Power Supply Dps Manual en
Power Supply Dps Manual en
Power Supply Dps Manual en
Power supply
Motor Power Company S.r.l. reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this
document at any time without notice.
This document has been prepared by Motor Power Company S.r.l. solely for use by its customers,
guaranteeing that at the date of issue it is the most up-to-date document on the products.
Users use the document under their own responsibility and certain functions described in this doc-
ument should be used with due caution to avoid danger for personnel and damage to the machines.
No other guarantee is therefore provided by Motor Power Company S.r.l., in particular for any im-
perfections, incompleteness or operating difficulties.
Table of Contents
1.1. Aim
This manual is a complete guide to the installation, commissioning, functioning and use of
the DPS power supply. There are general purpose informations about the functionalities
and about the power supply structure, notices related to the safety for people and for the
product; furthermore, for the technicians in-charge to installation, all the data and specifi-
cations to be observed for the wiring and the installation are described.
1.2. Recipients
Only specialized staff can modify the DPS power supplies and use them, who previously
read the manual and all the documents related to the product. Specialized staff must have
been adequately trained about safety in order to prevent any possible risks. The technical
training, foreground and experience of the specialized staff must help them preventing
from any possible risk occurring during the product use, from the settings modification to
the functioning of the mechanical, electrical and electronic equipment of the device. The
specialized staff must know all the current regulations and safe working practices in case
of any intervention on the product.
In particular, the following operations must be executed by specialized personnel:
During the power supply functioning beware of danger of death, serious injuries or material dam-
age. For a safe functioning, follow all the safety instructions in this manual. The security officer must
check that the staff working with the power supply read and understood this manual before using it.
1.3. Responsibilities
1.4. Abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning
0x Number in hexadecimal notation
Abbreviation Meaning
HVDC DC bus voltage, supply voltage of the power section
ac Alternating current
CE Communité Européenne
COM Serial communication interface for personal computer
CRC Cyclic redundancy control
dc Direct current
EEPROM Electrically erasable programmable memory (permanent memory)
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
FW Firmware
GND Ground
HW Hardware
I Input, generally digital
I T Passing specific over energy
L1, L2, L3 Line charge
LED Light-emitting diode
LSB Byte (or bit) less important
MB Mega Byte
MSB Byte (or bit) more important
neg Negative
NC Not connected
O Output, generally digital
OSC Integrated oscilloscope
PC Personal computer
PE Protection Earth, protection conductor
pos Positive
RAM Random access memory (non permanent memory)
Rbrake Brake resistor
RBext External brake resistor
RBint Internal brake resistor
RTO Ready To Operate
RX Reception
s.l.m. Above sea level
SW Software
Temp Temperature
TX Transmission
1.5. Symbols
Symbol Description
Symbol Description
It shows the presence of dangerous voltages that can cause electric shocks.
It shows the presence of surfaces and/or heat sources that can cause burns.
Symbol Description
It shows some information to pay attention to. Please pay attention to what
has been shown.
It shows some important information on the text about the mentioned topic.
1.6. Definitions
Modbus is a registered trade mark of Schneider Automation Inc.
WINDOWS is a registered trade mark of Microsoft Corporation.
The name POWER SUPPLY used in this manual has to be intended as an AC/DC rectifier
not isolated.
Node (Modbus)
Hardware device (drive, sensors, actuators) connected to the communication bus which
can communicate with the other devices.
Network protocol
All rules, mechanisms and formalities that two or more electronic devices connected one
another must respect to start a communication.
Modbus register
Memory area of 1 Word = 16 bit = 2 byte that contains a numeric value, accessible both in
reading and in writing. It's identified by a number that represents its memory position and
it's used to exchange data in the Modbus protocol.
Intermediate phase that allows the transition between the system logical states (see Chap-
ter 8, Power supply logical states).
1.7. Reviews
Revision History
Revision 1.1 01/07/2015 Author: Motor Power Compa-
ny Srl
• First revision of the manual.
Revision 1.2 21/07/2016 Author: Motor Power Compa-
ny Srl
• Chapter 5, Quick Start updated.
• Updated the DuetHVSuite installation procedure and related Configuration File up-
date (Section 3.2, “Installation” and Section 11.3, “Updating the Configuration File”.
2.1. Regulations
in conditions in which the installation may be considered as typical (then the instructions
in the user manual are respected and there are not particular work environment or instal-
lation needs).
Motor Power Company Srl guarantees the conformity of the power supply to the following
harmonized standards:
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems
EN 61800-5-1:2009
Part 5-1: Safety requirements - Electrical, thermal and energy
EN 61800-3:2004 Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems
EN 61800-3/A1:2013 Part 3 : EMC Requirements and specific test methods
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
EN 61000-6-2:2005
Part 6-2: Generic Standards - Immunity for industrial environments
EN 55011:2009 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of
EN 55011/A1:2010 industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio frequency equipment
The DPS power supplies are commercialized as components of a Power Drive System, be-
long to the restricted distribution category and are intended to the installation in industrial
The installation of these devices is intended to specialized personnel that has an in-depth
knowledge about the safety requirements and the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
The planner has the responsibility to guarantee that the product or the final system comply
to the pertinent regulations that are in force in the country in which the product (or the
entire system) is used.
If the entire system is connected to a low voltage distribution public network it will be nec-
essary to pay attention to the network harmonic and flicker inclusion effects to guarantee
the overall certification.
The device builder using the DPS power supplies must analyse the risk for
the device and implement the necessary measures to safeguard the de-
vice itself and the surrounding people from any unforeseen motions.
For further details on the features and options of the available ver-
sions, see Chapter 6, Technical features and Chapter 14, Order codes.
Features DPS
Dimensions See Section 6.1, “Dimensions and sizes”
Range of supply of the power section See Table 6.1 and Table 6.2
RBrake (Brake resistor) Internal with possibility of adding an exter-
nal one, see Section 7.2.5, “Brake resistor”
Range of supply of the control section See Table 6.3
Debug communication port Modbus on RS232
Leds Information and local diagnostics (see Section 7.3, “Leds”)
Number of digital inputs 1 (See Section 6.8, “Digital inputs and outputs”)
Number of digital outputs 3 (See Section 6.8, “Digital inputs and outputs”)
RTO contact (Ready To Operate) 1 (See Section 6.7, “RTO contact: Ready To Operate”)
Table 2.1. General features of the DPS.
• Boot firmware: it boots the power supply by enabling some basic services and, after
an initial phase of identification and diagnostics of the system, it runs the firmware
• Firmware: it manages all the power supply operating functions
RBint X1
Power Temp.
X2 ~
LINE ~ - Rcharge
Control VACIN
Voltage Status
Control + HVDC
X3 Voltage A2 - CH2
Temp. µC HVDC
Power Temp. Vbridge 24V_OUTPUT
2.5. Packaging
The package includes:
reference Meaning
1 Product name
2 Input voltage range of the power section
3 Maximum input current of the power section
4 Voltage range of the control section
5 Maximum current of the control section
6 Output voltage range of the power section
7 Maximum output power of the power section
8 Maximum output current of the power section
9 Environment temperature for the correct functioning, according to the technical data
10 Serial number
11 Hardware revision
12 Conformities test results and sign of the operator that has executed the test
13 CE mark
14 Part Number
15 Production date
Table 2.2. Plate fields
The precautions described in this paragraph are perfect to avoid any dangerous situation by suggest-
ing the right use of the product. Only qualified staff who read and understood all the documents on
this product can use it. The specialized staff must follow a safety training in order to avoid any risks
related to the product use (included any changes in the parameters) and to find a possible remedy.
The power supply must not be used in an explosive or corrosive environment, in the pres-
ence of inflammables, water or fuels. There can be risk of fire, electric shock or injuries.
In case of failures because of accidental circumstances or wiring errors the power section can
even provoke electric arcs. The power supply must be installed in an environment without any in-
flammables. It is particularly forbidden to use it in the presence of inflammable gases or vapours.
Do not transport, install or make any connections or inspections and don't touch the output connec-
tors when the drive is charged. In such cases always switch the power off and wait at least 10 min-
utes and be sure that the residual voltage on the power connectors are not so high to cause an electric
shock. Check with a multimeter that the voltage between +HVDC and -HVDC has decreased under 50Vdc.
The usage of this product implies the presence of a voltage greater than 50V, therefore
there is life-threatening and a risk of electric shock and serious injury. Follow the gen-
eral and safety regulations when you are working on the power related installations.
