Field Study Questions Per Learning Episode
Field Study Questions Per Learning Episode
Field Study Questions Per Learning Episode
Learning Episode 1
Title: ______________________________________
Date: ________________
1. Name all the facilities of the school, describe it one by one and
mention its contribution to the students learning and development and
2. Make your own board display, then write a reflection about it using four
levels: acts, feelings, findings and future.
Learning Episode 2
Title: ______________________________________
Date: ________________
1. Mention all the development domains of the learners in the class you
are observing with such as but not limited to physical, social, emotional
and cognitive domain. What are its implications to the teaching
learning process.
2. Are there similarities/differences of your learners today as preservice
teacher observing them compared to your experiences before when
you are a student. Support your answer.
Learning Episode 3
Title: ______________________________________
Date: ________________
1. Share about inclusivity and cite the class you are observing to as an
example. What are the different characteristics of your learners.
2. What are the different strategies that you and your resource teacher
employ so that you will meet the needs of both high and low achievers
in class?
Learning Episode 4
Title: ______________________________________
Date: ________________