Alicia in wonderland

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Alicia in

Alejandra: sirena

Mafe S: Hongo

Rocy: gato loco

Jesus: sombrerero loco

Teacher prejardín: coneja

Mayra: Coneja

Rubi: Flor

Liss: Alicia

Paula: Pajara

Tatiana: Reina Roja

Maria Jose: Reina blanca

Introduction : Teachers’ dance Con esto se da inicio a la obra


ALICE: I donʼt like studying..... How boring!!

NARRATOR: It was a sunny day in the Springtime. Alice was sitting alone in the
garden and then something marvellous happened..... (White Rabbit appears).
Alice: A rabbit with a waistcoat, how strange.
White Rabbit: I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!
Alice: What could a rabbit late for?
White Rabbit: I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date!
ALICE: Hey, you! Where are you going? (The rabbit jumps into a hole and Alice
follows him. Alice falls down the hole.)
Baile del primer grupo : Conejos: PRE-JARDÍN

Narrator: Alice decides to follow the rabbit into his burrow when all of a sudden
she finds herself in a curious room with a small door. She begins to turn the
Doorknob: Ohhhhh!!
Alice: I beg your pardon. Doorknob: Oh, oh, it's quite all right. But you did give me
quite a turn! Alice: I simply must get through!
Doorknob: Sorry, you're much too big.
ALICE: Where am I? mmmm, I would like a biscuit (she grows) Oh no, oh no, oh
no, I grow! (she cries).
Narrator: Alice finds a small bottle marked ‘drink me’, she picks it up and takes a
sip. The drink shrinks Alice to a size small enough for her to climb through the
keyhole in the door.
(Alice sees a small door. Alice takes a key from the small door from the table. Alice
drinks a potion to make her small again. Alice opens a door and she arrives in a
field full of flowers)
Entra el Segundo grupo: pájaros: PARVÚLOS

ACT 2 – The mermaid and sea pearls

Mermaid: Oh, the sailor’s life is the life for me, how I love to sail on the bounding sea,
and I never never ever do a thing about the weather for the weather never ever does a thing
for me. Oh, a sailor’s life is a life for me, tiddle um (prrt, prrt) tiddle dum dum dee! And I
never ne… ahoy! And other nautical expressions! Land ho, by Jove!
Parrot: Where away, Dodo?
Alice: Mermeid?
Mermaid: Three points to starboard. Follow me, me hearties! Have you at port no time at
all now, haha! Oh…

Alice: Mister Dodo!

Mermaid: Johoho, and a bottle of sea, we love each time…

Alice: Please! Please help me! … Um, pardon me, but uh, would you mind helping me?
Please? Yoo Ho! Yoo Ho! Help me! Please! Help me!
Mermaid: Forward, backward, inward, outward, come and join the chase! Nothing could
be drier than a jolly caucus-race. Backward, forward, outward, inward, bottom to the top,
never a beginning there can never be a stop to skipping, hopping, tripping, fancy free and
gay, I started it tomorrow and will finish yesterday. Round and round and round we go,
and dance for evermore, once we were behind but now we find we are be-forward,
backward, inward, outward, come and join the chase! Nothing could be drier than a jolly
caucus-race. For backward…I say! You’ll never get dry that way!

Alice: Get dry?

Mermeid: Have to run with the others! First rule of a caucus-race, you know!
Alice: But how can I…
Mermaid: That’s better! Have you dry in no time now!
Alice: No-one can ever get dry this way!
Mermaid: Nonsense! I am as dry as a bone already.
Alice: Yes, but…
Mermaid: All right, chaps! Let’s head now! Look lively!
Alice: The white rabbit! Mister Rabbit! Mi- mister Rabbit!
White Rabbit: Oh, my goodness! I’m late! I’m late!
Alice: Oh, don’t go away! I’ll be right back!
White Rabbit: I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!
Mermaid: Don’t step on the fish! Eric, there, watch it there stop kicking that mackerel!
Alice: Mister Rabbit! Oh, mister Rabbit! Oh dear, I’m sure he came this way. Do you
suppose he could be hiding? Hmmm… not here. I wonder… No, I suppose he must have…
Oh! Why, what beautiful little figures!
Entra el tercer grupo: la sirena y las perlas del mar: QUINTO


