Electromagnetic Wave 5th Sem
Electromagnetic Wave 5th Sem
Electromagnetic Wave 5th Sem
O(0, 0,0)
OÀ + OB =0C
i.e +b=t
Properties Of Vector Addition
+b=b+; commutative property
( +6)+=ã+ (b+); Associative property
Vector Algebra - Part Il
Multiplication Of Scalar and Vector
OMultiplication of scalar Awith vector is A.
2 a is collinear to vector .
3 Direction of d depends upon A.
If is positive its direction is same as that of a.
OIf is negative its direction is opposite to that of a.
OMagnitude of A
a =| ha|
=|^|| a|
Components Of Vectors
For position vector OP of a point P(x, y, z), We have
OP =xi+ yj +zk
Where i, j and kare unit vectors along x, yand z-axes, and
P(x, y, z)
.P(x, x, z)
Section Formula
Internal Division
mb+ nã
m +n
External Division
Midpoint Formula
Vector Algebra - Part lII
Scalar Product
For vectors and b. It is denoted as
.b= | |5| cos 0
Where is angle between aand b,0<0<I
Properties Of Scalar Product
0.bis a scalar quantity. 8a.b= b.ã
2a.b=0 l b 9 a.(b+t) =.b + ä.c
10 ifa= a,i +aj +a,k
4a.b=-al |b| > 0= 180 and
Vector Product
äxb=| a, a, as
b, b, b,
S sin = | xb|
MaxwellI First Equation
Maxwell's first equation is based on the
Gauss law of electrostatic, which states
that "when aclosed surface integralof
electric flux density is always equal to
charge enclosed over that surface"
pu =
measured using c/m3
On rearranging,we get
dQ = pvdu
On integrating the above equation, we
Q= pvdu-(4)
The charge enclosed within a closed
surface is given by volume charge density
Over that volume.
’V.Ddu = pu
MaxwellSecond Equation
Maxwell second equation is based on
Gauss law on magnetostatics.
Gauss law on magnetostatics states that
"closed surface integral of magnetic flux
density is always equalto total scalar
magnetic flux enclosed within that surface
ofany shape or size lying in any medium."
Mathematically it is expressed as -
$B.ds Oenclosed -(1)
Scalar Electric Scalar Magnetic
Flux (y) Flux (o)
$B. ds =0 -(2)
Applying the Gauss divergence theorem to
equation (2), we can convert it(surface
into volume integral by taking the
divergence of the same vector.
V.B= 0
The volume of any body or object can
never be zerO.
V.B= 0
B= pH
is the flux density.
solonoidal vector is obtained when the
divergence of a vector is zero. Irrotational
vector is obtained when the cross product
is zero]
MaxwellIThird Equation
Statement: Time-varying magnetic field
willalways produce an electric field.
Maxwell's 3rd equation is derived from
Faraday's laws of Electromagnetic
Induction. It states that "Whenever there
are n-turns of conducting coilin a closed
path placed in a time-varying magnetic
field, an alternatingelectromotive force
gets induced in each coil." Lenz's law gives
this. Which states, " An induced
electromotive force always opposes the
time-varying magnetic flux."
When tWO coils with N number of turns, A
primary coil and a Secondary coil. Th
primary coil isconnected to an altern
current source,and the secondary coil is
Connected in a closed loop and is placed
connected in a closed loop and is placed
at a small distance from the primary coil.
When an ACcurrent passes through the
primary coil, an alternating electromotive
force getsinduced in the secondary coil.
See the figure below.
Mathematically it is expressed as -
Alternating emf,
emfalt = -N dt -(1)
¢= [fB. da - (3)
Substitute equation (3) in (2)
emfalt = - B. ds
Which is a partial differential equatio
given by
emfalt = | SB ds (4)
emfalt = -(4)
The alternating electromotive force
induced in a coil is basically a closed path.
’ emfalt=fE.dl- - (5)
Substituting equation (5) in (4) we get
’fEdl = - . d - -(6)
The closed line integral can be converted
into surface integral using Stoke's
theorem. Which states that the "Closed
line integral of any vector field is always
equal to the surface integralof the curlof
the same vector field"
’Vx E=0
Hence it is an irrotational vector.
fH. dl = Ienclosed(1)
Any closed path of any shape or size will
Occupy one surface area. Thus, LLH.S of
equation (1) can be converted into surface
integralusing Stoke's theorem, Which
states that "Closed line integral of any
vector field is always equal to the surface
integral of the curl of the same vector
j=yx -(6)
(vxi) =j+& 9)
Applying divergence on both sides
The divergence of the curl of any vector
willalways be zero.
0= y.J+y.G
Substituting equation(6) in (10) we get
V.G `pu
Ot -(11)
By Maxwell's first equation,
pu= . D
Substituting the value of pv in equation (11)
we get
V.G= Ñt -(12)
Thus cancelling the like terms we get
G= D = Jp (13)
Substituting them in
(vxÄ) =j+
This is an insulating current flowing in the
dielectric medium between two
’(x ) =J+ Jp
»(x)=J+: St
1.Gauss Law
Gauss law describes the nature of the
electric field around electric charges. The
law is expressed in terms of electric
charge density and electric charge
The inverted triangle is called the
divergence operator.
The equations hold good at any point in
space. When the electric charge exists any
somewhere, the divergence of Dat that
particular point is nonzero, else it is zero.
You can see that both the equations
indicate the divergence of the field. The
top equation states that the divergence of
the electric flux density Dequals the
volume of electric charge density.
The second eaquation states the
divergence of the Magnetic Flux Density
(B) isnul.
3.Faraday's Law
Switch Ammeter
Byjus Cor
Ampere's Law
VxH= -+J
The law shows the relationship between
the flow of electric current and the
Etromagnetic Wa
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Poynting Vector
Definition: Poynting vector is defined as S =x&
where E is the electric field vector and H is the
magnetic field vector. it represents the directional
energy flux density (rate of energy flux per unit area)
of an electromagnetic field.
E EB E2 104
C Clo 3x 108 x 4T x 10-7
Nature of EM Waves
Example Definitions " Formulaes
From y.B=0
n BË-B] =0 (41)
modiam 1
(K y) (xtdx, Yo)
2: Stokestheorem
From Eg.3
- Lbds (43)
t = tË =-ta
t (E- E] = 0 (46)
From Eq.4
= ) bás (48)