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Media and Information Literacy *Media and Information Literacy is different from

Technology Literacy*
COMMUNICATION - Is the act of passing, sharing,
or exchanging information from one person to TECHNOLOGY LITERACY - Focuses on the
another. It comes from the latin words “communis” responsible and effective use of technology, tools,
which means “common” and “communicare” which or networks in accessing, analyzing, evaluating
means “make something in common ”. and creating the message.


Message, Channel, Receiver, Feedback, and
Context noise. PRE-INDUSTRIAL AGE (Before 1700s) - People
discovered fire, developed paper from plants, and
ROGERS AND SHOEMAKER MODEL (1971) - forged weapons and tools with stone, bronze,
They thought of the communication process in copper, and iron.
terms of the Source - Message- Channel -
Receiver - Effect (S-M-C-R-E) Model. INDUSTRIAL AGE (1700s - 1930s) - People use
the power of steam, developed machine tools,
MEDIA - Are commonly associated with television, established iron production, and the manufacturing
radio, newspaper, and the internet. However, other of various products (including books through the
platforms people use to communicate such as printing press)
phones, letters, books, and others also represent
media. It was derived from the Latin word ELECTRONIC AGE ( 1930s - 1980s) - The
“medius”, which means “middle”. invention of the transistor ushered in the electronic
age. People harnessed the power of transistors
MASS MEDIA - Are the communication outlets or that led to the transistor radio, electronic circuits,
tools used to store and deliver information or data and the early computers. In this age, long distance
to numerous recipients. It is a type of media used communication became more efficient.
to reach a large audience.
INFORMATION AGE (1900s - 2000s) - The
LITERACY - The ability to identify, understand, Internet paved the way for faster communication
interpret, create, communicate and compute, and the creation of the social network. People
using printed and written materials associated with advanced the use of microelectronics with the
varying contexts. invention of personal computers, mobile devices,
and wearable technology.
MEDIA LITERACY - The ability to access and
analyze media messages as well as create, reflect TYPES OF MEDIA
and take action, using the power of information and
communication to make a difference in the world. PRINT MEDIA - Media consisting of paper and ink,
reproduced in a printing process that is traditionally
INFORMATION - A broad term that covers mechanical.
processed N data, knowledge derived from study,
experience, instruction, signals or symbols. ● Newspaper - is a publication that is issued
daily or weekly and includes local and
INFORMATION LITERACY - Set of abilities which international news stories, advertisements,
require individuals to recognize when information announcements, opinions, cartoons, and
is needed and to locate, evaluate, and use it sports news.
effectively. Types of Newspaper
- Broadsheet
ability to access, evaluate, and create information
from media and other information sources. ● Magazine - A periodical publication
containing articles and illustrations,
typically covering a particular subject or media source is native, local or originally
area of interest. produced in a specific local or region.

● Poster - is any piece of printed paper CHARACTERISTICS :

designed to be attached to a wall or vertical ● They are unique and they mirror the
surface. community where they originated
● Brochure - is generally a standard size of ● They are mostly not written down
single paper in multiple folds each denoted and are orally transferred from one
to a specific type of information. It is also generation to another.
known as pamphlets.
● They are preserved and given
● Books - Oldest print medium. It can be much importance by the
instructional material, anthology, novel etc. community.

● Leaflet/ Flyers - Also called a circular or ● They may sometimes be subjective

handbill. It is a form of paper advertisement because they are closely related to
intended for wide distribution and typically experience.
posted or distributed in public places
2. LIBRARY SOURCES - The traditional source of
BROADCAST MEDIA - Media such as radio and validated information all over the world. This is a
television that reach target audiences using place or area where the personal collection or the
airwaves as the transmission medium. collection of an institution of books and other
printed and electronic resources can be found.
● Television - A telecommunication medium
used for transmitting sound with moving Types of Libraries :
images. ● Academic Library - This type of library is
mostly used as a source of information for
● Radio - The transmission and reception of research and other academic papers.
electromagnetic waves of radio frequency,
especially those carrying sound messages. ● Public Library - .Are localized libraries that
cater to small communities, towns,
NEW MEDIA - Means of mass communication districts, and cities. There are a wide
using digital technologies such as the Internet. variety of literary texts and academic texts
Computer programs and software; digital imagery, in the collection of this type of library from
digital video; video games, etc. children's book to academic collection.

● Social Media - Websites and applications ● School Library - The school library serves
that enable users to create and share the studentry from kindergarten to
content or to participate in social highschool. Contains an array of academic
networking. and non-academic materials.

MEDIA CONVERGENCE - The coexistence of ● Special Library - is a specialized

traditional and new media; the co-existence of print environment that includes a collection
media, broadcast media, the Internet, mobile pertaining to the specific needs of the
phones as well as others, allowing media content sector, industry or field. Hospitals, military
to flow across various platforms. compounds, private corporations,
governments, and public and private
TYPES OF MEDIA SOURCES sectors may also have a library.

