Camera Shots and Angles
Camera Shots and Angles
Camera Shots and Angles
Result prompt:
Exploring Camera Shots and
A camera shot or angle defines the framing of a
photo. understand much of the photography and
film vocabulary to help you produce the camera framing,
angles and shots
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Extreme Wide Shot (ELS)
If you want the subject to seem smaller than the location, go
with the extreme long or extreme wide shot.
Extreme long shots are also perfect for making your subject
appear distant or unfamiliar.
You can feel how small those people felt compared to their
This is another camera shot that allows the subject to fill the
frame, but the emphasis still remains on the scenery.
Cowboy Shot
The cowboy shot shows the character from the waist or hip
up. It got its name from the old western movies where it was
most used.
Again, this shot reveals more information than the wide one.
In western movies, producers used it to show the gun holsters
on cowboys’ hips. If you couldn’t see the hips, you’d lose a lot
of important contexts. As in this shot from A Fistful of Dollars:
Medium Shot (MS)
The medium shot is among the most common ones out there.
It frames the character roughly from the waist up and through
the torso, emphasizing the subject yet showing the
That’s the shot where the whole frame is filled with a part of a
character (often their face).
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Establishing Shot
Depth of field (DOF) describes the size of the area in the shot
where the object or character appears. This area is referred to
as the field, and the size of that area is the depth of the field.
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Shallow Focus
Shallow focus uses shallow depth of field - the object is in
focus, and the background is blurry or out of focus. Here, the
plane of focus (the space around the central point) is sharp
but small, and the larger background is blurred.
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Deep Focus
Opposite to the previous one, everything in the scene is in
focus in deep focus.
You can use it when you want the audience to feel the
scenery or a scene element, like in All The President’s Men:
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A tilt-shift focus gives selective focus by rotating perspectives.
It can help create a distorted image with part of the shot
being focused and other parts not.
Soft Focus
Here’s another one perfect for showing a dream or memory.
It’s often used for portraits to make the face warmer and
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Split Diopter
The split diopter allows you to have two simultaneous focal
This means you can have a shallow focus in the front AND in
the background, with the middle out of focus.
This is unnatural for the human eye because it can focus only
on one thing. So, this type should be used only when truly
The camera's position can affect how the viewers see the
scene and the character. Sometimes, the scenes are shot
from several camera angles to emphasize the emotions and
cinematic effect.
Check out this cheat sheet of all the different camera angles:
💡 If you prefer moving camera shots, here’s a video as a guide
through the angles:
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Aerial Shot / Helicopter Shot
This shot is taken even higher than the previous one.
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Final Thoughts
Learning what different types of camera shots, angles, and
focuses exist is essential for excellent storytelling and
creative camera work.
So, take some time to study all of this and make your shots
more memorable than ever.