Flower n 1 and Flowers n 2: (singing and dancing) we are the flowers, we love
spring, we blossom and we are..... ! ! ! !
Alice interrupts the song and the twirl
ALICE: Iʼm sorry to interrupt you.... I need to reach the castle over there
Flower n 1: the castle is to the right.
Flower n 2: no, the castle in to the left (winking)
Flower n 1: no, it ʻs to the right
Flower n 2: ufff .... come here ! ! ! (they whisper, smiling in an evil way )
Flower n 1: yes, I was wrong.... the castle is to the right, beside the big lake.
ALICE: are you really sure? Iʼm alone, Iʼm tired, I donʼt want to get lost. I donʼt
know anybody here.
Flower n 2: oh, you will. have a nice day, darling.... bye bye
Flower n1 : bye bye ! ! ! ! (the flowers starts singing again)
Flower n 1 and Flowers n 2: we are the flowers, we love spring, we blossom and
we are very NAUGHTY , naughty (laughing ) ! ! ! ! Alice arrives at a very nice
Entrada del cuarto grupo: Flores: Primero


ALICE: What a beautiful house. Hello! Is anybody there?

WHITE RABBIT: Hey, what are you doing here? This house is mine.
ALICE: Hi, White rabbit! Please can you help me? Iʼm alone and I want to come
back home.
WHITE RABBIT: What time is it? oh no, it 3.30 and soon it will get dark. Iʼm late,
iʼm late, iʼm late. (White rabbit rushes out of the house and Alice follows him, but
soon she gets lost again. She sees a caterpillar, heʼs smoking)
CATERPILLAR: Who are you?
ALICE: Iʼm Alice and I was looking for the castle. I need some help and there,
maybe, I can find someone like me.
CATERPILLAR: In the Queenʼs Castle? ! ! (It laughs, while smoking, but it starts
coughing.... " " so alice takes a water gun out of her pocket and throw some water
on the ! ! caterpillarʼs cigarette and face).
CATERPILLAR: What are you doing? How dare you???
ALICE : Itʼs for your health.
CATERPILLAR: Ok girl, youʼre right. I have a present for you, but you have to
solve a mystery.
ALICE: Ok, Iʼm ready.
CATERPILLAR: How many hearts are there on the Queenʼs panties? ! ! (Alice is
looking around, puzzled, when suddenly she heards a low voice)
LITTLE CAT: psss! they are 22 ALICE: 22
CATERPILLAR: yes, you are right. this is my present for you: this little cat who got
lost long time ago.... he will stay with you during your journey in Wonderland.
LITTLE CAT : Hello Alice, my name is LITTLE CAT, Iʼm alone, I got lost 2 years
ago and I really want to come back home. I donʼt like Wonderland....itʼs full of
strange people, naughty, bad-tempered... I just want to find a warm house, a nice
owner, a bowl always full of food. Can I come with you?
ALICE: Yes, little cat. Iʼll promise we will find the way home. (they walk and they
see some people around the table. they are the Mad hatter and his assistant , the
White rabbit and a Card).
Llega el quinto grupo: llegada de las orugas y los hongitos:


Narrator: After thanking the caterpillar Alice begins to make her way towards the
forest. Finding herself lost on a maze of pathways she decides to stop.
Alice: I wonder which way I should go?
Alice: Now where in the world do you suppose that...
Little Cat: Uh... loose something? Alice: You're a cat!
LittleCat: A Cheshire Cat.
Alice: Do you know which way I ought to go?
little Cat: Well, that depends on where you want to get to?
Alice: Oh, it really doesn't matter.
Entra el sexto grupo: Los gatos morados: TERCERO

