used) and select
Select the correct answer from the codes given the correct answer the correct answer using the
below: code given below the lists :
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
List - I List - II
(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1, 3 and 4
IES - 2009 A. First 1. Graded index multimode fibre
and 1310 nm LD
Ans. (d) : Ultra violet band, visible light band and
infrared band are used in optical fibers operation. B. Second 2. Graded index multimode fibre
and 850 nm LD
32. In an optical fiber, the light beam propagates
due to which one of the following? C.Third 3. Step index monomode fibre and
(a) Simple reflection of light at a boundary 1550 nm LD
between two media D. Fourth 4. Step index monomode fibre and
(b) Refraction of light in the medium 1310 nm LD
(c) Total internal reflection at the boundary of the Codes :
fiber A B C D
(d) Scattering of light in the medium (a) 1 2 3 4
RRB SSC-03.09.2015, Shift-III (b) 2 1 3 4
ISRO Scientist Engg. 2014 (c) 1 2 4 3
IES – 2008, 2006 (d) 2 1 4 3
Ans. (c) : In an optical fiber, the light beam propagates IES - 2005
on the principle of total internal reflection. It is a Ans. (d) :
phenomena that happens when a propagation wave List-I List-II
strikes a medium boundary at an angle larger than a (Different fiber (Optical component used)
particular critical angle with respect to the normal to the generation)
First Graded index multimode
33. In optical communication, wavelength 1550 nm fibre and 850 nm LD
is used now a days. What is/are the possible
Second Graded index multimode
fibre and 1310nm LD
1. Dispersion is very low
2. Loss is very low Third Step index monomode fibre
and 1310 nm LD
3. WDM and optical amplification are
feasible Fourth Step index monomode fibre
Select the correct answer from the codes given and 1550 nm LD
below: 36. Which one of the following statement is
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 only correct?
(c) 1 only (d) 1 and 3 only The model noise in multimode fibers cannot be
IES - 2008 reduced by
(a) Use of a broad spectrum source
Ans. (a) : Advantage of using 1550 nm wavelength.
(b) using fibers having large numerical apertures
Dispersion is very low
(c) phase correlation between the modes
Loss is very low (d) use of a single mode fiber
WDM and optical amplification are feasible. IES - 2004
Advance Communication 895 YCT
Ans. (c) : The model noise in multimode fibers cannot 40. Match List-I wish List-II and select the correct
be reduced by phase correlation between the modes. answer the correct answer using the code given
Model noise is a non-Gaussian noise source associates below the lists :
with the interference of fiber modes as a detector. List - I List - II
37. A certain optical fiber has refractive index of (System) (Order of
clad (n1) = 1.40 and that of core (n2) = 1.05. Its
numerical aperture will be A. Optical fiber 1. 104 m
(a) 0.8575 (b) 0.9260 communication
(c) 0.3500 (d) 0.1585 B. Local television system 2. 102 m
IES - 2002 C. FM broadcosting 3. 10º m
Ans. (b) : Refractive index of clad (n1) = 1.40
D. Satellite 4. 10–2 m
Refractive index of core (n2) = 1.05
5. 10–6 m
Numerical aperture (NA) = n12 − n 22
Codes :
(1.4 )
= − (1.05) 2 A B C D
(a) 5 3 3 4
= 0.8575 (b) 1 3 4 5
= 0.9260 (c) 2 2 3 5
(d) 1 2 5 4
38. A glass fiber has refractive indices n1 of 1.5 and
IES - 1996
n2 of 1. Assuming c = 3 × 108 m/s, the multipath
Ans. (a) :
time dispersion will be
System Order of wavelength
(a) 2.5 ns/m (b) 2.5 µs/m (a) optical fiber – 10–6m
(c) 5 ns/m (d) 5 µs/m communication
IES - 1999(b) Local Television – 10ºm
Ans. (a) : Given - n1 = 1.5 , n2 = 1 system
(c) FM broadcasting – 10ºm
c = 3 × 108 m/s
(d) Satellite – 10–2m
In an optical fiber with core and cladding refractive
41. The configuration used by a line
indices n1 and n2 the time dispersion ∆t is given by. communication system capable of transmitting
Ln a data at the rate of 1000 Mbps is
∆t = 1 (n1 − n 2 ) (a) open line system (b) optical fiber system
cn 2
(c) coaxial cable system (d) twisted wire system
L = length of optical fiber hence multipath time IES - 1994
dispersion per unit length of fiber is Ans. (b) : Fiber optics: up to 1000 Mbps (a data transfer
∆t 1.5 rate up to 10 billion per second), cable connection 25-
= [1.5 − 1] 300Mbps (a data transfer rate up to 300 million bits per
L 1× 3 × 108
= 2.5ns/m
42. In a optical fiber, the refractive index of the
39. Which one of the following is capable of giving cladding material should be
the highest data speed? (a) nearly unity
(a) coaxial cable link (b) very low
(b) Microwave LOS link (c) less than that of the core
(c) Microwave satellite system (d) more than that of the core
(d) Optical Fiber System ISRO scientist Engg-2016
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper -III
IES - 1998 IES - 1992
Ans. (d) : Advantage of Fiber optic cables- Ans. (c) : In optical fiber the refractive index of the
Higher data speed cladding material should be less than that of core. The
Longer distances refractive index of the core (n1) is always greater than
Better Reliability the index of the cladding (n2). The refractive index of
the core and cladding of an optical fiber are 1.5 and
Thinner and sturdier 1.48 respectively.
More Flexibility
Demerit of optical fiber communication-
(1) High manufacturing cost
(2) Extra care needed during installation
Advance Communication 896 YCT
43. Fibers have numerical aperture (NA) in the (b) It does not require Interference fringe pattern
region of 0.15 to 0.4. Fibers with higher N.A. to measure refractive index.
values generally exhibit (c) It is used for surface topography
(a) reduced losses measurement.
(b) high bandwidth (d) Instruments do not physically contact the
(c) reduced losses and low bandwidth surface under test.
(d) greater losses and low bandwidth APPSC Poly. Lect. 15.03.2020
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper -III Ans. (b) : Interferomatric has involved from simple
IES - 1992 instruments that produced static images of fringe
Ans. (c) : Given - patterns for manual interpretation to computerize
n1 = 0.4 refractive index profile of optical fiber it is used for
n2 = 0.15 surface topography measurement.
48. Optical carrier frequency is in the range of.
Numerical aperture (NA) = n12 − n 22 (a) 109 to 1011Hz (b) 1010 to 1012Hz
13 16
(c) 10 to 10 Hz (d) 109 to 1012Hz
( 0.4 )
= − (0.15) 2 TNPSC AE- 2019
= 0.16 − 0.0225 Ans. (c) : The optical carrier frequency is in the range
1013 to 1016 Hz. While the radio wave frequency is
= 0.370
about 106 Hz and the microwave frequency is about
Numerical aperture related to light gathering ability of 1010 Hz.
fiber. Then fiber with higher N.A. values generally
exhibit to reduced losses and low bandwidth. Service Frequency bands
44. The distortion in the transmission of carrier FM broadcast (88-108) MHz
frequencies in an underground cable can be Cellular Mobile Radio (896-901) MHz
eliminated by using (840-935) MHz
(a) Inductive loading (b) Resistive loading Standard AM broadcast (540-1600) kHz
(c) Capacitive loading (d) Shielding Satellite Communication (5.925-6.425) GHz
Nagaland PSC (Degree) 2018, Paper-II 49. Coherent radiation in LASER is caused by
Ans. (a) : In an underground cable, the distortion in the (a) Stimulated emission
transmission of carrier frequency can be eliminated (b) Spontaneous emission
using inductive loading. This distortion causes delay (c) Temperature increase
which will results into a variance of frequencies.
(d) Applying large force
45. In a step index fibre the refractive index of core TNPSC AE- 2019
n1 = 1.48 and that of cladding n2 = 1.45. The
numerical aperture of the fiber will be nearly: Ans. (a) : LASER diodes are typical PN Junction
(a) 0.3 (b) 0.5 devices used under a forward bias. Coherent radiation
in it is caused by stimulated emission. The word
(c) 0.7 (d) 0.9 LASER means light amplification by stimulated
UPSC Poly.Lect.10.03. 2019 emission of radiation.
Ans. (a) : Given - Advantage of LASER diode –
n1 = 1.48, (1) Simple economic design.
n2 = 1.45 (2) It has low power as compared to other type of
LASER diodes.
Numerical aperture = n12 − n 22 (3) It can be used for high temperature.
(4) Better modulation capability.
(1.48 ) − (1.45 )
2 2
= = 0.3 (5) It give high optical power.
46. The cladding that surrounds the fibre core: 50. The concept used in the scheme of WDM is
(a) is used to protect the fibre similar to
(b) is used to reduce optical interference (a) FDM for of transmission (b) SDM
(c) helps to guide the light in the core (c) TDM (d) OTOM
(d) ensures that refractive index remains TNPSC AE- 2019
unaltered Ans. (a) : Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) is
APPSC Poly. Lect. 15.03.2020 a multiplexing technique to combine optical signal.