1. INDIGENOUS SOURCES - The media 3. INTERNET SOURCES - According to Reuters,

source which is created and controlled by a the internet is the most popular information
community. It is safe to assume that this resource form. It is the preferred choice against
traditional sources such as libraries and other ● Mise en scene - It is a French term
media like television and radio. The Internet can be that means everything within the
accessed anytime and anywhere even through a frame. The analysis of mise en
mobile device. scene includes set design,
costume, props, staging &
Internet sources should be checked through the composition.
following factors :
● Color - Has a highly cultural &
● Reliability of information strong connotation. Dominant color,
● Accuracy of information contrasting foil, and color
● Value of information symbolism are the main aspects
● Authorities of the source that are being studied in terms of
● Timeliness using colors in media.

specific to a media form. For example,
MEDIA LANGUAGE - Is a method, consisting of there are different camera shots and their
signs and symbols, used by information producers meaning differs when we look at films and
to convey messages and meanings to their photographs based on the frame shown,
audiences (Orlebar, 2009). The set of technical but are meaningless to the audience
codes and conventions to convey meaning. Each outside of those forms.
medium has a specific medium language.
● Audio - is the use of sound, either
GENRE - It comes from the French word meaning expressive or naturalistic. Diegetic
‘type’ or ‘class’; it can be recognized by its common sounds, also called the "actual
set of distinguishing features: sounds, " are sounds with a source
that is visible on the screen. Non-
a. Codes - are systems of signs, which create diegetic sounds are neither
meaning. implied in any present nor visible on
b. Conventions - are anticipated ways in the screen.
which codes are arranged in a product.
● Camerawork - Refers to the way
CODES - Are systems of signs that are put that the camera is operated,
together to create arbitrary meaning (Fiske, 1987) positioned and moved for special
effects. Includes the aspect of:
THREE TYPES OF CODES : positioning, movement, framing,
exposure, and lens choice.
1. SYMBOLIC CODES - Are social nature,
which means that these codes in a way ● Editing - Is the process of
reflect a real life event or situations in which choosing, arranging, manipulating,
the audience can relate. enhancing and polishing images
and sound. Is done by visual
● Setting - Denotes the time and graphic artists and sound
place of the story. engineers.

● Acting - Characters are portrayed ● Lighting - is selectively highlighting

by actors and actresses in any a certain element in the scene
media product were able to through the use of carefully angled
contribute to character and manipulating natural and
development, creating the tension artificial light.
and advancing the story.
3. WRITTEN CODES - can be the printed
language used within the frame (i.e.
banners or signage within the setting of the ETHICAL - Is used to associate with the word
media product and/or subtitles). “ethics.” Ethics is related to the moral obligation of
knowing what is right and wrong. The word came
CONVENTIONS - are acceptable ways of utilizing from the Middle English “etik” which in turn came
media codes. Conventions are closely working on from the Latin “eticus” and the earlier Greek
setting and satisfying the audience expectation on “ethikos” which means “character”.
a specific media product.
1. FORM CONVENTION - This is a certain
way the audience expects the media codes
to be arranged. For example, in a film, it will
begin with the title of the movie being
displayed and will end with the movie

2. STORY CONVENTION - This is normally

used in story-telling media products. Are
the common narrative structure and
understandings that are used by
professionals to deal in some movies and INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY - Refers to
shows. creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary
and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names
3. GENRE CONVENTION - This is the and images used in commerce.
convention that definitely deals with the
audience expectations.It commonly uses TYPES OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY:
characters, settings, tropes and themes for
media products. Can either be formal or ● Copyright - A legal term used to
thematic. describe the rights that creators have over



LEGAL - Is associated with all equipment,

processes, procedures, practices, languages,
cultures, and other relative concepts in the system
of the LAW.

LAW - Is a set of universally accepted rules,

accepted and enforced within a territory or entity.

their literary and artistic works

Fair use (Exception in copyright) - Means you online or digital situation. It is a social code of
can use copyrighted material network communication
without a license only for certain purposes.
(Commentary, Criticism, Reporting, Research, DIGITAL DIVIDE - Refers to the gap between
Teaching) groups, broadly constructed, in terms of access to,
use of, or knowledge, skills and even attitude in
● Patent - An exclusive right granted for an information and communication technologies.
invention. provides the patent owner with
the right to decide how - or whether - the INTERNET ADDICTION - It is an umbrella term
invention can be used by others. that refers to the compulsive need to spend a great
deal of time online, to the point where
● Trademark - A sign capable of relationships, work, and health are allowed to
distinguishing the goods or services of one suffer. Another term for this is IAD which means
enterprise from those of other enterprises. Internet Addiction Disorder.

● Industrial Design - May consist of three- CYBERBULLYING - Refers to the use of

dimensional features, such as the shape or information technology to harm or harass other
surface of an article, or of two-dimensional people in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile
features such as patterns, lines or colors. manner.

PUBLIC DOMAIN - Refers to works that are not TYPES OF CYBER BULLYING:
covered by IP rights (copyright, trademark, and 1. Flaming
patent), due to expiration or forfeiture of rights. 2. Harassment
3. Cyberstalking
CREATIVE COMMONS - is an American non- 4. Denigration
profit organization devoted to expanding the range 5. Masquerade
of creative works available for others to build upon 6. Outing/ Trickery
legally and to share. 7. Exclusion

PLAGIARISM - It comes from the word “Plagiarus”
which means “kidnapper” , thus used nowadays in
the sense of “intellectual theft”

According to BarnBaum (n.d.) there are five types

of plagiarism:
1. Cut and Paste
2. Word-switch
3. Style
4. Metaphor
5. Idea

FABRICATION - The production of data or results

and reporting them as true and correct, or simply
an invention of data.

FALSIFICATION - Manipulation of research

materials, or the modification and/or omission of
data in an information to meet a certain result.

NETIQUETTE - Refers to a set of rules that

governs what conduct is socially acceptable in an

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