7meceebl S 2081.03.08 M-1
7meceebl S 2081.03.08 M-1
7meceebl S 2081.03.08 M-1
NAME Institute
In front of Singhdurbar, Putalisadak
Tel: - 01- 5331144
Model Entrance Exam 2081
Model: XVI
(Morning Shift)
Date: 2081/03/22
1. b. Plasmodium, the parasite responsible for malaria, has a well-defined food vacuole.
This vacuole is an essential structure within the parasite's life cycle, particularly
during its intraerythrocytic stages (when it resides within red blood cells). The food
vacuole is involved in the degradation of hemoglobin, which provides nutrients for
the parasite.
2. a. Sycon refers to a genus of sponges. Sponges are often considered a "blind alley" in
evolutionary terms because they represent a simple and early branch of the animal
kingdom that has not led to the development of more complex organisms. This term
is used to describe groups that have not given rise to other diverse and complex
forms through evolutionary processes.
3. c. Hydra primarily reproduce asexually through budding, although they can also
reproduce sexually. However, they do not engage in mating in the sense of
copulation that is seen in many other animals. Instead, during sexual reproduction,
they release gametes into the water where fertilization occurs externally.
4. b. In Schistosoma (a genus of parasitic worms), the female worm lives within the male
worm's gynecophoral canal, which is a groove along the male's body. This is a
specialized adaptation for their reproductive process.Ascaris, on the other hand,
does not exhibit this type of relationship. The males and females are separate
individuals and do not have this kind of dependency.So, the correct answer is
5. b. In Ascaris, glycogen and fat are stored primarily in the hypodermis (also known as
the epidermis in the context of nematodes). This layer beneath the cuticle contains
cells that are rich in glycogen and lipid droplets, which serve as energy reserves for
the worm.
6. b. Polychaetes, a class of annelid worms, are typically not hermaphroditic. Most
polychaete species have separate sexes, meaning they are dioecious, with distinct
male and female individuals.On the other hand, leeches, flatworms, and
earthworms are hermaphroditic, meaning they possess both male and female
reproductive organs.
7. b. Crustaceans, a group that includes crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and barnacles, typically
have biramous (two-branched) appendages. These appendages usually consist of an
exopod and an endopod branching off from a common base, the protopod. This is a
characteristic feature that distinguishes them from other arthropods such as insects
and arachnids, which have uniramous (single-branched) appendages. Annelids do
not have appendages of this type.
8. c. Pelecypoda (Bivalvia), which includes clams, oysters, mussels, and scallops, has
significant economic importance due to its role in the seafood industry. These
mollusks are harvested for food, and some, like oysters, are also valuable for
producing pearls. Additionally, they play important roles in aquaculture and are
ecologically important for their roles in filtering water and providing habitat
structure in aquatic environments.
NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam Model – XVI (2081-03-22)
9. b. Evisceration, also known as autotomy, is the ability of certain echinoderms (such as
sea cucumbers) to expel their internal organs as a defense mechanism against
predators or in response to stress. This process allows them to distract or deter
predators by sacrificing a part of their body, which they can regenerate
later.Chordata, Annelida, and Coelenterata (Cnidaria) do not typically exhibit
evisceration as a defense mechanism.
10. b. Chordates, which include vertebrates (such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and
mammals) as well as some invertebrate groups like cephalochordates (e.g., lancelets)
and urochordates (e.g., tunicates), exhibit metamerism to varying degrees. In
chordates, the body is segmented internally, with repeating units called somites or
myotomes along the length of the body.
11. b. Crocodiles are known for their ability to move their upper jaw independently from
their skull. This flexibility allows them to catch and manipulate prey effectively, as
well as to regulate their bite force.Elephants, Clarias (a genus of catfish), and frogs
do not have the ability to move their upper jaw in the same manner as crocodiles.
