Dynamic Pktlen Optimiz
Dynamic Pktlen Optimiz
Dynamic Pktlen Optimiz
ISSN 2348 – 7968
Abstract— In wireless sensor networks, dynamic packet can lead to staggered collisions, which occur when node A’s
length control is more efficient in terms of channel packet is interrupted by the hidden node, causing reception to
utilization and energy efficiency. In previous packet length fail. The risk of this type of loss increases with packet length
optimizations for sensor network often employ a fixed because as length increases, the hidden node is required to
optimal packet length scheme, while dynamic packet remain silent for a longer period of time. Additionally, longer
length provide accurate radio link estimation and increase packets are more susceptible to loss due to channel errors
system throughput. The adaptation of dynamic packet because they require the successful decoding of more
length is 802.11 wireless system. The packet delivery ratio symbols[10].
keeps high i.e. 95% above and link estimated error within Packet length adaptation seeks to address the tradeoff between
10% for 95% link. The experiments provide optimization lower overhead for long packet lengths, and lower probability
of dynamic packet length achieves best performances of loss for shorter packet lengths. There has been a significant
related to the previous experiments. amount of research on packet length adaptation. In current
packet length adaptation literature, a simple packet loss model
Index Terms—Link estimation, packet length is typically used, assuming the channel to have a constant bit-
optimization, wireless sensor networks. error rate (BER), and neglecting staggered collisions [1, 2].
I.INTRODUCTION This assumes that most packet losses occur due to random bit
errors in the packet payload. However, it has experimentally
A fundamental challenge in wireless networks is that radio been shown that for lower modulation rates in 802.11a, most
links are subject to transmission power, fading, and packet losses occur due to failure to synchronize to the packet
interference, which degrade the data delivery performance. preamble . This type of loss cannot be accounted for using a
This challenge is exacerbated in wireless sensor networks constant BER model, as it requires a model of channel
(WSNs), where severe energy and resource constraints fading[2].
preclude the use of many sophisticated techniques that may be The purpose of this study is to find the optimal packet length
found in other wireless systems [1][3].For example, (i) bit rate for the real time channel conditions. The basic idea is: if the
adaptation protocols, demand special hardware that is not packet length is too large, the packet retransmission rate will
available on general sensor nodes; (ii) effective forward error be high due to packet error; on the other hand, if the packet
correction (FEC) requires the amount of redundant data length is too small, the effective data throughput will be low
transmitted to be tuned to match the link qualities which is since much transmission is spent on packet headers. Therefore
difficult to achieve in dynamic WSNs[3]. some optimal packet length exists to achieve maximal
802.11 wireless LANs were originally designed for small throughput[10].
networks with limited traffic, and are thus not optimized for A packet optimization scheme applicable in sensor networks
high traffic situations. However, as wireless LANs become must have the following important features.
increasingly ubiquitous, the design limitations become greatly (i) Dynamic packet length adaptation. Prior work in sensor
stressed. One often neglected tunable parameter is MAC layer networks uses fixed packet length optimization schemes.
packet length. While packet length can be variable in the These schemes are not preferred due to the spatial temporal
802.11 standard, it is most often simply set to the maximum diversity of link qualities in WSNs.
value to reduce the impact of overhead. This is indeed the (ii) Accurate link estimation. The performance improvement
optimal setting for a scenario with a single pair of nodes with of the packet length adaptation scheme is highly dependent on
a strong channel; however, in scenarios with hidden nodes the link estimation accuracy. Prior work in wireless systems
and weaker channels, shorter packets may be preferable due does not consider unique characteristics of WSNs, e.g.,
to their lower susceptibility to loss. A hidden node for a given resource constraints of sensor nodes, thus leading to
node A transmitting to a node B in a wireless network is one inaccurate link estimation in sensor networks.
which is capable of interfering with the reception of the packet (iii) Easy to use. To the best of our knowledge, no prior work
at B, while being unable to sense the transmission of A. This
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 2, February 2015.