Ans. (c) : The cladding will helps to guide the light in WDM allows communication in both the direction in
the core. The cladding increases the critical angle within the fiber cable. WDM is conceptually quite similar to
the core fibre and also prevent adjacent fibres from FDM.
touching each other. 51. Optical storage devices employ
47. Identify the false statement for interferomatric (a) Ultraviolet light (b) Optical couplers
method : (c) Electromagnetic field (d) Lasers
(a) It is used to determine the refractive index TNPSC AE- 2019
profile of optical fiber. UPRVUNL AE-2016
Advance Communication 897 YCT
Ans. (d) : This technology is used in the compact disc. Numerical aperture (NA) = n12 − n 22
Optical storage is an electronic storage medium that
uses low-power laser beams to record and retrieve (1.545 ) − (1.510 )
2 2
digital data in binary form.
52. A change in the refractive index of a material = 0.326
in response to an applied electric field is called For single mode step index fiber normalized frequency
________ effect. number (V) range
(a) Pockets (b) Faraday 0 < V ≤ 2.405
(c) Kerr (d) Raman 2πa(N.A)
(e) Voigt Cut off wavelength (λc) =
CGPSC SO 14.02.2016
Ans. (c) : The kerr effect, is also called quadratic eletro 2 × 3.14 × 1.5 × 0.326
optic (QEO) effect. It is a change in the refractive index 2.405
of a material in response to an applied electric field. λ c ≃ 1.29µm
It can be described as a change in retroactive index
caused by electric field. 56. The critical angle θc in an optical fiber is given
53. In Kerr effect, induced index change is directly by _____. Where n1 is refractive index of
proportional to the _________. medium 1 and n2 is the refractive index of
(a) cube root of the electric field medium 2.
(b) cube of the electric field (a) Sin-1 (n2/n1) (b) Sin-1 (n1/n2)
(c) on fourth power of the electric field (c) Sin (n2∗n1)
(d) Sin-1 n2
(d) square of the electric field ISRO Scientist Engg.-2011
(e) square root of the electric field Ans. (a) : Snell's law-
CGPSC SO 14.02.2016 n1sinθ1 = n2 sinθ2
Ans. (d) : In Kerr effect, induced index change is Where n1 is the refractive index of material 1 and n2 is
directly proportional to the square of the electric field the refractive index of medium 2, θ1 is the angle of
strength. incidence and θ2 is the angle of refraction.
∆n = λKE 2 θ1 = θc
θ2 = 90º we know that refraction angle at the
Where, ∆n = Difference in induced index
critical angle is 90º
λ = Wavelength of the light
n1 sinθc = n2sin90º
K = Kerr constant
n1 sinθc = n2
E = Electric field strength
54. The Bragg's Law of X-ray diffraction is : sin θc = 2
(a) d singθ = nλ (b) 2n sinθ = λ n1
(c) 2d sinθ = nλ (d) 2dn sinθ = λ n
(e) 2du sinθ = 1/λ θc = sin −1 2
CGPSC SO 14.02.2016 n1
Ans. (c) : The Bragg's Law of Xray diffraction is 57. For a single mode optical cable with 0.25
2d sin θ = nλ dB/km loss, the optical power 100 km from a
0.1mW source will be _________.
nλ (a) -30dBm (b) -35dBm
sin θ = 2d
(c) -40dBm (d) -45dBm
λ = Wavelength ISRO Scientist Engg.-2011
θ = angle of incidence Ans. (b) : Given-
55. For a 3-µm-diameter optical fiber with core α = 0.25 dB/km
and cladding indexes of refraction of 1.545 and L = 100km
1.510, respectively. The cut off wavelength is. P0 = 0.1mW
(a) 2.3 µm (b) 1.29 µm For attenuation loss of optical fiber-
(c) 1.5 µm (d) 3.24 µm 10 P
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2011 α = log 0
Ans. (b) : Given -
n1 = 1.545 10 0.1
0.25 = log
n2 = 1.510 100 PL
core diameter (d) = 3µm
core radius (a) = = 1.5µm log = 2.5
2 PL
Advance Communication 898 YCT
0.1 IP
= (10) 2.5 Rλ = A/W
0.1 I P = R λ × P = 0.5 × 12 ×10 −6
PL = = 6µA
0.1 62. Which is the transmission medium for VLF
PL (dBm) = 10 log 2.5 electromagnetic waves especially applicable for
10 aeronautical and submarine cables?
PL = −35dBm (a) Paired wires (b) Coaxial cable
58. _______ is used to describe the light gathering (c) Waveguide (d) Wireless
or light collecting ability of an optical fiber Nagaland PSC (CTSE) Diploma-2017, Paper II
(a) Critical angle Ans. (a) : Copper, which is used in two main types of
(b) Cut-off wavelength cable paired cable, coaxial cable. Paired wires are the
(c) Numerical Aperture transmission medium for VLF electromagnetic waves
(d) Acceptance angle especially applicable for aeronautical and submarine
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2011 cables.
63. If a fiber operates at 1400 nm with the
Ans. (c) : Numerical aperture (N.A) = n12 − n 22 diameter of about 10 µm, n1 = 1.30, ∆ = 0.80%,
Numerical aperture is used to describe the light V=3.5, then how many modes will it have?
gathering ability of an optical fiber. Numerical aperture (a) 6.125 (b) 9.655
is a measure of acceptance angle of a fiber. It also gives (c) 12.95 (d) 16.55
the light gathering capacity of the fiber. Nagaland PSC (CTSE) Diploma-2017, Paper II
59. Which among the following is provided by an Ans. (a) : Given -
optical receiver for the regeneration of data n1 = 1.30
signal with minimum error?
(a) Photo-diode ∆ = 0.80%
(b) Signal Processing Circuits V = 3.5
(c) Linear Circuitry D = 10 µm
(d) Generation circuits V2
Nagaland PSC (CTSE) Diploma-2017, Paper II No. of mode ( M N ) =
Ans. (c) : Linear circuitry is provided by an optical
( 3.5)
receiver for the regeneration of data signal with = = 6.125
minimum error. 2
The role of an optical receiver is to convert the optical 64. Assuming no ISI, the maximum possible
signal back into electrical signal and recover the data bandwidth of a multimode graded index fiber
transmitted through the light wave system. with 5 MHz, shows the total pulse broadening
60. In single - mode fibers, how does the fraction of of 0.1s for the distance of about 12 km. What
energy travelling through bound mode appears would be the value of bandwidth length
in the cladding? product?
(a) As a crescent wave (a) 40 MHz (b) 60 MHz
(b) As a gibbous wave (c) 90 MHz (d) 120 MHz
(c) As an evanescent wave Nagaland PSC (CTSE) Diploma-2017, Paper II
(d) As a electromagnetic wave Ans. (b) : Given, L = 12km, B = 5MHz
Nagaland PSC (CTSE) Diploma-2017, Paper II
Bandwidth length product = BT × L
Ans. (c) : In electromagnetic, an evanescent field or
evanescent wave is an oscillating electric or magnetic = 5×12
field that does not propagate as an electromagnetic = 60 MHz.
wave but whose energy is spatially concentrated in the 65. At critical radius of curvature, in multimode
vicinity of the source. fibers
61. For a photo-diode with responsivity of 0.50 (a) large deformation will happen to the fiber
A/W & optical power of about 12 µW, what jacket
would be the value of generated photocurrent? (b) no deformation happens to fiber jacket
(a) 3µΑ (b) 6µΑ (c) large bending losses occur
(c) 9µΑ (d) 12µΑ (d) no loss occurs
Nagaland PSC (CTSE) Diploma-2017, Paper II TNPSC AE - 2018
Ans. (b) : Given - Ans. (c) : At critical radius of curvature, in multimode
Photo diode responsivity fibers large bending losses occurs. A basic specification
R λ = 0.50A / W of a multimode fibers contains the core diameter and
P = 12µW outer diameter of a multimode fiber.
Advance Communication 899 YCT
66. Modern day optical fibers have losses of the Ans. (b) : The fiber splice is a permanent joint between
order of 2 fibers. There are two type of fiber splicing -
(a) 10 dB/km (b) 1 dB/km (i) Mechanical Splicing
(c) 20 dB/km (d) 100 dB/km (ii) Fusion Splicing
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
73. When the mean optical power launched into an
Ans. (b) : An optical fiber is a flexible transparent fiber 8 km length of fiber is 120 µW. The mean
made by drawing glass or plastic to diameter slightly
optical power at the fiber output is 3 µW. Find
thicker that of human hair. Modern day optical fiber
the signal attenuation
have losses of order of 1dB/km.
(a) 10 log10 25 (b) 10 log10 40
67. Sensitivity of optical receivers is measured in
(c) 20 log10 40 (d) 20 log10 25
(a) W/A (watt per ampere)
(b) A/W (ampere/watt) TNPSC AE-2014
(c) WA (watt ampere) Ans. (b) : Given-
(d) W (watt) input power = 120 µW, output power = 3µW,
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017 length of an optical fiber = 8 km
Ans. (b) : Sensitivity of optical receivers is measured in The overall signal attenuation in decibel through the
A/W (ampere/Watt). P 120 µW
68. Copper-network can be converted to fibre fiber is (dB) = 10 log10 in = 10 log10
Pout 3 µW
optics by using
(a) fibre hubs (b) media converters = 10 log10 40
(c) patch panel (d) rewiring 74. What type of wiring does ISDN use?