The power supply must be installed in a cabinet or protective container that satisfies the regula-
tions related to the specific application, so that the parts with an applied voltage are not accessible.
Keep the power supply within the specified ranges in order to avoid
any risks of fire, electric shocks and damaging the power supply. In the
same way connect the cables in a safe way by respecting the connections.
Do not open and do not modify the power supply: for any internal checks please con-
tact Motor Power Company Srl. In case of forcing the power supply the warranty expires.
Please do not short-circuit any signals from the power connector with the drive case or logic signals.
It's recommended a control supply wiring separated by the power sup-
ply one to avoid malfunctioning and to limit the control logic signals noises.
The cables section for the power stage must be adequate to the power supply power.
Always connect the protection ground (grounding screw, see Ground-
ing screw connection) and the functional earth (pin 4 of the X2 Power Line
connector) with two separate cables (star connection of the grounds).
The magnetic and electromagnetic fields, that are generated by the conductors in which the cur-
rent flows or by permanent magnets inside the electric motors, represent a serious danger for
the people with the pacemaker, metallic prostheses and hearing aids. Be sure that these people
have no access to the areas in which these systems are presents (both during functioning and
in storage). Eventually, if these persons have to enter in the described areas, consult a doctor.
This product is intended to be exclusively used in machines and systems in industrial envi-
ronment, respecting the described application, environmental and functioning conditions.
Follow the safety regulations and the ordinances of the country in which
the product (or the relative control and command system) is used.
It is recommended not to use the product for any further purpose than those specified in this manual.
DuetHVSuite is a programme for personal computer used to control, configure and pro-
gramme in a simple, quick and perceptive way the DPS power supply.
From the tab Main of DuetHVSuite it is possible to know the whole power supply status.
For example: the detailed description of the found errors, the status of the outputs and the
digital inputs, operative status, connection status, etc...
What is written in this manual refers to the DuetHVSuite version et seq..
Previous versions of DuetHVSuite may not implement all the functionalities described here.
• Microsoft Windows XP
• Microsoft Windows Vista, 7, 8 or latest versions, 32bit and 64bit.
3.2. Installation
Check if all the system prerequisites are respected (Section 3.1, Requirements and compat-
• If the DuetHVSuite.msi file is already present in the PC, run the file and follow the
proposed procedure.
• Every DuetHVSuite version is released with the firmware pack that's most updated
in relation to the release date.
3.3. Update
To update DuetHVSuite you only need to install the updated version of the programme by
choosing one of the procedures proposed in Section 3.2, Installation.
Tab Main
Functionalities Link
Variables status Monitoring in real time of the most interesting variables
Errors status Chapter 10, Fault and warning
Configuration File Chapter 11, Software updating
Digital I/O status Section 6.8, Digital inputs and outputs
OrderCode Section 14.1, OrderCode
Table 3.1. Functionalities of the Tab Main
The parameters contained in this page can be modified by the user. By clicking on the nu-
meric value the inserted data can be modified; when the new value is confirmed (ENTER
button) the WRITE and CANCEL buttons became active; by clicking WRITE the data is writ-
ten in a non retentive mode, so if the power supply is turned off and on again, the previous
values are restored.
To save in retentive mode the new parameters set, after the WRITE button has been clicked
it's even necessary to click the SAVE ALL PARAMETERS button.
Access with DuetHVSuite:
Main menu > Supply > Supply setup ... > Parameters
• OutputCurrentLimit
• CableCurrentLimit(CH1)
• CableCurrentLimit(CH2)
• OvervoltageLimit
• BrakingCircuitActivationVoltage
• RMS_Average_CalculationPeriod
This is a configuration page of the brake resistor. Through the drop-down menu on the top
(that directly works on the BrakeCircuitSelector parameter value) it's possible to select the
brake circuit type, that can be connected to an internal or external (or both) resistor. The
external resistor, if different than the default type, can be configured by setting the resistor
power and energy values of the desired model. If the external resistor use is enabled, the
resistance, power and energy values becomes writable and, by clicking on the numeric
value, the inserted data can be modified; when the new value is confirmed (ENTER button)
the WRITE and CANCEL buttons became active; by clicking WRITE the data is written in a
non retentive mode, so if the power supply is turned off and on again, the previous values
are restored.
To save in retentive mode the new parameters set, after the WRITE button has been clicked
it's even necessary to click the SAVE ALL PARAMETERS button.
Access with DuetHVSuite:
Main menu > Supply > Supply setup ... > Brake Circuit
• IntBrakeResistorNominalEnergy
• IntBrakeResistorNominalPower
• IntBrakeResistorValue
The parameters that can be set (related to the external resistor) are:
• ExtBrakeResistorNominalEnergy
• ExtBrakeResistorNominalPower
• ExtBrakeResistorValue
This is a diagnostic informations page about the power supply. There are not settable pa-
rameters, the only allowed operation is the activation of the Reset Diagnostic button that
resets the retentive variables of the minimum and maximum visualized values (for exam-
ple MinHVDC_OutputVoltage and MaxHVDC_OutputVoltage).
Access with DuetHVSuite:
Main menu > Supply > Supply setup ... > Diagnostic
• MinHVDC_OutputVoltage
• MaxHVDC_OutputVoltage
• MinRMS_Current
• MaxRMS_Current
• MinActualCurrent
• MaxActualCurrent
• MinActualCurrentCH1
• MaxActualCurrentCH1
• MinActualCurrentCH2
• MaxActualCurrentCH2
• MaxActualDeviceEnergyOverload
• MaxDeviceEnergyOverloadPercentage
• MaxBrakeEnergy
• MaxChargeCircuitEnergy
• MaxAveragePower
• BackfeedEnergy
• MaxBackfeedEnergy
• MinControlSectionTemperature
• MaxControlSectionTemperature
• MinPowerSectionTemperature
• MaxPowerSectionTemperature
This is a page that show some default settings and cannot be modified.
Access with DuetHVSuite:
Main menu > Supply > Supply setup ... > Advanced
Toolbar >
To select the parameter to be read or written in the Object dictionary window, you can click
on the proposed list, write the name and the address or use the search by name functions
in the box Filter.
To interpret any error messages please see Section 10.4, Errors in parameters reading / writing.
Besides a series of internal parameters, even some configuration and diagnostic parame-
ters are present. Some of them can only be read, some others can even be written. The
following tables list the most useful parameters between the provided ones.
Modbus address Parameter link
12 HardwareRevision
15 BootRevision
18 FirmwareRevision
126 SerialNumber
2001 HVDC_OutputVoltage
2002 PowerSupplyType
2010 CPU_Temperature
2011 ControlSectionTemperature
2012 PowerSectionTemperature
2013 ActualCurrent
2014 ActualCurrentLimit
2024 DeviceStatus
2025 LastFaultCause
2030 DeviceEnergyOverloadPercentage
2031 BrakeEnergyOverloadPercentage
2032 ChargeCircuitEnergyOverloadPercentage
2048 RMS_Current
2052 RMS_OutputCurrent
2054 RMS_BackfeedingCurrent
The power supplies of the DPS series provide a debug communication port where the pro-
tocol Modbus is implemented. Through the connector X6 COM port it's possible to connect
to the port, which purpose is the configuration and the commissioning of the power supply
through DuetHVSuite (see Chapter 3, General information about DuetHVSuite).
The Modbus protocol that's implemented in the power suppliers respects the regulations of the Mod-
bus organization: in this section are only reported the implemented functionalities indications.
In the protocol only the transmission mode of RTU type has been implemented.
Modbus frame
the Modbus protocol uses a frame that's made of some fields, in Figure 4.1 their scheme
is indicated.
the Function code field shows which operation the power supply must run, once received
and checked the whole frame, while checking it's not damaged. This information occupies
1 byte and has a range of valid values from 1 to 127; the codes between 128 and 255 are
used for the Exceptions but the value 0 is not accepted. In Table 4.1 you can find all the
accepted codes.
Name Description
Reading one or more parameters (at 16/32 bits) starting from the Modbus ad-
3 Read Holding Register
dress shown in the frame (such as Read Input Register).
Reading one or more parameters (at 16/32 bits) starting from the Modbus ad-
4 Read Input Register
dress shown in the frame (such as Read Holding Register).
Writing a parameter at 16 bits near the Modbus address shown in the frame.
