Ganadara Ii
Ganadara Ii
Ganadara Ii
Output 3: Developing PIP
Gandara II Central Elementary School in the next (5) years 2024-2028 envision that
our school as a learning organization will provide a learning environment that will
enhance the teaching-learning process that will focus on literacy which will enhance the
learning ability of our Grade 3 pupils on reading through differentiated instruction. It will
produce student who are literate are become productive citizens who can be of
competitive in the global scenario and can contribute to the country’s development.
We believe that literate people are empowered to face global crisis and achieved
their personal and professional goals. For this purpose, we endeavor to provide quality
assured instruction in all content areas where students involved in different reading
activities that will enhance their full potentials as literate and good citizenry.
School stakeholders (teachers, parents, school head and communities) will
undertake professional development training or symposia that will equip them with the
latest trends of approaches and strategies that will cater to the needs of our grade 3
pupils. For our pupils, inculcate them the love of Reading which will sharpen their minds
and creativity to the world literacy.
SMART Goal: Formulate your SMART Goal in the space provided below.
By the end of the SY 2023-2024, Gandara II Central Elementary School will initiate in the
conduct of literacy/reading assessment (EGRA/CRLA) for Grade 3 learners on the
effectiveness of reading instruction through differentiated instruction that will cater the
reading ability of the pupils with comprehension.
The school target stakeholders were being selected based on the result
conducted for literacy assessment. They are the parents of these pupils who did not
achieve the proficiency level of literacy. Parents of these 25 learners in Grade three were
being concerned if they can be sent training or look for volunteer teachers who can be of
help with our pupils.
Volunteer teachers are enjoined to participate and encourage to go beyond
their reach to help our 25 grade three pupils to improved their literacy level of
performance. They can use play, game, etc. to boast the interest of the pupils and make
literacy class enjoyable and memorable.
The following are the steps that the school will undergo to implement the project.
VI- Design
Day / Objectives
Outputs Topic/ Methodology Nominated Resource
Time Content Project s
Highlight Team
s Members
Pre – Implementation Stage
Week To determine Result of Interpretati Conduct CRLA Reading Reading/
1 the literacy CRLA on CRLA To Grades III Coordinator Testing
level of Grades Result as pupils Grades III materials
1-3 pupils List of basis for adviser
through CRLA pupils
under full
Implementation Stage
Create Project Proposal
Week To Prepare and Copy of Reading Submission of Reading Printing
2 submit the Project Intervention Project Coordinator materials
Project I LOVE Proposal s Proposal Brigada
BOOK proposal Pagbasa
to the Office of
School Head
the SDS Teachers
Conduct of various literacy intervention to improve the reading performance of
Week To orient Support Series of Orientation Reading Program
4 Parents and from Planned Meeting Coordinator and
Teachers on parents Activities Brigada Invitation
the Project and on Reading Eskwela
ECARP teachers Interventio Coordinator
implementation ns School Head