Exercise 3

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Civil Engineering Faculty INS 361E – HYDRAULICS

Civil Engineering Department 2015-16/FALL


Exercise 1: Oil flows through the horizontal pipe shown in the figure.
The distance between the two cross sections of the pipe, L, is equal
to 3 m. The diameter of the pipe, D, is given as 0.30 m and the
discharge, Q, is measured as 0.004 m³⋅s-1. Determine the regime of
the flow and compute the pressure difference between the two cross

1-P2. (𝜈𝑜𝑖𝑙 = 0.00035 𝑚2 ⋅ 𝑠 −1 ; 𝛾𝑜𝑖𝑙 = 9.32 𝑘𝑁. 𝑚−3 )

-3 -2
Exercise 2: The following data is given for the flow of a fluid in a closed conduit: D=0.25 m; =1x10 N.s m ;
-3 -4
=1 g cm ; k=3 10 m. Determine, from the hydraulic point of view, the behavior of the pipe for each of the
following mean velocity values:

a) V=0.015 m/s b) V=0.15 m/s c) V=1.5 m/s d) V=15 m/s

Exercise 3: Air flows through a horizontal tunnel. The cross section of the
tunnel is designed in a ¼ cylindrical form (see the figure on the right).
Determine the pressure difference for 1 km-distant cross sections of this
tunnel, by using the following data:
-1 -3
V=5.0 m s ; k=0.5 mm; air=1.5x10-5 m² s-1; air=1.18x10-3 g cm

Exercise 4: Water flow through a horizontal pipe is being

investigated. The diameter of the pipe, D, is 15 cm and the
kinematic viscosity of water, 𝜈𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 = 106 𝑚2 ⋅ 𝑠 −1. The pressure
difference between the two cross sections of the pipe, P 1-P2, is
determined as 200 kPa. The distance between these two cross
sections, L, is 350 m and Darcy-Weisbach coefficient, f, of the
pipe is given as 0.02. Compute the discharge and determine the
regime of the flow.

Exercise 5: Water is discharged into the atmosphere from the

second cross section of a constant diameter pipe which has a
Darcy-Weisbach coefficient, f, of 0.04. The relative pressure, P1,
at the first cross section of the pipe is determined as 200 kPa.
Compute the diameter, D, of this pipe in order to have a
discharge, Q, of 0.76 m³ s .

Exercise 6: Using the data given in the figure, determine the

direction, discharge, regime of the flow and compute the
energy loss when the head is equal to 35 m at the second
cross section.

Civil Engineering Faculty INS 361E – HYDRAULICS
Civil Engineering Department 2015-16/FALL


2 3 3
oil=0.00035 m /s; oil=9.32 kN/m ; L=3 m; D=0.3 m; Q=0.004 m /s

Regime of the flow:

N Re V= =0.057 m/s
A D2 0.32
4 4
V.D 0.057x0.3
N Re =48.9<2000 “laminar flow”
Energy equation:
V12 p1 V22 p2
z1 z2 hk V1=V2 ; z1=z2
2g 2g
p1 p 2 L V2 64 64
hk J.L f NRe<2000 “laminar flow” f =1.31
D 2g N Re 48.9
3 0.057 2
hk 1.31 =0.00217 m
0.3 19.62
p1–p2= p= . hk=9.32x0.00217=0.0202 kPa

32 VL
Hagen Poiseuille Equation: p1–p2= (in laminar flows with horizontal and pipe with constant diameter)
32 x0.00035 x x0.057 x3
32 VL 9.81
x=L p = p1 – p2 = =0.0202 kPa
D2 0.32

a) V=0.015 m/s
1.0 x10 3 -6 2
V.D 0.015x0.25
=1x10 m /s NRe = = 3750 > 2000 “turbulent flow“
1000 1x10 6
Moody formula:
1/ 3 1/ 3
k 10 6 3x10 4 10 6
f 0.0055 1 20000 = 0.0055 1 20000 = 0.042
D N Re 0.25 3750

u* .k o f V2 0.042 0.015 2 -6
=? u* ; o= .R.J; J =1.926 x10
D 2g 0.25 19.62
D -6 -3 2
o= .R.J= o= . .J=9810*(0.25/4)*1.926x10 =1.2x10 N/m
o 1.2 x10 3 -3
u* .k 1.095 x10 3 x3 x10 4
u* = =1.095x10 m/s =0.33<11.6 “smooth flow”
1000 10 6
10 6
11.6 11.6 3 = 0.011 m=11 cm>3x10 m
u* 1.095 x10

Civil Engineering Faculty INS 361E – HYDRAULICS
Civil Engineering Department 2015-16/FALL

b) V=0.15 m/s

V.D 0.15x0.25
NRe = =37500>2000 “turbulent flow“
Moody formula:

