D&D Charts
D&D Charts
D&D Charts
This modest two-story road house has 6 rooms for rent on the upper floor.
A bed for the night costs= 5sp
A meal costs= 1sp
Toblen Stonehill is the proprietor of the Inn. He is a short, friendly male human and is a native of the town of Triboar to the east. He came to Phandalin to prospect, but soon realized he knew more
about running an Inn than he did about mining.
If the characters talk to Toblen, he shares a brief tale told to him by one of his regular patrons. Roll a d6 and consult the Phandalin Tales to determine which tale Toblen knows.
Barthan’s Provisions
The shelves of this general store stock most ordinary goods and supplies that include backpacks, bedrolls. rope, and rations. Barthen’s does not stock weapons or armor, but characters can purchase
other adventuring gear here with the exception of items that cost more than 25gp. If adventurers are in need of armor, they will be directed to Lionshield Coster. Those who are looking to buy
potions of healing are urged to visit Adabra Gwynn at Umbrage Hill The proprietor is Elmar Barthen. He is a lean and balding human man of fifty years. He employs a couple of young clerks Ander
and Thistle who help load and unload wagons and wait on customers when Barthen is not around.
Characters who engage Barthan, Ander, or Thistle in a friendly conversation are told a tale. Roll a d6 and consult the Phandalin Tales
Lionshield Coster
Read Aloud: Hanging above the front door of this modest trading post is a sign shaped like a wooden shield with a blue lion painted on it
This building is owned by the Lionshields, a merchant company based in the city of Yartar which is over a hundred miles to the East. The company ships finished goods to Phandalin and other small
settlements throughout the region. The master of the Phandalin post is Linene Graywind. She is a sharp-tongued human woman of 35 years. She keeps a supply of armor and weapons all of which
are for sale to interested buyers. Linene will not sell weapons to anyone she thinks might be a threat to the town.
If the characters talk to her, she recalls a tale told to her by one of her neighbors. Roll a d6 and consult the Phandalin Tale
Phandalin Miner’s Exchange
Miners come here to have their valuable finds weighed, measured and paid out. The exchange also serves as a unofficial records office, registering claims to various streams and excavations around
the area. Enough wealth is hidden in the nearby streams and valleys to support a good number of independent prospectors. It is also a great place to meet people who spend their time in the
countryside surrounding Phandalin. The guildmaster is a human woman named Halia Thornton. She is also an agent of Zhentarim, a shadowy organization that seeks to exert secret control over the
North through wealth and influence. She is slowly working to bring Phandalin under her control and become a valuable patron to those adventurers who won’t cross her.
If the characters get on her good side, she will tell them a tale. Roll a d6 and consult the Phandalin Tales
Shrine of Luck
Phandalin’s only temple is a shrine made of stones taken from a nearby ruins. It is dedicated to Tymora who is the goddess of luck and good fortune. It is in the care of a zealous half-acolyte named
Sister Garaele. However, she is currently out of town for this adventure.
Sister Garaele is a member of the Harpers who are a scattered network of adventurers and spies who advocate for equality and covertly oppose the abuse of power. They gather information
throughout the land to thwart tyrants as well as aid the weak, poor and sick. Sister Garaele regularly reports to her superiors on events in and around Phandalin and is currently in Neverwinter doing
exactly that. In her absence the shrine is left unattended
Townmasters Hall
Read Aloud: The Townmaster’s Hall has sturdy stone walls, a pitched wooden roof, and a bell tower at the back. The job board next to the front door features a sparse number of notices all written
in Common and in the same hand. All the notices on the job board are written by Harbin Wester, Phandalin’s duly appointed townmaster. He is pompous middle-aged banker who lives in a house
east of the townmasters hall. Due to the numerous reports of the white dragon in the area, he has become somewhat of a shut in. He rarely goes outside except to get food or post new job notices.
Characters who knock on his door will hear his voice on the other side say: “If you’re the dragon, know that I am far too thin and bony to make a good meal”
No matter what they do to ease his fears, he refuses to open the door preferring to talk through it. Other resident who trouble him with complaints receive similar treatment. If the characters ask
him for a quest he will set them in the right direction offering payment upon completion and return. When the time comes, he slips the payment under the door one gold piece at a time