UKPSC Assistant Radio Officer Screening Exam.-2011 (a) Coaxial cable (b) Twisted pair
Ans. (b) : Copper-network can be converted to fibre (c) Solenoid (d) Thin wire
optics by using media converters. As premises networks TNPSC AE-2014
are primarily copper based media converters can extend Ans. (b) : ISDN use twisted pair wiring. This wiring is
the reach of the LAN over single mode fiber up to 160 called unshielded twisted pair or UTP.
km with 1550 nm optics. ISDN is now available to homes and small businesses in
69. Dispersion in an optical fibre used in a many areas because, unlike some other new services
communication link is of which type? that require installation of expensive fiber optic lines.
(a) Angular Dispersion
(b) Modal Dispersion 75. The local loop is
(c) Chromatic Dispersion (a) An antenna used for telephone
(d) Dispersion arising due to structural communications
irregularities in the fibre (b) The connection between telephone subscriber
UKPSC Assistant Radio Officer Screening Exam.-2011 and central office
Ans. (b) : In a communication link, dispersion in (c) A cell site
optical fiber includes model dispersion, material (d) A ring network used to connect users to the
dispersion and waveguide dispersion. telephone office
70. Insertion of a record in a linked list involves TNPSC AE-2014
the modification of Ans. (b) : A local loop is wired connection from a
(a) 4 pointer (b) 3 pointer telephone company's central office. The system was
(c) 2 pointer (d) 1 pointer originally designed for voice transmission only using
UKPSC Assistant Radio Officer Screening Exam.-2011 analog transmission technology on a single voice channel.
Ans. (c) : For insertion /deletion of a record in 76. The least attenuation of standard single mode
circularly linked list involves 2 pointer but for reverse optical fibers are at
the linked list, it involves 3 pointer. (a) 1310 nm (b) 810 nm
71. Generally, the SM fiber will have a core (c) 1500 and 1300 nm (d) 1550 nm
diameter of TNPSC AE-2014
(a) 10 µm (b) 30 µm
Ans. (d) : At 1550 nm the attenuation of any standard
(c) 50–100 µm (d) 50-200 µm single mode optical fiber is minimum (0.2 dB/km).
TNPSC AE-2014 Least attenuation means the distance between repeater
Ans. (a) : The TTU-TG 652 fiber, also known as and optical amplifier is large.
standard single mode fiber, is the most commonly
77. The typical core dimensions of single mode
deployed fiber in optical communication systems. This
step-index fiber is
fiber has a simplex step-index structure with a 10-µm
(a) 125-140 µm (b) 8-50 µm
core diameter and a 125 µm cladding diameter.
(c) 8-12 µm (d) 50-200 µm
72. The fiber splice is a ___________ joint between
2 fibers. TNPSC AE-2014
(a) Temporary (b) Permanent Ans. (c) : A typical single-mode optical fiber has a core
(c) Demountable (d) Alignment diameter between 8 and 10.5 µm and a cladding
TNPSC AE-2014 diameter of 125 µm.
Advance Communication 900 YCT
78. For a silica fiber the refractive index of core 83. Multimode graded index fibers are
layer is 1.56 and that of cladding is 1.35. manufactured from materials with
Calculate numerical aperture (a) Lower purity
(a) 0.78 (b) 7.8 (b) Higher purity than multimode step index
(c) 0.078 (d) 78 fibers
TNPSC AE-2014 (c) No impurity
Ans. (a) : Given - (d) Impurity as same as multimode step index
n1 = 1.56 fibers
n2 = 1.35 Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I
Ans. (b) : Multimode grade index fibers are
Numerical aperture ( N.A.) = ( n1 ) – ( n 2 )
2 2
manufactured from material with higher purity than
multimode step index fibers. The diameter of core in
= (1.56 ) − (1.35 )
multimode graded index fiber is (50 to 100)
= 0.61 84. Multimode graded index fibers have overall
= 0.78 buffer jackets same as multimode step index
79. The sources for fibre optical communication is fibers but have core diameters
(a) LED (b) Laser (a) Larger than multimode step index fibers
(c) Photo diode (d) Both (a) and (b) (b) Smaller than multimode step index fibers
TNPSC AE-2013 (c) Same as that of multimode step index fibers
(d) Smaller than single mode step index fibers
Ans. (d) : LED and lasers are the source of optical fiber
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I
communication but laser produce a single wave length
while LED emits a gaussian like distribution of wave Ans. (b) : Multimode graded index fibers have smaller
length. core diameter than multimode step index fibers. A small
core diameter helps the fiber gain greater rigidity to
80. Splice is resist bending.
(a) a non-permanent connection of two fibers
85. In single mode fibers, the most beneficial index
(b) a non-separable junction of two fibers profile is
(c) a process of cutting a fibre at the ends (a) Step index (b) Graded index
(d) none of these (c) Step and graded index (d) Coaxial cable
TNPSC AE-2013 Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I
Ans. (b) : Splice is a non-separable junction of two Ans. (b) : In single mode fibers, graded index profile is
fibers. In telecommunications, a line splice is a method more beneficial as compared to step index. This is
of connecting electrical cables or optical fibers. because graded index profile provides dispersion
81. Not an example for actuator modified single mode fibers.
(a) Optical fiber 86. Single mode fibers allow single mode
(b) Shape memory alloys propagation; the cladding diameter must be at
(c) Magneto-strictive materials least
(d) Electro-/Magneto-rheological fluids (a) Twice the core diameter
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I (b) Thrice the core diameter
Ans. (a) : An actuator is a part of a device or machine (c) Five times the core diameter
that the helps it to achieve physical movements by (d) Ten times the core diameter
converting energy, often electrical, air or hydraulic, Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I
into mechanical force. Ans. (d) : The cladding diameter in single mode fiber
82. Multimode step index fiber has must be ten times the core diameter. Large ratio
(a) Large core diameter & large numerical contribute to accurate propagation of light.
aperture 87. In an optical fiber communication system,
(b) Large core diameter and small numerical which among the following is not a typical
aperture transmitter function?
(c) Small core diameter and large numerical (a) Coding for error protection
aperture (b) Decoding of input data
(d) Small core diameter & small numerical (c) Electrical to optical conversion
aperture (d) Recoding to match output standard
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I
Ans. (a) : Multimode step-index fiber has large core Ans. (d) : The working principle of optical fibers is
diameter and large numerical aperture. These total internal reflection. Each fiber consists of a core
parameters provides efficient coupling to inherent light and cladding. The refractive index of the material of the
sources such as LED's. core (µ1) is higher than that of the cladding (µ2).
Advance Communication 901 YCT
88. Light may be propagated along a fiber-optic Ans. (d) : Given,
cable in which of the following modes? 0.35
(a) multimode step index Bandwidth =
(b) single-mode step index t rise
(c) multimode graded index 0.35
t rise =
(d) all of these B⋅ W
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2015, Paper-III 0.35
Ans. (d) : Light may be propagates along a fiber-optic t rise =
cable in multimode step index, single - mode step index trise = 700 pico-sec
and multimode grade index.
92. Total internal reflection at the fibre wall can
89. An optical link uses a fiber having a power loss occur only if two conditions are met. One of the
of 1 dB/km. A typical photo detector has condition is the glass inside the fibre core must
responsivity 0.5 A/W. If the link is 3 km long have a/an_____ index of refraction than/as the
and the detector is required to produce a index of refraction of the material surrounding
current of 25 µA, the required transmitted the fibre core.
power is (a) equal (b) slightly higher
(a) 0 dBm (b) –10 dBm (c) slightly smaller (d) slightly sharper
(c) –30 dBm (d) –50 dBm DMRC AM S&T-2020
BSNL(JTO)-2009 Ans. (b) : The refractive index of the core material
Ans. (b) : Given as: (1.50) is slightly greater than the cladding material
Power loss = 1 dB/km (1.48). The angle of incidence is always larger than the
Responsivity (R) = 0.5A/W critical angle of the core material with respect to its
L = 3 km cladding.
So, loss for L = 3 93. What is the device used for measuring the
Power loss = 1 ×3 = 3dB power in an optical signal?
(a) Optical multi-analyte meter
I = 25µA
(b) Optical spectrometer
I 25 ×10−6 (c) Optical power meter
∴P = =
R 0.5 (d) Optical fiber length meter
P = 50 ×10–6 RRB JE- 31.08.2019, 10 AM-12 PM
So, PT = 2×50×10–6 Ans. (c) : An optical power meter (OPM) is a device
PT = 10–4 used to measure the power in an optical signal. The
PT = –10 dBm typical optical power meter consist of a calibrated
90. The normalized frequency of a step index fiber sensor measuring amplifier and display.
is 28 at 1300 nm wavelength. What is the total 94. Maximum data rate of a channel for a noiseless
number (approx) of guided modes that can be 2-kHz binary channel is-
supported by the fiber (a) 2000 bps (b) 1000 bps
(a) 50 (b) 200 (c) 4000 bps (d) 3000 bps
(c) 400 (d) 800 RRB JE- 31.08.2019, 10 AM-12 PM
Sikkim PSC SI (Main)-2018 Ans. (c) : Given- Bandwidth B = 2kHz
RPSC Vice Principal ITI-2016 Number of levels (L) = 2 (as it is binary)
Ans. (c) : Given - Maximum data rate = 2Blog2(L)
Normalized frequency V = 28 = 2×2×103log2(2)
= 4000bps
λ = 1300 nm
95. In an optical fiber, dispersion :
No. of modes for step index fiber- (a) Decreases with the bandwidth of light source.
