H-Name: A Hidden-Node Avoidance Mechanism For Wireless Sensor Networks
H-Name: A Hidden-Node Avoidance Mechanism For Wireless Sensor Networks
H-Name: A Hidden-Node Avoidance Mechanism For Wireless Sensor Networks
BI = aBaseSuperframeDuration ⋅ 2
BO In our intra-cluster grouping strategy, a node that has
for 0 ≤ SO ≤ BO ≤ 14
(1) been assigned a group will track the beacon frame for
SD = aBaseSuperframeDuration ⋅ 2 SO
information related to the time window allocated to its
group, and will contend for medium access during that
where aBaseSuperframeDuration = 15.36 ms (assuming period with the other nodes of the same group. We propose
250 kbps in the 2.4 GHz frequency band) denotes the the GAP Specification field in Fig. 9 to be embedded in the
minimum superframe duration , corresponding to SO = 0. beacon frame (such a specification is missing in [22]).
During the SD, nodes compete for medium access using
slotted CSMA/CA in the Contention Access Period (CAP).
For time-sensitive applications, IEEE 802.15.4 enables the
definition of a Contention-Free Period (CFP) within the
SD, by the allocation of Guaranteed Time Slots (GTS). Fig. 9. GAP specification field of a beacon frame
The GAP is specified by the Group ID field that
identifies the node group. Up to 8 groups per cluster can be
defined. The time window in the superframe is specified
by a given number of Backoff Periods (BP). A practical
problem is that the number of a backoff period in a
superframe may be quite large for high superframe orders
(up to 16 time slots * 216 BP/time slot), which requires a
huge amount of bits in the field to express the starting BP
Fig. 7. Superframe structure and the final BP for each group. The objective is to
It can be easily observed in Fig. 7 that low duty-cycles maintain as low overhead as possible for the specification
can be configured by setting small values of the of a given group. For that purpose, a group is characterized
superframe order (SO) as compared to the beacon order by its start time slot and end time slot (between 0 and 15)
(BO), resulting in longer sleep (inactive) periods. and the corresponding backoff period offsets. The start and
ZigBee defines network and application layer services end offsets for the time duration of a group is computed as
on top of the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. The cluster-tree follows:
topology, in which all nodes are organized in a parent- Relative Offset = (Start/End) Backoff Period Offset * 2SO
child relationship, imposes the beacon-enabled mode. A
The choice of a Backoff Period Offset sub-field encoded
simple and deterministic tree routing mechanism is used.
in two bits is argued by the fact that the minimum number
of backoff periods in a time slot is equal to 3 for (SO = 0). slotted CSMA-CA mechanism, as presented in [30]. The
Hence, for SO > 0, each time slot will be divided into three CCA deference problem occurs when it is not possible for
parts to which the start/end instant of a given group access a frame to be transmitted in the remaining space of the
period should be synchronized. superframe and its transmission must be deferred to the
This GAP implementation approach only requires two next one. For low SO and due to the lower superframe
bytes of overhead per group. The maximum number of duration, it is more probable that this deference occurs (in
groups depends on the SO values, since lower superframe more nodes), resulting in multiple collisions at the
orders cannot support much overhead in the beacon frame beginning of the next superframe. The reason is that, after
due to short superframe durations. Also, it allows a flexible the deference, the slotted CSMA-CA protocol does not
and dynamic allocation of the groups, since all nodes perform another backoff procedure (only two CCAs).
continuously update their information about their group
start and end times when receiving a beacon frame, at the 5.2. Test-bed scenario
beginning of each superframe. The experimental test-bed consisted of 18 MICAz motes
[31] (featuring an Atmel ATmega128L 8-bit
5. Experimental Evaluation microcontroller with 128 kB of in-system programmable
5.1. Implementation approach memory) scattered in three groups hidden from each other,
a ZC and a protocol analyzer Chipcon CC2420 [32],
We have implemented the H-NAMe mechanism in capturing the traffic for processing and analysis (Fig. 10).
nesC/TinyOS [28], over the Open-ZB implementation [29]
of the IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee protocols, to demonstrate its
feasibility and efficiency using commercial-off-the-shelf
(COTS) technologies.