12. a. Birds have only one ear ossicle, which is called the columella or stapes. This bone is
homologous to the stapes bone found in mammals and is involved in transmitting
sound vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear. So, the correct
answer is 1 (option a).
13. d. The shortening of jaws is a significant evolutionary change in humans that is related
to the development of speech and the size of the brain. As human ancestors evolved,
the reduction in jaw size provided more space in the skull for larger brains and
allowed for the development of more complex speech abilities.
14. a. Ethology is the branch of biology that deals with the study of animal behavior in
their natural habitats. It focuses on understanding behaviors such as mating rituals,
communication, social interactions, and responses to stimuli. Ethology can apply to
both humans and animals, but it is more commonly associated with the study of
non-human animal behavior.
NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam Model – XVI (2081-03-22)
17. b. Aestivation is a state of dormancy similar to hibernation but occurs during hot and
dry periods, such as summer. Frogs and other animals may aestivate to survive
periods of high temperature and drought when conditions are unfavorable for their
normal activities. During aestivation, metabolic activity slows down significantly,
allowing the animal to conserve energy and reduce water loss.
18. c. Hemozoin is a crystalline byproduct formed from the digestion of hemoglobin by
the malaria parasite (Plasmodium spp.) inside infected red blood cells. When the
schizont stage of the parasite ruptures, hemozoin is released along with merozoites,
which can cause further damage to the host's cells and trigger immune responses.
19. c. When oil is sprinkled over ponds or stagnant water bodies, it forms a thin film on
the surface. This film prevents mosquito larvae (immature stages of mosquitoes)
from accessing the air at the water surface. Mosquito larvae breathe through siphons
or tubes that they extend to the surface to take in oxygen. The oil film blocks these
breathing tubes, causing the larvae to suffocate and die. This method is an effective
biological control measure to reduce mosquito populations and consequently reduce
the transmission of malaria.
20. c. Earthworm belongs to the phylum annelida which are segmented worms. Genital
papillae are two pairs of protuberances on segments 17 and 19 on the ventral surface.
Each papilla bears a shallow cup-like depression on the top, which functions as
sucker during copulation.So, the correct answer is option C.
21. d.
22. d. Alexander Oparin (in the Soviet Union) and J.B.S. Haldane (in the United Kingdom)
independently proposed similar ideas about the origin of life and the conditions on
early Earth that could have led to the formation of organic molecules from simpler
compounds. Their hypotheses laid the groundwork for understanding how life
might have originated from non-living matter through chemical processes.
23. d. The floating ribs in the human body are the last two pairs of ribs, which are not
attached directly to the sternum. These two pairs of ribs are known as floating ribs.
24. b. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), also known as vasopressin, plays a crucial role in
regulating water reabsorption in the kidneys. ADH is produced by the
hypothalamus and released by the pituitary gland in response to changes in blood
osmolarity (concentration of solutes in the blood) and blood volume. ADH acts on
the collecting ducts of the nephrons in the kidneys, increasing their permeability to
water. This allows more water to be reabsorbed back into the bloodstream, thereby
concentrating urine and conserving water in the body.
25. d. Epithelial tissue typically has less intercellular substance compared to connective
tissue and other supporting tissues. Epithelial cells are closely packed together with
minimal space between them, and they are often arranged in sheets or layers that
form linings or coverings in the body. In contrast, connective tissue and supporting
tissues like cartilage and bone have more intercellular substance (such as collagen
fibers, elastin fibers, and ground substance) that provides structural support and
NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam Model – XVI (2081-03-22)
26. c. Adipocytes are a type of connective tissue cell that stores energy in the form of fat.
They are commonly found in specialized connective tissue called adipose tissue,
which is distributed throughout the body in locations such as beneath the skin
(subcutaneous fat), around internal organs (visceral fat), and in bone marrow
(yellow marrow). Adipocytes play a crucial role in energy storage, insulation, and
cushioning of organs. Therefore, the correct answer is option c, connective tissue.