Little Cat: Then it really doesn't matter which way you go! But if you'd really like to
know, he went that way. (points)
Alice: Who did?
Little cat: The white rabbit. If you want to know where he’s going I'd ask the Mad
Narrator: Alice makes her way to the house to find the Mad Hatter having a tea
party with a hare and a dormouse.
MAD HATTER: itʼs 5 oʼcloooock, itʼs tea time!
WHITE RABBIT: itʼs not 5 oʼclock but...whatever!
MAD HATTER: do you know what has a neck and not a head?
CARD: a bottle!
MAD HATTER: exactly. Card, you are more intelligent than this bunny.
WHITE RABBIT: actually, Iʼm a rabbit.
MAD HATTER: Here is your cup of tea.
CARD: Thank you!
MAD HATTER: and what teaches without talking?
WHITE RABBIT : a mute teacher?
MAD HATTER : obviously not... you are hopeless. (alice and little cat arrive)
ALICE : Sorry to interrupt you...but the answer is .... a book, I think
MAD HATTER: Yes, it is, good girl. Let me look at you. """ (Mad Hatter turns
around her) Who are you? Your face is new to me.... and I know everybody here in
Wonderland. I bet you are from the other side!
ALICE: Iʼm Alice and this is my cat Little cat. I need some help. I want to go to the
Castle and see if somebody can help us to come back home.
MAD HATTER: Iʼll show you the way, but before have a seat and a cup of tea with
my friends. Card! give alice a chair! """" (alice sits down with the fellowship) Now a
question for you: what has teeth but canʼt bite?
LITTLE CAT: that is too difficult.. i donʼt know
MAD HATTER: Are you giving up?
ALICE: Itʼs a comb!
MAD HATTER: Yes, you are incredible. " " Do you really want to go to the castle?
CARD: It is very dangerous.
ALICE AND LITTLE CAT: Yes, we do. We want to go home!!
CARD: Ok, so come with me... youʼll meet the queen... at your own risk. """" (they
go the castle)
Entra el septimo grupo: sombrereros locos:CUARTO


QUEEN: Caaaaard! Where were you? Who are those people?

CARD: Milady, they are Alice and her cat. They would like to use your magic
passage to come back to the other side of the world.
QUEEN: Card, my you know what the people of Wonderland think of
CARD: (trembling) mi-mi-milady, you are beautiful and so generous.
QUEEN: Wrong answer! Iʼm beautiful but very, very, very evil! " " "
QUEENʼS ASSISTANT: Here I am, Madam.
QUEEN: Where?
QUEEN : Take immediately this card away from me. OFF with his head! (the
queenʼs assistant takes the card away and comes back)
LITTLE CAT: Alice..Iʼm very scared.... what does “off with his head” mean? (Alice
explains with gestures, little cat hides behind Alice)
QUEENʼS ASSISTANT ( card 2): Ok, so you are Alice and heʼs your Cat. " " "
Why do you want to talk with the queen?
LITTLE CAT: we just want to use the magic passage and go home
QUEEN: ahahahahahaha ok, have you got any money, jewels, lands to give me?
LITTLE CAT: mmmhhh,no. Alice can give you her ribbon. Canʼt you, Alice?
QUEEN: Are you kidding? Are you offering the Queen a ribbon? how dare you???
assistant! put them in jail.

Entra el grupo Octavo: la reina roja: TRANSICIÓN

Cuando vaya terminando el baile entran las fichas de ajedrez de

la reina blanca a bajar a las cartas de la reina roja.

Entra el grupo noveno: La reina blanca: JARDÍN


Reina blanca : Iʼm very sorry for you. Sheʼs crazy, horrible and moody.
This is the prison. You stay here for the moment. Come on little cat.... sit
next to Alice. Please, donʼt cry.

ALICE: I know youʼre good. I can see it . Please, help us.

LITTLE CAT: Please, help us.

CHESS PIECES: ok, Iʼll help you. follow me, Hurry up. ( the white queen
shows the passage, they cling at each other and jump. they wake up
after a few hours in a field. they are on the other side. they starts
jumping )

Wonderland! good bye crazy world! weʼre home now!!

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