V2 V2 (b) Increases with the bandwidth of light source.
= ( for graded index fiber)
2 4 (c) is independent of light source.
(d) Proportional to intensity of light source.
( 28 )
= = = 392 MPSC HOD Govt. Poly. -2013
2 2 Ans. (a) : Dispersion is the spreading out of a light
≃ 400 pulse. It decreases the bandwidth so the information
91. The bandwidth of the optical signal having a carrying capacity also decreases.
rise time (response time) tr is 500MHz. Find the 96. A multimode step index fiber with a core
value of rise time. diameter of 80 µm and a relative index
(a) 750pico-sec (b) 900pico-sec difference of 1.5% is operating at a wavelength
(c) 800pico-sec (d) 700pico-sec of 0.85 µm . If the core refractive index is 1.48,
UPPCL AE-05.11.2019 then the normalized frequency for the fiber is
Advance Communication 902 YCT
(a) 37.9 (b) 75.8 Ans. (a) : Light is diffracted because of impurity in all
(c) 151.6 (d) 303.2 direction. So here loss present is called Rayleigh
ESE-2021 scattering loss.
Ans. (b) : Given - 100. Numerical aperture is closely related to
Step index fiber (2a) = 80µm acceptance angle and is the figure of merit
Core radius (a) = 40µm commonly used to measure
Relative index difference (∆) = 1.5% (a) the sine of the maximum angle
(b) the magnitude of the acceptance angle
∆ = 0.015
(c) the maximum angle of light ray
Wavelength = 0.85µm
(d) the intensity of light ray entering the cable
Core refractive index n1 = 1.48
n − n2
∆= 1 Ans. (b) : Numerical aperture is closely related to
n1 acceptance angle and is the figure of merit commonly
1.48 − n 2 used to measure, the magnitude of acceptance angle.
0.015 = 101. A digital optical fiber communication system
operating at a wavelength of 1µm requires a
1.48 –n2 = 0.0222 maximum bit error rate of 10–9. What is the
n2 = 1.48 – 0.0222 theoretical quantum limit at the receiver in
n2 = 1.4578 terms of the quantum efficiency of the detector
Numerical aperture (NA) = n12 − n 22 and the energy of an incident photon?
20.7hf 10.7hf
(a) (b)
(1.48 ) − (1.45 )
2 2
= = 0.255 η η
2π × a 2 × 3.14 × 40 ×10−6 20.7η 10.7η
V= × NA = × 0.255 (c) (d)
λ 0.85 × 10−6 hf hf
75.36 ≃ 75.8
Ans. (a) : Given -
97. Which one of the following fibers has the
distinct advantage of low intermodal λ = 1 µm
dispersion? Error Rate = 10–9
(a) Multimode step-index fiber P (e) P (ePe× P (Zm))= 10–9
(b) Single-mode step-index fiber ηp τ
(c) Graded-index multimode fiber Zm = 0
(d) Spatially incoherent multimode fiber Zm = 20.7
Z ×h×f
Ans. (b) : Low intermodal dispersion is the advantage Emin = P 0τ = m
of single mode step index fiber. η
98. Which one of the following is the ratio of power 20.7 × hf
Emin =
lost per unit length to the twice of power η
transmitted? 102. Fibers have numerical aperture (N.A.) in the
(a) Attenuation factor region of 0.15 to 0.4, Fibers with higher N.A.,
(b) Power efficiency values generally exhibit
(c) Quality factor (a) Reduced losses
(d) Transmission efficiency (b) High bandwidth
ESE-2022 (c) Reduced losses and low bandwidth
Ans. (a) : The formula of attenuation factor is given by (d) Greater losses and low bandwidth
αg = L
2Ptr Ans. (c) :
Where PL = Power lost per unit length
Ptr = Power Transmitted.
99. Some of the diffracted light continues down the
fiber and some of it escapes through the
cladding. The light rays that escape represent a
loss in light power which is called
(a) Rayleigh scattering loss Fibers having numerical aperture (N.A.) in the region of
(b) chromic distortion loss 0.15 to 0.4, Fibers with higher N.A. values generally
(c) chromatic distortion loss exhibit reduced losses and low bandwidth.
(d) predominant fiber loss NA = ( n1 ) − ( n 2 )
2 2
Advance Communication 903 YCT
103. The modal dispersion in a fiber is 20ns/km.
What will be the overall pulse spread in 10 km
long fiber? Assume material dispersion to be
zero Where,
(a) 50 ns (b) 100 ns µ1 = Refractive index of core
(c) 200 ns (d) 300 ns µ2 = Refractive index of cladding.
TANGEDCO AE- 2018 for total internal reflection to occur
Ans. (c) : Given -
µ1 > µ 2
Fiber distance = 10 km
Model dispersion distance = 20 ns/km 107. Refractive index of glass is 1.5. What is the
Material distance = zero (0) wavelength of a beam of light with a frequency
∴ The overall pulse spread in 10 km long fiber will be - of 1014 Hz in glass? Assume velocity of light in
= ( 20 ns / km ) × (10 km ) = 200 ns vacuum to be 3x 108 m/sec.
(a) 3 µm (b) 3 mm
104. Which optical detector is used when high (c) 2 µm (d) 1 µm
sensitivity and bandwidth are required? GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
(a) PMT (b) APD
Ans. (c) : Given-
(c) PIN (d) Phototransistor
14 8
TANGEDCO AE- 2018 µ = 1.5 f = 10 Hz V = 3 × 10 m / sec
Ans. (a) : Photomultiplier tube (PMT) is an optical c c
detector light-sensitive device that convert light energy µ = o ⇒ cµ = o
cµ µ
in to electrical energy.
Ability of PMT is measure relatively small amounts of 3 ×108
electromagnetic radiation. cµ = = 2 ×108
105. A step index fibre has core diameter 40 µm cµ 2 × 108
with core refractive indix of 1.3 and numerical λ= = = 2µm
aperture 0.5, then the refractive index of f 1014
cladding is 108. If a light travels in a certain medium and it gets
(a) 1.2 (b) 1.1 reflected off an optically denser medium with
(c) 0.9 (d) 0.8 high refractive index, then it is regarded
TSTRANSCO AE- 2018 as_____
(a) External Reflection (b) Internal Reflection
Ans. (a) : Given-
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
NA = 6.5
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2017, Paper-I
n1 = 1.3
Ans. (a) : If a light travels in a certain medium and it
NA = n12 − n 22 gets reflected off an optically denser medium with high
refractive index, then it is regarded as external
0.5 = (1.3) 2 − n 22 reflection.
0.25 = 1.69 – n 22 109. The working of an optical fiber is bases on
(a) Dispersion of light
n 22 = 1.44 (b) Total internal reflection
n 2 = 1.2 (c) Polarisation of light
(d) Diffraction of light
106. An optical fibre has refractive index core
RRB SSE-03.09.2015, Shift-III
(a) high and low refractive index cladding
Ans. (b) : The working of an optical fiber is bases on
(b) low and high refractive index cladding
total internal reflection. Use of optical fiber light signals
(c) uniform surrounded by variable index can be transmitted from one place to another place
cladding without loss of energy.
(d) variable with refractive index increases from
low at the centre to high at the junction with 110. An optical fiber cable laid underground has
cladding developed a discontinuity at a distance d from
the source end. The fault can be located using
the instrument
IES-2013, 1994 (a) Optical spectrum Analyzer (OSA)
Ans. (a) : (b) Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
• The core is the light-carrying portion of the fiber. (c) Optical Power Meter (OPM)
• The cladding surrounds the core optical fiber based (d) Laser Diffractometer (LD)
on principle of total Internal reflection. BSNL (JTO)-2006
Advance Communication 904 YCT
Ans. (b) : An optical fiber cable laid underground has 115. The Dispersion Shifted fiber is normally
developed a discontinuity at a distance 'd' from the designed to have zero chromatic dispersion at
source end. The fault can be located using the (a) 850 nm (b) 1300 nm
instrument optical time domain reflectometer. (c) 1480 nm (d) 1550 nm
111. Non-linear Cross Phase Modulation (XPM) TANGEDCO- 2015
occurs due to Ans. (d) : The dispersion shifted fiber is normally designed
(a) Difference in transmission phase of peak to have zero chromatic dispersion at 1550 nm. The
pulse & leading or trailing edges of pulse
wavelength at which the chromatic dispersion becomes zero
(b) Third-order optical non-linearity is known as zero chromatic dispersion wavelength.