27. c. Voluntary muscles, also known as skeletal muscles, are under conscious control and
are responsible for movements of the body. They are attached to bones and facilitate
locomotion, posture, and voluntary movements like walking, running, and lifting
objects. Lung and liver contain involuntary smooth muscle tissue. Heart
contains involuntary cardiac muscle tissue.
28. a. Neuroblasts are embryonic cells that give rise to neurons (nerve cells) during
development. These cells differentiate into various types of neurons that form the
nervous system.
29. d. The pharynx is a part of the throat that serves as a common pathway for both food
and air. It connects the nasal cavity and mouth (where air and food enter) to the
larynx (which leads to the trachea and lungs for air passage) and the esophagus
(which leads to the stomach for food passage). During swallowing, the pharynx
helps direct food to the esophagus while blocking off the trachea to prevent food
from entering the respiratory tract.
30. c. Glisson's capsules are connective tissue sheaths that surround the liver lobules,
providing structural support to the liver tissue. Kupffer's cells, on the other hand,
are specialized macrophages found within the liver sinusoids (blood vessels) that
play a role in immune function and the breakdown of old red blood cells. Therefore,
the correct answer is option c, Glisson's capsules and Kupffer's cells, as these are
specific features associated with the structure and function of the mammalian liver.
31. c. The Chloride shift refers to the movement of chloride ions (Cl⁻) from the plasma into
red blood cells in exchange for bicarbonate ions (HCO₃⁻) moving out of the red blood
cells into the plasma. This shift helps maintain the ionic balance between the blood
plasma and red blood cells during gas exchange in the tissues and lungs. It is named
after the American physiologist Karl Hamburger, who studied this phenomenon.
32. c. The heart of an elephant is myogenic, as all the vertebrates have myogenic
hearts.Myogenic contraction refers to a contraction initiated by the myocyte cell
itself instead of an outside occurrence or stimulus, such as nerve innervation.For
most invertebrates, heart contraction is initiated and regulated predominantly by
external nerves; thus insect hearts are neurogenic. In contrast, vertebrates, tunicates,
and some molluscs have myogenic hearts. The heartbeat is initiated and regulated
by specialized groups of muscle cells.
33. b. Neurons, also known as nerve cells, are the fundamental units of the nervous
system. They are specialized cells that transmit information throughout the body in
the form of electrical signals. Neurons have a unique structure that includes
dendrites (to receive signals), a cell body (containing the nucleus and organelles),
and an axon (to transmit signals to other neurons or to target cells). Neuroglia, also
known as glial cells, are supportive cells in the nervous system that provide
NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam Model – XVI (2081-03-22)
structural support, insulation, and nourishment to neurons, but they are not the
primary units responsible for transmitting signals. Therefore, the correct answer is
option b, neuron.
34. b. The malleus, also known as the hammer, is the largest of the three auditory ossicles
(bones) in the middle ear.
Uric acid: This is the main nitrogenous waste in uricotelic animals like birds
and reptiles.
Ammonia: This is the main nitrogenous waste in ammoniotelic animals like
fish and amphibians.
Amino acids: These are nitrogen-containing compounds that are broken down
to form urea or other nitrogenous wastes.
40. a. Reflex actions are rapid and involuntary responses to stimuli that occur without
conscious thought. These responses are coordinated by neural circuits in the spinal
cord called reflex arcs. When a stimulus is detected by sensory receptors, such as
NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam Model – XVI (2081-03-22)
pain receptors (nociceptors), sensory neurons transmit signals to the spinal cord.
Within the spinal cord, interneurons relay signals to motor neurons, which then
cause muscles to contract or relax, producing the reflexive response. This entire
process occurs within the spinal cord without involvement of higher brain centers,
allowing for quick protective responses.
57 b. There are 20 amino acids which are coded by 64 codons (including 3 non-coding
58 c. According to central dogma theory of Crick, intracellular information flow occurs in
the series of DNA → mRNA → Protein → expression of traits.