6 Write Single Register If the Modbus address refers to a parameter greater than 16 bits, the operation
is not run and the power supply returns an exception.
The diagnostics is only simulated and it has been implemented only to be com-
7 Diagnostics
patible with the terminals requesting it.
Writing one or more parameters (at 16/32 bits) starting from the Modbus ad-
16 Write Multiple Register
dress shown in the frame.
Table 4.1. Function Codes supported by the power suppliers.
The Function codes (3, 4, 6 and 16), described in the previous chart, give full access to all
power supply parameters through the object dictionary in Chapter 12, Object dictionary.
If the power supply receives a message without communication errors, but it cannot run
the requested operation or there is an error in the protocol, the power supply answers to
the request with an exception frame. In Table 4.2 you can find the implemented exception
Name Description
1 Illegal function Function code not supported.
Modbus address not accepted. More precisely, the combination of the Modbus
2 Illegal data address address and of the number of data to write / read is not valid (all addresses
included in the requested range must be in the vocabulary).
3 Illegal data value Data quantity not accepted (too high or equal to 0).
4 Slave device failure Error in the running of the requested action.
Table 4.2. Exception codes implemented in the power supply.
Start DuetHVSuite from: Start menu > Programs > Motor Power Company > DuetHV-
Set the connection parameters in the window Supply connection.
If the programme has already been started, run a new connection. Access:
Toolbar >
Connection parameters
The Offline mode is the best way to debug the system remote-
ly by analysing the parameters file containing the problem.
Always choose the latest available firmware version. After having selected the file,
check that the power supply data shown in the field below are the wanted ones.
• Tab Main
• download the firmware
• download a parameters file ().
• monitor of the variables in this page
• Supply setup
• Diagnostic functionality
• Oscilloscope
• enabling a data capture
New connection
If during the connection the following window appears check carefully the electrical con-
nections, the correctness of the Connection parameters and if the power supply is correctly
supplied; then try again.
In case of urgency and if it is not possible to update the Configuration files (see Section 11.3,
“Updating the Configuration File”), it's possible to connect to the power supply by using
the Configuration file proposed only to expert users. By using not updated Configuration
files, Motor Power Company Srl does not guarantee the correct working of DuetHVSuite.
Generic errors
When you have communication errors, DuetHVSuite shows some specific messages. To
understand the information in the error generic message see the following picture and the
Table 10.3.
Error code
Error address
go to mode Offline.
The choices done by the user by interacting with the DuetHVSuite message service are
saved in this page and can be modified in any moment.
• Connect supply: notice of obsolete firmware while connecting (only for some
• Large fonts and Screen: notice at the start-up in case some screen graphical options
are not compatible with DuetHVSuite
• Download parameters: error notice during the download of the parameters file (only
for some firmwares)
• Decimal symbol for cvs exportation: choice of the separating character to export the
oscilloscope data to a file
• Permanent memory: notice of firmware reboot when the default parameters in the
permanent memory are restored (only for some firmwares)
• On save all parameters button: saving confirmation in the permanent memory of the
modifications to the parameters
• On close window: automatic saving of the modifications to the parameters in the per-
manent memory at the Supply setup closure.
For a quick test installation of the DPS power supply, follow what is reported in this chapter.
Before installing the power supply, read the paragraph on safety Section 2.8, Safety precautions
and limits. If you do not follow the safety instructions you may damage the equipment or be hurt.
• short circuit protection device (fuses on the LINR power input): it has to promptly
protect the internal power electronic of the DPS when a short circuit happens on
HVDC (see the fuse characteristics in Table 6.1 and Table 6.2). The system instead
automatically protects itself in case of overload, overtemperature, etc. (see "Power
And Control Protection" in the Table 6.4)
• Power contactor commanded by the RTO contact (Ready To Operate) : The RTO con-
tact allows to activate/deactivate the power contactor. If a FAULT is detected or there
are not the right conditions, the RTO contact opens, cuts the supply to the contactor
and the power supply input voltage is cut off.
• Brake Resistor connection: check that the X1 Brake Resistor connector is config-
ured and inserted in the system. (for details see Section 6.6, Brake resistor).
There are other aspects to be considered that, unlike the previous ones, don't cause any
damage to the power supply, but may cause a fault:
• Hold Up 24V time check (X3 Control supply): in absence of the control section volt-
age the controls and the piloting of the internal circuits of the power supply don't
work. In particular, when the control section voltage decreases under the Input volt-
age missing on control section threshold the RTO contact is immediately opened. In
particular it must be guaranteed the voltage to the control section for at least 10 sec-
onds since the input alternate line voltage is missing.
• HVDC Ready status check: in order to move the servomotors that are connected to
the power supply without fall in Fault situations, undervoltage or excessive ripple
on the HVDC voltage, it's necessary to wait that the power supply is in the operative
status. A way to verify this status is to refer to the OUT0 digital output logical state
(for details of this output see HVDC Ready).
Electric shock and isolation loss in case of foreign elements or power supply breaking.
• The presence of conductive foreign elements inside the product, as chippings, screws
or pieces of metallic wire, may put out of order the implemented protections for the
correct functioning.
• Don't use the cable holder pipes as protection conductors, but a protection conductor
inside the pipe.
• The protection conductor section must comply with the regulations in force.
• Connect the cables shields to the ground as reported in the diagram of Figure 7.1
Differential switch use: this product may cause the presence of a leakage current in the protec-
tion conductor. If the installation regulations prescribe a protection for the direct or indirect
contact connected upstream, that has to be done with a differential switch (RCD) or a leakage
current monitoring device (RCM), on the power supplies must be installed a device of "type B".
If two of the three line phases are interrupted, the leakage current may reach higher lev-
els (7÷8 times) compared to the values that there are with all the three phases present.
• Depending on the functioning conditions, the product metallic surface may reach
temperature higher than 90°C. Avoid any contact with the metallic parts. Do not put
near any flammable or sensitive to the heat components. Observe the precautions
about the heat dissipation.
• The ventilation system in the electrical cabinet must be able to dissipate the heat
that's produced by all the devices and components that are inside installed.
must be ≤ 5kA.
Be sure that the input protection devices of the DPS pow-
er supply have an adequate interruption capacity. mains L2
The line inductance use on the power supply input reduces the risk of damage against
the voltage displacement between the line phases or the noises in the supply network.
If the line inductances has to be used, the recommended reactance values are about 2%.
If necessary, higher values can be selected, that may cause a greater voltage dip and
on consequence, in the connected servomotors, a torque reduction with high speed.
Before proceeding, check if the power and control supplies are switched
off and there is no more voltage in the connection terminal boards.
L3 2 L2
3 L3
4 PE
POWER 2 +24V
STOP 1 In0
2 Out0
3 Out1
4 Out2
6 contact
internal 1
2 R brake
external 3
To connect the pins of X2 Power Line, please pay attention to what is shown in the following
PIN Signal Description
1 L1 Line phase 1
2 L2 Line phase 2
3 L3 Line phase 3
4 PE Protection Earth
To connect the pins of X3 Control supply, please pay attention to what is shown in the
following chart:
PIN Signal Description
1 + 24V +24Vdc Control Supply
2 + 24V +24Vdc Control Supply
3 GND Ground Control Supply
To connect the pins of X5 Input/Output, please pay attention to what is shown in the fol-
lowing chart:
PIN Signal Description
1 IN0 Reset Fault
2 OUT0 HVDC Ready
3 OUT1 VacLine STATE
4 OUT2 Fault
RTO RTO Contact
The RTO function allows to deactivate the power voltage in case there is a fault.
If a FAULT is detected the RTO contact opens the contactor that supplies the voltage to the DPS.
Connect and disconnect the communication connector only when the power sup-
ply is switched off. Check if the pin 5 (Ground Control supply) of X6 COM port,
the power supply and the PC are correctly connected to the protection conductor.
To connect the pins of X6 COM port, please pay attention to what is shown in the following
PIN Signal Description
1 - Not connected
2 - Not connected
COM Selection short circuit = RS232, open circuit = Not implemented
5 GND_COM Ground RS232
6 TX232 Transmit Data RS232
7 RX232 Receive Data RS232
8 PE Protection Earth
If the leds status is not one of the above described, see Section 7.3, Leds.