For that purpose, we carried out a thorough
experimental analysis to understand the impact of the H-
NAMe mechanism on the network performance, namely in
terms of network throughput (S) and probability of
successful transmissions (Ps), for different offered loads
(G), in one cluster with a star-based topology. Both metrics
have been also used to evaluate the performance of the
Slotted CSMA/CA MAC protocol [30]. The network
throughput (S) represents the fraction of traffic correctly
received normalized to the overall capacity of the network
(250 kbps). The success probability (Ps) reflects the degree Fig. 10. Experimental testbed
of reliability achieved by the network for successful
transmissions. This metric is computed as the throughput S The protocol analyzer generates a log file containing all
divided by G, representing the amount of traffic sent from the received packets and the corresponding timestamps,
the application layer to the MAC sub-layer, also enabling to retrieve all the necessary data embedded in the
normalized to the overall network capacity. packets payload, using a parser application we developed.
To ensure the reliability of the measurement process, The 18 nodes have been programmed to generate traffic
some issues had to be considered, namely guaranteeing at the application layer with preset inter-arrival times. A
that the IEEE 802.15.4 physical channel was free from similar approach has previously been used in [30] for
interference from IEEE 802.11 networks, which operate at evaluating the performance of the CSMA-CA protocol.
the same frequency range. We have experimentally The three node groups were placed at ground level near
observed that despite the distance to the nearest IEEE walls, in order to reinforce the hidden-node effect (Fig.10).
802.11 access point being over 10 m, it definitely impact To ensure that nodes in different groups were in fact
on the performance measurements. The channel was often hidden, a simple test was carried out. A MICAz mote was
sensed as busy (during the Clear Channel Assessment programmed to continuously perform the clear channel
(CCA) procedure) due to IEEE 802.11 transmissions. assessment procedure, toggling a led when energy was
Hence, we chose an IEEE 802.15.4 channel outside the detected in the channel. By placing this mote at different
IEEE 802.11 frequency spectrum (Channel 26) to perform spots while a group of nodes was transmitting, we were
the experimental evaluation. Channel integrity was ensured able to identify an area to place a new node group so that
using a spectrum analyzer. In addition, another aspect that they would be hidden from the other groups. This
was considered was the choice of the SO value to be used procedure was repeated for each group, in a way that nodes
in our experiments. To have a clearer idea on the impact of were divided evenly by the 3 groups (6 nodes/group).
the hidden-node phenomenon independently from other
5.3. Experimental results
parameters, we have chosen a superframe order
sufficiently high (SO = 8) to avoid the collisions related to Fig. 11 presents the GAP created by the H-NAMe
the CCA deference problem encountered for low SO, in the mechanism.
5.3.2. H-NAMe performance evaluation
The performance evaluation of the H-NAMe mechanism
has been carried out using BO = SO = 8 (100% duty cycle),
with a constant frame size of 904 bits. Several runs were
performed (one for each packet inter-arrival time), to
Fig. 11. Groups allocation in the superframe evaluate the network performance at different offered
Each node group was assigned with four time slots for loads (G). Fig. 13 presents the throughput (S) and the
transmission, which represents a theoretical duration of success probability (Ps) obtained from three experimental
983.04 ms per group (SO = 8). This allocation was made scenarios: a network with hidden-nodes without using the
according to the principle of equal group access duration H-NAMe mechanism (triangle markers curve); the
for an equal number of nodes per group. previous network using the H-NAMe mechanism (circle
5.3.1 The node group-join procedure markers curve) and a network without hidden-nodes
(square markers curve). The depicted average values for
Fig. 12 illustrates a packet capture of a group join the throughput and probability of success were computed
requested by a node. with a 95% confidence interval for a sample size of 3000
packets at each offered load. The respective variance is
displayed at each sample point by a vertical bar in black.
From these results, we can observe that even at low offered
(2) loads H-NAMe leads to a considerable performance
improvement. For instance, for an offered load (G) of 30%,
(3) the success probability (Ps) using H-NAMe is roughly
50% greater than without H-NAMe.