59 a. Coliphage like x 174have single stranded DNA as genetic material (gemini virus).
60 a. Functional unit of gene responsible for synthesis of single amino polypeptide is
61 c. Feulgen reaction is used to stain DNA.
62 b. Complete set of chromosomes inherited as unit for one parent to offspring is
genome. It is the number of chromosomes present in gametes.
63 b. Among six type of DNA (A, B, C, D, E, Z), most common type is B-DNA which have
10 base pair (nucleotides) per turn.
64 d. Increasing diameter of tree trunk is due to secondary growth which adds duramen
or heart wood.
65 c. The direction of osmosis is lower to higher solute concentration or higher to lower
water potential.
66 d. Oxysome is functional unit of mitochondria, where reducing power NADH2 and
FADH2 get converted in ATP through series of coenzymes and cytochromes and
called oxidative phosphorylation.
67 c. Dark reaction of photosynthesis is independent to light, but depends on output of
light reactions.
68 a. During anaerobic respiration, only 2ATP is produced with additional simple organic
compounds like ethanol, lactic acid, etc.
69 d. Mesosome is also called bacterial mitochondria and site of aerobic respiration.
70 b. The gibberellin is hormone of elongation of internodes. It elongates when applied to
71 d. Coconut, maize and date palms are monoecious plant with both sex organs on same
plants but on different parts (unisexual flowers). Cotton has bisexual flowers.
72 a. The fusion between two incompatible gametes (gametes of same sex) is called
73 a. Crossing with wild varieties increases heterosis and plant become diseases resistant.
NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam Model – XVI (2081-03-22)
75. c. Volvox is a spherical multicellular (i.e. colonial) green alga, which help to colour the
water of the pond green. The Volvox colony is of constant size and shape for a given
76. a. A zygotic meiosis is a meiosis of a zygote immediately after karyogamy, which is
the fusion of two cell nuclei. This way, the organism ends its diploid phase and
produces several haploid cells.
77. c. Alleles are different versions of the same gene that might be dominant or recessive.
Alleles for a characteristic are found in the same place on homologous chromosomes
and so rule the same trait.
78. d.
79. b. Coralloid roots are a special type of root that is found in Cycas that is interrelated
with nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria.
80. d. Since, the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria is made up of various layers & teichoic
acids and also the cell wall is thicker than other gram-negative bacteria.
81. d. In CuO and Cu2O the O : Cu is 1 : 1 and 1 : 2 respectively. This is law of multiple
83. c. Energy of an electron in Bohr's orbit is given by the relationship En = - n2 eV
84. a. Within a group, electron gain enthalpy becomes less negative down a group.
However, adding an electron to the 2p-orbital leads to greater repulsion than adding
an electron to the larger 3p-orbital. Hence, phosphorus has the least negative electron
gain enthalpy.
85. c. Higher the difference in electronegativity between the two atoms, more will be
electrovalent character of the bond. Among given choices, calcium and hydrogen
have maximum difference in their electronegativities.
86. a. V-shaped H2O like structure.
87. b. This type of attractive force operates between the polar molecules having permanent
dipole and the molecules lacking permanent dipole. HCl is polar ( 0) and He is
non polar (= 0), thus gives dipole-induced dipole interaction.
88. a. Boiling point of water is 100°C whereas evaporation of water into water vapours
occurs at room temperature.
NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam Model – XVI (2081-03-22)
90. b. At equilibrium, the rate of forward and backward reactions is equal.
91. b. Because NH3 after losing a proton (H+) gives NH2- NH3 + H2O ⇌NH2- + H3O+
(Conjugate acid-base pair differ only by a proton)
92. d. ∵ pH = 1 ; H+ = 10-1 = 0.1 M ; pH = 2 ; H+ = 10-2 = 0.01 M
M1V1 = M2V2 ⟹ 0.1 × 1 = 0.01 × V2 ⟹ V2 = 10 litres
∴ Volume of water added = 10 – 1 = 9 litres
93. a. NH4Cl + H2O → NH4OH + HCl
94. c. In this reaction, none of the elements undergoes a change in oxidation number or
95. b. ∵ 10 g glucose is dissolved in = 100 ml solution.