1. DuetHVSuite installation
Install the last available version of DuetHVSuite that can be downloaded from the http://
www.motorpowerco.com website or that is directly provided by MPC. Accept the config-
urations proposed by the installation procedure. For further details see Section 3.2, Instal-
2. Starting DuetHVSuite
Start DuetHVSuite from: Start menu > Programs > Motor Power Company > DuetHVSuite
and set the Connection parameters in the proposed window Drive connection .
3. Configuration restoring
Minimum rat- Maximum rat-
Power section Rated voltage
ed voltage ed voltage
Three-phase rated voltage 230Vac 400Vac 480Vac
System voltage (nominal voltage between a
MAX 300V [overvoltage category III]
phase and ground)
Input voltage range 180 ÷ 520Vac (50/60Hz)
Line voltage displacement <3% of the input fundamental voltage
Line filter Integrated
Line fuses: quick acting (in charge to the 2 2 b
32A – I Tmax = 700A s
Input current 22Arms 25Arms 23Arms
Input current with line inductance - 17Arms -
Output nominal voltage 324VDC 564VDC 677VDC
Output nominal current @ 40°C 20A 20A 16,7A
Output maximum current (≤ 5 sec) 40A 40A 33,4A
Output nominal power @ 40°C 6,5kW 11,3KW 11,3KW
Power pulse (≤ 5 sec) 13kW 22,6KW 22,6KW
Internal capacity 940µF
Dissipated power (Rbrake dissipation ex-
cluded and output nominal current)
No other kinds of wiring are allowed. See Section 5.2.3, “Voltage supply network”
Example: Bussmann cod. FWP-32A14F, or ITALWEBER AQS-F14x51 cod.1480032
without line inductance and with output nominal current
Value with line inductance of 1mH
The output voltage depends on the three-phase nominal voltage
Table 6.1. Electrical features of the DPS20.
Minimum rat- Maximum rat-
Power section Rated voltage
ed voltage ed voltage
Three-phase rated voltage 230Vac 400Vac 480Vac
System voltage (nominal voltage between a
MAX 300V [overvoltage category III]
phase and ground)
Input voltage range 180 ÷ 520Vac (50/60Hz)
Line voltage displacement <3% of the input fundamental voltage
Line filter Integrated
Line fuses: quick acting (in charge to the 2 2 b
50A – I Tmax = 1300A s
Input current 42,5Arms 47Arms 42Arms
Input current with line inductance - 34Arms -
Output nominal voltage 324VDC 564VDC 677VDC
Output nominal current @ 40°C 40A 40A 33A
Output maximum current (≤ 5 sec) 80A 80A 66A
Output nominal power @ 40°C 13kW 22,5KW 22,5KW
Power pulse (≤5sec) 26kW 46KW 46KW
Internal capacity 1500µF
Dissipated power (Rbrake dissipation ex-
cluded and output nominal current)
No other kinds of wiring are allowed. See Section 5.2.3, “Voltage supply network”
Example: ITALWEBER cod. AQS-F22x58 Cod.1482050
without line inductance and with output nominal current
Value with line inductance of 1mH
The output voltage depends on the three-phase nominal voltage
Table 6.2. Electrical features of the DPS40.
The output power depends on the dissipation degree of the power supply with the external
environment ; in case the dissipation is not sufficient, then the Overtemperature of power
section alarm intervenes.
The thermal protection of the power section intervenes when the heat sink exceeds the
temperature of 90°C.
The output current is maintained if the environment temperature doesn't exceeds the 40°C
and if the brake resistor doesn't generate an excessive heat.
The contactor that controls the power section supply is commanded by the control section
through the RTO contact. For further details see Section 6.7, RTO contact: Ready To Operate.
There are no restrictions about the supply sequence: it can be provided the control voltage
supply first and then the power one, and vice versa. But without the control section voltage
the system doesn't turn on, therefore in this situation the leds don't light and it's not possible
any communication (even if the power voltage is present). In Table 6.1, Table 6.2 and Table
6.3 there are the limits of the control and power sections voltage.
6.3.1. Fuses
Control section
The power supply is provided, internally to the logic section, of a NON REPLACEABLE (and
non auto-restoring) fuse. The fuse breaking probably implies a damage of the electronics:
in this case please contact Motor Power Company Srl
Power section
Internally to the power section there are no fuses. It must be the user that externally pro-
vides with the insertion of 3 fuses in the three-phase lines, according to the regulations that
are reported in the technical data tables (see Chapter 6, Technical features).
• Devices for the power factor adjustment, connected near the converter.
• Big converters in d.c. without line inductances or with inadequate components con-
nected to the supply.
• Motor/s with direct start-up in line connected to the voltage supply so that, at the
motion start of one of this motors, the voltage decreasing is higher than the 20%
Inductances current
For the line inductances current dimensioning, the following rules must be respected:
• Continuous service current: not lower than the Input current in continuous service
to the power supply
• Repetitive peak current: not lower than twice the Input current in continuous service
to the power supply
Refer to the "Input current" reported in Table 6.1 and Table 6.2.
The CH1 and CH2 channels are not electrically isolated, so the voltage is always present on both. If, for
example, only one channel is used, the voltage is anyway present even on the other one that's not used.
The current data (Nominal output current @ 40°C) declared on Table 6.1 and on Table 6.2
correspond to the total value of the current that's provided by the power internal section.
This current is divided in the CH1 and CH2 outputs, that respectively measure their values
through two amperometers A1 and A2, as showed in the following diagram.
A2 X8
That means that, for each current measurement, we will have a value that's related to the
single output and a total one, as reported in the following table:
In the following table the power outputs electrical features, related to the rated voltage (see
Table 6.1 and Table 6.2), are reported:
repetitive start-up may cause to the charge circuit a fault situation due to an excessive trans-
ferred energy. It's advisable to not activate/deactivate too frequently the power supply.
In general, the dissipated energy on the start-up depends on the VAC Line voltage on the
system input and on the load current that's present on the power supply output. The worst
cases will be with the maximum voltage on VAC Line and a high output current.
About the output current value, it is usually negligible because the connected devices don't
absorb current during the start-up phase (e.g. servo driver).
Normal start-up: during the start-up, the charging time is about 2 sec. During this time
the HVDC voltage value must increase until it's within 50V from the VBRIDGE, that is ∆V1
(difference between VBRIDGE and HVDC) must be less or equal to 50V. If this situation,
represented in the following chart, verifies, then the start-up phase finishes and the power
supply switches to the next phase (OPERATIONAL logic status).
100 HVDC
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 t(sec)
Figure 6.5. Example of normal start-up with input voltage VACLine = 400Vac.
Prolonged start-up: in this case the HVDC voltage increasing is very slowed due to a big
capacitive load connected to the output, and that determines a considerable increasing of
the charging time. In fact it happens that, unlike the previous case, the voltage value is not
sufficient to obtain a ∆V1 lower than 50V within 2 sec, and so the charging time is prolonged
to 4 sec and a new control is done (∆V2). As in the previous phase, if the difference between
VBRIDGE and HVDC reaches a value that's lower than 50V, that charging phase successfully
ends and the power supply switches to the next phase (OPERATIONAL logic status) and no
fault condition is reported. This second case is reported in the following chart.
100 HVDC
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 t(sec)
Figure 6.6. Example of prolonged start-up with input voltage VACLine = 400Vac.
Prolonged start-up with fault: if neither after 4 sec the HVDC voltage value has reached the
[VBRIDGE - 50V] threshold because of the excessive load on the output, the power supply
switches to the Fault status (Internal circuit ripple exceeds the limit on power section). This
failed start-up case is reported in the following chart.
400 V1
100 HVDC
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 t(sec)
Figure 6.7. Example of prolonged start-up with fault with input voltage VACLine = 400Vac.
During the charging phase some other fault types may happen, and the most probable one
is Charge circuit energy overload.
nal resistor) the Overvoltage of HVDC output during braking warning or the Braking circuit
energy overload exceeds the limit fault may appear. It's required the use of an external
resistor that has higher electrical features, compared to the internal resistor ones (the Sec-
tion 7.2.5, Brake resistor reports the internal or external brake resistor connection notes).
Value of Brake-
Parameters Dimensioning
IntBrakeResistorNominalEnergy, Not necessary
1 See Section 6.6.1, “External brake resistor
(external) minimum value calculation”
The parameters in this configura-
2 See "Internal brake resistor" in the Table
tion are the same that are used when
(internal + external) 6.4
only the internal resistor is used.
Table 6.8. Parameters that have a different implication depending on the selected RBrake.