ISSN 2348 – 7968
addresses the application programmability issues of packet Figure. 1. Throughput vs packet length assuming no collisions
length adaptation scheme in sensor networks. Without for (a) SNR fixed at 9dB, and (b) SNR with mean of 9dB with
substantial programming efforts, there is still a huge gap standard deviation of 3dB.
between theoretical optimality and practically achievable
gains. B) Dynamic Packet Length Adaptation:
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
discussed related work. In section III comparative analysis of Wireless link qualities can be greatly affected by
various techniques with the help of table. In section environmental factors at different locations . To see how link
IV research design is explained. Finally dynamic packet diversity is, we setup one TelosB mote to measure the
optimization scheme it proposes. received signal strength at a resolution of 1 ms. The
experiments are conducted both indoor (the environment is
noisy because of 802.11 interferences) and outdoor (the
II.RELATED WORK environment is quiet), respectively. We can see that the
channel conditions vary drastically: in the noisy environment
A. A) Packet Loss Model:
the RSSI value can be as high as −62 dbm while in the quiet
environment the RSSI value can be as low as −96 dbm.
Losses in Wireless LANs can be broadly classified into two This indicates that packet length adaption schemes must be
types: collisions, which are the result of unfavorable traffic dynamically adapted to physical channel conditions to deliver
conditions, and channel errors, which are the result of performance gains in WSNs with spatial-temporal diversity in
unfavorable channel conditions. A collision occurs when a link qualities.
node’s packet overlaps in time with that of another node
which is spatially close enough to the destination to interfere. C) Accuracy of Link Estimation:
A channel error occurs when the SNR of a received packet is
low due to a large path loss or a deep multipath fade. The total We evaluate the accuracy of the link estimation method
packet loss probability PL can be computed as: in terms of absolute error. Each node transmits 200 packets
in turn. All other nodes record each packet’s reception. The
PL = 1− (1 − PC)(1 − Pe) estimated link qualities are compared against the ground
truth values. Figure 8 shows the CDF of absolute error (i.e.,
where PC is the probability of collision, and Pe is the estimated value - real value). We can see that the errors keep
probability of channel error, which is assumed to be within 10% for 95% links, indicating that the link estimation
independent of PC. method yields accurate results.
In this analysis, we assume that all collided packets are lost,
not captured, and that the probability of ACK loss is
negligible compared to other losses.
Figure 1. Figure 1(a) assumes a constant BER, and
Figure 1(b) assumes SNR to have a log-normal distribution.
The shapes of the curves are noticeably different. This is
because in the case where SNR is modeled probabilistically,
the actual value of SNR has a much higher impact on an
individual packet’s successful transmission than the packet’s
length. While a constant BER model might suggest using a
packet length of only 400 bytes, a more accurate model
including SNR distribution shows that maximum packet
length would be superior.
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 2, February 2015.
ISSN 2348 – 7968
IV. RESEARCH DESIGN accurate link estimation method that can capture both
physical channel conditions (due to channel fading, mobility,
In this section, we present the design of DPLC, a dynamic or power degradation) and interferences (from
packet length control scheme for WSNs. Below, we identify exposed and hidden terminals).
the major design goals. • Ease of programming. DPLC should provide easy-touse
• Dynamic adaptation. DPLC should provide a dynamic services to facilitate upper-layer application programming.
adaptation scheme to achieve performance improvements • Lightweight for implementation. DPLC should be
in dynamic, time-varying sensor networks. lightweight for resource constrained sensor nodes.
• Accurate link estimation. DPLC should implement an
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 2, February 2015.
ISSN 2348 – 7968
A. Flow chart: Both AS∞ and ASn requires L2 ACKs provided by the link
layer, because packets need to be retransmitted (at least once)
The flowchart of dynamic packet length optimization when they are lost. For AS0, we additionally provide a more
approach is described with the following diagram: efficient ACK scheme called AggAck that does not rely on L2
ACKs, and thus mitigate the ACK overhead (we use AS0-L2
to denote AS0 with L2 ACKs and AS0-AA to denote AS0 with
AggAck afterwards).
(ii) FS is useful for bulk data transmission, e.g., Flush.
FS provides reliable transmissions as a large message is
usually very important for upper-layer applications. FS does
not necessarily depend on L2 ACKs. As mentioned above, we
additionally provide the AggAck mechanism to mitigate the
ACK overhead, and more importantly, to deal with data
packet retransmissions (we use FS-L2 to denote FS with L2
ACKs and FS-AA to denote FS with AggAck afterwards).
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 2, February 2015.
ISSN 2348 – 7968
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