∴ 180 g (g mole) is dissolved in = x 180 = 1800 ml = 1.8 L
98. a. Order is the sum of the power of the concentration terms in rate law expression.
Hence, the order or reaction is = 1 + 2 = 3
99. a. An Aerosol is a dispersion of a solid or liquid in a gas.
100. c. Electromagnetic separation is used in the concentration of cassiterite.
101. a. Calcination is heating ore in absence of air to remove moisture and volatile
impurities. Carbonate ores decomposed to corresponding oxides as a result of
102. b. These are the substances which can withstand very high temperature without
melting or becoming soft.
103. b. Zinc dust is used as a reducing agent in the manufacture of dye-stuffs, paints etc.
104. a. Nitrogen due to small size is able to show pπ-pπ lateral overlap forming N ≡N, rest
elements due to bigger size are not able to show pπ-pπ lateral overlap.
105. d. N2O3, N2O4 and N2O5 are acidic oxides. Only N2O is neutral oxide.
106. c. BiH3 is the strongest reducing agent while NH3 is the weakest reducing agent.
107. d. 4 Zn + 10 HNO3 (dil.) → 4 Zn(NO3)2 + 5H2O + N2O
Zn + 4 HNO3 (conc.) → Zn(NO3)2 + 2H2O + 2NO2
108. a. Hypophosphoric acid contains P – P linkage as:
NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam Model – XVI (2081-03-22)
NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam Model – XVI (2081-03-22)
122. b. Electromeric effect is purely a temporary effect and is brought into play only at the
requirement of attacking reagent, it vanishes out as soon as the attacking reagent is
removed from reaction mixture.
123. b. In elimination reactions one or two molecules are lost from the substrate to form a
multiple bond. Dehydration of ethanol is an example of elimination reaction.
C2H5OH → CH2 = CH2 + H2O
𝐻2 𝑆𝑂4
124. c. CH3CH2I + Mg → CH3 CH2Mgl
125. a. 1° Alkyl halides (having least steric hindrance at -carbon atom) are most reactive
towards SN2 reaction.
126. b.
127. c. Reactivity increases as the nucleophilicity of the halide ion increases,
128. c.
129. c.
130. d. R–N≡C → RNH – CH3
alkyl isocyanide secondary amine
2v1 v 2 2 20 30
vav = = = 24 km/hr
v1 + v 2 20 + 30
133. c.
134. b. The acceleration vector is tangent to the circle is false statement for a particle moving
in a circle with the constant angular speed.
135. c. In critical case, weight of hanging part = force of friction on the part of rope lying on
m m l
l 'g = ( l − l ') g , on solving, l ' =
l l +1
NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam Model – XVI (2081-03-22)
E P 2 150 225 E1
136. d. E= E P 2 1 = 12 = = − 1 100% = 125%
2m E 2 P2 100 100 E2
mv 2 GMm 1 Gm
139. c. = v=
( 2R )
R 2 R
142. c. If linear expansion is α, then = 3α. Here, α = /3 so ′ =3 × /3. Thus, ′ = . Hence,
volume expansion remains unchanged.
143. c. Everything within an object will expand, if the object itself expands. On heating, x, r
and d must all increase.
144. b. Pressure inside the mines is greater than that of normal pressure. Also we know that
boiling point increases with increase in pressure. so water boil at Temperature
>100 oC
V2 m V 96 140
145. d. W = nRT log e = 2.3 RT log10 2 = 2.3 R 300 log10 = 2.3 900R log10 2
V1 M V1 32 70
Tsin k 300
146. a. = 1− = 1− = 0.25 = 25% , so impossible.