The brake resistor use assure HVDC voltages within the range. A wrong dimensioning
(OVERLOAD) may break the resistor or the electric circuit and damage the machine/sys-
tem. Furthermore it can cause grave injuries, for example in lifting up operations.
In particular, in the configuration 2 with "internal + external" RBrake, the ex-
ternal resistor parameters MUST be the same of the internal one (see Table 6.4).
In case the internal resistor is not sufficient to dissipate the braking energy, the most
useful solution is the one with "internal + external" Rbrake, because the doubling of the
brake energy, power and current is obtained, without change any default parameter.
In this configuration, due to the presence of the external resistor connected in paral-
lel, the BrakeEnergy, BrakeEnergyOverloadPercentage, MaxBrakeEnergy real values
will be the double of the measured ones, that are related to the internal resistor only.
In case the Braking circuit energy overload exceeds the limit fault condition oc-
curs, some residual currents will be present (because, due to the fault condition,
the brake circuit is deactivated before the voltage is increased up to the correct lev-
el). Before to execute any inspection operation on the DPS wait at least 10 minutes.
During the test and the calculations keep in mind that, in case of a higher network voltage,
in the DC bus capacitors can be stored a lower quantity of braking energy and that this
energy is absorbed by the braking circuit.
To evaluate the usage level of the circuit that commands the braking resistor, it's possible
to control the status and the colour of the BRAKE STATUS led (for details see Table 7.4). This
shows the brake resistor activation (On=active, Off=not active). If it activates and the led
colour is green, it means that the braking circuit energy is lower than the 50%, if instead
the led becomes red it means that the energy is higher or equal to the 50%, if the energy
of the circuit that commands the braking resistor exceeds the limit value (Braking circuit
energy overload exceeds the limit) the RTO contact is opened and the functioning status
switches from OPERATIONAL to FAULT (BRAKE STATUS led is off).
The RTO contact opening deactivates the DPS input power supply (see Figure 7.1 to under-
stand the correct connection of the RTO contact). On consequence, the HVDC output voltage
will decrease according to the applied load.
The values of the external resistor can be only included in the ranges that are reported in Table 6.9.
If the supply voltage is cut off from the RTO contact, the con-
tactor is no more supplied and the power section is disabled.
see Table 6.4
Type NO (Normally Open) electronic contact
Maximum allowed voltage between RTO (pin
5 or 6 of the X5 Input/Output connector) and 50V
GND (pin 3 of the X3 Control supply connector)
This contact state depends on the internally implemented logical states. When the power supply is off the contact
is opened (NO).
The voltage limit must be obtained through a suppressor applied on the terminations of the contactor coil, as
showed in Figure 6.8
Table 6.10. RTO contact electrical features
Features Values
Contacts opening time < 150ms
Peak voltage generated by the coil ≤ 50V (limited by the suppressor)
Rated current/voltage of the power terminations see Table 6.1 and Table 6.2
Table 6.11. Contactor electrical features
Vac / Vdc
contact IOUT
Coil Relay
The contactor must respect the Opening time (that is the contacts opening time from the
moment in which the coil supply is cut off). The Opening time increases about 10 times if
snubber diodes are inserted on the inductance terminations. Therefore, use a suppressor.
In relation to what's reported on Table 6.14, on the 24V the absorption may in-
crease until 900mA if the 3 outputs are all on and with the maximum load connected.
6.8.1. Functionalities
Here are described the functionalities related to the I/O resources of the DPS.
Reset Fault
The IN0 digital input function is Reset Fault, that tries the power supply restoring to the
normal functioning, but if the fault remains the power supply doesn't restore.
for details about the Fault status restoring, refer to Chapter 10, Fault and warning.
To force a Reset function it's necessary to apply a positive pulse of at least 100ms.
The IN0(Reset) input activates the Reset Fault functionality only when the pow-
er supply is in the fault status, when it is in the other statuses this input doesn't
reset or restart anything. Even the automatic restart or from DuetHVSuite (see
Section 10.2, “Errors reset”) is active only if the power supply is in fault status.
When the Reset Fault is forced, a new restore attempt is started, with the generation of the HVDC
voltage from the X7 e X8 Power Output connector (Power Output). Do not install any connec-
tions or make inspections when the power supply is charged. In such cases switch the power
off, wait for at least 10 minutes, otherwise there can be risks of electric shock and/or damaging.
HVDC Ready
The OUT0 output is active (ON state, transistor on) when the power supply is in the opera-
tive status and without faults.
If a fault is reported, with the consequent RTO contact deactivation, the output becomes
inactive (OFF status, transistor off).
This output can then provide the consent for the motion of the motors that are supplied
by the DPS HVDC voltage.
The OUT2 output indicates the power supply fault status, when it is on it indicates that a
Fault has been detected with consequent deactivation of the HVDC output voltage.
The DPS systems must be installed by specialized personnel only that must have an in-depth
knowledge about the safety requirements and the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
The planner has the responsibility to guarantee that the product or the final system comply to the per-
tinent regulations that are in force in the country in which the product (or the entire system) is used.
It's recommended to carefully select the conductors section, the
fuses or other protection devices and the grounding connections.
Before to make any intervention always disconnect the voltage supply through an approved isolation
device and wait at least 10 minutes to be sure that the residual voltages will revert to the security levels.
The DPS system must be installed in an environment that guarantees the conditions that this
manual prescribes (see Section 2.8, Safety precautions and limits), in particular it must be
protected from excessive humidity and/or condensation. Furthermore it must be respect-
ed the maximum environment temperature (see Chapter 6, Technical features), considering
that the heat that's produced by the system must be adequately dissipated in order to not ex-
ceed the maximum working temperature (see Section 6.2, Power supply disposal and heat
dissipation). To ensure the maximum reliability of the system and of the related installa-
tion, the regular controls for the maintenance of the overwritten conditions must be done.
Pay particular attention on the input circuit wiring. The input voltages that have to be applied
to the L1, L2 and L3 connectors (X2 Power Line) have to be connected to the power source with
appropriate command and protection devices. Do not connect for any reason or error these
voltages on other connectors, this will damage the power supply and it will be irreparable.
Correctly connect the fuses and the power contactor on the power supply in-
put. The power contactor command must have the RTO contact consent.
For the braking resistor wiring description see Section 6.2, Power supply disposal and heat
For the complete connection scheme see Section 7.2.1, Complete connection scheme.
For the complete connection scheme of the RTO contact see Section 6.7, RTO contact: Ready
To Operate.
A correct cable, ground and shield wiring is essential for the power supply safe-
ty and correct functioning. It's better if the cables are not interrupted; if it is
not possible, be sure that the interruptions are reduced to the shortest possi-
ble length. It's recommended to always wire the cables without voltage presence.
In the device supply network electrical connections, the grounding conductor connection must
be done so that this one is the last conductor to be interrupted in case of line interruption.
Fix the input and output cables with cable ties, referring to
the metal flange that are above or under the power supply.
+24V 24V LINE
POWER Internal Emergency Logic of
Resistor Acknowledge
RTO output load
S1 KM1 Drives
Three phase Enable Emergency GND
VAC-IN Drives
Generate current
Regenerate current PE +HVDC
2 2
Section DPS20 [mm ] DPS40 [mm ]
S2 4 4
S3 4 4
Table 7.2. Minimal conductors sections with maximum current values
The cables section must be adequate to the installed power (see Table 7.1 and Table 7.2).
If the connection with the section that are reported in the table is not possible, use a
protection for the conductors that does not interrupt the output voltage (no fuses).
Connection notes
To connect the voltage supply use a cable with an adequate section (refer to the S1 group
on the Table 7.1 and the Table 7.2). The cable must be fixed through a cable tie, applied on
the power supply superior bracket.
The power section is activated/deactivated by the contactor through the RTO contact. Check
its correct connection. For further details see Section 6.7, RTO contact: Ready To Operate.
NEVER apply an alternate or a DC voltage out of the provided range or with an inverted polari-
ty: this may cause damage on the power and/or control section and the risk of fire or electric arc.
The control voltage supply must be guarantee "on the system connector level".
Be sure that this range is respected in particular if a long cable is used (eventual-
ly compensate the voltage drop in the cable by giving a higher voltage upstream).
• Output channels parallel connection (for a correct parallel connection refer to the
following picture)
In particular, for both the connection type, even the cases with the shielded or not shielded
cable can be considered:
• Connection with not shielded cable: when the cable length from the connector to the
terminal board is not greater than 1 m.
