GROUP 2 Phonetics and Phonology
GROUP 2 Phonetics and Phonology
GROUP 2 Phonetics and Phonology
b, c, d, f, g, j, k, l, m n,
p, q, s, t, v, x, z
Sometimes consonants
h, r, w, y
Vowels and Consonants
Unlike consonants, vowels do not involve closing
the vocal tract. Instead, they differentiate sounds
based on pitch, accent, volume, and duration.
What is consonance?
Consonants are closely related to a writing
technique called consonance. Often found in
poetry, musical lyrics, and creative writing,
consonance is a literary device that uses a
series of words containing the same consonant
sound. For example, look at this popular
children’s poem:
Notice the repetition of the k or ck sound, as well
as the n sound to a lesser extent.
a tiger
a giraffe
a rat
But for animals whose name starts with a vowel
sound, we use an:
-an elephant
-an armadillo
-an orangutan
an hour
an heiress
However, not all h words are silent. If the h at the
beginning is pronounced, use a as with any other
a hotel
a historic day
Likewise, vowels can sometimes make a consonant
sound at the beginning of the word. Although rare,
these words also use a. Pay particular attention to
words beginning with a vowel that makes a sound
like “you.”
a university
a European
What are
So what are the vowels? The letters a, e, i, o, u—
and sometimes y—are vowels. However, some
consonants, like h, r, and w, can also make
vowel sounds. In grammar, these letters are
still considered consonants and don’t follow
the vowel rules.
Letters and speech sounds are divided into
two categories: sounds where the air is
blocked by the lips, tongue, or throat
before leaving the mouth and sounds where
the air is not blocked. Consonants
represent sounds that are blocked; vowels
represent sounds that are not blocked.
While consonant sounds are differentiated
by how the air is blocked—such as sticking
the tongue behind the front teeth for d and
t, or closing the lips for b, m, and p—vowel
sounds are differentiated by pitch, accent,
volume, and duration.
Vowels play a major role in both spelling and
grammar. They also have a direct impact on how
consonants are used, such as spelling words with
double consonants. Consider the difference
between hop and hope—which, as present
participles, become hopping and hoping. The
presence of the silent e at the end changes the
rules for how to conjugate certain words.
Vowels And
A. Front Vowels
Manner of Articulation
ex. / J, w, m, n /
B. Voice & voiceless
Voiced Consonants
[ bahy-ley-bee-uhl ]
• Tone
• Pitch (Voice)
• Prosody
• Volume
• Rate
• Non-fluency features
"To finally end this presentation, I want to leave
you with this powerful quote: 'The voice is the
most powerful instrument of the human soul. It is
the most direct expression of our thoughts,
feelings, and intentions.' - Malcolm X. This quote
reminds us that how we speak is just as
important as what we say. By mastering the
elements of voice, we can communicate more
effectively and connect with others on a deeper