(c) Intensity dependence of refractive index
(d) Change in wavelength 116. In an optical fibre, if the total internal
reflection takes place, which of the following
Nagaland PSC (CTSE) Diploma-2017, Paper II
conditions have to be satisfied?
Ans. (c) : Cross-Phase modulation (XPM) is another
effect originated from the non-linear refractive index. n
(a) n2 > n1 and φ1 > cos−1 2
The process of XPM-An intensity modulated strong
optical carrier propagation along an optical fiber
modulates the refractive index of the fiber. n
(b) n 2 < n1 and φ1 > cos −1 2
112. The response time of photodiode depends on
(a) Diffusion time of photo carriers outside the
depletion region n
(b) Diffusion time of photo carriers within the (c) n1 < n 2 and φ1 < cos−1 2
depletion region n1
(c) RC time constant n
(d) All of the above (d) n1 > n 2 and φ1 > cos −1 2
Nagaland PSC (CTSE) Diploma-2017, Paper II
OPSC Poly. Lect. (Instrumentation)-2018, Paper-II
Ans. (d) : The response time of a photo detector with its
output circuit depends mainly on the three factor- Ans. (b) : For total internal reflection -
The transit time n
n 2 < n1 and cosφ > 2 and
W n1
td =
depends on the carrier drift velocity and the depletion φ > cos−1 2
layer width W, n1
Diffusion time of photo carriers outside depletion
region. 117. An optical fibre has a reflective index of 1.641
RC time constant of the circuit for the core and 1.422 for the cladding. The
critical angle above which the ray will be
B= totally internally reflected is :
2πR T CT (a) 37º (b) 41º
113. Which band specifies the operation range of (c) 45º (d) 60º
Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA)? OPSC Poly. Lect. (Instrumentation)-2018, Paper-II
(a) by O band (b) By C band
(c) By S band (d) By Ku band Ans. (d) : φ = sin −1 1
Nagaland PSC (CTSE) Diploma-2017, Paper II n2
Ans. (b) : EDFA is an optical amplifier used in the C-band 1.422
and L-band, where loss of telecom optical fibers becomes φ = sin −1
lowest in the entire optical telecommunication bands. 1.641
114. In the SONET, form the Synchronous Transport φ = 60º
Signal (STS), Optional Carrier (OC) is obtained 118. Attenuation of a narrow monochromatic X -
(a) after scrambling and optical electrical ray beam in a metal plate of thickness d is
conversion given by :
(b) after electrical to optical conversion
(a) I = I0 e −µd
(c) after optical to electrical conversion (b) I = I0 e −µd
(d) after scrambling and electrical to optical µ µ2
conversion − −
(c) I = i0 e d (d) I = i0 e d2
TNPSC AE - 2018
Ans. (d) : In the SONET, from the synchronous transport OPSC Poly. Lect. (Instrumentation)-2018, Paper-II
signal (STS), optical carier (OC) is obtained after Ans. (a) : I = I0 ⋅ e −µd
scrambling and electrical to optical conversion. A SONET
is a communication protocol developed by Belleore. I0 = Initial intensity
Advance Communication 905 YCT
(v) TV, Audio and Video 5. Luminance signal is expressed by
(a) Y = R + G + B
1. In commercial TV transmission in India, video (b) R = 0.33R + 0.33G + 0.33B
and voice signals are modulated respectively as, (c) Y = 0.3 R + 0.59 G + 0.11 B
(a) VSB and VSB (b) VSB and SSB (d) Y = 0.59 R + 0.11 G + 0.3 B
(c) VSB and FM (d) FM and VSB Nagaland PSC- 2018, Diploma Paper-II
UPPSC ITI Principal/Asstt. Director-09.01.2022 TNPSC AE-2014
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2018, Paper-III Ans. (c) : The luminance signal can be obtained by
Nagaland PSC (Degree), 2018, Paper- II adding together the signal representing the three
TANGEDCO AE- 2018 primaries colour R, G and B.
AAI-2015 Y = 0.30R + 0.59G + 0.11B
TNPSC AE-2013 Red = 30%, Green = 59%, Blue = 11%
Ans. (c) : Vestigial side band modulation is used for 6. The sound signal, in a T.V. broadcast, is
video modulation in TV transmission, and frequency modulated in
modulation is used for audio transmission. (a) AM (b) VSB
• Spectrum of a vestigial sideband is as shown. (c) FM (d) SSB
Nagaland PSC CTSE- 2015, Paper-II
Ans. (c) : For TV Broadcasting we use frequency
modulation (FM) for Audio signal and Amplitude
modulation (AM) for video transmission.
7. The actual frequency response of human ear is
represented on
(a) Logarithmeic paper
2. The aperture effect in the flat top pulses are (b) Semilogrithmic paper
reduced by using : (c) Linear graph paper
(a) Predictor (b) Integrator (d) Decibel chart
(c) Equalizer (d) Compander Nagaland PSC CTSE- 2015, Paper-II
APPSC Poly. Lect. 15.03.2020 Ans. (d) : The actual frequency response of human ear
Ans. (c) : By using equalizer, the aperture effect in flat is represented on decibel chart.
top pulses is reduced. The human ear as a dynamic range from 0dB
3. Horizontal blanking period in 625 B TV system (threshold) to 120 - 130 dB.
is 8. 10 Watts RF power is transmitted with a
(a) 12 µS (b) 64 µS circular polarized antenna having gain of
(c) 4.7 µS (d) 1280 µS 10dB. A receiving antenna has vertical
UPPSC ITI Principal/Asstt. Director-09.01.2022 polarization. The path loss is 100 dB. The
Ans. (b) : Horizontal blanking period in 625 B TV receiving signal is
system is 64 µ sec. (a) -83 dBW (b) -80 dBW
(c) -86 dBW (d) + 80 dBW
4. The horizontal output stage of a certain TV
receiver supplies 1 A peak to peak scanning ISRO Scientist Engg.-2006
signal. As summing a flyback time of 5 µsec, Ans. (b) : The receiving signal:-
the inductance required to generate 3 kV is Pr = Pt Gt – Lpath
(a) 15 µH (b) 10 mH Pr (dB) = 10 log (pt) +10 log (Gt) – 10 log Lpath
(c) 15 mH (d) 10 H = 10 dB + 10dB – 100 dB
Nagaland PSC- 2018, Diploma Paper-II Pr (dB) = –80 dBW
di 9. A 1 mW video signal having a bandwidth of
Ans. (c) : e = L ⋅ 100 MHz is transmitted to a receiver through a
cable that has 40 dB loss. If the effective one-
L=e sided noise spectral density at the receiver is
di 10–20 Watt/Hz, then the signal-to-noise ratio at
5 × 10−6 the receiver is
L = 3 ×103 × (a) 50dB (b) 30dB
−3 (c) 40dB (d) 60dB
L = 15 × 10 ⇒ L = 15mH
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2016
Advance Communication 906 YCT
Ans.(a) : Given, 12. FM radio broadcasting takes place in the
Bandwidth (BW) = 100 MHz = 100×106 Hz frequency band of
Pt = 1mWatt = 1×10–3 Watt (a) 88-108 MHz (b) 95-97 MHz
N0 = 10–20 W/Hz (c) 10-20 MHz (d) 100-200 MHz
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
SNR (tr ) = Ans. (a) : A frequency band is an interval in the
N0 × B frequency domain delimited by a lower frequency and
10−3 an upper frequency. FM radio broadcasting takes place
= −2 in the frequency band of 88-108 MHz.
10 × 100 × 106
= 10–9 13. The audio frequency range is
SNR(tr) (In dB) = –10 log1010–9 (a) 5Hz–1KHz (b) 50Hz–20KHz
= 90 dB (c) 16Hz–20KHz (d) 0Hz–020KHz
If loss is 40 dB, So the (S/N) at receiver is Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
= 90dB–40dB Ans. (c) : The audio frequency range is 20Hz to 20kHz.
= 50 dB 14. UHF range is
10. A video camera generates data at a rate of 5 (a) 30MHz–300MHz
Mbps. The data is channel coded at rate 1/3 (b) 50MHz–20MHz
and 8 PSK modulated. Which of the following (c) 3000MHz–30,000MHz
statements is correct? (d) above 30,000MHz
(a) Information rate: 15 Mbps; Symbol rate: 5 Msps Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
(b) Information rate: 5 Mbps; Symbol rate: 15 Msps Ans. (*) : UHF range is 300 MHz - 3 GHz
(c) Information rate: 15 Mbps; Symbol rate: 15 Designation Abbreviation Frequencies
Very low VLF 3 kHz-30 kHz
(d) Information rate: 5 Mbps; Symbol rate: 5 Msps
ISRO Scientist Engg. -2020
Low frequency LF 30 kHz-300
Data rate kHz
Ans. (a) : • Information Rate (R) =
Code rate Medium MF 300 kHz-
Inforamation rate frequency 3MHz
Symbol rate =
log 2 m High frequency HF 3MHz-30 MHz
where m = Number of level. Very high VHF 30 MHz-
Given, frequency 300MHz
Data rate = 5 Mbps Ultra high UHF 300MHz-
Code rate = 1/3, frequency 3GHz
Number of level (m) = 8 Super high SHF 3GHz-30GHz
Data rate frequency
• Information Rate (R) = Extremely High EHF 30 GHz-
Code rate
frequency 300GHz
= = 15 Mbps 15. Interlacing is used in television to
1/ 3 (a) produce the illusion of motion
15Mbps (b) ensure that all the lines on the screen are
• Symbol rate =
log 2 8 scanned, not merely the alternate ones
15Mbps 15 15 (c) simplify vertical pulse train
= = = = 5 Mbps (d) avoid flicker
log 2 23 3log 2 2 3
Mizoram PSC AE/SDO-2012 Paper-III
11. The image (second) channel selectivity of a Ans. (d) : Interlacing is used for doubling the perceived
superheterodyne communication receiver is from rate of a video display without consuming the
determined by extra bandwidth.