• Connection with shielded cable: when the cable length from the connector to the
terminal board is within 1 and 30m.
Connection notes
To connect the outputs use a cable with an adequate section (refer to the S2 group on the
Table 7.1 and the Table 7.2). The cable must be fixed through a cable tie, applied on the
power supply superior bracket. For the ring installation use the threaded holes that are
present on the metallic inferior flange.
For length that are greater than 30 m, please contact Motor Power Company Srl
NEVER apply an alternate or a DC voltage to the output connectors: this may cause
damage on the power and/or control section and the risk of fire or electric arc.
cient or not present, there may be present overvoltage on the DC bus (HVDC) and, on consequence,
the load that's connected on the output will be not correctly braked. THE NON-COMPLIANCE WITH
The default configuration provides the internal brake resistor presence through the pre-
configuration of the connector X1 Brake Resistor. Do not remove the connector!
In general, it's possible to make the following configurations:
+ HVDC Internal and external Braking Resistor connection
X1 X1
PIN3: -RBext
PIN1: -RBint
Not connected !
For the braking resistor connection and(or configuration, interrupt the voltage supply on every
connection (BOTH ON THE CONTROL AND THE POWER SECTIONS). Be aware that the voltage in
the power connectors is lower enough not to provoke an electric shock. Check with a multimeter
that the voltage between +HVDC and -HVDC (X7 e X8 Power Output) has decreased under 50Vdc.
Do not disconnect the X1 Brake Resistor connector (RBRAKE) and any ca-
ble if the voltage supply is still present. There can be electric arcs that
can damage the connector and the power supply and provoke a fire.
7.2.6. Connectors
X7 X8
Figure 7.4. Connectors displacement.
The connectors are prescribed for fixed conductors and thin cables. Stay within the maximum
connection section. Keep in mind that the terminals increase the conductor section. Carefully
insert the conductors to obtain the maximum ampere and the maximum vibration resistance.
X1 Brake Resistor
Connector for the brake resistor and screw M4 for the grounding of the shield of the exter-
nal resistor cable.
Phoenix PC 5/ 3-ST1-7,62 (1777736)
Connector type - female extractable
Poles number - 3
Connection section [mm ] 0,2 ÷ 6
Tightening torque [Nm] 0,8
2 3
If an external resistor is connected, then connect the brake resistor cable shield to the screw
M4, near the connector X1.
Screw M4
Tightening torque [Nm] 2
X2 Power Line
Connector for the three-phase supply.
Phoenix PC 16/ 4-ST-10,16 (1967391)
Connector type - female extractable
Poles number - 4
Connection section [mm ] 0,75 ÷ 16
Tightening torque [Nm] 1,8
This system presents a high dispersion current > 3,5mA. Refer to Grounding screw connection.
X3 Control supply
Connector for the 24V control section supply.
Phoenix MC 1,5/ 3-ST-3,81 (1803581)
Connector type - female extractable
Poles number - 3
Connection section [mm ] 0,14 ÷ 1,5
Tightening torque [Nm] 0,25
X5 Input/Output
Connector for the digital inputs and outputs.
Be sure that the wiring, the cables and the connected interface accord to the PELV requirements.
The IN0 PNP digital input (24V) has the common ground internally connected to the system
on the GND signal, that is the 24V supply ground present on X3 Control supply-pin 3. For this
reason it's sufficient to connect on the inputs a signal which level is referred to this ground.
X6 COM port
Connector for the communication with Modbus protocol on RS485.
Wurth Elektronik 3651-3,5mm series (691365110008)
Connector type - female extractable
This serial port is isolated. The cable shield must be connected to the
earth on the host side (PC) and to the pin 8 on the power supply side.
8765 4 3 2 1
7.3. Leds
The notifications meaning, shown through the leds, can be found in the following table:
The default position of SW1 is with the capacitor connected to the ground.
Boot Power
Startup OFF
install startup
VAC in
Fault Power
Open down
Default Range
Parameter name Description
Total positive current
OutputCurrentLimit 20 A 40 A 1 ÷ 20 A 1 ÷ 40 A
CH1+CH2 (outgoing)
CableCurrentLimit(CH1) RMS current on CH1 10 A 20 A 1 ÷ 25 A 1 ÷ 25 A
CableCurrentLimit(CH2) RMS current on CH2 10 A 20 A 1 ÷ 25 A 1 ÷ 25 A
Once this value is
OvervoltageLimit reached the DPS immedi- 830 V 100 ÷ 830 V
ately switches in fault
Once this value is
BrakingCircuitActivation- reached the brake circuit
785 V 100 ÷ 785 V
Voltage is activated and the volt-
age increasing is limited
Table 9.1. Limits that can be set by the user related to the output section
total output current, but it doesn't affect on the current limit values that can be set on each
single output.
This parameter refers to the RMS_OutputCurrent.
When RMS_OutputCurrent > OutputCurrentLimit the DeviceEnergyOverloadPercentage
variable increases and when it reaches the 100% the fault intervenes : Device energy over-
load exceeds the limit.
The intervention time is obtained from the I T internal calculation, in particular it takes
the value of 5sec when the following conditions occur: line 400Vac, RMS_OutputCurrent
equal to 2*OutputCurrentLimit.
This parameter refers to the RMS_CurrentCH1.
When RMS_CurrentCH1 > 1,3*CableCurrentLimit(CH1) the CableEnergyOverloadPercent-
ageCH1 variable increases and when it reaches the 100% the fault intervenes : Cable energy
overload exceeds the limit on channel 1.
The intervention time is obtained from the I T internal calculation, in particular it
takes the value of 3600sec (1 hour) when the following conditions occur: line 400Vac,
RMS_CurrentCH1 equal to 1,3*CableCurrentLimit(CH1).
This parameter refers to the RMS_CurrentCH2.
When RMS_CurrentCH2 > 1,3*CableCurrentLimit(CH2) the CableEnergyOverloadPercent-
ageCH2 variable increases and when it reaches the 100% the fault intervenes : Cable energy
overload exceeds the limit on channel 2.
The intervention time is obtained from the I T internal calculation, in particular it
takes the value of 3600sec (1 hour) when the following conditions occur: line 400Vac,
RMS_CurrentCH2 equal to 1,3*CableCurrentLimit(CH2).
This parameter refers to the HVDC_OutputVoltage.
When HVDC_OutputVoltage > OvervoltageLimit the fault status activates: Overvoltage of
power section.
This parameter refers to the HVDC_OutputVoltage.
When HVDC_OutputVoltage > BrakingCircuitActivationVoltage the Brake Circuit activates
to limit the HVDC_OutputVoltage. Consequently, if the power that is absorbed by the Brake
Circuitis greater than the IntBrakeResistorNominalPower or the ExtBrakeResistorNomi-
nalPower, the BrakeEnergyOverloadPercentage variable increases and when it reaches the
100% the fault status activates: Braking circuit energy overload exceeds the limit.
It is applied to all the RMS, AVG variables of CH1, CH2 and total. An example of RMS and AVG
variables is the following: RMS current, RMS output current, RMS back-feeding current,
AVG current, AVG power referred to both CH1 and CH2.
The following table summarizes the description of the user parameters above described.
The reference variable value variation determines the increment variable value variation
(when it's present, otherwise the comparison is made with the same reference variable).
When this one exceeds the set limit value (User parameter) the system enters in the related
fault status.
Reference variable User parameter Increment variable Fault
DeviceEnergyOver- Device energy over-
RMS_OutputCurrent OutputCurrentLimit
loadPercentage load exceeds the limit
Cable energy over-
RMS_CurrentCH1 CableCurrentLimit(CH1) load exceeds the
limit on channel 1
Cable energy over-
RMS_CurrentCH2 CableCurrentLimit(CH2) load exceeds the
limit on channel 2
Overvoltage of
HVDC_OutputVoltage OvervoltageLimit -
power section
BrakingCircuitAc- BrakeEnergyOver- Braking circuit energy
tivationVoltage loadPercentage overload exceeds the limit
- - -
The DPS power supply provides some monitor functions of its physical quantities (voltage,
current, temperature, etc.) in order to check the correct functioning of the power supply
itself and to protect the electronic devices that are connected to it.. If a functioning limits
exceeding is detected, the power supply switches to the Fault status and opens the RTO
contact, in order to cut off the VAC IN power supply. The fault status signal is indicated by
the POWER STATUS led, when it's on and red (see Section 7.3, “Leds”), through DuetHVSuite
it's possible to know the Fault that is occurred in order to execute the right corrective action.
