Roller Bearing Accessories ISO - 2982 - 1 - 2013 - EN
Roller Bearing Accessories ISO - 2982 - 1 - 2013 - EN
Roller Bearing Accessories ISO - 2982 - 1 - 2013 - EN
Second edition
Reference number
ISO 2982-1:2013(E)
© ISO 2013
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ISO 2982-1:2013(E)
ISO 2982-1:2013(E)
Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Symbols........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5 Dimensions.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
5.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
5.2 Adapter sleeve assemblies with taper 1:12.................................................................................................................... 3
5.3 Withdrawal sleeves with taper 1:12..................................................................................................................................... 5
5.4 Withdrawal sleeves with taper 1:30..................................................................................................................................... 7
ISO 2982-1:2013(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies
casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 2982-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 4, Rolling bearings.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 2982-1:1995), which has been technically
revised. In particular, the title has been corrected and approximate values for B2 are indicated.
ISO 2982 consists of the following parts, under the general title: Rolling bearings — Accessories:
— Part 1: Dimensions for adapter sleeve assemblies and withdrawal sleeves
— Part 2: Dimensions for locknuts and locking devices
1 Scope
This part of ISO 2982 specifies:
— boundary dimensions of adapter sleeves with taper 1:12 and withdrawal sleeves with tapers 1:12
and 1:30 for rolling bearings of a number of dimension series as specified in ISO 15;
— the outside diameter of suitable locknuts;
— distance from bearing small bore face to outer face of locknut;
— distance from bearing small bore face to outer face of bolt head;
— overall length of withdrawal sleeve and bearing ring.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 15, Rolling bearings — Radial bearings — Boundary dimensions, general plan
ISO 2982-2, Rolling bearings — Accessories — Part 2: Dimensions for locknuts and locking devices
ISO 5593, Rolling bearings — Vocabulary
ISO 15241, Rolling bearings — Symbols for physical quantities
ISO 2982-1:2013(E)
4 Symbols
For the purposes of this document, the symbols given in ISO 15241 and the following apply.
The symbols shown in Figure 1 and the values given in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5
denote nominal dimensions, unless specified otherwise.
B1 adapter sleeve length or withdrawal sleeve length
B3 distance from bearing small bore face to outer face of bolt head
B6 slot length
ISO 2982-1:2013(E)
5 Dimensions
5.1 General
Dimensions of adapter sleeve assemblies and boundary dimensions of withdrawal sleeves and overall
lengths of withdrawal sleeve and bearing ring are given in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5.
Thread lengths are not specified but shall be appropriate for securing adapter sleeve with locknut
or for withdrawing a rolling bearing on the withdrawal sleeve with locknut. Dimensions of locknuts,
lockwashers, and locking clip assemblies for the adapter sleeves are given in ISO 2982-2. The locknuts
are also suitable for the dismounting of the withdrawal sleeves.
Table 1 — Dimensions of adapter sleeve assemblies with taper 1:12 (15 ≤ d ≤ 110)
Dimensions in millimetres
d d1 B2 B5 d2 B1 G
≈ min.
Suitable for bearing dimension series
02 22, 03 31 32 23
15 12 6 5 25 19 22 ― ― 25 M15 × 1
17 14 6 5 28 20 24 ― ― 27 M17 × 1
20 17 7 5 32 24 28 ― ― 31 M20 × 1
25 20 8 6 38 26 29 ― ― 35 M25 × 1,5
30 25 8 6 45 27 31 ― ― 38 M30 × 1,5
35 30 9 7 52 29 35 ― ― 43 M35 × 1,5
40 35 10 7 58 31 36 ― ― 46 M40 × 1,5
45 40 11 7 65 33 39 ― ― 50 M45 × 1,5
50 45 12 7 70 35 42 ― ― 55 M50 × 1,5
55 50 12 9 75 37 45 ― ― 59 M55 × 2
60 55 13 9 80 38 47 ― ― 62 M60 × 2
65 60 14 9 85 40 50 ― ― 65 M65 × 2
70 60 14 9 92 41 52 ― ― 68 M70 × 2
75 65 15 9 98 43 55 ― ― 73 M75 × 2
80 70 17 11 105 46 59 ― ― 78 M80 × 2
85 75 18 11 110 50 63 ― ― 82 M85 × 2
90 80 18 11 120 52 65 ― 86 86 M90 × 2
95 85 19 11 125 55 68 ― 90 90 M95 × 2
100 90 20 13 130 58 71 76 97 97 M100 × 2
105 95 20 13 140 60 74 80 101 101 M105 × 2
110 100 21 13 145 63 77 81 105 105 M110 × 2
ISO 2982-1:2013(E)
Table 2 — Dimensions of adapter sleeve assemblies with taper 1:12 (120 ≤ d ≤ 440)
Dimensions in millimetres
d d1 B2 B3 B5 d2 B1 d2 B1 G
≈ max. min.
Suitable for Suitable for
bearing dimen- bearing dimen-
sion series sion series
30, 02, 31, 22,
39 32, 23
12 03, 13
120 110 22 ― 15 145 60 72 155 88 112 M120 × 2
130 115 23 ― 15 155 65 80 165 92 121 M130 × 2
140 125 24 ― 17 165 66 82 180 97 131 M140 × 2
150 135 26 ― 17 180 76 87 195 111 139 M150 × 2
160 140 28 ― 19 190 78 93 210 119 147 M160 × 3
170 150 29 ― 19 200 79 101 220 122 154 M170 × 3
180 160 30 ― 21 210 87 109 230 131 161 M180 × 3
190 170 31 ― 21 220 89 112 240 141 169 M190 × 3
200 180 32 ― 21 240 98 120 250 150 176 M200 × 3
220 200 ― 41 20 260 96 126 ― ― ― Tr220 × 4
220 200 35 ― 25 ― ― ― 280 161 186 Tr220 × 4
240 220 ― 46 20 290 101 133 ― ― ― Tr240 × 4
240 220 37 ― 25 ― ― ― 300 172 199 Tr240 × 4
260 240 ― 46 20 310 116 145 ― ― ― Tr260 × 4
260 240 39 ― 29 ― ― ― 330 190 211 Tr260 × 4
280 260 ― 50 24 330 121 152 ― ― ― Tr280 × 4
280 260 41 ― 29 ― ― ― 350 195 224 Tr280 × 4
300 280 ― 54 24 360 140 168 ― ― ― Tr300 × 4
300 280 ― 53 24 ― ― ― 380 208 240 Tr300 × 4
320 300 ― 55 24 380 140 171 ― ― ― Tr320 × 5
320 300 ― 56 24 ― ― ― 400 226 258 Tr320 × 5
340 320 ― 58 24 400 144 187 ― ― ― Tr340 × 5
340 320 ― 72 28 ― ― ― 440 254 288 Tr340 × 5
360 340 ― 58 28 420 144 188 ― ― ― Tr360 × 5
360 340 ― 75 28 ― ― ― 460 259 299 Tr360 × 5
380 360 ― 62 28 450 164 193 ― ― ― Tr380 × 5
380 360 ― 77 32 ― ― ― 490 264 310 Tr380 × 5
400 380 ― 66 28 470 168 210 ― ― ― Tr400 × 5
400 380 ― 82 32 ― ― ― 520 272 328 Tr400 × 5
420 400 ― 66 32 490 168 212 ― ― ― Tr420 × 5
420 400 ― 90 32 ― ― ― 540 304 352 Tr420 × 5
440 410 ― 77 32 520 189 228 ― ― ― Tr440 × 5
440 410 ― 90 36 ― ― ― 560 307 361 Tr440 × 5