(a) Antenna and pre-selector It is mostly used in television to avoid flicker.
(b) The pre-selector and RF amplifier 16. The standard voice frequency band is
(c) The pre-selector and IF amplifier (a) 300 Hz- 3400 Hz (b) 3 KHz-30 KHz
(d) The RF and IF amplifier (c) 20Hz-20 KHz (d) 30 Hz-3000Hz
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017 Mizoram PSC IOLM-2018, Paper-III
Ans. (b) : The image (second) channel selectivity of a CGPSC SO 14.03.2016
super-heterodyne Communication receiver is Ans. (a) : In telephone, the usable frequency range from
determined by the pre-selector and RF amplifier. 300 Hz to 3400 Hz.
Advance Communication 907 YCT
17. Microwave links are generally preferred over 22. Video Bandwidth is
coaxial cable for TV transmissions because: (a) Rh/2t (b) Rh × 2t
1. of low overall phase distortion (c) 2t/Rh (d) 2Rh/t
2. of less number of repeater stations for a given TNPSC AE-2014
distance Ans. (a) : Video bandwidth–
3. it is unattended When used in the context of video streaming,
4. of relative immunity to impulse noise bandwidth defines the volume information per unit of
Which of the above reasons are correct? time that a transmission medium, like an internet
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 3 only connection, can handle.
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only (d) 3 and 4 only R
UPSC JWM-2016 Video Bandwidth = h
Ans. (b) : Microwave link are generally preferred over
23. Telephone traffic is measured
coaxial cable for TV transmission because of low
overall phase distortion, of less number of repeater (a) with echo cancellers
stations for a given distance and it is unattended. (b) by relative congestion
(c) in terms of the grade of service
18. In TV 4 : 3 represents the
(d) in erlangs
(a) interlace ratio
(b) maximum horizontal deflection
(c) aspect ratio Ans. (d) : The erlang (E) is a dimensionless unit that is
(d) ratio of the two diagonals used in telephony as a measure of offered load or
UKPSC Assistant Radio Officer Screening Exam.-2011
carried load on service-providing elements such as
telephone circuits or telephone switching equipments. A
Ans. (c) : In TV 4 : 3 represent the aspect ratio. The single cord circuit has the capacity to be used for 60
aspect ratio is the ratio between the width and the height minutes in one hour.
of display, it defines it's overall shape.
24. An audio signal ranging from dc to 20 kHz
19. The function of chroma section in the TV could be reconstructed by taking uniformly
receiver tube is to spaced samples at a rate of
(a) Combine electron beam (a) 40,000 samples/second
(b) Separate electron beam (b) 20,000 samples/second
(c) Combine colours (c) 10,000 samples/second
(d) Separate colours (d) 4,000 samples/second
Ans. (d) : Chrominance (chroma or c for short) is the Ans. (a) : The Nyquist rate of sampling represents the
signal used in video system to convey the colour minimum rate sampling so that the original signal can
information of the picture, separately from the be recovered from its sampled version.
accompanying luma signal.
fs(min) = fs(Nyquist) = 2fm sample/sec.
20. In television pictures an effective rate of ______ = 2 × 20,000
vertical scans per second is utilized to reduce = 40,000 samples/second
(a) 500 (b) 5 25. After the mixer stage in a transmitters the beat
frequency of video signal and audio signal
(c) 50 (d) 5000
respectively is
TNPSC AE-2014 (a) 38.9 MHz, 33.4 MHz
Ans. (c) : In Television pictures an effective rate of 50 (b) 33.4 MHz, 38.9 MHz
vertical scans per second is utilized to reduced flicker. (c) 38.9 MHz for both
This is accomplished by increasing the downward rate
(d) 33.4 MHz for both
of travel of the scanning electron beam, so that every
alternate line gate scanned instead of every successive TNPSC AE-2014
line. Ans. (a) : After the mixer stage in a transmitters the
21. In TV, if the picture is very slow to appear and beat frequency of video signal and audio signal
the picture tube may be gassy (its cathode respectively is 38.9 MHz, 33.4 MHz.
emission very low) 26. The bandwidth of a channel in a TV system is
(a) No brightness (b) Low brightness (a) 5 MHz (b) 6 MHz
(c) Excessive brightness (d) Average brightness (c) 7 MHz (d) 8 MHz
Ans. (b) : Low brightness–If the picture is very slow to Ans. (c) : A typical TV signal requires 4MHz of
appear after the set is turned on and it is weak with a bandwidth. With adding sound, something called a
very poor contrast then the picture tube must be gassy vestigial sideband and a little buffer space, a TV signal
or its cathode emission may be too low. requires 7 MHz of bandwidth for transmission.
Advance Communication 908 YCT
27. Which one of the following photosensitive (c) Deflection tube
device is used in the motion picture industry as (d) tuners
sound-on-film sensors? TNPSC AE-2013
(a) gas-type photo tube Ans. (a) : In TV, the colour image are converted into
(b) multiplier photo tube video signals by picture tube. The TV signal is carried
(c) photo conductive cell by wire to an antenna which is high mounting.
(d) photo voltaic cell 31. How the colour picture tubes are classified?
TNPSC AE-2013 (a) According to gun configuration and phosphor
Ans. (a) : Gas type photo tube is a photo sensitive arrangement
device that is used in the motion picture industry as (b) According to phosphor arrangement
sound on film sensors. A photo tube or photo electric
(c) According to gun configuration
cell is a type of gas filled or vacuum tube that is
sensitive to light. (d) According to deflection coils
28. According to CCIR standards, the television
screen is blanked out Ans. (a) : The colour picture tube are classified
(a) 25 times in one second according to gun configuration and phosphor
(b) 50 times in one second arrangement. A colour picture tube has three electron
guns in one picture tube.
(c) 15,625 times in one second
(d) 60 times in one second 32. Fine tuning control in television receiver is
TNPSC AE-2013 (a) a preset inductance
Ans. (b) : According to CCIR standard, the TV screen (b) a potentiometer
is blanked out 50 times in one second. CCIR (c) a variable condenser
(consultative committee for international radio) is a (d) none of these
standard body responsible for many audio and video TNPSC AE-2013
standards. Ans. (c) : Fine tuning control in television receiver is a
29. Match List - I correctly with List - II and select variable condenser. A variable condenser provide a
your answer using the codes given below : variable frequency for broadcasting.
List - I List - II 33. The phosphor type number used in tricolour
(a) Delta gun colour (1) avoids flicker picture tube is
picture tube (a) P1 (b) P4
(b) Interlacing (2) three colour dots (c) P22 (d) P31
arranged in groups TNPSC AE-2013
(c) Precision in line (3) reduces bandwidth Ans. (c) : The phosphor type number used in tricolour
picture tube picture tube is P22. There are three colour of beam for
(d) Vestigial side band (4) three colour dots Red, Green & Blue.
arranged in vertical 34. Which type of speaker is used in telephone
strip receivers ?
Codes : (a) Tweeter type (b) Moving coil type
(a) (b) (c) (d) (c) Coaxial type (d) Fixed coil type
(a) 3 1 4 2 TNPSC AE-2013
(b) 2 1 4 3 Ans. (d) : Fixed coil type speaker is used in telephone
(c) 2 3 4 1 receiver. In modern mobile phone have two speaker,
(d) 4 3 2 1 one skill called a receiver and second called
TNPSC AE-2013 reinforcement.
Ans. (b) : 35. The ratio of the width to the height of the
1- Delta gun colour picture tube has three colour dots picture frame is called as
arranged in groups. (a) Rastar (b) Aspect Ratio
2- Interlacing is mostly used in Television to avoids (c) Length Ratio (d) Efficiency
flicker. RPSC LECTURER-10.01.2016
3- Precision in line picture tube has three colour dots
Ans. (b) : Aspect Ratio can be defined as the ratio of
arranged in vertical strip.
width to height of the picture frame. For television, it is
4- Vestigial side band reduces the bandwidth.
standard as 4:3.