Tsource 400
150. c. If ()medium > ()lens, then convergent lens will behave as divergent concave).
151. d. Interference is a phenomenon in which two waves superpose constructively or
destructively to form a resultant wave of greater or lower amplitude. It is shown by
both mechanical waves transverse or longitudinal) and non-mechanical waves.
550 10−9
152. a. From d sin = n, for n = 1, sin = = = 0.001 rad
d 0.55 10−3
153. a. = 5 cm and f = 2 Hz v = f =10 cm/s
NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam Model – XVI (2081-03-22)
RT VN N M He 7/5 4 3
154. c. v= = = =
M VHe He M N 5 / 3 28 5
( 2A )
155. a. A = a12 + a 22 + 2a1a 2 cos = + A 2 + 2 2A A cos 0 o = 3A
156. b.
157. c. W = F y = qE y
qo q 10−6
158. c. total = face =
o 6 o
160. b. J = E
161. c. Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law
-1 i + 10 – 4 – 2 i – 3i = 0 → i = 1A a to b via
2E 2E E E 2E
162. b. In series, i = = and in parallel, i = = =
R + 2r 2 + 2r R + ( r / 2) 2 + ( r / 2) 4 + r
2E 2E
= r = 2
2 + 2r 4 + r
163. d. Balance point has some fixed position on potentiometer wire. It is not affected by the
addition of resistance between balance point and cell. Hence no option is correct. It
will remain at same position.
o I o I 2o I
164. c. r1 = 2r2 for first coil, B1 = = and for second coil, B2 =
2r1 4r2 2r2
B2 ( 2o I / 2r2 )
= =4
B1 ( o I / 4r2 )
165. b. E = Blv = 0.3 10-4 10 5 = 1.5 10-3 V = 1.5 mV
166. b. E = Eo cos t = Eo cos 2ft = 50 cos 2 50 =5 3
167. b. The relative permeability of soft iron is high. So, maximum lines of force tend to pass
through the soft iron as a large magnetization occurs in the direction of the field in
the ferromagnetic material.
168. b.
h 1
169. c. = de-Broglie wavelength is maximum for β−particles.
mv m
ℎ ℎ𝑓 𝑃𝑐 3.3×10−29 ×3×108
170. d. 𝑃= = ⇒𝑓= = = 1.5 × 1013 Hz
𝜆 𝑐 ℎ 6.6×10−34
NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam Model – XVI (2081-03-22)
171. b. Molybdenum is used as a target element for production of X - rays because In X-ray
tube , target must be heavy element with high melting point.
c 1 1 1 1 9
172. c. f= = RC 2 − 2 = 107 3 108 2 − 2 = 10 Hz
1 n 2 2 4 16
dN R
173. d. = R = N = = const . Graph between R/N and t be a straight line parallel
dt N
to the time axis.
174. b. In reverse biasing of PN junction width of the depletion layer increases hence
potential barrier increases
175. a. If V is doubled width of depletion region will become half.
176. a.
177. d. D = ( A + B) C = ( A + B) + C
178. b.
2 1 1
179. a. udd = + − − = 0
3 3 3
181. a. First letter moves 1 step ahead and last letter pattern is GF, IH, KJ, ML
182. d. Parsley, basil, and dill are types of herbs. Mayonnaise is not an herb.
183. d. The woman is the mother of Shashank's granddaughter. Hence, the woman is the
daughter-in-law of Shashank.
184. c.
189. d. C2=C1×C3+3
190. c.
NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam Model – XVI (2081-03-22)
191. d. Book contains Chapter, Chapter contains Pages
192. c.
194. a.
195. c. Take commons on both given and coding, are ⟹ na, bad⟹ tok, they⟹ tim
196. d. segments are rotates 90-degree CW and upper letter moves down by replacing new
199. a.
200. d.
Best of Luck