The DPS power supply, when detects some malfunctioning anomalies or some parameters
setting error, signals the error. The errors are divided in two categories, depending on their
severity level:
• Warning: error that indicates a non grave condition of the power supply
• Fault: error that prevents and interrupts the power supply on the power section
through the RTO contact opening;
In general, when the power supply is in the Operative or Warning status, all the physical
quantities are monitored (voltage, current, temperature, etc.) and if one of them exceeds
the functioning limits, the power supply switches to the Fault status.
Furthermore, the errors can be:
In case of maintenance, be sure that the input voltages of the power supply are deactivated.
Then check with a multimeter that the voltage between +HVDC and -HVDC has decreased under 50Vdc.
The only retentive faults exception is the HVDC undervoltage with alternate voltage
missing on the power supply input (VAC_IN). In this case and automatic restart is done.
The HVDC voltage decreasing on the output may generate the Undervoltage of power
section fault that implies the RTO contact closing and the VAC_IN input voltage check.
The next status (start-up) will be reached only if an input voltage within the function-
ing limits is detected, otherwise it remains in the VAC IN WAIT status. Undervoltage of
power section will be automatically reset when the voltage will be once again present.
If the fault intervenes when the input alternate current
(VAC_IN) is present it will not be possible the automatic reset.
FaultLock- Fault
Fault type WD WR FD FR
Time (s) Code
Undervoltage of power section 5 1 - - YES YES
Overvoltage of power section 5 2 - - YES YES
FaultLock- Fault
Fault type WD WR FD FR
Time (s) Code
Voltage ripple exceeds the limit on power section 10 3 - - YES YES
Overtemperature of control section 10 4 YES YES YES YES
Overtemperature of power section 10 5 YES YES YES YES
Overcurrent of power section 10 6 - - YES YES
Device energy overload exceeds the limit 10 7 YES YES YES YES
Braking circuit energy overload exceeds the limit 10 8 YES YES YES YES
Overvoltage of HVDC output during braking - - YES YES - -
Input voltage missing on power section 9 - - YES YES
Short circuit on braking circuit 10 10 - - YES YES
Input voltage missing on control section 0.1 11 - - YES YES
Charge circuit energy overload 100 12 - - YES YES
Configuration parameters missing - 13 - - YES YES
Device energy overload exceeds the limit on channel 1 10 16 YES YES YES YES
Device energy overload exceeds the limit on channel 2 10 17 YES YES YES YES
Internal circuit ripple exceeds the limit on power section 10 18 - - YES YES
Input voltage falling on power section 5 19 - - YES YES
Cable energy overload exceeds the limit on channel 1 100 21 YES YES YES YES
Cable energy overload exceeds the limit on channel 2 100 22 YES YES YES YES
Hardware configuration not valid 10 20 - - YES YES
Table 10.1. Faults list: related codes and restore times.
For the details and the solutions of the faults please see Section 10.3, “Errors description”
• restore through IN0: if a positive transition is detected on the IN0 input, the power
supply returns in the VAC IN WAIT state
• restore from DuetHVSuite: by pushing the Reset Errors button, the power supply
returns in the VAC IN WAIT state
If the 24V IN control side voltage is cut off, then the fault signals are lost and the power sup-
ply may normally restart even before the FaultLockTime time is elapsed (see Table 10.1).
• Accumulated over energy discharge waiting (only for the faults that are reported in
Table 10.2)
In the first case if the control section turns off the restore time is immediately reset, so at
the next power on and without faults it's possible a new immediate start-up of the power
supply. Wait in any case the restoring time in order to avoid risk of internal components
irreparable damages.
Instead, in the second case, if the control section is turned off the energy that has been
accumulated until that moment, is memorized so, at the following turn on, the previous
energy is returned and a warning (50% < overload < 100% ) or a fault (overload ≥ 100%)
is reported .
Even after a fault, keep on the control section in order to allow the accumulated energy
discharge and so maintain the alignment between the theoretical energy and the real one,
related to the circuit that has to be protected.
Energy memo-
1% dis- 100% dis-
Fault rization on the
charge time charge time
24V turn off
Braking circuit energy overload exceeds the limit 0,5s 50s YES
Charge circuit energy overload 0,5s 50s YES
Cable energy overload exceeds the limit on channel 1 24,8s 2480s YES
Cable energy overload exceeds the limit on channel 2 24,8s 2480s YES
Device energy overload exceeds the limit 0,15s 15s -
Device energy overload exceeds the limit on channel 1 0,18s 18s -
Device energy overload exceeds the limit on channel 2 0,18s 18s -
Table 10.2. Accumulated energy discharge time estimation.
Check that the input voltage (VAC_IN) is within the expected functioning range, and check
if the overvoltage is due to the regeneration current of the connected drives.
• auxiliary communication port: the error code of the last failed access is reported in
The firmware updating does not cancel any data saved in the permanent memory.
To update the firmware, connect the power supply with DuetHVSuite and open the Down-
load firmware window. Access with DuetHVSuite:
Toolbar >
In the Download firmware window, choose the desired firmware and press .
If the firmware does not appear in the proposed list, update the Configuration files.
If at the end of the download, the firmware does not start up, check
what reported in the window and in the parameter in FirmwareStatus.
If during the boot updating the control section runs out of power, the power supply can-
not be used anymore and must be sent back to Motor Power Company Srl. During the up-
dating, supply power to the power supply with an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
To update the boot, connect the power supply with DuetHVSuite and open the Download
firmware window.
Toolbar >
Activate the Show all option in the download firmware window, select the desired boot
and push . If the boot does not appear in the proposed list, update the Con-
figuration files.
The parameters that are described in this chapter refers to the version of firmware and hard-
ware as reported at the beginning of the Chapter 1, General informations about this manual.
The exchange of data with the power supply takes place through a list of parameters, called
Object dictionary. The parameters define and control each single function of the power
Field Description
The written "Desc", in whatever box is inserted, means that the field information can be found
in the following description.
Parameter address which is accessible through protocol Modbus. The number is expressed on a
decimal basis.
CANopen Parameter address which is accessible through protocol CANopen .
Range of values accepted for the parameter. If it is not specified it means that all values repre-
sented by the type of datum associated to the parameter are considered as valid.
Default Parameter default value.
Field Description
Type of datum associated to the parameter:
To select the parameter to read or write in the window Object dictionary, you can click
on the proposed list, write the name and the address or use the search by name functions
in the box Filter (for details about the dictionary interface use, refer to Section 3.7, Object
To interpret any error messages please see Section 10.4, Errors in parameters reading / writing.
Informations related to the device.
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 6 6 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
12 - - - S16 - RO - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
15 - - - S16 - RO - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
18 - - - S16 - RO - -
Firmware revision. If the value is -1, only the boot firmware is present.
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
21 - - - U32 - RO - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
33 - U16 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
34 - - - U16 - RO - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
40 - - - U8 - RO - -
Firmware status.
Message Solution
0 CRC has not been checked yet
Wait the end of the download procedure.
1 Do not launch firmware
10 Run Firmware is executing.
Error in the permanent memory, turn off and on again the
11 Permanent memory error device. If the problem persists, please contact Motor Power
12 Reserved -
The firmware is corrupted, try again the download proce-
13 CRC error dure. If the problem persists, please contact Motor Power
The hardware is not compatible with firmware. Try a new
download procedure with a compatible firmware or substi-
Hardware is not compatible with
14 tute the device with one that has a compatible hardware.
In the "Download Firmware" window, choose the desired
firmware and press
The Boot is not compatible with the firmware. Try a new
download procedure with a compatible firmware or update
15 Boot is not compatible with firmware
the boot. The “Download Firmware” window automatically
shows the firmwares and the boots that are compatible.
The firmware is not compatible with the hardware. Try a
new download procedure with a compatible firmware or
Firmware is not compatible with
16 substitute the device with one that has a compatible hard-
ware. In the "Download Firmware" window, choose the de-
sired firmware and press
The firmware is not compatible with the boot. Try a new
download procedure with a compatible firmware or update
17 Firmware is not compatible with boot
the boot. The “Download Firmware” window automatically
shows the firmwares and the boots that are compatible.