30. How the signals are generated in TV ?
36. The ratio of the tangential component of the
(a) Colour images are converted into video electric field at the surface of conductor and
signals by picture tube the linear current density which flows as a
(b) Camera tube result of this electric field, is known as
Advance Communication 909 YCT
(a) Surface impedance 42. Match List I with List II and select the correct
(b) Trans-conductance answer using the codes given below the list :
(c) Reflection coefficient List I List II
(d) Refraction coefficient A. Television 1. Either AM or FM
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma)-2018, Paper-I used
Ans. (a) : The ratio of tangential component of the B. Radio 2. Both AM and FM
electric field at the surface of conductor and the linear
are used
current density which flows as a result of this electric
field is known as surface impedance. C. Radar 3. PCM is used
37. A television (TV) transmission is an example of D. Data communication 4. Digital system
which type of transmission? A B C D
(a) Simplex (b) Half duplex (a) 4 3 1 2
(c) Full duplex (d) None of these (b) 2 1 3 4
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2015, Paper-III (c) 4 1 3 2
Ans. (a) : A TV transmission is an example of simplex (d) 2 3 1 4
(Broadcasting) mode of transmission.
RPSC Vice Principal ITI-2016
Simplex – Simplex is communication mode in which
only one signal is transmitted and it always goes in the Ans. (b) :
same direction. List I List II
38. A telephone channel has bandwidth B of 3 kHz A. Television – Both AM and FM used
and SNR of 30 dB. It is connected to a teletype B. Radio – Either AM or FM
machine having 32 different symbols. The
C. Radar – PCM is used
symbol rate required for errorless transmission
is nearly D. Data communication – Digital system
(a) 1800 symbols/sec (b) 3000 symbols/sec 43. Neutralizing capacitors are normally used in
(c) 5000 symbols/sec (d) 6000 symbols/sec (a) Audio amplifiers
Mizoram PSC IOLM-2010, Paper-II (b) Video amplifiers
Ans. (d) : fm = 3KHz = 3000 Hz (c) RF and IF amplifiers
fs = 2fm (d) Operational amplifiers
fs = 2 × 3000
TRB Poly. Lect. -2012
f s = 6000symbols / sec
Ans. (c) : Neutralizing capacitors are normally used in
39. Picture information in TV signals is RF and IF amplifiers.
transmitted by 44. In Indian TV, video signal colour standard
(a) AM (b) FM used is :
(c) PAM (d) PCM
(a) VHS (b) SECAM
RPCS Lect.-2011
(c) PAL (d) NTSC
Ans. (a) : In Television transmitters–
Picture and transmission uses amplitude modulation. BSNL(JTO)-2002
The distortion which axis due to interference between Ans. (c) : The television transmission standard in India
multiple signals is more in FM than AM because the PAL - B.
frequency of the FM signal continuously changes.
Also the circuit complexity and bandwidth
requirement are much less in AM than in FM.
40. The colour TV system to be adopted in India is
(a) NTSC (b) SECAM
(c) PAL-B (d) CCIR
RPCS Lect.-2011
Ans. (c) : Phase alternating line is a encoding system
for analog television used in broadcast television system
has been most widely adopted in India.
41. The number of frames per seconds in our TV 45. The speed of an audio cassette tape in a
system is cassette player is 5cm/sec. If the maximum
(a) 50 (b) 24 frequency that needs to be recorded is 20 kHz,
(c) 25 (d) 30 the minimum spatial wavelength on the tape is
RPCS Lect.-2011 (a) 40 µm (b) 25 µm
Ans. (c) : The Number of frames per second in TV (c) 4 µm (d) 2.5 µm
system in India is 25. BSNL (JTO)-2006
Advance Communication 910 YCT
Ans. (d) : 50. A display screen consists of 2 × 106 picture
Given, elements and 16 brightness levels. The frames
speed = 5 cm/sec = 5×10–2 m/sec are repeated at the rate of 32 per second. All
picture elements are assumed to be
frequency = 20×103 Hz independent and all levels have equal likelihood
Minimum spatial wavelength of occurrence. The average rate of information
speed conveyed by this display screen source is
maximum frequency (a) 256 Mb/s (b) 128 Mb/s
(c) 64 Mb/s (d) 32 Mb/s
5 ×10 –2
= = 2.5×10–6 m RPSC VP/Suptd. ITI 05.11.2019
20 × 103 16
1 1
= 2.5 µm Ans. (a) : H ( x ) = −∑ log 2
i =1 16 16
46. How many 6 MHz wide TV channels can be
multiplexed on 800 MHz coaxial cable? = 4b/element
(a) 96 (b) 266 r = 2 (106 ) ( 32 )
(c) 133 (d) 48
ESE-2022 r = 64 × 106 elements / s
Hence, we have
Ans. (c) : Total channel = R = rH(x)
channel width
R = 64 × 106 × 4
800MHz R = 256 Mb/s
= ≈ 133 channel
6MHz 51. The resolution of a TV picture is determined by
47. A TV system has BW of 240 MHz, how many (a) Video amplification factor
TV signals could be transmitted using FDM of (b) Video bandwidth
4 MHz wide? (c) The number of frames scanned
(a) 20 (b) 30 (d) The output of the video detector
(c) 150 (d) 60 IES - 1993
UPRVUNL AE-2016 Ans. (c) : T.V. Resolution is defined by the amount of
Ans. (d) : Total number of signal transmitted in FDM Horizontal and vertical pixels.
system is - If Resolution is high, the quality of picture will be high.
f It is depends on the number of frames scanned per second.
fx 52. In broadcast television, the number of scanning
per frame is chosen to be an odd number to
(a) Reduce the required bandwidth
Total bandwidth (f) = 240 MHz
(b) Improve the picture resolution
Signal bandwidth (fx) = 4 MHz
(c) Reduce peak power requirement
N= = 60 (d) Make interlacing easier
4 IES - 1992
48. On a voltage scale, zero dBm in a 600-ohm Ans. (d) : In broadcast television, the number of
system would refer to : scanning per frame is chosen to be an odd number to
(a) 1.732 V (b) 1.0 V make interlacing easier.
(c) 0.7746V (d) 0.5V 53. Bandwidth of colour television transmission is
IES-1998 of the order of
Ans. (c) : In audio, zero dBm often corresponds to (a) 100 kHz (b) 1 MHz
approximately 0.775 volt, since 0.775V dissipates (c) 6 MHz (d) 10 MHz
1 mW in a 600Ω load the corresponding voltage level is IES - 1994
0 dBm, without the 600Ω restriction. Ans. (c) : PAL has serval variation, depending on the
49. The field frequency of HDTV is video bandwidth and placement of the audio subcarrier.
(a) 15 (b) 60 The composite video signal bas a bandwidth of 4.2, 5.0,
(c) 30 (d) 120 5.5 or 6.0MHz, depending on the specific PAL standard.
Kerala PSC Lecturer (NCA) 04.07.2017 54. In Indian TV, video signal bandwidth is
Ans. (b) : High definition television (HDTV) describe a (a) 15 kHz (b) 5 MHz
television system providing an image resolution of (c) 5.5 MHz (d) 7 MHz
substantially higher resolution than the previous BSNL (JTO)-2001
generation of technologies. The field frequency of Ans. (d) : A TV signal is usually allocated 7MHz of
HDTV is 60 Hz. bandwidth for transmission.
Advance Communication 911 YCT
Microprocessor and
Ans. (c) :
(i) Basics of 8085 Microprocessor It is a 16-bit registers.
The PC hold the address of next instruction to be
1. An 8085 microprocessor based system drives a executed.
multiplexed 5-digit, 7 segment display. The PC locate the memory address of the instruction that
digits are refreshed at a rate of 500Hz. The on is to be executed next.
time for each digit is 4. What is the size(in bits) of the stack pointer in
(a) 10–2 second (b) 0.4 × 10–3 second 8085?
(c) 4 × 10 second
(d) 2.5 × 10–2 second (a) 8 (b) 24
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (c) 32 (d) 16
MPPSC Forest Service Exam.-2014 Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade -2018, Paper-III
Ans. (b) : Given, f = 500 Hz. RPSC Lect. -10.01.2016
Then, UPRVUNL AE - 2016
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade - 2015, Paper-II
T= Sail - 2014
500 TNPSC AE - 2008
T = 2 mili sec Ans. (d) : Stack pointer is a 16-bit register which
2mili sec contains the address of data present at the top of the
On time for each digit = = 0.4 mili sec stack or it points to top of the stack memory.
= 0.4×10 sec 5. An instruction used to set the carry flag in a
computer can be classified as
2. The number of address bits that are present in
Microprocessor 8085 are . (a) Data transfer (b) arithmetic
(a) 64 (b) 32 (c) logical (d) program control
GATE 1998
(c) 16 (d) 8
Nagaland PSC CTSE- 2015, Paper-II
UPRVUNL AE -19.07.2021, Shift-II
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade - 2015, Paper-II
MPPSC Forest Service Exam.-2014
RPCS Lecturer - 2011 TNPSC Manager (Engg.) - 2015
BPSC Poly. Lect. - 2014
Ans. (c) : 8085 microprocessor has 16 bit address
ranging from A15 – A8 and AD7 – AD0. Address bus is Ans. (c) : A logical operation can be used to set the
unidirectional. carry flag in a computer which perform basic logical
3. A register of microprocessor which keeps track operations such as AND, OR, XOR etc and works on a
of the execution of a program and which bitwise level.
contains the memory address of the next 6. In a microprocessor, WAIT states are used to
instruction to be executed is called (a) Make the processor wait during a DMA
(a) Index address register operation
(b) Memory address register (b) make the processor wait during an interrupt
(c) Program counter processing
(d) Instruction register (c) make the processor wait during a power
RRB JE- 31.08.2019, 10 AM-12 PM shutdown
UPSC Poly. Lect. - 10.03.2019 (d) interface slow peripherals to the processor
Nagaland PSC (Degree) 2018- Paper-II Nagaland PSC (Degree)-2018, Paper-II
GPSC Asstt. Prof. - 11.04.2017 GPSC Asstt. Prof. 11.04.2017
UJVNL AE-2016 IES-2015, 2007
RRB SSE -02.09.2015, Shift-III Nagaland PSC CTSE-2015, Paper-II
Nagaland PSC CTSE- 2015- Paper-II GATE 1993
IES – 2015, 2014, 2013, 1996, 1995
Ans. (d) : WAIT states are used to interface slow
ISRO Scientist Engg. 2007, 2006
peripheral to the processor. WAIT affects no flags and it
GATE - 1993 enables the test input pin to go low.