1/ 3 1/ 3
k 10 6 3x10 4 10 6
f 0.0055 1 20000 = 0.0055 1 20000 =0.026
D N Re 0.25 37500

f V2 0.026 0.15 2 D 2
J =0.00012 o= .R.J= o= . .J=9810*(0.25/4)*0.00012=0.0736 N/m
D 2g 0.25 19.62 4
o 0.0736 u* .k 0.0086x3x10
u* = =0.0086 =2.58<11.6 “smooth flow”
1000 10 6
10 6
11.6 11.6 =0.013 m=13 mm>0.3 mm
u* 0.0086

c) V=1.5 m/s

V.D 1.5x0.25
NRe= =375000>2000 “turbulent flow“
1x10 6
Moody formula:
1/ 3 1/ 3
k 10 6 3x10 4 10 6
f 0.0055 1 20000 = 0.0055 1 20000 =0.022
D N Re 0.25 375000

f V2 0.022 1.5 2
J =0.0067
D 2g 0.25 19 .62
D 2
o= .R.J= o= . .J=9810*(0.25/4)*0.0067=4.11 N/m
o 4.11
u* = =0.064 m/s
u* .k 0.064x3x10
10 6
< 70 “transition flow“
1 11.6 11.6 =0.18 mm<0.3 mm
u* 0.064 2
10 6
2 70 70 =1.1 mm>0.3 mm
u* 0.064

Civil Engineering Faculty INS 361E – HYDRAULICS
Civil Engineering Department 2015-16/FALL

d) V=15 m/s

V.D 15x0.25
NRe = =3750000>2000 “turbulent flow“
1x10 6
Moody formula:
1/ 3 1/ 3
k 10 6 3x10 4 10 6
f 0.0055 1 20000 = 0.0055 1 20000 =0.021
D N Re 0.25 3750000

f V2 0.021 15 2 D 2
J =0.9633 o= .R.J= o= . .J=9810*(0.25/4)*0.9633=590.62 N/m
D 2g 0.25 19 .62 4
o 590.62 u* .k 0.769 x3 x10
u* = =0.769 m/s =230.7>70 “wholly rough flow“
1000 10 6
10 6
70 70 =0.09 mm>0.3 mm
u* 0.769
V.B.L. k

D2 22
4 4
A 4 4 = 0.22
P1–P2=? RH
U D 2
D 2
4 4
Energy equation:

V12 p1 V22 p2
z1 z2 hk V1=V2 ; z1=z2
2g 2g

p1 p 2 p L V2
hk J.L f
D 2g

V.D V.4R H 5x4x0.22

NRe= =293333>2000 “turbulent flow“
1.5x10 5

1/ 3 1/ 3
k 10 6 0.5x10 3 10 6
f 0.0055 1 20000 = 0.0055 1 20000 =0.0190
4R H N Re 4x0.22 293333

L V2 1000 5 2 p
hk f 0.019 =27.50 m=
D 2g 4x0.22 19.62

p=27.50x1.18x9.81=318.33 Pa

Civil Engineering Faculty INS 361E – HYDRAULICS
Civil Engineering Department 2015-16/FALL


-6 2
D=0.15 m =1x10 m /s L=350 m p1–p2=200 kPa f=0.02 Q=? NRe=?
2 2
p=p1–p2=200 kPa=200 kN/m =200000 N/m
V12 p1 V22 p2
z1 z2 hk V1=V2 ; z1=z2
2g 2g
p 200000
2 D.2 g x0.15 x19.62
p1 p2 p LV 9810
hk J.L f V =2.95 m/s
D 2g f .L 0.02 x350

0.15 2 3 V .D 2.95x0.15
Q=V.A=2.95 =0.052 m /s NRe= =442500>2000 “Turbulent flow”
4 1x10 6

V12 p1 V22 p2
z1 z2 hk
p1=200 kPa=2x10 N/m
5 2 2g 2g
90 65 hk
D1=D2 and V1=V2; It is opened to the atmosphere at (2) cross-section. p2=0 hk=45.39 m
1 6Q 2
2 1/ 5
4Q L V2 L D4 8f Q2 L 8fQ 2 L
V= hk f f 2
D =0.5 m
D2 D 2g D 2g D5 g 2
gh k


V12 p1 V2 200 V2
a) H1 = z1 5 27.65 D=constant; V1=V2
2g 2g 8.83 2g

V22 p2 V2 300 V2
H2 = z2 0 33.98
2g 2g 8.83 2g
H2>H1 flow direction is from 2 cross-section to 1

b) For H2=35 m
V2 V2
H2= 33.98 =35 m =1.02 m V=4.47 m/s
2g 2g
2 3
Q=V.A=4.47x( /4)x1 =3.51 m /s

hk=33.98–27.65=HB–HA=6.33 m

V .D 4.47 x1
c) Re =4470000>2000 “Turbulent flow”
10 6


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