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
80 - - - STR - CST - -
String in ASCII characters showing the name of the device. For further information see
Section 14.1, OrderCode.
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Device Identity.
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 4 4 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
122 - - - U32 - RO - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
124 - - - U32 - RO - -
Device revision.
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
126 - - - U32 - RO - -
Information on the CPU.
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 2 2 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
580 - - - U16 - RO - -
CPU revision.
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Parameters used to configure the auxiliary communication port.
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 4 4 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Order of the words used by the device, through the auxiliary port, to receive or send the
parameters of 32 bits (the byte order of the words is big-endian, as defined by the specifi-
cation of the Modbus protocol, implemented in the auxiliary port).
Auxiliary Port Set- Description Example
up Word Order
Word sent in little-endian for- The value 0x12345678 is sent in the order 0x5678
mat. 0x1234.
Word sent in big-endian format. The value 0x12345678 is sent in the order 0x1234
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Timeout of the auxiliary port. If the time between two consecutive characters overcomes
this value, the interface cancels the ongoing receiving of the whole frame and it prepares
to receive a new frame.
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Parameters used for the immediate exchange of the baud rate of the auxiliary port. Once
received the request to change the baud rate, the device sends the answer with the prece-
dent baud rate and only after it configures the communication interface with the new baud
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Auxiliary port baud rate. This parameter, once written and saved in the permanent mem-
ory, take effect only after the device switching off and on again.
Parameters to read the last error condition in writing or reading carried out with the aux-
iliary communication port.
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 2 2 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
1120 - - 0 U16 - RW - -
Modbus address of the parameter that generated the last error condition during the writ-
ing/reading phase with the auxiliary communication port. An access in writing provokes
the resetting of this parameter and of the AuxiliaryPortErrorCode parameter.
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Code of the last error condition found during the writing/reading phase with the auxiliary
communication port. An access in writing provokes the resetting of this parameter and of
the AuxiliaryPortErrorParam parameter. The meaning of the codes can be found in Table
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Power supply type (alternate voltage) on input section (0=not supplied, 1=single-phase,
Value Description
0 Not powered
1 Single-phase
2 Three-phase
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Power supply output instantaneous current. In the version with two output channels this
parameter represents the sum of the currents of the two channels (see ActualCurrentCH1
and ActualCurrentCH2).
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Power supply average current. In the version with two output channels this parameter
represents the sum of the average currents of the two channels (see AverageCurrentCH1
and AverageCurrentCH2).
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Power supply output actual power. In the version with two output channels this parame-
ter represents the sum of the powers of the two channels (see ActualPowerCH1 and Actu-
Energy values
Values of the energy that's absorbed and provided by the power supply.
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 8 8 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2020 - - - U32 A s RO - -
Actual value of overload energy provided by the power supply (I T).
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Energy absorbed by the braking circuit. This circuit intervenes in case of overvoltage,
caused for example by the energy that's regenerated by the motors.
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Energy absorbed by the capacitors charging circuit at the power supply start-up (see Sec-
tion 6.5, Charge circuit and start-up phase).
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Percentage value of the overload energy provided to the power supply (related to Actu-
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Percentage value of the overload energy absorbed by the capacitors charging circuit (see
Section 6.5, Charge circuit and start-up phase).
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Percentage value of the overload energy absorbed by the cables that are connected to the
outputs, referred to the CableCurrentLimit(CH1) and CableCurrentLimit(CH2) current lim-
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2058 - - 0 S32 J RO - -
Energy poured from the loads that are connected on the outputs (drives, motors, etc.) to
the power supply.
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2024 - - - U16 - RO - -
Power supply actual logic status (see Chapter 8, Power supply logical states).
Value Message on DuetHVSuite
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2025 - - 0 U16 - RO - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2033 - - 0 U16 ‰ RO - -
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 4 4 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Temperature Limits
Temperature Limit.
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 4 4 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Power supply lock time in case of fault (permanent fault status and output voltage not
present) before the system can be restored and returns operative. To every fault a restore
time is related, for details see Table 10.1
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Voltage values
Voltage values
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 2 2 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Minimum output voltage value, under which the power supply enters in fault status.
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Maximum output voltage value, over which the power supply enters in fault status.
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 3 3 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2107 - - 33 U16 Ω RO - ES
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Waiting time, in case of fault, before to start the capacitors discharge and to reset the output
Don't touch the HVDC output connectors (X7 e X8 Power Output until
the capacitors are not totally discharged (HVDC_OutputVoltage = 0Vdc).
User Parameters
Parameters that can be set by the user
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 6 6 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
RMS and average current signals values and power signal average value calculation period.
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Output current limit (for the version with 2 channels it's the sum of the CH1 + CH2 currents)
Range Default Range Default
10 ÷ 200 200 10 ÷ 400 400
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Output current limit on channel 1 (for the version with 1 channel this limit is in series to
OutputCurrentLimit, so prevails the one with the lower value).
Range Default Range Default
10 ÷ 250 100 10 ÷ 250 200
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Output current limit on channel 2 (for the version with 1 channel this limit is ignored).
Range Default Range Default
10 ÷ 250 100 10 ÷ 250 200
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 4 4 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2400 - - 0 U32 - RW - -
Retentive Warnings mask. By writing 0 in this parameter, all the active warnings reset.
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2402 - - 0 U32 - RO - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2404 - - 0 U32 - RW - -
Retentive Fault mask. By writing 0 in this parameter, all the active faults reset.
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2406 - - 0 U32 - RO - -
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 5 5 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Power supply output instantaneous current for channel 1 (in the version with 1 channel
this value coincides with the ActualCurrent parameter).
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Power supply output average current for the channel 1 (in the version with 1 channel this
value coincides with the AverageCurrent parameter).
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 2 2 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Power supply output actual power value for the channel 1 (in the version with 1 channel
this value coincides with the ActualPower parameter).
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 3 3 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2520 - - - U32 A s RO - -
Actual value of overload energy provided by the power supply (I T) on the channel 1.
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2530 - - 0 U16 % RO - -
Percentage value of the overload energy provided to the power supply on the channel 1
(related to ActualDeviceEnergyOverloadCH1).
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2534 - - 0 U16 % RO - EM
Percentage value of the overload energy absorbed by the cables that are connected to the
channel 1.
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 5 5 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Power supply output instantaneous current for channel 2 (in the version with 1 channel
this value is ignored).
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Power supply output average current for the channel 2 (in the version with 1 channel this
value is ignored).
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 2 2 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Power supply output actual power value for the channel 2 (in the version with 1 channel
this value is ignored).
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 3 3 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2620 - - - U32 A s RO - -
Actual value of overload energy provided by the power supply (I T) on the channel 2.
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2630 - - 0 U16 % RO - -
Percentage value of the overload energy provided to the power supply on the channel 2
(related to ActualDeviceEnergyOverloadCH2).
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2634 - - 0 U16 % RO - EM
Percentage value of the overload energy absorbed by the cables that are connected to the
channel 2.
the following parameters report the minimum and maximum values that have
been reached by the physical quantities which they refer to. The measurements
start at the conclusion of the start-up (power supply on the OPERATIONAL status).
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 2 2 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 8 8 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 1 1 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 5 5 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
2913 - - 0 U16 % RO - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Number of entries
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
- - 4 4 U8 - CST - -
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Modbus CANopen Range Default Type Units Acc PDO Mem
Check the integrity of the connectors and that the terminals are correctly closed.
Before starting the maintenance, read the Section 2.8, Safety precautions and lim-
its. If you do not follow the safety instructions you can cause injury or death.
Typical lifetime
without line inductance 20000 hours @ 40°C
Capacitors of the 30000 hours @ 40°C
HVDC power section with line inductance DPS20 = inductance 1,2 mH 25Arms
DPS40 = inductance 0,58 mH 50Arms
Internal (only DPS40) MTTF (confidence level 90%) = 90000h
Cooling fans
External (only DPS40) MTTF (confidence level 90%) > 200000h
Table 13.2. Components lifetime DPS.
14.1. OrderCode
The DPS power suppliers differ from one another by the output nominal current value. The
order code is the following:
Field 0 Field 1
Figure 14.1. Position of the fields in the order code.
Order code 0 1
Field Description XXX XX
Field 0 (Series) Three-phase power supply (rectifier) DPS
Nominal current that can be provided to the 20A out- 20
Field 1 (Current)
Nominal current that can be provided to the 40A out- 40
Table 14.1. Fields that make up the order code.