Microprocessor and Microcontroller 912 YCT
7. An ‘Assembler’ for a microprocessor is used Ans. (d) : EX-OR operation is used because it can be
for used both as buffer and inverter by setting the inputs to
(a) assembly of processors in a production line 0 and 1 respectively.
(b) creation of new programmes using different 12. Microprocessor 8085 is the enhanced version of
modules the following with essentially the same
(c) translation of a program from assembly construction set
language to machine language (a) 6800 (b) 68000
(d) translation of a higher level language into (c) 8080 (d) 8000
English text
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2016, Paper-II
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree) - 2017, Paper-II
GATE 1995 Ans. (c) : Intel 8080 was the first microprocessor. 8080
TNPSC AE-2008 require multiple voltages and 8085 worked on single
voltage. 8080 has 74 instruction set while 8085 has 72
Nagaland PSC CTSE-2015, Paper-II
instruction set.
Ans. (c) : An assembler is a program that converts
assembly language into machine language. 13. In 8085 microprocessor, address bus and data
bus are :
Assembly code → Assembler → Machine code (a) Non-multiplexed
Assembly language is machine dependent. (b) Multiplexed
8. What is the Power supply specification for 8085 (c) Duplicated
microprocessor? (d) Same as CONTROL bus
(a) Single +5V supply with 10% voltage margins OPSC Poly. Lect. (Instrumentation)-2018, Paper-II
(b) Dual +5V supply with 10% voltage margins Ans. (b) : In 8085, the lower 8-bit address bus (A0-A7)
(c) Single +10V supply with 5% voltage margins and data bus (D0-D7) are multiplex to reduced number
(d) Dual +5V supply with 5% voltage margins of external pin.
RPSC LECTURER-10.01.2016 14. Program Counter (PC) register is an integral
MPPSC Forest Service Exam. - 2014 part of:
SAIL - 2014 (a) Hard Disk (b) RAM
Ans. (a) : Power supply specification of 8085 (c) Cache memory (d) CPU
microprocessor is single + 5V supply with 10% voltage RRB SSE 03.09.2015 Shift-II
margins. Ans. (d) : Program Counter (PC) register is an integral
9. 8085 is a- part of CPU (Central Processing Unit).
(a) 8-bit Microprocessor 15. In memory mapped I/O 8085 µp can access
(b) 4-bit Computer processor memory space
(c) 8-bit Mini processor (a) 64 KB
(d) 4-bit Mega processor (b) 32 KB
OPSC Poly. Lect. - (Instrumentation) - 2018 (c) 256 B
UPPCL AE-16.11.2013 (d) depends on ALU capacity
MPPSC Forest Service Exam.-2014
RPSC Lect. - 10.01.2016
Ans. (a) : The Intel 8085 is an 8-bit microprocessor Nagaland PSC CTSE (Degree)-2016, Paper-II
produced by intel. In this microprocessor NMOS
technology is used and it has parallel CPU. SAIL- 2014
10. A microprocessor is called an n-bit Ans. (a) : In memory mapped input/output 8085
microprocessor depending upon microprocessor can access memory space is 64 KB.
(a) Registers’ length 16. First In First Out (FIFO) is used in-
(b) Size of internal data bus (a) Stack (b) Linked list
(c) Size of external data bus (c) Queue (d) Tree
(d) None of these RRB JE- 31.08.2019, 10 AM-12 PM
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade -2018, Paper-III Ans. (c) : First in First Out (FIFO) is used in Queue. It
Ans. (b) : A microprocessor is called n-bit mirco- is a method for handling data structures where the first
processor depending on the size of internal data bus. In element is processed first and the newest element is
other words it is the number of data lines which are fed processed last. It is used in data structures, Disk
to CPU. scheduling and communication and networking.
11. Which logical operation is performed by ALU 17. In a stack, we can access the element−
of 8085 to complement a number (a) Which is entered at beginning
(a) AND (b) NOT (b) All of the options
(c) OR (d) Exclusive OR (c) Which is entered at last
UJVNL AE-2016 (d) From any position
MPPSC Forest Service Exam.-2014 RRB JE-01.09.2019, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Microprocessor and Microcontroller 913 YCT
Ans. (c) : Stack is the part of memory where temporary 23. A run-time stack cannot be used in a round-
data are stored. The data in the stack is stored on the robin scheduling system because of the _____
principle of LIFO (Last in first out). In this, the data nature of scheduling.
which is stored in the last, is used first and which is (a) LIFO (Last in First out)
stored first, is used in last. (b) FIFO (Fist in First out)
18. Logic programming language is also known as (c) FILO (First in Last out)
(a) Procedural language (d) None of the above
(b) Low-level language ISRO Scientist Engg.-2011
(c) Imperative language Ans. (b) :
(d) Non-procedural language Round-robin is variant of first come, first served
RRB SSE 03.09.2015, Shift-I scheduling (FIFO)
Ans. (b) : Logic programming language is also known No priority, special importance is given to any
as low-level language. process or task.
Round-robin Scheduling is also known as time
19. Which of the following flag conditions are not slicing scheduling.
available in 8085 processor?
(a) Zero flag (b) Parity flag 24. For accurate clock period in 8085 it is
preferable to use
(c) Overflow flag (d) Auxiliary carry flag (a) Crystal
TNPSC AE-2013 (b) Crystal of LC resonant circuit
UJBNL AE-2016 (c) Crystal of RC circuit
Ans. (c) : In 8085 microprocessor overflow flags are (d) LC or RC circuit
not available. There are five flags in 8085 Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade-2015, Paper-III
microprocessor (i) Carry flag (ii) Auxiliary carry flag
(iii) Sign flag (iv) Parity flag (v) Zero flag. Ans. (a) : For accurate clock period in 8085 it is
preferable to use crystal.
20. An array processor is a .......... machine
25. The program counter in an 8085
(a) SIMD (b) MIMD microprocessor is a 16-bit register because:
(c) SISD (d) MISD (a) It counts 16 bits at a time.
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2008 (b) There are 16 address lines.
Ans. (a) : An array processor is also called vector (c) It facilitates the user storing.
processor which is a single instruction and multiple data (d) It has to fetch two 8-bit data at a time.
machine. Any array processor is a SIMD (Single RPSC VP/Suptd. ITI 05.11.2019
Instruction multiple data) machine.
Ans. (b) : The program counter in an 8085
21. _____ Flag is used only internally for BCD microprocessor is a 16-bit register because there are 16
operation and is not available for the address lines.
programmer to change the sequence of the 26. Which one of the following flags is not used for
program. branching in a microprocessor?
(a) Zero flag (b) Parity flag (a) Carry flag (b) Auxiliary carry flag
(c) Carry flag (d) Auxiliary flag (c) Overflow flag (d) Parity flag
TNPSC AE - 2018 GPSC Asstt. Pro. - 11.04.2017
Ans. (d) : IES - 2001
• The auxillary carry is used only internally for BCD Ans. (b) : Auxiliary carry flag is not used for branching
operation and not available for programmer. in a microprocessor.
• The auxillary flag is used by only microprocessor. 27. In 8085 microprocessor the value of the most
22. In what order the elements of a pushdown signification bit of the result following the
stack are accessed? execution of any arithmetic or Boolean
(a) First in First Out (FIFO) instruction is stored in
(b) Last in Last Out (LILO) (a) The carry status flag
(c) Last in First Out (LIFO) (b) The auxiliary carry status flag
(d) None of the above (c) The sign status flag
UPRVUNL AE-2016 (d) The zero status flag
ISRO Scientist Engg.-2011 GPSC Asstt. Pro. - 11.04.2017
Ans. (c) : In computer science, a stack is an abstract IES - 2003, 1998
data type that serves as a collection of elements, with Ans. (c) : The most significant bit (MSB) represents the
two main principal operations. sign of the number.
Push which adds an element to the collection • If MSB = 1 ⇒ Indicates the number is negative and
Pop, which removes the most recently added sign flag becomes set.
element that was not yet removed. • If MSB = 0 ⇒ Indicates the number is positive and
The order in which elements come off, a stack gives rise sign flag becomes reset.
to its alternative name LIFO (Last in first out). So, it is stored in the sign status flag.